larry flynt's book > Political Articles



by Brad Friedman
for HUSTLER MAGAZINE – March 2010

SIBEL EDMONDS, a former FBI translator, claims that the following government officials have committed what amount to acts of treason. They are lawmakers Dennis Hastert, Bob Livingston, Dan Burton, Roy Blunt, Stephen Solarz and Tom Lantos, as well as at least three members of George W. Bush’s inner circle: Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz and Marc Grossman. But is Sibel Edmonds credible?

“Absolutely, she’s credible,” Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) told CBS’s 60 Minutes when he was asked about her in 2002. “The reason I feel she’s very credible is because people within the FBI have corroborated a lot of her story.” Edmonds’s remarkable allegations of bribery, blackmail, infiltration of the U.S. government and the theft of nuclear secrets by foreign allies and enemies alike rocked the Bush Administration. In fact, Bush and company actually prevented Edmonds from telling the American people what she knew—up until now.

John M. Cole, an 18-year veteran of the FBI’s Counterintelligence and Counterespionage departments, revealed the panic of upper-echelon officials when Edmonds originally started talking back in 2002. “Well, the Bureau is gonna have to try to work something out with Sibel,” Cole said an FBI executive assistant told him at the time, “because they don’t want this to go out and become public.”

But they couldn’t “work something out with Sibel” because, it seems, she wasn’t looking to make a deal. Edmonds says she was looking to expose what she believed to be the ugly truth about the infiltration of the U.S. government by foreign spies. They were enabled, Edmonds claimed, by high-ranking U.S. officials and insider moles planted at nuclear weapons facilities around the nation.

“Everybody at headquarters level at the Bureau knew what she was saying was extremely accurate,” Cole said recently. “They were trying to figure out ways of keeping this whole thing quiet because they didn’t want Sibel to come out.”

Her under-oath testimony for the Ohio Election Commission, given in a recent videotaped deposition, is both shocking and horrifying. (Edmonds was the star witness for Congressional candidate David Krikorian in connection with a formal complaint initiated by Representative Jean Schmidt [R-Ohio]. Challenging her in 2008, a Krikorian flyer had accused Schmidt of accepting “blood money” from Turkish interests to help block a House bill recognizing Turkey’s genocide of Armenians in 1915.) The deposition was allowed to proceed by the Obama Administration, which chose not to invoke the draconian and little-known “State Secrets Privilege” to gag her, as the previous administration had done, twice.

Edmonds testified that Congressman Dennis Hastert (R-Illinois), a former Speaker of the House, was involved in “several categories” of corruption on behalf of Turkish agents, according to information she claims to have heard while translating and analyzing FBI counterintelligence wiretaps recorded from 1996 through 2002. She mentioned his “acceptance of large sums of bribery in forms of cash or laundered cash” coupled with the ability “to do certain favors…make certain things happen for… [the] Turkish government’s interest.”

Edmonds also alleged, on the public record, Hastert’s use of a “townhouse that was not his residence for certain not very morally accepted activities” and said that “foreign entities knew about this. In fact, they sometimes participated in some of those…activities in that particular townhouse.”

The allegations against Hastert include accepting some half-million dollars in bribes. While several FBI sources have corroborated Edmonds’s account, the best Hastert’s attorneys could do was offer a nondenial denial to the charges. But the proof, as they say, may be in the post-Congressional pudding. As Edmonds had predicted years earlier, Hastert—who left Congress in 2007—now makes $35,000 a month lobbying his old colleagues as a registered foreign agent for the Turkish government.

Former Congressman Bob Livingston (RLouisiana), who was set to become Speaker prior to Hastert until evidence of a sexual affair was revealed by Larry Flynt, was described in Edmonds’s deposition as having participated in “not very legal activities on behalf of foreign interests” before leaving office in 1999. Afterward, she said, Livingston acted “as a conduit to…further foreign interests, both overtly and covertly,” and also became both a lobbyist and “an operative” representing Turkish interests.

According to Edmonds, Representative Roy Blunt (R-Missouri)—likely to run for a U.S. Senate seat in 2010—was “the recipient of both legally and illegally raised…campaign donations from…Turkish entities.” Edmonds also claimed that hard-right Representative Dan Burton (R-Indiana), who was instrumental in the impeachment of President Bill Clinton, carried out “extremely illegal activities” and covert operations that were “against the United States citizens” and “against the United States’ interests.”

