On the Precipice of Unprecedented Human Suffering, Shocking Revelations on the Eve of UncertaintyTable of ContentsPart 1: The Enemy WithinChapter (1)
Documented Collusion between the Intelligence Community and Terrorist OrganizationsChapter (2)
Short Summary of Documented Western Intelligence Involvement in False-Flag TerrorismChapter (3)
Documented Pakistani ISI Involvement in 9/11Chapter (4)
The ISI Marionette's CIA Puppet-MastersChapter (5)
Documented British MI5/MI6 Involvement in the 7/7 London BombingsChapter (6)
Early Evidence Implicates ISI and MI5 in Heathrow Airport Plot to Blow up 10 AirlinersPart 2: What is the Endgame?Chapter (7)
PNAC & 9/11, The Clean Break & World War 3Chapter (8)
IDF in Lebanon, the Catalyst is BrewingChapter (9)
The Eve of UncertaintyChapter (10)
On the Precipice of Unprecedented Human Suffering, Shocking Revelations on the Eve of UncertaintyPart 1: The Enemy WithinChapter (1)
Documented Collusion between the Intelligence Community and Terrorist OrganizationsIt has long been established, though somewhat of a public secret, that state-run intelligence organizations are the biggest contributors to deliberate acts of terrorism against civilian populations in all of history. What is even less known than the extent of state sponsered terrorism, are the state networks' affinity for cooperating with various other criminal organizations not sanctioned by the state, organizations in the private sector. The boundaries of the black-op community are not departmental, nor are they national.
Money knows no boundaries and it's often been said that money is the root of all evil. Why wouldn't it be? If you can't buy a senator, you can buy his constitutents. If you can't buy his constituents, you can buy his enemies. You can buy their colleagues by creating financial incentives to uphold the status-quo of their departure, even if it's a manufactured paradigm on the scale of 9/11.
Virtually every member of the Keane commission had every incentive not to get to the bottom of the US federal government's alleged incompetence on 9/11 2001, which can be demonstrated at the highest levels as a conspiracy among certain individuals - some in the US and their allies' defense and intelligence apparatuses - to commit mass murder of American citizens. Money is power and the consequences of 9/11 have been the most successful power-grab in world history, delivering trillions in the sale of chaos (
defense), order (
reconstruction), oil (
sky-rocketing prices) and drugs (
Afghan Opium).
The 1975
Church Committee addressed the CIA's willingness to cooperate with the mafia. It's interesting to note that among the CIA's various assassination plots, the
September 11th, 1973 assassination of Chilean president Salvador Allende is among them. September 11th was also a date used by the US Government when they
ceremonially broke ground for construction of the Pentagon in 1941. Though I myself don't believe in black magic or numerology, the various institutions who network at the highest levels of the international establishment strangely have a disproportionately larger concentration of people who engage in occult rituals and build architecture according to occult laws than the general population and the evidence of this is the fruit of their own admissions. Though this is only
a very brief look at the phenomenon which cannot do justice to the entire body, I plan to expand upon it at a later juncture.
I think it's also interesting to note that the twin towers,
lobbied for by the Rockefeller brothers whose
CFR organization that
PNAC grew out of - were essentially a giant 11 and composed of 110 (11) stories each. PNAC members Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush and William Krystol stated clearly in their
own documents prior to 9/11 just like
Jimmy Carter's national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinkski, founder of the CFR's counterpart organization the Trilateral Commission previously did in his book "The Grand Chessboard: America and It's Geostrategic Imperatives", that a "new Pearl harbor" event would be an effective catalyst for sparking an imperialist agenda for US interests, interests which are largely shared by the top 2% of Americans, not the
"dumb animals" they send off to war, as Henry Kissinger calls them. Bush referred to 9/11 as such -
"the Pearl Harbor of the 21st century" - in his diary on the night of 9/11, according to the Washington Post.
Declassified documents have addressed the CIA's involvement with Italy's 1982 Bologna Massacre masterminds at the P2 Masonic Lodge and various other false-flag terrorist attacks against innocent civilians in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Latin America over the course of 30 years. Most of them were train and bus bombings strikingly similar to the alleged al Qaida attacks now plauging the world. The
Gladio bombings however, were blamed on communist subversives. The current bombings appear in the least to have Islamic fundamentalists as willing participants but the extent of documented Western intelligence involvement as organizers demonstrates for any rational, thinking individual that they are in fact inside jobs, most likely without the knowledge of the bombers themselves, set up like entrapment stings allowed to be executed rather than thwarted.
