Wednesday, February 01, 2012

DUmmies Wonder Why Obama BUmmed Out by Obamacare

The Chinese have an ancient saying: "Be careful of what you wish for because you might get it." Well, Obama, the Democrats, and the DUmmies wished for Obamacare and now that they got it, they are bummed out over it. Any wonder that the Obama regime facilitated ObamaCare going to the Supreme Court for a ruling on its constitutionality this Spring? They are probably hoping that the high court tosses it upon the ash heap of history so they won't be burdened by having to defend it for the November election. The DUmmies have noticed that Obama barely mentioned his main piece of legislation during the State of the Union Address as you can see in this THREAD, "Why Obama’s Not Talking About His Health Care Law In This Election." OOPS! It finally dawned on The One that ObamaCare is an albatross so he is now clamming up about it. So let us watch the DUmmies taking note of Obama's recent silence on this topic in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, wondering if the White House will celebrate in secret if the USOC strikes down ObamaCare, is in the [barackets]:

Why Obama’s Not Talking About His Health Care Law In This Election.

[Because it sucks?]

In addition to the individual mandate being extremely unpopular, opinions about the entire Affordable Care Act have remained negative and been trending downward. The Kaiser Family Foundation poll found 44 percent view the law unfavorably while just 37 percent now view it favorably.

[But Joe Biden thought it was a "big f-ing deal."]

This is why during the State of the Union President Obama gave only the briefest passing mention to his signature health care law, and he didn’t even mention it by name. The State of the Union was a political speech. It is now clear that Obama so terribly mismanaged the politics of health care reform that the law is a serious net negative for the Obama campaign.

[The poisonous legislation that Dare Not Speak Its Name.]

Don’t expect the issue of health care to be brought up by choice by Democrats in the upcoming campaign.

[That means YOU, Joe Biden!]

I keep hoping they scrap the darn thing and start all over on single pay as the focus. The problem of health care accessibility and affordability is no solved by this bill, let alone the enforcment of it's most controversial provision: mandatory coverage. It was a dog from the start, as soon as single-pay was taken off the table.

[Tough luck, DUmmie Loge23. And now that dog has bitten the Democrats in the butt.]

Obama really pushed it hard in his SOTU election campaign address!

He said ..........." "

And ....... " "

[I could have sworn I heard him say......" ". However, it might have been his teleprompter that said that.]

Constantly suggesting this was anything but a rearrangement of the insurance market won't change the reality. In 10 years we'll be talking about HCR the same way we have been talking about DADT and DOMA.

[Just call ObamaCare DOA.]

I believe if anything the mandate will become even less popular once it's enacted after the 2012 elections.

[Best way to repeal it is to defeat You-Know-Who.]

He's probably smart not to talk about it until after the Supremes make their decision. If they uphold it, he can bring up all kinds of good things about it. If they toss it, he can run on what should have been done in the first place: Medicare for all.

[Will he issue an official "OOPS!" if it is tossed? Remember, most of the first half of his Administration was dedicated SOLELY to ObamaCare.]

If they think the health care "Reform" is a "negative" now, ...wait until 2014 when The Mandate kicks in, and 40 - 70 MILLION (predicted uninsured by 2014) already hard pressed Working Class Americans are forced to BUY Junk "Bronze" Insurance.

[Thank you for giving us yet another reason for voting Obama OUT.]

The smartest thing the Democrats did was to delay The Mandate until AFTER the 2012 elections, because after The Mandate kicks in, Democrats will be unelectable for a generation.

[Thank you for presenting that silver lining in ObamaCare.]

Yes, that's what is so frightening. And Democrats will have to own the misery.

[From your lips to Goddess Gaia's ears.]

Monday, January 30, 2012

Pitt remembers: "Cindy Sheehan was the first #Occupier."

Ah, the Summer of '05! William Rivers Pitt was the Pied Piper of DUmmieland, prolix prog blogger supreme, leading an army of psychophants enthralled with the Pitt and the Ponderous. True, a chink had emerged in his armor through the Andyscam scandal, but Pied Piper Pitt had recovered nicely and was back to leading the anti-Bush hatefest at the DUmp. Yes, it was a young, vigorous, 33-year-old William Rivers Pitt back then, a rising star in the ranks of the barking moonbats. And William had his eye set on higher things still: talking headness, punditry, a paid position on a political staff--the sky was the limit in the Summer of '05.

Meanwhile, down at the Bush Ranch in Texas, a woman named Cindy Sheehan was making a name for herself by standing in a ditch outside the President's ranch as a form of protest. Gazing down from his barstool in Boston, the aspiring young Pitt saw all the attention Cindy Sheehan was getting and decided to glom on. Thus, donning his Midnight Cowboy gear (pictured above), Journo-activist Pitt, reporting for truthout, set out to stand with Mother Sheehan in her ditch and get the scoop. As he went, Pitt was singing this sanguine song:

Tune: "Take Me Home, Country Roads"

Almost hades, Crawford Texas
Bush Ranch protest, Sheehan doin' talk shows
Press is out there, underneath the tree
Lookin' for some talkers, might as well be me

Country road, make me known
To the place I belong
Guest opinion, TV pundit
Make me known, country road

All my DUmmies rally round me
Mindless, lazy, looking for a leader
Read my bloggings, written on the fly
Boring waste of bandwidth, glazing of the eye

Country road, make me known
To the place I belong
Guest opinion, TV pundit
Make me known, country road

I wear a hat, in the mirror I see Eastwood
The ladies on DU think that I'm hot when I pose
But sweatin' in the sun I get the feelin'
That I should have worn some lighter clothes, lighter clothes

Country road, make me known
To the place I belong
Guest opinion, TV pundit
Make me known, country road

Country road, make me known
To the place I belong
Guest opinion, TV pundit
Make me known, country road . . .