Edmonds named allegedly traitorous Democrats too. She said that former New York Congressman Stephen Solarz, now also a lobbyist, “acted as conduit to deliver or launder contributions and other bribe[s, including blackmail] to certain members of Congress.” And, according to Edmonds, the late Congressman Tom Lantos (D-California) was said to have been involved in “not only…bribe[ry], but also…disclosing [the] highest level protected U.S. intelligence and weapons technology information both to Israel and to Turkey [and] other very serious criminal conduct.”

The most overtly salacious of the allegations involved Representative Jan Schakowsky (D-Illinois), who is “married with…grown children, but she is bisexual,” according to Edmonds. The FBI whistleblower described how Schakowsky was “hooked” by Turkish agents into having a lesbian “sexual relationship with one of their spies,” and “the entire episodes of their sexual conduct was being filmed because the entire house…was bugged…to be used for certain things that they wanted to request.”

Edmonds noted, however, that she didn’t “know if she [Schakowsky] did anything illegal afterwards” since Edmonds was fired by the FBI before learning what came of that particular setup. The Turks, she said, intended to get at Schakowsky’s husband, lobbyist Robert Creamer, who in April 2006 began serving five months in prison (and 11 months of house arrest) for check-kiting and failing to collect withholding tax.

Schakowsky’s office has vehemently denied the allegations. As head of the U.S. House Intelligence Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigation, Schakowsky might be expected to hold hearings on any of the former FBI employee’s revelations but she has not. She has also refused Edmonds’s challenge to take a polygraph test and has not yet sued her for libel, as the whistleblower has challenged her to do.

Edmonds’s most disturbing allegations, however, may be against high-ranking appointed officials in the Bush Administration. Elaborating on testimony she laid out in her sworn deposition, Edmonds told American Conservative magazine’s Phil Giraldi—a 17-year CIA counterterrorism officer—very specific details of alleged traitorous schemes perpetrated by top State and Defense Department officials. As already noted, these included Douglas Feith, Paul Wolfowitz and, perhaps most notably, former Deputy Undersecretary of State Marc Grossman, the third-highest-ranking official in the Bush State Department.

Edmonds said that Feith and Wolfowitz were involved in plans to break Iraq into U.S. and British protectorates months prior to 9/11. She also claimed that the duo shared information with Grossman on how to blackmail various officials and that Grossman had accepted cash to help procure and sell nuclear weapons technology to Israel and Turkey—and, from there, on to the foreign black market. There the technology would be purchased by the highest bidder, such as Pakistan, Iran, Libya, North Korea or possibly even al-Qaeda.

Additionally, Edmonds claimed that Grossman, the U.S. Ambassador to Turkey before taking his State Department post, had tipped off Turkish diplomats to the true identity of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson’s front company, Brewster Jennings & Associates, a full three years prior to their being publicly outed by columnist Robert Novak. That in itself, according to George H.W. Bush, would be an act of treason carried out by “the most insidious of traitors.”

Former CIA counterterrorism officer Giraldi summed up Edmonds’s disclosures to me in blunt terms: “This was a massive coordinated espionage effort directed against United States nuclear secrets engineered by foreign agents who successfully corrupted senior government officials and legislators in our Congress. It’s that simple.”

According to a declassified version of a 2005 Department of Justice Inspector General’s report, Sibel Edmonds’s allegations are “credible,” “serious” and “warrant a thorough and careful review by the FBI.”
Perhaps more damningly, the FBI’s John Cole recently confirmed a key element of Edmonds’s claims when he revealed the existence of “the FBI’s decade-long investigation” of the State Department’s Grossman. Edmonds claimed that Grossman was perhaps the top U.S. ringleader for the entire foreign espionage scheme. The probe, Cole added, “ultimately was buried and covered up.”

Cole, who now works as an intelligence contractor for the Air Force, not only finds Edmonds “very credible,” but also confirms the “ongoing and detailed effort by Turkey to develop influence in the United States” through a number of illegal means.

“Turkish individuals would ask for favors—ya know, ‘You help me out, and I’ll help you out’—and basically what would happen is the elected official would either receive money or some kind of gift,” Cole explained. “Or, if it was a government employee, I’ve seen it where after they retired, they get these very lucrative positions with a Turkish company, or whatever the country may be.”

As noted, Hastert now works for Turkey, and Grossman now works for a Turkish company and as a lobbyist—no doubt raking in a pretty penny from both. Hastert and Grossman repeatedly ignored requests to comment on these charges.

The mainstream U.S. media, however, apparently remain uninterested in investigating any of it. Not even after Cole himself called for a “Special Counsel” to investigate and prosecute. So what the hell is going on here?
Giraldi believes that, as with companies such as AIG and GM becoming “too big to fail,” the size and success of this massive national security espionage scandal has simply become too big to bust.

