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GOP Candidates Betray the Spirit of Reagan on Immigration
by Daniel Griswold.
Why Ron Paul Matters
Edward H. Crane in the Wall Street Journal.
The Fed's Mission Impossible
John H. Cochrane in the Wall Street Journal.
King Newt Takes on the Judges
Roger Pilon in the Philadelphia Inquirer.
The Federal Reserve's Covert Bailout of Europe
Gerald P. O'Driscoll Jr. in the Wall Street Journal.

Liberating the Future:
Cato Institute $50 Million Capital Campaign
Cato Pocket Constitution Can the government do that? Check the Constitution!
Special: 10 copies for $10

Cato @ Liberty Blog

"Obama’s Constitutional Gamble on Consumer Finance Nomination"
by Mark A. Calabria

"Mitt Romney, the Value-Added Tax, and America’s European Future"
by Daniel J. Mitchell

"Enforcing Housing Codes Is Not Racist"
by Ilya Shapiro

January 4, 2012

Whither the Soul of the GOP?

Do Republican primary voters really want a small-government conservative as president? That's questionable given the strong showing of Rick Santorum and Mitt Romney in Iowa, says Cato scholar Michael D. Tanner: "If the Iowa Caucuses have shown us anything, it is that there still is a fight over what kind of party the GOP will be."

Happy New Year from Cato

Our greatest challenge in 2012 is to extend the promise of individual liberty, economic freedom, and limited government. We at Cato hope that you'll continue to support our mission.

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More Government Transparency for 2012?

A House committee has adopted legislation that will "require all House legislative documents be published electronically in an open, searchable format on one centralized website." Cato scholar Jim Harper, who has been grading Congress on its efforts toward transparency, said the move marks a good first step, but outlines further practices that should be adopted to make Congress truly open to public inspection.

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Daily Podcast
Roger Pilon - Gingrich's Bad Idea on the Judiciary


Cato Papers on Public PolicyCato Papers on Public Policy
This new publication provides in-depth, imaginative new research on key economic and public policy matters combined with a range of potential improvements and solutions.

Climate CoupClimate Coup
A first-rate team of experts offers compelling documentation on the pervasive influence global warming alarmism now has on almost every aspect of our society--from national defense, law, trade, and politics to health, education, and international development.

Schools for MisruleSchools for Misrule
This new book reveals how our nation's law schools have become a hatchery of bad ideas, many of which confer power and status on the schools' graduates and faculty, as law comes to pervade more areas of life.


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