Ah, the Summer of '05! Those were the glory days, the salad days, the halcyon days for young William Rivers Pitt. But then came the Spring of '06. Fitzmas. Freudenschade. The Rove indictment scoop. 24 business hours. Pitt's fate was sealed vs. sealed. No more dreams of TV punditry. No more chance of working on a political staff. Now Mumsy would have to support Wee Willie in perpetuity. Bouncer at Bukowski's, free-blogging for truthout--that would be about as high as the Pitt star would rise. From the penthouse to the outhouse. From sensation to laughingstock. And so it was that, just a year after bravely standing in the ditch, Pitt was in the pits, and he was singing a different tune:

Tune: "Everybody's Talkin' at Me"

Everybody's talkin' 'bout me
I don't hear a word they're sayin'
Only the hands held on my ears

People mock and laughin'
I can't see their faces
'Specially in case I disappear

I'm goin' where I stand with Sheehan
In a roadside ditch
Goin' where the weather suits my clothes

Headin' off to my happy place
Even if in my mind
And skippin' over the dancepad in my home

Now it is 2012, and at 40 years old, an older and sadder William Rivers Pitt must desperately cling to those memories of when his star was on the rise. A sad spectacle now is this pitiful Pitt. Like a paunch-gutted, cauliflower-eared prizefighter recalling the days when he was young and fit and in his prime, a long-ago memory is all he has left.

"And then there are these young whipper-snapper 'Occupy' johnny-come-latelys! Claiming the spotlight, are they? Kids these days! They don't know what we grizzled veterans went through back in the days of Bush! Why, we stood in a ditch, uphill, braving ferocious fire ants for two, three hours at a time! And we liked it! They owe us a debt of gratitude! And if they don't give it to us," Pitt says, "by gum, I'll give it to myself!"

Which is what Pitt does, here in this THREAD, "It just occurred to me: Cindy Sheehan was the first #Occupier."

So let us now join William Rivers Pitt as he tries to claim glory for himself by going from--see if you can follow this--from Occupy to Sheehan to himself, in Fire Ant Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, the wag tailoring the doggerel, Charles Henrickson, still wondering if the 40 Year Old Insurgent will ever get off his Barcalounger long enough to go to an Occupy protest, is in the [brackets]:

It just occurred to me: Cindy Sheehan was the first #Occupier.

[Yeah, I was trying to figure out a way to take some credit for something, and this just occurred to me!]

I know some here are done with her, and that's fine; everyone is entitled to their opinion.

[I know some here are done with ME, and that's NOT fine.]

But remember 2005. . . .

[I sure do. I've got a whole 2005 shrine here in my apartment: my old dancepad; a "V For Vendetta" poster; a George W. Bush matching dartboard and spittoon; and "My hump my hump my hump my hump my hump" playing in the background.]

the war had been raging for three years, but the media basically hid the war, so it wasn't part of the public consciousness.

[Gee, you're RIGHT, Pitt! There was NOTHING in the newspapers or TV about that Iraq business! We had never even HEARD about it up to that point!]

Until Cindy Sheehan sat down in the mud outside George's ranch in Crawford and refused to leave until she got some answers.

[And no one would have heard about Cindy Sheehan, and thus about the war, until . . . wait for it . . . until . . .]

I was there. . . .

[Yes, there it is, folks! Until WILLIAM RIVERS PITT was there. William Rivers Pitt, the Ernie Pyle of the ditch.]

I was there, and it was a privilege to be a part of.

[Even though I had to leave my motel room that afternoon and spend a couple of hours actually at the ditch and it was hot and I got sweaty a little bit and those d*mn fire ants were biting at my ankles and then when I got back to the motel I couldn't find a sports bar to watch the Red Sox. . . .]

When she was done, the war had a face...and from that point on, support for the war went into the tank.

[Nope, no other factors. Just Cindy and me.]

She was the first one.

[And I . . . was there.]

[The DUmmies respond . . .]

she rubbed me the wrong way. . . . Sorry, I just think she took advantage of a situation.

[What about the guy who took advantage of the woman taking advantage of a situation? How does he rub you?]

Nobody ever had a sit in before her?

[Nope, she was the first. The OWSies owe everything to her--and to Pitt, of course. Pitt explains . . .]

I suppose I'm speaking of the 21st century Bush/post-Bush phenomenon of Occupy, dealing specifically with the issues of these days.

[Time is divided into Pre-Pitt and Post-Pitt. Pre-Pitt doesn't count.]

I didn't say she was the first "sit-in." I said she was the first #Occupier. A fine hair to split, but there it is.

[William doesn't have many hairs to split these days, but if he can find one, he'll split it.]

[Another DUmmie chimes in . . .]

I was there too. Met at the house then headed out to the ranch; Code Pink was there, so were Iranian dissidents; lots of comraderie, music and free food.

[Tofuburgers, Dixie Chicks, Iranian dissidents, Medea Benjamin in pink tights--what more could you want?]

Cindy was antecedent and inspiration to Occupy, no doubt.

[And all those anti-war protests that took place after Bush left office and Obama the Bomber took over and continued the illegal wars. Yes, all of those massive anti-Obama protests that . . . that . . . hmmm. . . .]

I had not thought of Cindy in a while.

[The question is: Had you thought of Will Pitt for a while? That is the reason for the post.]

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Brewer Is Simply . . . One Poke Over the Line

Kneel before Barack! Bow to Obama! Our President must be treated with the UTMOST respect at all times!

Now say you are a governor of a state and you come out to greet the President at the airport, even though he is a member of the other party and his policies are hurting your state, and you meet him on the tarmac, but then you get into a bit of a heated back-and-forth with him, and in the course of the argument you DARE to raise your finger toward him for a moment, and a photographer with a zoom lens snaps a picture of it, and you are a Rethuglican, and you are white, and you are a woman, and your skin is somwhat wrinkly from being 67 years old and living in Arizona, and your chin is a little pointy--well THEN, you must be a RACIST, a WITCH, and a B*TCH!

