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Ron Paul, the Controlled Media, and Iran

Updated January 5, 2012

To those who still believe that Americans receive their news and information from a "free press" that is unbiased, just watch how CNN blatantly censored the comments of Jesse Thorsen, a U.S. soldier who has served multiple tours in Iraq and Afghanistan - and who supports Ron Paul because he is tired of war:


Ron Paul came in third place in Iowa behind the two Zionist-supported pro-war candidates, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum.  Santorum recently stated on "Meet the Press" that he would bomb Iran's nuclear reactors if elected president.  Is that an acceptable policy statement from a candidate for president?  Does 50 percent of the Republican Party of Iowa really want to wage yet another war in the Middle East, against the Islamic Republic of Iran, or is there another explanation for these results?  These results are from the Washington Post and are not final.

I had always believed, and still believe, that oppressive forces draw much of their strength from their ability to wield their power in secret.
- Julian Assange - The Unauthorized Autobiography (2011)

Israeli general Amos Yadlin traveled to Chicago in an effort to enlist [Lester] Crown’s help in convincing the administration to attack Iran.
- "Israel, Big Money and Obama", 20 August 2010

The Crown family supports candidates from both parties, depending on their strategic goal. Susan Crown, for example, who gave at least $12,300 to candidate Obama between 2003 and 2007 is now supporting the Republican Mitt Romney's bid for the White House.
- "Chicago's Elders of Zion and Obama's War for Profit", October 2011

The final report of the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan said that somewhere between $31 and $60 billion has been lost through contract waste and fraud in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Put another way, war profiteers took as much as $60 billion from taxpayers and didn't give us anything in return.
- "No Success in Iraq - Unless You're a War Profiteer" by Robert Greenwald and Derrick Crowe

The ongoing cover-up of 9/11, the fraudulent "War on Terror", and the trillion-dollar U.S. military intervention in the Middle East are the key elements coloring the political context of the U.S. presidential election of 2012.  The false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and the U.S. military aggression in the Middle East are two sides of the same counterfeit coin which has been used for the past decade to deceive and defraud the American people - and the world.  The massive fraud that began with 9/11 and which has been used to rob the nation of untold billions could not possibly be maintained were it not for the utterly corrupt political establishment of Washington, D.C. and the controlled media.  This ongoing deception is the real background against which the Iowa caucus, the first poll of the 2012 presidential election, needs to be viewed.

The Republican caucus in Iowa on January 3 is of great importance because it is the first poll to determine which candidate will challenge Barack Obama for the presidency.  A CNN/Time poll indicates that Ron Paul and Mitt Romney are currently the front runners polling about 25 percent each.  Two days earlier Ron Paul was the clear front runner, several points ahead of Romney and Newt Gingrich, who has now fallen further behind.  Despite Paul's common sense positions and popularity with voters, the paid pundits of the controlled media outlets constantly attack his positions as "out of the mainstream". 

Paul is also treated most unfairly by so-called independent media outlets such as Salon and the Huffington Post.  When one reads the first sentence of the Bob Cesca piece on the Huffington Post in which he calls progressives that support Ron Paul are "out of their blessed gourds", it is worth remembering that the Huffington Post was taken over by AOL in 2011 for many millions of dollars.  There is always a political reason for such media acquisitions and the Ron Paul candidacy is that reason.  This is a perfect example of how, and why, the so-called alternative media is controlled by the same sinister forces that control the "mainstream" press.  What better way could there be to control the thoughts of progressive voters than to control the websites they rely on for information?

Ron Paul is opposed to waging war against Iran.

I am just absolutely convinced that the best formula for giving us peace and preserving the American way of life is freedom, limited government, and minding our own business overseas.
- Ron Paul

A CNN/ORC poll released in November found that 68 percent of Americans opposed the war in Iraq and 63 percent are against the one in Afghanistan. Yet, we keep hearing that only hawks have a chance to be elected president… Dr. Ron Paul is firmly anti-war, anti-empire, and anti-torture. He has been drawing large crowds in Iowa.  He has legions of volunteers and a steady source of money through Internet fundraising. His supporters are willing, as one said, to "crawl over broken glass" for him. So if there is snow in Iowa or New Hampshire, that should be no problem.
- Ron Paul, the anti-war candidate” by Mary Meehan, The Baltimore Sun, 2 January 2012,0,6340945.story

One of the key issues, perhaps the most crucial issue, in the GOP Iowa caucus is the position of the candidates regarding the Zionist war policy against Iran. Ron Paul is opposed to waging war against Iran while Romney and most of the others are eager armchair warriors against the Islamic Republic of Iran. With the new U.S. sanctions seeking to strangle Iran financially having brought counter threats to close the Strait of Hormuz, the U.S. position vis-a-vis Iran is now of the utmost importance as the chances of war are greater than ever.

Iran has been the subject of a Zionist war strategy for years in the same way that organized Jewry declared war on Germany in the early 1930s, long before the invasion of Poland in 1939. The punitive sanctions against Iran are war by other methods and unless the United States changes its approach to Iran it will find itself in another major war in the Middle East, one with drastic and unforeseeable consequences. 

Henry, Lester, and Susan Crown of Chicago.  A family of Zionist war profiteers, the Crowns became rich on U.S. defense spending in World War II and have profited on every war since.  The Crowns are big financial supporters of Republican Mitt Romney and the Democrat Barack Obama - both Zionist-controlled pro-war candidates.

The Crown family of Chicago is one of the key Zionist supporters of Barack Obama and Mitt Romney.  As a major shareholder of General Dynamics, the Crown family profits from U.S. defense spending and war.  As a leading Zionist family, the Crowns support sanctions and the Israeli warmongering against Iran.  The Crowns have invested in Mitt Romney because he is willing to wage war to please his Zionist supporters.  To push the nation into war to serve a foreign state is treasonous.

Mitt Romney is hawkish on Iran because he is supported by Zionist warmongers like the Crown family of Chicago.

Mitt Romney would most likely win the caucus if the Republican Party of Iowa were to tally the caucus results using the dodgy telephonic tally system (Voxeo) used by the Iowa Democrats in 2004 and 2008.  But after having intensively queried the Republican Party of Iowa about how the results will be tallied it seems to me that the Republican Party of Iowa will be tallying the results themselves in Des Moines. 

Nicole Sizemore, assistant communications director for the GOP of Iowa, told that there is no outside contractor involved in the tally and that it will be a "very transparent" poll with multiple observers.  Although Sizemore could not reveal the specifics about how the results would be communicated to headquarters, she confirmed that a complete breakdown of the 1,774 precinct results would be published within 14 days.  These are the key elements of an open and transparent poll.  

This is good news because it suggests that the results of the January 3 Republican caucus are likely to be more representative, honest, and accurate than the Democratic caucus in 2008 that helped bring the dark horse candidate Barack Obama to power.  In 2004 another dark horse candidate, John Kerry, came from behind to run against George W. Bush.  In both cases, pro-war candidates from the back of the pack won the rigged caucus, effectively removing the question of the illegal war policy from the debate.  Let's hope Ron Paul wins Iowa in a truly honest and transparent caucus on January 3.  We certainly don't need anymore illegal Zionist wars for profit and the people of Iowa know that as well as anyone.  Iowa has lost 69 servicemen in the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq with more than 477 wounded, according to

In the following video clips from a Republican debate Ron Paul explains his position on Iran.  Rick Santorum recently stated that he would bomb Iran's nuclear facilities if elected president.  Iran is the central foreign policy question facing the presidential candidates.  The U.S. has been at war in the Middle East for 21 years, since January 1991, when President George H.W. Bush went to war against Iraq over Kuwait.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Bollyn, Christopher, "Chicago's Elders of Zion and Obama's War for Profit", 14 October 2011

Bollyn, "ELRON - VOXEO: The Israeli Defense Firm That Tallies the Iowa Caucus", 31 December 2007

Bollyn, "Voxeo's Ties to 9-11 and the Israeli Military", 5 January 2008

Bollyn, "Bollyn Responds to Voxeo", 7 January 2008

"Israel, Big Money and Obama - Mr. Crown and the President", by Margaret Kimberley,, 20 August 2010

"No Success in Iraq -- Unless You're a War Profiteer", by Robert Greenwald and Derrick Crowe,, 15 December 2011 


January 5, 2012

Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love.  In a modern economy it is impossible to seal oneself off from injustice... If we can only live once, then let it be a daring adventure that draws on all our powers.  Try as I may I cannot escape the sound of suffering.  Perhaps as an old man I will take great comfort in pottering around in a lab and gently talking to students in the summer evening and will accept suffering with insouciance.  But not now.  Men in their prime, if they have convictions, are tasked to act on them.

Reality is an aspect of property.  It must be seized.  And investigative journalism is the noble art of seizing reality back from the powerful.
- Julian Assange, The Unauthorized Autobiography, Canongate Books, Ltd. (2011)

Notice the rise of the tide: Turkey, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Morocco, and Palestine. See how Allah is doing wonders - whether the Zionists like it or not. Notice how the tide is rising against Zionism?  Your work is going to become mainstream in the near future. You are a pioneer with thoughts at their infancy. Very soon people will see you were right on from the beginning. Keep up the good work.
- A reader from the Middle East

All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; the point is to discover them.
- Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

Christopher Bollyn speaking at the first 9/11 Citizens' Grand Jury in Los Angeles, October 2004

One man is responsible for most of our knowledge of the Zionist connection to 9/11. That man is Christopher Bollyn, a pre-eminent investigative journalist. He wrote his first essay questioning the events of 9/11 on September 18th, 2001, just one week after the attacks.
- A. Scott Piraino, "Q & A with Christopher Bollyn",, 11 September 2011

I am always amazed at the details you manage to uncover, for your articles; they really are some of the best-researched on the Internet.
- Anthony Lawson, 9/11 video producer, Australia, 4 September 2011

How can it be that an American journalist is brutally attacked by undercover police at his home – in front of his 8-year-old daughter and wife, TASERed while restrained in handcuffs and unable to move a finger, with one 200-pound man kneeling on the temple of his head and another on his back, and has his arm broken – and not a single newspaper, television station, or journalist organization is concerned?  This was just the beginning of the price I have paid for my writing about 9/11...
- Christopher Bollyn, "'Israel Did 9/11' - U.S. Military Expert Supports Bollyn Thesis", 3 April 2010

*   *   *   *   *

My research and writing is supported by donations from my readers. If you find the material on worth reading, please show your support.  Thank you.

Bollyn and Andreas von Bülow (left) walking at Remagen on the Rhine River in August 2011.

I visited Andreas von Bülow, author of a best-selling book (200,000 copies sold) about the CIA and 9/11, at his home in Bonn in August 2011.  Von Bülow, a former parliamentarian who oversaw operations of German intelligence, was the first political/intelligence expert I interviewed in November 2001 regarding 9/11. 

Andreas von Bülow saw the devastation of Dresden as a child.  His house was the last house on the edge of total destruction.   
"German Intelligence Experts: 9/11 is 'Hollywood' Deception" (12 December 2001)
"German Intelligence Expert Refutes U.S. Version of 9/11" (9 January 2002)

Spiegel magazine, which Andreas told me is very hostile to his work and engages in a campaign of defamation against him, published a piece in English about him for the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  It is "Questioning 9/11 - The Politician Turned Conspiracy Theorist".

*   *   *

Your work is my favorite, most reliable news source. I regularly challenge newspaper salesmen, students, and friends to read it and decide for themselves. Good on you! (Australian expression).
- W.G. in Australia, 28 July 2011

Great research! Articulated and argued brilliantly well. Thank you and best wishes!
- D.J. in Finland, 3 June 2011

*   *   *

What are you proud of?  I am proud of my support for Christopher Bollyn.  Why?

Mr. Bollyn is the type of person we should all strive to be. An investigative journalist, his moral standards, work ethic and personal integrity will not be compromised.  His research and writing on 9/11 is a gift to all of us who love freedom and love the truth.

Our government, media, and our culture itself has become so infested with lies and liars that most of us are hard pressed to maintain any awareness of reality. Christopher Bollyn gives us a chance to see clearly what has happened to America - information we can use to reformulate our world view and guide our thinking as we attempt to cope.

I beg everyone to turn off your TV sets and take some time to study the writings of Mr. Bollyn, sharing his message with others as you see fit.

Thank You

- letter from an American, 13 May 2011

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Some readers send comments.  I received an interesting comment from an Israeli reader who said that my "conspiracy story" is "exactly the truth as written."

I liked your article, it is a nice conspiracy story, but in MY case it was exactly the truth as written.  Nice to remember those old-times, when we did foolish mistakes... I certainly paid for my mistakes, but I am no criminal, just another unlucky Israeli.
- T.S. in Israel, 26 February 2011

Excellent. Excellent. Excellent work.
- J.A. in USA, 7 March 2011

You always have the deepest analysis of events. Keep up the great work.
- K.B. in California, 11 February 2011

Don't stop!!!
- F.B. in New Jersey, February 2011

"This is Chris Bollyn's website. He is the bravest and most persecuted reporter in America."
- Daniel, Silicon Valley, California

There is no better cause, in my opinion, than
- G.V. in the U.S.A.

Your research is superb. Thank you for being willing and able to name names and provide FACTS.
– G.F. in Texas

"Keep up the great work.  You are truly without peer on 9-11 research."
- M.B. in New Mexico


The best way to find a specific article is to use the List of Articles index in the margin on the left.  The index can be sorted by title or date and will bring the reader to the specific article.  There is also a handy print friendly icon in the top right-hand corner of each article selected from the List of Articles.

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Dear Mr. Bollyn:
Whether the events of 9/11 are as you suspect a Mossad operation or not, the population under the current government, will in all likelihood never know. After all, the truth regarding the assassinations of Gaius Julius Caesar and Abraham Lincoln are still being debated, and even when after many generations hidden truths are discovered as in the 1915 sinking of the RMS Lusitania and the 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, the general population remembers only the “official version”. Behind all the smoke and mirrors of disinformation one thing however remains clear and that is the pernicious influence of the Zionists in the shaping of American policies, both foreign and domestic. Your lonely struggle and courageous willingness to openly question the influences that have done so much to shape policies since at least 1919 is a heroic effort which I therefore hardily applaud.
- L.A.S.

Il primo ricercatore è Cristopher Bollyn, giornalista investigativo...
(The first researcher is Christopher Bollyn,
investigative journalist...)
- Paola Coppa, "La stampa indaga sull’11 settembre"
Il Democratico (Italy),  Sept. 11, 2010

Bollyn's research is supported by his readers. 
Please, donate today.

History, facts and truth are all Divine products, and must prevail.
- Charles A. Briggs

My research and analysis of 9-11 is very different from what you will find anywhere in the controlled mainstream media or alternative press.  My 9-11 material will not be discussed in any of the 9-11 conferences or media coverage in the coming week not because it is incorrect or biased in any way.  The only reason my 9-11 writings are not discussed in the media is because they get much too close to the truth, which is something nobody in the media wants to go anywhere near.

The American people are woefully deceived about what really happened on 9-11 and have become enslaved to lies, which is why U.S. troops are killing and being killed in Afghanistan and Iraq.  The population of the United States is burdened by deception primarily because most Americans blindly trust in the cherished notion that they have a "free press".  Trusting what they hear on television, Americans are terribly misinformed by the deception of the controlled media and press. 

The American troops in Afghanistan are not waging war to protect the United States or to defend any American ideal.  They are killing and dying in an evil war of conquest in a place few Americans had ever been prior to October 2001.  Very few Americans understand why U.S. men and women are fighting in Afghanistan.  It has nothing to do with 9-11 and everything to do with constructing a gas pipeline to carry Israeli-owned gas to India and China.

An American soldier in Afghanistan fighting for the Zionist agenda and its state founded on terrorism.

The controlled media is lying through its teeth to the American people just like the C.I.A., the F.B.I., and the so-called "elected" members of Congress and the U.S. government.  Any person or agency who is party to deceiving the American people is clearly not on their side.  These liars are the domestic enemies of the American republic.  To deceive the people into sending their sons, husbands, fathers, and daughters to fight wars of aggression is criminal and treasonous.

My mission is to simply expose the deception in order to give the American people the information they need to protect themselves and their families.  I need your help to do that.  Please, contribute to  Thank you.

"The fact that you are giving your book [Solving 9-11] away for free, which I'm sure you worked very hard at, is even all the more impressive.  May your work enlighten everyone."
- R.W., professional flight instructor, USA

I saw your article on 9-11 in the Tehran Times yesterday and I was very impressed with your research. I had read about the Israel connection some time ago but after reading your article it put everything into perspective... [Noam] Chomsky and others have been writing about Israel for many years, but they are unwilling to really get to the heart of their activities like you have.
- Dr. C.J., Grand Junction, Colorado

"You are providing a unique and needed perspective on current events."
- V.G. in Massachusetts

The European press is much more honest than the Zionist-controlled press in the United States about Israel and its egregious act of piracy on May 31, 2010.  Such critical perspectives and information about Israeli state terrorism are not found in the U.S. media. 

Badness always manifests in destruction and corruption, while goodness always manifests in preservation and benefit.
- Socrates (469-399 B.C.) in Plato's Politiea (Republic)

My research and writings are available on this website thanks to the contributions of concerned citizens who donate to my work.  Thousands of people visit my website, read, copy and repost my material.  My recent article "How Ehud Barak Pulled Off 9-11" , for example, is currently found on thousands of websites -- but very few readers contribute. 

The information and original articles found on my website are the result of years of research.  You won't find such accurate and detailed information (and analysis) anywhere else, least of all in the controlled press of the United States.  A recent editorial by veteran American journalist Alex Beam (Newsweek and Boston Globe) explains that the controlled press in the U.S. has a long history of publishing stories that are nothing but lies:

In Luce’s day, a cadre of gorgeous, brilliant women from the Seven Sisters colleges backstopped this modern-day rendering plant as fact-checkers. In the late 1970s, about half the fact-checkers were men, so in addition to pouring vodka I checked facts, a process that left me bleakly cynical about journalistic accuracy. We would publish whole stories that were lies — Francois Mitterrand’s plan to destroy the French economy was a recurring theme — but at least the names were spelled correctly.
- “Ye Olde Newsweek” by Alex Beam

HOW TO SUPPORT MY WORK - I am not compensated for my research and do not carry any advertising on my site, but my efforts take time and money.  Support from my readers is what keeps this website going.  If you find my work worthwhile, please donate to today by clicking on the donation button in the left-hand margin or send a donation via PayPal (choose the "personal gift" method) to  -- Thank you for your support. 

Bollyn and Professor Steven Jones examine the evidence of Thermite in the destruction of the World Trade Center at B.Y.U. in the spring of 2006.  Jones subsequently found large amounts of super-Thermite in the dust of the pulverized Twin Towers proving that the WTC had been exploded using a extremely advanced nano-composite of Thermite.  This evidence proves that neither Osama Bin Laden nor the Taliban had anything to do with the pre-planned demolition of the three towers on 9-11.  The government explanations for the cause of the three collapses are nothing but fabrications and lies.

In August 2006 I was brutally attacked at my home by three heavily-armed undercover police in an action that was instigated and co-ordinated by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the enforcement arm of the Zionist B'nai B'rith, the secret international order of Jewish Freemasons.  In my case, the ADL influenced the police, the prosecution, the clerk, and the judge.  What chance did I have to obtain justice in such a rigged and corrupt system?  Although noticed by few, the pernicious influence of the ADL and the secret Elders of Zion affects all of us. The banning of all secret societies would have to be one of the basic tenets of any patriotic movement that aspires to "liberty and justice for all."

*   *   *

Each must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, and which course is patriotic and which isn't.  You cannot shirk this and be a man.
- Mark Twain

Who are the thousand--that is to say, who are "the Country"?  In a monarchy, the king and his family are the country; in a republic it is the common voice of the people. Each of you, for himself, by himself and on his own responsibility, must speak. And it is a solemn and weighty responsibility, and not lightly to be flung aside at the bullying of pulpit, press, government, or the empty catchphrases of politicians. 

"Support our Troops" is a high-sounding slogan designed to trick Americans into supporting unjust wars of conquest and occupation, much like the catchphrase "Our Country, right or wrong!" of the Spanish-American War of Mark Twain's time.  There is nothing trivial about the cost of the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq - in treasure and lives.

Iraq Deaths Estimator

Each must for himself alone decide what is right and what is wrong, and which course is patriotic and which isn't.  You cannot shirk this and be a man.  To decide against your convictions is to be an unqualified and inexcusable traitor, both to yourself and to your country, let man label you as they may.  If you alone of all the nation shall decide one way, and that way be the right way according to your convictions of the right, you have done your duty by yourself and by your country - hold up your head! You have nothing to be ashamed of.
- Mark Twain, "Two Fragments from a Suppressed Book Called 'Glances at History' or 'Outlines of History' "

A Note of Thanks

January 4, 2012

Best Wishes for a Happy, Prosperous, and Healthy New Year!

Many thanks to those who donated in 2011 and especially to D.K. and E.H. in Canada, M.C. and J.S. in England, G.P. in Chicago, J.B. in Arkansas, A.H. in New York, M.K. and D.L. in California, T.S. in Oregon, M.W. in Florida, M.M. in Illinois, B.H. in Sweden, and my old friend W.R. in New Jersey for supporting in December. 

I am grateful to D.K. in Canada, M.M. in Illinois, H.L. in New Jersey, a steadfast supporter in Japan, and D.L. in California for donating in November.  Many thanks.

This fall has seen a significant increase in readers at - but very few donations.  So, a very big thanks to those whose donations came through in October:  D.K. in Ontario, K.G. in Britain, K.B. in California, M.W. in Delaware, W.B. in Indiana, M.B. in New Mexico, M.M. in Australia, and T.R. in Minnesota.  Many thanks.

In September 2011, the tenth anniversary of 9/11, a big thanks to I.H.C. in London, D.K. in Canada, E.E. in North Carolina, A.S. in South Africa, R.H., and I.P. in England, and R.D. in Thunder Bay for donating to

Ten years after the false-flag terror attacks that changed America, I received the following email messages from supporters:

Christopher -- thank you for all you did and all you gave of yourself to get the truth about 9-11 to the people. You never quit. Thank You.
- D.E. in Washington

Thank you Christopher - your work is very important. Please keep it up. We do seem to be in the middle of an Orwellian nightmare.
- Ross in USA

Dear Christopher,

It is now more than three years since I last wrote to you. Actually I had decided no longer to waste my energy thinking about the 9/11 tragedy and the destructive consequences that have resulted from that event, not only in the USA, but worldwide. But today is the tenth anniversary of 9/11 and so I thought to send you a short email to express my great respect for your work; I admire your perseverance, how you keep at it, even though the situation is most discouraging, as I see it.

I have just watched the excellent interview by James Corbett of Dr. Paul Craig Roberts on the 9/11 cover up (thank you for posting that video). Dr. Roberts makes many important and interesting statements. I realize that there are some thousands of people like him (mostly professionals of some kind) who do actually know that there is a 9/11 cover up (i.e. that their own government is lying to them) -- thanks to people like you.

However, as Dr. Roberts points out, "if you don't alter a wrong course, you hit the iceberg," and the fact is, as he also states, "nothing can be altered," because (he doesn't say directly, but implies) "the system" has been totally corrupted -- government, the media, the judiciary, etc. Dr. Roberts remarks that all this "makes me wonder every day, should I be bothering?" He observes that we live "no longer in a fact-based world; instead we have magic," and mentions Harry Potter as an example. With people watching so much stupid television, instead of doing some thinking of their own, it is easy to manipulate and deceive the crowd.

Myself, I tend to get bitter when I see how people just don't seem to care, or notice, what's going on. Just an example: when I saw how the US Congress gave multiple standing ovations to [Israeli Prime Minister] Netanyahu (who spoke one lie after another and should have been kicked out), I was thoroughly disgusted -- what hope is there? It is as Dr. Roberts also said, you could tell the people all the truth about 9/11, but they would not want to hear it, because it would be emotionally distressing. And thus, these people get quite hostile if confronted with some questions that should be asked.

Of course, the problems are not restricted to the USA; Europe is just as much in trouble... and politics is incompetent and thus unable to do anything about it... but they will get re-elected just the same.

Dear Christopher, I hope you and your family are doing well. Take care!
- R.E. in Switzerland

Christopher - Here we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of the most extravagant criminal event in American history. Yesterday I heard an interview with Lucky Larry [Silverstein], he was asked when did he see, with his own eyes, the disaster that was 9/11. His answer I thought was very curious. His words were, "Oh, I think it was several days".

I would think any normal human being, having a huge stake, like Larry did in the disaster area, would be driven to be a bit more curious than waiting around for several days to see what happened. It seems very possible that he would have been at least somewhat friendly with some of the victims. Of course, the worthless reporter would not respond to this curiosity out of stupidity or fear of offending his Jewishness.

I have had it with this insanity! America is too stupid, uninformed, and afraid of what they might lose if they should object to the comically idiotic official story. Americans get what they deserve!

Thanks for being so good at what you do.
- F.R.

Thanks to D.L. in California, H.O. in Australia, and S.A. in Canada for supporting in August.

Many thanks to E.H. and D.K. in Canada, G.S. in Australia, E.E. in North Carolina, J.F.K. and L.H. in Florida, A.M. in Sweden, G.S. in Indiana, M.W. in Delaware, V.G. in Massachusetts, M.V. in Ohio, and W.H. in Germany for supporting in July.

Thanks to B.B. in Massachusetts, M.P. in Connecticut, Anonymous in Kentucky, M.B. in New Mexico, G.S. in Australia, J.R. in Illinois, D.K. in Canada, G.P. in Chicago, and P.P. in Ireland for their support in June.

I am grateful to J.T.G., R.L., J.L., H.H., and L.H., P.B. in Nebraska, R.M. in California, W.B. in Illinois, G.S., T.N., A.M., and N.M. in Australia, D.K. and E.H. in Canada, S.H. in Hawaii, J.M. in Pennsylvania, a donor in Japan, S.B. is Florida, and S.C. in Missouri for supporting in May.  Thank you for your support.

Thanks to E.G. and J.G. in California, R.R. in Oregon, J.B. in Hawaii, E.H. and D.K. in Canada, G.S. in Australia, B.B. in New York, and T.M. in Louisiana for supporting in April.  Many thanks!

Sincere thanks to W.B. in Florida, J.W. in Maryland, J.F. in Illinois, E.H. and D.K. in Canada, G.S. in Australia, E.E. in North Carolina, and F.A. in Georgia for supporting in March. 

Many thanks to L.H. in New Mexico, G.M., K.S. in Washington, K.B. and B.T. in California, D.K. in Canada, J.W. in Ohio, F.B. in New Jersey, and J.L. in Cincinnati
for supporting in February...and a special thanks to W.K. in Hong Kong.

I am very grateful to G.S. in Australia, W.G.N. in Wyoming, D.K. and E.H. in Canada, S.B. and M.B. in New Mexico, an anonymous supporter in Connecticut, E.D. in Rhode Island, and M.F. in Switzerland for donating to in January 2011. 


Many thanks to E.H. and D.K. in Canada, G.S. in Australia, W.B. and J.R. in Illinois, G.S. in Indiana, an anonymous supporter in Connecticut, E.A. (somewhere in the Universe), D.L. in California, a steadfast supporter in Panama, and C.M. in Colorado for donating in December.  Thanks to all who have donated in 2010 and blessings of peace and prosperity for the New Year.

Thanks to D.K. in Canada, V.G. in New York, R.I. and J.W. in Ohio, V.G. in Massachusetts, J.L. in California, and N.M. and T.N. (x3) in Australia, T.M. in Louisiana, Anonymous in Canada, A.S. in California, G.S. in Australia, G.F. in Texas, V.K. and B.K. in Europe, and B.H. in Sweden for donating to in November. 

I am grateful to those who donated to in October, especially D.K. in Ontario, J.A. in Kuwait, J.P. in Cicero, J.L. in Connecticut, F.B. in Colorado, M.M. in Virginia, R.D. in Michigan, T.O. in Arizona, D.L. in California, S.C. in Italy, R.M. in Marin County, G.S. and T.N. in Australia, E.H. in Canada, R.W. in Arizona, W.S. in California, M.W. in Italy, and S.H. in Hawaii.  Many thanks for your support for the final chapter of Solving 9/11 - The Deception that Changed the World

I am much obliged to H.H. in Washington, D.K. in Ontario, A.M. in Minnesota, M.B. in New Mexico, E.B. and E.H. in Canada, Z.D. in Iowa, W.W. in Texas, B.G.H. in Sweden, G.C. in British Columbia, and D.R. in California for supporting in September.  Many thanks for your support.

Thanks to A.S. in Connecticut, M.W. in Delaware, A.S. in California, P.B. in Utah, K.S. in California, T.B. in Saskatchewan, D.M. in Colorado, J.M. in Washington, T.M. in Louisiana, and R.L. in Minnesota for supporting my efforts in August.

I am grateful to those who have contributed to my work in July, especially P.C. in Tokyo, T.N. in Australia, J.P. in California, T.M. in Louisiana, M.P. in South Africa, J.W. in Ohio, K.W. in Tucson, and D.C.R. in Montana, A.T. in Nevada, and D.L. in California.  Thank you all very much for your support.

Many thanks to E.S. in New York, M.V.C. in Ireland, E.H. in Ontario, and M.P. and R.Y. in Switzerland, T.N. in Australia, J.C.S. in New Zealand, N.R. in New York City, A.T. in British Columbia, E.E. in North Carolina, M.P. in Connecticut, an anonymous donor in Canada, R.M. in California, and E.H. in Canada for supporting my work in June.

I am very grateful to A.S. in Palm Desert, G.R. in Arkansas, T.B. in Saskatchewan, J.A. in Kuwait, C.B. in Fort Worth, R.R. in Oregon, E.H. in Toronto, T.M. in Louisiana, T.R. in Rheine, Germany, T.T. in Arkansas, R.S. in Tasmania, G.B. in Vancouver, E.H. in Canada, V.G. in Massachusetts, A.M. in Minneapolis, J.P. in Illinois, C.J. in China, M.C. in Bristol, and G.S. in Australia for donating to my work in May.  Thank you all very much for your support.

It's difficult to express the complete admiration and gratitude I have for the amount and quality of your work over the past decade.  Your critical and enquiring attitude from the very beginning of the 9-11 tragedy is quite remarkable, and thank God, diligence and courage still inform your work today.
- A.M. PhD in Minnesota, May 2010

Thanks to those who contributed to my work in April, especially T.S. in Oregon, R.W. in California, E.H. in Ontario, T.N. in Australia, N.S.A. in Illinois, S.H. in Virginia, G.S. in Australia, S.D. in Florida, M.B. in Albuquerque, J.R. in Illinois, M.C. in Bristol, T.N. in Australia, M.J. in Washington, J.K. in Kansas City, G.S. in Indiana, R.M. in Novato, A.S. in Texarkana, and M.L. in America. Thank you all very much!
Many thanks to the donors of March:  G.S. in Australia, M.W. in Massachusetts, D.V. in Colorado, T.H. in San Jose, G.V. in Virginia, B.G.H. in Sweden, L.M. in British Columbia, G.D. in Michigan, E.H. in Toronto, K.B. in California, S.A. in Illinois, and Merci mille fois to M.F. in Switzerland. 

Switzerland is an important part of my family history.  My Bollyn ancestors came to America from Switzerland, where they apparently sought sanctuary after the cruel judicial murders of England's Queen Anne Boleyn (mother of Queen Elizabeth I) and her brother George.  The Boleyn family, which had played a central role in the English Reformation and having the Bible translated
into English, was subsequently vilified and slandered.  The Boleyn family lost its high position and much of its property after the murders of the Queen and her brother in May 1536. 

Anne Boleyn in the Tower by Edouard Gibot (1835)
"True religion in England had its commencement and its end with your mother." - Alexander Ales to Elizabeth I from 'A brief treatise or cronikelle of the most vertuous Ladye Anne Bulleyne, late Queen of England' by William Latimer.

"No English Queen has made more impact on the history of the nation than Anne Boleyn, and few have been so persistently maligned," Joanna Denny wrote in the opening of her excellent book, Anne Boleyn (2004).

Queen Anne Boleyn - "The Most Happy" (1501-1536)

Try me, good King, but let me have a Lawful Trial, and let not my sworn Enemies sit as my Accusers and Judges; yes, let me receive an open Trial, for my Truth shall fear no open shame; then shall you see, either mine Innocency cleared, your Suspicion and Conscience satisfied, the Ignominy and Slander of the World stopped, or my Guilt openly declared.
Anne Boleyn's letter to her husband King Henry VIII from the Tower of London (1536)

Queen Elizabeth I (1533-1603), the daughter of Queen Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII, ushered in the Golden Age of the English Renaissance.  Elizabeth was one of the most learned and accomplished women of her age. 

Sincere thanks for the donations received in February, especially from V.M. in Canada, J.A. in Kuwait, R.L. in New Zealand, R.D. in Michigan, E.H. in Ontario, T.B. in Saskatchewan, S.Ö. in Sweden, P.C. in Tokyo, S.C. in Tucson, P.D. in Washington, D.C., A.G. in New Jersey, D.A. in Toronto, T.M. in Louisiana, S.R. in Illinois, W.R. in Denver, and M.K. in Hoffman Estates. 

My Canadian friends have been very generous and supportive of getting my book published.  It's coming soon. 
Thank you all very much!

Many thanks to those who donated in January:  E.H. in Ontario, L.L. in New Mexico, S.K. in Illinois, J.S. in New Zealand, M.B. in Albuquerque, N.M. in Nova Scotia, B.B. in Cambridge, M.P. in Connecticut, J.P. in Cicero, J.W. in Cincinnati, and A.S. in Palm Desert. 

I received Christmas letters from several supportersOne of them penned this message:

Mr. Bollyn:

Keep writing - I find you to be one of the few honest people commenting on the real nature of today's world.

All the best...

I also received this very nice Christmas greeting:

I wish to add some brief words of encouragement for the marvelous work you have undertaken on behalf of all of us who value our freedom. Thank you for your courage, your integrity and your amazing tenacity in exposing the evil which is gripping our planet.

I take whatever opportunities I can in sharing these truths with others - particularly in relation to 911. I was encouraged to read elsewhere today that the spirit of resistance is growing - though I don't expect to see it reported in the mainstream media any time soon!

May God bless you and yours this Christmas and in the New Year ahead.

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person.  Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.
- Albert Schweitzer

Human awareness is expanding exponentially thanks to you and people like you. You really are making a difference.
- A supporter from Australia

I am very grateful to those who have donated in support of my work in December, especially S.C. in Missouri, A.S. in Panama, G.S. in Australia, T.B. in Saskatchewan, N.R. in New York, E.H. in Canada, P.C. in Japan, J.S. in California, A.S. in London, G.S. in Indiana, M.L. in Maryland, J.B. in Arkansas, S.D. in Aberdeenshire, J.L. in Sacramento, J.R. in Illinois, and T.M. in Germany.  Many thanks to you all and those who supported my work in 2009.  I couldn't do it without your help.

A special thanks to those who donated to my research and writing in November, especially N.M. and W.G. in Australia, R.A. in Philadelphia, E.H. in Canada, L.M. in North Carolina, G.S. in Australia, C.S. in British Columbia, A.S. in California, V.G. in Massachusetts, M.P. in Connecticut, P.N. in California, R.I. in Ohio, and S.B. in New Mexico.  Many thanks for your support.

I received this encouraging note from a new supporter:

I would like to thank YOU for your brave and continuous effort to bring the painful truth to light.  I admire your tireless research and linguistic intelligence. I shared with my husband the other day, that you are the only person out there who writes and explains the tragic 9/11 events so cohesively with plenty of scientific evidence and ‘to the point’, that it will be hard for anyone to dismiss it as yet another conspiracy theory.

Please don’t ever give up Mr. Bollyn and know that we are very grateful for your work!

Don't worry, I won't give up.  It is always nice to hear from supporters.  We are all in this together and it really is a collective effort to find the truth and save our nation(s).

And a big thanks to those who donated in October, especially J.F. in Colorado, K.D. in New York, T.B. in Saskatchewan, D.G. in Connecticut, V.C. in Ireland, E.H. in Canada, A.S. in Scotland, J.M. in Illinois, R.A. in Philadelphia, and G.S. in Australia.  My sincere thanks to you all.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility -- I welcome it.  I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it—and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.  And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.  My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
-John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961

This note of appreciation came from a supporter in Canada:

Words can't describe how much respect I have for you and your work. I suggest that everyone look at your history of articles and understand how important you are right now to the pursuit of truth. You are the leading edge.

... from a supporter in Illinois:

Thanks for exposing AFP [American Free Press].

... from a reader in France:

Thanks for your brave investigations to bring light on Truth. You stand out among the best.

... from a reader in Seattle: 

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!! (a million times)  for having the courage to help us break through these many walls of lies that are killing our country and the world.  From the bottom of my heart I sincerely appreciate all of your hard work that you have done on exposing the 9-11 Fairy tale....   We really need to get the people together in this quest for truth and justice....   Until that happens the media and the elites peddling these lies will continue to dominate the world...  I hope the battle can be won, and I will continue to do my best to enlighten others, thanks to the great work you have put out on your website.

... from a supporter in Dublin, Ireland:

Many thanks for your contributations to a Cassandra-like society...It is thanks to the likes of you et al that one learns of the manipulation/control of society. May you be protected by the good (especially in the security service). At a time of Depression, which affects all the good (and the stupid),  I admire your intelligence in assessing the current debacle.
... from East London, South Africa:

I was with my father watching CNN on the 11 September 2001, when the second plane "hit" the tower. My father's comment greatly startled me at the time.  He said, "Americans...How Hollywood!  I will bet you my life Mossad is responsible!" 

Your book has reiterated all that my father made me aware of, that I mostly dismissed as conspiracy theories. How desperately wrong I was.

I am heartened that people such as yourself have the courage to stand against the demonic Zionazis who control this world. Here in South Africa, they literally forced the President to address their Jewish Board of Deputies (and the country at large) and declare his support for Jews & Israel. No surprise then that the incoming Governor of the Reserve Bank is a Jew, whose family are avowed Zionists, whilst she declares herself as an atheist communist!

The rabid insanity of these people and their stupid lackeys in America and Europe has to come to an end.  

Keep up the honorable work.

I am heartened that sincere people consider my work "honorable" and donate to support my efforts.  I am very grateful for those who supported my 9-11 research in the month of September, especially D.A. in Toronto, G.W. in Germany, D.M., H.M., and K.B. in California, R.L. in Minnesota, J.A. in Michigan, R.W. in Arizona, K.M. in Australia, M.B. in New Mexico, D.M. in Denver, T.N. in Australia, S.M. in Omaha, M.P., J.A., R.H., and E.H. in Canada, J.D. in England, J.S. in San Marcos, W.F. in New York, J.C. in Long Beach, P.C. in Tokyo, W.H. in The Netherlands, M.P. in Connecticut, D.B. in Wyoming, J.D. in Illinois, J.H. in Quebec, J.M. in Oregon, G.S. in Queensland, L.B. in Tucson, E.J. in Chicago, E.B. in Palm Springs, J.B. in Arkansas, and M.S. in Louisiana.  Thank you all very much.

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.
- William Arthur Ward

These kind words of encouragement came with a generous donation:

There is no better place that I can place my money than with you. Dollars become credible currency when placed in your hands. Please keep up the fine, fine work, and accept my gratitude for your devotion to this supremely important part of our lives. Your efforts are unique and singular.

A reader in South Africa sent this note after reading the first 12 chapters of my book, Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World:

I have just read the 12 chapters of your 9-11 book. I am gobsmacked!  Your research is overwhelmingly precise and alarmingly accurate.  It took me four days, (with research) and even though I am well researched on the Zionazis, I was flabbergasted at the attention to detail so far.  We, as inhabitants of this planet, will be forever grateful for your time and dedication to this cause, and, in time, will owe you a huge debt of gratitude in the future.  Thank you for your incredible work.
- P., Johannesburg, South Africa

A supporter in Hawaii sent me this nice note:

Aloha, Chris,

After donating to your unparalleled research ... I discovered what you have written about your family's background.

It brought me much joy to realize that your family lineage includes the famous Boleyn family of England, since I count myself as having spiritual connections there as well. I loved seeing the Boleyn family crest, in fact it brought tears to my eyes. I believe you carry the strength and courage of this family, since what you are doing requires not just extraordinary intelligence and determination, but a high degree of spiritual protection. People's essential qualities must shine through, and yours are truly top-class.

May God continue to bless and secure your family, and your dedication to service of the truth. We all benefit from your strength and tenacity.  Mahalo nui loa!

Falcon Crest of Anne Boleyn,
Queen of England 


Question and Answer Forum

January 1, 2012

Because so many good comments and questions come to through Feedback I created this Q&A forum.  The latest comments and questions come first.  The person who asked about the "Ground Zero" Islamic center "controversy" in New York City sent this kind comment:

Thank you very much for your excellent answer. But then, everything you have written is excellent and well researched.  You are a real hero and an example of courage and honesty.
- from a reader in Geneva, Switzerland

Latest Comment:  People like you and I are working towards fixing serious problems. A lot of the people who have caused these problems are being compensated via taxpayers' funds. So how much more do people like you and I deserve to be compensated for exposing these problems so that they can be solved?

Bollyn Responds:  This is an excellent comment because it goes directly to the question of what is the value of the truth in an era of lies?  Should one even expect any compensation for bringing the truth to the public?

I can report that during the fall of 2011, the 10th anniversary of 9/11, donations from readers averaged less than $10 per day.  Obviously, if were a business I would have had to close up shop a long time ago.  I cover the bulk of my costs and maintain my website out of my own pocket and have done so for years. is not a business, but a mission.  I cannot be indifferent to the false-flag terrorism of 9/11 that resulted in the mass murder of thousands of my fellow citizens.  I cannot abide wars of aggression and conquest based on these lies.  I do what I can to bring the truth out in order to liberate my nation from the twin yoke of deception and slavery.

"The people who have caused these problems", on the other hand, are well compensated with taxpayer money.  Money is, after all, the name of the game.  Rob the people through their taxes and make a fortune.  The billionaire Crown family from Chicago, for example, has long owned a large share of General Dynamics, the major defense contractor.  The Zionist Crown family, who bankrolled Barack Obama's presidential campaign, profits directly from increased defense spending and war.  In this way the average American taxpayer has "given" much more money to the Crown family (or any other defense contractor) than they would ever even consider giving to a truth-telling website like  But, of course, they were never given the choice.

This is also true of many of the leading so-called "alternative news" websites and publications.  These are actually funded and controlled by the same agencies that control the mainstream news outlets.  Controlling public opinion is a very high priority in a nation like the United States and billions of taxpayer dollars are spent every year in this effort.  As Andreas von Buelow told me in 2001, "Ninety-five percent of the work of intelligence agencies around the world is deception and disinformation."  And who do you think pays for all that?  The taxpayer actually funds the agencies who deceive him on a daily basis.

