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Hannity Makes A Big Deal Out Of Christine “Not A Witch” O’Donnell’s Endorsement Of Mitt Romney

Reported by Ellen - Tue 11:37 PM

If there’s a doubt in anyone’s mind that Fox News will cheerlead almost any Republican, no matter how foolish or inconsequential, check out tonight's Hannity segment that trumpeted Christine "I'm not a witch" O’Donnell’s endorsement for the 2012 Republican primary. The thought crossed my mind that the whole thing was a sneaky way of making Romney look bad. But even if Hannity’s praise of O'Donnell didn't seem quite sincere, he sure did a good job of looking like his good wishes for her and Romney were.

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Steve Doocy & Hate Group Member Advance War On Christians/Christmas Memes

Reported by Priscilla - Tue 7:33 PM

The newest "outrage" to hit the church of the perpetually outraged Christians is the eviction of a group of Christmas carolers from a Silver Spring Maryland Post Office. Always eager to provide a pulpit for the outrage, Fox & Friends hosted JP Duffy, from the SPLC designated homophobic hate group, The Family Research Council, to talk about this egregious offense. Duffy just happened to witness the caroler toss and blogged that the incident was just another example of "militant secularists" who "team up with federal bureaucrats in the effort to sterilize the public square of anything remotely connected to anything religious." This is obviously in keeping with the faux, Fox "war on Christmas." So it was no surprise to see Duffy getting a warm welcome from Christian/Christmas warrior Steve Doocy on this morning's Fox & Friends.

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On Fox & Friends: Walter Reed Bible Ban Overturned, Obama Still Trashed

Reported by Priscilla - Tue 4:08 PM

For whatever reason, Walter Reed Hospital recently banned visitors from bringing in bibles and other religious material. Not surprisingly, the Christian right erupted into a furor. Iowa GOP representative and Catholic Steve King, who says that marriage equality is just like desecrating the Eucharist and that gay rights will lead to children raised in warehouses, denounced the move on the floor of the House. The policy was overturned; but Rep. King is still pissed and says that Walter Reed has some splaining to do and that whoever issued it should be fired. Naturally, Fox & Friends, the home for persecuted Christians who, in this case, aren't being persecuted, provided King with some warm Christian validation and an opportunity to trash Obama.

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Mike Huckabee Lies About "Plan" B While Pimping Anti-Abortion Movie

Reported by Priscilla - Tue 3:16 PM

As the mouthpiece for the rabid political right, it's not surprising that Fox News is America's pro-life newsroom. You won't see Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood on Fox; but you will see Fox hosts and guests who hate women's reproductive freedom. Fox can be proud of how its top rated Bill O'Reilly contributed to a climate of fear and hatred in which abortion doctor, George Tiller, was assassinated. Bill also did his pro-life duty in presenting a parade of guests who support congressional attempts to defund Planned Parenthood. But while Bill and the other Fox pundits don't seem to, outside Fox, take an anti-abortion activist role, there is one Fox pundit who does and that's Mike Huckabee. He's up to his eyeballs with the "pro-family" anti-women's reproductive rights crowd that wants to provide "personhood" rights from the moment of conception. Mike, who "proudly stands" with homophobic and anti-Islamic hate group leader Bryon Fischer of the American Family Association, lauded the failed Mississippi personhood initiative. And now, he's promoting an anti-abortion rights movie for whih he provides an introduction. In a shameless act of self-promotion and anti-choice activism, Huckabee used his latest show to pimp the movie while telling a shamelss lie about the emergency contraception "Plan B." If Fox viewers are misinformed, this is why.

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Donald Trump Quits His Debate – One Day After Insisting He Wouldn’t

Reported by Ellen - Tue 2:52 PM

Donald Trump visited the O’Reilly Factor last night and promised that despite everyone but Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum declining to attend his December 27th debate, “I am going to show up and maybe we’ll just have a chat. We might just discuss the world and we’ll discuss it with ourselves.” But, oh what a difference a day makes. Today, Trump has announced his withdrawal. But, as FoxNews.com notes, he’s still threatening a run of his own. Can we stop treating this charlatan as a serious political figure yet? Also in the interview, O'Reilly hilariously lectured Trump about being overly sensitive.