He told me, “You have to look at Marc Grossman being part of a much bigger operation in terms of the Israelis and the Turks obtaining influence over our legislators and over a number of senior government officials at the Pentagon and State Department. Because this thing was so big, and it affected both Democrats and Republicans, I think the U.S. government is terrified of opening up this Pandora’s box.”

Giraldi added, “The people in Congress and in the Justice Department who should be investigating this…and also in the media—because the media is tied hand and foot to government—this is all part of one big, you know, conspiracy, if you want to look at it this way. And, essentially, this is a story that they don’t want to get out.”

So why, exactly, isn’t the media covering Sibel Edmonds, whom the ACLU once described as “the most gagged person in the history of the U.S.,” now that she is finally able to tell her story? It’s a story, after all, that the legendary 1970s whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg has deemed “far more explosive than the Pentagon Papers.”

“If we had an effective mainstream media that was going after this story, that would make it come out,” Giraldi noted. “But we don’t have an effective media.” He then pointed out one more reason for the media’s reluctance to dig into this story: “According to Sibel, Grossman actually bragged that he would get from the Turks the information that they wanted to appear in an article. He would write it up, and he would fax it over to the New York Times, and they would print it just as he had written it under somebody else’s byline.”

Guess we won’t expect any coverage of this scandal from the New York Times, “the paper of record,” any time soon. And if a story isn’t covered by the Times, and thereafter picked up by everybody else, did it really happen? Given the complicity of the media with regard to Sibel Edmonds, it would appear the government never even needed to invoke the “State Secrets Privilege” in the first place.

As of this writing, HUSTLER stands to be the largest, most “corporate” U.S. outlet in which these startling, now-public, on-the-record disclosures have been reported. The moral: Pull off a large enough crime, and it becomes too big to do anything about.


HUSTLER Magazine March 2010
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  1. theo Says:

    This is like telling a lie then having to tell yet another and another to maintain the coverup. The corruption goes right to the top on down and that is why they are so afraid, secretive and trying to legislate the ‘truth’ while spreading yet more lies. With impending collapse on the way the rats are jumping ship or selling off everything they can before being exposed. And of course ‘all’ of the problems we face are the fault of the people, not the 545 in DC who legislate and control the corrupt illegitimate corporation that calls itself USA CORP. We The People need to take a page from the Chinese-life sentences or execution for state crimes committed under the color of authority. Just think how much smaller the gubmint would be and how much could be save by NOT paying pensions and benefits to these corrupt psychopaths.

  2. Archie1954 Says:

    What an absolute outrage! What kind of country is the US when this kind of treachery is covered up and condoned? Something is definitely rotten in the District of Columbia.

  3. John Taurus Says:

    Our entire government has been conquered by the state of Israel. Washington, DC is Israeli occupied territory. Our foreign and domestic policy is dictated to us by Israel. We are all Isaeli slaves. We fight Israel’s wars and we send Israel all our money. Our country has just been bankrupted by Jew bankers who transferred all our wealth to Israel. All our pensions have been looted by these Zionist Jews. Social Security is bankrupt. America is bankrupt. This has been the largest theft of wealth in the history of the world, yet, most of the sheeple don’t have a clue that they don’t have a clue.

  4. Dave Says:

    The reason this story won’t see the light of day is that they are all complicit at the top
    Hastert was just the small fry

    You see America your leaders as well as both Republican and Democrat party is corrupt beyond belief, Satanic in nature and
    they amount to enemy agents from within.
    They send your jobs away and get a pay day
    They destroy America because they have a deal with the enemy

  5. Publius Says:

    The media’s CEOs and their silence on many of the issues we as a country are now facing shows their complicity in this. It’s just a matter of time they will see their day in a court of law.

  6. m2o Says:

    The penalty for TREASON is DEATH. We shall see, doing our part
    to expose this. Thanks Larry, you are doing something right for us
    We are now just 1 minute from Judgement day and eternal elimi-
    nation of evil on this planet earth.

  7. tex martin Says:

    thank you once again, larry, for your patriotism and faith in the right and practice of freedom of speech!

    you have demonstrated your commitment to exposing hypocrisy, as in the case of clinton’s attackers–obviously the charges ms. edmonds makes take betrayal and “political whoredom” to a new level, that of executable crimes–

    obviously the mainstream media, controlled by our fascist combination of government and multinational corporations, and ruled in large part by individuals more committed to other nation(s) than our own, do not permit the majority of americans to make informed conclusions.

    thanks to you so much–again and again!

    actions speak far louder than words!