When you see a well-funded website that claims to be giving you the truth, ask yourself how is it funded, and by whom?  Is there any transparency in the financing of the operation?  I am a one-man operation and I am fortunate to have the support of a few concerned and generous citizens.  I am motivated to maintain solely by my desire to see truth and justice prevail.  I will continue my work as long as I can -- and so long as God wills it.

Comment:  It was so nice to log on to your page and see a call for paper ballots. I've been saying it ever since 2004, and to be honest, never gave it thought before that - I thought the hanging chad thing was a bit foolish, and I was glad, at that time, that Bush was elected since Gore was ready to slam Kyoto down our throats.  But with the exit polls at 2004 being so far off, I knew that the machines were rigged, and having done a little programming myself, I could understand how easy it would be to hijack votes on a touchscreen voting system.  So yes, to get back to government of, for, and by [the people], we definitely need to return to accountable balloting. Let's pray it makes some inroads in the psyche of the under-educated in this country.

Bollyn Responds:  You are absolutely right about the need to return to paper ballots - if we are to remove the criminal network that controls our nation. If we don't have proper and transparent elections in which the votes are openly counted by citizens in front of other citizens, we don't have democratic elections. It's that simple. As Thomas Paine wrote in 1803, " have the representation real, the election must be real; and that where the election is a fiction, the representation is a fiction also. Like will always produce like." My article about "Restoring Democracy to America" has photos and explains how a proper democratic election should be done; this one was in France.


Comment:  Farha Khaled wrote to me, saying, "Whether Fjordman is an Israeli agent or not, doesn’t negate the fact that Zionist right wingers are in alliance with these Nazi type characters. Geert Wilder is funded by Daniel Pipes' organisation, the Middle East Forum (MEF), and Pipes is not an Israeli. These extremists tend to do their worst in the USA or in alliance with the USA rather than in Israel." 

Bollyn Responds:  While it is true that Daniel Pipes is not an Israeli, his organization Middle East Forum is directed by a Major in Israeli military intelligence named Efraim Karsh

Efraim Karsh is director of the Middle East Forum, editor of the Middle East Quarterly, and Professor of Middle East and Mediterranean Studies at King's College London. Born and raised in Israel, Karsh served for seven years as an intelligence officer in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), where he attained the rank of major.

I point this out because it is important to understand that the Zionist criminal network in the United States works hand-in-glove with the Israelis and has done so since the 1940s - before the creation of the State of Israel.  When I say Zionist criminal network I am not using hyperbole.  I am referring to the Jewish Zionist gangsters who have long controlled whole sections of the U.S. economy, such as the media, Hollywood, New York City and Washington, D.C.  The Israelis usually handle the operations side while the American Zionists act as financiers and front men, as Pipes does in MEF.  This is the same combination that carried out 9/11.

Question:  "Aren't you going to print your book on 9/11?" a supporter asked the other day. 

Another supporter wrote today:  "I just finished listening to your interview on No Lies Radio and felt compelled once again to donate to your excellent and important work. I have read your book as you have gone along, but I like to have copies in the house and would rather not have to download and read from my computer."

Bollyn Responds:  Yes.  I certainly want to bring my book out in print, but there are a couple obstacles that need to be surmounted.  I have decided that it would be best to self publish it on a print-to-order basis due to the sensitive subject of my book.  A mainstream publisher simply won't touch a book that links Zionism with 9/11.  In order to have the book printed I need to have the material laid out in "print ready" format - ready to go to the printer.  For this I need help from a person who really knows how to lay out a book using the software used in the trade.

I was encouraged that one of the supporters who asked about my book offered to proof-read the text.  She also said she knows a person who can do the book lay out.  This is all that is needed.  When this is done I can offer my book Solving 9/11 in book form.  I certainly hope this can happen soon.

Latest Comment:  A reader writes about being affected by exposure to Depleted Uranium (D.U.)

Dustin Brim, 21, of Daytona Beach, Florida, in Iraq in February 2004. Within two months of this photo, Dustin would be severely afflicted with massive cancerous tumors that would prevent him from breathing and eating normally. Within seven months he would succumb to lymphoma at Walter Reed Hospital, age 22, an unnecessary and tragic death from depleted uranium poisoning.

The letter from the reader begins...

After reading this: - the light began to dawn in my heart and head.

My husband and I were in charge of rolling stock coming onto the Kwajalein Atoll 13 years ago that had been bought very cheap by the Army for either depo or re-furb from the Gulf War to use on the atolls in the Marshall Islands. We were employees of Raytheon - and as civilian contractors, we were thrilled to have a jobs in the pacific -- on off-days we scuba dived and enjoyed the various islands in the region.

Our jobs were - I was the custodian of all rolling stock in the region and my husband was the equipment inspector.

At work we were more exposed (my husband Richard, in particular) to this uranium and tungsten poisoned pieces of junk left over from the Gulf War than any other employees. The Army managed a quick and clever move with much of the equipment that was poisoning over there - - they simply put it on ships and shipped it to out of the way bases away from CONUS for either destruction (which means we just threw it in the ocean around the Marshall Islands or our mechanics worked on the equipment to make it usable for contractors and military personnel at these bases.

No notice of the dangers. No protection in any way. No nothing. We were poisoned.

Today we are in the process of a slow death of gastro distress, having treatment only with pallative care with tincture of opium and pain killers. The doctors are puzzled and after spending every dime we have on UCLA specialists, etc. we are back in Clark County, Nevada with our family doctor who prescribes the only thing she can: pain killers. We are dying and we know it.

The article referenced above struck such a serious chord in my heart. It's heart breaking what has happened and is still happening to those troups in the military who haven't got a chance in hell of survival. DU is the new scourge of the human race. And, NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT. It's sick and the system is sick. As Henry Kissinger was once quoted, "the military are just human fodder."

If I thought you knew of something that could help us, I would ask, but I know better. We haven't much future left. And, there is no on one who will help.

Take care - please spread the word. If you need help, let me know.  Thanks so much.

Bollyn Responds:  I have written a series of articles about the serious health damage caused by exposure to depleted uranium.  The whole series of six articles based on original research can be read here:

After speaking with the person who wrote this comment to me, I discovered that she has a webpage dedicated to the uranium poisoning she and her husband are suffering from:

Comment:  It is very depressing to see how the presidential candidates are servants of Israel (See Governor Rick Perry’s opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal, “The U.S. Must Support Israel at the U.N.” (16 September 2011).  Hopefully somebody knowledgeable could counter each of the deceiving paragraphs of that article, which I think was not even written by Perry, but by Zionists endorsed by him. Thanks for all your efforts and may God guide you and protect you and your family.

Governor Perry receives an award from the Texas-Israel Chamber of Commerce, a private Zionist business organization Perry established in September 2007.  A glance at the board members of Perry's group of Israeli supporters reveals the heads of two of Mossad's biggest intelligence gathering companies in the United States:  Amdocs and Elbit.  Elbit (a military subsidiary of Elron) is directly involved in stealing presidential elections in the United States through its control of the tally of the Iowa caucus.  So, who do you think will win Iowa?  It's usually NOT the front runner.  See "ELRON - VOXEO: The Israeli Defense Firm That Tallies the Iowa Caucus" and "Elbit - The Hellerstein Connection to 9-11"

Bollyn Responds: The Perry piece, “The U.S. Must Support Israel at the U.N.” was actually published the previous day in the Jerusalem Post under the rubric, “Comment: The Palestinians’ illegitimate UN gambit” on 15 September 2011.

I agree with the comment that the Perry piece was probably written by his Zionist handlers. While Perry’s pro-Israel piece is chock full of lies and distortions, what I found most disturbing was this dangerous lie: “Iran pursues nuclear weapons its leaders vow to use to annihilate Israel.”

For a leading American presidential candidate to state such a provocative and dangerous lie in a published article is alarming. The sentence actually contains two lies: that Iran is developing nuclear weapons and that Iran’s leaders plan to use these weapons to annihilate Israel. Both are nothing but fabrications that are being used in the Zionist propaganda campaign to push the United States into a war with Iran, which is why these lies are so dangerous.

As the evidence from 9/11 shows, the Zionist fifth column used terrorism and deception to drag the United States into a series of wars and confrontations in the Middle East. The illegal and unnecessary conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq have bankrupted the U.S. treasury and destroyed the lives of countless Americans and others. At least one-fifth of the current U.S. national debt is due directly to these two utterly wasteful wars of occupation in which there is certainly no real American interest. Iran is obviously the nation being targeted for the next phase of the Zionist war agenda. For an American presidential candidate to support the continuation of this criminal war agenda is treasonous.

Rick Perry has shown himself to be a Zionist-controlled politician. Benjamin D’Israeli, the Jewish Prime Minister of Britain who made Great Britain half-owner of the Suez Canel with borrowed money from the Rothschild family, explained the hidden power behind governments: “Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand.”

The hidden hand that controls Rick Perry is the same that controlled Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama – it is the hand of Zionist banksters like the Rothschilds and the state of Israel, which they created for their own benefit.

"Governments do not govern, but merely control the machinery of government, being themselves controlled by the hidden hand."
— Benjamin Disraeli, Britain's first Jewish Prime Minister (1868, 1874-1880)

In the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, the Rothschilds made a high art out of deliberately provoking wars and revolutions. This furthered the Jewish Messianic goal of destroying the Gentile nations and supplanting them with universal Jewish rule. It also enabled the Rothschilds to further the Jewish Messianic goal of concentrating the wealth of the world in Jewish hands. By the 1870s, the Rothschilds had accumulated at least $3,400,000,000.00. [USD non-adjusted]
- "The Rothschilds", Chicago Tribune, 27 December 1875

Question:  There is a Toronto Hearing on 9/11 being held very shortly. Presumably this represents the key figures regarding 9/11 (see  I am wondering if you are participating, and what your standing is with them? Are you completely ostracized by the "mainstream" 911rs? 

Bollyn Responds:  Yes, I am aware of the Toronto Hearings conference about 9/11. I was not invited, which is not unusual.  My analysis of Israeli involvement in 9/11 is strictly taboo in such forums. Canada is, after all, a partner in the War on Terrorism.

It should be remembered that Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert (then Mayor of Jerusalem) was in Toronto on September 9, 2001 – the day before he went to New York City -- on September 10, 2001. Will this be discussed in Toronto this weekend?  Why was Olmert in Canada on the eve of 9/11 and with whom did he meet?  Why has Olmert’s visit to Canada and New York City on the eve of 9/11 been kept secret?

I suspect Olmert remained in New York City on his secret mission until the afternoon of 9/11. I also suspect that Mayor Olmert was on the Israeli El Al flight that was allowed to leave New York in the afternoon. The men who commanded the NORAD exercise on 9/11 were both Canadians. The pilot episode of the Lone Gunmen (made by Rupert Murdoch’s FOX TV) in which remotely hijacked planes were flown into the WTC was made in Vancouver in 2000.

The Zionist mafia is very strong in Canada. The Bronfman family has a great deal of power in Canada, the U.S., and Israel. What we need is a real criminal investigation and charges brought against those who carried out the crimes of 9/11 and those who have covered it up. Who put the thermite and explosives in the towers, for starters?  Why is Michael Chertoff not being prosecuted for supervising the destruction of the evidence?  He was, after all, the Assistant Attorney General at the Department of Justice, the federal official responsible for gathering and preserving the evidence and investigating the crimes in order to prosecute those behind it. Why has he been treated with kid gloves?  This man should be arrested.

These are the things that have to be done if we are to rectify the problem and remove the Zionist crimocracy that rules Washington, New York, and Chicago. This is the revolution that has to happen. Failure to investigate and prosecute those who are really behind 9/11 is not an option because not to do so would mean to surrender ourselves and our nation to the crimocracy.  That is simply not acceptable because the crimocracy will destroy our nation and our freedom. 

Question:  Kevin Barrett sent me an email asking, "Rupert Murdoch: Key figure in 9/11 and the 9/11 wars?" 

Steve Bell's cartoon from The Guardian depicts Murdoch as a man who takes orders.  Who would be giving Rupert Murdoch orders?  Who controls the biggest Zionist media mogul?

Rupert Murdoch, Zionist propagandist, with Shimon Peres, master of Israeli terrorism.

Murdoch's 20th Century Fox (News Corp.) distributed blatantly anti-Muslim propaganda films like The Siege (1998) which were clearly designed to prepare the public mindset for the false-flag terrorism of 9/11.  Lawrence Wright, one of the writers of the film, claimed that The Siege was the most-rented film in the aftermath of 9/11.

The Lone Gunmen "Pilot" episode in which a passenger airliner is hijacked by an external computer program and flown into the World Trade Center was another Murdoch production.  The "Pilot" episode, which bore an uncanny resemblance to the 9/11 attacks, aired on Murdoch-owned FOX TV on March 4, 2001.  Arnon Milchan, Murdoch's Israeli business partner and senior Mossad agent in Hollywood, was most likely the real author of the plot for "Pilot".

MOSSAD'S MAN IN THE MIDDLE - Murdoch's business partner Arnon Milchan is a close friend of Israel's president Shimon Peres (left), Defense Minister Ehud Barak, and Likud Party leader Binyamin Netanyahu (right). 

KILLING THE MESSENGER - Sean Hoare, the key whistleblower behind the scandal at News of the The World was found dead the day before Rebekah Brooks, Rupert and James Murdoch faced questions about the phone hacking.

Bollyn Responds:  Kevin, why do you use a question mark?  Murdoch is obviously "the key figure" in spreading the 9/11 deception propaganda to the public. The current Murdoch scandal about phone hacking is just the tip of the iceberg, of course.  When Ed Miliband of the Labour Party calls for the break-up of News Corp., you know there are much bigger fish to be fried.  Rupert Murdoch has evidently served his purpose - the global deception of 9/11 - but his son of an Estonian mother will certainly not do for the Zionist masters behind Murdoch. This is exactly what I had in mind when I wrote this last year:

"The global Murdoch media empire was created with Rothschild funding and exists to spread Zionist propaganda among the English-speaking populations of the world. Murdoch's son James is in line to take over at the helm of their media empire although it is quite likely that the empire will not survive very long after Rupert Murdoch passes away."
- "Eric Hufschmid and Rupert Murdoch - Agents of Deception", October 21, 2010

Latest Comment:  Thank you for writing Solving 9/11 - The Deception that Changed the World (and not charging for it as well).  I will do my best "to promote the hell out of it!"  My nephew, Leonard J. Snyder Jr., who worked in the South Tower, was murdered that day.  Needless to say, that lit a match under me to make certain the 9/11 criminals would eventually be tried and hanged. (And I am still hopeful by the way.)

Leonard J. Snyder, Jr.

Bollyn Responds:  I am very glad to hear from the relatives and families of the 9/11 victims.  The 9/11 relatives have certainly been treated extremely badly in the court of Alvin K. Hellerstein and there is only one family left in the litigation process -- although there has been no 9/11 trial after nearly 10 years!  I have done what I could to help the relatives by showing them the prejudice and conflict of interest that exists in the Zionist-controlled court of Judge Hellerstein.  As one might have expected from a judge who is a Zionist partisan, the key Israeli Mossad defendant, International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS NV), has been excused from the tort litigation.  This is the Israeli "airport security" company that controlled passenger screening operations at Boston's Logan Airport -- and while they are responsible for allegedly allowing knife-wielding terrorists onto the planes on 9/11, they have been excused.  Go figure. 

There are two things that need to be noted about the disgraceful travesty of justice that the 9/11 victims have suffered for 10 years.  First, in cases like 9/11 the relatives must be organized and make sure that the lawyers that represent them are honest and dedicated only to their cause.  This is, of course, very difficult for grieving relatives to do, but it is absolutely essential to prevent them from being medicated into madness and abused by those behind the crime and cover-up, who are very well organized.  Having observed the 16-year-old Estonia litigation process through my wife, I have seen how dishonest lawyers act as agents of the other side and rob the relatives of every hope for justice and accountability for their loss.  The 9/11 relatives have been treated in the exact same way:  given a cash payment and told to get over it and forget about the truth.  

Officials and professionals who looked into investigating the Estonia sinking of 1994 were told in no uncertain terms - "hands off" - looking for the truth will get you killed, which is what very nearly happened to us in Estonia in November 2008.  In America, where people supposedly enjoy the rights of free speech, my research and writing about 9/11 (as a professional journalist) resulted in a brutal and heavily-armed undercover police assault at my home, followed by malicious prosecution, which forced me to go into exile.

Secondly, in both cases (9/11 and Estonia) it is always possible to bring murder charges against those behind the atrocities.  There is no statute of limitations on heinous crimes like mass murder, which is what the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and the sinking of Estonia were.  Justice, after all, will only be served when the people behind these crimes are put on trial for murder.

Latest Question:  The Nanothermite Challenge from: T Mark Hightower

T. Mark Hightower of San Jose is a new member on the 9/11 Scholars Forum who challenges the explosiveness of the nanocomposite of super-thermite found in the dust of the World Trade Center...

 Hightower says Dr. Jones should be "upfront and truthful", but is himself anything but upfront and truthful about the salient fact that he works for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), the Federal Government's largest scientific agency.  Hightower can be reached at where he has worked for 20 years at NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field.  Hightower's father also worked at Ames from 1963-1988.  Hightower says he does not represent NASA in these matters, so why does he conceal the fact that he works for the U.S. government?  It is well known that U.S. government employees like Hightower are not allowed to take public positions on controversial subjects like 9/11 -- unless they are told to.

Daniel Saul Goldin, a Zionist Jew from the Bronx, was head of NASA on 9/11 and unexpectedly announced his resignation one month later. I called NASA's Glenn Research Center at Cleveland Airport to ask about the passengers that were taken to the NASA facility on 9/11.  "No one was brought here," said a puzzled spokesperson, who was among those evacuated on 9/11. Mary Ethridge, a journalist with the Akron Beacon Journal, however, stood by the paper's report that the passengers had been interviewed by the FBI in the evacuated NASA facility.  What was NASA up to with the passengers on 9/11?  See "The Hollywood Fantasy of Flight 93: The Hidden Role of NASA and the FBI in Cleveland"

Hightower's Message to Bollyn
Subject: High Explosive Nanothermite More Bark Than Bite?  No Contenders for The Nanothermite Challenge

Christopher, I just wanted to bring you up to date on my groundbreaking and controversial nanothermite research. I am at your disposal to answer any questions that you might have about this work.

Cordially, T. Mark Hightower
San Jose, CA 

Bollyn Responds:  I wrote back to Mr. Hightower on 9 July 2011 saying that I would be willing to debate the subject of the nanocomposite of super-thermite found in the dust of the pulverized World Trade Center. Like Andrew Johnson, Hightower questions the explosiveness of the active thermitic material found by Dr. Steven E. Jones in the dust, fragments which were described in this peer-reviewed paper.  What Mr. Hightower and others like him ignore is the fact that there was an organic layer to the nanocomposite thermitic material.  This is the component that is thought to have created the explosive gas pressure.  (See page 21 of the paper.)

Timothy Mark Hightower has written to me before, but since I don't know him personally, I began by asking a few basic questions as I assumed he is the person profiled here:

The profile says that T. Mark Hightower works in "Defense and Space".  I looked into some papers Hightower has written for NASA and assumed he is the same T. Mark Hightower who works for NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field:

I wrote to Mr. Hightower, "If you would start by confirming that this is your employer and background, we can begin the exchange."  He responded with an email that he asked me to keep confidential in which he confirmed that he is the same T. Mark Hightower that has worked at NASA's Ames Research Center for 20 years.  This is important because NASA is part of the U.S. government and played a key role on 9/11.  See "The Hollywood Fantasy of Flight 93: The Hidden Role of NASA and the FBI in Cleveland" , "The Double Zionist connection why NASA-Cleveland chosen for UAL93 landing-hiding site", and the following: 

News Report of 9/11 by: 9News Staff
Web produced by: Liz Foreman
9/11/01 11:43:57 AM

A Boeing 767 out of Boston made an emergency landing Tuesday at Cleveland Hopkins International Airport due to concerns that it may have a bomb aboard, said Mayor Michael R. White.  White said the plane had been moved to a secure area of the airport, and was evacuated.  United identified the plane as Flight 93. The airline did not say how many people were aboard the flight.  United said it was also "deeply concerned" about another flight, Flight 175, a Boeing 767, which was bound from Boston to Los Angeles.  On behalf of the airline CEO James Goodwin said: "The thoughts of everyone at United are with the passengers and crew of these flights. Our prayers are also with everyone on the ground who may have been involved.  "United is working with all the relevant authorities, including the FBI, to obtain further information on these flights," he said.

Hightower confirmed that his father, William Donald Hightower worked at Ames from 1963 through 1988.  If I consider his "nanothermite challenge" worth discussing, I will do so on another page.

Question:  Do you have access or know how to gain access to the archives of

Bollyn Responds:  There is a good mirror site for at:

The first link on this page takes you to an index of pages, which come up in their complete form with photos and music:

Comment on burial at sea of John F. Kennedy, Jr.:  

John F. Kennedy, Jr. (1960-1999)

When John F. Kennedy, Jr. and his girlfriend died in the plane crash, JFK, Jr was also buried at sea by the U.S. military. I don't remember the media ever explaining why the U.S. Navy would bury JFK, Jr. at sea because JFK, Jr. wasn't a military or government official. I don't know if the Kennedy family asked for JFK, Jr. to be buried at sea.

But burial at sea - real deep - is one sure way of hiding evidence. Maybe JFK, Jr. and his girlfriend didn't die in a plane crash. After all, people can survive plane crashes. When it happened, I read that JFK, Jr. was murdered to prevent him from running against Hillary Clinton for the New York Senate and to simply keep him out of politics completely.

Bollyn Responds:  This is a very interesting comment that I received after the mysterious burial at sea of the person said to be Osama Bin Laden.  It should be noted that the location where Osama Bin Laden was said to have been killed is hundreds of miles from the sea.  Why was he so hastily buried at sea?  And why was John F. Kennedy, Jr. also buried at sea very quickly after his body was found?

There is an article from the Washington Post of 23 July 1999 about the burial, which occurred in the morning of July 22, less than 24 hours after the bodies were recovered from the sea floor.  It should be noted that the bodies of Kennedy and the Bessette sisters were cremated.  Their plane went down on July 16 and their bodies were recovered 5 days later on July 21.  I recall hearing that their bodies and the inside of the cockpit had been charred and blackened.  This would certainly explain the need to cremate the bodies -- to hide the real cause of the "crash".

There are two obvious reasons why the Zionist criminal network running the Clinton White House and New York would have wanted to get rid of John Kennedy Jr.  First, there is the fact that he had political aspirations and would have won any race for the U.S. Senate against Hillary Clinton or any other candidate.  Secondly, he was a publisher of a popular magazine, George, that they could not control.  If Kennedy were still alive in 2001 he would have been a powerful voice for 9/11 truth.  Like you, I suspect he was murdered.  

Key 9/11 Question asked of Kevin Barrett in interview by Kourosh Ziabari

Kourosh Ziabari: What’s your precise stance on the 9/11 attacks?  Do you believe that the U.S. officials had foreknowledge of the incident?  Do you think that it was an inside job or a false flag operation?  Have you traced any sign of the Israel’s involvement in the attacks?

Kevin Barrett: To know means to believe based on sufficient evidence. So I know, not just believe, that 9/11 was a false-flag attack, that many individuals at or near the top of the US Executive Branch, military, and intelligence apparatus were complicit in the attack, and that the state of Israel and its American agents were heavily involved. This is the inescapable conclusion of anyone who reads David Ray Griffin’s books on the subject, alongside Bollyn’s Solving 9/11 , with an open mind. 

Source: Kevin Barrett interview with Kourosh Ziabari, 18 April 2011

Question:  "[Robert A.] Kelman was general manager of Hugo Neu, the company who managed the destruction of 250,000 tons of steel from the World Trade Center by sending it to Asian smelters."  Thank you for your article, especially your focus on the removal of steel evidence.  One point I have never seen mentioned is that these tons of materials were shipped out within a few weeks of 9/11. Shipping this huge amount of steel would take months of planning - transporting it from the WTC site to ships, reserving the ships, setting up receiving stations in Asia, etc. How was this gargantuan task accomplished so quickly?  I hope your book covers this; no one has researched this aspect of the hoax.

Bollyn Responds:  My latest article, "The 9/11 Cover Up - The Destruction of the Steel Evidence", deals with this fundamental aspect of the cover up, which I have been researching and writing about for the past nine months.  It is important to understand that the destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center was an intrinsic part of the crime in that it was required to protect the fraud from being exposed and revealing who was really behind the explosive demolition of the Twin Towers.  The people who were responsible for the destruction of this crucial evidence are partners in crime with those who planned and executed the false-flag terrorism of 9/11. 

Comment:  I am an admirer of yours and thought you should see this video.  In my opinion, Japan could have been prevented if humans could have cleaned out the rat's nest of 9/11 in you've worked so hard to do.


Bollyn Responds:  Thank you for this link. I don't know if the Stuxnet worm played a role in the nuclear disaster in Japan, but I do believe that Stuxnet is very similar to the malicious code (see Ptech, etc.) that infected and affected the efficiency of critical U.S. computer systems on 9/11.  Stuxnet has been described as having been able to make the Iranian centrifuges run amok while the computer monitors indicated that all was well.  This is exactly the kind of deception that happened on 9/11 when critical NORAD and FAA computer systems failed to notice the errant aircraft and respond properly to the threats.  In a 15 January 2011 article entitled "Israeli Test on Worm Called Crucial in Iran Nuclear Delay" the New York Times reported that Stuxnet was tested at the Israeli nuclear facility at Dimona in the Negev.  The paper reported that Israel had built an elaborate test facility at their secret and illegal nuclear weapons site that contained a replica array of the Iranian uranium enrichment plant, adding that such a test site would have been necessary for the design of the attack software. Richard Falkenrath, a principal at the Chertoff Group (headed by the high-level Israeli agent Michael Chertoff), actually appeared on Bloomberg television saying that he believed that Israel was behind Stuxnet.  It should be noted that there was a very similar, but less well known computer crime involved in the 9/11 terror attacks, in which the Mossad and the Israeli nuclear facility at Dimona were also involved.  To understand how Israeli intelligence was able to gain control of the U.S. military computer systems I recommend reading my chapter on "The Architecture of Terror", especially the part about the Israeli Amit Yoran, the former cyber-security czar of the Pentagon.

Question:  I have received a couple questions about the conflict in Libya.  The first comment thinks I am wrong about the Libyan issue, but is not specific.  The second asks if the revolts in the region are authentic - or artificial.  Because they pertain to the same issue, I have put them together for this question:

Comment from Britain - I think you are wrong on the Libyan issue. I am puzzled why you are taking a line that is essentially in agreement with the corporate-controlled propaganda.

The "rebellion" is the result of the global elites harnessing the Libyan inter tribal East/West dissension for their own agenda. The long term goal is likely the Islamisation of the Middle East and North Africa to present the Israel/US/EU axis powers with a strong enemy to justify homeland oppression.

Question from U.S.A. - I was just reading your articles on Libya. I was absolutely sad as can be today, could not stop crying since I know that innocent men, women, children and babies will be murdered by the attack, not to mention the DU [depleted uranium] that will contaminate the air, water, and soil in Libya forever.

Up until all the uprisings in Iraq, Afghanistan, Iraq again, Pakistan, and now Libya we did not seem to have a problem with the Middle East. As a matter of fact, their countries were quiet for several years.

I know millions of buckerooooos for oil and natural gas were the real reasons for most of the invasions in the beginning.

Now we still have an international monetary crisis, a meltdown coming around the corner, probably a treasury bill crisis by summer. So, don't you think that all these invasions into the Middle East at this point are started by NGOs or gov ops within the countries to keep the war machine going, for that is the only area, besides the drug companies, that prop up the US from going under?

Bollyn Responds:  Firstly, I don't think that the revolts across the Middle East have been artificially created by outside forces. The nations of the Middle East may have been "stable" from an American or Israeli perspective, but they have certainly not been quiet and peaceful during the past forty years.  I have spent time in some of them, such as Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Iran, Jordan, and Palestine/Israel.  All of them are police states where the populace chafes under draconian emergency regulations that have been in place for decades.  They are certainly not happy places, but the most oppressive, by far, are the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territories, where the people suffer the most extreme cruelty dished out by sadistic and heavily-armed Israeli military forces supported by the United States.  The innocent people of Gaza, for example, are killed by Israeli forces on a daily basis.  My experience in Israeli-occupied Palestine has been a very big part of my political awakening.  

All the countries that are currently experiencing revolts have restive populations that have suffered, more or less quietly, many years under police states and brutal dictatorships supported by the United States.  Revolts and protests across the region were smashed with extreme brutality (e.g. Jordan, Iraq, and Libya) and dissenters were arrested, tortured, and killed.  What is happening today is like a regional awakening, an Arab Intifadah (shaking off of oppression) across the Middle East.  The Palestinian Intifadah has inspired Arab youth across the region.  What we are seeing is a political catharsis that will result in great changes in some countries and smaller changes in others, but every regime in the region is challenged by the Intifadah and will have to change; it is inevitable.  My article on the revolt in Tunisia was originally named "The Egg is Cracked" because, like a broken egg, there was no way of going back to the old shell once the revolution reached critical mass in Tunis.  The people in the Arab-speaking countries are bound together culturally.  It is almost as if there were an uprising against federal corruption in Colorado and California. Other states would certainly join the revolt; some would do better, some worse.

The revolts in the Arab world could lead to uprisings in the United States and Israel when information comes out about how the United States and Israel have managed criminal affairs in these nations.  The populations of the United States and Israel both suffer under similar national security state structures in which the military and secret services (C.I.A. and Mossad) work against the best interests of their respective nations and people.  The C.I.A.'s criminal role in the 9/11 deception and their covert wars in Afghanistan and Pakistan clearly reveal to all that the clandestine agency is a terrorist and disinformation agency working against the interest of the American people and our republic.  Imagine what crimes that would be exposed if the offices of the C.I.A. were taken over in a revolt against the crimocracy ruling Washington?  This is what is happening across the Middle East and all kinds of secrets are likely to be revealed in the process, as they were after the revolution in Iran.

Finally, I don't think I have said anything incorrect about Libya.  I think the 42-year-old Gaddafi regime has been working with the Rothschild family and Israel, which is where I began on this subject.  Gaddafi has been toyed with and the Western democracies and Russia sold weapons to him, although he is said to have been behind terror bombings over Lockerbie, Scotland, and in Germany.  Gaddafi also reportedly gave $500 million to Allen Stanford's financial scam, which is closely tied to the Mossad, shortly before the Stanford "bank" collapsed -- owing some $8 billion to investors.  Gaddafi is clearly linked to the Zionist criminal network. 

When the people of Benghazi and ancient Cyrenaica (Eastern Libya) revolted against Gaddafi they began a civil conflict that was bound to get very ugly if the Western democracies did not intervene.  The people who stood up against Gaddafi have been calling for intervention from the beginning.  The Western nations and Russia had armed Gaddafi with the weapons he was now turning on his unarmed civilian population in Benghazi, Misurata, Ras Lanuf, and Brega.  Those nations who armed Gaddafi have a moral responsibility to keep him from killing his own people with those weapons.  Had the West intervened to stop Gaddafi more quickly and effectively, lives would have been saved on both sides, that's for sure. 

I think that Gaddafi may very well have funded Nicolas Sarkozy's presidential campaign, which could explain Sarkozy's particular ire against Gaddafi.  I think that stopping Gaddafi from killing his own people is a good and necessary thing.  I would not be surprised if the French and Americans are actually targeting Gaddafi personally.  He knows too much for them to let him live - and talk about it.  Gaddafi has failed the Libyan people.  His "green revolution" did not bring democracy and progress, as he promised.  With the billions of dollars Gaddafi made from the 1.5 million barrels of oil he sold every day he could have created a very prosperous and progressive nation of 6 million people, but he refused to allow the people to rule and insisted on being the mercurial tyrant of Tripoli.  It is long past time for him and his sons to leave, and give the power to the people of Libya.  The Libyan people deserve better leaders and can certainly have a democratic form of government.  Islam is the religion of the majority of the people in the Middle East.  I don't see any reason why Islamic parties should not be part of their democracies.  Americans and Europeans have Christian parties and Israel is virtually ruled by the orthodox rabbis, so why shouldn't Islam play its role in Middle Eastern democracies? 

Question:  With all the prima facie evidence that you have assembled, along with evidence from other people, it's obvious that another 9/11 investigation should be held. Alternatively, it's obvious that there is enough evidence to simply indict certain people even without another investigation. But, of course, the idea of the U.S. government investigating itself is absurd and Zionism is so powerful that proceeding to the next step will be very difficult. So, do you have any suggestions on how the 9/11 criminals could eventually be brought to justice? I think the 9/11 Truth Movement could benefit from some direction or goals on what to do next, what to work towards. Without such goals, I fear that many people will just give up hope that justice will be served and the movement will wither and die.

Bollyn Responds:  This is a good question, but a very difficult one to answer.  As an investigative journalist who has invested a lot of time and energy on 9/11 truth I would like to begin with a few observations. 

Firstly, there is no actual 9/11 Truth Movement in the sense that there is an organized body of persons dedicated to finding the truth of what really happened.  While there are loose-knit truth groups organized around various occupations, such as Pilots for 9/11 Truth, the so-called truth movement is really just a nebulous grouping comprised of many honest and concerned individuals and a large number of disinformation agents.  The disinformation agents are the most active people and have infiltrated the movement in order to steer the course of the discussion to avoid the truth.  Most of these groups are (like the media) actually controlled by such agents, which is why they steer far away from me and my research.

Secondly, there was no 9/11 investigation in the first place.  There was what I call "a non-investigation", managed by Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice, in which the crucial evidence was confiscated and destroyed.  Furthermore, there is absolutely no political will in the United States to solve 9/11 - or to even address the unanswered questions about what really happened.  For a politician to discuss 9/11 as an unsolved crime is to touch the third rail and commit career suicide.  The same is true for a journalist, as my fate as a journalist illustrates.  The only political leader to have even addressed 9/11 as an unsolved crime on a global scale is President Ahmadinejad of Iran and he was unduly criticized and vilified as a result.  For people in the political class it is absolutely taboo to stray from the blatantly false and anti-Muslim fairy tale about 9/11, a pack of lies that has been used to initiate the draconian measures of the domestic "War on Terror" and kick-start two illegal wars in the Middle East.  Trillions of dollars are at stake and people in high-places have committed numerous crimes that would put them in prison for life - or worse.

One has to understand that those obstructing 9/11 truth are part of the crime and the cover-up.  While presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama are clearly involved in the cover-up, as are the New York Times and CNN, it is the unseen network of criminal financiers behind the U.S. government and media who are really calling the shots.  These are the same people who control the State of Israel and its intelligence agencies from behind the scenes.  My discovery that Marc Rich, the Israeli criminal metal trader behind a $10 billion scam, created the international trading network that disposed of the steel from the World Trade Center helps to identify the network of Zionist financiers behind 9/11.  The connections between Marc Rich, the Mossad, and the families of George W. Bush and Bill Clinton are well known and documented.  The final chapter of my book will discuss this in greater detail.

A. Craig Copetas book on Marc Rich explains how Rich made $10 billion in illegal trading deals.  Rich, an Israeli with close ties to the Mossad, created the network that disposed of the steel from the World Trade Center.  The two Belgian Jews who ran the international trading division for the Hugo Neu scrap business of New Jersey are Israeli citizens, although one of them, Nathan Fruchter, runs his business from New York.

This is why I am not optimistic that there will be an investigation of 9/11 in the United States anytime soon.  It would probably require a real revolution to oust the financial regime behind the government before the U.S. government would be able to really investigate and expose what happened on 9/11.  This is not to say that we will not know who was behind 9/11, only that the truth will not be accepted by those in power.


To understand why it is so difficult for 9/11 truth seekers to investigate and prosecute the real criminals behind the false-flag terrorism we need to understand that this is an asymetrical struggle between individual truth seekers and very powerful non-democratic institutions.  The main institutions that are opposed to 9/11 truth are Zionist-controlled entities such as the Anti-Defamation League (and its parent organization of Jewish Freemasons - the B'nai B'rith), the State of Israel (and its military intelligence agencies), the New York Times, CNN, the BBC, the Department of Justice (and F.B.I.), the C.I.A., and the President of the United States, to name but a few.

The fact that these Zionist-controlled institutions are hierarchical in nature and linked to their foreign counterparts in institutional relationships, such as NATO, means that a few Zionists at the top of the pyramid can prevent discussion of 9/11 truth throughout the whole network.  It is not that there aren't any journalists who would love to investigate 9/11.  It is that they are not allowed to do so in the controlled news outfits they work for. 

Norman Rockwell's Freedom of Speech (1943)

I grew up in Norman Rockwell's America with a strong belief in our inalienable rights and the freedom of speech, a freedom I was known to exercise frequently.  My 9/11 research and journalism are a result of my belief as an American that I have the right to express my thoughts without fear of reprisal.  The brutal assault I suffered by undercover police at my home in August 2006 and the malicious prosecution that followed showed me that there are corrupt officials in my hometown (virtually all of them) that were willing to violate my constitutional rights (a federal crime) and commit perjury in court in order to play their role in a conspiracy to try to silence me.  As a consequence, I lost my job as a journalist and we had to leave our home but I have not lost my belief in the freedom of speech.  I know that the truth will prevail and in time we will know who committed the false-flag terrorism of 9/11.  We will see that those who attacked me and tortured me with a TASER as they broke my arm in front of my wife and 8-year-old daughter were actually taking orders and committing crimes for those who are behind the 9/11 cover up.      

Question:  I am sure you know this creep Mike Harari (who is said to be behind the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11). But what do you make of this from Veterans Today?

Dimitri Khalezov...has revealed from first-hand knowledge that Mike Harari organized the 9-11 massacre...His explanation is devastating in its simplicity. The conversion of three steel-built skyscrapers to fine powder is only possible with nuclear explosions underneath them. Thermite, nano-thermite and thermate may well have been used by the killers to cut beams and girders but they would not have turned concrete to powder, or steel for that matter.

Bollyn Responds:  Mike Harari is certainly in that group of senior Mossad terrorists who are involved as high-level managers of the 9/11 attacks. This is the group of Israelis that was involved in Iran-Contra and drug smuggling operations from the 1970s.  This is the link to the Bush and Clinton families, and why Marc Rich was involved in the destruction of the steel from the WTC.  

I do not agree that the pulverization of the concrete was done by a nuclear device.  The evidence indicates that a very large amount of highly explosive nano-composite thermite was used to demolish the Twin Towers.  In my opinion, the nano-thermite had probably been applied as a spray coating to the floor pans and is what caused the pulverization of the 220 concrete floors and their floors pans. The evidence indicates that the floors were exploded from the top down - one-by-one at the speed of a falling object.  How would a nuclear device do that?

Question:  I was curious to know if you have completed the final chapter in your 9/11 book?  It is a fantastic read.  Hope all is well.

Bollyn Responds:  Thank you.  No, the final and hopefully conclusive chapter of my book, Solving 9/11 - The Deception that Changed the World, is not yet completed but I hope to have it finished in the coming month.  This final chapter has an interesting history and much of the information that will be in this chapter has already been published in articles on this website.  It grew out of research I did about Lenny Charles Labanco's I.N.N. conference on 9/11 that happened last September.  I wrote a critical piece about this conference in an article entitled "The Zionist Gang Behind New York's 9/11 Conference"

What I discovered was that Labanco is associated with Joseph Shereshevsky, an orthodox Jew who was involved in the massive WexTrust financial securities fraud with his wife, the former Elka Peck of Norfolk, Virginia.  The Peck family owned an iron scrap yard next to the U.S. Navy yard, which happened to be their main source of scrap metal.  The Peck business, however, was sold to Sims, which happens to be one of the two companies involved in the criminal destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center.  I knew there was a connection but it took a lot more digging to find out what it was. 

I tried to talk to the key people involved in the destruction of the steel from the WTC without much luck.  A crucial discovery was that Marc Rich sent two Mossadniks who worked for him to create an international trading department at Hugo Neu, one of the two New Jersey scrap dealers who were involved in the removal and destruction of the WTC steel.  As the late Sherman Skolnick said:
  "Marc Rich the commodity bandit and 'spook' was so interwoven with the White House of George Bush The Elder and later, Bill Clinton, you could not hardly tell whether the White House dirty tricks department was in Washington or Zug, Switzerland, one of Rich's outposts." 

Skolnick went on to ask, "Is it true that Rahm Emanuel, for six years having been on and off Clinton White House Senior Advisor, has been, in effect, Deputy Director for North America, of the Mossad, Israel's spy agency? And was Rahm an instrumental part of Marc Rich's dirty, bloody business for the American C.I.A.?"

While this is not all, these are the key players in exploiting the 9/11 deception to wage war in the Middle East and rob the American people.  The Bush team controlled the White House, the Israelis pulled off the false-flag terrorism, and Marc Rich organized the clean-up crew.  Rahm Emanuel was Mossad's point man in the Clinton White House when the stage was being set for 9/11.  

What binds all of these people and entities together?  As Skolnick wrote:  "In October, 1980, meeting in a Paris suburb with fully authorized and ratified representatives of the Iranian dictator, the Elder Bush agreed to supply Iran weapons, to be trans-shipped through Israel, for Iran's war with Iraq. To keep high the price of oil, the Rockefellers and the oil-soaked British Royal Family, instigated the war in September, 1980, with Iraq and Iran being major oil pumpers; each sought to destroy the other's oil facilities... During the Iranian oil embargo, Marc Rich made hundreds of millions of dollars by treasonously circumventing the U.S.-led restrictions. Rich did this with firms largely owned by the George Bush Family jointly with Richard Cheney and their confederates." 

Iran-Contra is just part of the criminal business that these people are engaged in together.  Drug smuggling into the United States is another part.  Plundering the wealth of the former Soviet Union is another.  The list goes on and on.  These are the key people and agencies behind the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11, but who controls them?  That is what my final chapter will discuss. 

Question:  Christopher!  What is anything written by David Duke doing on your website?

Bollyn Responds:  This question came from a reader shortly after I posted a piece about David Duke's excellent 10-minute video entitled "Hollywood Basterds".   Shortly before I received this question, I got this note about the video:  "Just finished listening to David Duke on your site. Wow, he certainly tells it like it is."