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Herman Cain’s Fox News Image Makeover Continues

Reported by Ellen - Tue 2:04 PM

Forget the multiple accusations of sexual harassment, infidelity and other improprieties. Forget the jaw-dropping ignorance about foreign policy. Herman Cain has suffered at the hands of the “liberal media” and that means there must be lots to like as far as Fox News is concerned. I posted last week that Sean Hannity dangled broadcast opportunities for Cain during his last visit to the Hannity show. In Cain’s follow-up visit – ostensibly to analyze the weekend Republican candidates’ debate – the only real question on the table was just how bad the liberal-media moderators were. And, for viewers at home, just how much could Hannity slobber over Cain. UPDATED.

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Roger Ailes To Write His Autobiography

Reported by Ellen - Tue 12:40 PM

According to the Hollywood Reporter, Roger Ailes could get as much as $4 million for his autobiography, which is being co-written with Fox News contributor Jim Pinkerton. Pinkerton, you may recall, was recently blasted by journalists and media ethicists for failing to disclose he collaborated on a book with Michele Bachmann while he was discussing the 2012 campaign on the air.

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Bill O’Reilly Wishes Barbara Walters “Happy Holidays”

Reported by Ellen - Tue 12:00 AM

Has Bill O’Reilly been brainwashed by the evil secular progressive Christmas ruiners? How else to explain his closing a discussion with Walters last night by wishing her “Happy holidays?” It’s true that Walters is Jewish but, as she said in a December, 2006 Washington Post article, she’s not religious. In fact, in that same article, Walters said she had a Christmas tree. Besides, why should Walters’ religion stop O’Reilly from wishing her a Merry Christmas? He certainly doesn’t care when it’s school children who don't celebrate Christmas. After all, he explained, it’s a federal holiday! That’s why I can only conclude that O’Reilly has been captured by SP aliens and brainwashed. Either that, or his whole War on Christmas crusade is a load of BS.

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Republican David Frum Explains How Fox Creates An “Alternative Knowledge System”

Reported by Ellen - Mon 11:30 PM

Republican pundit and CNN contributor David Frum is not a fan of Fox News or right-wing media. Yesterday, on CNN’s Reliable Sources, he spelled out why.

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Martha MacCallum Thinks "Somebody Up There" Likes Tim Tebow?

Reported by Priscilla - Mon 2:53 PM

The Fox Tim Tebow worship has made its way from Fox "opinion" shows like Fox & Friends (Here, Here, and Here) and The Five to the realm of official Fox News. Today, alleged Fox "news" host Martha MacCallum showed that she, too, is hot for Tim Tebow. (Move over Father Jonathan Morris, you've got some serious competition!). MacCallum couldn't contain her enthusiasm about the Timster during her interview with sports columnist Pat Forde who thinks Tebow is awesome. MacCallum said, about Tebow's end game successes, that "it is always that final minute thing that allows him to pull it out which makes people say 'well, I guess somebody up there likes him,' right?" When Forde said that Tebow's good deeds, off the field, shows that he "walks the walk" of his faith, MacCallum worked in the requisite poor, persecuted Tebow meme in saying that Tebow "caught a lot of flack" for his religiosity. Forde said that Tebow "doesn't use his religion as a weapon but as a tool." ROFLMAO, not like Fox News which uses Christianity as a great big cudgel with which to bash those who are not followers of the one, true, Fox faith. The Spanish Inquisition would have loved Fox "News." Now, go in peace, thanks be to Tim Tebow.

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Tim Tebow Is Fox News "God?"

Reported by Priscilla - Mon 12:38 PM

As Jon Stewart said, "conservative victimization is the true genius of what Fox News has accomplished." The latest Fox conservative "victim" is Christian Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow, who, according to the whiners at Fox, is being mocked by media and football fans because of his very public displays of Christianity. These Fox "Christians" claim that if Tebow were a Muslim, he wouldn't be subjected to the slings and arrows of outrageous secularists. But while the evil forces of Satan are persecuting Tebow, Fox News is making him into the new Messiah. Given that commandment about "strange gods," this would seem to run counter to Fox News' Christian orientation. But Tebow did help his team to an overtime win in yesterday's game against the Chicago Bears whom Jesus is, obviously, not a fan of. Fox News is impressed with what they consider a "miracle" as they don't use quotes around the word in their Fox Nation thread complete with a photo of Tim "tebowing." Move over Jesus, there's a new savior in town who is also a miracle worker. Hmmm, if he were Catholic, he'd be on the fast tract to future sainthood. But who cares about future sainthood when a "fair & balanced" "news" network has deified you. It's all good, praise Jesus Tim Tebow!