The DUmmies are laying this kind of a beating on Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, who dared to diss Dear Leader. Multiple threads at the DUmp to choose from; we'll go with this THREAD, "Did I just see that crazy woman Brewer sticking her finger in Obama's face?" and this THREAD, "Arizona Governer Waives her Finger in the president's face."

Of course, the FUnnie thing here is the gross HYPOCRISY of the DUmmies. They themselves were OK with "disrespecting the President" when it was Chimpy McBushitler. They themselves have criticized Obama for being too centrist, and that's OK, but if Republicans criticize Obama, it must be because they're racist. The DUmmies decry sexism in others, but they themselves unleash sexist attacks on Governor Brewer. Hypocrisy, thy name is DUmmie!

Before we get to the DUmmies, though, here's a brief report on what happened on the tarmac:

It was clear from the moment they greeted one another on the tarmac that this wouldn’t me your typical grip and grin. At one point, she was pointing her finger at him, and at another, they were talking at the same time, seemingly over each other. Then he appeared to walk away from her while she was still talking.

It started when she handed him a letter and said she was inviting him to meet with her. The president replied that he’d be glad to meet with her again “but did note that after their last meeting, a cordial discussion in the Oval Office, the governor inaccurately described the meeting in her book,” a senior administration official said.

He was referring to her book, “Scorpions for Breakfast,” which is harshly critical of the president. The pair has clashed sharply on immigration policy, with the Obama administration suing Arizona to block its enforcement measure. In the book, she described an Oval Office meeting, and claimed he was lecturing and patronizing, something the White House says is not true.

So let us now hear from the DUmmies, in high DUdgeon and in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, proud to note that Governor Brewer is a fellow Missouri Synod Lutheran, is in the [brackets]:

Did I just see that crazy woman Brewer sticking her finger in Obama's face?

[She's a crazy woman and a racist!]

She is evil!

[Redundant. She's a Rethuglican.]

He should bite it off.

[Finger food.]

but I'd be afraid of getting rabies.

[. . . said the barking moonbat, frothing at the mouth.]

He should have headbutt her..might have knocked some sense into her.

[I like headbutts and I cannot lie . . .]

What a f***ing shrill harpy!!!

[DUmmieland is a sexism-free zone.]

Such disrespect, it's unreal.

[Eight years of spewing rage and venom at Bush: Perfectly fine. Eight seconds of raising a finger to Obama: Unbelievable! Inexcusable!]

I can't remember a president consistently treated with this much disrespect.

[Google "," within a date range of January 20, 2001, and January 20, 2009--any thread, it doesn't matter--and it may jog your memory.]

this has been over the top. . . .

[Brewer is simply . . . one poke over the line.]

She looks like the Wicked Witch of the West.

[She's a witch! BURRRRN her!!!]

I read lips ... she said ... "How DARE you be President while black!!!" Then it appears that Obama responded with ... "B*tch, please ... "

[She's a witch AND a b*tch!]

The look on his face seems to be saying 'thanks for your highly valued opinion insane person. BTW your dentures are falling out again.'

[Speaking tooth to power!]

I would have loved to see two or three SS men deck her.

[Feel the love!]

What's that about indefinite detention? Take her now.

[Gitmo, then The Hague!]

Arizona Governer Waives her Finger in the president's face

[DUmmie postor waves her write to a dictionery.]

Why are the Republican leaders in this country so farkin' disrespectful??

[Those Rethuglican leaders are a bunch of farkin' b*st*rds!! We HATES them!!]

These Repukes need to get a few lessons in how to treat a sitting President. . . .

[I guess Chimpus Khan never sat down.]

I'd like to wave my middle finger at Jan.

[Surprised Barry didn't . . .]

Did she call him "Boy"?

[Let's jump on her for things she DIDN'T do!]

I want to rip her finger off and shove it up her @ss.

[benburch says, "Here! Over here, please!"]

That wrinkled up old battleaxe needs to go away.

[Go back to the Axes of Evil!]

"Condescending": Code for "uppity Negro", I'm quite confident in this case.

[Who does that shrill harpy battleaxe b*tch think she is??]

She's a witch!!!! Look at that chin!!

[Somebody get a duck!]

The problem with that picture is that it doesn't include two rather large Secret Service guys removing her limp lifeless body from the tarmac.

[DUmmie ashling, in a field loaded with many worthy candidates, YOU take the cake for today's Peace, Love, and Tolerance Award®! Congratulations!

She has an incredibly pointy chin. What up wit dat?

[The witch is pointing her CHIN at him, too! Unbelievable!]

- - - - -


From the wag tailoring the doggerel . . .

By Brewer, and Sharply
Tune: "One Toke Over the Line"
By Brewer and Shipley

One poke over the line, Jan Brewer
One poke over the line
Showin' up O on an airport tarmac
One poke over the line
Hatin' on the Prez, there goes no DUer
Pointin' at the Prez is a crime
Showin' up O on an airport tarmac
One poke over the line

Who do you hate?
Our President
'Cause he's a black man
We know that's what you meant
We saw you point and we saw the pointy chin
That makes you a witch
No, you don't have a loving heart like us
You lousy racist b*tch!

And now you're one poke over the line, Jan Brewer
One poke over the line
Showin' up O on an airport tarmac
One poke over the line
Hatin' on the Prez, there goes no DUer
Pointin' at the Prez is a crime
Showin' up O on an airport tarmac
One poke over the line

You dared to raise
Your finger tip
At King Obama
You even gave him lip
Your mean angry words and your digital salute
Came as no surprise
Like every hateful despised Repuke
We hope that you will die!

And now you're one poke over the line, Jan Brewer
One poke over the line
Showin' up O on an airport tarmac
One poke over the line
Hatin' on the Prez, there goes no DUer
Pointin' at the Prez is a crime
Showin' up O on an airport tarmac
One poke over the line . . .