Firstly, I should say that I posted David Duke's video about the Weinstein film Inglourious Basterds (and other Jewish porn and perversity) because I completely agree with the reader that David Duke "tells it like it is."  I have personally known Duke since April 2005, when we visited him at his home in the New Orleans area.  We enjoyed our visit immensely and remember eating the best oysters in the world with him in New Orleans.  David Duke is well known and respected among the people of New Orleans, which was very clear by the way he was received everywhere we went.  My daughter was very fond of his little Torri and remembers being scolded for feeding popcorn to Duke's little Maltese when we were at the movies.  I recall reading Duke's book Jewish Supremacism and writing a book review.  David did a three-part interview with me on his Townhall Radio show in which we discussed a range of issues.  In 2006, when I was attacked and TASERed at my home by undercover police who broke my right elbow, Duke posted an article under the heading "Christopher Bollyn Abused by ADL-Brainwashed Police", which is exactly what they were.

Then there is the fact that I absolutely detest the racist and perverted film Inglourious Basterds and anyone associated with it.  I simply can not understand how any self-respecting nation can allow a film that celebrates gratuitous and racist violence to be shown to its youth.  Unfortunately, my son saw the film in August 2009 when a classmate's mother treated a bunch of her son's new classmates to the movies.  When I discovered how perverted and racist (anti-German) the film was, I discussed the film with my son.  He speaks fluent German, loves Germany, and knows a lot about the real history of the Second World War having lived in Berlin and visited many German cities, including a long spell in Dresden.  Last night he watched David Duke's 10-minute video and I could tell from his comments that he now understands the evil behind this disgusting and despicable film. 

I noticed this apt comment beneath Duke's video on YouTube:  "The German people have got to be the most unfairly vilified people in history. The Palestinians would be next. Is it any surprise that both groups are vilified by the same secretive group? Germany had no choice but to fight. They are now rising again and I say God bless ‘em."

Inglourious Basterds has Eli Roth killing Germans with a baseball bat, which was actually just one of the brutal methods used by Polish Jews to kill tens of thousands of innocent German prisoners held in Jewish death camps after the war.  An Eye for an Eye: The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans in 1945 is an eye-opening book by John Sacks (Basic Books, New York, 1993) that tells the real story of Jewish atrocities against Germans.

One of the Polish Jews who tortured and killed hundreds of innocent Germans was Solomon "Shlomo" Morel, who has lived in Israel since 1993 to avoid prosecution for war crimes. The following extract is from Solomon Morel: A Jewish Death Camp Commandant in Stalinist Poland

Salomon (Solomon or Shlomo) Morel (Garbów, November 15, 1919 – February 14, 2007, Tel Aviv) In 1993, soon after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Morel was indicted by Poland's Institute of National Remembrance for war crimes and crimes against humanity, including the "revenge killing" of 1,500 prisoners. Morel fled to Israel and was granted sanctuary under the Law of Return. Poland repeatedly demanded his extradition, but Israel refused to comply, citing a lack of evidence.

"Morel brought Jewish and Polish guards -- sometimes drunken -- into barrack 7 of accused Nazis or Hitler youth. It was called either the Deutsches Haus or the “brown barracks.” Morel had them sing Nazi songs and then he began to beat them. Depending upon his mood, he would use his bare hands, a wooden stool, a pistol butt or a truncheon. The guards beat the Germans with clubs. Morel asked, “How many blows do you want?” If the answer was unsatisfactory, it was fifty blows. It was reported that the “ritual of the organized tormenting of prisoners took place virtually every night…” When using the wooden stool, Morel would beat prisoners until the stool broke apart. The corpses were left on the floor. At dawn, they were taken in a horse-drawn cart to a cemetery by the Rawa river where they were dumped into a mass grave."

Question:  If the Jews can create such a complex matrix then they must be really very smart. It would, of course, require lots of brains apart from lots of money to pull off such a veil [of deception] over the whole world. But is it also because they (the orthodox Zionist Jews) have a complete lack of ethics? By the way, I’m a Hindu from India and I don't think ALL JEWS are bad. 

Bollyn Responds:  The day I received this question I read the end-of-the-year issue of Newsweek that contains interviews with people in the news.  The very first interview in this Zionist-owned magazine (owned by Sidney Mortimor Harman, husband of Rep. Jane Harman) is with David Axelrod, the campaign manager who made Obama president and who now serves as his "senior advisor".  Axelrod, who calls Chicago home, is the son of a New York Jewish communist writer-cum-advertising strategist and a Jewish psychoanalyst who hanged himself when his son studied at the University of Chicago.  David Axelrod is the man who shapes the policies coming out of the Obama White House.

David Axelrod was commissioned by powerful Zionists to make Obama president and now serves as his senior advisor.

The second photo in the interview is of the key people who actually run the Obama administration: Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel with Senior Advisor David Axelrod, Nancy-Ann DeParle, director of the White House Office for Health Reform, and Philip Michael Schiliro, Assistant for Legislative Affairs.  The photo is titled "Discussing the health care vote in the U.S. House of Representatives in the Oval Office" and dated Nov. 7, 2009.  (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza, No. 25 of 88 photos)

The photo of the three men who manage the Obama administration huddled around the president's desk says a great deal about the powers that control the Obama White House.  Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is an Israeli national whose father is a former Zionist terrorist in the Irgun.  David Axelrod is the son of a Jewish communist writer who wrote for a magazine that was designed to push the United States into war against Germany.  The third man at the desk is Philip Michael Schiliro, the president's assistant on legislation and the key person in getting Democrats in Congress to support the huge bailout bill that was passed in the beginning of the Obama administration.

Philip Michael Schiliro received very strong support from the Jewish community when he ran for office in the early 1990s as this list of donors indicates.

Phil Schiliro was chief of staff for Rep. Henry Waxman of California before he joined the Obama White House.  Schiliro worked for Waxman, a Congressman with a "strong Jewish identity", for many years.

Phil Schiliro is a very interesting name in Obama's administration, the current government of the Zionist crimocracy that rules the United States.  The Schiliro clan is a family that has a long history of involvement in organized crime.  One member of the family, Lewis Dennis Schiliro, actually ran the FBI office in New York City during the 1990s - overseeing such key investigations as the first bombing of the World Trade Center, other terrorism and financial crime cases, TWA Flight 800, Egypt Air 990, etc.  Another member of the family, 30-year-old Joseph Schiliro from East Meadow, Long Island, was busted in January 2010 for being part of a network of drug dealers that dealt $1 million of "Special-K" (Ketamine, an animal tranquilizer) every month.  Are these Schiliros all related?  I would venture to guess that they are.

Lewis Dennis Schiliro ran the FBI bureau in New York in the 1990s.

Lewis Dennis Schiliro and Phil Schiliro grew up on the same part of Long Island, East Meadow and Baldwin respectively (5 miles apart from each other), and both have mothers named Jean and fathers named Joseph.  I have not yet determined if they are related, but I suspect they are.  There were, after all, only 55 people named Schiliro in the United States in 1930 and most of them were directly related to each other.  This is a very important question because Lewis Schiliro became a senior vice president at Maurice Greenberg's A.I.G. insurance shortly after he left the FBI in 2000 and Phil Schiliro was instrumental in getting Congress to pass the legislation that provided hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars to bailout criminal banks and enterprises like A.I.G. - the largest direct recipient of the bailout.  Furthermore, the FBI is the most important part of the 9/11 cover-up and Lewis Schiliro has actively contributed to that effort.  In the New Year I will return to the Schiliro connection to 9/11 and the bailout of A.I.G. 

Now back to the question at hand:

If the Jews can create such a complex matrix then they must be really very smart. It would, of course, require lots of brains apart from lots of money to pull off such a veil [of deception] over the whole world. But is it also because they (the orthodox Zionist Jews) have a complete lack of ethics?

The discussion of this photo and the men who manage the Obama White House is not a digression, but is meant to serve as an illustration to help understand my response to this question.  Americans in the 21st Century are not very political nor are they politically organized in any meaningful way.  Millions of Americans voted for Barack Obama simply because he symbolized "change", which most people thought was a good idea.  They thought he was a black man from Chicago, although he is not from Chicago and he is as much white as he is black.  Most people do not look any deeper than the images they see on television.  Very few are aware of the fact that Obama is a Zionist-controlled puppet, a modern-day "golem", whose only agenda is to fulfill the wishes of his Jewish Zionist masters. 

The Zionist-controlled media does not even discuss the fact that Rahm Emanuel's father is a real terrorist who moved to the United States in the 1950s.  The chief of staff of the Obama White House is the son of a living Zionist terrorist.  How much sense does that make for an administration that is waging its "War on Terror" in Afghanistan and Pakistan?  Such omissions by the controlled press are of course completely intentional.  Keeping the Obama fairy tale alive requires keeping the people in the dark about Obama's Zionist handlers.

Candidate and President Obama has been managed by David Axelrod since 1992 at the behest of the late Philip Morris Klutznick, the former head of the International Order of B'nai B'rith - the secret society of the Elders of Zion.  See "The Axelrod Factor - Why Obama Fails to Deliver"

Jews are certainly as smart and as wealthy as any other ethnic group but these are not the only things that make up Jewish political power.  The real essence of Jewish political power is that they operate as a collective, which is to say that they work together as an organized team.  Wealthy Jews like the Rothschilds create and finance Zionist organizations - including secret societies - to increase their power and control.  Zionist Jews have a virtual monopoly over the U.S. media.  Jews dominate the political parties and media in the United States - including third party movements and alternative media outlets.  Ownership of the media and Zionist secret societies like the International Order of B'nai B'rith are huge force multipliers for Zionist Jews.  No other ethnic group in the United States operates as a collective as effectively as the Jews.  In a nation of politically unorganized people, a well-organized and well-financed collective force (with powerful secret societies) like the Zionist Jews can slice its way through like a warm knife going through butter.  It's that simple, but there is much more.

As a student of Middle Eastern history and U.S. politics, I have pondered this question for many years, as have many others before me.  To understand the Jewish posture vis-a-vis the rest of the world I suggest reading how Tacitus and Gibbon, two classical historians, described the hostility of the "unsocial" Jewish religion and how Jews regard the rest of mankind:

Moses, wishing to secure for the future his authority over the nation, gave them a novel form of worship, opposed to all that is practiced by other men. Things sacred with us, with them have no sanctity, while they allow what with us is forbidden…This worship, however introduced, is upheld by its antiquity; all their other customs, which are at once perverse and disgusting, owe their strength to their very badness. The most degraded out of other races, scorning their national beliefs, brought to them their contributions and presents. This augmented the wealth of the Jews, as also did the fact, that among themselves they are inflexibly honest and ever ready to shew compassion, though they regard the rest of mankind with all the hatred of enemies.
- Tacitus, The Histories, 110 A.D.

From the reign of Nero to that of Antoninus Pius, the Jews discovered a fierce impatience of the dominion of Rome, which repeatedly broke out in the most furious massacres and insurrections. Humanity is shocked at the recital of the horrid cruelties which they committed in the cities of Egypt, of Cyprus, and of Cyrene, where they dwelt in treacherous friendship with the unsuspecting natives, and we are tempted to applaud the severe retaliation which was exercised by the arms of the legions against a race of fanatics whose dire and credulous superstition seemed to render them the implacable enemies not only of the Roman government, but of human kind.
- Edward Gibbon, The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776)

The Roman historian Tacitus said the Jews "regard the rest of mankind with all the hatred of enemies" and Edward Gibbon (who called their religion "unsocial") said they are "a race of fanatics whose dire and credulous superstition seemed to render them the implacable enemies not only of the Roman government, but of human kind."

The hostility that orthodox Jews harbor for non-Jews is key to understanding the Jewish predicament:  the Jews see themselves as a people apart from others, a separate nation, and their first loyalty and obligation is to their tribe.  Orthodox Jews are raised with the idea that Jews are superior to other people.  This sense of Jewish supremacism and hostility toward other people is the reason the Jewish religion is seen as unsocial by Gibbon and others.  Like Hinduism, the Jewish religion is a set of rules of conduct for a specific ethnic group.  Christianity and Islam, on the other hand, are faith-based universal religions which embrace all of mankind. 

The criminal network behind the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 is comprised of senior agents of Israeli intelligence and their Zionist cohort in the United States, which I have shown and documented in my book Solving 9/11 - The Deception that Changed the World.  Nearly all of the key people in this network are either dedicated Israeli intelligence agents or orthodox Jewish Zionists.  Former U.S. Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff and U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein, key agents in the 9/11 cover-up, are both orthodox Jewish Zionists.  Chertoff and Hellerstein are certainly fully aware of their huge crimes against the American people, but their religious duties to the Jewish people - their "community" - mean much more to them.  Their religious ethics dictate that they serve only Jews.  Orthodox Jews like Chertoff and Hellerstein consider non-Jews as animals and slaves.  To cause the death of a non-Jew is not considered a sin or a punishable crime among orthodox Jews.  This is not merely hyperbole on my part.  To understand how orthodox Jews really view non-Jews, I strongly recommend reading Israel Shahak's book, Jewish History, Jewish Religion - The Weight of Three Thousand Years.  I met Israel Shahak in the 1990s in Chicago and was very impressed with the man and his writing.

Jewish History, Jewish Religion - The Weight of Three Thousand Years

"A Jew who murders a Gentile is guilty only of a sin against the laws of Heaven, not punishable by a court. To cause indirectly the death of a Gentile is no sin at all."

"According to the Talmud, Jesus was executed by a proper rabbinical court for idolatry, inciting other Jews to idolatry, and contempt of rabbinical authority. All classical Jewish sources which mention his execution are quite happy to take responsibility for it; in the talmudic account the Romans are not even mentioned."

- Professor Israel Shahak, "The Laws Against Non-Jews"

Question:  I have received two questions about Mark Lane and American Free Press (AFP). Since they both pertain to the Liberty Lobby and its publications, I will answer them together:

Question No. 1 - Subject: Mark Lane: CIA agent

I'm familiar with these charges by Bollyn. His problem is that Lane has been proven correct about Lee Oswald and if Piper indeed works for Lane, then how does Bollyn explain the most important book on the JFK killing, Final Judgment, which is the only book to nail the Israelis for being part of the assassination? That's where Bollyn's thesis falls down. My main problem with Lane is with his presence at Jonestown, but I have read nothing definitive about it other than his being the lawyer for Jones. Lane's probably lucky he wasn't killed, too, which is why I suppose he disappeared for a while. I suspect it was a CIA mass murder of an experimental population. I'm not ready to accept Bollyn's version without more than just his being a Jewish lawyer who successfully defended Liberty Lobby from a CIA lawsuit, which is not a bad thing.

Question No. 2 – From an AFP insider named George K.

I am working now at the AFP office and keep bumping onto all kinds of unreasonable hysteria around...Paul (Tudor) Angel, Chris Petherick and Mike Piper presenting me with all kinds of s....t that I am not really looking for. What is going on here? It feels like I stepped into a hole loaded with sneaks. I feel something far deeper than the usual "don't take my job or I kill you" garbage. Paul Angel keeps screwing my articles, he is steering the whole of the AFP toward the left...Willis is unable to control them...Is this new or just an old story? What did actually happen around you, why did they want you out so bad?

Bollyn Responds: These questions pertain to my former employer, the Liberty Lobby, and its publications, American Free Press (the erstwhile Spotlight) and the Barnes Review. Having worked for the Liberty Lobby from June 2000 until October 2006, I have some insight into the organization and the people behind it. Let me begin with a few facts and observations.

I am an honest and hard-working investigative journalist who worked for the Liberty Lobby’s publications from June 2000 until October 6, 2006.  While working for the Spotlight and American Free Press, I did a great deal of original research on 9/11, depleted uranium weapons, school shootings, and electronic vote fraud, among other things.  

The basic question asked by George, "Why did they want you out so bad?" can be answered in a few words.  I was assaulted by undercover police and ousted from American Free Press because my 9/11 research was revealing too much about who had carried out the false-flag terror attacks - and how they had done it.  My scientific research (with Dr. Steven E. Jones and Dr. Thomas Cahill) about Thermite being used to pulverize the World Trade Center seems to have been the proximate cause of the undercover police assault and subsequent attacks against me. The people who were behind ousting me are the same people I had worked with for 6 years.  These are the same people who run AFP today.  They didn't seem at all interested in my research about Thermite and 9/11 - quite the contrary.  Earlier, Chris Petherick had told me not to be so critical of the war in Iraq, saying that some of our readers liked the war!

In mid-August 2006 I was assaulted at my home (on private property) by a heavily armed three-man squad of undercover police who TASERed me (while I was handcuffed and held down by two armed men) and broke my right elbow. Willis A. Carto of American Free Press began collecting money for a “legal defense fund” and encouraged me to take Mark Lane as my lawyer. When I spoke to Lane on the phone, he told me that I would have to trust him completely and admitted that he was a Zionist. I decided to look for another lawyer.

After undercover police assaulted me at my home AFP raised money for my legal defense, but they fired me and kept the money instead.  Instead of making a case out of the outrageous fact that a working journalist had been attacked at his home in America, AFP ousted me and began a campaign of slander against me.

Shortly after the attack, Mike Piper of AFP began attacking me and insisted that I not be allowed to speak at the Labor Day conference in Washington. In early October 2006 I was fired from AFP by Chris Petherick who claimed that I had been disloyal to the paper and filed false stories. He never provided any evidence to support these claims. Carto disposed of the money raised for my legal fund and I was purged from American Free Press in the same way that Stalin would purge someone from the Communist Party - and the memory of the Soviet Union.  I have been subjected to a vicious campaign of slander from Mike Piper and his cronies ever since.

While it may be difficult for an outsider to make sense of all of this, as a person who worked for the Liberty Lobby for more than 6 years and who was then ousted and slandered by the people I had worked with, I have some insight into this odd outfit that calls itself a “populist” newspaper.

Mark Weber wrote about Willis Carto and the Liberty Lobby in August 1998:

Although Liberty Lobby claims to reveal the hidden forces that secretly control the world, it never discloses just who runs this self-described "populist institution," or how. Even the name is deceitful. Liberty Lobby does almost no lobbying. In fact, Liberty Lobby is essentially a fraud. Although it claims to be directed by its "Board of Policy," it is actually run from behind the scenes by Willis A. Carto -- a shadowy 72-year-old whom a California court has found to be a crook and a liar.

Weber is right. I should know, I was the lobbyist for the Liberty Lobby. I was the “Congressional Liaison” when I began working at the Liberty Lobby, which meant that I was to visit the offices of members of Congress on behalf of the lobby and write articles about legislation. There was, however, no structure or instructions for this position whatsoever and I was free to pursue whatever issue I chose. I never received any guidance or met anyone who represented the membership or Board of Policy of the Liberty Lobby except for Willis Carto, whose office was adjacent to mine. There was a door in the wall between our offices and it was always open, except when Carto had meetings with Mark Lane and the accountant, a man named Blayne Hutzel, who wore a Masonic ring.

The offices we worked in were dismal and dirty, far below standard for any organization calling itself a newspaper. I found it impossible to work in such conditions and asked Mr. Carto if I could freshen up my office with some cleaning and a new coat of paint. He refused, saying that if I fixed up my office the others would also want their offices cleaned up.

In the fall of 2000, after about five months on the job, I was suddenly given a new contract that made me an independent contractor. Mr. Carto gave me this contract to sign while Mark Lane stood in the next room. This new arrangement meant that I lost all insurance benefits and was paid to submit articles.  I was responsible for managing my own taxes.  Hutzel told me that I should get a "good tax man".  This arrangement, which I knew nothing about prior to seeing the contract in front of me, allowed me to work from home but meant a significant reduction in compensation.  Later, between 2004 and 2006, Carto reduced my salary even further, twice, in cuts of 10 percent each.  He also wanted me to come back to Washington and be the lobbyist for the Lobby.  I didn't understand this because I thought our main activity was the newspaper business.  I was under the impression that AFP was created to be a real newspaper and not a newsletter of the Liberty Lobby.

Furthermore, I did not understand how they were unable to grow the paper in post-9/11 America.  Whenever I passed Union Station in Washington I would check to see if there were papers in the boxes, and there were not.  I spoke to the employee who was supposed to distribute the papers to the boxes and found that he was not doing it.  The paid circulation was only about 20,000, according to the person who managed the subscription data base.  The paper was clearly not growing and there was no movement in that direction coming from the employees, who seemed to lack any enthusiasm or patriotic zeal.

In January 2006, shortly after I had spoken about the evidence of Thermite at the World Trade Center at the Axis for Peace forum in Brussels, I was suddenly called back from Germany to go on a crazy mission to Venezuela.  This hare-brained scheme originated with Carto and Piper, but Piper did not want to do it - so he put it on me.  I was supposed to go to Venezuela and arrange a meeting with Hugo Chavez.  I was to get Chavez to buy subscriptions to the newspaper for every member of Congress or somehow get him to make a significant donation to the Liberty Lobby.  Nothing had been done to prepare for such a mission and very little was explained to me, but the whole thing was dropped on my shoulders.  Nobody had even made contact with the Embassy of Venezuela in Washington.  I could see that the chances for success were slim, but was willing to give it a shot.  The day I left for Venezuela, Carto told me that I would get ten percent of whatever I could get from Chavez.  Nothing was put down in writing. 

Christopher Bollyn converses with former prime minister and president of Lebanon, Salim El Hoss, at the Axis for Peace conference in Brussels in November 2005.  It was at this high-profile international conference that Bollyn discussed the scientific evidence of Thermite in the destruction of the World Trade Center.  He was called back to Washington shortly thereafter and sent on a wild goose chase to Venezuela.

I did not get to see Hugo Chavez, but turned over a package of materials to the Ministry of Information in Caracas when I realized that we (I had invited William Rodriguez and Jimmy Walter to come along) would not have a chance to speak to the president directly.  I returned to Washington and headed for Utah to interview Dr. Steven E. Jones on the evidence of Thermite at the World Trade Center.

Unable to meet President Hugo Chavez directly, I presented his Ministry of Information with the material I had brought from Washington.

Although I have written about a number of sensitive subjects, it seems like my articles and discussion of Thermite in the World Trade Center were too hot for the people who controlled American Free Press.  Having left Chicago because of intrusive FBI surveillance in the summer of 2005, we were reluctant to stay in our own home.  Feeling vulnerable in our home, we visited 9/11 relatives and researchers in the western United States and stayed in safe places.  AFP had limited me to one thousand dollars in expenses per month, but I was able to keep my costs down by staying with people who supported 9/11 truth.

I was in Davis, California, in June 2006 when Petherick suddenly cut off my expenses completely telling me that I would no longer have any funds for travel, phone calls, or any expenses at all.  This happened the day after I had merged the scientific research of Dr. Steven E. Jones with that of Dr. Thomas Cahill at U.C. Davis.  The research of these two men confirmed that some form of Thermite had been used to destroy the Twin Towers.  Cahill's data from the smoke particles rising from the pile of rubble from October through December 2001 proved that the fires that raged beneath the pile were hotter than the boiling point of iron

Dr. Thomas Cahill's Davis DRUM found that the bluish smoke that rose from the pile contained large amounts of nano-sized particles that can only be produced by fires hotter than the boiling point of the element involved.  The fires that raged beneath the pile were certainly no ordinary fires.

We now had scientific proof that we were dealing with extremely advanced Thermitic explosives.  The fact that I was being squeezed by my employers at AFP at the same time I was making scientific breakthroughs on the evidence of Thermite suggests the two are related.   When AFP cut off my expenses completely they knew I would have to return to my home, where undercover police were waiting to attack.

In the science library at U.C. Davis I was able to photocopy the most important articles from the USGS survey of the dust from the World Trade Center.  The photographs of iron spheroids in the dust were solid evidence that the demolition of the Twin Towers had resulted in
large amounts of molten iron.  This was proof that Thermite had been involved in the pulverization of the World Trade Center.  This was big. 

I brought this material back to Dr. Jones in Provo, who had asked me to find out whatever I could about the dust.  He was very glad to get this material.  I bid him a fond farewell in June and warned him of the dangers we faced.  Within three months we were both fired from our jobs.

Bollyn discussing the evidence of Thermite with Dr. Steven E. Jones at BYU in the spring of 2006

After being fired from American Free Press in October 2006, I learned that Mark Lane is the real owner of the Liberty Lobby and its assets, and has been since 1994. This information came from L.T. Patterson of Cincinnati, owner of the newsletter Criminal Politics. Patterson had been sued by Mark Lane in an attempt to shut down his newspaper and discovered that Lane owned the Liberty Lobby during the legal process. Mark Lane served in U.S. Army intelligence in Germany at the end of the war.  Army intelligence became the CIA after the war.  Lane played a key role in the Jonestown massacre by pushing the fear button on Jim Jones, which instigated the massacre.  Lane is the controlling agent of American Free Press, which pushes the fear button of patriotic Americans every week. Lane was also involved in the anti-war movement during the Vietnam War, where he worked closely with Jane Fonda.  Later, Fonda married Ted Turner and convinced him to sell CNN to Zionist Jews in New York.  This completed the Zionist monopoly of the mass media in the United States.

The point of Zionists owning media is to control how people think about things.  Lane owns AFP in order to control the patriotic movement that is attached to it.  His control is meant to keep it from being effective as a political organizer.  It's that simple.  The books by Lane and Piper are meant to give them credibility.  In order to attract bees you have to offer honey.  If Carto, Lane, and Piper are serious about taking on the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith why don't they sue the ADL for branding AFP as an anti-Semitic newspaper?

The information about Lane owning the Liberty Lobby came as a surprise, but made complete sense and fit with what I had observed at the Liberty Lobby. There was absolutely no transparency about the finances at the lobby.  I remember in 2000-2001 seeing 4 women opening the mail with donations in Blayne Hutzel’s office. Elisabeth Carto and her sister were the ones who ran the daily counting of the donations that came in the mail.  I never understood where all that money went because it certainly was not being spent on the employees or the operation, which all ran on a shoe-string budget.  Jerry Myers told me that the Cartos had secret bank accounts in Switzerland and Austria.

There were certainly many shell companies controlled by Willis Carto. My paychecks, for example, came from an entity called the Committee to Expose Bunk. None of this was ever explained. Myers, an old hand at the lobby, told me a lot of the sordid history about the lobby and I knew it was a very secretive and dodgy operation, but I was glad to be able to write articles about things that mattered and see them in print in the nation's capital.

It always bothered me that the distribution of the paper was very poor. The paper was not easily available even in downtown Washington, D.C. It was not even sold in the newspaper shop across the street from the Liberty Lobby. There was clearly a problem with the way the paper was being run.

The main people on the production side of the paper were Paul Tudor Angel and Chris Petherick. Petherick was the editor and Angel did the layout. Chris Petherick was a self-proclaimed Satanist who wore a metal stud in his tongue and threw knives in the wall of the office. I never understood how he wound up being the editor of a populist and supposedly patriotic newspaper. He didn’t seem to fit.

I was invited to visit Paul Angel’s new house in Virginia toward the end of my career at AFP. He had bought a newly built house about 45 minutes south of Washington on the Interstate. He had married a Panamanian girl who worked at Lockheed and we were invited to see the new house and his baby girl. I was surprised when his wife said, “You don’t believe the stuff that’s in that paper, do you?”

Paul chipped in saying that I was one of the paper’s main writers, but I could see that his wife dismissed AFP as nonsense, which made me wonder why Paul worked so hard for Willis Carto and the Liberty Lobby. During the party, I spoke with Paul’s mother, Alice Jones Angel. She mentioned that Paul’s father had died some years earlier.

Paul’s father was a chiropractor based in Silver Spring, Maryland, named Dr. Harold H. Angel who was a governor of Optimist International. Harold Angel died in 1972 when Paul was about 12. Paul was still living with his mother when I started at the paper in 2000, and she drove him to the office. Alice Angel died in February 2009. She had worked at the Department of Health and Human Services.

Paul has two sisters, Alison P. Angel and Laura Angel-Hanratty. Alison had a career at the U.S. Information Agency and Laura is married to Dennis P. Hanratty, Security Manager of the Department of Defense and member of the board of the Defense and Intelligence Council of ASIS International, an agency that is closely tied to the U.S. Intelligence community. I suspect that Angel's family ties to the military and intelligence community are why Paul Angel is the driving force behind the production of American Free Press. I remember how he and Petherick refused to print my articles that discussed the role of Prozac and similar drugs in school shootings and sedating the 9/11 relatives.  "Nice try" is all Paul Angel wrote back when I submitted a story about Prozac-crazed school shooters in America.  Both Petherick and Angel told me that they did drugs when I began at the Liberty Lobby in 2000, but they did not mean marijuana.

The people behind American Free Press are there simply to control the patriotic movement. They are skimming the cream off of the movement and have done nothing to make it an effective opposition movement. Jerry Myers told me that the Liberty Lobby had paid Mark Lane some five million dollars in legal fees.

Mark Weber was correct in his analysis of 1998:

Carto has few personal friends, but perhaps his closest is Mark Lane, an East coast Jewish attorney who often represents Carto and Liberty Lobby in court. Lane has a long record of support for liberal and leftist figures, including Martin Luther King and Jim Jones (of Jonestown fame). According to legal documents filed by Liberty Lobby in May 1998, Liberty Lobby pays Lane an annual retainer of $92,500.

In spite of the millions of dollars it's controlled over the years, Liberty Lobby has no measurable impact on the political life of the nation's capitol. This is hardly surprising, however. Given the unethical way it's run, Liberty Lobby is inherently incapable of achieving its stated goals, not least because it cannot hold the support of persons of integrity and discernment.

Willis Carto has been bilking well-meaning but credulous Americans for decades, and doubtless many naive people on his "sucker list" will continue to respond generously to urgent appeals for money signed by Ryan or other stooges. Still, and as ever more people learn the facts about how Liberty Lobby really works, and of Carto's long record of scams, the day of reckoning for him and his empire may be coming at last.

Question:  How do you compare Camp Bucca to a concentration camp?  No one was executed there.  People were given more medical care than they had anywhere else in their country, including kidney transplants.  Personally, I ensure that people held in the area I was responsible for were given education by local Iraqis:  reading, writing, some basic social studies.  With the exception of those transferred to Iraqi run prisons, all of the people were released.  I completely understand the unpopular war, and the hindsight view of many things, but to compare Camp Bucca to a concentration camp, it's not even a stretch.  Please reconsider your analogy. - W. K.

Bollyn Responds: When I received this comment, I immediately posted a "Note on usage" at the bottom of the article about the Iraq War Logs about the meaning of the term "concentration camp."  There is much more to this comment than the question about the meaning of the term and I am in contact with W.K. to discuss these things.  I don't want anyone to think that I was using hyperbole in calling Camp Bucca a "modern day concentration camp".  I was not.  Having visited Dachau, Auschwitz, and Buchenwald, I know what I am talking about when I use the term.  This is how the term is defined in the Oxford dictionary at our home:

concentration camp - a type of prison, often consisting of a number of buildings inside a fence, where political prisoners are kept in extremely bad conditions
Source - Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 7th Edition, Oxford University Press, 2005

The following photos and text are taken from the end of my article on the Iraq War Logs, which were leaked to the media by WikiLeaks on October 22, 2010:

Camp Bucca, Iraq - This photo from May 2008 shows a barbed wire corridor inside the U.S.  "detention center" near the Kuwait-Iraq border. According to U.S. figures, the camp held 19,070 detainees at the time.  The camp is named after Ronald Bucca, a NYC Fire Marshal who died on 9/11, although neither Iraq nor the camp detainees had anything to do with the false-flag terrorism of 9/11.   Naming the camp after a victim of 9/11 is part of the deception of the U.S. military.

Camp Bucca is a modern day concentration camp in an illegal war of aggression.  Will the people behind this criminal war face a Nuremberg Trial?

Gen. David H. Petraeus described a concentration camp when he talked about Camp Bucca in 2007: 

"When I took command of Multinational Force-Iraq in February 2007, we still had Camp Bucca with 17,000 detainees at that time and it grew larger," said Army Gen. David H. Petraeus, commander, International Security Assistance Force and commander, U.S. Forces Afghanistan. "We still had all of the detainees in huge enclosures. It was just fenced-in enclosures of about 800 to 900 detainees per enclosure. Obviously, we have come a long way since then."

Source: "Petraeus Discusses Future of Afghan Detainees" by U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Maria Yager, Parwan Province, Afghanistan, September 30, 2010

A concentration camp is defined by Merriam Webster as a camp where persons (as prisoners of war, political prisoners, or refugees) are detained or confined.  The Holocaust Encyclopedia has the following definition, which correctly describes U.S. camps like Camp Bucca:

The term concentration camp refers to a camp in which people are detained or confined, usually under harsh conditions and without regard to legal norms of arrest and imprisonment that are acceptable in a constitutional democracy. In Nazi Germany between 1933 and 1945, concentration camps (Konzentrationslager; KL or KZ) were an integral feature of the regime.

Source: "Concentration Camps", Holocaust Encyclopedia, U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum

Christopher Bollyn and son (left) with the archivist at the Nuremberg Document Center. 

Question:   We have all read about Barack Obama's intention to build an Islamic center near Ground Zero.  This project does appear very suspicious.  What, in your opinion, are the real motives behind such a controversial project?

Kuwaiti Feisal Abdul Rauf and his proposed Park51 project are supported by the Zionist media mogul Rupert Murdoch, whose company published Rauf's book.  For nine years Murdoch's News Corp. media empire has pushed the evil lie that Muslims were behind the terrorism of 9-11 and promoted the Zionist fraud known as the "War on Terror" with its wars of aggression and occupation - against Islamic nations and movements.

Bollyn Responds:  BUILDING A MONUMENT TO A FALSEHOOD - This is a sophisticated propaganda ploy by the Rothschild/Zionist-controlled U.S. government and media, designed to underline and cement in the public mind the blatant falsehood that Muslims were responsible for the terror attacks of 9-11.  This project is founded on the false premise of Muslim guilt and is meant to create a permanent monument to the falsehood that 9-11 was carried out by Islamic terrorists.  The people behind this project are the high-level Rothschild agents involved in the Zionist false-flag terrorism and cover-up of 9-11, including New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch, whose sprawling media empire has pushed the lies about 9-11and the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. 

High-level Zionist agents Mayor Bloomberg and Rupert Murdoch of News Corp. are key sponsors of Park51 - a monument to the immensely evil media lie that Moslems were behind 9-11.

The Park51 project, based on the false premise that Muslims were behind the false flag terrorism of 9-11, is supported by extremely wealthy Arab leaders such as Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal of Saudi Arabia, who is the second largest shareholder of Murdoch's News Corp.  Any Moslem who supports a monument to such a hateful and anti-Muslim falsehood is a traitor to his faith -- and the truth.

The political support from the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton for this monument reveals it to be a nefarious Zionist plot to hijack the discussion about 9-11 by distracting the public from the real evidence and stirring up anti-Muslim feelings as the ninth anniversary nears.  The recent knife attack on the Moslem taxi driver in Manhattan is the kind of reaction such evil plots produce. 


The college student accused of slashing the taxi driver simply because he was a Muslim was quickly moved to a psychiatric ward, which is really where anyone belongs who still believes the Zionist fairy tale that Moslems from Afghanistan were behind 9-11.  The government/media version that Osama Bin Laden and 19 Arabs were behind 9-11 remains utterly unproven and flies in the face of evidence of the extremely advanced form of super-thermite that was used to pulverize the Twin Towers.  Bin Laden certainly did not produce or apply the coating of nano-composite super-thermite to the interior surfaces of the World Trade Center towers.  So, who did?  Answer that question and we will solve the crime of 9-11.

The Twin Towers were pulverized by an extremely advanced explosive coating of super-thermite, made with nanotechnology.  How obvious does it have to be before people realize they have been deceived?  To accept a lie is to be enslaved by it.  The suffering and death brought about by the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are the evil results of being enslaved to the lie that Moslems carried out 9-11.

The Israeli government's plan to destroy two mosques on the West Bank is a similar action of the same strategy, which is meant to cause violence and increase tension and hostility against Islam.  The Israeli announcement of the outrageous plan to destroy the mosques, which are on Palestinian administered territory in the West Bank, is clearly designed to scuttle - with violence - the planned peace talks in September.  Why else would they even consider taking such a unnecessary, self-defeating, and provocative action at this crucial time, especially during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan?

Question:  Do you have any articles about Dov Zakheim? 

Bollyn Responds:  In several articles I have written about Dov Solomon Zakheim, the orthodox Jewish rabbi who was appointed by George W. Bush to oversee the Pentagon budget prior to and after 9-11.  I wrote one a few years ago that focused on him specifically. That article is entitled “9/11 and the Elders of Zion” and can be read at:  

I will be writing another article about the Zionist agent Zakheim, which will discuss his long relationship with the Rothschild family and the state of Israel. Zakheim, who is clearly a foreign agent and devoted Zionist with strong links to the Rothschild family, was a member of the Board of Deputies of British Jews in 1971—1972, and a member of the Chief Rabbi's Chaplaincy Board of England, 1971—1972. He then went on to become assistant to the managing director of the U.K. branch of Tibor Rosenbaum’s International Credit Bank Geneva, 1974-75.  This was a criminal enterprise.  

James Casbolt, a former agent of MI6, wrote this about the Mossad-linked bank where Zakheim began his career: 

Tibor Rosenbaum, a MOSSAD agent and head of the Geneva based Banque du Credit International. This bank was the forerunner to the notorious Bank of Credit and Commerce international (BCCI) which is a major intelligence drug money laundering bank. 'Life' magazine exposed Rosenbaum's bank as a money launderer for the Meyer Lanksky American organised crime family and Tibor Rosenbaum funded and supported 'Permindex' the MI6 assassination unit which was at the heart of the John F. Kennedy assassination.   Source: "MI6 Are The Lords of the Global Drug Trade", by James Casbolt (Former MI6 Agent c. 2006)  

When Rosenbaum’s criminal bank (where Zakheim worked) was exposed in the mainstream media in 1975 (e.g. TIME magazine), Zakheim, an agent of the Rothschilds, was brought to Washington and began his new career as an associate analyst of National Security and International Affairs with the Congressional Budget Office.  Who did a background check on Dov Zakheim?  Zakheim’s most peculiar move from being a senior executive in a criminal Mossad banking enterprise to a position with the U.S. government happened under the reign of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the Rothschild's senior agent in the U.S. government.

Question with Follow-up Comment:  Why do you speak of American soldiers with sympathy in your articles? They are all cold-blooded killers and terrorist occupiers who have murdered millions of innocent Iraqis, Afghanis, Yemenis, Pakistanis, etc. U.S. soldiers are cowardly skum who deserve to be loathed, scorned and cursed in their graves.

Bollyn Responds:  I have sympathy for those who are deceived and that certainly includes most of the American soldiers serving in these criminal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  They have all been misled and deceived.  Do we blame the honest and patriotic young man who has been deceived or do we blame the billionaire master of deception who has tricked the nation into war?  Who am I to pass judgment on a person who has been deceived?   I am doing my best, as I have since September 2001, to expose the evil deception behind 9-11 and the criminal wars that we have been taken into as a result.  I have met many Americans and Europeans who have been tricked into these wars and naturally I really feel very sorry for them and their families because they either don't know or can't control what they are doing.  Many joined the military out of patriotism, like Pat Tillman, or because their parents wanted them to, like the late Dustin Brim of Daytona.  Most, of course, simply signed up because they needed the money.

Pat Tillman turned down a $3.6 million football contract to join the Army Rangers and join the "War on Terror" in Afghanistan, where he was killed by friendly fire in 2004.  Like so many others, he was deceived that the terrorists behind 9-11 had come from that poor and remote Central Asian nation.  Unfortunately, this evil deception continues.

Dustin Brim was a fine 19-year-old from Daytona.  His mother thought the Army would be good for him.  She was promised that he would not be sent into combat.  He worked with damaged tanks and vehicles in Iraq, most of which were contaminated with depleted uranium.  He had no protection against this extremely toxic poison and quickly contracted cancer.  He died age 21.

At a restaurant in Iowa we talked with our waitress who had refused to go back to Iraq after the army had made her drive trucks up and down "suicide alley" - after they had coaxed her to sign up with a $10,000 bonus.  She had been promised that she would have a safe secretarial job but soon found herself driving in fuel convoys on the most treacherous highway in Iraq.  They had lied to her and when she came home for a visit, she refused to go back.  The army wanted the $10,000 back.

Many of the U.S. soldiers are actually from National Guard units, which are not meant for foreign service.  Whether they are drafted or sign up, once these people are sent off to the war, they no longer have a choice.  Their bodies and minds belong to those who command them.  I recall seeing on CNN how the U.S. troops had a talking to before going into Falluja on their revenge mission.  Their commander told them that the people of Falluja were evil and deserved to be killed in the same way that Ilya Ehrenburg told the Soviet troops to kill without mercy the German civilians they came across as they wiped out some 2.1 million innocent Baltic and Eastern Germans at the end of World War II.

I know men who have committed mass murder.  Two that come to mind were young men during the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, twenty eight years ago.  One was a young Israeli from Kibbutz Afikim in the Jordan Valley, where I worked as a lifeguard at the pool.  I had known this fellow since he was about 13.  His family had migrated to Israel from Argentina and he was a big and friendly boy, at least until he was forced to fight in Lebanon.  Later, he confessed to me about the murders he had committed of whole families in Lebanon during the war.  He had been a member of a tank crew and as they drove through Lebanon families would come out of their homes with white flags.  He had been commanded to fire at them, which he did.  He was very tormented by these unjustified killings and he needed to tell me what he had done.  I felt sorry for him.

More recently, I met a fellow who was involved in the massacre of Palestinians in the refugee camps of Sabra and Shatila.  Again, without asking, this person told me what he had done.  When he showed me his scars on his arms and told me that he had been in Sabra and Shatila, I was quite shocked.  These massacres are among the most horrific war crimes committed by Israel during my life.  This man was only 15 years old when he murdered many innocent people.  He is a Maronite Christian who joined the Phalange (with Elie Hobeika's unit) when he was a 13-year-old boy.  At that tender age, he was given military training in Israel at Nahariya in 1980.  When the Phalange leader Bachir Gemayel was murdered on September 14, 1982, Ariel Sharon sent the Phalange into the Palestinian camps of West Beirut, which the Israeli forces had completely surrounded.  The Phalangists, with assistance and support from Israeli forces, massacred with knives thousands of defenseless refugees during a period of three days.  The 15-year-old had been deceived by Ariel Sharon and the Israeli Mossad that the Palestinians were responsible for the Gemayel murder.  The Israeli military had trained this 13-year-old boy to kill and then used him to murder innocent Palestinians, a crime he will be burdened with forever.

