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Welcome to the UCCS Department of History

The History Department is committed to giving our students the fundamentals of a strong liberal arts education. These are specified in our assessment sheets for the senior thesis, namely historical knowledge, cognitive skills, research skills, writing skills, and reasoning skills. We as a unit are resolved to produce graduates who will have the abilities to think critically and write cogently; we believe that with these skills our graduates win be knowledgeable and employable citizens regardless of what fields they may wish to pursue.

Within this framework, we train our students that history is a tool for understanding the world, the society, and the self. We aim to provide our students with a critical understanding of the rich traditions of global history, the traditions of both the northern and southern hemispheres, and the achievements and abuses of the past and the lessons therein. Our faculty strives to give students the ability to comprehend the enormous impact of economic, political, social, and intellectual trends on their lives and the lives of others. We teach them to go forth in the world having learned from the past to contend with the present and the future.

Specifically, the department is committed to promoting global awareness and knowledge of diversity, which are stated goals of the college and the university. We have expanded our course offerings in non-Western history and many of our courses are cross-listed in the Women's and Ethnic Studies Department. In a recent year, the Department won the campus-wide Diversity Award.

Departmental Contacts

Dr. Robert Sackett, Chair,

Departmental Address

Columbine Hall 2048
1420 Austin Bluffs Parkway
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, CO 80918
Department Phone (719) 255-4069
Department Fax (719) 255-4068