As the media frenzy in Iowa fades to the media frenzy in New Hampshire, the selection of an American president has completely descended into a poorly acted reality TV show. This show will continue through the winter and into the spring. Several contestants will be thrown off the island. With re-runs and conventions over the summer, the fall season opens up with a whole new horse race: President Obama (the battered champ) vs. "who knows who?" (the determined challenger). For the media, the challenge will be to ensure that the race is close enough to stimulate viewership and high ratings. For the nation, the challenge will be to select the person most qualified to lead the American people.
The Iowa results seem to suggest a close three-way race - 25-25-21. Yet among self-identified Republicans, the totals were actually 28-27-14, showing that Santorum and Romney lead the base, while independents and new voters propelled Paul.
It's estimated that American television viewers will see political ads aired more than 200,000 times by the first week in November. What we're far less likely to see is any explanation of who really sponsors these ads.
The worst governor in the history of Texas may have set a new standard for the worst presidential candidate. Money and profile and reputation are not sufficient in the race to the White House.
It's at this time of year I stare at my thermostat, wanting to turn it up two or three more degrees, but knowing that I have to find other ways to stay warm. Wouldn't it be nice to melt away a little of your heating bill while keeping the world cooler? Think about the following suggestions to stay warmer this winter!
For more than half a century, TV Hipsters have had a profound effect on American culture. These characters taught many of us the importance of oddball tastes, wardrobe thrifting and (perhaps more importantly) the ever-lasting power of snark.
Monogamy is failing men. Not only is it failing them, but it's a "socially compelled sexual incarceration" that can lead to a life of anger and contempt, or so says Eric Anderson, an American sociologist at England's University of Winchester.
It doesn't matter if Mitt Romney wins the Iowa caucuses tonight or not. He is about to experience a severe political hemorrhage.
My colleagues and I have crawled Facebook's friend graph, analyzing the travel buzz in over 200 million comments. We've whittled all this analysis down to create one ultimate list of top travel destinations you shouldn't miss in 2012.
Among Republicans, the three-way split at the top of the GOP field in Iowa between candidates representing the business-oriented, Evangelical, and libertarian wings of the party suggests a desire for something both different and purer.
We created this piece that was just our, literally, pouring our hearts in there, and how we were feeling at the time.
The ancient Mayan people maintained a complex system of calendars, which ended with this year, 2012. This anomaly has caused many to wonder whether the great calendar-makers foresaw an apocalypse in our era. The truth is more complex.
If Santorum were really such a pro-family candidate, he would be a strident defender of Social Security, which helps keep families strong and encourages hard work. Santorum's record shows that he is anything but.
If something isn't working, don't be afraid to discuss it and make changes. The wedding planning process is your marriage experiment, take the time to establish your partnership system.
If Mitt Romney proves to be the 2012 Republican presidential candidate, one element of his potential candidacy might prove a relief of at least one issue the Obama re-election campaign may find itself having to dispose of again: Religion.
Today is Day 12,580 of the mountaintop removal mining disaster, the most egregious human rights and environmental violation in our country and perhaps one of the most discussed but shamefully ignored humanitarian crises in our nation.
Buried in the "controversy" over Bradley Cooper's selection as People's most recent Sexiest Man Alive is a little known fact: If you had polled American Muslim women the winner would have been -- wait for it -- Jon Stewart.
Romney is definitely the candidate to beat in this race, but let's let this process play out for a while. So far, we have seen more twists and turns in this race than in a California yoga class.
From a weather perspective, 2011 will be remembered as a year of extremes. This includes a record-breaking 12 billion-dollar-plus weather disaster.
For decades I have tracked trends, and created many of them. Some have lingered longer than most marriages, yet others still hover around or are merely a reflection of personal wishes. Some were so ahead of their time as to be forgotten or "invented" by someone else.
The moment someone tells me "marriage has always been" something or another, I know they are ignorant of the actual history of marriage. It has never "always" been anything. It has taken different forms, with different social rules attached.
Back when he was a candidate, then-Senator Obama criticized President George W. Bush for his frequent reliance on signing statements to circumvent Congressional intent. What a difference executive power makes.
As the people of the region watch the comings and goings of negotiations to the Jordanian capital, what will happen inside the negotiating room will be nothing more than shadow boxing.
While most critics make a point to try to seek out the allegedly best in cinema in any given year, not quite as much effort is made to track down every would-be stinker.
Virginia Law sets the conditions for candidates to get on the Virginia primary ballot. Now come Gingrich, Santorum, Perry and Bachmann asking a judge to overrule the law and put them on the ballot. What kind of judge could possibly do that?
Each day we have the ability to transform lives, to speak out against injustice, to be "upstanders" for positive change. Why do we remain silent?