Samuel Maoz, an Israeli veteran of the Israeli invasion of Lebanon of 1982, was a 20-year-old soldier (Israel has obligatory military service) when Israeli forces, under the command of defense minister Ariel Sharon, invaded. Maoz made a film about his experience as a gunner in an Israeli tank, killing hundreds of innocent civilians for no reason. This is a modern example of wrongful killing, a crime that Socrates says is the worst offense one can commit. To kill innocent people inflicts the greater harm and pain on the person who commits such killings. As Socrates has taught the world (via Plato) since about 400 years before Christ, a person who commits such injustice causes more harm to himself than he does to the sufferers of his crime. Unfortunately, this fundamental lesson is not taught to American school children -- or to Israelis. As a result, many wind up as soldiers committing wrongful killings and as a consequence suffer the eternal torment that such actions bring.  

Very much like the young Israeli kibbutznik I knew, Maoz was a gunner in a tank crew and at 6:15 a.m. on the morning of June 6, 1982, he killed a man for the first time in his life. “The rest of the people I killed in the war are just a blur,” he told the Jewish Week. “But not the first one.”  Maoz remembers an officer telling him that when he went into Lebanon, there would be people on the balconies of the apartment buildings. “You can’t open the option of morality,” he says. “He told me, ‘On 50 percent of those balconies you’ll have soldiers with anti-tank missiles. The other half will be ordinary families.’ You see, there are no good guys or bad guys -- you need to kill to stay alive.” 

Steven Erlanger of the New York Times wrote a piece about the Maoz film entitled Lebanon, which is about his actions and crimes committed during the war. For Maoz, now 48, the sense of responsibility for killing remains strong. “There is no escape from it,” he said softly. “In the end you were there, and your finger pulled the trigger…you see the result, and you can’t say you’re not responsible. Maybe in court you’re not guilty. But you can’t cleanse yourself from this guilt.”  Twenty-eight years later, Maoz said that what he did during the war remains the first thing he thinks about in the morning and the last before going to sleep. “I wish it were that simple, just to have nightmares,” he said. “That would be a nice deal to buy.”
Reader Follow-up Comment: You mentioned how a 15-year old was trained to kill in preparation of  Sabra and Shatila massacre that took place in 1982. How can someone be "deceived" to kill women and children and unarmed civilians?  ...when someone already has foreknowledge that there are civilians and yet carries out orders to kill knowingly then they're criminals - straight and simply. They're not deceived, they are killers and there's no excuse for them. If we use your logic then why not feel pity for Sharon or Ben Netanyahu and say they were deceived by their parents or his community, or relatives, or whoever it was for indoctrinating the Zionist ideology into his head to make him who he is today.  I'm not saying that they're aren't people deceived into entering a war, but the example of the 15-year old involved in the Sabra and Shatila massacre was a very poor one.

Bollyn Responds:  This is a good point.  First, this boy was only 13 when he was trained by Israelis in Israel.  His Phalangist unit was given military training for three months in Nahariya.  He was not trained to massacre Palestinians with knives, which is what he and his unit did in Sabra and Shatila.  The Israelis cultivated Maronite hatred against the Palestinians with the murder of Bachir Gemayel, as well as previous massacres and killings.  Elie Hobeika, the leader of the boy's militia unit, had secret information on what had really gone on in the camps and was ready to tell it to a court in Brussels when he was blown up in a huge car bomb in Lebanon.  Of course the actions of the boy were criminal, but I consider the real criminals to be the ones who train 13-year-old Lebanese boys and arrange such massacres in the first place and that responsibility falls squarely on the Israeli military leadership, which was the occupying power controlling access to the camps.

Question:  My question is:  Why would Jews want to bring down the World Trade Center?  I understand the Jew Silverstein wanting it for the insurance money, but why would the nation of Israel want it?  Why would Zionists want it?  Was it because they knew it would get the U.S. military to start killing Muslims?  How much control do Zionists have over the U.S. government and its policies?  Is Rockefeller a Zionist?  David Rockefeller was a Baptist, and I don't know of any that are Jews.  Zionists, perhaps?  Why would Baptist bankers, the Mossad, and Zionist Jews all be working so closely together?  That seems like a somewhat strange alliance.  Bush's brother was in charge of security at the World Trade Center and turned off the cameras the weekend before the attacks.  Are the Bushes Zionists too?

Bollyn Responds: This is an excellent set of questions that frames the subject of my next article, which has the working title "The False Flag Terror of 9/11 and Nine Years of Deception."  The media and government deception about 9/11 is massive and clearly very well concerted, but who is really behind the whole thing?  Who has that much power and influence over the U.S. government, the Israeli government, and the mass media, to carry out such a global deception?  Who wields the power behind the Zionist state?  And who does the state of Israel really serve?  Who are the real Elders of Zion?

These are the questions that will be dealt with in the next article, which will probably become the concluding chapter of my book, Solving 9-11.  In the meantime, I will provide these comments and links to give some insights into the subject:

"There is a much larger group behind these [9/11 attacks] which is the international banking cartel which controls trillions of dollars and which has an interest in controlling countries in the Middle East which are not under their control."
- Professor Steven E. Jones on KUER (Salt Lake City's NPR affiliate), September 5, 2006

I have been reading many articles on the 9-11 atrocity and other major world events. I am a 46-year-old Ashkenazi Jew from London, England.  I believe the Rothschilds and the banking conspiracy are behind EVERYTHING. When I bring the subject up with my peers and family, I am told it is anti-Semitic nonsense, probably paid for by the Saudi Arabians.
- Letter to, April 2010

The Rothschilds are the ultimate financiers of the state of Israel (along with the U.S. Treasury), the Likud terror gang, and the Mossad.  The Rothschilds are also the ultimate owners of the Federal Reserve System and through JP Morgan, of BP.  A BP oil tanker was the first to be filled with stolen Iraqi oil under the U.S.-led occupation, headed by Jerry Bremer of Kissinger Associates.  During the entire time that Bremer controlled the "sales" of Iraqi oil there was no accounting of how much oil was being loaded onto tankers.  See "Ownership of the Federal Reserve" at

The current cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is more than $1 trillion, i.e. more than one thousand billion dollars.  This works out to more than $9,000 per American household or $7,650 per U.S. taxpayer.  See -  Who benefits from the massive U.S. government debt? 


The following extracts are taken from Paul Goldstein's 1978 article entitled, “B'nai B'rith, British Weapon Against America”:

The B'nai B'rith, as the oligarchy's agents-in-place in America, has functioned as the clearinghouse for British subversion against the American republic. Therefore, the story of the B'nai B'rith, its Isis-cult roots, its 136-year record of treason against the United States, is essential to understanding who and what our enemy is, how it operates, and how we will destroy it...

Financing for the British colonization scheme was arranged by Queen Victoria's "favorite Jew" Sir Moses Montefiore, who, along with his brother-in-law Nathaniel Rothschild, used their financial conduits in the United States as a major feature of the plan. The Montefiore Society, the North American Relief Society for Poor Jews in Palestine, the Widows' and Orphan Fund, plus dozens of other benevolent societies, provided the funds to establish a "Jewish homeland"…

The point to be understood about these early developments in the U.S. is twofold. First, the British had to create the conditions for imposing upon American Jews the belief that the American notion of progress and assimilation could not be allowed to occur. Therefore the need for a "separate" Jewish organization based on the mythos of Zion, on the return to the "promised land of Palestine," had to be infused into American Jewish thinking as the only chance Jews had for true salvation…At the time [Samuel] Morse wrote [1860], the B'nai B'rith was a British intelligence cult dedicated to the destruction of the American Republic. It was an arm of British intelligence with that chartered purpose at the time of its founding in 1843, and remains so to this day…

B'nai B'rith emerged in 1842 as the American extension of the "Jewish" Rite of Freemasonry in America.  According to the history of B'nai B'rith by Edward Grusd, "the mastermind" behind the early growth of this Jewish Masonic order was Baruch Rothschild, relative of the original Meyer Amshel Rothschild who founded the family banking dynasty in 18th century Germany.

Baruch Rothschild, from Bavaria, was trustee of account No. 10,744, a bank account for the Zion Widow and Orphan Society, which was the B'nai B'rith.  The B'nai B'rith was created by the Rothschild family.

Rothschild was sent into the B'nai B'rith shortly after its founding to launch a ''membership drive" because, as he himself put it, "the members were not all equally well educated and of far different mental capacities." In short, B'nai B'rith was not for just any Jew. Through Rothschild's building job, it was to become an intelligence executive body, whose leaders would subsequently play controlling roles in other British networks, directing the Abolitionist-Slaveholder confrontations of the 1840s and 1850s, the Secession of the South that produced the Civil War, the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, and numerous post-war destabilizations of the American Republic. - “B'nai B'rith, British Weapon Against America”, by Paul Goldstein, The Campaigner, December 1978

Question:  Recently, the editor of Uncensored magazine (New Zealand) sent me an e-copy of your e-book Solving 9-11 - The Deception that Changed the World.  Wow!  I thought I knew a lot, but your book reveals/exposes so much more and connects all the dots!  So far, I've only read the first 50 pages and I must say, it is certainly one of the best books on this topic.  I can't wait to read more... I will certainly be telling everyone I know about your book and website, which I spent hours reading the other day.  Excellent!  I could see the years and depth of research that has gone into your work.  Good on you!

Question -  Is a hard copy of your book available?  If so, where and how much?  A few people I know have been asking.

Bollyn Responds:  No.  My book has not been published, so the only way to get a hard copy is to print the book out from my website.  This is the easiest way to get the information to the widest audience anywhere in the world for the least cost.  I provide the information, the reader provides the paper and printer. The complete book (in its current edition) and the nine years of background articles I have written about 9-11 can all be printed out free of charge by clicking on the online book section of Solving 9-11 - The Deception that Changed the World.  There is an easily printed pdf version of the book or you can go to the Table of Contents and select the individual chapters and articles by clicking on the bold blue titles.  There are about 150 articles from 2001 through 2009 that can be accessed through the table of contents or the archives found in the left-hand margin.

Question:  I have read your essay about The Coming American Revolution, which includes the following statement: "Armed resistance, on the other hand, such as that of the Hezbollah in south Lebanon, is the legally and morally justified resistance to an armed invasion. The Intifadah of Palestine is fully justified as the legal resistance to the illegal occupation of Palestinian land. These resistance movements are defensive, essential, and legal and I certainly would not condemn them." 

Christopher, I agree with most of what you write, but I don't see how you can allow the use of violence for armed resistance (Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan) and disallow it for armed rebellion (in the USA or UK). If the people of Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan have the right to fight for their freedom by whatever means necessary, why shouldn't the people of the USA have the same right? Surely not because we have 'elected' our representatives. Your own critique of voting machines and elitist control of the political parties, the political process, and the media, demonstrates that the institution of government in the USA is not representative or consensual.  

9/11 demonstrated unequivocally that the elitist rulers of the USA have no respect for the lives of US citizens. The claim to authority by the US government over US citizens was certainly broken on 9/11. Why shouldn't an American have the same right to fight for their freedom as the people of Palestine, Iraq, and Afghanistan have?

Bollyn Responds: The statement about legally and morally justified resistance to an armed invasion is actually from my Statement on the Importance of Non-Violence.  In "The Coming American Revolution" I wrote this about violence and revolutions:

Revolutions are usually associated with violence, but they don't have to be.  Since 1990, half the nations of Europe and Asia have gone through peaceful revolutions that replaced the former dictatorships of the once mighty Soviet Union.  The apartheid regime of South Africa also came to an end without violence.  The revolution to restore the sovereignty of the American people certainly need not be violent, and really should not be.

This is an excellent question and most appropriate for July 4, when we celebrate the signing of the Declaration of Independence, which articulates the fundamental political philosophy of the American Revolution.  I am in complete agreement with the signers of July 4, 1776:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their safety and happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security.

Ben Franklin, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson working on the Declaration of Independence

I think the American form of government, as enshrined in the Constitution, is a truly excellent system of government.  The U.S. Constitution has been adopted by other nations.  Switzerland, for example, used the U.S. Constitution as their model and it has worked very well.  The primary difference is that in Switzerland the legislative branch has more power than the executive branch.  They did not want an all-powerful president, which I think was a wise decision.  In the United States, the executive branch has far too much power having taken over powers that rightfully belong with the people's representatives.  The right to declare war, for example, belongs to the U.S. Congress - not the president.

There are many reasons why I am opposed to the use of violence in the struggle to reclaim our lost sovereignty in the United States of America.  Firstly, because it is neither called for nor would it be effective.  Americans have lost their sovereignty because they have not been vigilant or engaged.  If one compares the Swiss system to ours it is clear that the citizens of Switzerland are much more involved in the running of their confederation.  If we were to liken our two states to gardens we could say that the Swiss garden is carefully maintained, watered, and weeded.  The American garden, on the other hand, has been neglected and has become terribly overgrown with noxious weeds that have taken over and suffocated the beautiful flowers and bushes that were planted by the original gardeners 234 years ago. 

The American system gives citizens the power to choose their representatives.  The just powers of our government come only with the consent of the governed.  This is how our democratic franchise is supposed to work
.  The fundamental problem with the American republic today is that this representation has become a fiction because our elections are fraudulent.  Our presidents and Congressmen do not represent the American people but are beholden to the people who put them in power, i.e.  the people who own and control the electronic voting machine systems used across the United States.  These people have stolen our sovereignty but maintain the fiction that the American people still elect their representatives.  Anyone who has been involved in U.S. elections knows that the whole two-party system is rigged, from the control of the parties and selection of candidates to the counting of votes.  Both political parties are owned by big money and special interest groups.

The most effective way to restore the stolen sovereignty to the American people is to restore integrity and transparency to our elections.  The only way to get our nation back is to return to hand-counted paper ballots in every polling place across the United States.  The American people can do this without violence.

Question:  RE:  “Why Do Jews Commit Massacres?” 

Very well-written article. They accept no rules but the ones they choose to accept.  However, what I'm wondering now is why can't they even understand why the rest of the more-sane world is viewing them as sociopaths??  Unless, of course, they actually are sociopaths as well as pathological liars

Bollyn Responds: 
This is an excellent question that goes directly to the serious antisocial personality disorder of the "Jewish state" of Israel.  The world is a society of nations, and like individuals, nations have personalities.  The state of Israel, a racial/tribal state in which orthodox rabbis have a great deal of influence over laws and policies, clearly has an antisocial personality disorder.  The question is:  Do Israelis not understand that the rest of the world views their state as sociopathic?  This question raises another:  If Israel is a sociopathic state, how did it become sociopathic?

To understand what is meant by sociopaths and sociopathic disorder I recommend reading Profile of the Sociopath at

A sociopath is a psychopath with strongly antisocial tendencies.  In the 1800s this personality disorder was called "moral insanity." By 1900 it had changed to "psychopathic personality" and is now called "antisocial personality disorder."

Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD or APD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) as "a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others." 

The state of
Israel has a long history of showing "disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others" and consistently displays the following behaviors, which are common features of sociopathic people:

Sociopaths never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behavior as permissible. They may appear to be charming, but are covertly hostile and domineering, seeing their victim as merely an instrument to be used. They may dominate and humiliate their victims.

They have no problem lying and it is almost impossible for them to be truthful on a consistent basis. They can create, and get caught up in, a complex belief about their own powers and abilities.

They have a deep seated rage, which is split off and repressed, at their core. They do not see others around them as people, but only as targets and opportunities. Instead of friends, they have victims and accomplices who end up as victims. The end always justifies the means and they let nothing stand in their way.

When they show what seems to be warmth, joy, love and compassion it is more feigned than experienced and serves an ulterior motive. Outraged by insignificant matters, yet remaining unmoved and cold by what would upset a normal person. Since they are not genuine, neither are their promises.

They are unable to empathize with the pain of their victims, having only contempt for others' feelings of distress and readily taking advantage of them.

They believe they are all-powerful, all-knowing, and entitled to every wish.  They show no sense of personal boundaries and have no concern for their impact on others.  They may even state that their goal is to rule the world.  Their goal is the enslavement of their victim(s) and they seek to exercise despotic control over every aspect of the victim's life.

The sociopath does not accept blame themselves, but blames others, even for acts they obviously committed.  A sociopath does not perceive that anything is wrong with them.

There is a disregard for and violation of the right's of others, those right's considered normal by the local culture (or international law).  ASPD is indicated by at least three of the following.  I have indicated those behaviors which Israel displays consistently:

    A. Repeated acts that could lead to arrest.  (Israel often violates international law, e.g. war crimes in Gaza and Lebanon, and the recent piracy and murders committed against the Freedom Flotilla.)

    B. Conning for pleasure or profit, repeated lying, or the use of aliases.  (Israel is constantly conning the U.S. government and always lies about its actions.  Israelis often use aliases, even committing Mossad murders using stolen identities of foreigners visiting Israel.)

    C. Failure to plan ahead or being impulsive.  (Israel is often taking actions that backfire.  Are such blunders really intentional?)

    D. Repeated assaults on others.  (Israel has attacked all of its neighbors and nations far away.  Nearly all of its assaults have been illegal under international law.)

    E. Reckless when it comes to their or others safety.  (The aggressive and illegal actions of the Israeli state put all Israelis and Jews at risk.  They claim to be acting on behalf of the Jewish people but their reckless actions increase the dangers for all Jews, even those who have nothing to do with Israel.)

    F. Poor work behavior or failure to honor financial obligations.  (Israel never actually repays its loans from the U.S.  These loans are all eventually rolled onto the U.S. taxpayer, who winds up footing the Israeli bill.)

    G. Rationalizing the pain they inflict on others.  (Israel always rationalizes the pain and suffering they inflict on the Palestinian and Lebanese.  Israel even blames the Freedom Flotilla for the deaths of the nine people killed by Israeli Defense Forces – on the high seas.)

If one considers the behavior of the state of Israel, as expressed through the actions and words of its leaders, especially since the late-1970s when the extreme right-wing Likud Party came to power, one can easily see that Israel – as a state – displays all the symptoms of antisocial personality disorder.  It should be remembered that the Likud Party of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is the political party of the former Irgun terrorists, headed by such notorious Zionist terrorists as Menachem Begin and Yitzhak Shamir.  A political party founded by mass murderers and terrorists certainly must be seen as having antisocial tendencies.

Although many clinicians use the terms psychopath and sociopath interchangeably, a sociopath's criminal behavior is shaped by social forces and is the result of a dysfunctional environment, according to psychopath expert Robert Hare in his book Without Conscience


The Israeli state acts without conscience or respect for international law or the norms of civilized society.  This is why I call Israeli behavior "amoral" rather than "immoral".  Israelis do not act according to the moral standards of the civilized world but follow a completely different set of rules based on the Talmud, which apply only to them.  The Talmudic laws that guide the behavior of orthodox Jews (and Israelis) turn the Ten Commandments on their head and discriminate between Jews and non-Jews, who are seen as less-than-human beasts.  (See Israel Shahak's excellent book Jewish History, Jewish Religion online.)  It is important to note that the key people involved in the 9-11 crime and cover-up are all Israelis, orthodox Jews, and rabbis (e.g. Alvin K. Hellerstein, Michael Chertoff, and Dov Zakheim).

Orthodox Judaism as defined by the rabbis (i.e. Talmudic teaching) is the basis of the "antisocial religion," which is the origin of the "social forces" and "dysfunctional environment" behind the antisocial personality disorder of the state of Israel.  Orthodox Jewish children are raised with a supremacist worldview that Jews are superior to all other people and that non-Jews exist only to serve Jews.  This sociopathic doctrine of Jewish supremacism is taught to all Israeli children, even those from non-religious families.  The discrimination against non-Jews is reinforced by the language of the Jews, which calls a non-Jewish woman a "shiksa" and a non-Jewish man a "shegetz".  The Hebrew root word of both is "shegua", which means something so foul that it cannot be touched.

Tacitus, the Roman senator and historian of the 1st Century, described the antisocial behavior of the Jews, which were part of the Roman Empire of his time:  "Among the Jews all things are profane that we hold sacred; on the other hand they regard as permissible what seems to us immoral."

The antisocial essence of the Jewish religion is caused by "the hatred" (i.e. "the deep seated rage" of sociopaths) with which they confront the "rest of the world", as Tacitus wrote:

The other practices of the Jews are sinister and revolting, and have entrenched themselves by their very wickedness. Wretches of the most abandoned kind who had no use for the religion of their fathers took to contributing dues and free-will offerings to swell the Jewish exchequer; and other reasons for their increasing wealth may be found in their stubborn loyalty and ready benevolence towards brother Jews. But the rest of the world they confront with the hatred reserved for enemies.

Question:  How do you prove if a person has been exposed to Depleted Uranium (DU) and what can a person do about the health problems it causes, such as brittle teeth? Does the Veterans Administration (VA) have a policy to help and compensate veterans?  I am a retired Army officer, my son was in Iraq with the first group that went in. He was there for 13 months. His job included evacuation of blown out damaged and destroyed armor vehicles, artillery, and tanks from the battle field along with moving troops in and out the front lines. He has a series of health issues that I believe are a result of his time in Iraq (including brittle teeth since he returned) and it is taking a toll. I find it hard for the VA not to acknowledge there is a problem when there is so much documentation and research on the subject. Something needs to be done to help veterans like my son with this.

Bollyn Responds:  This is a very relevant question because there are currently more than 800,000 disabled vets from the Gulf War Era (300,000 from Desert Storm in 1991 and 500,000 from Operation Iraqi Freedom since 2003).   I have written a series of articles about the very real health damage caused by the use of depleted uranium.  These articles are ground-breaking in that they explain the extreme danger of what is called "the particle effect," which is caused by exposure to nano-size particles of DU. 

To see if there had been any changes in the position of the military regarding DU exposure, I turned first to the VA website where I found that they still deny the existence of any health problems among vets related to depleted uranium: 

Health Problems Associated with Depleted Uranium  

DU is a health hazard if it enters the body, such as through embedded fragments, contaminated wounds, and inhalation or ingestion. Simply riding in a vehicle with DU weapons or DU shielding will not expose a service member to significant amounts of DU or external radiation.   The potential for health effects from internal exposure is related to the amount of DU that enters a person’s body.

So far no health problems associated with DU exposure have been found in Veterans exposed to DU. Researchers and clinicians continue to monitor the health of these Veterans. Go to the Department of Defense's Depleted Uranium (DU) Library* to learn about results of medical and scientific research and other DU topics.


Although the VA claims it has found "no health problems" from DU exposure, the following section on VA Benefits certainly says otherwise:  "Veterans who were exposed to depleted uranium during military service may be eligible for health care benefits."  The VA also says it provides "disability compensation benefits for disabilities that VA determines are associated with depleted uranium exposure." 

Why would veterans exposed to DU be eligible for health care  and disability benefits if the VA claims there are "no health problems associated with DU exposure"?  This makes no sense.

I then contacted Doug Rokke, a U.S. Army (ret.) expert on the effects of DU. In previous interviews Rokke had informed me that he suffered from brittle teeth as a result of his exposure to DU. I asked Rokke about the problem with brittle teeth among vets. 

This is a "severe" problem, Rokke said. He lost all of his teeth due to DU. "They disintegrate," he said. This he said is caused by DU's effect on phosphorus and calcium.  Asked about the VA claim that "no health problems" have been found related to DU exposure, Rokke said, "They lie through their teeth." They know all about the serious health problems caused by DU but are unwilling to acknowledge the connection. 

Comment from a relative of a 9-11 victim:  I am so shocked and horrified by the information I am reading here. My dear cousin Tom was the co-pilot on American Airlines Flight 11 and I believe he was one of the first to die that day.  Reading that the government of Israel had advance knowledge of this, that the so-called movers were actually Israeli operatives exposes Israel in a light I had never before imagined, yet I cannot disregard. The tragic death of this husband and father, as well as all the other innocent lives lost that day, is brutally compounded by the complicity of one of this nation's allies.

Bollyn Responds:  This poignant comment from a relative describes our common 9-11 predicament very well.  The evidence of Israeli (and Zionist agents) involvement in the terror atrocity cannot be disregarded.  The events of 9-11 (and the subsequent cover-up of the truth) are of much greater historical importance than simply being the seminal events of the fraudulent "War on Terror."  The false-flag terror atrocity of 9-11 is the harbinger of a revolutionary change in world history.  The role of our corrupt political systems and the controlled media in the cover-up of what really happened on 9-11, and the growing awareness of this evil deception, presents us with a pregnant political situation which can only be called pre-revolutionary.  The official version of 9-11 has been proven to be nothing but a pack of treasonous lies.  The political status quo, in which the Zionist-controlled political establishment exploits blatant lies about 9-11 to carry out illegal wars of aggression and impose draconian "homeland security" policies on the American population is neither acceptable nor tenable in the long run.  The tremors that precede the upheaval can already be felt.

Question:  I just wish that you had footnoted your writings.  I would love to believe you, but without sources backing up your facts, it makes it difficult.

Bollyn Responds:  This skeptical reader raises a very good point.  In my articles written as a professional journalist (2000- October 2006) I always provided the sources of the information in the text.  Since 2007, when I began writing my book Solving 9-11 - The Deception that Changed the World, I mention the sources in the text (as a journalist should) and give the details and location of the material at the end.  By providing the documents and sources of the information I try to make it easy for the reader to check the veracity of the information found in my articles and see it in its full context.  I am certainly not asking for anyone to "believe" anything I write.  One publisher sent my chapter on the Architecture of Terror to an independent and professional fact checker in Britain.  The fact checker was actually opposed to my hypothesis that Israel was involved in the terrorism of 9-11 and examined more than 100 points or facts that I present in this key chapter.  Every one of them was found to be correct.  As Professor Steven E. Jones would say, "The data doesn't lie." 

Question:  We met in the summer of 2005 when you brought William Rodriquez [9-11 survivor from the World Trade Center] to speak at the Schaumburg Library [Illinois]. You mention in your notice to Eric Hufschmid that you categorize him with Mike Piper and Darrel Bradford Smith – why?  You also referred to Victor Thorn who seems to have lifted some of your ideas about Zionist involvement in 9/11.  Are Piper and Smith disinformation agents? 

I have Piper's Final Judgment.  I think your research is impeccable and felt badly when you "left" AFP. Your online 9/11 book is amazing. I hope that you and your family are happy and secure. I have noted that people who divulge too much truth, like Sterling, Peggy Seagrave, and yourself receive similar treatment and have to flee.

Bollyn Responds: This is a good question about a subject that I don't usually delve into, but which certainly deserves to be discussed because it concerns the role of the Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) as the source of much of the deception and evil that afflicts our world today. 

The people you ask about:  Hufschmid, Piper, Smith, and Scott Makufka (a.k.a. Victor Thorn), are four detractors who have spent years attacking me and waging a vicious campaign of slander and libel against me and my family.
   What these agents of deception have done is spread lies and calumnies about me, my wife and children in an effort to discredit me and damage my credibility and reputation. Smith revealed how this vicious slander campaign works in a taped telephone conversation with Eric Hufschmid. I have written about this in an article entitled "Slam Bollyn Every Way You Can", which is exactly what Smith told Hufschmid to do. Why would Smith want to "slam" me, an honest journalist and leading 9-11 researcher?   


While Hufschmid has not attacked me as maliciously as the others, he has made the ridiculous claim since the summer of 2007 that I have been kidnapped by the Mossad. Using this bizarre claim (which he stubbornly maintains despite abundant proof to the contrary) he says that my writing is "bait" approved by Israeli intelligence. Although he employs a different method, Hufschmid's slander against me has achieved the same result. He has successfully sown suspicion about my credibility and drawn attention to me as a person while completely marginalizing my 9-11 research, which he has ignored since 2007.    

To understand what this slander campaign is really all about, and who is behind it, we need to employ some Socratic dialectic. We will start by asking a simple question: Are these people attacking me as a defensive tactic because I have attacked them or treated them badly?  

No. I have not wronged any of these people and not even discussed them until after they began attacking me. As a matter of fact, I have helped all of them a great deal. I helped Piper, for example, with his RBN radio show when I filled in for him for several weeks in a row, while on the road with my family in the West during the summer of 2006. This required a great deal of time and effort on my part - with absolutely no compensation. Does Piper do his daily show from free?   

I also helped Piper by appearing several times as a guest on his show, as I did for Hufschmid and Smith's "French Connection" show. While I agreed to be interviewed by Piper, Hufschmid, and Smith, I have always worked as an independent journalist (for Spotlight and AFP from 2000 until October 2006) and was never affiliated with any of them in any way.  I have been interviewed by many people.  Being interviewed by a person or having my material posted on somebody's website does not indicate any deeper association than that.  The attempts to link me with Hufschmid and Smith are part of an intel trap to discredit my work by connecting me with them.  Piper always introduced me with fulsome praise, calling me "America's best journalist, bar none." Piper, Hufschmid, and Smith have, as a matter of fact, all greatly relied on and gained from the original 9-11 research I have done. None of them can say that they have suffered because of knowing me. So why do they attack me?

Christopher Bollyn (left) and Darrel Setters (a.k.a. Darrel Bradford Smith) at Smith's home in central France, the morning after Thanksgiving 2005

Scott Makufka (a.k.a. Thorn) wrote a book about Israel’s role in the 9-11 attacks (that I have not read), which must contain a great deal of my research. Thorn’s book was published by American Free Press, where I worked from 2000 until October 2006. 

Scott Makufka (a.k.a. Victor Thorn)
Although I was the first journalist to write about the Israeli role in the 9-11 attacks and have done far more research (for eight years) than any other writer on the subject, AFP was never interested in doing a book about 9-11 with me. This is an intelligence tactic called “stealing the thunder.” If AFP were truly interested in exposing the Israeli role in 9-11, why have they not asked to publish my ground-breaking book, Solving 9-11 – The Deception that Changed the World?
So, what have I done to deserve being subjected to the vicious and concerted campaign of calumny, slander, and libel? What is it that I have done that bothers them so much that they spend time attacking me?

This is easy. Apart from raising my family, for the past eight years my only vocation has been to research and write about the false-flag terrorism of 9-11. As an investigative journalist I have led the way in investigating the role of Israeli intelligence and Zionist agents in the United States in the terror attacks of 9-11.

If my 9-11 research and writing is the reason these detractors are attacking me with slander and libel, who are they doing it for?

It stands to reason that these four are working as agents of an agency that is interested in my research being discredited and marginalized. Because my thesis is that the state of Israel and Zionists in the U.S. are behind 9-11, these must be the same entities behind the anti-Bollyn slander campaign. This makes sense because well-known Zionist entities such as Rupert Murdoch’s FOX News, CNN, and the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz have all tried to smear me as an anti-Semite.

Are these four detractors connected with a Zionist agency or the state of Israel?

Eric Hufschmid’s father, with whom he works closely, is the father of the wife of Rupert Murdoch’s son James, heir apparent of the Murdoch media empire. Smith is a former narcotics user who has several felony convictions that were suddenly cleared up immediately before he began his career with “The French Connection” in early 2005.

Piper and Makufka (a.k.a. Thorn) work for a newspaper called American Free Press, where I worked as an independent contractor (since the fall of 2001) after being hired in the spring of 2000. AFP claims to be an employee-owned newspaper, which is a deception meant to fool readers. AFP has no assets to own. Everything of value associated with the Liberty Lobby and American Free Press is held by a host of shell companies with names like “The Committee to Expose Bunk”, which issued my paychecks, for example. Michael Piper is one of the people allowed to sign checks from these entities.

The person who is the mastermind of the shell game involving the assets of the Liberty Lobby is Mark Lane, the Jewish lawyer who played a crucial role in the massacre at Jonestown, Guyana. 

Mark Lane (center) was present at Jonestown during the massacre.  He is considered to have played a key role in provoking the massacre by playing on the fears of Jim Jones.  This photo with Jones (left) was taken shortly before the mass suicide/massacre.  How odd that Lane became the lawyer, and then owner of the Liberty Lobby several years later.

Lane has been the lawyer of the Liberty Lobby since the mid-1980s and received some $5 million in legal fees, according to a veteran Liberty Lobby insider. Lane, who served in U.S. Army Intelligence in Germany at the end of the war, acquired the assets of the Liberty Lobby in 1993 or 1994, according to L.T. Patterson (owner of Criminal Politics), who discovered this fact during a court process in which Lane was suing Patterson.

Who does Lane work for?

Lane must work for the C.I.A. Having worked for Army Intelligence in the mid-1940s, it stands to reason that Lane became one of the head honchos in the Jewish intelligence cabal in Army Intelligence that became the C.I.A. in 1949. This would explain Lane’s role in his writings on the Warren Report, the anti-war movement during the Vietnam War, Jonestown, and the so-called patriot movement at the Liberty Lobby.

But isn’t the C.I.A. working to protect the nation and the people of the United States?

Obviously not. The C.I.A. was criticized for being asleep at the switch on 9-11, but it is really much worse than that. The C.I.A. actually works against the interests of the republic and the American people. The C.I.A. is obviously deeply involved in the commission of the terrorism crime of 9-11. Rather than preventing 9-11 or finding the culprits of the atrocity, the C.I.A. has been exploiting the 9-11 deception to wage war using drone warfare in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Asked about the C.I.A. attacks in Pakistan, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton responded as if she had no legal authority or control over the C.I.A., which was a remarkably candid response from a U.S. Secretary of State. Her response indicated that the C.I.A. is a rogue agency that acts outside the control of the U.S. administration. How can that be?

What is the C.I.A.’s interest in Afghanistan and Pakistan?

The C.I.A. is clearly not interested in solving 9-11 or finding the culprits. We know that the Twin Towers were demolished using an advanced form of super-thermite (produced using nano-technology) and that the official version that Osama Bin Laden carried out 9-11 from a cave in Afghanistan is nothing but a pack of lies. The C.I.A. is involved in Afghanistan because that’s where most of the world’s opium is produced. George H.W. Bush, the former director of the C.I.A., was also a director of the Eli Lilly Company, the pharmaceutical giant that manufactures Prozac. Bush was also one of the first students at Israel’s Yonatan [Netanyahu] Institute of terrorism in 1979. Since the production of opium has skyrocketed since the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, we can assume that opium production is one of the purposes of the war and occupation. Prior to the invasion of 2001, the Taliban regime, which the U.S. is fighting against, had succeeded in eradicating nearly all opium production in Afghanistan.

This explains why American Free Press was so strongly opposed to my articles about the dangerous effects of Prozac and similar drugs. When Ellen Mariani, a 9-11 widow, told me that the grieving relatives had been sent to Red Cross doctors who had prescribed Prozac – the editor at AFP cut it out of the story. My subsequent articles about serotonin-affecting drugs and school shootings were rejected out-of-hand. This was clearly a subject that the American Free Press did not want to take up.

One has to remember what Andreas von Bülow said about intelligence agencies in December 2001: ”Ninety-five percent of the work of intelligence agencies around the world is deception and disinformation.” The first target of the deception and disinformation of the C.I.A. is the people of the United States. This is a rogue agency that must be disbanded if the American republic is to survive. The C.I.A. is no sacred cow, some sacrosanct institution that can be allowed to carry out its own agenda, wage war, and maintain secret prisons, all in the name of our democratic American republic. The C.I.A. is a rogue agency that is obviously an enemy of American democracy. The United States of America cannot survive as a democratic republic with the C.I.A. operating as the shadow government. The C.I.A. is nothing but a band of organized criminals operating under the guise of the United States. By dissolving the C.I.A. we would obtain answers to many of the crimes committed in the past 60 years.

Question:  I am making an appeal that you repost the following important articles on your website or link to them somewhere. They are increasingly getting harder to find on the Internet. Many sites just link back to your site and yet they are no longer available at Some people are just beginning to wake up – they really need to hear what happened and understand the nature and character of Eric Hufschmid and Daryl Bradford Smith. I hope to see this information on your site again soon.
Bollyn Responds:  I have recently received quite a few questions about my detractors, namely Michael Piper, Daryl B. Smith, and Eric Hufschmid.  I have reposted these articles under the section entitled The Cure for DisinfoAs the former German intelligence chief Andreas von Buelow told me in December 2001, “Ninety-five percent of the work of intelligence agencies around the world is deception and disinformation.”  Marion Fulk, the retired scientist of the Manhattan Project and Livermore Lab, used to tell me that the government “has buildings full of agents” to do their dirty work.  When we would go to a restaurant in Livermore after a day spent studying the effects of depleted uranium, there would be several agents tailing us and listening to our conversation.  My detractors and those who slander and libel me are working for such people.  The truth is coming out and we can all see who has been working for the truth and who has not.  The functions of Michael Piper and sticky fly-paper operations like American Free Press are a bit more complicated and something I will take up in the next question.

Marion Fulk (left) and Christopher Bollyn at Fulk’s home in Livermore, California
Question of April 14:  In human history, are you aware of examples in which the entire population of a country believed in a lie for years, then discovered the lie?  Does recognition of truth happen rapidly?  What is the usual outcome?  What do you predict Mr. Bollyn?

The Katyn Massacre Memorial

Bollyn Responds:  Big lies are really not that unusual, especially when massacres are involved. History is littered with them.  The Katyn Massacre comes to mind. The recent crash of the plane of the Polish president and 96 others has brought this extremely painful “Big Lie” back into the spotlight.  The Katyn Massacre was the mass murder of some 22,000 Polish nationals by the Soviet secret police, a massacre which had been approved by the entire Soviet Politburo, including Joseph Stalin, Britain’s ally in its “unnecessary war” against Germany. Nazi Germany announced the discovery of mass graves in the Katyn Forest in 1943 and was immediately blamed - without a single stitch of evidence - by the Allies and Western media for the atrocity.  Hitler actually called for an investigation into the killings, although it was not until 1990 that the Soviet Union officially acknowledged and condemned the perpetration of the killings by the Soviet NKVD, and the subsequent cover-up.

The Ground Zero Cross
The massacre and terror atrocity of 9-11 are very similar to the Katyn Massacre.  The blame was wrongly placed on Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaida – without any evidence - in order to usher in the pre-planned “War on Terror” with an illegal invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, and subsequently Iraq.  The crucial evidence of the crime of 9-11 was quickly destroyed and a politically controlled non-investigation managed under the direction of Michael Chertoff, a dedicated agent of the actual culprits – Israeli intelligence and their Zionist quislings in the United States. 

Michael Chertoff was the key person responsible for the destruction of the evidence of 9-11 – and the cover-up.  Chertoff, the son of an Israeli Mossad agent named Livia Eisen, is an Israeli by birth. 
The Zionist-controlled media ignored the evidence of Israeli involvement and pushed the official version, which is really nothing more than a pack of lies.  Nothing good will ever come from such evil deceit, and nothing good has come from the lies surrounding 9-11.   For more than 8 years the world has been deceived about what really happened on 11 September 2001 and why we are engaged in the War on Terror - but the truth is coming out.  The dam of lies and deceit is breaking and it is no longer possible to hold back the Truth.  The culprits and those who have assisted the cover-up are becoming very uncomfortable.  The liars and rats of the 9-11 deception will be washed away by the flood waters of Truth.

The Dedication of the Cross
Comment of April 9:  Dear Mr Bollyn. I am one of your fans. I thought you would like this article, in case you did not read it yet. I wonder if Mr. Wilkerson [Col. Lawrence B.] might be one of many “whistle blowers” who come to light in coming weeks and months? 

George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld covered up that hundreds of innocent men were sent to the Guantánamo Bay prison camp because they feared that releasing them would harm the push for war in Iraq and the broader War on Terror, according to a new document obtained by The Times.

Donald Rumsfeld believed that releasing the innocent detainees would harm the Administration, according to a signed declaration by a top aide to Colin Powell.

The accusations were made by Lawrence Wilkerson, a top aide to Colin Powell, the former Republican Secretary of State, in a signed declaration to support a lawsuit filed by a Guantánamo detainee. It is the first time that such allegations have been made by a senior member of the Bush Administration.
Colonel Wilkerson, who was General Powell’s chief of staff when he ran the State Department, was most critical of Mr Cheney and Mr Rumsfeld. He claimed that the former Vice-President and Defence Secretary knew that the majority of the initial 742 detainees sent to Guantánamo in 2002 were innocent but believed that it was “politically impossible to release them”.

Who said never again?  Guantanamo is a real concentration camp in our time.  Children as young as 12 and 13 and elderly as old as 92 or 93 were taken to Gitmo.  Why are the people behind this outrageous crime being protected from prosecution?  When will President Obama close the Gitmo Gulag and begin an investigation of the abuses committed there?  Why delay what has to be done?
Answer:  Yes, there will certainly be others coming forward who will expose the lies and deception of 9-11 and the Zionist fraud known as the “War on Terror.”  The real question is when and what kind of legal action will follow to investigate and punish those who are really behind 9-11 and the subsequent ”War on Terror” that has destroyed so many lives?  I recommend Andy Worthington’s article of April 14. “Wilkerson Demolishes Bush, Cheney, And Rumsfeld’s Lies About Guantanamo” in The Public Record:

For Col. Wilkerson, who remains “extremely concerned that the Armed Forces of the United States, where I spent 31 years of my professional life, were deeply involved in these tragic mistakes,” the need for accountability has a particularly personal meaning, but for the rest of us, it should be no less important that torture was used to justify an illegal war, that it infected the U.S. military, that those who authorized it remain free to continue spreading their poisonous lies (in Dick Cheney’s case, at least), and that men continue to languish in Guantánamo as a result of it — and also as a result of the Obama administration’s unwillingness, or refusal to confront the very facts that Col. Wilkerson has disclosed.

Worthington’s article is at:

Wilkerson’s signed statement (pdf) of March 24, 2010 is here.

Question of April 6:  Dear Mr. Bollyn:  I have been reading many articles on the 9-11 atrocity and other major world events. I am a 46-year-old Ashkenazi Jew from London, England.  I believe the Rothschilds and the banking conspiracy are behind EVERYTHING. When I bring the subject up with my peers and family, I am told it is anti-Semitic nonsense, probably paid for by the Saudi Arabians.  If there is no actual proof, and the Rothschilds are so powerful, please help me to understand why so much data is available on the Internet.  Am I missing something?  Surely the Rothschilds would be able to prevent this data surfacing under libel or slander laws, or anti-defamation.  Thank you. I look forward to your reply.

Answer:  Yes, the Rothschilds are behind much of what goes on – especially when it concerns the outlaw state of Israel.  The Rothschild family was the prime mover and financier of the Zionist project to settle Russian and Polish Jews in Palestine.  The 1917 Balfour Declaration which promised British support for a home for world Jewry in Palestine was addressed to Lord Rothschild (Lionel Walter, 2nd Baron Rothschild 1868-1937), head of the English branch of the Jewish banking family – and unofficial head of British Jewry.  The Balfour Declaration gave great impetus to the Zionist movement that eventually resulted in the state of Israel.  The Rothschild bankers were obviously calling the shots in Britain in 1917.  Lionel’s father, the 1st Baron Rothschild, was able in 1875 to give £4,000,000 to Britain’s first Jewish prime minister, D’Israeli (later Disraeli), to become the principal stockholder in the Suez Canal Company.
Prior to World War I Zionism represented only a minority of Jews, mostly from Russia, but led by Austrian and German Jews.  By 1914 there were about 90,000 Jews in Palestine; 13,000 settlers lived in 43 Jewish agricultural settlements, many of them supported by the French Jew Baron Edmond de Rothschild.