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

DUmmies Rage Against Dead Cat "Hate Crime"

QUICK! What is the name of your Congressman? If you are reader of the DUmmie FUnnies, it probably means you are more politically aware than the average person so most of you know the answer to that question. However, let me make it even tougher for you...What is the name of one of your incumbent's announced opponents? Not so easy but I figure a fraction of you out there also know the answer to that so allow me up ramp up the difficulty of this quiz.... What is the name of the campaign manager of the opponent of your congressman? I bet I winnowed out maybe 99% of you but I am still not satisfied. I am going to make it still harder for you with this question: What is the home address of the campaign manager of the announced opponent of your congressman? If there are any of you left in the double digits I would be surprised. In fact, at this point I bet NONE of you know the answer to that question. However, I am still not satisfied. To make it harder yet I am going to hit you with my final question: Can you identify the pet living at the home address of the campaign manager of your Congressman's opponent? If any of you are still left standing, I would be incredibly surprised.

And yet we are expected to believe that a possible "hate crime" occurred because the pet cat of the campaign manager of candidate Ken Aden in Arkansas who is planning to run against the EVIL Republican incumbent Congressman was killed with the word "LIBERAL" neatly etched into its side. Of course, Aden didn't waste much time issuing an OFFICIAL Press Release denouncing this act. Yes, this could well be a "Hate Crime" every bit as valid as that suffered by poor Professor Kerri DUnn(ce) of Claremont McKenna College several years ago. Fortunately the perpetrator of that heinous "Hate Crime" was caught as you can see in this NEWS STORY.

As can be expected, the DUmmies are in a state of extreme OUTRAGE over this "Hate Crime." They currently have a total of SEVEN threads convicting the EVIL Republicans of this foul deed. The longest of these is this THREAD, "Democratic Congressional Campaign Manager's Family Pet (Cat) Killed, Painted With 'Liberal'." So let us now watch the DUmmies express outrage at a "Hate Crime" every bit as verifiable as Karl Rove's May 12, 2006 arrest in Bolshevik Red while the commentary of your humble correspondent, calling upon former psychology professor Kerri DUnn to become the lead investigator in this case, is in the [barackets]:

Democratic Congressional Campaign Manager's Family Pet (Cat) Killed, Painted With "Liberal"


RUSSELLVILLE—On the heels of a weekend of positive news coverage for the campaign of Democratic Congressional candidate Ken Aden, Aden’s campaign manager returned home to find his family pet slaughtered, with the word “liberal” painted on the animal’s corpse.

[Make that NEATLY painted. No spray paint can could make those letters so neatly. Either a Sharpie or airbrush did the lettering. The perp must have had time on his hands and wanted to make sure that "LIBERAL" could easily be seen by all. Get it? WINK! WINK!]

The Russellville Police Department is investigating, and a report will be made to the Federal Bureau of Investigation Monday morning.

[Just a hint here but when a guy's wife is murdered, the husband is the first one investigated. Wonder if the same should apply to murdered pets?]

Jacob Burris, who has served as Aden’s campaign manager since late October, arrived home with his family Sunday evening, and his four children discovered the gruesome scene as they exited the family vehicle to enter their home.

[And of course, the ID of Burris as Aden's campaign manager was widely known to many in that district to the point that his cat and its whereabouts were also well known.]

The family pet, an adult, mixed-breed Siamese cat, had one side of its head bashed in to the point the cat’s eyeball was barely hanging from its socket. The perpetrators scrawled “liberal” across the cat’s body and left it on the doorstep of Burris’ house.

["Perpetrators?" So obviously there was a gang of them. Oh, and was the name of the cat either "Kerri" or "DUnn?" And now to the DUmmies outraged over this "Hate Crime" to the point that this is only ONE of SEVEN threads devoted this this topic...]

republican morals at work.

[Go straight to jail. Do not stop at GO or anything resembling a trial.]

Exactly what you'd expect from the party of family values.

[Make Kerri DUnn the lead prosecutor in this open and shut case!]

The local police probably have a good idea who in their community is that crazy and violent.

[And armed with a very convenient Iwata airbrush.]

It's Russellville, Arkansas! I think half the town could be suspect.

[EVIL Rightwingers with BLOOD on their Fingers!!!]

WE and OCCUPY are next, if we dont win this thing for sanity.

[Will you kindly hold still while I neatly airbrush "LIBERAL" on your ample tush?]

I hope animal cruelty carries a heavy penalty in AR since this act seems like it was committed by someone familiar with the family and home.

[Yes, the perp must be VERY familiar with his family and home. Gee, I wonder who that could be?]

It should be classified as a hate crime.

[Absolutely! This is every bit as much a hate crime as all that hate graffiti painted all over the car of Kerri DUnn.]

It could possibly be classified as "terrorism". The intent seems to be to terrorize.

[Kerri DUnn is still quite shaken up by the terrorism she had to endure.]

Under the Patriot Act this is classified as terrorism. Seriously. Put the asshole in Gitmo.

[That would be a tough place to manage a congressional campaign from.]

Blatant violent threats. From a coward who bravely faced a house cat.

[Just curious but was that cat locked in the house? And if so, how did the perp enter the home without breaking the lock? If the cat was walking around outside, how did the perp even catch the cat? Ever try to chase down a cat outdoors? It's no easy task since the cat will be faster than you plus have the advantage of jumping over fences and quickly scurrying up trees. Perhaps this perp was the greatest physical athlete in Arkansas...or maybe the cat knew the perp. Hmmmmm....]

Poor little kittyfur having to endure the psychotic tantrum of Republicans.

[Was Tweety wearing his GOP badge while badgering Sylvester?]

Fire will be next, then attempted homicide. They need to watch for firebombs through the front window or a garage/garbage bin fire.

