Saturday, December 31, 2011
The NY Times recently posted a “Room for Debate” topic asking “Why we Collect Stuff.” This post reflects on what I think worked well in that debate and where I would have liked to see the participants say more.
Posted by Darin Hayton on 12/31 at 12:54 AM
Thursday, December 29, 2011
A recent article in The Economist on Luther prompted me to think about ephemeral astrological literature in early modern Europe. Here I suggest that we need to take this literature more seriously than we typically have.
Posted by Darin Hayton on 12/29 at 04:58 PM
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
In this final review of my “Biography of a Map” project I try to indicate where the project worked well, at times really well, and where there remains some room for improvement. In the end, I would say this experiment in pedagogy was a success.
Posted by Darin Hayton on 12/27 at 02:29 PM
(2) Comments •
Friday, December 16, 2011
This is the latest edition of the history of science blog carnival, showcasing posts having to do with the history of science, understood to include technology and medicine.
Posted by Darin Hayton on 12/16 at 10:07 PM
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Reflecting on recent concerns about how science is taught (concerns that, we learn, seem to be perennial), I spent some time thinking about a role for the history of science in teaching science. This post surveys some proposed changes to that science curriculum and collects my inchoate thoughts on a role for the history of science in this re-imagined science curriculum.
Posted by Darin Hayton on 11/23 at 09:00 AM
Sunday, November 20, 2011
A review of Catherine Eagleton’s Monks, Manuscripts and Sundials. The Navicula in Medieval England is followed by some reflections on the price of scholarly monographs and editorial oversight.
Posted by Darin Hayton on 11/20 at 12:51 PM
(4) Comments •
Saturday, November 19, 2011
These four papers asked about the role of display and visualization in science from the 17th to the 19th century. Yet another summary of papers at this year’s History of Science Society Annual Conference.
Posted by Darin Hayton on 11/19 at 12:43 PM
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
A brief summary of some papers on early modern astronomy and astrology at the History of Science Society Annual Meeting. Two technical/detailed papers, one that dipped into the sources, and final paper that argued for the importance of Historia in 16th-century astronomy
Posted by Darin Hayton on 11/15 at 10:52 PM
Sunday, November 13, 2011
A summary of the panel on the Antikythera Mechanism at the History of Science Society Annual Meeting. One nice review of the mechanism was followed by four technical papers.
Posted by Darin Hayton on 11/13 at 11:01 PM
Prompted by a two very different reviews of Westman’s The Copernican Question, I spent a morning thinking about the form and purpose of a book review. This post tries to hammer those thoughts into something useful.
Posted by Darin Hayton on 11/13 at 12:56 PM
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