The Rothschilds are able to control governments by being primary lenders of money to national banks, like the Federal Reserve.  In the past 40 years the United States has gone from being the largest creditor nation to becoming the largest debtor nation.  This is how the U.S. has lost its independence and much of its felicity.  The greater the debt, the greater the control gained by the international bankers like the Rothschilds. (to be continued…)

Question of April 2:  I just listened to Dr. Sabrosky’s broadcast. He was pretty convincing although I felt he was a little short on details. He seemed to place a great deal of his case on the fall of WTC 7, but never once did he say anything about Larry Silverstein and only one very brief mention of nano-thermite.  9-11 was such a complicated operation and required the cooperation of many people.  I’m sure you have told us before, but why was it necessary to bring down WTC 7?  The fall of WTC 7 is so obviously controlled demolition, why would those responsible take the risk of exposing their crime by demolishing 7 in this way? There had to have been something in that building that was so important to make it worth their great risk to demolish it. Or did they simply feel so confident that they could do this in plain sight and have complete confidence in their control of our government and media?

Answer:  The demolition of WTC 7 is the event that revealed to Dr. Alan Sabrosky and Dr. Steven Jones (and many others) that the official version of 9-11 is a pack of lies.  Destroying WTC 7 was obviously crucial to the whole false-flag terror operation.  There are two main explanations for this.  First, it may have housed equipment and personnel that played a role in the destruction of the WTC towers, for example in the specially fortified bunker on the 22nd or 23rd floor. 

Secondly, it housed the offices of federal agencies involved in investigations of serious financial crimes.  The destruction of the evidence would have been crucial in both cases.  The vault beneath WTC 6 held much of the evidence for the federal agencies in WTC 7 and this vault was evidently cleaned out the night before 9-11, according to Kurt Sonnenfeld, the FEMA photographer who looked into it.  The Zionist perpetrators have complete confidence that they could get away with this because of their control of our government and media, as you say, but the real key was having control of the buildings prior to 9-11 and having Michael Chertoff in the key position to control the destruction of the evidence and non-investigation of the crime.

WTC 7 was owned by Larry Silverstein and had been built with Israeli contractors in the mid-1980s, when the Zionist plan for the destruction of the WTC had already been developed.  The main strategic reason for the Israeli false-flag terror of 9-11 was to usher in the “War on Terror” and bring the U.S. military into the Middle East on a permanent basis – to protect Israel’s hegemony in the region.  See: “America the Target: 9-11 and Israel’s History of False Flag Terrorism”

Question of March 26:  In a recent radio interview, Dr. Alan Sabrosky (a former director of the US Military War College, General of the Army Douglas MacArthur Chair of Research, among other highly impressive credentials) stated that top American military brass know Israel did 9/11. A four part series of this interview is on Youtube. Dr. Sabrosky stated that in recent weeks he has brought this to the attention of many high level military contacts, who now realize Israel’s role in 9/11. Do you believe it’s true that top military officers are just now beginning to realize what you’ve been saying, and if so, what might be the outcome?
Dr. Alan Sabrosky discusses increasing awareness in the U.S. military that Israel is behind 9-11 and disastrous war policies in Iraq and Afghanistan.

IT IS ONE HUNDRED PERCENT CERTAIN that 9-11 was a Mossad operation – period.
- Dr. Alan Sabrosky

If these Americans and those like them ever fully understand just how much of their suffering – and the suffering we have inflicted on others – is properly laid on the doorsteps of Israel and its advocates in America, they will sweep aside those in politics, the press and the pulpits alike whose lies and disloyalty brought this about and concealed it from them. They may well leave Israel looking like Carthage after the Romans finished with it. It will be Israel’s own great fault.
-  Alan Sabrosky, “Treason, Betrayal and Deceit: 9/11 and Beyond”, Sept. 10, 2009

Sabrosky (Ph.D, University of Michigan) is a ten-year U.S. Marine Corps veteran and a graduate of the US Army War College.

Answer:  In the video clip, Dr. Alan Sabrosky (who says that he has Jewish ancestors) claims he has informed people at the highest levels of the U.S. military that Israeli Mossad criminals are behind 9-11.  He says that most of the people in the U.S. military brass were not aware of Israel’s role in 9-11 and are truly shocked and enraged when they realize that the U.S. has been duped and deceived by Israeli intelligence.  I don’t doubt that for a minute.  I believe that the 9-11 deception was not understood by the people at the top.  This is why the title of my book is Solving 9-11 – The Deception that Changed the World.

Had the deception of the false-flag terror atrocity been widely understood in the military, I certainly would not have been attacked, maliciously prosecuted, and tried in a corrupt Chicago court in 2007 with virtually no support from the U.S. military and other institutions.  Articles about the conspiracy behind the brutal police attack and my trial can be found in The Bollyn Trial section.

There has, however, been a very significant and noticeable sea change in how the U.S. and British governments and media treat Israel during the past few weeks and I think that Dr. Sabrosky’s revelations may be connected with that change.  I am very encouraged by this development, to say the least.

Question of March 17:  Just today, Wayne Madsen has disclosed another very important link in the chain of evidence: he reports that an El Al 747 departed from JFK for Tel Aviv at 4:11 p.m. on 9/11/2001 and it was full.  Would you please pause for a moment to contemplate the evidentiary significance of confirming the complete list of passengers who embarked for Tel Aviv on that unauthorized flight?

Answer: I would expect that Ehud Olmert and many of the Israelis who were behind the terrorism of 9-11 were on this plane.  As I pointed out in December 2007, Ehud Olmert, the Likudnik mayor of Jerusalem and deputy prime minister of Israel, was in New York City on the eve of 9-11.  The fact that this high level Israeli politician was in New York City on September 10, 2001 has been kept secret.  I would assume that this visit has been kept secret because it involved the false-flag terror attacks of the following day.  I suspect that Olmert was in New York City during the attacks.  It would, of course, be very interesting to get the passenger list.  I will see what I can do. 

Question and Comment:  With the information that is now available, why has the insurance company that paid off on Lucky Larry’s [Silverstein] fraudulent World Trade Center terrorism claim not made some kind of effort to get their money back?  Hope you can provide some insight on this. I would also like to comment on my view of the state of the world.  Obviously things were not “hunky dory” prior to 9-11, but since that fateful day, the criminal network has been given a blank check to do anything.  The American populace seems asleep, thinking only of shopping, sports, money – just making it through their own lives.

Answer:  This is a very good question.  Much of the money that has been paid out in 9-11 claims has actually come from U.S. taxpayer funds.  I had read that the insurance companies were actually reimbursed in this way, but have not seen the documentation.  The recently litigated payout to the first responders came from a $1 billion FEMA fund, for example.  I will try to check if the WTC insurers were also compensated with U.S. taxpayer money. 

One thing that needs to be understood about the ownership of the WTC towers is that agents of the state of Israel became the de facto owners of the WTC when Silverstein took control of the towers in late July 2001.  “Sources in the Port Authority intimated that even though they were still in the vicinity, Silverstein was in control,” Haaretz reported in its 2001 article, “Up in smoke”.  Through the Silverstein takeover, which was supervised by Lewis Eisenberg of the Port Authority, agents of Israeli intelligence gained access and complete control of the WTC property that was the target of their carefully planned terrorist attack. 

Lewis Eisenberg at the scene of the crime – Eisenberg, a partner at Goldman Sachs, was the head of the Port Authority (the owner of the World Trade Center) in 2001 and was the key person who facilitated the property falling into the hands of Larry Silverstein.

The Silverstein takeover was essential to the Israeli’s evil plan because in order to carry out such a sophisticated false-flag terror operation with complete security, owning the property was a requirement.  Here are the three principal agents of the takeover:

Larry Silverstein

Larry Silverstein, former owner of Runway 69, a Queens strip club, is a close friend and business partner of Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak.  Silverstein has been close to Netanyahu since he served as Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations.  “For years they kept in close touch.  Every Sunday afternoon, New York time, Netanyahu would call Silverstein,” Haaretz reported.  “It made no difference what the subject was or where Netanyahu was, he would always call, Silverstein told an Israeli acquaintance.  A recent article on claims that Silverstein was treasurer of Netanyahu’s terrorism school, the mysterious Jonathan Institute and of his electoral campaigns.  I have not seen that before and will look to see if it is true.  A good article on Silverstein’s friendship and business connections to Netanyahu and Barak is “Up in Smoke” from the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz.  (American Friends of the Jonathan Institute was established in Washington, D.C. in March 1977 and in New York City in care of Feder & Gopin in June 1977, two years before its first conference.)  Silverstein was accused, along with Bill Clinton and Colin Powell, of being involved in drug smuggling and other crimes in a 1997 lawsuit Harry P. Miller v. Larry Silverstein, et al.

Lloyd M. Goldman

Lloyd Goldman is Silverstein’s behind-the-scenes equity partner on the World Trade Center lease, was chairman of the finance committee of the American Associates of Ben Gurion University in 2000 and is currently national vice president.  Ben Gurion University is affiliated with Israel’s Nuclear Research Center – Negev (NRCN), which is involved in developing nano-composite energetic materials like the super-Thermite which was found in the dust of the pulverized Twin Towers. 

The crucial question about 9-11 that needs to be answered is who made the super-Thermite that demolished the concrete of the World Trade Center, and who applied it to the interior surfaces, probably the undersides of the 220 floor pans?  The evidence indicates that 9-11 was an Israeli-engineered act of false-flag terrorism, which would mean that Israel probably produced the nano-composite of Thermite.  The Nuclear Research Center Negev, which is where Israel produces its nuclear weapons, has long been involved in development of super-Thermite.  Lloyd Goldman’s close connection to Ben Gurion University means that getting super-Thermite from the NRCN into the Twin Towers would practically be an in-house operation.  Goldman is poised to take over the World Trade Center project when Silverstein, who is nearly 80, retires.  See –
“Meet the Other Trade Center Builder”, Wall Street Journal, September 11, 2008

Frank Lowy

Frank Lowy is the third key partner in the World Trade Center takeover.  Born in 1930 into a family of modest means in Slovakia (then Czecho-Slovakia), Lowy spent the war years in Budapest, then moved to Palestine where he fought in the underground for the Zionist army, the Haganah. By 17, he was in an elite commando unit of the Israeli Army, fighting behind enemy lines in the War of Independence. In 2006 he established Israel’s Institute for National Security Studies, which incorporates the Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies.

Comment of March 8:  Chris, just wanted you to see this article….dang, I don’t understand people lying about you this way, just wanted you to see it, thank you, and keep up the good work, N.

Bollyn Responds: 
I have not read the whole article but can clearly see by the style and content that it is written by Michael Bernard Piper (a.k.a. Michael Collins Piper) of American Free Press.  This is obviously more of his nonsensical lies and slander.  One needs to understand that Piper is paid to attack me on behalf of the Zionist Jew Mark Lane and the controlled opposition/flypaper outfit Lane runs out of the Liberty Lobby. 

If there was a fire in the HVAC unit on the roof of the building of the former I.B.M. Global Network Services (sold to AT&T a year before I left the company in May 2000), how should I know about it and what does it have to do with me?  I was living in Germany where I had been since November 2001.  How should I know about a minor fire in Schaumburg, Illinois?  The main point of the article is to attack my credibility by calling me a liar, a Judas Goat, and an “intelligence operative”. 

The detailed information about Piper and his show indicates that the source of the article is Piper, and he is lying throughout.  He is the Judas Goat who is projecting his sins on me in an effort to sow suspicion about my work and motives.  When Piper says that he “allowed” me to stand in and host his show during the summer of 2006 he is using the wrong word.  I was asked to do this and tried to avoid it because it was an extra obligation that I would have difficulty doing as I was on the road in the western United States.

The real question is why does Piper, who lavished fulsome praise on me everytime he had me on his show in 2006 about being “America’s best journalist, bar none”, spend so much time and effort attacking me?  Piper has obviously been tasked to do everything he can to sow suspicion about me and try to discredit my research and writing.  He reveals how he tries to damage my credibility in these lines:

If Bollyn really were an honest truth teller and genuine investigative journalist, he would not be lying like this. And if a supposedly honest journalist is known to be lying about some matters of fact, how can his word be trusted on anything? Falsus in uno, falsus in omnibus.
It is interesting that Piper and Eric Hufschmid are doing the exact same thing, albeit in different ways.  Hufschmid claims that I have been kidnapped and that my articles are being written by the Mossad, while Piper calls me a liar and intelligence operative.  Both of them want to sow suspicion, which once planted in a reader’s mind, is very difficult to remove.  But, what have I done to deserve this treatment?

Answer:  I have investigated and revealed too much about what really happened on 9-11.
This is the same reason I was treated by the undercover police in Hoffman Estates as I was, and prosecuted as I was.  It is interesting to note that Piper takes the word of the corrupt police of Chicagoland as gospel truth.  My statement that the water had been turned off in the cell and that I was told “drink from the toilet” is supposedly disproven by the fact that there is a photo of a Hoffman Estates jail cell with a sink and toilet.

Michael Piper

It should be noted that Piper sent me a very nasty email in December 2001 as we prepared to go to Moscow for a 9-11 conference.  I thought at the time that it couldn’t possibly be from Piper and that someone must have hacked into his mailbox, but I now realize that this is exactly how he operates.  He acts like he has a license to lie.  He has never been a friend of mine.

Question of March 5:  Is Barbara Olson back from the dead?  An anonymous person sent me a photo of Barbara Olson (said to have died on 9-11) side-by-side with an image of Lady Booth, the wife of Theodore Olson, former U.S. Solicitor General.  There is no doubt that these two women look nearly identical.  The question is whether the Barbara Olson (born Barbara Kay Bracher in Houston on December 27, 1955) is the same person as Lady Evelyn Booth (born in Louisville, Kentucky, on October 26, 1960) – or do they simply look very similar?  While it is certainly possible with plastic surgery and the theft of an identity that this could happen, it is also possible that Ted simply chose a new wife that looked very much like his previous wife.

The similarity between the two wives of Ted Olson is remarkable.  Is Lady Booth really Barb Olson after plastic surgery?  The face on the right seems to have had cosmetic surgery.

Barbara Olson’s ear, seen here, can be compared with those of Lady Booth.  Are they similar?

Lady Booth Olson

This is an interesting question, which I will look into.  What is very interesting about Barbara Bracher is that she earned her Juris Doctor at Yeshiva University in New York City.  Yeshiva University is a private Jewish school which is very Jewish.  Why would a young Catholic girl, who had worked for H.B.O. and Stacy Keach in Hollywood, choose to study law at Yeshiva University?  It is possible that Barb Olson has Jewish roots and that this is why she chose Yeshiva University.  Another odd thing about Barbara Bracher is that she lived in McLean, Virginia in the early 1990s which makes one wonder if she was working for the C.I.A. 

While Barbara Olson had very close connections to orthodox Jews and Zionism, her husband actually worked to protect the crimes of the state of Israel when he defended the Israeli spy, Jonathan Jay Pollard.  How did he get that case - and why did he take it?  Ted and Barbara Olson’s ties to Israeli intelligence need to be taken into consideration when pondering their roles in the false flag terror of 9-11.

As a partner of the law firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP, Theodore Olson served as lead counsel for George W. Bush in Bush v. Gore before the U.S. Supreme Courth, which secured Bush’s election as President of the United States. Bush then appointed Olson as United States Solicitor General which he was from, 2001-2004.  At Yeshiva University, Ted Olson recalled that Barbara Bracher had been the person who officially kicked the Palestinian office out of the United States:

In her third year of law school [Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University], Barbara somehow managed to finesse herself into an internship in the Department of Justice in Washington. And, as a very brassy and gutsy intern, she managed to be the only employee of the government of the United States willing, feisty, and fearless enough to personally serve the papers on the PLO mission to the United Nations in New York announcing that it was being expelled from this country—because they were terrorists. How proud Barbara was to tell that story to her friends at Cardozo!

Question of March 2:  Have you heard that it is very possible that Dr. Steven Jones and his nano-thermite theory could very well be misleading the 9/11 Truth Movement down a false path?  Dr. Judy Wood theorizes that a Directed Energy Weapon was used to turn the steel into dust. Her theory is very compelling, and this could very well explain why Steven Jones has gotten so far with his nano-thermite theory.

Answer: Yes, I have heard about that theory.  I was probably the first person to have written about this “theory” of a directed energy beam being involved in 9-11 after having an interview with a “former” spy from East Germany, who admitted to having worked with the Mossad.  See:

The evidence, however, of nano-thermite in the dust of the World Trade Center is solid proof that this advanced nano-composite explosive was used to pulverize the towers.  This is not to say that other explosives were not used, such as cutter charges on the central columns or huge bombs in the basements of the towers.  As Dr. Jones would say, the data doesn’t lie.  The theory of an energy weapon being used to demolish the towers is not supported by the evidence.  I consider it to be a kind of red herring theory meant to distract people from the evidence of explosives and super thermite.

Question of February 26:  It’s been at least a week with no postings on your website?  Are you OK?  Inquiring minds want to know…

Bollyn Responds:  Yes, I am fine.  I have been busy doing the final editing of the first 14 chapters of my book, Solving 9-11 – The Deception that Changed the World.  I did this and printed out the chapters for a supporter in Canada who requested a copy of the book.  This took some time away from the article that I am working on, which is about Kenneth Feinberg, the Special Master of the 9-11 Victims Compensation Fund.  It will come as no surprise that Kenneth Feinberg is a high-level agent of the Israeli government and the Mossad.  This article involved quite a bit of research but I hope to have it published in the coming days.

9-11 Special Master Kenneth Feinberg and his wife Diane “Dede” Shaff Feinberg are high-level agents of the state of Israel.

Feinberg and his law firm was given an open account from the U.S. Treasury and doled out billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars – without any oversight or accountability - to the families of 9-11 victims to keep them from seeking justice and discovery through the courts.  Some 98 percent of the 9-11 families took the money from the fund.  Who got how much and who all got paid in the process is a closely guarded secret.  Why?  The 9-11 Victims Compensation Fund is U.S. taxpayer money after all.  We have every right to see how it was disbursed.

Alvin K. Hellerstein: Orthodox Jew and devoted Zionist

The same law that created the 9-11 Victims Compensation Fund also stipulated that all 9-11 related lawsuits would go through the U.S. District Court of Manhattan, where Alvin K. Hellerstein, an orthodox Jew and devoted supporter of Israel has prevented any case from going to trial.  Nearly every single lawsuit concerning a victim of 9-11 has been settled out of court.  Thanks to the efforts of the dedicated Zionist team headed by Kenneth Feinberg and Alvin Hellerstein it is very unlikely that there will ever be a 9-11 trial for the worst terror crime in U.S. history.  What kind of justice is that?  Who are they protecting?

Comment:  I am reading your book, Solving 9/11. Your quote attributed to Menachem Begin “We are the master race” supposedly delivered at a meeting of the Knesset seems far fetched. Did you check the source of that quote? I did a little checking and read that it was invented by Texe Marrs. Do you have any sources for the quote? Thanks, your work is fascinating.

Bollyn Responds: The addition of the Begin quote was a recent change.  Since the quote cannot be sourced, I have removed it. The text now uses the Begin quote from Kapeliouk’s article: “[The Palestinians] are beasts walking on two legs.” – Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, “Begin and the ‘Beasts,”‘ New Statesman, June 25, 1982. 

Comment from a Gulf War Vet: 
Hello, I am not sure if this goes to Mr. Bollyn or not but I am giving it a shot.  I was reading your August 15, 2004 article on depleted uranium and Gulf War Vets. I was a combat engineer during the Gulf War and I wanted to support your article.  I am 39 years old and have spent my days since the war in college and now I teach school. I am a non-smoker and live a simple life.  In December I was diagnosed with kidney cancer and it spread a bit to the lymphnods.  The surgery was hell and now I face a life with cancer.  Well thanks for your time and thanks so much for your article on this subject. I am filing a claim with the VA.

Bollyn’s Response:  This vet is suffering from the effects of D.U. exposure, as are many others.  This is an extremely dangerous weapon that should be banned.  My four-part series on depleted uranium can be read here:

Marion Fulk and Christopher Bollyn

My research on “depleted” uranium weapons was aided immensely by Marion Fulk of Livermore, California (left).  Marion spent most of his working life as a scientist in the employ of the U.S. government, from the Manhattan Project to Livermore Lab.  Now retired, Fulk said he wanted to help inform the public of the long-term damage to human health caused by the use of uranium-tipped weapons.

Question:  Do you post or send articles to Rense and Jones?  Did look, can’t find much recent.

Answer:  Websites that post my material or links to my articles do so of their own choosing.  Two very good sites that re-post my material are and  Here is the link to some of my material on and here is the link to my material on

Question:  Can’t even say in words how much I appreciate such extremely rare honest reporting in these dangerous times!  Suggestion: Times are tough–can you add a $5 button to the array of PayPal buttons for donations, since even $10 might be too out of reach for some?

Answer:  Yes, I will do that.

Comment:  Re the black box on Flight 77 shows “cabin doors not open” means nothing since there was no evidence that a Boeing 757 crashed into the Pentagon. There was no released video of Pentagon crash. No recognizable Boeing 757 parts, the penetration of the walls was too deep and too narrow for a 757, no wing or engine marks on building, etc.  So, why do you think this story is special?  Just curious?

Bollyn’s Response:  You are quite right.  There is no evidence that a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon nor do I think that one did crash into the building.  We don’t know where this black box of Flight 77 really came from but the story is about an independent investigation of the data on the box that is said to be from Flight 77.  It is just another small piece of the puzzle showing the massive deception of 9-11.

Question:  My friend sent me this link about an upcoming 9-11 conference in Manhattan. I wish you were on it. Lenny Charles is putting it together.

Bollyn Responds:  I was not invited to the 9-11 event being put on by Lenny Charles, owner of INN World News.  Judging from the invited speakers and panel subjects, I seriously doubt if his 9-11 event at the Walker Stage will discuss the evidence of Israeli involvement, which is the basis of my thesis about the false flag terror that precipitated the Zionist “War on Terror” and the invasion of Afghanistan. 

Having spoken with Mr. Charles on September 3, I am even more inclined to believe that the question of “Who did it?” will not be delved into.  The Orthodox Jewish and Israeli gangsters (e.g. Joseph “Yossi” Shereshevsky,
Amnon Cohen, and Avi Benamu) behind the WexTrust Securities scam are the Jewish criminals who financed the current (secret) owners of INN’s 56 Walker St. building.  Why are the Israeli partners in the WexTrust fraud being protected by the court and media?  Although the Israelis involved in the WexTrust scam are kept concealed and protected, this is clearly the real reason why Lenny Charles is reluctant to discuss the evidence of Israeli involvement in 9-11.  The Israeli connection is specifically meant NOT to be on the agenda.  That’s what controlled media means.  Even the alternative media is controlled.  Who controls Lenny? (The answer to this crucial question is shocking and will be subject of my next article.)

Lenny Charles (right) of INN World Report

Lenny Charles of INN is the front man for the mystery owner of 56 Walker Street.  Who might that be and why is his identity kept secret?

I don’t know much about Lenny Charles.  He said in a 2009 video interview that he is from New Jersey and that he was educated at the El Paso campus of the University of Texas, which is an unusual place for a kid from New Jersey.  Lenny says he was a jazz musician for 25 years before starting INN World News, which is based in a high-rent building in Manhattan’s Tribeca neighborhood.  How does Lenny manage it?  Charles is also listed as representing a company called SKG Media  How does Lenny Charles and his 56 Walker Street job fit in with all of this gang, which is clearly involved in criminal fraud? and as the contact person for Walker Stage, located at 56 Walker Street in Manhattan.  SKG is often used to refer to the media moguls Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen, but are they the money behind Lenny Charles and INN?  Walker Stage is a nightclub owned by 56 Walker LLC, whoever that might be.  A search for the owner turns up a host of legal cases that involve 56 Walker LLC and people named Avroham and Joseph Shereshevsky and a sprawling octopus company called Wextrust, which has many holding companies such as WexTrust Capital LLC, doing business in Tel Aviv and Ramat Gan in Israel and operating mining operations in Africa.

For the details of INN’s connections to Zionist money, read: “The Zionist Gang Behind New York’s 9/11 Conference” by Christopher Bollyn

Joseph Shereshevsky (left, son of the rabbi Chaim Shereshevsky of Brooklyn) a Norfolk resident and former COO of WexTrust Capital and Steven Byers, the company’s founder and CEO, were each hit with fraud and conspiracy charges.  When he was arrested for his part in the $100 million pyramid scheme in August 2008, Shereshevsky held a one-way plane ticket to Israel.  After they were busted, Byers made a $500 donation to Barack Obama on August 23, 2008. (Courtesy of

In August 2008, the Securities and Exchange Commission charged WexTrust Capital and its affiliates with fraud, alleging that the company ran a Ponzi scheme that raised at least $255 million by targeting members of the Orthodox Jewish community.  The S.E.C. said WexTrust’s principals, Steven Byers and Joseph Shereshevsky, deceived at least 1,196 investors since 2002. The defendants diverted at least $100 million to unauthorized purposes, according to the S.E.C.’s complaint.  The SEC charge against WexTrust, a Chicago-based company, can be read here.  An interactive time line of the case is here.
Question:  I found it interesting that your ancestors are related to Anne Boleyn. Aren’t you spelling your name wrong?

THE OTHER BOLEYN GIRL – Queen Elizabeth I, the most famous queen in English history, is known for fostering the English Enlightenment and defeating the Spanish Armada.  Elizabeth was the daughter of Anne Boleyn, the most persistently maligned of English queens.  The Boleyn family has suffered a vicious and relentless campaign of defamation for nearly 500 years.  Prior to the religious reforms initiated by the Boleyn family, the Vatican owned a third of all the land of England.

Bollyn Responds:  The Bollyn (Boleyn) name is originally from West Flanders.  The ancestors of Queen Anne Boleyn came from the area around Calais in Boulonnais, which was then English territory across the channel from Dover.  Anne’s great-grandfather, Geoffrey, was a wealthy mercer (importer of fine fabrics) who became the Lord Mayor of London in 1457.  There were no strict rules for spelling in English at the time.  Anne’s father spelled the name Bullen.  In the historical literature about Anne Boleyn there are at least 30 different spellings of the name.  Anne, who was well educated and multi-lingual having lived in Flanders and France as a child, seems to be the one who made the “Boleyn” spelling stick.  “La petite Boulain” is how the Archduchess Margaret of Austria described the 12-year-old Anne, who served as a maid of honor in the court of Burgundy at Mechelen.  The Boulain spelling captures the long “ay” sound in the second syllable, which is actually the correct pronunciation of the name, at least in Flemish or Dutch.

Our family has spelled the name Bollyn since at least 1860 in St. Louis, which is as far back as I have documented.  Some time before that the family of Henry Bollyn immigrated to the United States from Switzerland.  Henry’s first daughter was named Anne, but she died in Kentucky at the tender age of 10 months.  A year or two later he was blessed with another daughter, which he also named Anne.  My father and grandfather were named Albert Bollyn, which happens to be the same name as a Belgian held in the Nazi concentration camp of Dachau from 1944-1945.  I don’t know much about this Albert Bollyn but I suppose he was probably arrested for resisting tyranny.  It runs in the family.

Question:  Do you receive the American Free Press (AFP) newspaper? There are two copies in September 2010 that try to convey that they are right on top of the 9/11 issue, which makes me annoyed, as you are the one who has done all the serious research.

Bollyn Responds:  This question came from a person who has been reading my work for a long time.  No, I don’t read AFP, which is a newspaper I wrote for from 2000 until October 2006.  The newspaper is run by Willis Carto and his lawyer friend Mark Lane.  According to information gleaned during a lawsuit in which Lane was suing L.T. Patterson of Criminal Politics, Mark Lane acquired the assets of the Liberty Lobby in 1994.  This indicates that AFP is nothing but an asset of the C.I.A., which runs it as a controlled opposition mouthpiece. 

Mark Lane is an old Army intelligence agent from WWII in Germany.  Lane played a key role in the Jonestown massacre, which he witnessed and is said to have instigated by using fear tactics on the paranoid Rev. Jim Jones.  This is similar to what AFP does to its readers.
Lane’s relationship with AFP explains the paper’s bizarre actions I observed as I got closer to the truth about 9/11. 

AFP is now publishing articles about 9/11 that suggest that there were no planes on 9/11 (see “Absence of Real Photo Evidence Leads to Video Fakery Speculation”, October 11, 2010).  In an article from September 20, 2010, Makufka asks whether “mini-nukes” were used to bring down the WTC.   These “disinfo” articles are written by Scott R. Makufka who writes under the name “Victor Thorn”.

Makufka and his girlfriend Lisa Giuliani teamed up with Michael Piper after I was attacked by undercover police.  They sought to impugn my credibility and claim my research as their own in a concerted Zionist effort to marginalize my work, and have me prosecuted and thrown in jail.

Scott Makufka and Lisa Giuliani were part of the anti-Bollyn disinfo hit squad, along with Michael Piper.  Why would AFP turn on its own reporter after 6 years of good reporting?

It is very clear from the evidence that Boeing airplanes hit the Twin Towers, the only question is exactly which planes they were.  Photographs reveal that more durable parts, such as landing gear and engines from the aircraft, landed on the streets of Manhattan.

This engine from the aircraft that struck the South Tower landed on Murray Street.  The parts of this engine are all marked with specific numbers that would identify precisely which aircraft they belonged to.  Why haven’t they been shown to the public?  Why the secrecy about exactly which jet engine this is?

Every time-tracked part of the aircraft is numbered, such as this piece.

This landing gear would also contain time-tracked parts with specific serial numbers which would precisely identify the aircraft that struck the tower.

All of these aircraft parts were collected by the F.B.I., which was under the command of Michael Chertoff, the Assistant Attorney General…

...who authorized for the aircraft evidence to be taken to the dump at Fresh Kills…

...where they were treated like garbage – not as crucial primary evidence from the scene of a mass murder. 

Why would Michael Chertoff, an Israeli national and the son of an Israeli Mossad agent, allow such critical criminal evidence to be treated like garbage?  Why wasn’t this engine taken to a high-tech FBI crime scene lab (like we see on television) and its time-tracked parts compared with the maintenance records for the planes said to have been involved?  There is only one logical answer to these questions:  the aircraft parts were not examined and shown to the public because they are not from the planes that are said to have hit the Twin Towers.  The FBI and U.S. military only solve such crimes on TV shows, not in real life.  That’s part of the deception.

Question: Thanks for your sincere response. I greatly respect and sympathize with you. I don’t know how Americans, and people of other countries around the world, have lost their ability to think critically. Even among my own family, they are focused on college football, pro golf, or some other distraction. The phony “right wing” commentators like Glenn Beck, et al, don’t help either…

As for your case, and the “criminal” case brought against you, the most amazing thing is that other journalists do not come to your aid. The same can be said of firefighters re: 911, why don’t they organize and make demands for a new investigation!!?! Pilots too. Sometimes it really makes me re-think my own beliefs.

Bollyn Responds:  The way my case was handled by the media in the United States speaks volumes about the controlled press.  I was, after all, known to be a working journalist when a three-man squad of undercover police broke my arm and tortured me with a TASER me at my home – in front of my daughter – in August 2006. 

Shocked and saddened – Christopher Bollyn with his children in Schaumburg after the police assault.  Bollyn’s 8-year-old daughter had seen three heavily-armed undercover police torture her father with a TASER as they held him down in handcuffs after an unprovoked assault that left him with a broken elbow.  Bollyn was subsequently charged with attacking the unidentified armed men who had invaded his home and threatened his family.  But, of course.

The fact that I was a journalist (for more than six years) with a national newspaper based in Washington, D.C. was carefully omitted in all the media reports about the bizarre and brutal police incident.  I was sometimes referred to as a “blogger” – but never as a journalist.  This is because the controlled media has always sought to marginalize my work.  The fact that I had been interviewed – as a journalist - by FOX News and the BBC in London, and spoken about 9/11 in the capital cities of Europe and the United States meant nothing to the Chicago Tribune and the local paper, the Daily Herald.  This was, of course, no simple oversight.  These papers know very well who I am.  I had been a candidate for mayor in Hoffman Estates in 2001.  I have corresponded with these papers for years and was interviewed by an editorial board of two journalists and an editor in the offices of the Daily Herald prior to the special election in 2001.  After the police attack at my house, the Chicago Tribune even hired an outside ghost writer from TIME magazine in order to smear me properly.

There are two main reasons for the controlled media’s slanted reporting of my case:  Firstly, to marginalize my 9/11 research and writing, and secondly, to minimize the signficance of the undercover police action against me at my home (i.e. on my property).  It certainly doesn’t look right (or very American) for three heavily-armed undercover police to TASER and break the arm of an American journalist working to find the truth about what really happened on September 11, 2001 – in front of his 8-year-old daughter and wife.  The truth could not be told in my case.  It’s that simple.  The nine-month process in the Cook County Court was equally bizarre and corrupt.

Your comments about American media distractions are very apt.  As a child, I grew up in a house with no television.  The only TV shows I saw were those I watched at a neighbor’s house.  I remember watching “Bozo’s Circus” and “The Mickey Mouse Club”.  My favorite shows were “The Adventures of Superman” and “The Rifleman” with Chuck Connors.

Chuck Connors as “The Rifleman”

These shows were all basic morality plays in which the good guys fought against corruption, crime, and evil – and always won.  Because we did not have a TV, my time spent watching television was very limited in comparison to my friends.  My mother told us that the average American child watched something like six hours a day, something I found incredible.  But Americans really do spend many hours consuming television on a daily basis, most of which is nothing but staged fantasy and propaganda posing as news.  This is a huge problem because television shapes and informs the sense of reality for most Americans and what they watch these days isn’t nearly as good as “The Rifleman” was.  The same holds true for the demise of American music.  When I was young the music we identified with was generally much more optimistic than what kids hear these days. 

The Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to American Citizens on U.S. Soil

Updated December 17, 2011


'It's something so radical that it would have been considered crazy had it been pushed by the Bush administration.'
- Tom Malinowski of Human Rights Watch on detention laws in NDAA 2012

I have never understood how so many Americans accepted the torture of Padilla - an American citizen on U.S. soil, and not even a foreigner held at Guantánamo - without recognizing that, although a Latino Muslim convert was today's "enemy combatant," tomorrow it might be some other demonized American. I was also astonished when no one cared that Padilla's torture was not mentioned in his trial, and he received a sentence of 17 years and four months for little more than a thought crime.
- Andy Worthington, "It Could Be You: The Sad Story of Jose Padilla, Tortured and Denied Justice"

“1031, the statement of authority to detain, does apply to American citizens and it designates the world as the battlefield, including the homeland.”
- Senator Lindsey O. Graham (R.-SC)

The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) passed by Congress gives the military the power to detain American citizens in its gulag prisons like Camp Delta in Guantanamo, Cuba.

Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen, was held in solitary confinement in a military prison in South Carolina for nearly 4 years - without being charged.


Jose Padilla, a U.S. citizen from Chicago, was arrested in 2002 at O’Hare International Airport on suspicion of plotting to set off a radioactive “dirty bomb” and held for nearly 4 years - without criminal charges - in solitary confinement in a military prison. Dubbed an "enemy combatant" by George Bush, John Ashcroft, and Michael Chertoff, Padilla was kept in complete isolation for three and half years with prolonged sensory deprivation (seen above). According to a psychiatrist who spent 22 hours with Padilla in 2006, "What happened at the brig was essentially the destruction of a human being’s mind." Although the government had claimed that Padilla was suspected of planning to build and explode a "dirty bomb", he was neither charged nor convicted for having done so.

U.S. District Judge Marcia Cooke

In January 2006 Padilla was transferred to Miami, Florida, to face criminal conspiracy charges. In August 2007 he was found guilty and sentenced by Judge Marcia G. Cooke to 17 years in prison. During the trial, Judge Cooke, who had been appointed to the bench by George W. Bush in 2003, barred any mention of the three and a half years Padilla had been held in a legal black hole, sidestepping the fundamental question of whether the government has the legal authority to detain U.S. citizens without charges. From 1999 to 2002 Cooke had served as Chief Inspector General for the State of Florida under Governor Jeb Bush, where she was responsible for promoting accountability, integrity, efficiency, and ethical behavior in the agencies under Bush's jurisdiction.

A good presentation of the conflicting claims about the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act and the power it gives the military to detain U.S. citizens without due process can be read on the Washington Blog under the title "The Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to American Citizens on U.S. Soil":


The Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to American Citizens

Even at this 11th hour – when all of our liberties and freedom are about to go down the drain – many people still don’t understand that the indefinite detention bill passed by Congress allows indefinite detention of Americans on American soil.

Elements of the law are so legally confusing, as well as being constitutionally questionable, that any detentions are almost certain to be challenged all the way to the supreme court, Chris McGreal writes in the Guardian article "Military given go-ahead to detain US terrorist suspects without trial."

Sources and Recommended Reading:

The Indefinite Detention Bill DOES Apply to American Citizens on U.S. Soil, Washington Blog, 14 December 2011

Keneally, Meghan, "Will Obama send U.S. citizens to Guantanamo?" Daily Mail (UK), 16 December 2011

McGreal, Chris, "Military given go-ahead to detain US terrorist suspects without trial", Guardian (UK), 15 December 2011

Vladeck, Stephen, "The lost Padilla verdict," Los Angeles Times, 17 August 2007,0,4813258.story

Worthington, Andy, "It Could Be You: The Sad Story of Jose Padilla, Tortured and Denied Justice", Truthout, 3 October 2011

Chicago's Jewish Mob vs Blagojevich

Updated December 10, 2011

“It’s just grossly unfair and wrong what happened to Rod yesterday.”
- Robert Blagojevich on the Zionist Judge James Zagel's 14-year sentence given to his brother, former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich

“...Rahm Emanuel called Blagojevich [shortly after the 2008 election] to suggest a plan just “between you and I” that would allow Emanuel to handpick a temporary congressional successor… Emanuel was a defense witness during the second Blagojevich trial. The mayor testified for less than three minutes and was never asked about his request for the political favor.”
- “Rahm Emanuel on Blagojevich’s sentence”, Chicago Sun-Times, 8 December 2011

There can be no doubt that Rod Blagojevich, the former governor of Illinois of Serbian descent, has been been given an extremely harsh sentence of 14 years for corruption.  Although Blagojevich is not without blame, he certainly did not hurt or kill anyone and it is hard to see why Blagojevich should be given such a stiff sentence for doing something that is very common in the politics of Chicago and Washington, D.C.  As governor, Blagojevich was simply caught talking about a quid pro quo to appoint someone to fill Barack Obama's vacant senate seat.  Obama and the Clintons, on the other hand, have become multi-millionaires by accepting money from rich Zionists in exchange for appointing hundreds of chosen people to positions of power and crafting national policies to suit their donors.  Who has done the greater harm to the nation?

Bill Clinton has received more than $10 million from Haim Saban (right), an Israeli agent.  What was Clinton's quid pro quo for the Israelis? Clinton pushed through the disastrous NAFTA bill and managed the Balkanization of Yugoslavia by waging war by executive order against Serbia to make Kosovo a NATO-run statelet.  Here the venal and treasonous Clinton poses with his mega donor Saban, Shimon Peres, and Ted Koppel at the Saban Forum in Jerusalem 2006.

A little Mossad money goes a long way when placed in the right hands. It certainly bought a lot of clout with Obama's secretary of state, a middle class girl from the Chicago suburb of Park Ridge.  As a presidential candidate, Clinton stated that she would "obliterate" Iran if it were to attack Israel and as secretary of state she laughed about the murder of Moammar Gadhafi saying, "We came, we saw, he died."  Saban, the Israeli agent and Clinton benefactor, seen here with Hillary Clinton and Mrs. Saban, also happens to be a close friend and partner-in-crime of Ehud Barak, one of the Israeli masterminds of 9/11. (Source: "Afghanistan - Obama's War for Israel")

THE ISRAELI HANDLER OF THE CLINTON AND OBAMA ADMINISTRATIONS - Clinton's special advisor and Obama's first chief of staff turned mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, the son of a Zionist terrorist, single-handedly pushed the economically destructive NAFTA bill through Congress.  Here Obama's chief of staff exchanges secrets with Benjamin Netanyahu during a 2010 visit to Israel.  Emanuel spent much of his youth in Israel and served in the Israeli army.

THE JEWISH GANGSTER FROM WILMETTE - Rahm Emanuel in 1977 as a student at New Trier West.  The Emanuel and Zagel families are both from the Jewish community of Wilmette and the North Shore.  There can be little doubt that Judge Zagel is a friend of the Emanuel family.  When Jews like Emanuel talk about "the community" what they mean is the community of their fellow Jews.

To understand why Rod Blagojevich is being thrown into prison for at least the next 12 years, it needs to be understood that Blagojevich is a victim of Chicago's Jewish mafia, the same gang of Zionists that controls the Obama administration.  It is also necessary to know that the judge who handed down the overly harsh sentence, James Block Zagel, is a high-level member of the Zionist mob of Chicago and that he comes from the same Jewish community of Wilmette and the North Shore as Rahm Emanuel.  The Blagojevich trial and sentencing has nothing to do with justice; its the Jewish mob ganging up on a political foe. 

Don't expect to find this essential information in the Zionist-controlled press of Chicago or from Wikipedia.  The Wikipedia article on Judge Zagel does not even mention that he is Jewish, much less that his Uncle Abe was a notorious Jewish gambler and gangster who was part owner of the Tropicana in Las Vegas.  Zagel also serves on the secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court that decides whether to issue warrants for electronic eavesdropping on terrorism suspects. 

U.S. District Judge James Block Zagel, a Zionist Jew from a family of Jewish mobsters, threw the book at Rod Blagojevich and sentenced the former governor, who has two young daughters, to 14 years in prison.  This is not justice.

Rahm Emanuel (right), the current mayor of Chicago, is deeply involved in the scandal that led to the demise of Rod Blagojevich, yet his testimony was only three minutes long.  Evidence that would have directly implicated Emanuel and other members of the Obama administration was not allowed to be seen or heard in the retrial of Blagojevich.  Emanuel was clearly being protected while Blagojevich was sacrificed.

Elliott Riebman, the son of Hyman Riebman, the Zionist Jewish Cook County judge who oversaw the corrupt judicial process against Christopher Bollyn, was a defense attorney for Rod Blagojevich.  Here Riebman (right), with his fellow Blagojevich defense attorney Aaron Goldstein, is seen leaving court.  Rod Blagojevich was trapped by the Zionist mob of Chicago in a Jewish judicial circus. 

