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Become a Torchbearer
of The Interfaith Alliance today.

Rev. Dr. C. Welton GaddyJoin me and thousands of others who make small monthly contributions to protect religious liberty and preserve the separation of religion and government.

Read "Why I am a Torchbearer"

Help Us Protect Religious Liberty:
Become a Torchbearer of The Interfaith Alliance Today.

If you’re looking for a hassle-free and paper-free way to give, becoming a Torchbearer is the giving option for you! Our Torchbearers are a special group of our most dedicated supporters who donate each month and whose support often has made the difference between Interfaith Alliance having the means to take action instead of remaining silent during these tough economic times.

Here’s how it works: Use our safe and secure online form to join and set the amount of your monthly donation. Your credit card will be automatically charged the same amount on the same day each month – ensuring that making and tracking your donations are simple. Your membership will automatically renew each year, and every January, you’ll receive an annual giving acknowledgment that can be used for tax purposes.

It’s that simple! And besides taking advantage of an easy way to give, Torchbearers also enjoy the following benefits:

  • Receive less mail. No paper is required to donate. And because your membership will automatically renew each year, you won’t receive renewal notices in the mail.
  • Enjoy access to a special 800 number to reach our Torchbearer Coordinator from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST, Monday through Friday, with questions about your monthly donation or changes to your account. We understand that situations change, and we’re grateful for all the support you can provide us, so we make it easy for you to change or cancel your monthly donations at any time.
  • Have peace of mind knowing that you are providing the reliable support Interfaith Alliance needs to take immediate action – without missing a beat – when threats to faith and freedom arise.

Becoming a Torchbearer is the easiest and greenest way to give. Join hundreds of Torchbearers today and help Interfaith Alliance stand up against threats to faith and freedom – whenever and wherever they occur – without missing a beat. Your activism and support is the backbone of all our important work protecting faith and freedom on the ground, in the media and on Capitol Hill – and that’s why we make donating as simple as possible.

There is strength in numbers! Join now.

Questions about Torchbearers? E-mail us at monthlygiving@interfaithalliance.org
Or call the TORCHBEARER HOTLINE 800.856.0277 and we'll be happy to assist you.