  8. Mark Says:

    Time is running short, someone besides HUSTLER mag should be publishing this

    Dick Cheney deserves the Gallows for the cold, calculated, purposeful deaths of 5000 US Troops-and 1,000,000 Iraqis-to further his own goals

  9. chip Says:

    I can only concur with the sentiment of the publisher. What we need is fresh air and clean sunlight to overcome the stench of the Revolutionary Jacobite usurper cabal. All so called countries have been enthralled to this “money power” out of the trilat apparatus which makes whores of otherwise innocent incarnees. Smell it, IT STINKS.

  10. MMe Margoulette Says:

    It isn’t that its too big of a story, more like the council on Foreign affairs and the tri-lateral commission are effectively gaging the mainstream media lackeys. The corruption and compliance goes oh so much deeper, if you take the time to research the “conspiracy” websites and all of the organizations that TPTB belong to including their various corporations.

  11. Tunga Says:

    I only read it for the pictures.


    Good job Brad. You left wingnut you.

    Thank you Sibel. You are a Hero.

    True that.

  12. Richard Lefew Says:

    Fantastic article. I’ve been following Sibel Edmonds story for sometime & she’s credible. It’s amazing what the USA has become. It’s like the not so bright hot chick, who gives everyone a freebee.

    It’s not so hard to get into her pants.

  13. Rockpicker Says:

    Magnetic Ribbons and the Yellowcake of Faith

    When we wake puking shame
    at last, and know the dream
    for sham, embraced en masse…
    When bells that rang victorious
    hang mute, their tarnished claims
    ignored in disrepute, and
    bitter sons, having been all they
    could be, can’t wish back innocence
    or the leg below the knee…

    (This brash regime’s trimmed reason
    from its ranks, its black guard
    in the street, protecting flanks.)

    …then will we heed the schemers’
    gloating leer? “There’s no future
    for dissidents here.”
    Row on row, with hand
    in trembling hand, it’s come to this.
    We dreamers need to stand.

  14. dominmatrix Says:


    I’m surprised she’s still alive.

    She must be sitting on even bigger stuff in the hands of other people holding onto, just in case.

    Let’s face it. They’re all up to their nostrils in bodily fluids and dirty cash. They know something’s up and that the end is coming soon.

    They’ve abandoned all principle because ultimately, it means nothing in the future.

  15. Uncle $cam Says:

    thank you once again, larry, for your patriotism and faith in the right and practice of freedom of speech!

    Indeed, he laid his body on the line. The front line in the war for freedom. A true hero.

  16. Djinn&tonic Says:

    We would be a theocracy by now if not for Mr. Flint. Thank god for you.

  17. pedro mohr Says:

    If anyone should be described as a Saint it is Siebel.She needed guts for her outstanding work.The French revolution had the guillotine-just any idea.

  18. ericswan Says:

    We are between the rock and the yellow brick road. Hard to roll out a new world order when the infrastructure supports the hard wired psyche of a nation.

  19. Cat Callahan Says:

    Alan Greenspan is supposedly a very powerful satanist! Even more so than the Bush family. Jesus knew what he was talking about when he all the Sanhedran the synagogue of satan! The Jews worship a god, all right. But not ours-theirs is Lucifer!

  20. drakke1 Says:

    Thank you for this wonderful article. I submitted a post to a site i enjoy, discussing your material. Ms. Edmonds is an extremely admirable person — of enormous courage

  21. jules Says:

    Good on you Brad, and Hustler, for publicising this.

    “The moral: Pull off a large enough crime, and it becomes too big to do anything about.”

    I disagree tho. Its not too big to bust, its too big not to bust.

    If the US wants a semblance of legitimacy in its government it has to investigate this to the fullest extent. As openly, transparently and honestly as is possible, and using the principles that underwrite its constitution and the specific guidance of that document and fair and open legal processes.

    The only way this is gonna happen is with some real grass roots support. And an engaged population.

    I expanded a bit on those ideas in a post I typed. You can read it if you follow my link.

  22. Miles Says:

    Excellent. Please don’t let this go as I’ve been following it and waiting for the MSM and government to pick it up. Like the Edwards story in the Enquirer, maybe there’s a Pulitzer waiting to be won!! Bravo

  23. Joey Tavares Says:

    Thank you Brad, thank you Larry. I think it fitting that a publication that has consistently been a groundbreaker and stanchion for free speech should break open the box on this one.

    Bravo Hustler.

    Your efforts are appreciated.