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Fox & Friends Promotes Conspiracy Theory In Newest "Outrage"

Reported by Priscilla - Mon 10:54 AM

As they say, variety is the spice of life and in that spirit, Roger Ailes must have decided that his crew on the curvy couch needed a little break from the "outrage" of the faux Fox patented "war on Christmas." Today's Ailes' directed "venom," that is "injected into the media bloodstream," was directed towards a Dutch construction company that has designed two buildings in Seoul, South Korea which seem to resemble the burning NY Trade Towers. The company claims it didn't see the resemblance during the design process and apologizes to anyone whose feelings are hurt. Meanwhile, they are getting angry and threatening phone calls and e-mails. Enter, stage right, Fox & Friends who never waste an opportunity to gin up more anger resulting in more threatening phone alls and e-mails. One can understand the feelings evoked by these structures which will not be sited in the USA. But as an example of these feelings, it is interesting that Fox & Friends chose a quote from s 9-11's victim's father who has appeared on Fox. But what was even more interesting was the conspiracy theory offered by Dave Briggs. I guess now that the birther thing has run out of steam, they need something to fill the void?

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The Five Fights The Phony War On Christmas With Rank Hypocrisy

Reported by Aunty Em - Mon 8:41 AM

It was Bully Boy Bolling setting the rules of engagement in the latest clash in the Fox “News” Phony War On Christmas. While Friday’s edition of The Five’s displayed all the usual hypocrisy of that show, this particular segment doubled down on the double standards. You’ve just got to love how Bolling opened the discussion: “In case you didn’t know, there’s a War on Christmas…,” as if there are still Fox “News” viewers who may not have been awake the first seven million times [exaggerated for effect, but just barely] it was covered on Fox “News” this season, “…and there’s one big battle going on between the Lone Star State and the Cheeseheads, the Wisconsin Atheists from the ‘Freedom From Religion Foundation’ are at it again. This time they are trying to get a town in Texas to remove a nativity scene from the lawn of the county courthouse. But that Christmas display isn’t coming down until—quote—Hell freezes over, according to the county commissioner.” Watch:

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Fox News, God, And Tim Tebow - Aunty Em Writes To The Five

Reported by Aunty Em - Mon 5:14 AM

An open letter to the Fox personalities on The Five: Your show continues to be a disappointment. I’ve previously explained why I think The Five is not just the worse show on Fox “News” (which is saying something since your network also airs the egregious “Red Eye”), but one of the worst tee vee shows since “My Mother The Car.” Since its launch, The Five just gets worse and worse. Lately it’s been driving me crazy that The Five has almost become a FACT FREE ZONE. F’rinstance, on many days Eric Bolling might push out a statistic, which Bob Beckel will challenge and take issue with, or vice versa. Eventually, the conversation devolves into, “I’m right, you’re wrong,” from both sides, until a producer finally has someone move the conversation along. What’s missing for the viewers [Remember the viewers? You’re doing The Five for the viewers, not just the paycheck] is any fact-checking whatsoever. The viewers never learn who is right; just that both know the other is wrong. However, it’s when The Five takes up religious issues, like the new Phony War On Tim Tebow, that you Five lose all focus. Watch:

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O’Reilly Dubiously Claims Occupy Videographer “Ran Into” His Umbrella

Reported by Ellen - Sun 9:55 PM

Bill O’Reilly may be selling “spin stops here” umbrellas but he’s certainly been doing a lot of spinning around his umbrella-wielding encounter with an Occupy activist last week. After a video of O’Reilly jabbing his umbrella at activist Branden Lane went viral, O’Reilly took to his Factor airwaves to paint Lane as some kind of potential Mark David Chapman wannabe with O’Reilly in the John Lennon role. Unfortunately for O’Reilly, that scenario clashed with what can be seen on the actual video. There, Lane looks completely unthreatening whereas O’Reilly is the one with an aggressive umbrella that seems to hit Lane and make him cry out in dismay. On his own show, O’Reilly never did explain what, exactly, he did with his umbrella. But as O’Reilly recounted the incident again during a subsequent appearance on The Tonight Show, O’Reilly now claimed Lane “ran into” his umbrella. O'Reilly didn't explain whether that happened before or after he shoved the umbrella at Lane.

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New York Times Explains How Fox News Has Hijacked The Republican Primary

Reported by Ellen - Sun 4:57 PM

A revealing article by Alessandra Stanley in yesterday’s New York Times highlights a recent quote from Dick Morris on Fox & Friends last week: "You don’t win Iowa in Iowa, you win it on this couch.” Sadly, this is one time Morris seems to have hit the nail on the head.