[How does that compare to tossing empty pizza cartons through the basement window?]

There’s no doubting this was political. There’s no doubting it’s another hideous example of right wing terrorism.

[Is that you, Kerri DUnn?]

Seriously, has any liberal ever done this kind of thing to a conservative? Or to another living thing?

[Conservatives are not healthy for liberals and other living things.]

It had to be someone who knew the guy & also knew he had a cat. It was not just a random act of some people who happened by and committed the act. I think the sicko lives close by as well.

[You're getting waaaaarmer you LOUSY FREEPER TROLL!!!]

Yes, someone who was familiar with the property and the cat

[Yes, someone VERY familiar with the property and the cat.]

Someone form outside who intended harm could not know for certain that the cat belonged to them- it was extremely deliberate and the only way
it could be so was if the perp KNEW the cat lived there.

[Or even...KNEW the cat so well that it did NOT run away. Hmmmm...]

I am sick. How could anyone do that.

[The words "political opportunism" come to mind.]

Does anyone remember the film "Cabaret?" A very similar thing happened in that film. The perps were Nazis.

[Oh Fatherland, Fatherland,
Show us the sign
Your children have waited to see.
The morning will come
When the cat is mine.
Tomorrow belongs to me!]

Conservatives kill helpless pets.

[And all this time I thought they only sucker punch helpless midgets.]

Get this story on MSNBC, CNN. I emailed Ed Shultz, at least I think I did with this story link attached to it. Media needs to expose these rat faced teapigs.

[The FUnniest part about this story will be when it BOOMERANGS on the DUmmies.]

I try to be a pacifist, but I believe in self-defense more. In a confrontation, I'd try to avoid any physical action with these neanderthals but if push literally came to shove I'd have no problem using the karate techniques I've been practicing for a few years now on them.

[This DUmmie has been studying karate by watching Billy Jack movies and will be surprised when he gets his ass kicked by a small chick.]

May some karmatic justice be swiftly served to the depraved fucks who did this

[Oh it will. It will. And watch out for that karmatic boomerang.]

I can't get the mental image from this story out of my mind and the level of anger isn't waning. God, I hope they find this vile son of a bitch.

[Spaketh the future boomerang casualty.]

Let's hope the drooling subhuman cat-murderer is hunted down and killed.

[But then Aden will have to put an ad in Craig's List looking for a new campaign manager.]

Jesus. I'm going to go have a good cry now.

[Jesus wept.]

That poor creature! Republican propaganda has generated an atrocity. I think this will shake up the news for the next few days.

[Yeah, I can just see the campaign manager thinking, "Hey, I didn't know an in depth investigation was going to be part of the deal!"]

This story is not allowed on the FreeRepublic website.

[Sorry but it IS allowed. However, this story will NOT be allowed in DUmmieland after it boomerangs.]

Anyone brave enough to venture over to Freerepublic and see what those sick troglodytes are saying?

[They are waiting to see what Lt. Columbo pausing and turning at the doorway of the campaign manager is saying: "Just one more question."]

Saturday, January 21, 2012

"I marvel at how . . . Republicans vote against their self-interests"

Above we see DUmmiettes undergroundpanther, kpete, and Sarah Ibarruri working on their posts--trying of course to make it into the DUmmie FUnnies. And it worked! Thursday it was undergroundpanther with "Why I hate the rich..." Yesterday it was kpete with "Why Not Rob The Rich?" And now today it's Sarah Ibarruri with this THREAD, "Every day I marvel at how poor and middle class Republicans vote against their self-interests."

The Three Little Progs and their posts: It's a trifecta of class warfare! So let us now hear from Sarah Ibuprofen and her fellow travelers, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, thinking that the Three Little Progs should stay away from the Huffingandpuffington Post, is in the [brackets]:

Every day I marvel at how poor and middle class Republicans vote against their self-interests. . . .

[Every day I marvel at how the DUmmies don't get why conservatives are conservative.]

people whose very life is precariously balancing on a high wire choose to vote for those who persistently destroy American life for the poor and middle class, and ensure they never get out of the hole.

[That would actually be the Democrat base, who vote for those who created and perpetuate the Great Dependency Society.]

poor and middle class Republicans don't like being made to feel stupid. . . . Republicans talk on the same level as people who don't have a great deal of education. . . . HOW did poor and middle class Republicans come to regard education as elitist? WHEN did education become something to be despised, rather than something to be strived for? WHY did ignorance become something to be proud of?

[Sarah Imadummi, let's compare the educational levels of Republican voters with Democrat voters, shall we? I don't think you want to go there. But you will.]

Republicans . . . don't bother people with statistics, with numbers, and they engage in a good amount of name-calling. They also use a lot of "us versus them" (them being the enemy, of course), which makes the poor and middle class Republican feel important. . . . Democrats use statistics, numbers, and tend not to name call. Democrats tend to the label groups as the enemy far less than Republicans do.

[Name-calling? Labeling enemies? Let's see . . . "Chimpy McBushitler" . . . "Chimpus Khan" . . . "Rethuglicans" . . . "Repukes" . . . "Teabaggers". . . . Nope, you Democrats are as pure as the driven snow!]

Why must intelligence be hidden and relegated to a lower level? Why do poor and middle class Republicans feel that lack of education is desirable?

[Why did I, a middle-class Republican, bother to get a Bachelor's degree, two Master's degrees, be "ABD" on a Ph.D., and learn seven languages? What was I thinking??]

But the problem is that not all of them are stupid. Many are even well educated. . . .

[Someone disturbs Sarah's theory.]

Everyone really should read Tom Frank's "What the Matter With Kansas". . . .

[Everyone really should read PJ-Comix's "What's the Matter with DUmmies."]

I have John Dean's book, Conservatives Without Conscience, and it is spectacular! I couldn't put it down.

[I tried a recipe from Paula Deen's book, "Carbohydrates without Consequence," and it is cardiovascular! I couldn't get my blood sugar down.]