    “A Single Man”

  24. Kevin from Indiana's 5th Congressional District Says:

    Siebel’s information has been common public knowledge to news rats for the last two congressional election cycles. There can be no doubt that it is known in every editorial board room in the nation’s media centers as well as the board rooms of the local media companies in the Congressional districts of Representatives Burton, Hastert, Blount, Livingston and the rest.

    America’s corporate owned media simply will never report a story that discloses the massive amount of corruption alive and well in Washington D. C.

    Siebel’s information serves to put into perspective the recent officially sanctioned obstruction of justice preventing the prosecution of anybody for America’s war crimes involving the torture of prisoners. What’s a little waterboarding compared to Treason?

    I think it was in the 2004 5th district Congressional race that Dan Burton spent more money entertaining big wigs at one gold course that his Democratic opponent raised. The name of the golf course? Purgatory

    Burton is such a scum bag that there are two Republican opponents to Burton in the 2010 primary. Unfortunately they will split the anti-Burton vote and he will be elected to Congress again.

    At least I will not be represented by Bayh after this term is over.

  25. Mike Philbin Says:

    Infiltration of the GOVERNMENTS OF THE WORLD has been the aim of the New World Order since WW1 and WW2:

    Field McConnell & David Hawkins – 9-11 was a Fabian Society job.

    Field McConnell and David Hawkins are ‘forensic economists’ who run a website called ABEL DANGER that is looking into the financing behind CATbonds and ALGORYTHMIC killing by numbers.

    I look forward to the tallying up of Sibel Edmonds’ and AbelDangers’ research.

    FREE PLANET, that’s what humanity deserves.

  26. kcwells Says:

    Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that you’d be my hero. Thank you for your courage and patriotism Larry Flynt!

    Perhaps you’ll go after the Truth of 9/11 next? Because nobody else will touch it.

    Two years ago scientists discovered nanothermite in the dust of the WTC. This means that these three towers were demolished by explosives. But the mainstream corporate media is sound asleep.

    Please continue to

  27. tunga Says:

    Remember Sibel has a website too.

  28. ggh Says:

    Wow Rockpicker, great poem.

  29. Ken Gourley Says:

    People have been telling the powers that be all of these things in one way or the other. Now we see that the powers that be, are the criminals! How many dead do they need to be successful?

  30. Frank Says:

    Not to worry! Israel will be destroyed! All of the people in Israel who are not Christian will be destroyed in the coming invasion by Iran (backed by Russia). It will start with Libya firing a nuclear missile that destoys Tel Aviv. They will over-run Israel, but God will stand up and defend the ones who believe in His Son. Jesus will be there to protect His beloved. Everyone else will perish in fire.
    Read Ezekiel 38-39.

  31. Frank Says:

    To me, you left out the biggest bombshell from your interview….

    [In the interview, Sibel says that the US maintained 'intimate relations' with Bin Laden, and the Taliban, "all the way until that day of September 11."

    These 'intimate relations' included using Bin Laden for 'operations' in Central Asia, including Xinjiang, China. These 'operations' involved using al Qaeda and the Taliban in the same manner "as we did during the Afghan and Soviet conflict," that is, fighting 'enemies' via proxies.]

  32. Mihail Says:

    I’ve never seen a President — I don’t care who he is — stand up to them. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. I got to the point where I wasn’t writing anything down. If the American people understood what a grip these people have got on our government, they would RISE UP IN ARMS. Our citizens certainly don’t have any idea what goes on.”

    Thomas H. Moorer
    (1912 – 2004)
    US Navy & Chairman,
    Joint Chiefs of Staff during interview on
    24 August 1983.

    Karl Marx

    “The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.

    In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”

    — Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, ‘La Revue de Paris’, p.574, June 1, 1928

  33. ZT Says:

    Right on tunga, and Sibel’s site is fantastic. She could really use the support to keep providing great news and analysis with no corporate tie-ins or sponsorship. Please check it out and donate if you can.

  34. Realitybites Says:

    I hate this kind of down the rabbit hole crap…
    can anybody tell me… how THIS might relate…

  35. zonkerz Says:

    Let us not forget David Rockefeller’s words as he addressed the Council on Foreign Relations:

    “We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march toward a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

  36. Mike Casner Says:

    The moral: Pull off a large enough crime, and it becomes too big to do anything about………like 9/11/01

    Can you say…..”Inside Job”?

  37. jonathan mark Says:

    Thank you Larry Flynt for publishing this important article. Truth and freedom go way beyond pictures and images.. into the heart of what is best about our country.

    I am linking to this article from my web site

  38. Mafia Hitman Says:

    So why are the Jewish Israelis teaming with the Moslem Turks to steal American nuke and arms secrets? A marriage of convenience? I thought the Jews and Moslems were bitter enemies. Plus, any connection to 9/11?

