Barbara & Shannon Kelley

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No, Really! Whatever Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Posted: 12/27/11 10:46 AM ET

That which doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Crisis is just opportunity in disguise. The universe/god/buddha doesn't give us more than we can handle. It's always darkest just before the dawn. Scar tissue is stronger. The cracks are where the light gets in.

Blah blah blah.

Here's an interesting question: Which is worse, coming up against one of life's Epically Awful Moments only to find all of your nearest and dearest spewing some tired old cliche, or attempting to comfort a friend who has just endured an Epically Awful Moment of her own using the only thing you can come up with -- which happens to be the very same tired old cliche? Even when you really really mean it, even when you know whoever's saying it to you has only the best intentions, the line -- "that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger" -- just feels kinda lame.

Interestingly enough, however, it turns out to be true.

According to the University of Buffalo's Mark D. Seery's paper in the December issue of Current Directions in Psychological Science, small amounts of trauma may help people develop resilience. Here's the gist:

Indeed, a lot of solid psychology research shows that having miserable life experiences is bad for you. Serious events, like the death of a child or parent, a natural disaster, being physically attacked, experiencing sexual abuse, or being forcibly separated from your family, can cause psychological problems. In fact, some research has suggested that the best way to go through life is having nothing ever happen to you. But not only is that unrealistic, it's not necessarily healthy, Seery says.

In one study, Seery and his colleagues found that people who experienced many traumatic life events were more distressed in general -- but they also found that people who had experienced no negative life events had similar problems. The people with the best outcomes were those who had experienced some negative events ...

One possibility for this pattern is that people who have been through difficult experiences have had a chance to develop their ability to cope. 'The idea is that negative life experiences can toughen people, making them better able to manage subsequent difficulties,' Seery says. In addition, people who get through bad events may have tested out their social network, learning how to get help when they need it.

One of my clients informed me during our session last week that it was the one year anniversary of her filing for divorce. "It's been the worst and the best year of my life," she said. It was the worst for obvious reasons, but she's also found that she's stronger and more blessed than she ever thought. She recalled the day one year ago, remembering how sad, angry, and scared she was. I asked her if that her, the one from a year ago, could ever have imagined the her of today. "No way!" she said with a laugh.

A divorce is a big deal, obviously. So is illness, death, job loss, foreclosure, injury. But that doesn't stop people from forming relationships, taking jobs, buying homes, or snowboarding. The potential for disaster is there, and yet: We're willing to take the risks.

So maybe the question is, what are we missing out on when we refuse to take a chance? And I'm not just talking about marriage, I'm talking about everything: You don't want to make a fool of yourself, so you never audition for the community theater. You don't want to be rejected, so you don't ask the guy out. You don't know if you can handle the job, so you don't throw your hat in the ring for the promotion. You don't want to look ugly, so you go for decades without ever changing your hairstyle.

I guess the real question is: What are we missing out on when we let the fear of failure determine what we choose to do (or not do) with our lives -- and is it worth it?

As Ramini Durvasula, Ph.D. (a clinical psychologist, professor of psychology, and director of the psychology clinic and clinical-training program at Cal State Los Angeles) tells us in Undecided:

I always say to my students, 'You'll get over a failure, but you will never recover from regret. That's not recoverable. Go ahead and try a job you might fail at. Go ahead and take some chances.' Because where these women often get frustrated is with the paths not taken. And what I tell them is that I want them to try a lot of things -- and then report back. And that's frightening, because they still feel very programmed: They want the marriage, the house, the kids, the job -- but have absolutely no sense how to get all those things at the same time. And I just don't think it's gettable in a single package. Women need to live lives where they're willing to rule things out. Like I ruled out marriage. But I had to do it to rule it out. What ends up happening is that if you don't have the realization, you wonder.

And it's that wondering that's the killer, not least because it saps the joy out of the life you're living today. So give that thing you're wondering about a try. What's the worst that could happen? Sure, you might fail spectacularly -- and you might then be forced to endure some well-intentioned folks and their tired old cliches. But at least this time you'll know they're right.


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Recency  | 
14 hours ago(10:04 AM)
I have mixed feelings about this statement: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I think it's an overplayed reel that people use to make either themselves or others feel better through crisis. It just doesn't work on the tried and true so much anymore. It probably primarily sounds profound to those first hearing it, say, a 16-year-ol­d. When that 16 y.o. is 36 they'll be over the saying, too.
Yeah, something like that.
mary clyne
Life is a gamble,be careful how you roll the dice
04:52 PM on 01/03/2012
They are some things in life that if they do not kill you , cripples you mentally and physically­, some viruses does this, also sexual and mental abuse to name a few.
11:35 AM on 01/03/2012
This article doesn't really makes sense to me. It starts out by talking about "that which doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and ends with regret. Trying something and failing is different from crisis. I agree that crisis can make you try something and fail as in the example of the divorcee but not all epically awful moments are an opportunit­y to "buck a cliche" and "take a chance!"
08:10 PM on 01/01/2012
Getting over regret. Sometimes you may hear someone say they regret doing something, but they may be looking at the other side of the fence being greener. If we are not satisfied at a job, it is easy to say "I should have applied for that other job" except the outcome of that new job is not known; maybe that job would have been worse, who knows. Not meaning we should live life playing it safe and cocoon ourselves, but not accumulate a list of regrets.
10:44 PM on 12/29/2011
i think Christophe­r Hitchens would disagree . . . .
10:16 PM on 12/29/2011
Nonsense of the worst kind! The study cited shows that really bad things mess you up. Sure, living through a few, lesser difficult times can leave you ready to cope with the hard times. And taking risks can lead to good things or at worst a failure you can live things.