The thing that gets to me is that the religious are supposed to believe in a higher power, try to do good, try to be benevolent, try to be kind, try to help those who suffer the most.

[So get the federal government out of the benevolence business and let the church do her thing. Stop taxing people out the wazoo and we'll have more money to give to charity.]

Instead, their deeds and words reflect hatred, authoritarian attitudes, a love of punishing, a cruel streak from here to there which would make the Marquis de Sade look like Bambi.

[You know what makes me de Sade? YOU DO!]

Get "The Family" because a real eyeliner. . . .

[This educated DUmmie means "it's a real eye-opener" and writes "a real eyeliner." Irony to the max factor.]

hundreds of radio stations and thousands of programs kicking out right wing propaganda. . . .

[The Three Little Progs are afraid of the Big Bad Fox.]

there really isn't anything quite to that level on the left that I'm aware of.

[Let's see . . . CBS, NBC, ABC, PBS, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, Current TV. . . . Shall I go on?]

I got quite close to a right wingnut, and he really has no ability to discuss issues. . . .

[Sarah Ibuprofen reminds us of her experience dating a rethuglican. He treated her like a princess, was very nice and kind, but . . . he was still a rethug. Ick!]

If a person is in the 70th to 90th percentile then generally Republicans will do better for him than Democrats will. . . .

[If people are in the 0th to 51st percentile, the Democrats will try to get them to vote Democrat and take money away from the 49% minority above them.]

As far as left vs. right though, I notice here on DU that discussions of facts do not get much traction. Numbers seem to bore the left too, whereas name-calling draws many more participants.

[Oooh, careful, DUmmie hfojvt, someone may call you a . . .]

I don't buy the whole Jets vs. Sharks divide. Nor do I insist on socialism or an end to the capitalist system.


you will continue to "marvel" for as long as you wrongly believe it is YOU who knows what is in THEIR best interest. It's not about your opinions on education, it's about their views on individual rights and freedoms.

[Oh-oh! ANOTHER LFT comes out of the woodwork! This time it's DUmmie kctim. Please continue, kctim . . .]

Are people who place individual rights and freedoms ahead of statistics and numbers, "voting against their own best interests?" . . . Resorting to weak haves vs have not arguments is not working.

[DUmmie kctim, you are now one of the "haves" who have a Kewpie Doll! Congratulations!]

No one has the "liberty" or a "right," in a decent society, to callously disregard the suffering of their fellow human beings while sitting atop a vast pile of cash, much of which is stashed offshore, and lighting their cigars with $100 bills while virtually pissing on the rest of the country.

[DUmmie hifiguy responds with the $crooge McDuck argument.]

The people you are condemning in your post believe placing the government before citizens is NOT protecting rights and freedoms. It takes freedoms away from citizens and fully gives that power to the government. Government is the ONLY entity with the power to do this.

[DUmmie kctim, I think you're about to feel the power of a tombstone.]

You seem stuck on this 99% vs the 1% nonsense and that the wealthy are all that stands in your way. You are wrong, and you will continue to be wrong as long as half the country keeps believing that it is government who is overreaching.


what another person legally earns is a non-issue that has been turned into an issue for political purposes.


[Enough from kctim. See you in freeperville. Now let's get back to those highly intelligent, non-name-calling, non-enemifying arguments of the progressives . . .]

Nazi Germany backed Hitler because they believed the propaganda and fear. . . . That's not that dissimilar to what Repukes do here. . . .

[Flag on the play! Godwin's rule. #73, Sarah Ibarruri. 15 yards.]

Pol Pot killed off people who wore glasses because they were educated.

[Pot pols cultivate people who smoke grasses.]

And the repugs use the fear card all of the time. . . . People like limpballs. . . . some of these cretins. . . . That's part of what they adore: having an enemy. . . . Repukes. . . . the teabaggers. . . .

[DUmmie discourse at its finest.]

There's no big mystery, it IS simply because they are stupid asses. . . . I know you're asking why they are stupid asses but the answers to that are as varied as the stupid asses are. Some are fearful of learning, some are racists, some are abused, some are brainwashed by propaganda, some are pathological liars, etc... The one common trait is that repukes do not learn from actual information regardless of the reasons why.

[DUmmie just1voice sums it up. But do go on . . .]

It's a hard idea to comprehend, that people who appear to be mentally functional are not but that is indeed the case. I think sometime in the near future our corrupted, for-profit mental health care system will start diagnosing people incapable of learning with appropriately named illnesses and then finally there will be some help for them.

[That's the answer! Lock 'em up! Put those fascist right-wingers in padded cells and throw away the key!]

Republicans vote with their "Black Heart". . . .

[That's racist!]

A working American voting Republicon is like a chicken voting for Col. Sanders.

[A DUmmie is like a birdbrain voting for Bernie Sanders.]

Everyone has priorities. Doesn't mean they're good priorities. Even pedophiles have priorities. Conservatives have different priorities. . . .

[Not satisfied with Nazi analogies, Sarah Ibuprofen now reaches for a pedophile comparison.]

Conservatives' priorities lead them to vote for the most heinous, selfish b*st*rds on the planet, who end up damaging our country, enriching the richest, and impoverishing the rest. They have no sense, don't base these on education or facts, and are infantile in their view of life.

[Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. . . . Conservatives vote for "the most heinous, selfish b*st*rds on the planet"?? Now who is falling in the infantile percentile?]

By the way, I seem to have a fan base of Repigs. If you do a search on the Internet for any sentence in this original post, you will find them discussing it.

[Yes, Sarah Ibarruri, you are a favorite of the DUmmie FUnnies and the Conservative Cave. When you told us about how you were dating a Repig boyfriend who treated you nice but you were conflicted because he was, after all, a Repig--well, Sarah, you stole our hearts. We think of you as DUmmieland's Sweetheart. And so you placed in the Top Ten DUmmies of 2011. And now, with this stupid screed, you have made the DUmmie FUnnies once again. We appreciate it!]