  39. Gordon Says:

    Sibel is one of the most credible whistelblowers I have ever followed. As one who has been deeply involved in the whistleblower community for twenty years, I am not the least bit surprised by what the government is doing to her. Sibel – DO NOT GIVE UP.

  40. Says:


    SIBEL EDMONDS, a former FBI translator, claims that the following government officials have committed what amount to acts of treason. They are lawmakers Dennis Hastert, Bob Livingston, Dan Burton, Roy Blunt, Stephen Solarz and Tom Lantos, as well as at…

  41. TravisD Says:

    We have cointel Brad Friedman, of the propaganda vehicle, writing a story about cointel asset Sibel Edmonds, who finks only on a handful of political cointel assets. So, the only question to ask is, why are only these names named? Is it because the public is not supposed to see the big lie, that they are all just part of a cointel system that is being run to manipulate the public?

    Smoking too many doobies, Brad? You’re slipping.

    Do you think your handler could bring in a better crop of assets, these turn-of-the-century guys are already past their use-by-date. I’m really bored with these reruns.

  42. Wildbill Says:

    thank you Sibel Edmonds and Mr. Flint for this.

  43. dumbo Says:

    The US isn’t the only country occupied by a foreign power, we here in the UK are just as much under the thumb, in the shape of the Israeli lobby, seems to me that the UK is better able to keep this treasonous behavour under wraps, after all we have been under the influence a lot longer than the US. When these people have finnished their treasonous behavour, both the US and the UK will cease to be of any use to them and a calamitous financial crisis will be enhanced to gut both countries, as we have seen it has already started. Zionism has no need of allies they are hell bent on ridding the world of christians, muslims and the goyam in general, and of course fighting wars on behalf of the Israelies is one way of culling the non Zionist public.

  44. Clarence Malcolm Says:

    Former FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge, Ted Gunderson, my boss and mentor, supports Sibel Edmonds tremendous courage in exposing treasonous crime and corruption in high places at great risk to her own security. He also applauds Larry Flint and his ‘Hustler’ magazine or courageously utilizing his right to free speech to report vital stories the mainstream media will not touch. Ted Gunderson calls the present day FBI “the new FBI” and says it is not the elite agency it was when he spent his 27 years there.

  45. Sam-Canada Says:

    Thank you Hustler and thank you Brad Friedman of ( Brad, how about you get your next article in a magazine for women though, like playgirl. You could even pose. I think it would be a hit! :-)

  46. mick Says:

    You can not read Sibel’s story without thinking about the “911 Story”…

    Philip Zelikow, 9/11 insider.

  47. mick Says:

    EXPLOSIVE TESTIMONY! / MacQueen NYFD 9/11 witnesses

  48. POLpursun Says:

    Read also the following:

    Talk about media not reporting ——- particularly in certain circumstances.

  49. Kevin Krooss Says:

    Brad publishing this story here is like Colecheck (The Night Stalker) publishing a vampire story in the Enquirer.

    Nice work though.

  50. RANDKILLER Says:



  51. Shelby Woods Says:

    They aren’t afraid of MS Edmonds because thick as the rest of the thieves in the upper echelons of government. The bankers robbed us with impunity, and our leaders helped.

    It will blow up in our officials faces someday and it’s not going to be pretty. Even the mafia have more ethics and loyalty.

    COHEN: Our policies up to now have failed. But any adjustment in U.S. policy toward Israel is extremely difficult. There is a state called Florida, with a large Jewish community, a calculation not lost on America’s leadership. President Obama, I understand, has been told by some Jewish congressmen, if you want your health bill, step back on Israel.

    US Spy’s Israel Ties Deeper Than First Thought

  52. Jim Davidson Says:

    An interesting approach would be for Edmonds to sue Schakowsky for libel. The denials issued by Schakowsky’s office function as saying that Edmonds is lying. Such a suit would give Edmonds insight into considerable documentation through the discovery process.

    Assuming that Schakowsky would lose, or would fail to mount a defence, it would also potentially result in a judgement for Edmonds. Might as well make the traitors pay.

  53. The_Freedom_Jury Says:

    Vote Libertarian, sheeple! Baa-aaa-aaa Baaa-aaa-aaa-a-ah!

    It’s the voters who are to blame for this. They didn’t throw Hastert out on his ass when he was a drug warrior in congress. When he was denying their dominion over their own bodies, and applauding IL gun laws, and speech restrictions, business “regulation” (AKA “crippling”), etc… No corruption is great enough for the voters to give up their government goodies! And look at what they’re left holding when the truck pulls away, and the “lesser of two evils” has once again won the election: overflowing prisons! Drug laws! Sodomy laws! Draft registration!