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Fox News Uses Footage Of Greek Riots In Report About Russian Protests

Reported by Ellen - Sun 2:52 PM

Not too surprising, given that this same “news” network conflated Chinese and Japanese. And, after all, both Russia and Greece use those funny alphabets that nobody Fox cares about can read.

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Fox & Friends Fires Shots On Boca Raton In War On Christmas

Reported by Priscilla - Sun 11:53 AM

There's a war on Christmas happening and Fox & Friends is bringing it. Jesus' generals on the curvy couch, acting on orders from the Fox war room, have their metaphorical gun sights (comple with appropriate bible verses) on Boca Raton, Florida, because the mayor has decided that the city will not be displaying Christmas trees and Menorahs on public property because of the threat of lawsuits and accompanying public attention. Upon hearing this news, Fox & Friends got themselves all locked and loaded. On Friday, Santa Jesus' little weekday elves reported on this newest transgression which prompted Christmas queen Gretchen Carlson to predict that eventually the secular police will be demanding that she remove any vestige of Christmas from her home. Yesterday, the assault continued with a more detailed report about this assault on Christmas by the forces of darkness against which Fox is waging a perpetual war. (Rather Orwellian?) But here's the thing. The problem in Boca didn't stem from evil Baby Jesus hating atheist/commie/pinkos. Rather it seems to have originated with The Christian Coalition, the anti-Semitic Bill Donohue, head of the Catholic League, and an evangelical local pastor who complained about how the city's display of Menorahs, without accompanying Nativity scenes, was discriminatory to Christians. You didn't hear about that on Fox & Friends.

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Megyn Kelly's Freudian Slip Is Showing About Fox News Bias

Reported by Ellen - Sat 11:53 PM

The New York Times had a fawning article about Megyn Kelly on Friday (12/9/11), but one statement from Kelly looks like an inadvertent admission about who's side she's on at Fox.

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Fox News Scrooges Discuss Eliminating The Minimum Wage – And Pretend It’s The Compassionate Thing To Do

Reported by Guest Blogger - Sat 3:55 PM

By Brian

On last week’s Forbes on Fox (12/3/11), the program “just asked” whether the minimum wage should be eliminated. The discussion kicked off with “anchor/reporter” Kym McNicholas arguing that "Eliminating the minimum wage will help increase wages in the long run.”

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December 10, 2011

Is Fox Suggesting Obama's Election Was Invalid?, reported by Ellen,

Megyn Kelly Helps Soothe Donald Trump’s Wounded Ego Over His Epic Debate Fail, reported by Ellen,

December 9, 2011

Steve Doocy & Christmas Billboard Ladies Channel Jesus, reported by Priscilla,

Fox Rehabilitates Herman Cain As A Political Pundit, reported by Ellen,

OMG, The RNC Is Having A Holiday Party, reported by Priscilla,

Irony Alert! You Can Buy A “Spin Stops Here” O’Reilly Umbrella At His Christmas Store, reported by Ellen,

Gretchen Carlson's Guest Says If Tim Tebow Were Muslim He'd Get Respect, reported by Priscilla,

Gretchen Carlson Says Canadian TV Show Is Stupid? Oh, The Irony!, reported by Priscilla,

Bill O’Reilly’s Alternate Ambush Reality, reported by Ellen,

December 8, 2011

Gretchen Carlson Lies About Past RI Christmas/Holiday Tree Practice?, reported by Priscilla,

Fox's War On Christmas Bomb Defused?, reported by Priscilla,

When Ambusher O’Reilly Gets Ambushed, He Shoves His Umbrella At The Questioner And Tries To Get Him Arrested, reported by Ellen,

Gretchen Carlson Does War On Christmas Freak Out Over Poinsettias & Sikhs!, reported by Priscilla,

Hannity And Obama-Smearing Guests Complain About Not Being Invited To The White House, reported by Ellen,

December 7, 2011

Fox Nation's Latest Hate Mongering: The Obama Girls' School Served Japanese Food On Pearl Harbor Day, reported by Ellen,

O’Reilly Asks If President Obama’s African American Outreach Means A Cameo On Soul Train, reported by Ellen,

OMG, Fox & Friends Visual Uses The H-Word Instead Of Christmas!, reported by Priscilla,

Fox Nation Posts Misleading Muslim Baiting Headline, reported by Priscilla,

Julie Banderas Says Emergency Contraception For Teens "Too Easy A Fix", reported by Priscilla,

On Fox & Friends: Victoria Jackson Says Obama Is A Communist And Other Good Stuff, reported by Priscilla,