The poor little rats are angry that I call them what they are.

[And we call YOU, Sarah Ibarruri--you and undergroundpanther and kpete--we call you the Three Little Progs. Keep up the good work!]

Friday, January 20, 2012

"Why Not Rob The Rich?"

Class warfare has been the calling card for the Democrats for many a decade. And we see it in full flower over in DUmmieland. Yesterday we heard from DUmmie undergroundpanther, on why she hates the rich. Today we hear from another of the angry DUmmie womyn, DUmmie kpete, on why we ought to rob the rich. It's here in this THREAD, "Why Not Rob The Rich?"

So let us now visit the den of the robber barrens, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson--looking forward to the End of an Error one year from today, i.e., January 20, 2013, when President ABO is inaugurated--is in the [brackets]:

Why Not Rob The Rich?

[Well, last time I checked, both "Thou shalt not steal" and "Thou shalt not covet" were still part of the Ten Commandments.]

Why Not Rob The Rich?

[I suppose that makes more sense than robbing the poor.]

Why Not Rob The Rich?

[Fifty years ago this would have been "Why Not Bob the Dick?"]

If 75% of the wealth of the richest one-tenth of 1% of American society were immediately expropriated. . . .

[Is this one of those word problems?]

If 75% of the wealth of the richest one-tenth of 1% of American society were immediately expropriated, there would be no need to discuss cuts to spending that affects the well-being of the vast majority.

[But there would be a need to discuss why it is morally right to steal money from a minority, against their will, in order to give it to the majority. How fair is that??]

This is a democracy, why isn’t this a major topic of public debate?

[This is a multiple-choice question. Choose the best answer:

a. Because the government is already stealing disproportionately and unfairly from the rich.

b. Because Obama isn't facing a primary and therefore doesn't have to reveal his true Bolshevik colors, in order to appeal to the Democrat base. Instead, he has to sound like a conservative, like a tax-cutter, in order to get re-elected.

c. Because a 75% tax rate for the wealthy is too low to satisfy the DUmmies.]

Why aren’t the national media full of debates between defenders of the right of the Koch brothers to keep their billions and advocates for seizing the majority of their fortune to meet human needs?

[The Kochs vs. the Kooks.]

[Now let's hear from the other DUmmies . . .]

If you confiscate the ill-gotten gains of thieves, is it robbery?

[If you assume that anyone who has more money than you got it through thievery and therefore you're entitled to take it from them, are you a Democrat voter? Yes.]

Why not? People of that belief stealing from the rich is wrong always are misguided.

[Yesterday's featured hate-the-rich DUmmie, undergroundpanther, chimes in, arguing that God was misguided when he put that "Thou shalt not steal" commandment in there.]

What happens next year? Presumably, there would be no further ill gotten gains. Rather short-sighted. . . .

[Hmmm. . . . problem. . . . OK then, I guess we have to steal from the next in line. But what if now WE'RE the next in line, because we stole last year's wealth from the rich? Do we then steal from ourselves and give it back to the formerly rich who now are poor? Boy, this is getting complicated!]

Once you "take it back" you don't get to take it back again. It's gone. You have it. Now what do you do next year to cover your budget shortfall?

[OK, DUmmie TomClash, for this comment and your previous one, you receive today's Kewpie Doll, for having a Brief Moment of Mental Clarity™. Congratulations! But watch out for kpete and undergroundpanther. They may try to steal it from you!]

You seem to be suggesting that the money will then vanish and economic activity will come to a halt. Expropriating (and redistributing) wealth probably wouldn't do that. It's more likely to have a stimulative effect.

[So if you tell people, "The more money you make, the more we will steal from you"--THAT'S going to have a "stimulative effect" on production??]

I think we should simply tax the uber-wealthy out of existence. Yearly income greater than $1,000,000? Then tax everything over that at 90%.

[Piker! Make it 100%! Think of the revenue! Think of the stimulative effect!]

Unconstitutional? . . . Unworkable?

[Who cares? Irrelevant.]

I am sure if you ask them nicely they will just give it back.

[How about first asking Warren Buffett, George Soros, Michael Moore, the Kennedys, et al.? Ask THEM to lead the way, voluntarily donating 100% of their billions, so we don't have to rob anybody. Then get back to me, and we'll take it from there. In fact, kpete, from information you have published elsewhere--about your art studio and your very tony address in the San Diego area--it appears that you yourself are pretty well off. KPETE IS A ONE-PERCENTER! SHE'S A RICH! ROB HER!]

Thursday, January 19, 2012

"Why I hate the rich..."

DUmmieland is a hate site. We've been documenting that here at the DUmmie FUnnies for over seven years. And right at the top of the list (tied for first with hatred of Christians and hatred of Rethuglicans) is hatred of the rich. Witness this THREAD by DUmmie undergroundpanther, "Why I hate the rich..." DUmmie undergroundpanther HATES the rich, and she is envious of them.

So let us now feel the hate of the Left, in Bolshevik Red, while the commentary of your humble guest correspondent, Charles Henrickson, rich with comedy GOLD mined from the Democrat Underground, is in the [brackets]:

Why I hate the rich...

[Because they have more stuff than I do, and I don't like it!]

On top of the pathological levels of sociopathic indifference they have twords the pain of others,the horrors they perpetrate against others,against the environment and everything else that exists. Despite the fact they want to OWN and CONTROL the world and if they cannot have it all that they'll make damn sure nothing else can live on/in it either. Even regardless of that zero sum @ss holiness bullsh*t they foist upon everyone by hanging price tags on everything but themselves, to make us all pay the rich MORE..Despite their attempts to own or destroy the commons.On top of their systemic abuse of this entire nation cradle to grave. Or the intrusions their f***ing companies make into our lives,and the petulant demands found in all levels of the hierarchy they whip into submission via lies,debt and free market bullsh*t,and the damage to our collective well being that is done to make sure the rich shall never do without a desire unmet. . . .