    I know, we’ll promise them welfare and patronage jobs, and they won’t even care if half their family is in prison, and several generations of future Americans are enslaved to paying off their government debt!

    Fuck you, voters of America, you apathetic, lazy sluts. You came so cheaply, and now you deserve to be used like the mindless, syphilitic whores you are.

    Oh, and by the way, if this doesn’t apply to you, that’s what the link is for. It shares with you, the rarest of creatures, the concerned citizen, a path whereby you can actually win for yourself a country based on individual freedom.

    Such a country has never existed, but the Declaration of Independence and the reinstatement of jury trial after King George was a palsied attempt at creating one.

    As artilects emerge, solving human problems, perhaps there will be a new enlightenment. Perhaps proper jury trials (gone since 1850 with the arrival of “voir dire” and the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law) will be reinstated. Perhaps then, there will be a limit to how much the government can punish innocent people like Mr Flynt, who dare to have the audacity to speak the simple, obvious truth.

    And Flynt, please, start supporting libertarians and voluntaryists like Harry Browne, Wayne Root, and Steve Kubby. …They are the only people who agree with you.

    Individual Freedom, Peace.

    -The Freedom Jury

  54. nexis Says:

    Mainstream media are puppets of their primary stock holders and/or owners. Trace it back and you will see who *owns,* the current media spin conglomerates.

  55. Happy Friend Says:

    Thank you, Larry Flint for publishing this!

    For anyone wondering whether there was any truth to the notion of an utterly useless establishment left-wing media, the Sibel Edmonds story (or non-story in the MSM) proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

  56. jonathan mark Says:

    The silence of the takeover of the US government and initiating a false war for terror and profit will be our doom unless we turn it around. Thanks to the Hustler for reporting this and other whistle-blower articles. My web site will be linking to this page. Please feel welcome to use Flyby News for additional related resources, campaigns, and actions.

    For life’s survival in the 21st Century.. truth and freedom is crucial.

  57. Don Harris Says:

    LF,a hello to you.bigd here. I am running in the u.s. senate in indiana2010 .Now that Bayh is gone,and i happened to start my own political party last august,09,i will run as an indipendant agianst ,an old coat,an a young whippersnapper.My breif history. I was born fully aware at birth.I am 2nd of identical twins.At 10 months old i was sexual assaulted ,by a male nefew. There were 2 other babies on the bed,also. At 4 i was made to suck off a male in a house behind me. I was reported to the police,( I thought for years) .for stealing trash of a man.I did not go to jail. The police came. Be tween 6 and 7 i lived with an aunt and uncle,and the rapest son,my cosiun of 10 years my senior. At 9 threw 12 i hade sex with 2 black men at the camp i was sent to by the concord center ,3 times. Rocky and his brother were pedifiles. I brother created terror punishments for the boys. As far as i know, my twin and i were the only sex partners for that 2 weeks.I was almost murdered for the first time there at happy hollow camp. At 12 a man started to jack me in the lower mens bath room of garfeild park. An other man enters looks around then leaves.Making me beleive,this is normal.At 12.6 years of age i find the ohio theater ,in indy.I be came a preteen male clients were everwhere,and did everthing from heart surgen, the A.G. of indiana,a school board member turned mayor turned senater.I star general ,,on and on. I was asked At 14, if i would like to work for the the president of the united states,like a secret agent,on the most sensitive things? The recreiter was a client of a year. I do not recall his name. His plates were virginia and he was a irs agent. I was played a tape where hoover is taking a call from pres. Jhonson. He ask hoover about a way to detect homosexuals. Hoover explains that he certianly would not know how to spot one. Johnson ask hoover to figure out a way to spot a homosexual,before here got to big for his briches.Train a gay spotter. I was hired for my ability to survive in this jungle,going in and out unnoticed in the world of chicken. The best quality in town. The group of 7. I was to be raped yet another time,at 15 by a special forces marine core drill segarent.ATTacted to fort harrison.Now i am running for the office of U.S. senate. Ineed your help! Don ” i am not that important” Harris

  58. phuckhead Says:

    This is bullshit and what the fuck is going to be done about it?
    Why? Apathy or not giving a fuck coupled with the effects of television(moron machine).
    What can any individual do when opposing a corporate world?
    An individual represents one vote and limited money and a corporation represents vast money and resources to a politician. Of course they choose corporate interests.