John DePetro's RI Christmas Warriors Drown Out Children's Choir, reported by Priscilla,

Polymath Right Wing Comedian Brad Stine: An Expert On Everything?, reported by Aunty Em,

Donald Trump Complains That President Obama Has Not Invited Him To The White House, reported by Ellen,

Huntsman Blasts Trump On Hannity: He “Really Dumbs Down” The Campaign, reported by Ellen,

Cavuto Gives Romney A Pass On False Claim Obama Has No Economic Plan, reported by Guest Blogger,

December 6, 2011

Eric Bolling Endorses "Small Business Owner" Guest’s Economic Sabotage, reported by Guest Blogger,

OMG, Gretchen Carlson Said Happy Holidays!!!!!!! Oh, nooooooo........, reported by Priscilla,

Fox & Friends Continues To Pimp Kyle Olson Book On Public School "Indoctrination" , reported by Priscilla,

Eric Bolling Exhibits Advanced Case Of Obama Derangement Syndrome, reported by Aunty Em,

Donald Trump: I’m Probably The Least Racist Person There Is, reported by Ellen,

December 5, 2011

Fox's Peter Johnson Jr Pimps Catholic Bishops War On Contraceptive Mandate In Health Care Reform, reported by Priscilla,

Fox News Shop For Christians Only?, reported by Priscilla,

Trouble In Fox Paradise? Karl Rove Trashes Newt Gingrich and Donald Trump , reported by Aunty Em,

Fox Declares War On The Muppets!, reported by Ellen,

O’Reilly A Pinhead For Giving Himself Dubious Credit For False Reporting, reported by Ellen,

Gretchen Carlson Hosts Right Wing Partisan "Education Action Group" For War On Public Schools, reported by Priscilla,

December 4, 2011

Van Susteren Suggests New York Teacher Should Be Fired For Saying Santa Isn’t Real, reported by Ellen,

Chris Wallace Pushes Sen. Coburn Into Attacking Newt Gingrich, reported by Ellen,

Fox & Friends Holiday Hypocrisy Re "Language" That "Matters?", reported by Priscilla,

Fox News Mooching Off Taxpayers For Its Security?, reported by Ellen,

Fox & Friends Enlists Fox Priest Fr. Jonathan Morris In War On RI Gov - Day 5, reported by Priscilla,

December 3, 2011

Monica Crowley’s Desperately Lame Defense Of Newt Gingrich, reported by Ellen,

Breaking News: Herman Cain Out, reported by Ellen,

Fox News “Democrat” Doug Schoen Calls The Primary For Newt Gingrich, reported by Ellen,

Right Wing Radio's John DePetro Returns To Fox & Friends For War On RI Governor Chafee - Day 4, reported by Priscilla,

Fox News Sending Fascism To America With Bill O’Reilly Wrapped In A Santa Suit And Waving A Christmas Tree, reported by Ellen,

December 2, 2011

Newt Gingrich: Fox News’ New Donald Trump/Rick Perry/Chris Christie , reported by Ellen,

Bombs Away! The Phony War On Christmas Heats Up With Fox Bomb Imagery , reported by Aunty Em,

Greta Van Susteren Helps Promote Newt Gingrich’s Child Labor For The Poor, reported by Ellen,

Gretchen Carlson Enlists RI Hate Radio Jock In War On RI Governor - Day 3, reported by Priscilla,

Bill O’Reilly Uses His News Quiz To Advance His Phony War On Christmas, reported by Ellen,

December 1, 2011

Bill O’Reilly Paints Herman Cain As A Liberal-Media Victim, reported by Ellen,

Special Report Discusses Barney Frank's Retirement By Smearing Him Over Housing Crisis, reported by Guest Blogger,

Steve Doocy Continues Fox News War On RI Governor Lincoln Chafee For Second Day , reported by Priscilla,

Cain Still Reassessing But He Might Quit, reported by Guest Blogger,

Steve Doocy Urges Fox Fans To Harass RI Governor, reported by Priscilla,

Fox And Friends Call Out The Shock Troops In Phony War On Christmas, reported by Aunty Em,

Gretchen Carlson’s Malapropism: “I Pulled A Kilmeade”, reported by Aunty Em,

November 30, 2011

Bret Baier: Romney Complained I Was "Overly Aggressive" In Our Interview, reported by Ellen,

Hannity To Perino: We’re Not Fair And Balanced!, reported by Ellen,

Some Light Reading About Fox News On The Web - UPDATED & CORRECTED, reported by Aunty Em,