Judge James B. Zagel is a highly-connected member of the Jewish mob of Chicago whose family is from the same North Shore Jewish community as Rahm Emanuel, facts that are not reported in the Zionist-controlled press.  The fact that Zagel's Uncle Abe was a notorious gambler who corrupted professional football in the 1960s seems to have been forgotten.

Judge James B. Zagel is "the son of Samuel S. Zagel (1905–1999), a native of Warsaw, Poland who had immigrated to Chicago in 1915, and Ethel Samuels Zagel (1911–1986)", according to Wikepedia.  What Wikepedia does not tell you is that James B. Zagel is a member of the Jewish community of Chicago.  Such omissions are purely intentional.

 James B. Zagel
(Source: Chicago Tribune 2010)

It is through his mother's family, the Samuels family, that we see the judge's close connection to the Jewish mafia of Chicago.  Ethel Samuels older brother Abe was a notorious gambler who was part-owner of the Tropicana Casino of Las Vegas since the early 1960s.  He invested $180,000 in the Tropicana in 1963. 

U.S. District Judge James Zagel is a trustee of the Abe Samuels Family Trust fund, which certainly contributed a great deal to his wealth.  Judge wrote a semi-autobiographical book in 2002 about a federal district judge in Chicago who is also involved in a life of crime, including robbing the Federal Reserve.  Zagel's book is entitled Money to Burn

Abe Samuels, the uncle of Judge James B. Zagel, was a member of the Jewish mafia of Chicago who was involved in a football corruption scandal in the early 1960s.

The businessman referred to in this clipping was Abe Samuels, the uncle of Judge James B. Zagel.

Abe Samuels' connections to the Chicago mob and pro football are mentioned (p. 172) in Rozelle: Czar of the NFL, by Jeff Davis.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Associated Press, "Rahm Emanuel, Blagojevich traded favors according to emails", 21 June 2010

"Blagojevich on Trial", Chicago Tribune, documents

Blagojevich trial judge Zagel regarded as smart, unflappable by Jeff Coen and Bob Secter, Chicago Tribune, 18 May 2010

Bollyn, Christopher, "Afghanistan - Obama's War for Israel", 6 July 2010

Bollyn, "The Nexus Linking 9/11 and the Financial Crisis", Chapter XII of Solving 9/11, 2 March 2009

Davis, Jeff, Rozelle: Czar of the NFL, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007 (p. 172)

How Clinton Waged War Through Executive Order, Compiled by Cliff Kincaid

Huffington Post, "Rahm Emanuel Asked Rod Blagojevich To Appoint Forrest Claypool To His Congressional Seat", 9 June 2011

Kessler, Mike, “Mayor of Chicago overcomes Wilmette roots”, Chicago Tribune, 23 February 2011

Obituary of Abe Samuels, Chicago Tribune, 27 February 1995

Obituary of Ethel Samuels Zagel, Chicago Tribune, 8 October 1986 

Spielman, Fran, “Rahm Emanuel on Blagojevich’s sentence: ‘My thoughts are with Patti and the kids’”, Chicago Sun-Times, 8 December 2011

Wikipedia article on Judge James B. Zagel, accessed 9 December 2011

Zagel Family History

Zomnir, Wende, "Living in the Past", Chicago Reader, 29 September 1994 

The FBI's Fake Terror Plots and 9/11

Updated December 5, 2011

"Justice is incidental to law and order."
- J. Edgar Hoover, founding director of the FBI from 1935 to 1972 

The fundamental human desire for justice motivates and unites the Occupy Wall Street movement... 

... a widespread and popular response to gross economic, social, and political injustices perpetrated by an entrenched criminal regime.

The Occupy Wall Street protests that have swept the United States since September 2011 are the result of the growing public awareness of grossly unjust government policies.  With protesters enraged by a range of issues from the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq to the trillion dollar bail-out of criminal bankers, the Occupy Wall Street protests are evidence that the American public outrage against the corrupt regime in Washington, D.C. is deep and widespread.

The criminal regime that has taken over the U.S. government has done so over time, gradually increasing its control.  For the criminal organization to take control of the government it was first required that they gain control over the agency that investigates and prosecutes criminal activity at the federal level.  This is the U.S. Department of Justice, which includes the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).  The FBI is the agency of the Department of Justice that serves as both a federal criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence agency.  The FBI is specifically authorized to investigate terrorism crimes such as the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 and the first bombing of the World Trade Center on 26 February 1993.  The FBI has changed a great deal since 9/11 and the days when it was the nation's leading crime-fighting organization.  Currently, the FBI's two top priorities are to protect the United States from terrorist attacks and against foreign intelligence operations and espionage.

While the FBI is the federal agency that is supposed to protect the U.S. from crimes of terrorism and to investigate such crimes when they occur, in reality the FBI plays quite a different role.  For at least two decades, the FBI has actually been involved in creating and causing crimes of fake terrorism.  In the early 1990s, for example, it was revealed that the FBI was deeply involved in the first false-flag terror bombing of the World Trade Center in February 1993.  This bombing was evidently an FBI/Mossad operation that was meant to be interpreted as an act of Muslim terrorism in order to prime the pump of public opinion and impress upon the American public the false notion that Arab terrorists were seeking to destroy the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center.

Eight years later, when the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 destroyed the Twin Towers, the FBI, under the leadership of Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff of the Criminal Division, utterly failed in its mission to investigate the crime by allowing the crucial steel from the World Trade Center and other evidence to be hastily removed and destroyed before it could be examined by forensic experts.  This was clearly a criminal act to destroy the evidence to protect the guilty.  Controlling the "non-investigation" and all access to the evidence are two essential requirements necessary to foist a false interpretation of an act of terrorism upon the public.  As the highest federal official responsible for prosecuting the crimes of terrorism, Michale Chertoff allowed the most crucial evidence to be destroyed in order to protect the real culprits.  With such a record of complicity, incompetence, and of having actually created numerous fake plots of terrorism, it is clearly Michael Chertoff, the FBI, and the Department of Justice that need to be investigated if we are to end the fraudulent nightmare known as the "War on Terror". 

U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft (right) and Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff of the Criminal Division during a news conference at the Department of Justice in February 2003. Chertoff told the author that he does not know who authorized the destruction of the crucial evidence from the World Trade Center although the FBI, under his command, led the 9/11 investigation.

(Latin - "Who watches the guards?")   

"The target, the motive, the ideology and the plot were all led by the FBI."
- Karen Greenberg, a law professor who studies FBI tactics, on the Newburgh Four "terror plot".

"The fact that it was all fake really doesn't matter."
- David Raskin, lead prosecutor of Newburgh Four

"Ahmad Ajaj, a 27-year-old West Bank Palestinian being held in federal custody for conspiring to bomb the World Trade Center, may have been a Mossad mole, according to Israeli intelligence sources."
- "Mossad Linked To WTC Bomb Suspect", Village Voice, 3 August 1993

"...we was start already building the bomb which is went off in the World Trade Center. It was built by supervising supervision from the Bureau and the DA and we was all informed about it and we know that the bomb start to be built. By who? By your confidential informant. What a wonderful great case!"
-FBI Informant Emad Salem to FBI Special Agent John Anticev

Alicia McWilliams-McCollum, aunt of David Williams IV, holds a photograph of FBI informant Shahed Hussain during a rally in Newburgh, NY.

FBI Special Agent Robert Fuller was the direct supervisor of Shahed Hussain, the FBI informant who was the government's main witness against the Newburgh Four.

It should be noted that the mainstream media has reported about the FBI's role in numerous acts of fake terror going back at least as far as the 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center, which killed 6 and injured more than 1,000.  Given the bureau's long record of involvement in fake terror plots and its role in the criminal destruction of crucial evidence from 9/11, it is quite clear that the FBI must be investigated by an outside agency.

The Guardian newspaper of Britain recently published
an article, as part of a series of articles about the FBI practice of creating fake terror plots using paid informants.  This latest article is about the Newburgh Four, a group of four black men with criminal records who were entrapped by an FBI informant in a fake terror plot to bomb a Jewish synagogue in the Bronx:

So it was perhaps no surprise that in May, 2009, David Williams was arrested again and hit with a 25-year jail sentence. But it was not for drugs offences. Or any other common crime. Instead Williams and three other struggling local men beset by drug, criminal and mental health issues were convicted of an Islamic terrorist plot to blow up Jewish synagogues and shoot down military jets with missiles.

Even more shocking was that the organisation, money, weapons and motivation for this plot did not come from real Islamic terrorists. It came from the FBI, and an informant paid to pose as a terrorist mastermind paying big bucks for help in carrying out an attack. For McWilliams, her own government had actually cajoled and paid her beloved nephew into being a terrorist, created a fake plot and then jailed him for it. "I feel like I am in the Twilight Zone," she told the Guardian.

The FBI's practice of creating fake terror plots using paid informants was first revealed by Emad Salem, the Egyptian intelligence agent who was paid $1 million to serve as an FBI informant during the first bombing of the World Trade Center.  As Salem revealed by secretly taping his conversations with FBI agents, the bureau was involved in creating the bomb and could have prevented the explosion at the World Trade Center - if it had wanted to.  The FBI decision to allow the 1993 WTC bombing to go ahead indicates that people at the FBI were involved in the terrorism plot that resulted in 9/11.  The transcripts that revealed the FBI's involvement in the first bombing were published in the New York Times and Village Voice at the time and even reported by Dan Rather on the CBS nightly news in October 1993.

Video Link -

The following video is an extract from the taped phone conversation between FBI paid informant Emad Salem and FBI Special Agent John Anticev in which Salem discusses that the FBI supervised the construction of the bomb:

Video Link -

Michael Chertoff, the Israeli-American dual national and son of the Mossad who supervised the FBI's destruction of evidence from the 9/11 terror attacks, was involved in the first bombing of the World Trade Center as the U.S. Attorney for New Jersey, where the key evidence used in the prosecution was found.  While Janet Reno, the new U.S. Attorney General under President Bill Clinton, called for the resignations of all the U.S. Attorneys at the end of March 1993, a peculiar exception was made for Michael Chertoff, who was asked to stay in his position in New Jersey until the end of 1993.  Chertoff was kept on in his position in order to manage the investigation and prosecution, just as he did after the 9/11 attacks.  It should be noted that the acting Attorney General at the time of the bombing was Stuart Michael Gerson, who was replaced by Janet Reno on 19 March 1993.  Gerson is currently a member of the law firm of Epstein, Becker and Green. 

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Blumenthal, Ralph, "Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb Used in Trade Center Blast", New York Times, 28 October 1993

Bollyn, Christopher, "The Destruction of the Evidence", Chapter 15 of Solving 9/11, 19 May 2011

Bollyn, Hugo Neu and the Giuliani Partners Who Destroyed the Steel of 9/11, 18 April 2011

Bollyn, "Making Sense of the 9/11 Cover Up", Chapter 16 of Solving 9/11, 19 May 2011

Bollyn, "The Israeli Connection to 9-11", 8 April 2005

Briley, Patrick, "Chertoff Created Terror Pretexts for US Police State", 21 February 2005

"Chertoff Covers Up 1993 WTC Bombing Conspiracy",,

"Chertoff Is Staying On as U.S. Attorney", New York Times, 1 April 1993

Fried, Joseph P. "Muslim Cleric Was Framed By Top Informer, Defense Says", New York Times, 8 September 1995

Friedman, Robert I. "Mossad Linked To WTC Bomb Suspect", Village Voice, 3 August 1993

Greenberg, Karen, "The FBI's synagogue bomb plot", The Guardian (UK), 30 June 2011

Harris, Paul, "Fake terror plots, paid informants: the tactics of FBI 'entrapment' questioned", The Guardian (UK), 16 November 2011

Harris, Paul, "FBI faces entrapment questions over Rezwan Ferdaus bomb plot", The Guardian, 29 September 2011

Hopsicker, Daniel, "Did Bush's New Homeland Chief Shield Terror Ring in New Jersey?", Mad Cow Morning News, 12 January 2005

Rayman, Graham, "Were the Newburgh 4 Really Out to Blow Up Synagogues?", Village Voice, 2 March 2011 

"Zionists Behind 1993 WTC Bombing - An Exercise in Muslim Patsyism",, 28 May 2011

Village Voice
, "Newburgh 4: FBI Fantasy or Terrorist Takedown"

"Who Bombed The World Trade Center? FBI Bomb Builders Exposed", by Paul DeRienzo, Frank Morales and Chris Flash, The_Shadow, Oct. 1994/Jan. 1995  

Homeless American Families Living in Cars

December 2, 2011

The "60 Minutes" television show has done excellent work reporting on the plight of homeless American families.  The latest report from November 27, "Hard Times Generation: Families living in cars"  focuses on homeless families in Central Florida that live in their cars.  Here the bright and articulate Metzger children who live in a van with their father are interviewed by Scott Pelly.  The 14-minute video report is highly recommended viewing.

Video Link -

"Every time I see like a teenager or any other kid fighting with their parents or arguing with them, and like not doing what they're told it really hurts me.  Because they could be in my shoes, and of course I don't want them to be in my shoes. But they need to learn to appreciate what they have and who they have in their life. Because it may be the last day they might have it."
- Arielle Metzger, 15 

Gilad Atzmon vs The Elders of Zion

November 24, 2011

People like Nick Griffin and Gilad Atzmon have no place on our campuses. They may pose as champions of free speech, but their presence only serves to whip up hatred and divide student communities.
- Dan Sheldon, Union of Jewish Students (UJS) Campaigns Director, U.K.

We feel that it is very irresponsible of the Friends of Palestine to invite this man to speak, and completely unacceptable that they did not respond to our objections. We have invited all members of the society to join us in our protest, as well as all rational students who oppose racism and hatred. We hope our protest will help prevent future events like this from being permitted at Exeter University.
- Ben Salamon, President of Exeter J-Soc

Gilad Atzmon is an Israeli-born writer ( author of The Wandering Who ) and jazz musician who examines issues surrounding Jewish identity, the so-called "Jewish State of Israel", and Zionism.  Recently, Atzmon was invited to speak at Exeter University in England where he was met by a group of Jewish students who protested against his speaking at the university.  On his arrival, Atzmon asked to speak to the group of protesters.  He began by asking if any of them had read his work.  Amazingly, as the video below shows, not one of the university students engaged in the protest could say that they had read his books or essays.  Why would Jewish university students protest against an Israeli author whose work they had not even read? 

Video Link -


The anti-Atzmon protesters at Exeter University are not protesting against Gilad Atzmon because they know anything about his writings.  The Jewish students are not even thinking for themselves.  They are simply protesting because they belong to a Jewish student organization and were told to protest and given signs to hold.  These students belong to a Jewish student cell, known as a J-Soc, which is part of the Union of Jewish Students (UJS)/Hillel, a subsidiary organization of the B'nai B'rith, the international order of Zionist Jewish Freemasons. 

The UJS/Hillel is the organization behind the anti-Atzmon protest at Exeter...

Hillel is part of the B'nai B'rith, an exclusive "brotherhood" of Jewish Freemasons.
Source:  B'nai B'rith International

It is important to understand that the B'nai B'rith, the real-life Elders of Zion, is the secret organization of Jewish Freemasons behind the student protests against Gilad Atzmon and other voices critical of Zionism and Israeli policy.  The B'nai B'rith is the Zionist parent organization of Hillel on college campuses around the world.  But it should be noted that the B'nai B'rith is a secret organization of Jewish Freemasons and certainly can not claim to represent all Jews or even all Zionists. 

As the Hillel webpage says about its relationship with UJS: 

UJS Hillel works closely with the UK’s Union of Jewish Students (UJS), providing UJS both financial and administrative support. Together, UJS Hillel and UJS ensure that every Jewish student has access to a warm and welcoming space to explore their Jewish identity and programs to inspire meanginful Jewish experiences.

Gilad Atzmon, an Israeli intellectual who was born in Jerusalem and raised in the Jewish state, is clearly a voice that is not welcome in that "warm and welcoming space" that UJS Hillel seeks to provide every Jewish student exploring their Jewish identity in Britain.  This is because Atzmon examines the racist and chauvinistic attitudes that Zionism is based on.

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is another important subsidiary of the B'nai B'rith.  While Hillel focuses on promoting Israel and censoring anti-Zionist voices on college campuses, the ADL carries out the same agenda in the media and society.  The ADL actually indoctrinates local police departments across America and uses defamation tactics to smear citizens who speak out against Israeli policies.  I have been vilified and persecuted by such ADL tactics since 2001.  

The parent organization behind Hillel and the ADL, the International Order of the B'nai B'rith, is a secret organization of Jewish Freemasons founded in New York City in 1843.  This is the core group of powerful Zionists that operates behind the scenes for its own benefit.  This is the hidden hand that ordered Jewish students to protest against Gilad Atzmon at Exeter.  This is also the same powerful secret cabal that through its control of the media and politicians is demanding tougher sanctions and military action against Iran.  In these heady times it is essential for Jews and non-Jews to perceive the hidden power that is beating the drums of war and which is behind the censoring of anti-Zionist voices at college campuses.


Bollyn, Christopher, "B'nai B'rith - The Secret Society of Jews", 22 November 2009

"Free from hate: Jewish students stand up against Finkelstein, Atzmon and Griffin, and all in the same week!",, 9 November 2011

"Hillels Around the World",, 23 November 2011

Is Syria Next?

Updated November 21, 2011

Whether you're Democrat or Republican, if you're an American you ought to be concerned about the strategy of the United States in this region.  What is our aim?  What is our purpose?  Why are we there?  Why are Americans dying in this region?  That is the issue.
- General Wesley Clark on the U.S./Zionist war policy in the Middle East, October 2007

Is Syria the next nation targeted by the West for regime change?  Will the United States and its NATO allies use military force to remove Bashar al-Assad from power?  Is there a long-standing plan to use force to change the regime of every nation in the Middle East that is opposed to the U.S./Zionist hegemony in the region?   

Syria has actually been in the Neo-Con crosshairs since 9/11 when a "policy coup" occurred at the Pentagon, according to General Wesley Clark.  The fact that Syria has been targeted by the United States and Israel was made clear by their blatant attempts to wrongly blame Syria for the assassination of Rafik Hariri.  When that scheme failed the same powers sought to exploit the Arab Spring protests to foment regime change in those nations that are among the target nations:  Syria, Iran, and Libya.

The Lebanese leader Rafik Hariri, who did so much to rebuild Beirut, was murdered in a mysterious bombing on February 14, 2005. With no evidence to support the accusation, the Zionist-controlled media blamed Syria for the killing - a good indication that this was yet another Israeli false-flag terror attack/targeted killing.

Bahrain, on the other hand, under the rule of King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, is most certainly not a target nation - because it is an ally of the United States.  The United States supports the tyrannical Khalifa regime in Bahrain because it hosts the U.S. 5th Fleet in the Persian Gulf.  This means that the anti-regime protest movement in Bahrain has not received any moral support from the United States government or media.  In Bahrain, the U.S. government has actually supported the violent crackdown on the protesters.  Today, Martin Chulov of the Guardian reports that some 20 Bahraini medics who provided medical help to protesters during the uprising in Bahrain have been sentenced to up to 15 years in jail.  Will the U.S. government come to the defense of these doctors who have been punished for helping the injured? 


The Zionist Neo-Con agenda articulated by Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz at the Pentagon post-9/11 was to overthrow the regimes of 7 nations in five years.  9/11 was a false-flag terror attack designed and carried out in order to usher in this radical policy change.  Wesley Clark described his shock at discovering this imperialist agenda during a speech to the Commonwealth Club in San Francisco in October 2007. 

The Huffington Post had asked Clark in January 2007 what made him so sure that the United States is headed in the direction of attacking Iran, and he replied: “You just have to read what’s in the Israeli press. The Jewish community is divided, but there is so much pressure being channeled from the New York money people to the office seekers.”

It is certainly true that "New York money people" are leading the push to use U.S. military force to aggress Iran.  The very same "money people" were also involved in both 9/11 and the trillion dollar bail-out of A.I.G., Goldman Sachs, and other corrupt investment banks.  Two former bosses of Goldman Sachs, Jon Corzine and Bradley Abelow, are behind the latest financial fraud - the missing $600 million from MF Global.  The people behind the criminal network that is destroying America are known, but because our law enforcement agencies are also corrupt and controlled there is no action taken to stop them.  How can we stop a criminal organization that controls the White House, Congress, the U.S. Department of Justice - and the FBI?  This is the question that needs to be answered if we are to avoid a major war in the Middle East - with Iran and Syria.

"What happened on 9/11... We didn't have American understanding of it and we had instead a policy coup in this country. A coup.  A policy coup.  Some hard-nosed people took over the direction of American policy and they never bothered to inform the rest of us."
- General Wesley Clark, 3 October 2007

Video Link -

The following video explains the current situation in Syria and provides insights into how the protest movement may have been exploited to create an armed conflict, bringing the nation to the verge of a civil war:

Video Links -

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Bollyn, "Syria Wrongly Blamed for Hariri Murder", 9 September 2010

Bollyn, "The Revolution Spreads to Bahrain - Home of U.S. 5th Fleet", 17 February 2011

Bollyn, "The Crackdown in Bahrain and American Opposition to War on Terror", 17 March 2011

Bollyn, "The Fleecing of America: 9-11 and the Crisis on Wall Street", 26 September 2008

Bollyn, "Ptech, 9/11 and the Financial Collapse", 13 March 2009

Guttman, Nathan, "Top Dem Wesley Clark Says ‘N.Y. Money People’ Pushing War With Iran", 12 January 2007

Meyssan, Thierry, "The Plan to Destabilize Syria",, 19 June 2011  

The Israeli Truck Bombs of 9/11 - Video

November 15, 2011

The Jerusalem Post report of the Israeli truck bombers of 9/11.

The following short video focuses on the dancing Israelis and their fellow truck bombers who were caught by police on 11 September 2001.  This video makes the case that the Israeli agents working at the Mossad front company known as Urban Moving Systems were involved in the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11.

Video Link - 9/11 Whodunnitt? You Decide 

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Bollyn, Christopher, "Official FBI & Police Reports of Israelis Arrested on 9/11",, 26 August 2011 

James Murdoch and Hufschmid's Stalking of Bollyn

Updated November 15, 2011

I explained to him that since Jan Gillberg knows where Bollyn is, then Smith should get information from Gillberg about Bollyn.
- Eric Hufschmid, 25 October 2007


“These documents show the hacking was not just one or two attempts at accessing voicemails. More than 4,000 people had their phone hacked. This was hacking on an industrial scale.”
- "Phone hacking: 9/11 victims 'may have had mobiles tapped by News of the World reporters'", Daily Mirror, 11 July 2011

"The global Murdoch media empire was created with Rothschild funding and exists to spread Zionist propaganda among the English-speaking populations of the world. Murdoch's son James is in line to take over at the helm of their media empire although it is quite likely that the empire will not survive very long after Rupert Murdoch passes away."
"Eric Hufschmid and Rupert Murdoch - Agents of Deception"  21 October 2010


It appears that James Murdoch has lied about the widespread criminal activities of the news organization he controls.

“Who knew what and when?” This is what lies at the heart of the phone hacking scandal at News International as evidence has emerged of illegal hacking and clandestine tracking of individuals on an industrial scale. The hackers and trackers were hired and paid for their services – some receiving strikingly generous remuneration.
- "Lurid attack on Murdoch sheds no light",, 11 November 2011

He knew nothing. Nothing at all. Never in the field of human management has one man known so little and so often. There may have been tea ladies at News International who knew more than James Murdoch about what was happening at the top of the company.

- "James Murdoch: never has one man known so little, and so often" by Simon Hogart, The Guardian, 10 November 2011

Front page of London Evening Standard the day after the latest Murdoch hearing
Source: London Evening Standard, 10 November 2011


James Murdoch, chairman of News International and son of Zionist media mogul Rupert Murdoch, was accused of being a "Mafia boss" during a parliamentary hearing on his company's widespread illegal activities and phone hacking.  "You must be the first Mafia boss in history who did not know he was running a criminal enterprise," Labour MP Tom Watson told Murdoch, who appears to have lied about how much he knew about the illegal snooping activities done by his newspapers.  James Murdoch happens to be Eric Hufschmid's brother-in-law.  It may be that James Murdoch is not fully aware of the agents working within his organization and that the Leveson Inquiry which began on November 14 will not expose who is really running the illegal spying/snooping outfit inside the Murdoch organization.  It seems quite likely that this gang of snoops inside the Murdoch organization are behind Hufschmid's long-term snooping and stalking of the Bollyn family.


Video Link -

END THE MURDOCH MAFIA - Protesters at the Houses of Parliament call for the end of the Zionist criminal gang running Murdoch's News International.  The pro-war and pro-Israel news/propaganda network controlled by the Murdochs (FOX News, News Corp., etc.) dominates the U.S. news media.


James Murdoch is married to Kathryn Hufschmid, Eric Hufschmid's half-sister.  Kathryn Hufschmid works for the Clinton Climate Initiative, part of the Clinton Foundation.  The Clinton Foundation is very well endowed with funds from Zionist activists and Israelis, such as the high-level Mossadnik Haim Saban, who donated more than $5 million.  (To understand the importance of the Saban connection to Murdoch and Clinton, read my article "Afghanistan - Obama's War for Israel".)

Rupert Murdoch (left), Chairman and CEO of News Corporation and FOX News, is a close friend and long-time business partner of Haim Saban (right).

Eric Hufschmid has relentlessly snooped and stalked me and my family since June 2007, when I was compelled to leave the Chicago area after being maliciously prosecuted by a Zionist Jewish prosecutor before a Zionist Jewish judge.  The prosecutor made it clear that I was being prosecuted for my 9/11 research and writing, which he called "anti-Jewish". 

The criminal snooping at Murdoch's News International indicates that the Murdochs have long used illegal methods to snoop and gather information about people.  The illegal hacking at News International, headed by James Murdoch, involved 28 journalists and targeted at least 5,795 people.  I have written extensively about the Murdoch family connections to Israeli intelligence agents (e.g. Arnon Milchan) - and 9/11.  Are the Murdochs behind Hufschmid's stalking of me and my family?  Why else would Hufschmid spend so much time, effort, and money - more than 4 years - to stalk and harass my family?  Why has he worked so hard to discredit my 9/11 research by saying that I have been kidnapped?


"Stalking is not fully understood by criminal justice professionals and too often the stalking pattern is missed. This results in a low priority being afforded to cases by all professionals in the criminal justice system. Victims pay with their lives."
- Laura Richards, Criminal Behavioural Psychologist, "Stalking victims claim crime not taken seriously enough", The Guardian, 13 November 2011

A stalker who works closely with Eric Hufschmid was arrested at my house on Saturday night, 22 October 2011.  The stalker snuck up behind my 13-year-old daughter on the dark street and followed her into our house.  He was identified by police as an Italian named Mario Nardone (73-10-07). 

In their relentless stalking of my family, Eric Hufschmid and Mario Nardone have been in contact with a Swede named Jan Gillberg, from Grenna, Sweden, who has snooped on my family for years.  Gillberg publishes a so-called truth-seeking political magazine called DSM (Swedish acronym for Debate, Truthseeking, Media Criticism).  These three disinformation agents pretend to be concerned about my well-being, but are actually working to harass and harm me and my family.  Their primary aims are to spread lies about me in order to sow suspicion about my character, marginalize my research to reduce public support for my work, and instill fear and insecurity to disturb us.  These are hostile and criminal actions by these so-called supporters.

Jan Gillberg is a Sweden-based agent/publisher who has snooped on the Bollyn family for years.  After we left Sweden in August 2007, Gillberg actually opened and stole our personal mail (a crime in Sweden), which included personal mail, checks, and a book manuscript I was editing. 

Gillberg then published an article in English about my family in his Swedish-language magazine, DSM, (No. 4 - 2007, seen above) with a photo he had taken of us against our will.  By writing this article Gillberg offered himself to intelligence agencies as someone they could do business with.  We have requested several times that Gillberg take down the libelous article but he hasn't.  Gillberg has
provided the Hufschmid network with essential information used in the stalking operation and he even contacted the top people of my childrens' schools to get personal information about my children.

Luckily, from the stairway, I had seen my daughter outside our front door where she was looking for her key, which she had dropped.  I came to the door just as the stalker pulled himself in behind her.  He said he was Wadesky and that he had come to help me.  My wife and I confronted him in the stairway and asked him to identify himself, although he refused to produce an ID.  He pretended to be a supporter, but did not have any questions for me and would not let Helje take a photo of him with me.  He dodged and ducked every time she tried to get a photo of him.  A neighbor, who is a retired policeman, was alerted immediately and called the police.  When Nardone was arrested he was identified and photographed by the police.

The "Alex Wadesky" stalker, identified as Mario Nardone (the same name as one of the 9/11 victims at the World Trade Center), has been harassing and stalking my family since 2009, using the Wadesky alias when contacting my relatives.  He and Hufschmid have called many of our relatives, from Estonia to America, telling them that we have been kidnapped and are in grave danger.  They even contacted teachers and administrators at schools my children have attended.  The police released Nardone without interviewing us, although we said that we wanted him charged and had been told that the police would be in touch with us.  The Hufschmid gang, however, has not stopped their stalking of my family.  Several weeks after Nardone was arrested we received a fourth threatening letter within a month or so from Jan Gillberg in which he sent a copy of an email from Nardone dated November 7. 

... snip ...

Note how the stalker Nardone asks Jan Gillberg to provide information on my family by "publishing something".

As one can imagine, this relentless harassment and false reports have caused a great deal of distress for our family and relatives.  After making contact with one of our relatives, Wadesky always reports back to Hufschmid, who is the person who started the rumor that we had been kidnapped in 2007.  Hufschmid even has a webpage dedicated to the "mysterious disappearance of the Bollyn family".

Eric Hufschmid of Goleta, California, has worked to spread fear and sow suspicion about people in the 9/11 truth movement.  He has spread lies about me since 2007 in order to marginalize my research and writing.  He is evidently working for the other side - those who wish to confuse the public about what really happened on 9/11.  The question is who is behind Hufschmid?

Hufschmid sent me two emails after Nardone was released in which he urged me to go visit his stalker/agent at the police station.  This clearly shows that Hufschmid is the person running the stalking network.  The police in Santa Barbara County have been notified of Hufschmid's involvement in this stalking and harassment. 

From: "" <>
Sent: Monday, October 24, 2011 9:14 PM
Subject: Please meet Alex at the police station!

Christopher, I realize that you don't know who to trust, and you don't know if that man who described himself as Alex can be trusted, but... 

You told Alex that you don't go to public events because you don't get paid, so he will give you 100 Swedish Kronas to go to the police station and meet him!!!  He can give you some more money later, if that is not enough. 

You can bring that retired policeman, Curt, also, if you want. He traveled to your apartment on his own expenses, and he brought some extra money to help you and your family. However, his flight leaves Sweden very soon, so you don't have any time to fool around! Is there anyway you can be at that police station between 10 AM and 3 PM? Is there any way that you and your family can be at that police station between 10 AM and 3 PM? If so, let him know so that he will be there to meet you! You can e-mail him at this e-mail address, and CC me. 

You can also verify and specify the location at the police station that you will meet him by using the Google Street view maps and including the link so that he can see exactly where you are going to be. 

The harassing telephone calls from Hufschmid and Nardone to my wife's father in Estonia disturbed him a great deal and are thought to have led to his sudden demise and premature death a year ago.  Such repeated and vicious threats can cause older people to die.

Hufschmid and Nardone made a three-way conversation with Swedish police on 10 March 2011 in which they gave a false report to the police telling them that my son was in grave danger, although the personal ID number was mine.  The Hufschmid-Nardone false report to the police resulted in a police visit to my house to check on our son.  Hufschmid pretends not to know the real identity of Alex Wadesky although he has worked with him for years. 

Wadesky has used numerous social networking sites to spread Hufschmid's nonsense about my family being kidnapped.  The Facebook account with my photo under the name Alex Wadesky was removed after I contacted Facebook in October 2011.  

Mario Nardone and Eric Hufschmid have created numerous webpages using my image, like this one on Myspace.  The photo is of me at the train station in Berlin-Wannsee when war (Krieg) broke out between Georgia and South Ossetia in August 2008, but the purpose of the page is to spread vicious lies about me and my family.

These false pages all carry Hufschmid's lie that I have been kidnapped and that my kidnappers control what I write.  The purpose of that lie is pretty clear - to discredit my 9/11 research that explains the role of Israeli and Zionist agents in the false-flag terror attacks.  The fact that we lived with our relatives from August 2007-2009 doesn't stop Hufschmid from carrying on with this nonsense.  He is paid to spread these lies.  The real question is who is paying Hufschmid to do this?

We are in contact with the authorities to find out who this Mario Nardone really is and why he used a false name (Alex Wadesky) as he systematically harassed our relatives and stalked us.  Does he have a criminal background?  Is he working with a criminal organization - or the state?  Who is Eric Hufschmid really working for as he manages his gang of informants and stalkers to harass the Bollyn family?

Related Articles:

Article from Eric Hufschmid's website showing co-operation between Jan Gillberg and Daryl B. Smith, 25 October 2007 

Bollyn, Christopher, "Eric Hufschmid and Rupert Murdoch - Agents of Deception", 21 October 2010

Bollyn, "Afghanistan - Obama's War for Israel", 6 July 2010

Bollyn, "Did Rupert Murdoch Have Prior Knowledge of 9-11?" 3 October 2003

Bollyn, ""Slam Bollyn Every Way You Can", 9 December 2007

Bollyn, "The Mass Media & the 9/11 Cover-Up", Chapter VIII, Solving 9/11

Collins, David, "Phone hacking: 9/11 victims 'may have had mobiles tapped by News of the World reporters'", Daily Mirror, 11 July 2011

Gillberg, Jan, "The Bollyns in Gränna", DSM, No. 4 - 2007 (Malicious article in English published in Swedish language magazine; translator unknown; Gillberg does not speak English well.)

Same malicious article (scroll down to "The Bollyns in Gränna", with photo he had snapped (and published in print magazine) while we were doing work in the yard:, "Lurid attack on Murdoch sheds no light", 11 November 2011

"Stalking victims claim crime not taken seriously enough", The Guardian, 13 November 2011

Solving 9/11 to End the Zionist War Plan for Iran

November 8, 2011

That's the game. Burn the place down for the insurance. They're just fixing the flames to reach the lobby building, sprinkling thermite dust along the covered way... They've used thermite bombs in each of the cabins. Better than petrol. Less bulky and they leave no traces for the insurance sleuths.
- James Bond in The Spy Who Loved Me by Ian Fleming, 1962

'Do you really think that criminals are clever, good people, Thrasymachus?'
'Yes, if their criminality is able to manifest in a perfect form and they are capable of dominating countries and nations.'
- Plato's Republic, ca. 380 B.C.

Ultimately this is a fight over the Israeli nuclear monopoly in the region.
-Avner Cohen, Expert on Israel's nuclear arsenal, The Guardian, 7 November 2011

There are two essential requirements to prevent a third World War in our time and to end the crimocracy that dominates Washington, D.C., London, and Jerusalem.  First, there must be an independent, rigorous, and thorough forensic investigation of 9/11, followed by criminal prosecution of all those involved in the terror atrocity - and the cover-up.  Secondly, there must be a return to hand-counted paper ballots in every polling place in the United States.  These two essential demands should be at the top of the anti-war protest movement's list of demands if the American people are to succeed in removing the criminal regime that controls the U.S. government.  The same criminal network that is behind 9/11 is now planning to drag the nation into war with Iran - and possibly World War III.

I have used the word "crimocracy" since late 2000 to describe the U.S. government after having discovered how electronic voting machines were being used in Chicago's Cook County to steal the election.  After receiving a thinly-veiled threat from Alex Kantarovich, the man from Minsk, Byelorussia, who provided the control cards for the voting machines, if I went ahead with my Election Day story, there was no question that the people behind ES&S were organized criminals.  Visits to the Chicago and Omaha offices of ES&S only confirmed to me that this was a very secretive criminal outfit that was engaged in rigging elections across the United States.  The democratic franchise in America was meaningless. 

Christopher Bollyn (back to camera) interviewing the CFO of Election Systems & Software (ES&S), Mr. Tom O'Brien, in August 2004 at the company's Omaha headquarters on John Galt Blvd. The CEO was unavailable for comment and the company that counts millions of American votes was unable to answer any questions or provide any press releases or information about itself.

Criminals run electronic voting companies for only one reason - to steal elections.  By using computerized voting machines the public is cheated out of its right to observe the counting of the ballots, the fundamental sine qua non of a verifiable democratic election.  By pulling the wool over the eyes of the American people the criminals have been able to put criminals into positions of power.  This is how the U.S. government has become a crimocracy, a government of criminals, led by people (e.g. the Clintons, the Bushes and Obama) who openly engage in criminal activities, such as illegal wars of aggression and targeted killings using drones around the world. 

With the world on the brink of war with Iran, it is high time and absolutely essential for the American protest movement to articulate these two fundamental demands.  These demands are necessary if we are to expose the Zionist crimocracy behind 9/11 and remove its members from all positions of power.

TROIKA OF TERROR - Israel's Defense Minister Ehud Barak, President Shimon Peres, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are pulling the United States into war with Iran.  These three men are architectural level planners of the 9/11 terror deception; they are Israel's "Troika of Terror". 

What needs to be understood is that 9/11 has not been properly investigated as a crime by forensic experts.  As I have pointed out in numerous articles about the destruction of the steel from the World Trade Center, the federal agency that should have led the investigation, the F.B.I., allowed the crucial evidence to be hastily removed and destroyed in Asian smelters.  This is clearly criminal and shows how the U.S. Department of Justice and the F.B.I. have become completely corrupt. 

The Obama administration has only continued the 9/11 cover up while increasing the war effort and targeted killings in Afghanistan and Pakistan, crimes in and of themselves.  Regardless of our political views, we can certainly all agree that 9/11 must be properly and rigorously investigated and the guilty parties prosecuted and punished.  9/11 was used to usher in the Zionist fraud known as the "War on Terror" and two illegal wars of occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq - on both sides of Iran.

The 9/11 investigation was hijacked by then Assistant Attorney General Michael Chertoff, the Israeli-American dual national who was responsible for the federal investigation and prosecution of the terror attacks, because a proper criminal investigation would have revealed that 9/11 was a false-flag terror atrocity carried out and covered-up by Israeli military intelligence and their "Fifth Column" (i.e. Zionist agents) in the United States.  The attacks were designed to be blamed on Arab Muslims (i.e. "false-flag") in order to get U.S. public opinion to support an open-ended war in the Islamic lands of the Middle East. 

The U.S. invasions and occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq are the realization of the "War on Terror", a Zionist war strategy pushed by Benjamin Netanyahu since the 1980s in books, speeches, and articles.  Like a chess game in which Iran is the ultimate target, the first move in the Zionist war plan was to bring U.S. forces into Afghanistan on the East, and then into Iraq on the West.  The massive U.S. military presence in the Persian Gulf on the South means Iran is surrounded on three sides.  A U.S. war against Iran is the end game of the terror masterminds behind 9/11.  

The Zionist warmongers plan for American and British troops to invade Iran.  The Zionist-controlled governments in Washington and London are not acting in the best interest of their nations.  The people must stop the criminals from waging another Zionist war.  Graphic - Daily Mail

The three highest political leaders of Israel are leading the effort to drag the United States into war with Iran:  Defense Minister Ehud Barak, President Shimon Peres, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  All three are architectural level planners of the false-flag terrorism of 9/11.  Barak was the first person, on 9/11, to call for the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan.  On the day of the attacks, Netanyahu told the New York Times that the terror atrocity was "very good" for U.S.-Israel relations.  Barak was Netanyahu's commander in the Israeli special forces unit known as Sayeret Matkal.  Israeli president Shimon Peres is the third partner in this troika of Zionist terrorists.  "The possibility of a military attack against Iran is now closer to being applied than the application of a diplomatic option," Peres recently told the Israel Hayom newspaper.

We must do everything we can to prevent the Zionist warmongers from waging war against Iran.  Demanding a criminal investigation of 9/11 is where we should start.  It is the failure to investigate 9/11 which has allowed the criminals in high places to wage illegal wars and plunder our national wealth.  This simply cannot be allowed to continue.

*   *   *   *   *

The following video by Jon Cole, "9/11 Theories: Expert vs. Expert", illustrates how the government has lied about what really happened to the Twin Towers - since Day One.

Video Link -

The following video discusses the agenda behind the threat of war against Iran.

Video Link -

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Bollyn, Christopher, "Death of Democracy Or May the Best Hacker Win", 27 October 2000 

Bollyn, "Restoring Democracy in America", March 19, 2011

Bollyn, "On Fictional Elections", January 3, 2008

Bollyn, "The 9/11 Cover Up - The Destruction of the Steel Evidence", May 2011

Borger, Julian, "Iran nuclear report: IAEA claims Tehran working on advanced warhead",, 7 November 2011

Drury, Ian, "UK and U.S. 'draw up joint plan to attack Iran': Evidence of nuclear programme raises tension in Middle East", Daily Mail (UK), 2 November 2011

Eldar, Akiva, "Obama must stop Netanyahu, Barak from attacking Iran", Haaretz (Israel), 7 November 2011

"UK, US, Israel threaten War on Iran - Interview on RT", 4 November 2011

"9/11 Theories: Expert vs. Expert", by Jon Cole, 1 November 2011

ANOTHER Vet Injured in Oakland Uprising Against Crimocracy

Updated November 6, 2011
Added text and video of second injured vet in Oakland, Kayvan Sabeghi


WALL STREET LOVES ISRAEL - Ed Morris, a 70-year-old American, is one of the "Faces of Occupy Wall Street".  Morris told Newsweek why he joined the protests:  "Our country has been so numb and so cruel and it’s great that people are waking up."

Scott Olsen is a 24-year-old from Wisconsin who joined Veterans for Peace after moving to San Francisco.  Olsen is a former U.S. Marine who served two tours in Iraq in 2006 and 2007.

Veterans for Peace use non-violent protest methods to increase public awareness of the costs of war.

Olsen (right) was protesting peacefully with fellow Veteran for Peace, Joshua Shepherd, in Oakland on October 25...

when he was seriously injured after being struck by a projectile fired by police at close range.  "Oakland Police Department fired a tear gas canister at his head, fracturing his skull," Shepherd said.

Olsen was peacefully protesting when he was shot in the head by the police projectile at very close range.  The police then lobbed a stun grenade into the midst of the people who came to aid the fallen vet.  This is clearly criminal conduct by the police.  The best coverage of this incident is in the Daily Mail

The following video clip shows the police lobbing a stun grenade at those who came to help the seriously wounded veteran.

Video Link -

Interview with Mike Ferner of Veteran's for Peace about Scott Olsen:

Video Link -

A second Iraq War veteran, Kayvan Sabeghi, has been seriously injured at the hands of the Oakland police.  After police beat him with batons, Sabehgi was jailed and denied medical care, which he urgently needed.  He is in intensive care with a lacerated spleen.