None of that makes things magically better for people who get hit with the really bad stuff. Trying to pretend it does just hurts people in those situations­. And while it's great to know that you can recover from real horrors, it's important to not make that some kind of burden.
07:16 AM on 12/29/2011
I don't want to be stronger.

I want nasty people to be happy with their lives, and assured that all the things I'll never get to have, do, or be are enough, and stop pushing for confrontat­ions, or for my personal or romantic life to be their business.

There's nothing to be jealous of anymore, I don't get anything. Move on and leave me alone.
02:04 PM on 12/28/2011
Yes this is a true statement, just think of it this way. When you cook something you remember the ingredient­s that made the food taste bad, but when it is excellent it is hard to reproduce the taste. Those things that are bad in our lives we remember and become better because of it.
10:29 AM on 12/28/2011
I don't agree with the statement that it's possible to overcome faiure, but it's not possible to overcome regret.

For me, overcoming failure means to learn from your failure, whether that means strengthen­ing your character, indentifyi­ng what you did/didn't do, so you can make better choices in the future, starting a new life, etc.

So to me, overcoming regret entails a similar process (because regret is similar to failure, i.e. you have regret because you failed to do something)­: identify what you did/didn't do, which caused the regret, so you can make better choices in the future if you're faced with a similar situation; strengthen your character, etc.

I think the only way I'd have regret (or, shall I say, regret having regret), is if I didn't learn from the situation that caused the regret in the first place. Suffice to say, although I mess up all the time, I have no regrets. :)
02:07 PM on 12/28/2011
One only fails when one gives up. Regret is wishing you never tried in the first place. Not trying at all is failure.
04:01 PM on 12/28/2011
It depends...

For instance, I've given up on things, but don't consider it to be failure. Like when I tried to dunk on a regulation basketball hoop. I'm 5'4'' and have the atheticism of a brick. Dunking...­not going to happen, no matter how much I try.

If I come to a place where I wish I hadn't done something, the lesson learned is that, if I'm faced with a similar situation in the future, I'll know not to do it. So I don't regret doing it in the first place, because it taught me to avoid it in the future.

For me, "Not trying at all is failure," is akin to when people say, "How can you know you don't like it (food), if you don't try it?" I don't need to eat, say, tar, to know I won't like it. There are some things I don't need to try, like seeing how long I can stare at the sun. To me that's not failure, but good sense.

Of course, this is all semantics and how we chose to define things like "failure," "regret," "trying," etc. and then how we chose to apply the definition to circumstan­ce. Although I gave the above examples, I can also give examples that support your statement.

To me, the bottom line is to learn from the experience­, whether the experience is good or bad or somewhere in the middle.
french queen13
my beloved is mine and I am his
03:43 AM on 12/30/2011
I wish people's actions and choices weren't forever being labelled as 'failure' or 'success' like everything in life was some sort of school test. Talk about a way to encourage self-judge­ment and self-casti­gation. And giving up something that isn't going to work isn't failure, it's acknowledg­ing reality. We're not superhuman­, for pity's sake.
Evidence first. Believe later. Maybe.
12:52 AM on 12/28/2011
I hate that stupid saying, that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Have a friend from college. At age 7 he got hit by a drunk driver and left in a power chair with no use of legs, 30% use of one arm arm and about 60% of the other arm.

Now, would one of these geniuses explain to me how he is stronger now?
02:15 PM on 12/28/2011
For you this may be meaningles­s. However, one tends to appreciate life more at the chance of living each day aiming at something. Some people have zero percent use of their limbs. And didn't you say college friend, some people have use of limbs and do not attend college. It doesn't appear that your friend looks at their disability at all. So I see the strength in your friend. What someone thinks is a lost is not a lost to others. It is all in the thought process is the glass half full or half empty?
03:45 PM on 12/28/2011
It is sad that it happened to him, but the direction of his life may be more focused because his situation. It may not be, but could be.

When my father in law died, a neighbor of his came by. She hugged me and said,
'This is just awful isn't it?" I never was good at giving condolence­s, so that impressed me.
08:03 PM on 01/01/2012
Recless: exactly. Too many people tell themselves these platitudes after a trauma for whatever reason, pushing down all the anguish and anger. That is a recipe for disaster. It is ok to be angry.
love my kids tho
07:23 PM on 12/27/2011
The ownership of a man whom she married did not prove to be as rewarding as she thought would be.. that's why she filed.. women are selfish and have "one way traffic" thinking. Yeah, you guessed wrong cause I am still married and yes, you guessed right, cause my wife does not know about my English writing skills
Embracing honesty and its ugly step-sister, truth.
05:52 PM on 12/27/2011
"'You'll get over a failure, but you will never recover from regret. That's not recoverabl­e. Go ahead and try a job you might fail at. Go ahead and take some chances.'"

Words to live by.
02:18 PM on 12/28/2011
Well the way to get over regret is to go ahead and try or learn from your mistake.
Embracing honesty and its ugly step-sister, truth.
02:46 PM on 12/28/2011
If that works for you, more power to ya. I prefer to go ahead and take chances so I don't have to regret at all.
4 hours ago( 7:39 PM)
Well I agree that's what go head and try means
02:20 PM on 12/28/2011
Oh by the way your right go ahead and try and take some chances.
I am small, I can barely contain myself
12:04 PM on 12/27/2011
I guess, then, it didn't kill her to file. What about him?
02:31 PM on 12/28/2011
What ever happened to death do us apart. One thing we should learn from the situation with our economy is jobs, houses, money and things come and go. But true love over comes all things. Working together and considerat­ion for others seems to be a lost art. It appears to be what about me what about me...Don't get it twisted you just don't divorce your spouse so many others are affected by your choices... Yes what about the others... I guess they don't matter...H­appiness depends on ones circumstan­ces but joy remains because you know this TOO shall pass.