    The solution is at the state level. All states must inject one sentence into their constitutions, basically defining a person as only a flesh and blood human. This would block corporations from the belief that they have the same rights as a flesh and blood human as well as eliminate their participation in our political system.
    Pipe dream I know but got a better idea? Any other ideas?

    That is the way the country was intended. One voice one vote. The original tea party in boston was a revolt against a corporation fucking over the new colonies by force. Then as now corporations are ugly and will do ugly things if their is no check of their power. The problem being the last 100 years the courts have acted as though a corporation deserves all the rights we have. blah blah if you don’t see the problem yet you probably never will. Yet we stand with our thumb up our asses whining about corruption of our political establishment. What the fuck do we expect?

    We watch and participated in killing of the only effective mechanisms to fight the corporate world the Unions.
    Yet want exactly what a union fought and created, the middle class. Health care and pensions and a living decent wage. Traded for low cost trinkets made in china. Like their is any fucking point in going any deeper or further. It’s pointless to even care anymore.
    Those that believe it is not pointless I say there were laws in place to prevent the financial devastation of america. Under Bush laws were not enforced and tim geithner was the official charged with enforcing these rules( he did not). Obama chooses him to give the proceeds away.
    My opinion and I am a nobody doing nothing just like all you other nobodies. Why should anyone care if they cannot fix anything as a nobody. We have been silenced. The only chance of winning against the corporate opponent is on the state level by severing the corporations claim of personhood myth. Do you believe a corporation deserves all the same rights as you and I ? They do not breathe or need food or water, They live forever and can disolve and reform as a new entity. Think they don’t compete against humans well examine the results of the last 100 years since recieving* personhood.

  59. john mccarthy Says:

    Combine the above URL website page with the following URL to discover treason in wartime on the part of members of the National Security Council who blatantly disregarded presidential directives NOT to expand the Vietnam War into 65,000 square miles of Cambodia.

  60. John Taylor Says:

    Sibel could make it in Hustler as either a well informed, intelligent patriot or a model. I have nothing but respect for the risks she took in exposing these scumbags.
    The fact that there are no investigations or prosecutions of these traitorous criminals is indicative of the state of the nation.
    Whereas Iceland has been screwed over and the electorate are very well educated and informed, they have identified the source of the corruption as the bankers and have taken action to not pay them back. Americans are entertainment starved and could care less about the state of the nation.
    Sibel has put everything on the line to point out corruption and for what. To try to alert a sleepy nation that things are very very wrong. Hello is anybody listening. Most Americans cannot even get over the left/right hurdle. I say thanks Sibel, but we are all screwed.

  61. dennis Berger Says:

    Thank You Brad, Lary,and especially Sibel for showing real courage in exposing these trators. However, I object in the strongest possible terms to giving this piece of crap John Taus.a forum. To. Spew. His anti-semitic crap. Let him write for his felow scum bags in the Nazi party where his filth belongs.
    e John Tarus a forum

  62. IRS Whistleblower Says:

    Well researched and well structured blog.Thank you once again, larry, for your patriotism and faith in the right and practice of freedom of speech!

  63. admin Says:

    Sorry, sometimes it takes us a few days!

  64. TWC Says:

    Don Harris is the only one here who makes any sense.

  65. Seeker Says:

    I never trust a site that claims ” the Christian view”… And that exactly what Bob Livingstons site claims… These trashbag lobbyist are what wrong with government….

  66. Christian Louboutin Says:

    never trust a site that claims ” the Christian view”… And that exactly what Bob Livingstons site claims… These trashbag lobbyist are what wrong with government….

  67. Kenda "LeAnn" Iozia Says:

    I have always known that I belong in the sex business, and I have always wanted to work for you. I do really good portraits(Paintings) and I write stories (adult) and I grew up poor like you. Now I am old and broke and am attempting one last try to possibly do something for a living that I am good at. I dont fit in to the 9-5 lifestyle of people around me. Please reply.

  68. Jim Says:

    Thank you, Larry, for you one comment about how the Tea Party is very angry – - – but at the wrong group. The comment that we are screwing our future, shipping jobs overseas (afterall, what CEO would not if he/she make 125M a year, what incentive is there to think about the US), the bankruptcy of the US,the healthcare as hardcore profit, etc. Right on. Sadly, people are not reading nor researching the material(s) as you and others, on this site, are suggesting. They get caught up in “Christian and Social Issues” (a nice distraction for dummies) and miss the real concerns to examine. The next march may not be in Libya, Cairo, or Tripoli but D.C. Keep up the great work – - -

larry flynt's book