Sabeghi, 32, was walking home when he was beaten by police and charged with resisting arrest.

Sabeghi's business partner in a micro-brewery, Esther Goodstal, told the AP, "I saw he had bruises all over his body, and that's not right. No one should treat another human being like this."

The Iraq war vet had been taking part in Wednesday's march on the port, but left when it was over. "After that, he went out with his friend and had dinner," Goodstal said.

When dinner was over, Sabeghi decided to call it a night because he had to work Thursday. He was walking home in west Oakland sometime late Wednesday or early Thursday when he encountered a line of police at the protest who wouldn't let him through, Goodstal said.

"Literally, you (could) see his apartment," she said. "The police for some reason ... said, `No, you cannot pass.'" Goodstal said Sabeghi told her he tried to explain his situation and officers began hitting him with batons.

The police in Oakland have used excessive violence on the protestors, seriously injuring at least two Iraq war veterans.  Thus far no criminal charges have been laid against the police who shot Scott Olsen in the head with a tear gas canister.

Video Link -


“89 percent of Americans say they distrust the government, 74 percent say the country is on the wrong track, and 84 percent disapprove of Congress...”
Source: New York Times/CBS News poll, 19-24 October 2011, “Snapshot shows U.S. public more disillusioned than ever”, International Herald Tribune, 26 October 2011

The on-going American protest movement is similar to the Palestinian Intifada in that it is a popular uprising against a criminal regime that has simply become too oppressive to bear any longer.  While the U.S. government engages in costly illegal wars and targeted assassinations in at least 6 nations the American people chafe under the heavy costs incurred by the criminal war-mongering regime in Washington. 

A common grievance of the anti-war protest movement across the United States is how greedy corporations are robbing the American people.  The top 100 corporations that provide weapons and equipment for the Pentagon received hundreds of billions of tax-payer dollars in 2010 while the American people are being asked to tighten their belts and do without the basic benefits that people in most developed nations take for granted. 

The top war contractors receive tens of billions of dollars "appropriated" for them by corrupt members of Congress - at the expense of the American taxpayer.  General Dynamics, for example, No. 5 on the list, received nearly 4,730 Million dollars in defense contracts alone in 2010.  General Dynamics has long been owned and controlled by the Crown family of Chicago, devoted supporters of Israel - and financial backers of Barack Obama.  The corrupting relationship between these Zionist war profiteers and the Obama administration is discussed in greater detail in my recent article "Chicago's Elders of Zion and Obama's War for Profit" 

Video Link -

Sources and Recommended Reading:

"ANOTHER U.S. Army veteran in intensive care after being hit with police nightsticks during Occupy Oakland clash", Daily Mail, 5 November 2011

"Second Iraq War Veteran Hurt In Occupy Oakland Protests", by Robert Johnson and Linette Lopez,, 5 November 2011,

"Iraq war hero critically injured in Oakland protests 'awake and lucid' in hospital as demonstrators vow to shut the city down with general strike", Daily Mail (UK), 28 October 2011 

"Hurt protester Scott Olsen was 'provoking no one'," San Francisco Chronicle, 28 October 2011

Washington Technology Top 100 Government Contractors 2010, Top 100 Defense Revenue 

The Well-Armed Uprising Against the Crimocracy

November 4, 2011

A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
- The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution, 15 December 1791

No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms.
- Thomas Jefferson, 1 Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned from time to time that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.... The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
- Thomas Jefferson in a letter to William S. Smith in 1787

Unlike the protest movements in other nations, the popular uprising in the United States is armed - very well armed.  Exercising the Constitutional right to bear arms, a "well regulated militia" in Arizona took part in the Occupy Phoenix protest on 15 October 2011.  The presence of a group of well-armed and trained veterans was meant to help keep the peace and protect the protestors from police violence.  

The presence of a well-trained militia of armed veterans to protect the demonstrators from police violence is clearly an effective strategy.  The police are much less likely to use violence or fire upon a group of citizens that can fire back. 
 Police in Oakland, California, on the other hand, fired on peaceful veterans who were trying to keep the peace - but were not armed.

“OCCUPY PHOENIX” - 15 October 2011 - The U.S. Border Guard, a private organization of U.S. veterans that patrols the border with Mexico, deployed an urban combat trained security squad to the Occupy Phoenix rally as armed peace keepers and legal observers. The Rangers took a non-political stance to defend peaceful assembly and free speech of all citizens by exercising their Constitutional right to keep and bear arms. 

Our founding fathers and founding mothers knew full well that the 2nd Amendment is what protects all our other amendments from tyranny. The U.S. Border Guard protected the rights of all parties involved.  Source:

Video Link -


"Occupy Phoenix",, 15 October 2011

Occupy Phoenix Armed Veterans Keeping Police Honest, 

Fjordman Back at the Gates of Vienna

Updated November 4, 2011

Whether Fjordman is an Israeli agent or not, doesn’t negate the fact that Zionist right wingers are in alliance with these Nazi type characters. Geert Wilder is funded by Daniel Pipes' organisation, the Middle East Forum, and Pipes is not an Israeli. These extremists tend to do their worst in the USA or in alliance with the USA rather than in Israel.
- Farha Khaled to Christopher Bollyn, 2 November 2011 (Bollyn response in Q&A)

Peder Are Nøstvold Jensen, a.k.a. Fjordman, is the Zionist ideologue who inspired the Oslo massacre in July 2011.

After the Oslo terror bombing and subsequent mass murder of scores of young Norwegian political activists at an island camp on 22 July 2011, I wrote about the "Fjordman", the devoted Zionist who was one of the key people fomenting the anti-Islamic fear and hatred in the killer, Anders Behring Breivik:

Later, after the mass murder of 69 young people from the youth organization of Norway's labor party (Arbeidernes Ungdomsfylking or AUF), Fjordman described the AUF youngsters under attack as a "gang of anti-Israel, pro-Palestine young socialists".

On August 5, the Norwegian media revealed the identity of Fjordman, the rabid anti-Islamic blogger who is said to have inspired the terror atrocity of 22 July 2011. Fjordman was named as Peder Are Nøstvold Jensen, from Ålesund on Norway's west coast. What kind of Norwegian could harbor such animosity for his fellow Norwegians? Would Jensen get off so lightly calling for war against any other religious group? What would happen if Jensen had called for the expulsion of Jews and the destruction of their synagogues, as he and his ilk do against the Muslims? Why are Zionist extremists like Jensen not prosecuted for their anti-Muslim hate speech? 
"Is Fjordman an Israeli Agent?" 10 August 2011

BOYCOTT ISRAEL - Norway's foreign minister Jonas Gahr Støre visited the AUF camp shortly before the massacre.  Were these young Norwegian political activists targeted for taking a stand against militant Zionism?

A writer named Farha Khaled has written a recent article titled "Fjordman Back at Gates of Vienna whose Tipsters Include Caroline Glick", which reveals much more about the Zionist propaganda network behind the anti-Islamic websites that inspired the massacre in Norway.  One of the propagandists, for example, is Caroline Glick, a Chicago-born editor of the Jerusalem Post.  I recommend reading Farha Khaled's article, which does a excellent job exposing the Zionist agenda behind the propaganda.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Khaled, Farha, "Fjordman Back at Gates of Vienna whose Tipsters Include Caroline Glick",, 22 October 2011

Bollyn, Christopher, "Is Fjordman an Israeli Agent?", 10 August 2011  

Hillary Clinton & the Murder of Moammar Gadhafi

October 24, 2011

"We came, we saw, he died."
- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the murder of Moammar Gaddafi, 20 October 2011

Hillary Clinton and her gang from the State Department unexpectedly arrived in Libya on October 18, carrying millions of dollars in cash and announcing to the world that the hunt for Moammar Gaddafi was on.

"WE HOPE HE CAN BE CAPTURED OR KILLED SOON" - Clinton said in Tripoli on 18 October 2011 - only two days before Gaddafi was murdered - after being captured alive.  Was Clinton announcing the opening of the hunt for Moammar Gaddafi?  Was the cash she brought - some $11 million - the bounty?  

Clinton was jubilant over the murder of Moammar Gaddafi.  This is very telling behavior.  Was Clinton involved in state-sponsored assassination?  It certainly appears she has broken U.S. law, which is quite clear:  "No employee of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, political assassination."
Video Link -

I would not be surprised if the French and Americans are actually targeting Gaddafi personally. He knows too much for them to let him live - and talk about it.
- Christopher Bollyn, March 2011

I would have loved to have seen Gaddafi appear in front of the International Criminal Court both to answer charges against his gross treatment of his own people and of citizens murdered abroad by his thugs. But I would also have loved to have heard about what Gaddafi knew about the Lockerbie atrocity.
- Dr Jim Swire, whose daughter Flora was killed in the Lockerbie bombing, Daily Mail, 21 October 2011

Moammar Gadhafi was captured alive - and then executed.
(Source:  The Independent)

Moammar Gadhafi, the former leader of Libya, was executed after being captured alive near his hometown of Sirte.  Video footage shows a bloodied Qaddafi pleading for his life before asking the fighters who captured him, "Do you know what's right or wrong?"

Press reports indicate that he was targeted by French and U.S. aircraft and drones shortly before being captured.  Why was Gadhafi summarily executed?  Who wanted him dead before he could be put on trial?  What does this say about NATO and the people who will take control of Libya?

Video images show that Gadhafi was captured alive, before being shot at close range in his left temple, reportedly with a 9 mm pistol.  "Don't shoot!" are reported to have been his last words.  Who shot him - and why?  (Graphic - Daily Mail

Two days before Gadhafi was murdered, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton openly called for his death speaking in Tripoli during a surprise visit to the war ravaged nation:

"We don't know where he is, but we hope he can be captured or killed soon so that you don't have to fear him any longer, and then you have to move forward."
- U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton speaking to students at the University of Tripoli, 18 October 2011

Two short video clips on the murder of Moammar Gaddafi

Video Link -

Video Link -

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Bollyn, Christopher, "Gaddafi's Ties to Rothschild & Jewish Oligarchy", 26 March 2011 

Bollyn, "The Zionist (NATO) War for Libya", 29 August 2011

Bollyn, "Gaddafi, Mossad, and the Looting of Libya", 7 September 2011

Bollyn, "Video of NATO's Use of Cluster Bombs in Libya", 27 September 2011"

Gaddafi's death - who pulled the trigger?" by Tim Gaynor and Taha Zargoun, Reuters, 20 October 2011

"Hillary Clinton Wants Gaddafi Killed" by Shirin Sadeghi,, 19 October 2011

L.A. Teacher Fired for Protesting "Zionist Jews" at the Fed

October 20, 2011

After being filmed at the Occupy L.A. protest last Saturday, in which she protested against the "Zionist Jews" who run the Federal Reserve System, Patricia McAllister was summarily fired from her job as a substitute teacher in the Los Angeles school system (LAUSD).  The local FOX News coverage of the McAllister story and the position of the Occupy LA movement provides an excellent example of how the Zionist bankster crimocracy is protected by the controlled media.  (FOX News is owned by Rupert Murdoch, a Zionist Jew and business partner of Israel's super-agent Arnon Milchan.) 

Brave people like McAllister who stand up to protest the Zionist crimocracy behind the illegal wars of conquest and the plundering of the U.S. Treasury invariably find their freedom of speech rights denied and their motivations questioned.  It is certainly not "hate speech" to identify the culprits behind such massive crimes.  


Chicago's Elders of Zion and Obama's War for Profit

Updated October 14, 2011
(New material on the secret visit by Israel's chief of military intelligence to Lester Crown in 2010 urging U.S. action against Iran and Obama's support in Aspen.)

Israeli general Amos Yadlin traveled to Chicago in an effort to enlist [Lester] Crown’s help in convincing the administration to attack Iran.
- "Israel, Big Money and Obama", 20 August 2010

“The demonstrators probably ought to be demonstrating in front of Congress, the White House, and the secretary over at Treasury.”
Rep. Spencer Bachus (R., Ala.), Chairman, House Financial Services Committee,
"Rep. Bachus: Wall Street Protesters Should Be Demonstrating in D.C.."
Washington Wire, 6 October 2011

LETTING OFF STEAM OR CHANGING THE REGIME? - The anti-war protest movement has finally gotten on its feet in Washington, D.C., but can the protest movement in America have any meaningful effect on the political system if it does not articulate any specific demands?  The mass protests across the Middle East have all had the same clear goal from the beginning - the removal of the ruling regime.  What do the protestors in America want?  Do they even know what they want?

Because the scale of the war-for-profit scam is so immense, an example comparing what the money wasted on the wars could have bought for the American people is helpful:  The U.S. military spends an estimated $20 billion a year just to air-condition its tents and bases in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is equivalent to 20 years of funding for Amtrak, the sorely neglected U.S. passenger rail system.

The U.S. military spends about $20 billion annually to air-condition tents and temporary structures in Iraq and Afghanistan, more than the U.S. spends on its passenger rail system in 20 years.

After three weeks of protests on Wall Street in New York City, on the eve of the 10th anniversary of the U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan, thousands of protestors occupied Freedom Square in Washington, D.C. in a mass protest dubbed "Occupy D.C."  Signs carried by protestors show that many are outraged by the wasteful and unjustified wars of occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq. 

Thousands of protestors massed in Washington, D.C. on October 6...

inspired by the popular uprisings in Egypt and across the Middle East...

and demanding an end to the war policies that have impoverished and crippled America.

Protesting the wasteful wars (currently over $1 trillion), and the corporations who profit from them, is a common theme...

because spending on the wars is responsible for at least one-fifth of the national debt...

which has more than doubled since 9/11.  At $1.5 trillion in direct spending, but with an estimated total cost of some $4 trillion, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have caused the U.S. national debt to spike since 2000.

Some protested U.S. war crimes and torture...

while others called for dumping the Zionist "war lobby".  

After 10 years of an unjustified war of occupation in Afghanistan, Americans are finally rising up and demonstrating against the Zionist crimocracy and its agenda of war for plunder and profit.  For these protests to be effective, however, it is essential that they raise public awareness of who is really responsible for the criminal war policies and the plundering of the U.S. Treasury.  This requires pointing out the secretive "Elders of Zion" who are behind Obama and his criminal war policies.  It is the people who support the president behind the scenes who dictate the policies he puts into effect. 

If the real culprits are not indentified, shamed, and blamed, the protests will fail to bring about any real change for the better.  Like any political and anti-war protest movement, there are infiltrators among the protestors, e.g. Zionists, who seek to divert the message, to distract, and radicalize the movement in order to discredit and marginalize it.  For these reasons, it is essential that the protestors keep the focus on who is truly responsible for the crimes of 9/11 and the illegal wars that followed in its wake.


The 10-year-old war in Afghanistan has been dubbed "Obama's War" because, since being elected in November 2008, he has overseen a three-fold increase in the number of soldiers engaged in the war of occupation.  But is it really Obama's war if he is only doing what he is told by the people to whom he is obliged and beholden?  Blaming the president without understanding who is behind his war policies will not solve the problem.

"OBAMA'S WAR" - The number of U.S. troops in Afghanistan has tripled since November 2008 to the current peak of 98,000.  It is not at all certain that the number will shrink in 2012 as indicated in this graphic from the Washington Post.

DESPISED IN AMERICA - President Obama's ratings have plummeted as a result of his support for the Zionist war agenda and the trillion dollar bailout of 2008-2009.

LOVED IN ISRAEL - While Obama gets a positive rating from less than one-third of the American population, he enjoys a favorable rating with 54 percent of the Israeli population.  So who is he serving? (Source: Jerusalem Post, 28 September 2011)

THE ELDERS OF ZION AND OBAMA - It is certainly no secret that a secret organization of Zionist Jews was behind making Obama the president of the United States.  It was the cover story of The Chicago Jewish News in October 2008.

A recent article in Crain's Chicago Business, entitled "Cracks appear in Obama's Chicago base", reports that his re-election campaign has a hometown problem: the donors and volunteers who supported him in 2008 have lost interest.  "The glow of the epochal election of the nation's first African-American president has faded amid a dramatic fall in the president's popularity," Crain's reported.

Obama's re-election campaign will get a "hometown" publicity boost from a $35,800-a-plate fundraiser in October "hosted by Obama's financial inner sanctum: former fundraising chair Penny Pritzker, James Crown, John Rogers Jr. and others," Crain's reported.  This cabal of extremely wealthy Zionist Jews is supporting Obama because they have created him and they control him, and with him in power they grow richer as the Zionist war agenda is advanced.  It's that simple; it's criminal.  This is the Zionist crimocracy that controls the U.S. government.

Penny Pritzker, center, with the Obamas. 
Pritzker was finance chair for Obama's 2008 campaign. 

Chicago is a Zionist stronghold, where Zionist gangsters have long run the city and the mob.  This Zionist bank is at 100 N. LaSalle Street; the offices of Henry Crown and Co. are a couple hundred feet north, at 222 N. LaSalle. 

Rahm Emanuel, the son of a terrorist from the Stern Gang and former senior aide to presidents Clinton and Obama, is now mayor of Chicago.  Rep. Emanuel praised Lester Crown in a speech in Congress in 2004.  It was the least he could do for the man who made him rich.  Crown introduced Emanuel to John W. Rowe, the former chief executive of Unicom, who made Emanuel a millionaire in 1999 after he left the Clinton White House, where he had single-handedly pushed the disastrous NAFTA bill through Congress.

While Christian symbols are banned on city property, a huge steel menorah dominates Daley Plaza every December.  Just a reminder of who really runs the city.

Obama’s top fundraiser Penny Pritzker's grandfather and the great-grandfather were lawyers for organized crime, according to Jeff Gates' 2010 article "Obama's Inner Eisenhower."  The Crown family (formerly Lithuanian Jews named Krinsky) share a similar lineage in Ashkenazi organized crime.  The Crown family has long been the major shareholder of General Dynamics, arguably the nation’s largest corporate beneficiary both of the "War on Terror" and taxpayer outlays for Homeland Security.  Obama's second-ranked fundraiser was Chicago’s affluent Crown clan whose dominant ownership stake in General Dynamics ensured additional riches both from waging the “War on Terror” and from Homeland Security, Gates notes.

General Dynamics is one of the leading U.S. defense contractors.  Most of the company's revenues derive from Pentagon appropriations (in green).


“Every Israeli prime minister, every Israeli president knows the Crown family.”
- Steven Nasatir, President, Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago

The late Sherman Skolnick, a Chicago-based independent investigator, described the Pritzkers and Crowns as interlinked criminal familes in 1995:

The Crowns and the Pritzkers are interlocked criminals. The Crown flagship, set up in 1919, was Material Service Corp. Over the years, they got big-city paving and cement contracts by bribing Chicago city officials! From that, they branched out into being war mongers. The Crowns have been major owners of bloody war-contractor General Dynamics. The Crowns escaped going to prison for bribing Pentagon brass. How? By bribing federal officials!

Once-president of Material Service, Lester Crown escaped jail in 1976 in a concrete industry scandal by bribing federal prosecutors in Chicago who used him only as a government witness.  In the past, Lester was a director of the Vatican dope money laundry, Continental Bank.

To try to get the stink off themselves, the Crowns donate part of their loot to Northwestern University, which has a building named after them. They might as well call it "The Al Capone Center".

In the 1940s, Material Service Corp. (MSC) benefited greatly from large war-related contracts, enabling it to acquire coal mines and more limestone quarries, and to become one of Chicago's most prominent builders of commercial property.  During WWII, Henry Crown served as the procurement officer for the Western division of the Corps of Engineers.  As Time Magazine wrote (in 1952) about 45-year-old Henry Crown's unusual military service, "After a World War II stint as a colonel in charge of buying $1 billion worth of Army supplies, Crown started spreading into other fields."  In a stock-for-stock merger in 1959, MSC became part of the General Dynamics Corp. (GD), a leading military contractor.  As Sherman Skolnick wrote, "By the 1970s, the Crown family had an 89 percent stake in General Dynamics, the major war-monger, maker of submarines, tanks, and many other weapons." 

At age 45, Henry Crown registered to serve in the war on April 27, 1942.  He did not sign up to serve the nation, but to profit from the war.  Profiting from war is a Crown family tradition.


James Schine Crown (born 1953) from "Obama's financial inner sanctum" is president of Henry Crown and Company, a private investment company.  He is also a director of J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., General Dynamics, and Sara Lee. A member of Chicago's Crown family, his father is billionaire Lester Crown, the former chair and leading shareholder of General Dynamics.  As Real Aspen reported in "Aspen is Money for Obama" in July 2011, "Barack Obama's reelection campaign is off to a strong start, thanks in no small part to Jim Crown." Crown, managing partner of the Aspen Skiing Company and co-chair of Obama's Illinois fundraising effort in 2008, raised $100,000 in May and June (2011) for Obama.  

Lester Crown was one of Barack Obama's earliest and most steadfast supporters. He provided seed money for the Obama campaign, and his son James Crown was the co-chair of Obama's Illinois fundraising effort. In 2007 he and his wife Renee Crown hosted a fundraiser for Obama in which they highlighted that their support for the candidate was predicated on his support of Israel and his willingness to take militarily action against Iran, according to the article about Lester Crown.

Lester Crown and Renee Crown

Some of the Crown family members work very closely with highest level people from Israeli intelligence.  Charles H. Goodman is a good example.  Goodman, married to Lester Crown's cousin, Suzanne, has been a financial adviser to the Crown business interests for some 50 years and has been instrumental in managing and expanding Crown corporate assets.

Charles Goodman was Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency for Israel from 1995 to 1999. This is one of the highest Zionist positions of power.

Charles Goodman is a Principal of Henry Crown and Co. and served as Vice President of the company from 1973 to 2002.  He has been Vice Chairman of Henry Crown and Company since 2002 and a director of General Dynamics Corp. since 1991.  He currently serves on the boards of General Dynamics and ALLTEL.  Goodman is also a Director of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), a Trustee of Brandeis University (where he sits on the board with Ronald A. Ratner of Forest City Enterprises), and a member of the Board of Governors of the Jewish Agency for Israel and United Jewish Communities (UJC).  Goodman also serves as the Chairman of The Leon Recanati Graduate School of Business Administration in Tel Aviv.  (Leon Recanati is a highly-connected Israeli intelligence officer.) 

- Lester Crown's connection to Israel (just the tip of the iceberg)

In backing Obama, the Crown family has worked closely with other Chicago-based Elders of Zion, e.g. the Pritzker and Klutznick families.  One of Obama's earliest and biggest supporters was Philip Morris Klutznick, the former president of B'nai B'rith International and a business partner of Lester Crown, a devoted Zionist who is also surely a high-ranking member of B'nai B'rith, the secret global organization of Zionist Jewish Freemasons.  Members of this core group of Zionists can rightly be called the "Elders of Zion." 

Arie Steven Crown, director of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith


Lester's son, Arie Steven Crown serves as a director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) of B'Nai B'rith, the Zionist criminal organization that has long maligned me with slander and which was behind the police assault on me at my home in the Village of Hoffman Estates in August 2006.  Lester's son-in-law William C. Kunkler III, husband of Susan Crown, is on the board of directors of the retail giant Sears Holdings Corp., which has its headquarters in Hoffman Estates. 

Susan Crown and William Kunkler support candidates from both parties...

and are friends of Paula Zahn and her husband Richard Cohen.  Zahn presented the extremely biased CNN "hit piece" about my 9/11 research the day before my trial was to begin in January 2007.  She quit CNN and filed for divorce from Richard Cohen later the same year.

Bill Kunkler, Paula Zahn, Richard Cohen, and Susan Crown were close friends when they posed together at the Whitney Museum of American Art's gala in October 2005.

Paula Zahn's CNN Show "Out in the Open" used editing tricks in its attempt to slander me as an anti-Semite on national television - the night before my trial was to begin.  
The URL is

Sears is, by far, the largest corporation in Hoffman Estates having relocated from Sears Tower in Chicago to its new suburban campus after getting a very favorable deal from the Village of Hoffman Estates.  The Crown family, with its strong connection to Israel and the Zionist criminal network, was certainly well positioned to use their behind-the-scenes influence on the police department and village board of Hoffman Estates to see that I was attacked and maliciously prosecuted for my research and writing.  In 2001, I ran for mayor of Hoffman Estates on an anti-corruption platform, in a suburb of Chicago where corruption runs rampant. 

The Crown family supports candidates from both parties, depending on their strategic goal.  Susan Crown, for example, who gave at least $12,300 to candidate Obama between 2003 and 2007 (as per is now supporting the Republican Mitt Romney's bid for the White House.  As the Chicago Sun-Times reported on 4 October 2011:

The Mitt man . . . Watch for GOP presidential contender Mitt Romney, who now seems to be the Republican front-runner, head to Chicago Oct. 27 to attend a big-bucks, $25,000-plus-a-ticket fund-raiser tossed by Susan Crown, daughter of billionaire business leader/industrialist Lester Crown, and hubby Bill Kunkler. 


Arie "Steve" Crown was also elected to the Board of Trustees of Northwestern University in 1990 and serves on the Educational Policies and Appointments Committee and the Student Affairs Committee.  His father, Lester, is a Life Trustee of Northwestern University where many buildings bear the family's fake name, Crown.  The Crown family's immense influence at Northwestern is most likely the real impetus behind the very hastily written paper by Professor Zdenek P. Bazant, who so desperately sought to provide a plausible explanation how burning jet fuel could have brought down the steel-framed Twin Towers.  
Bazant's paper, which was later exposed as rubbish, was published just two days after 9/11 and provided much-needed scientific cover for the official version at the beginning, the most critical time of the cover-up.

Zdeněk Pavel Bažant (born in Czechoslovakia 1937) is a professor of Civil Engineering and Materials Science in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Northwestern University's Robert R. McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science.  The McCormick school is financially supported by the Crown familyLester Crown helped raise more than $100 million for the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science as cochair of the Campaign for Engineering and the Physical Sciences in the 1990s.

Another recipient of financial largesse from the Crown family and a person very much involved in the 9/11 cover-up is William Gene Corley, Senior Vice President of CTLGroup of Skokie (formerly Construction Technology Laboratories, the research and development laboratory for the Portland Cement Association).  Gene Corley led the federal investigation into the 9/11 collapses of the World Trade Center’s twin towers.  Previously he had conducted the investigation of the 1995 collapse of part of the Murrah Federal Building caused by the Oklahoma City bombing, and also served as expert advisor during the investigation and trial resulting from the 1993 fatal fire at the Branch Davidian complex in Waco, Texas. In 1997, Corley received the "Illinois ACI Henry Crown Award".  The Henry Crown Award is funded by Material Service Corporation.

Lester Crown receiving an "honorary doctorate" from Israeli Zvi Galil for his support of Tel Aviv University, 28 October 2008.

Lester Crown is the son of Chicago financier Henry Crown, a former president, chair, and main shareholder of General Dynamics, and a member of the board of directors of Maytag and a former director of TWA.  Among other things he owns family holdings in New York's Rockefeller Center, Hilton Hotels, the Chicago Bulls, and the New York Yankees. He is also the chairman of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations, director of the Jewish Theological Seminary, director of The Jerusalem Foundation, director of the Weizmann Institute of Science, and member of the International Board of Governors of Tel Aviv University.

Lester Crown has long been involved at the highest level with Zionist organizations, e.g. U.S./Middle East Project, Inc. and The Jerusalem Foundation in which he networks with the political, financial, and military elites of Israel, such as Yosef A. Maiman, the Mossad agent who controls a great deal of the gas resources of Turkmenistan.  Building a pipeline to carry the Israeli-owned gas to India is the real long-term goal of the occupation of Afghanistan.  It is through such Zionist networks, often disguised as charities, that the high-level planners are able to conspire with little fear that their plans will ever be disclosed. 


Israeli general Amos Yadlin traveled to Chicago in an effort to enlist [Lester] Crown’s help in convincing the administration to attack Iran.
- "Israel, Big Money and Obama", 20 August 2010

An early and public supporter of Obama’s presidential candidacy, Lester Crown praised Obama as “unyielding in defending Israel’s security.” During the summer of 2010, Amos Yadlin, the chief of Israel's military intelligence (AMAN), visited Crown in Chicago and requested that he put pressure on Obama to take more forceful action against Iran - and to stop pressing Israel on its illegal settlements on Palestinian land.

Major General Amos Yadlin, the chief of Israeli military intelligence, paid a secret visit to Chicago in July 2010 to meet Lester Crown to ask him "to communicate Israel’s existential worries directly to President Obama."

Crown told Atlantic Magazine in September 2010 that Yadlin discussed with him the “Iranian clock”—the time remaining before Iran reached nuclear capability—and that he agreed with Yadlin that the United States must stop Iran before it goes nuclear. “I share with the Israelis the feeling that we certainly have the military capability and that we have to have the will to use it. The rise of Iran is not in the best interest of the U.S.

“I support the president,” Crown said. “But I wish [administration officials] were a little more outgoing in the way they have talked. I would feel more comfortable if I knew that they had the will to use military force, as a last resort. You cannot threaten someone as a bluff. There has to be a will to do it.”


A military contractor, General Dynamics and the Crown family have profited greatly from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Crown family has long been seen as one of the most important U.S.-based supporters of the Israeli military.  They are reported to be one of the American Zionist families that created Israel Corp. and "major players" in helping finance Israel’s secret nuclear arms development program:

In 1968, Israeli Finance Minister Pinchas Sapir, the creator of Israel's "offshore" banking system, sponsored a "millionaires conference" in Jerusalem. All in attendence were in one way or another connected to the Israeli intelligence apparatus responsible for the weapons and money that helped create Israel in 1948.  Among them were:  Louis Boyar and Sam Rothberg - Henry Crown - Max Fisher - Ray Wolfe - Shaul Eisenberg - Raphael Recanati - Philip Klutznik.

Out of this conference, the Israel Corporation was created, an official government corporation. It was later exposed for illegal laundering of funds into the Banque du Credit International, set up by Tibor Rosenbaum and Pinchas Sapir.
- "Bronfman and the Mafia Sells Out the United States to Russia" (1996)

In 1993, when General Dynamics was controlled by Lester Crown, he sold the unit of the company in Fort Worth that makes electronics for the F-16 to an Israeli military company called Elbit.  The General Dynamics unit in Fort Worth became Elbit Systems of America (EFW), a wholly owned subsidiary of Israeli defense contractor Elbit Systems Ltd.  A $35 million division when General Dynamics sold it in 1993, it expects to report revenue of $1 billion for 2011.  "Elbit's U.S. growth is a result of the [Israeli] parent company's commitment to gaining a sizable share of U.S. defense spending, the Star Telegram of Fort Worth reported in June 2011. "And it's a result of a plan mapped out in the mid-1990s."  The Israeli owners of Elbit Systems of America have clearly profited very nicely from the extremely costly U.S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. 

General Dynamics and Elbit Systems of America formed a joint venture in 2009 called UAS Dynamics LLC, to provide unmanned aerial systems to the Defense Department and other potential U.S. government customers.  The company is based in Fort Mill, South Carolina.  

Sources and Recommended Reading: 

Bollyn, Christopher, "Who Runs the Obama White House?", Chapter X, Solving 9/11, 6 November 2008

Bollyn, "TAPI Pipeline - The Real Reason for 4 More Years of War", 20 December 2010

Bollyn, "9/11 Collapses - Open Letter to Dr. Gene Corley", 17 February 2005

"Cracks appear in Obama's Chicago base" by Steven R. Strahler and Paul Merrion, Crain's Chicago Business, 26 September 2011 

"Fort Worth defense contractor makes the guts inside the jets and tanks", Star Telegram, 18 June 2011 

Gates, Jeff, "Obama’s Inner Eisenhower", 27 September 2010

Goldberg, Jeffrey, "The Point of No Return", Atlantic Magazine, September 2010

"Honoring Lester Crown", Rep. Rahm Emanuel, 3 June 2004

"In Banking, Emanuel Made Money and Connections", by Michael Luo, New York Times, 3 December 2008

Kimberley, Margaret, "Mr. Crown and the President - Israel, Big Money and Obama",, 20 August 2010

"Obama and the Jews" by Pauline Dubkin Yearwood, Chicago Jewish News, 24 October 2008 

Skolnick,Sherman, Citizens' Committee to Clean Up the Courts, Conspiracy Nation, Vol. 5, No. 89, Chicago, 1995

Sparshott, Jeffrey, "Rep. Bachus: Wall Street Protesters Should Be Demonstrating in D.C.", Washington Wire, 6 October 2011

"TYCOONS: Midwest Midas", Time Magazine, 3 November 1952,9171,806573-1,00.html

"Uncovering the Hidden: Bronfman and the Mafia Sells Out the United States to Russia", 1996

Weiss, Philip, "Did billionaire Lester Crown get to Obama on Israel?",, 10 August 2010

9/11 Masterminds - Explosive Connections

October 11, 2011

The following video provides information on many of the 9/11 "insiders" and the companies and agencies in the impact zones of the World Trade Center and Pentagon.  Although it does not mention the word Zionist or Israel, it does point out some of the key players at the operational level of the conspiracy, e.g. Jerry Bremer.  I wouldn't call any of these people "masterminds of 9/11".  Oddly, although it mentions that Kroll was involved in the security at the World Trade Center on 9/11 it doesn't draw the link between Kroll, Marsh, and Maurice Greenberg.  For those important details one would have to read my chapter on the Architecture of Terrorism  

Video URL:

Obama Refuses to Provide Proof of Awlaki Culpability

October 5, 2011

If al-Awlaki committed treason by giving aid and comfort to America's enemies, he should have been arrested, charged and tried according to the U.S. Constitution.  The same information that Mr. Saleh, the dictator, helped provide for the drone attack could have been used to arrest al-Awlaki. Clearly, the aim from the start was to kill, not capture him.
- "Killing al-Awlaki was a political stunt unworthy of a great nation"
Usha Nellore in The Baltimore Sun, 5 October 2011

Jake Tapper of ABC News asked White House spokesman Jay Carney if Obama administration will provide any proof of its allegations that al-Awlaki was involved in terror attacks:

Tapper: Is there going to be any evidence presented?

Carney: I don't have anything for you on that.

Tapper: Do you not see at all -- does the administration not see at all how a President asserting that he has the right to kill an American citizen without due process, and that he’s not going to even explain why he thinks he has that right is troublesome to some people?


Source:  White House transcript of press briefing, 30 September 2011 

Arnon Milchan - "Mr. Israel" and 9/11

October 4, 2011

A plot of this magnitude and audacity could only have been conceived under faultless cover and down to the smallest detail.
- Thunderball, Ian Fleming

In Confidential, a recent biography of Arnon Milchan, Israel's LAKAM agent Number One, the authors reveal that Milchan and Peres are "strategic partners" and "holders of some of Israel's most significant secrets."  Chief among these secrets would certainly be how Israeli agents carried out 9/11.

Arnon Milchan, born in Israel in 1944, has led the kind of life that Ian Fleming and John le Carre loved to write about... He's a superagent in the real-world sense, and the closest thing to a real-life James Bond that one could imagine.
- Confidential: The Life of Secret Agent Turned Hollywood Tycoon - Arnon Milchan  (2011)

Beyond the whispers and the movies, few people know of Arnon’s role in supplying Israel with its defense needs, and in creating its ultimate deterrence capabilities… For me, he is ‘Mr. Israel.’
- Sumner Redstone, Chairman of the Board, Viacom Inc.

“Tell us about this Israeli movie producer.”
- William F. Fahey, U.S. District Attorney to Richard Kelly Smyth, Milchan’s U.S. supplier of nuclear triggers smuggled to Israel, January 1985

"MR. ISRAEL" - Israel's senior LAKAM agent Arnon Milchan (center) has long been the man bridging Israel's intelligence establishment with each new government.  In this photo from 2005, Milchan sits between his old friends Vice Prime Minister Shimon Peres and Finance Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a former employee of Milchan's chemical company, Milchan Bros.  Milchan was the essential agent in building Israel's nuclear arsenal.  So, what does he know about the Israeli-made super-thermite that demolished the World Trade Center?


If one considers the known evidence of Israeli prior knowledge of 9/11, the Odigo text messages and the five arrested Mossad agents, for example, as indicative of Israeli state involvement in the crime, the identity of the hidden power behind the cover-up is rather obvious. The "hidden hand" suppressing the information about 9/11 would have to be a high-level person in the Israeli political-military intelligence establishment who has very close relations with media kingpins like Murdoch, Levin, and Eisner. Arnon Milchan (a.k.a. Milchen) is such a person.
- Christopher Bollyn, "Arnon Milchan - Mossad's Man in the Middle" from Chapter VIII of Solving 9/11,
"The Mass Media & the 9/11 Cover-Up"

The hypothesis that 9/11 was carried out by Israeli agents requires the presence of a high-level Israeli agent playing the role of "man in the middle" between the architects of false-flag terror and the media moguls who shape public opinion through their control of the largest news and entertainment networks in the United States.    

The pilot episode of the The Lone Gunmen television series in which a passenger airliner is remotely hijacked and flown into the World Trade Center was filmed in 2000 and aired on television six months before 9/11, on Fox TV in March 2001.  The amazingly uncanny similarity of this television show with the events of 9/11 intrigued me and led to my discovery that a senior Israeli intelligence agent named Arnon Milchan was very closely connected with Fox TV, the company that produced the program.

In 2001 Milchan had long been connected to both Rupert Murdoch, owner of News Corp. and its many subsidiaries, and to Gerald Levin, president and CEO of Time Warner and CNN.  The success of the Israeli-produced false-flag terror spectacle was critically dependent on the major news media pushing the official, but unproven, explanation and ignoring the many unanswered questions about what really happened.  As the highest-level Israeli intelligence agent in the United States, Milchan certainly seemed to be "Mossad's Man in the Middle", co-ordinating the 9/11 cover up with the two largest news media outlets in the United States. 

Confidential:  The Life of Secret Agent Turned Hollywood Tycoon - Arnon Milchan is a recently published biography of Arnon Milchan (July 2011), the Israeli weapons smuggler/dealer who helped create Israel's nuclear arsenal.  Written by the Israeli Meir Doron, a family friend who was raised in Milchan's hometown of Rehovot, and his brother-in-law Joseph Gelman, Confidential is a sympathetic biography written by a couple Zionist Jews, which explains their comparison of Milchan with James Bond in the prologue. 

Like most things concerning Israel, how one views Arnon Milchan is all a matter of perspective.  A Zionist devoted to the State of Israel may very well see Milchan as a Jewish James Bond while an American like myself is much more likely to view Milchan as one of Ian Fleming's villains, not unlike Ernst Stavro Blofeld (a.k.a. "Number One"), the evil genius with aspirations of world domination as head of the global criminal organization SPECTRE, The Special Executive for Counterintelligence, Terrorism, Revenge, and Extortion. 

LAKAM'S AGENT NUMBER ONE - Arnon Milchan's illegal smuggling of 810 krytron triggers for an off-the-books nuclear arsenal in the hands of a global criminal organization of Zionist terrorists is something that Ian Fleming's criminal masterminds would have tried to pull off... Ernst Stavro Blofeld, "Number One" and head of SPECTRE.

There is, of course, a fundamental difference between the James Bond character and Arnon Milchan.  Bond (Agent 007) is an agent of the British secret service who is sent on missions to find and neutralize foreign criminal organizations that pose a grave danger to Britain and the West by stealing their nuclear secrets and technology.  Arnon Milchan, on the other hand, has long been a master thief and senior agent in such an organization, LAKAM or Mossad II.  LAKAM is the very same "rogue outfit" run by Rafael "Dirty Rafi" Eitan in the 1980s that controlled Jonathan J. Pollard, the American Jew who was caught spying for Israel in 1985.  Since the 1960s Milchan has been actively engaged in helping Israel create an off-the-books nuclear arsenal, which is at the center of the current instability in the Middle East - and the world.

The Mossad spymaster Rafi Eitan is a senior member of the Israeli
Knesset although he is a wanted criminal in the United States.  Here Eitan (top) and Ehud Barak, two of the chief suspects of 9/11, sit together in the Knesset, October 2008.

In reading the Milchan biography I found a number of interesting bits of information, which are included in this article with my comments.  One of the most interesting things I learned was that Milchan's first big film, in which he invested two million dollars, involved a key scene in which a passenger airliner is flown into a high rise building.  The British/French film, The Medusa Touch, was released in 1978.  It is worth noting that the Russian Jewish Lord Lew Grade (born Lev Winogradsky) immediately bought the film's foreign rights for $5 million before it was even produced, putting Milchan ahead by a million dollars.

The climactic scene of The Medusa Touch (1978) is of a passenger plane being remotely controlled (by mind) and flown into a high rise building.

The Israeli agent Arnon Milchan's first big film simulated a plane crashing into a high rise - in 1978.  This happens to have been the same year that the former Mossad chief, Isser Harel, predicted that Arab terrorists would strike New York City's tallest tower.  This is no coincidence.   

Such a scene had never been filmed before and required a great deal of work to make it look real...

and to achieve the desired effect, which can be seen in the short clip from the movie below.  (The added comments can be ignored.)


It should be noted that Arnon Milchan is one of Israel's longest serving and most senior intelligence agents, having served the State of Israel since the early 1960s.  For Milchan to produce a film that depicts an airliner flying into a high rise in the same year (1978) that the former head of Israeli intelligence predicted an attack by Arab terrorists on the tallest building in New York City is certainly no coincidence.  This is when the terrorist Likudniks came to power in Israel and when high level Israeli terrorists began planning 9/11.  Milchan's movie was useful in visualizing the false-flag attacks that occurred 23 years later.

The following are a few extracts from Confidential with my comments on the Israeli-written biography of Arnon Milchan.

"Arnon is a special man. It was I who recruited him. Working secretly, from outside the official system, he brought extraordinary ideas and a level of creativity that greatly contributed to our country. When I was at the Ministry of Defense, Arnon was involved in numerous defense-related procurement activities and intelligence operations. His strength is in making connections at the highest levels in countries around the world, including important countries with which Israel does not officially maintain relationships. His activities gave us a huge advantage, strategically, diplomatically and technologically…"
- Israeli President Shimon Peres, 8 February 2010

“Arnon Milchan was the Chuck Norris of LAKAM.”
- Amnon Abromovich, Globes (Israel), 24 April 2008


Rules that applied to others did not apply to Milchan; perhaps it was not a “license to kill,” but very close to it. He fronted secret bank accounts for the State of Israel – accounts that would be used to finance his country’s most covert and sometimes deadly intelligence operations around the globe. (p. 18)

Bollyn:  Milchan controlled Israeli government-backed accounts and front companies that financed “the special needs of the entirety of Israel’s intelligence operations outside the country.”  The “special needs” included buying components to build and maintain Israel’s nuclear arsenal.