[BREATHE, undergroundpanther, breathe! You're off to a rip-roaring start here with your rant, but I'm afraid you're going to spontaneously combust!]

I hate them for even more. . . .

[OK, here we go. UGP was just getting warmed up.]

They get to have have time, Most people have NO time. . . .

[Yet YOU, undergroundpanther, you have plenty of time to write this LOOONG screed against the rich, one of your 11,113 posts. If you had spent half that time making money, maybe you'd be rich, too! Oh, wait. Then you'd hate yourself.]

I hate the rich they always have the means to go places I will NEVER EVER see.

[Like, the place where they work to make the money so they can go places.]

The rich get to go to quality schools with low teacher to student ratios that have time to challenge them if they are smart. . . .

[You don't have to worry about that, UGP.]

they are so removed from the consequences of their lifestyles and greed they can see people like you and I as cattle. . . .

[We shall not be cowed!]

The rich,they never have to do without anything or do anything they don't want to do. . . .

[It's amazing how any of them ever GOT rich or STAY rich, since usually you make money by doing things. It must be magic or something, this getting-rich business.]

They have soft perfect hands because the rich have staff to cook the food,wash the dishes.They won't f*** up the budget because they have top notch professionals to manage the paperwork,manage their f***ing companies for them,workers to make or do the jobs,as they see the money pour in like never ending manna from heaven.

[Don't you think the cooks, dishwashers, top-notch professionals, managers, and workers--don't you think they are kinda grateful the rich have the money to employ them?]

The rich never even have to manage the hassles in maintaining their lives. No budget to speak of,health care,and all the other really insane time occupying BULLSH*T that the 95% of us deal with day in day out. . . .

[I thought it was 99%.]

Like repeating over and over your name/dress/date of birth etc. to a f***ing machine,or going up a phone tree trying to put you off,to get a number to call to go up ANOTHER d*mn phone tree until you find the person that can really fix your reason you called.

[I think someone has had a bad phone day.]

They don't have to worry about forgetting to go wait in line for 3 hours at the DMV to get a little f***ing sticker,with 2011,12,13..on it to put on a corner of a license plate to avoid being charged 70 or 80 bucks,or waiting in a ten mile line at a store.They hire people for pennies to do those unsavory tasks.

[The rich even hire people go to the dentist for them when they have a cavity! It's disgusting!]

I hate the rich because THEY get their organic pure healthy meals DELIVERED to their kitchens where staff cooks it up into beautiful culinary delights.A dinner of mac'n'cheese and tuna mixed in it isn't a culinary delight.

[Why, I bet the rich can get arugula pizza delivered from hundreds of miles away! Maybe even fly the chef in to make it for them! I hate that!]

A dinner out for the rich can cost 1,000 bucks a shot. . . .

[*cough* the Obamas *cough*]

I hate the rich because they'll never experience trying to stay dry in a storm at a bus stop with no shelter hoping the lightening does not hit YOU today.The rich think public transportation is a waste of money,because to the rich it IS. They never need to take it,their drivers are always on call..or they could just take the new benz. . . .

[Undergroundpanther's friends all drive Porsches, she must make amends.]

They'll never have to do the laundry,mow the most stupid thing on earth, the lawn.

[Undergroundpanther wants to get off her OWN lawn!]

They'll NEVER be forced to tolerate being in our presence very long,but somehow despite their callous and cruelty aimed at us they get people like us to fawn over them to,cover their @ss,and they never ever are called out for being the wastes of skin they really ARE.

[OOOH, we HATES them! Nasty, tricksy waste-skinners!]

Why do you never tell them,f*** you I'm not paying you one more dime. . . .

[NOT ONE D*MN DIME DAY! That'll show 'em!]

Their houses are beautiful refuges, places they want to live in. . . .

[Maybe John Edwards will let you stay in his two-Americas-size home. Or dial up the Heinz-Kerrys.]

The rich can have whatever pets they want,who's gonna tell them they can't have a cat in their own home?

[That PJ-Comix has a BEAVER down at DUFU Mansion.]

No cat for you,poor, to love and purr against your touch starved skin.

[No purr for the poor. No cat for undergroundpanther.]

And if the rich feel a teeny bit stressed they can call a chauffeur and go to a spa and get massages. . . .

[That rubs undergroundpanther the wrong way.]

I hate the rich because they are NOT at all better quality of people than I am.Not one iota more deserving,fortunate or hardworking or even noble than I or you,yet they get treated as if they were.

[The money fell out of the sky and landed in their lap! And they're all so EEEEEEEVIL!!!]


[That's kind of what I have gathered, UGP. Message received. Now the other DUmmies respond . . .]

You hate Alan Grayson and Nancy Pelosi?


Substitute 'rich' with 'plutocrats'. . . .

[Substitute 'hate' with 'Democrats.']

the OP has some really bad stereotypes of the rich.

[Ya think?]

It's helpful to dehumanize and demonize those you already hate. . . .

[But, but, the RICH--they're all RETHUGLICANS, and they're all EEEEVIL!!!]

Grayson, FDR was 1 percent. Warren Buffet. . . .

[They're RICH, they're EVIL, they're RETHUG-- no, wait. . . .]

The Devil Wears Prada.

[The DUmmies Read Pravda.]

Haven't you posted this screed before???

[No, I think you're confusing it with the 497 similar screeds posted on DU last week.]

That's a heapin' pile o' hate ya got there.

[A DUmmie high-five for UGP!]

The rich don't even know you exist and wouldn't care if they did.. To them you are less than the imported Himalayan dirt beneath their Guccis. . . .

[And that's why you're the DUmmie UNDERground!]