Newt Gingrich Swipes At Fox: Now I Have To Know What I'm Talking About, reported by Ellen,

Memo To Russell Simmons: Please Watch Hannity Before You Decide Whether Or Not He’s A Racist, reported by Ellen,

Fox Pundit Blames Romney Flip-Flops On Republicans, reported by Ellen,

November 29, 2011

Rick Perry Refuses To Say What He’d Do With 11 Million Illegal Immigrants Already In U.S., reported by Ellen,

Brad Stine Equates Energy Efficient Light Bulbs To Evacuating In A Bucket During Latest Yukfest, reported by Aunty Em,

Fox Maltese Knight Peter Johnson Jr. Says ACLU Is Attacking Christianity, reported by Priscilla,

Jon Stewart Roasts Fox Turkeys - Including Fr. Jonathan Morris!, reported by Priscilla,

Herman Cain Affair No Biggie, Says Dick Morris, reported by Ellen,

November 28, 2011

Singer Charlotte Church Says She Was Pressured To Sing For Free At Murdoch Wedding In Return For Favorable News Corp. Press Coverage, reported by Ellen,

Fox News’ Trotta Calls Romney Ad “A Plain, Out and Out Lie”, reported by Ellen,

Bill O'Reilly Thinks He's Winning War On Christmas?, reported by Priscilla,

Fox Priest, Fr. Jonathan Morris Thinks Obama Is A Godless Heathen, reported by Priscilla,

November 27, 2011

Shocking Racist Comments On FoxNews.Com Article About "Wyclef Jean's" Haiti Fund, reported by Ellen,

The Fox News “Happy Holidays” Hypocrisy Thread – Constantly Updated With Your Help, reported by Guest Blogger,

November 26, 2011

Cashin’ In Advances Misinformation About Fuel Efficiency Standards, reported by Guest Blogger,

Fox Disingenuously Turns To Obama-Basher Doug Schoen For “Democratic” View Of 2012 Campaign, reported by Ellen,

November 25, 2011

Tamara Holder Smacks Down Hannity On Fast And Furious Witch Hunt, reported by Ellen,

Neil Cavuto Tries To Make Sure Ron Paul Won’t Run As A Third-Party Candidate, reported by Guest Blogger,

Fox's Todd Starnes Agrees With Hate Group: Christianity Under Attack! , reported by Priscilla,

November 24, 2011

Megyn Kelly's Pepper Spray Thanksgiving, reported by Ellen,

Fox Nation’s Holiday Thoughts: Let’s Give Thanks For The One Percent, reported by Ellen,

Petition To Megyn Kelly To Eat Pepper Spray Now Has More Than 25,000 Signatures , reported by Ellen,

News Corporation Accused Of Trying To Bribe An Australian Senator, reported by Ellen,

November 23, 2011

Steve Doocy Urges Harassment Of Suffolk University Dean?, reported by Priscilla,

About Megyn Kelly And Her Pepper Spray Is “A Food Product, Essentially” Comment, reported by Ellen,

Bill O'Reilly Supports UC Davis Cops Who Pepper Sprayed Peaceful Protesters?, reported by Priscilla,

James Murdoch Resigned From British Newspaper Boards, reported by Ellen,

Right-Wing Comedian Brad Stine Helps Make Facts And Knowledge A Joke On Fox & Friends, reported by Ellen,

November 22, 2011

Steve Doocy Pimps Catholic Bishop's Claim That Birth Control Mandate Is "War on Catholics", reported by Priscilla,

Bill O'Reilly Defends Christmas Because Jesus Guided The Founders ?!?, reported by Priscilla,

Brian Kilmeade Brings Us Another Sexist Term For Women, reported by Priscilla,

Bill O'Reilly & Dennis Miller Yuk It Up Over Gay Penguins, reported by Priscilla,

November 21, 2011

Fox News Civil War! Roger Ailes Furious At Palin!, reported by Ellen,

David Frum Claims He Was Blacklisted From Fox “News” For Criticizing Rush Limbaugh, reported by Aunty Em,

Fox News: The Network For The Misinformed, reported by Ellen,

Hugh Grant Testifies In Phone Hacking Scandal: It's Not Just News Corp., reported by Ellen,

Father Jonathan Morris Does Tim Tebow, reported by Priscilla,

Dennis Miller & Bill O'Reilly Are Misogynistic Soul Brothers?, reported by Priscilla,

November 20, 2011

Bill O’Reilly Does The Java Jive In The No Spin Zone And Jesus Wept, reported by Aunty Em,

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