[Moshe] Dayan pointed at Milchan and told Peres, “You know what, Shimon? I want Arnon as minister of finance.”

“OK,” Peres replied with a sly smile…

What Milchan did not understand was that Dayan and Peres had in mind a completely different kind of “minister of finance,” unelected, secret, far outside the country, and in service indefinitely. (p. 39)


Immediately upon embarking on the massive, covert Israeli version of the Manhattan Project, Peres (who is today a Nobel Peace laureate) realized that he would have to deceive people on a large scale to avoid discovery… He also realized that the program would need to gain access to material and equipment that was not easily obtainable on the open market, and that few countries would be willing to sell such material to Israel.

To overcome these complex and daunting problems, Peres decided to create a new top-secret agency, a unit so secret that even Israel’s vaunted intelligence agency, the Mossad, would not be aware of its existence for years to come, even though it operated right under its very nose. (p. 44)


In the early 1970s, the unit would adopt the name Science Liaison Bureau, or LAKAM, its Hebrew acronym, and was nicknamed “Mossad II.” Its original narrow mission was to secure the materials and the equipment that would make the production of nuclear bombs possible. (p. 44)


The close working relationship between Milchan and [Benjamin] Blumberg was exceedingly productive, and much of it will never be known… When Blumberg needed a thousand tons of ammonium perchlorate, Butarez, carbon-carbon, inertial-grade gyros and accelerometers, precision tracking radars, and other such basic material required by anyone seeking to develop a nuclear deterrent, it was Milchan he would call.

Milchan’s constant movement between countries and continents make him an elusive target for any counterintelligence effort against him, and it made him the most productive asset for LAKAM and for the State of Israel. (p. 54)


But Milchan took it even a step further. He offered Peres and Dayan the use of his company as a front in order to open subsidiaries wherever LAKAM or the Mossad deemed necessary for their activities.

Milchan would open accounts and front companies for the State of Israel, essentially putting him in charge of the mechanisms and the resources to finance the special needs of the entirety of Israel’s intelligence operations outside of the country. This is how Milchan gradually became the indispensable man in the middle. (p. 60)

The surprise that rocked Israel following the elections to the Ninth Knesset on May 17, 1977, shook the country to its political foundation. The conservative Likud party, under the leadership of Menachem Begin came to power for the first time, ousting the Labor Party, which had controlled all political power in the country in one form or another since its inception…

Milchan quickly adapted to the new political leaders [Likud was comprised of Zionist terrorists from the Irgun] in town; Shimon Peres was a real soul mate, but soon Arnon would develop close friendships with others, including incoming minister of defense Ezer Weizman. His friendships and contacts were deep and spanned the entire political spectrum, which placed him as a bridge between the intelligence establishment and the new government – a role that he has continued to play ever since, with almost every Israeli government.


Using middlemen made it harder for outside observers to follow exactly what Israel was purchasing, since the sales were made not to the Israeli government, but to another entity, sometimes even multiple entities. In fact, this is a common counterintelligence practice. The fact that commissions were extracted along the way and funneled into secret accounts controlled by Milchan to finance Israel’s covert activities was only the icing on the cake. (p. 137)


In 1981, Benjamin Blumberg finally met his match in Ariel “the Bulldozer” Sharon, who was appointed Israel’s new minister of defense. Sharon decided to replace Blumberg with his close friend of many years and former head of the Mossad, Rafi Eitan. He viewed the role of LAKAM chief as one of the most crucial positions in Israel’s vast defense machinery. The infighting continued for a few months, but eventually the transition took place. The fifty-five-year-old Rafi Eitan was a short man with thick glasses and a long career in the Mossad behind him. It was Eitan who personally commanded the squad that captured Adolf Eichmann in Argentina. He was well acquainted with Milchan, and was well aware of his activities on behalf of LAKAM. (p. 145)

As Israel's key operations agent since the mid 1960s, Milchan has been at the top Israel's intelligence establishment since 1965.


He understood that Hollywood throws money at those who have money, so from time to time he would flaunt it, but only with a larger strategic purpose in mind. Metaphorically speaking, the trick was to use the million dollars in the bank to project an image of thirty million. It was his modus operandi since day one. (p. 202)


"I expect that nobody in the Israeli government is interested in the fact that you skimmed off sixty percent of all the profit on things that Milco International, Inc. sent to Milchan Bros. After all, Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel before Sharon [and current], worked for Milchan Bros. Could it be that part of the sixty percent you “skimmed” was for Israeli Government officials? …

"Well, Arnon, if I’m extradited to the U.S. and stand trial for shipping krytrons to your company, Milchan Bros., the world is going to know all the shady dealing you were involved in – I’m sure."
- Richard Kelly Smyth’s letter to Arnon Milchan from prison in Spain, 22 August 2001 (p. 215)

Bollyn:  There was no trial, of course, and Smyth was given a deal in which he plead guilty to one charge and received 40 months in the federal prison system in California.  Smyth, as president of the company Milco International Inc., was originally indicted for selling 810 krytrons to an Israeli-based firm, Heli Corp.  The owner of Heli Corp, Arnon Milchan, denied involvement in the $60,000 krytron deal.  Milco ("Milchan Co.") was also established by Milchan. This is a very good example of how Mossad companies are often on both sides of a deal, as seller and buyer, not unlike what happened to the steel evidence from the World Trade Center after 9/11, when it was shipped by Zionist controlled scrap dealers in New Jersey to Zionist controlled steel companies in Asia - to be destroyed.

Smyth, a former scientific adviser to the U.S. Air Force and to NATO, pleaded guilty to one count of violating the Arms Export Control Act and to making a false statement to Customs. Prosecutors dropped 28 other counts. A trial would have shed light on Arnon Milchan and the role of Israel's LAKAM in the illegal smuggling of nuclear triggers.  In such sensitive matters, like the false-flag terrorism of 9/11, an open trial is the last thing the Zionist crimocracy wants. 

Milchan succeeded in smuggling 810 krytron nuclear triggers to Israel before being discovered in 1985.  Israel returned 710, saying that one hundred krytrons had been destroyed.  While Richard Kelly Smyth spent 16 years as a fugitive in Spain and then went to prison, the Israeli who masterminded the whole operation, Arnon Milchan, was not even charged and allowed to continue his illegal activities on behalf of Israel in Hollywood and elsewhere.


Oliver Stone didn’t take this very well. He had a contract for another movie with Milchan. He briefly considered the outrageous idea of a film from a script that had been circulating in Hollywood more as a joke than anything else. The working title was Uzi Falafel, and it told the story of an obnoxious Israeli arms dealer who made a lot of money and parlayed it into a new career producing movies. (p. 229)


“A top Hollywood executive once warned me to stay clear of Milchan. He told me that Arnon was a Middle Eastern rug dealer. Beware. I should have listened to him, he was right. He is as cheap as they come. He is sick about money, obsessed with losing it. I learned a very hard lesson, and it cost me a lot of my personal money. I don’t want to get into a pissing contest, but Arnon can be very nasty.”
- Oliver Stone, “The Last Tycoon”, Los Angeles Magazine, April 2000 (p. 229)


Milchan will not forget that first dinner with the person who became one of his best friends and business partner, Rupert Murdoch, the owner of News Corporation, the parent company of Twentieth Century Fox…

Milchan then asked Murdoch for a favor. He didn’t want to consummate the deal without the blessing of his friend Gerald Levin, president and CEO of Time Warner…

Fifty-five percent of New Regency remained in Milchan’s hands. Kerry Packer kept his twenty-five percent, and Murdoch picked up twenty percent for about $200 million…

Part of the deal between Fox and New Regency was the establishment of a new TV division. Milchan brought in a good friend, ambitious Israeli TV personality Yair Lapid, to head up the new department. (p. 240)

Bollyn:  Yair Lapid is the TV personality who interviewed 3 of the 5 Israeli operatives who were arrested on 9/11 in New Jersey.  Oded Ellner, one of the three, told Lapid in November 2001 that their "purpose had been to document the event", the event being the 9/11 destruction of the World Trade Center.  Having said they are not agents of Mossad, Lapid did not ask the three who had sent them on their mission.  It was understood.  The other two Israeli terror suspects, the Kurzberg brothers, who sat in Yair Lapid's audience were known to U.S. law enforcement as agents of Mossad.  Hence they did not appear on the show, so the denial of belonging to Mossad could be made without being a false statement.


Gradually, after the year 2000, Arnon began to bring his children into key positions at New Regency. Yariv and his sisters, Alexandra and Elinor, had grown up in boarding schools with a heavy dose of French culture, but as they matured they were exposed to a very wide world thanks to regular international travel with their father. Every year they spent at least one month in Israel and were brought up knowing that they were “members of the tribe,” with all of the historical connotations and responsibilities that implied. (p. 246)


From his earliest days, Milchan has had a passion for Israeli politics, and despite his global interests, he has consistently sought to influence the course of historic events in the Middle East from behind the scenes… (p. 247)

Kadima won the elections, Peres was appointed deputy prime minister, and all of his demands were fulfilled. But like his Rafi adventure years earlier, his dream never really materialized. Sharon suffered a series of strokes and became incapacitated. Another close friend of Milchan, the man who named his movie Pretty Woman, Ehud Olmert, became prime minister instead. (p. 249)

Milchan kicked into high gear, maneuvering behind the scenes to replace the president with his longtime friend and mentor, Shimon Peres. By the time Katsav finally resigned, Milchan had already arranged virtual wall-to-wall support for Peres to replace him as the country’s president…

The first official letter written by the new president was to thank his longtime friend Milchan, who had stuck with him through thick and thin, to see him to this day…

He's also the de facto Israeli consul general on the West Coast of the United States… He also serves as the primary host of Hollywood’s elite when they come to Israel, usually at his initiative. An invitiation from Milchan to visit Israel is an indication of having arrived in Hollywood. (p. 250)


In 2008, Milchan sold Milchan Bros. to a former Mossad agent by the name of Yossi Maiman. (p. 257)

Bollyn:  Yossi Maiman also happens to be the Mossad agent who obtained a great deal of control over the lucrative gas fields of Turkmenistan.  Linking these Israeli-owned gas fields to India and China by a pipeline crossing Afghanistan is one of the strategic goals of the U.S. occupation of Afghanistan.  Maiman and Milchan are partners in other Israeli ventures.


Milchan relocated New Regency from Warner Bros. to Fox in 1998 after News Corp. agreed to make a $200-million equity investment in the company.

On January 14, 2011, New Regency and Fox signed an agreement to extend their distribution relationship through 2022, while at the same time providing a more active role for New Regency involving Fox releases. (p. 259)

Bollyn:  Milchan's partnership with Rupert Murdoch and Fox TV began in 1998.  Two years later this partnership produced the pilot episode of The Lone Gunmen in which a passenger airliner was hijacked by remote control and flown into the World Trade Center.  The program aired on Fox TV in March 2001. 

Murdoch's initial $200 million investment in Milchan's company in 1998 is something of a mystery. Why did Murdoch buy into a dodgy company run by an Israeli nuclear criminal? It is, of course, most likely the result of Murdoch simply doing as he is told by the Zionist financiers, e.g. the Rothschilds, who support his Zionist propaganda empire. As the New York Times wrote in July 2011 about Confidential:

In the late 1990s, the News Corporation, which owns Fox, paid $200 million for a 20 percent stake in Mr. Milchan’s Regency Enterprises. A News Corporation spokeswoman, Teri Everett, had no immediate response to a query about the company’s reason for backing Mr. Milchan, and about any reaction by its chief executive, Rupert Murdoch, to revelations in the new book.


Rafi Eitan went on to a successful political career as the head of Israel’s Gil (Pensioners) Party. He served in the Knesset and as special minister without portfolio, advising the prime minister on national security matters. Since the Pollard affair in 1985, Eitan has not been allowed to travel to the United States, where he could be arrested if he did…

LAKAM was officially disbanded as a result of the Pollard affair in 1985. However, it continues to operate worldwide, except in the United States, under a new name. (p. 261)


Israel gained it modern nuclear deterrence capabilities because of the covert efforts of many people, but Milchan was one of the most essential. (p. 262)


To counter the growing threat, the renamed LAKAM and the Mossad have kicked into high gear. Every known computer system sent to Iran over the past decade has been bugged with monitoring devices. Every possible high-tech system, such as aircraft electronics and spare parts, has been tampered with. (p. 262)


When legendary media mogul Sumner Redstone told us that he considers Milchan to be “Mr. Israel,” he had little idea how accurate his sentiments actually are. If one could imagine a single, indispensable person in the middle who knows where all of the bodies are buried when it comes to Israel’s secret wars, it would be none other than this heavyweight Hollywood producer, who spends his life seamlessly moving between the world of fame and secrecy, fantasy and reality, war and peace. (p. 264)

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Confidential: The Life of Secret Agent turned Hollywood Tycoon - Arnon Milchan 
Meir Doron and Joseph Gelman, Gefen Publishing House Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel 2011 

Bollyn, Christopher, "The Mass Media & the 9/11 Cover-Up", Chapter VIII, Solving 9/11

Bollyn, "America the Target: 9-11 and Israel's History of False Flag Terrorism", Chapter III, Solving 9/11

Bollyn, "Israel's Secret Super Thermite Lab", 26 August 2009

Cieply, Michael, "New Book Recounts Tale of Israeli Agent at Home in Hollywood", New York Times, 17 July 2011 

Clip from The Medusa Touch (1978),, 3 October 2011  

The Freed "Hiker" Josh Fattal's Israeli Roots

Updated September 27, 2011

"The only reason we have been held hostage is because we are American," Josh Fattal (left) said after he was released from Iranian custody.  Although Fattal is also an Israeli national with an Israeli father, a connection which most likely played a role in his bizarre decision to "hike" across the Iraqi border into Iran, it is never mentioned in the controlled media.

Joshua Fattal (left) with his father, mother, and brother Alex.  His father, Jacob S. Fattal, is an Israeli citizen and Josh visited Israel just before he went "hiking" in Iraq near the Iranian border.  Did his Israeli connection play a role in his decision to hike near the Iranian border?

After the Iranian authorities released Joshua Fattal and Shane Bauer, two of the three American "hikers" who were arrested after allegedly crossing into Iranian territory while hiking in Iraq in 2009, the Jewish Exponent of Philadelphia felt the time was right to release the story about Joshua's hidden Jewishness.  See "The Untold Story of Josh Fattal" 

This is what the Jewish Exponent wrote about his father's Israeli roots:

But one aspect of the story that has largely gone unreported is the fact that Fattal is Jewish.

Josh's father, Jacob Fattal, was born in Iraq and moved to Israel before ultimately settling in the United States. Josh Fattal became a Bar Mitzvah at Rodeph Shalom's suburban campus. He traveled to Israel several times, the last time just before meeting up with his friends in Syria and going on to Iraqi Kurdistan, where they crossed the border to Iran and were arrested.

The fact that Joshua Fattal is Jewish is not as important as the fact that his father Jacob is an Israeli who was born in Basra, Iraq in 1947*.  This would make Joshua an Israeli national by virtue of the fact that his father is an Israeli citizen.  (The Fattal family name is well known in Israel.  Fattal's hometown of Elkins Park also happens to be the hometown of Douglas Feith and Benjamin Netanyahu, when he lived in the United States.) 

Joshua also travelled to Israel immediately before he went to Damascus to meet his fellow hikers.  This raises the question whether Fattal's Israeli connection played a role in his ill-advised decision to hike in a war zone on the border of Iran?  Was it part of a Zionist plan to provoke a reaction that would put Iran in a bad light?  How could his Jewish/Israeli parents let him go off hiking in a war zone?  Whose stupid idea was this foolish and provocative act?

Joshua Fattal and his mother, Laura Felleman Fattal.

Iran was criticized for having arrested the "hikers" who entered Iran illegally.  How would the U.S. have treated Iranians in a similar situation?

Joshua Fattal - Israeli/American rapper in Kurdistan 2 days before "hiking" to Iran

* Jacob Fattal's Israeli roots are no secret. has the following information about him from his father-in-law, Carrol A. Felleman (my notes in parentheses):

Name: Jacob FATTAL
Sex: M
Birth: 28 DEC 1947 in Basra, Iraq
Occupation: Publisher of an electronics trade paper 1
ADDR: 405 Shoemaker Road / Elkins Park, Pennsylvania 19027 /
Death: in Israeli 1 (this is confusing, perhaps it means previous citizenship)
Marriage 1 Living FELLEMAN (Laura Rachel Felleman Fattal)
Living FATTAL (Alexander)
Living FATTAL (Joshua)
Title: Personal Correspondence from Carroll Alfred Felleman to Robert Teitelbaum, 27 Febuary 2003


"The Untold Story of Josh Fattal" by Bryan Schwartzman, The Jewish Exponent, 22 September 2011 

Justice Denied - Last 9/11 Family Settles Out of Court

Updated September 27, 2011

Thanks to the obstruction of justice and judicial hijacking of the 9/11 tort litigation by a Zionist judge named Alvin K. Hellerstein, there will be no trial to find the truth of what really happened on 9/11 or to determine who is responsible for the airport security lapses that led to the loss of 3,000 lives.  While I certainly get no satisfaction from this travesty of justice, this is exactly the outcome I had predicted, which indicates that my analysis of the false-flag terrorism of 9/11 is accurate:

When all is said and done it will probably not be the Zionist judge who is removed from the process, but the suffering plaintiffs, the Israeli defendants and all the incriminating evidence, because in the end there will probably never be a trial to find those responsible for the crime of the century, at least not as long as Judge Hellerstein is making the decisions.
- Christopher Bollyn, "Elbit - The Hellerstein Connection to 9-11", 3 August 2009

He [U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein] essentially gutted the case so that the truth about what led to the events of Sept. 11, 2001, would never be told at trial.
- Bavis Family letter, 21 September 2011

If the Israeli agent Hellerstein is able to obstruct justice by blocking a trial he will succeed in closing the book on the sordid Zionist saga of 9/11 without a single case going to trial. If that were to happen, it would be a huge travesty of justice and we would all lose - and the real terrorists of 9/11 would win.
- Christopher Bollyn, "9/11 Litigation Update: Justice Denied - One Case Left", 11 August 2010

DO WE LOOK GUILTY?  Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and wife Sara visit the Israeli-designed 9/11 memorial in New York City with Mayor Bloomberg on 23 September 2011.  On 9/11, Netanyahu told the New York Times that the terror attacks that were then thought to have killed tens of thousands were "VERY GOOD" for U.S.-Israeli relations.  His Likudnik partner in crime, Ehud Olmert, then mayor of Jerusalem, was actually in New York City on a visit on 9/11, a visit which has been kept secret for 10 years by mayors Bloomberg and Giuliani.  Why has Olmert's visit been kept secret if he was not involved in the crime?  Remember, there is no statute of limitations on murder. 

Michael Arad, the designer of the memorial, is the son of Israeli Ambassador Moshe Arad (photo), a director of Elbit and a close friend of the Netanyahu family.  Elbit Systems (of Israel) entered the U.S. market in the early 1990s when it created a wholly-owned subsidiary, EFW or Elbit Systems of America (formerly General Dynamics electronics production facility in Fort Worth, Texas). Elbit sells a system known as its Advanced C4I Solutions, which enables command and control functions over highly complex training scenarios, including thousands of participating entities (both virtual and real). Elbit sold more than $560 million worth of its systems to the U.S. military in the decade 2000-2009.  These are the systems used by the U.S. Air Force and NORAD that failed on 9/11.

It was murder. We will never get over it.  We are fighting for the truth... I hope there are people out there who want the truth.
- Mary Bavis, mother of 9/11 victim Mark Bavis, to Christopher Bollyn

This bastard judicial system is so corrupt.
- 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani

The last 9/11 family has given up their hope of obtaining the truth about 9/11 through litigation.  The family of Mark Bavis has been forced to settle out of court, saying in a public letter dated September 21, 2011 (copied below) that the Zionist U.S. Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein had "essentially gutted" their case:

With the stroke of his pen, Judge Hellerstein very cleverly changed this lawsuit. The lawsuit was about wrongful death, gross negligence and a complete lack of appreciation for the value of human life.  He instead made it a case about a federal regulation. He ignored 100 years of aviation law and relied on an environmental case to apply federal preemption. He essentially gutted the case so that the truth about what led to the events of Sept. 11, 2001, would never be told at trial.

U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein played a key role in the 9/11 cover-up by blocking legal discovery and preventing a trial from occurring.  His mission, as a Zionist agent, was to manage the judicial cover-up of 9/11 in order to protect the real culprits. 

Alvin K. Hellerstein is the corrupt Zionist judge who single-handedly managed the legal process in which the 9/11 relatives were denied justice through the courts.  As a Zionist agent, Hellerstein obstructed justice for the 9/11 victims by blocking a trial from occurring.  Under Judge Hellerstein the 9/11 tort litigation process has been an appalling travesty of justice.  The judge's son Joseph is an Israeli settler/lawyer who works with the law firm that represents the parent company of ICTS - the key Israeli defendant in the 9/11 tort litigation.  Although this presented a clear and serious conflict of interest for Hellerstein, the lawyers and the Zionist-controlled media ignored it as the 9/11 relatives fell away in a judicial war of attrition.

This means that the last 9/11 wrongful death case has been settled out of court and that there will be NO trial to determine who is responsible for the death of some 3,000 people on 9/11.  This is to say that the real terrorists behind the false-flag terror attacks of 9/11 have gotten away with murder - mass murder.

Here is the brief Associated Press report about this outrageous travesty of justice:

Boston (AP) -- The family fighting the last remaining wrongful death lawsuit against the airlines from the Sept. 11 attacks says it settled because the judge "essentially gutted" their case.

Mark Bavis was a hockey scout for the Los Angeles Kings who was on his way to training camp on United Flight 175 when it was hijacked and flown into the south tower of the World Trade Center.

The family has said it wanted to use the lawsuit to expose the airlines' security failures and force them to take responsibility for their role in the attacks. But in a public letter issued on Wednesday, the Bavises say decisions by U.S. District Judge Alvin Hellerstein guaranteed that "the truth about what led to the events of Sept. 11, 2001, would never be told at trial."

The following is a public letter from the Bavis family dated 21 September 2011:

After ten long years, our family has had a change in position regarding the litigation on behalf of our son and brother, Mark. Mark was a passenger aboard United Airlines Flight 175 when it crashed into the World Trade Center. This change is the result of a recent ruling by the Honorable Judge Alvin Hellerstein. With the stroke of his pen, Judge Hellerstein very cleverly changed this lawsuit. The lawsuit was about wrongful death, gross negligence and a complete lack of appreciation for the value of human life. He instead made it a case about a federal regulation. He ignored 100 years of aviation law and relied on an environmental case to apply federal preemption. He essentially gutted the case so that the truth about what led to the events of Sept. 11, 2001, would never be told at trial.  

To the families of the 9/11 victims: We can honestly say that our family envisioned a day when you could hear all the evidence, evidence that would provide an important step in moving beyond the events of that day. This process has taken a toll on us that only you could understand. We fought this long for two reasons, because we valued Mark's life in the time spent together, the shared experiences and the expectation of what life would continue to be. Secondly, the truth as to why this happened so easily should be important. Mark did not have to endure the tragedy that ended his life and neither did your loved ones.  

Due to our family's refusal to settle before this time, our attorneys at Motley Rice LLC have been able to conduct the most comprehensive investigation to date regarding how the airlines and airport security companies failed so miserably on 9/11 and in the days, weeks and months leading up to 9/11. Motley Rice's attorneys have recovered ten times more information than the 9/11 Commission in regards to the failure of the aviation industry.  

Why? Because we, and other 9/11 families, wanted answers. We want that information to be available to whoever cares to read it. It is important to us that some change comes out of the information held in those briefs. The system is clearly broken when an industry like aviation has enough power to keep a federal agency such as the FAA from implementing more stringent security measures, especially during a heightened terrorism threat level. The tail is wagging the dog, and someone in Washington needs to stand up and start holding people accountable.  

It is not out of the question that our country could endure a similar event in the future. Such a tragedy, however, should never again be the result of lack of oversight or preparation or because lobbyists have so much influence and power in Washington, D.C., that American lives are at risk. Our government's job is to protect the people—from foreign armies, terrorists and even our own American corporations. It is time that our elected officials take responsibility for the authority we have given them.  

All of the events of September 11, 2001, are open to opinion and discussion, but we believe the easiest way to have prevented the kind of horror and tragedy of 9/11 would have been to have an airline industry that made a reasonable effort to provide security for its passengers. The evidence shows that they most certainly did not.  

Lastly, we are thankful to have had a law firm like Motley Rice that was willing to stand by us and fight for the truth. Without them, we would have never learned so much about why this happened. In particular, we want to thank Don Migliori, Mary Schiavo and their entire team. 

- Bavis Family

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Judge Hellerstein's Court Order of 7 September 2011

"Litigation in the Name of Mark L. Bavis Comes to an End", PRNewswire-USNewswire, 21 September 2011

English, Bella, “Bavis family settles 9/11 lawsuit”, Boston Globe, 19 September 2011

Bollyn, Christopher, "Judge Hellerstein's Unethical Connection to Key Defendant in 9-11 Lawsuit", 10 May 2010

Bollyn, "The Zionist Hijacking of the 9-11 Victim Lawsuits", 14 April 2006

Bollyn, "The Denial of Justice for 9-11 Victims", 20 March 2007

Bollyn, "Elbit - The Hellerstein Connection to 9-11", 3 August 2009

Bollyn, "9/11 Litigation Update - Justice Denied - One Case Left", 11 August 2010

Bollyn, "Zionist Judge Sets Arbitrary Time Limit on 9/11 Trial", 30 April 2011


Video of NATO's Use of Cluster Bombs in Libya

September 27, 2011

The following is said to be raw video of a massive and terrifying cluster bomb dropped on Brega, Libya by NATO forces. 


Use of cluster bombs in Libya presents a clear legal challenge for those nations that have ratified the Convention on Cluster Weapons.  Many of the members of NATO have ratified this treaty which specifically prohibits their participation in any activity that uses these banned weapons.  Some NATO member states that are taking part in the bombing of Libya, such as Denmark, France, Norway, and the United Kingdom, have ratified the treaty.  For such States Parties to the Convention to participate in a NATO military campaign using cluster bombs clearly violates the spirit, if not the letter, of the treaty.*

The Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) prohibits the use, transfer, and stockpile of cluster bombs, which scatter "bomblets" over a large area. The CCM went into force on 1 August 2010. Currently, 63 states have ratified it (purple) including Britain, France, Norway and Denmark, NATO member states that are participating in the bombing of Libya. States that have signed the Convention but have not yet ratified it are in blue.

States that have ratified the Convention on Cluster Weapons are legally bound to this obligation:  

Each State Party undertakes never under any circumstances to:

(a) Use cluster munitions;

(b) Develop, produce, otherwise acquire, stockpile, retain or transfer to anyone, directly or indirectly, cluster munitions;

(c) Assist, encourage or induce anyone to engage in any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention.

It should be noted that Denmark, Norway, France, and Britain are among the NATO member states participating in the aerial bombardment of Libya.  These states are therefore assisting in an illegal "activity", i.e. the use of cluster weapons, which is prohibited to them as States Parties to the Convention. 

The current Secretary General is Anders Fogh Rasmussen, the former prime minister of Denmark.  Because Rasmussen is currently the head of NATO, Denmark is clearly obliged to charge Rasmussen, as a citizen of Denmark bound to its laws, under Article 9 of the CCM:

Each State Party shall take all appropriate legal, administrative and other measures to implement this Convention, including the imposition of penal sanctions to prevent and suppress any activity prohibited to a State Party under this Convention undertaken by persons or on territory under its jurisdiction or control. 

Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Secretary General of NATO

* Note:  The CCM provides the following legal loophole for States Parties to violate the spirit of the treaty when engaged in illegal NATO "gang activity":

Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 1 of this Convention and in accordance with international law, States Parties, their military personnel or nationals, may engage in military cooperation and operations with States not party to this Convention that might engage in activities prohibited to a State Party.

Source:  Convention on Cluster Munitions, Dublin, 30 May 2008

Obama, Palestinian Statehood, and International Law

Updated September 24, 2011

“We are choking on the American double standard. America supported the movements for freedom in Egypt, Tunis, Libya and Yemen, but this stops when it comes to the Palestinian people.  We are asking, why?”
- Palestinian engineer, Muhammad Ali in Ramallah, Washington Post, 23 September 2011

President Mahmoud Abbas hands the application for recognition of an independent Palestinian state and for full membership of the United Nations to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.

It is a moment of truth and my people are waiting to hear the answer of the world. Will it allow Israel to continue its occupation, the only occupation in the world? Will it allow Israel to remain a State above the law and accountability? Will it allow Israel to continue rejecting the resolutions of the Security Council and the General Assembly of the United Nations and the International Court of Justice and the positions of the overwhelming majority of countries in the world? ...

I say: The time has come for my courageous and proud people, after decades of displacement and colonial occupation and ceaseless suffering, to live like other peoples of the earth, free in a sovereign and independent homeland.
- Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to UN, 23 September 2011

Mahmoud Abbas was met by a standing ovation at the UN headquarters when he held up the Palestinian application for full membership as a state.  The American delegation, grim-faced, sat on their hands. The Obama administration had been working very hard, and to no avail, to persuade the Palestinians not to apply. (Source: BBC)

Meanwhile Israeli snipers took aim with American-supplied weapons at Palestinians at the Qalandia checkpoint between occupied Jerusalem and Ramallah on September 23, 2011.  (L.A. Times)


"One year ago, I stood at this podium and called for an independent Palestine. I believed then – and I believe now – that the Palestinian people deserve a state of their own."
- President Barack Obama, Speech to UN General Assembly, 21 September 2011

Francis A. Boyle, Professor of International Law, on the bid for Palestinian statehood:

This week, President Obama has attacked the Palestinian UN membership bid as a 'distraction' and Secretary of State Clinton has claimed the U.S. 'strongly supports' the two-state solution but that the 'way of getting a lasting solution is through direct negotiations between the parties.'

Negotiations with the Israelis were Plan A, but as I have advised the Palestinian leadership since 1987, Plan B would be to get UN full membership. The Israelis have refused to negotiate in good faith for all these years, so the Palestinians have now implemented Plan B. Far from being a distraction, a Palestinian UN bid would greatly enhance Palestinian rights. A UN member state of Palestine would be in a perfect position to bring Israeli officials before the International Criminal Court for their criminal attacks on Palestinians and illegal settlement activity. And every Palestinian living around the world would automatically become the citizen of a UN member state that is recognized by almost every state in the world. Palestinians would no longer be considered ‘stateless.’

Many have claimed that if the U.S. does indeed veto the Palestinian UN bid, the only option would be for the Palestinians to pursue upgrading Palestine’s current observer status at the UN. This is incorrect. As Palestinian diplomats have recently noted, they can get the U.N. General Assembly to admit Palestine as a UN member state pursuant to the terms of its Uniting for Peace Resolution 377 (1950). So Obama’s veto at the Security Council can be circumvented by the General Assembly through the Uniting for Peace Resolution, which was actually pioneered by the U.S. during the Korean War.

-Francis A. Boyle, Professor of international law at the University of Illinois College of Law in Champaign

Francis Boyle was legal advisor to the Palestine Liberation Organization and Chairman Yasser Arafat on the Palestinian Declaration of Independence of November 15, 1988, as well as to the Palestinian delegation to the Middle East peace negotiations and its Chair Dr. Haidar Abdul Shaffi from 1991 to 1993. 

Francis A. Boyle is the author of Palestine, Palestinians and International Law

"We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines..."
- President Barack Obama, 19 May 2011

What America and the international community can do is to state frankly what everyone knows -- a lasting peace will involve two states for two peoples: Israel as a Jewish state and the homeland for the Jewish people, and the state of Palestine as the homeland for the Palestinian people, each state enjoying self-determination, mutual recognition, and peace...

The United States believes that negotiations should result in two states, with permanent Palestinian borders with Israel, Jordan, and Egypt, and permanent Israeli borders with Palestine. We believe the borders of Israel and Palestine should be based on the 1967 lines with mutually agreed swaps, so that secure and recognized borders are established for both states. The Palestinian people must have the right to govern themselves, and reach their full potential, in a sovereign and contiguous state.
...the United States of America was founded on the belief that people should govern themselves. And now we cannot hesitate to stand squarely on the side of those who are reaching for their rights, knowing that their success will bring about a world that is more peaceful, more stable, and more just.

- President Barack Obama, 19 May 2011

Source: "U.S. Vetoing Palestinian State It Claims to Support", 16 September 2011

How Thermite and Explosives Brought Down WTC 2

September 23, 2011

"I can say with certainty there must have been explosive material that was set off in sequence. "
- Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran and engineer (PhD), claiming that jetliners were not the only reason the World Trade Center towers collapsed, 22 September 2011

"My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse…It would be difficult for something from the plane to trigger an event like that."
- Van Romero, explosion expert, “Explosives Planted In Towers, N.M. Tech Expert Says”, Albuquerque Journal, 11 September 2001

In an interview with the Associated Press on 22 September 2011, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad stated "as an engineer" that he is certain that there was explosive material involved in the collapse of the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center on 9/11.  Ahmadinejad, who earned his PhD in transportation engineering in 1997, is certainly not alone in this opinion. 

There are nearly 1,600 professionals at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth who do not believe the official version and demand a "truly independent investigation" into what really happened to the Twin Towers when they were demolished with more than 2,600 people within them.  But one does not need to be an engineer to understand that the Twin Towers were demolished with Thermite cutter charges and explosives.  It is quite obvious from what we saw when the South Tower "collapsed".

I have been of the opinion that the Twin Towers and WTC 7 were demolished with explosives since 9/11 and have written extensively about the subject.  The discovery of molten iron in the rubble and billions of "iron-rich spheroids" found in the dust of the demolished towers are proof that large amounts of molten iron were produced prior to the explosive demolition of the World Trade Center.  A large cascade of tons of molten iron was seen falling from the 81st floor of the South Tower (WTC 2) in the minutes before it collapsed. 

Tons of molten iron poured from the 81st floor of WTC 2 in the minutes before it collapsed.  One cubic meter of iron weighs more than 8 tons.

The cascade of molten iron can been seen pouring from the corner in this ABC video after 30 seconds.  Video Link -

A sophisticated form of Thermite was found in the dust of the World Trade Center by Dr. Steven E. Jones of Brigham Young University in 2007.  Thermite is an incendiary combination of grains of aluminum and ferrous oxide, which produces molten iron and aluminum oxide (whitish smoke) during an intense heat-producing (exothermic) reaction.  Other elements can be added to the thermitic mixture to achieve different effects such as orange flames.  Thermite cutter charges are thought to have been used to cut the 47 core columns of the Twin Towers causing them to collapse.

The exterior columns (blue) and the crucial 47 core columns (red), which supported the gravity load of the tower and which would have had to have been cut in order for the tower to fall - or for the top section to tilt and topple...

as it did in the beginning of the "collapse".  The fact that this 30-story section is tilting and falling indicates that the 47 core columns on floor 81 had all been cut with Thermite seconds before explosive charges blew out the remaining exterior columns.  The top section of the tower would not have tilted had the core columns not been cut.

Large amounts of white smoke, indicative of Thermite, were seen at the beginning of the demolition.

The top section was pulverized by explosives in mid-air hidden behind clouds of smoke and dust.

The photographs and videos of the collapse of WTC 2 indicate that a large amount of Thermite had been placed on the 81st floor of the South Tower (the computer floor of Fuji Bank) and that Thermite cutter charges were used to cut the core columns.  During the cutting of the core columns a large amount of molten iron was created, some of which was seen falling from the damaged East corner of the tower.  White smoke indicative of aluminum oxide was also observed coming from the floor. 

Immediately after the cutting of the core columns with Thermite charges, explosives were detonated that severed the remaining exterior columns that supported the walls of the tower.  These are clearly the events that initiated the "collapse" of WTC 2.  Cutting the core columns and then the remaining exterior columns resulted in the 30-story top section tilting about 23 degrees to the South and East, where a large number of exterior columns were missing having been knocked out when the airplane crashed into the tower.

The approximate angel of the plane striking the Southwest-facing wall of the South Tower (FEMA)

More than one-third of the exterior columns of the Southwest wall had been cut by the entry of the plane.

It is certainly not a radical opinion to believe that Thermite and explosives were used to demolish the Twin Towers; it is in fact the only explanation that is supported by the evidence.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Bollyn, Christopher, "9/11 Planes Flew Directly into Secure Computer Rooms in Both Towers", 11 January 2007

Bollyn, "9/11 — Who Put Thermate in the World Trade Center?" 18 January 2007

Bollyn, "The 'Huge Bullet Hole' in the South Tower and Analysis of Missile Evidence", 17 April 2011

The Boleyns and the English Bible

The Boleyns and the English Bible
February 3, 2011

Wherefore I do beseech you all, for the love of our Lord God, that you do at all seasons hold by the truth, and speak it, and embrace it.
- George Boleyn’s last words, 17 May 1536

The Great Bible of 1539 was the first authorized English Bible.  King Henry VIII commanded that a Bible be put in every parish in the kingdom.

Today, the Bible is the most popular book in the English language. When we read the Holy Scripture or hear it read in church we treat it with reverence, but it has not always been that way. In the 1520s, hundreds of Bibles, the first copies printed in English, were burned by the Roman Catholic Bishop of London. 

The first complete edition of the English New Testament by Tyndale was published in Worms in 1526.  It was illegal to own and those who had copies faced execution.  The Bibles were confiscated and burned by Roman authorities.  The whole printing was bought up by the church and burned in St. Paul's by Bishop Cuthbert Tunstall.

William Tyndale, the Father of the English Bible, was strangled and burned at the stake.

In 1536, William Tyndale, the Roman Catholic priest who translated the Bible from Greek and Hebrew, was strangled and burned at the stake near Brussels. Branded a heretic and hounded by agents of Rome, Tyndale lived and worked on the English Bible in exile in Antwerp, Marburg, and Worms for the last 12 years of his life.  His New Testament, translated directly from Greek, was first published in Worms in 1526.

Tyndale was strangled and burned at the stake in 1536 in Brussels. "Lord, open the King of England's eyes" were Tyndale's last words. 

"While William Tyndale was praying in his dying moments that God would open the eyes of the King of England, God had already answered the prayer in his own way: he had used a woman to influence the King and the nation with the gospel of salvation through Jesus Christ. That woman was Anne Boleyn," wrote Kath Dredge in Anne Boleyn: One Short Life that Changed the English-speaking World by Colin Hamer.

The four-hundred year old King James Bible that we use today is essentially the Tyndale translation, which is the basis for about 85 percent of the King James Version of 1611. The Tyndale Bible allowed the people to read the Scriptures in English for the first time. The first book of Holy Scripture printed in England was a copy of Tyndale’s New Testament, printed on vellum and presented to Anne Boleyn, the Queen of England, in 1536.  Anne already had a personal copy from the Antwerp printing in 1534, which she openly displayed - although it was a banned book.

"The Newe Testament, dylygently corrected and compared with the Greke by Willyan Tindale. Antwerp, 1534." Anne Boleyn's personal copy of Tyndale's New Testament, with her coat of arms at the bottom.

The Boleyn family had been instrumental in bringing the Scripture to the people in the English language. “Promoting the vernacular Bible was clearly a Boleyn family enterprise,” Eric Ives writes in The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn. To understand how revolutionary the English Bible was in the 1530s we need to consider that for seven centuries after the conversion of England to Christianity (in the Third Century), the common man had no access to the text of the Scriptures. It was not until 1538, when Henry VIII commanded the clergy to install the Great Bible in a convenient place in every parish church that the common people were able to read the Bible in English.

The Gospel of John translated by William Tyndale
In Catholic England the Scriptures were in Latin, often read by priests who understood very little of the text. The Church of Rome wielded immense political power and owned one-third of the kingdom. Keeping the Holy Scriptures out of the hands of the people was essential for the Church to maintain its power over the people and their king. Anne Boleyn, the second wife of King Henry VIII, was dedicated to liberating England from the clutches of the Church of Rome, a mission for which she paid the ultimate price.

In "George Boleyn, Religion and the Reformation," Claire Ridgway points out that the Boleyns were "reformist Catholics":

Until Henry VIII broke with the Church of Rome, England was a devoutly Roman Catholic country.  Henry himself was fervently Catholic and, until his desire for a divorce led him to a break with Rome, he actively persecuted religious reformists. This led to the Pope giving him the title, ‘Defender of the Faith’, a title he was immensely proud of. Despite Henry’s active persecution of those who failed to conform to the orthodox Catholic faith, Thomas Boleyn favoured reform of the church, as did his youngest two children.  It was their religious idealism which bred in zealous Catholics a hatred of them which continued long after their deaths, and which spawned many of the rumours, innuendos and slanders against them that persist to this day.

Reform amounted to a desire to rid the church of increasing greed and corruption, for the rites of the faith to be reformed, and for the word of God to be accessible to the masses. George and Anne Boleyn were not only devotees of this idealism; in time they came to embody it...They sought reform of the Catholic religion, not a complete departure from it, and both of them died as Catholics.  They obviously supported a break with Rome because that was essential in order for Anne to become Queen, but their passion for reform did not mean that they altered their basic religious beliefs, and for them, the break also meant that the reforms which they envisioned could be brought to fruition.  They died as reformist Catholics, not as Protestants.

Anne and her brother George were beheaded in May 1536. George Boleyn, a close advisor of King Henry VIII, said these last words before he was killed:

ruly so that the Word should be among the people of the realm I took upon myself great labour to urge the king to permit the printing of the Scriptures to go unimpeded among the commons of the realm in their own language.  And truly to God I was one of those who did most to procure the matter to place the Word of God among the people because of the love and affection which I bear for the Gospel and the truth of Christ’s words.
- George Boleyn’s scaffold speech, 17 May 1536

Anne Boleyn in the Tower by Edouard Gibot (1835)
"True religion in England had its commencement and its end with your mother."
- Alexander Ales to Elizabeth I from 'A brief treatise or cronikelle of the most vertuous Ladye Anne Bulleyne, late Queen of England' by William Latimer.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Hamer, Colin, Anne Boleyn: One Short Life that Changed the English-speaking World, Day One Publications, Leominster, U.K., 2007

“Biblical Literature”, The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, University of Chicago, 1974

Chambers Biographical Dictionary
, edited by Una McGovern, Edinburgh, Chambers Harrap Publishers Ltd., 2003

Denny, Joanna, Anne Boleyn: A New Life of England’s Tragic Queen, Da Capo Press 2007

Ives, Eric, The Life and Death of Anne Boleyn, Blackwell Publishing 2005 

Ridgway, Claire, "George Boleyn, Religion and the Reformation",, 16 April 2010 


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