WATCH LIVE: Romney town hall in Manchester, N.H.

GOP elites seek 'consensus' candidate

James Dobson, Mitt Ronmney and Don Wildmon are pictured. | AP Photos
POLITICO Bookshelf
Iowa Caucuses Special Coverage

The Arena

  • Ex-Rep. Artur Davis
  • Joanne Bamberger
  • Jeffrey Taylor
  • Ex-St. Rep. David Orentlicher

"It is for real, but it has the feel of John Edwards' last minute run in Iowa in 2004."

Ex-Rep. Artur Davis Former congressman (D-Ala.); Partner, SNR Denton law firm

"Santorum has timed his Republican "flavor of the month" moment perfectly."

Joanne Bamberger Political strategist; blogger PunditMom; Author, Mothers of Intention

"The media’s narrative over who is the most popular at the moment or “the flavor of the day” is unshakable."

Jeffrey Taylor Managing partner, U.S. Government Relations Intl., LLC

"It will not prevent Romney from laying claim to the nomination in the end."

Ex-St. Rep. David Orentlicher Former Indiana state representative (D); professor, Indiana University

Early State Insider

Latest from Florida in Partnership with
Newt surge, cont'd
Latest from Iowa in Partnership with
Iowa Sec of State to endorse Santorum
Latest from New Hampshire in Partnership with
Mitt's N.H. friends
Latest from South Carolina in Partnership with
Gingrich surge hits S.C.


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Staying in the game

Where does Rick Santorum need to finish in New Hampshire to remain a top-tier candidate?

Wuerking Drawings

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