Note that they all take place on the 11th or dates where the month/day relationship is a multiple of 11. Even
ABC's Brian Ross recognized this much. 9/11, 3/11 (Madrid), 7/7 (London) [77 is a multiple of 11], 10/1 (Bali) [11] and 7/11 (Mumbai) all follow this pattern. Again though, this is only an hors' dourve. The main course, Western intelligence involvement, is already admitted in the 9/11, 3/11 and 7/7 attacks, unbeknowest to most people as we will establish later in chapters 3, 4 and 5.
First though, we will segway into the documented and admitted acts of false-flag terrorism by criminal elements of Western intelligence and their allies in Chapter 2 and more specifically their documented and admitted aid and orchestration of attacks within their own borders in Chapters 3, 4 and 5 by dispelling the notion that they would be involved at any level with what are perceived as Islamic fundamentalist sects (Al Qaida, etc.) in a couple of the many historical examples that demonstrate just that below.
One such example is the
MI6 organized assassination attempt on Lybian president Colonel Mu 'ummar al-Qadhafi in 1996. MI6 used the Lybian al Qaida front group Al-Muqatila whose operations were not successful. Innocent people were killed as a result.
The following is an excerpt from cooperativeresearch.org, describing that plot:
Al-Muqatila, a cover for a Libyan al-Qaeda cell, tries to kill Libyan leader Colonel Muammar al-Qadhafi. Al-Qadhafi survives, but several militants and innocent bystanders are killed. [Dawn (Karachi), 10/30/2002] According to David Shayler, a member of the British intelligence agency MI5, and Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquié, authors of the controversial book The Forbidden Truth, the British intelligence agency MI6 pays al-Qaeda the equivalent of $160,000 to help fund this assassination attempt. Shayler later goes to prison for revealing this information and the British press is banned from discussing the case (see
November 5, 2002). [New York Times, 8/5/1998;
Observer, 11/10/2002 Sources:
David Shayler,
Jean-Charles Brisard,
Guillaume Dasquie] Anas al-Liby, a member of the group, is given political asylum in Britain and lives there until May 2000 despite suspicions that he is an important al-Qaeda figure (see
Late 1996-May 2000). He is later implicated in the al-Qaeda bombing of two US embassies in Africa in 1998 (see
Late 1993-Late 1994;
August 7, 1998). [
Observer, 11/10/2002;
Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2002]
Some might be inclined to believe that because of their larger Muslim population, British intelligence would be more likely than their US counterpart to use Islamic fundamentalist assets to advance their geostrategic goals and that like the CIA has claimed of itself in the past, they are bumbling fools in the world of Islamic fundamentalism, needing the extra authority and tax-payer money to counter such threats as they have been given with the Patriot Act and Reichland Security.
Such advancements in power were also awarded to them as a consequence of other so-called lapses in the security apparatus such as Pearl Harbor, the Oklahoma City bombing and the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, all events in which crucial details were either not initially reported to the public and those which were reported, assembled to fit an interpretation deemed safe for public consumption as you will later see.
The notion that the CIA is merely incompetent with regard to affairs in the Muslim world just doesn't jive with history though when you look at their
documented and admitted involvement with Osama Bin Laden's Mujahideen and the evidence of their involvement with the Al Qaida organization alleged to have been borne out of that collusion, an organization MI6 never intended to share affiliation with and one their CIA ally still claims to share no affiliation.
Such affiliations would lend credence to the notion that their documented and admitted intelligence operatives' involvement with Al Qaida in the acts of 9/11 and the 7/7 London bombings were not a product of double agents but were in fact the product of state sponsered terrorism sanctioned from the very top of their bureaucracies.
Such CIA affiliations have in fact been alleged by
various sources. If you disregard the allegations merely on the basis of
those making the claims and feel that former Yugoslavian president Slobodan Milosevic's death during his war crimes tribunal was in fact a product of his ailing health alone and not an assassination plot by such interests as he was
alleging prior to his death, you may want to bookmark this section and refer back to it later after we demonstrate irrefutably that Western intelligence and their allies, not the "Axis of Evil" they so bizarrely referred to in the wake of 9/11, were involved in the 9/11 attacks and an increasing amount of smaller events since then.
Chapter (2)
Short Summary of Documented Western Intelligence Involvement in False-Flag TerrorismAre there good people within the CIA and FBI genuinely trying to keep Americans safe? Sure, the great majority of them are.
However, criminal elements of the intelligence agencies have in fact been called upon to engage in acts of false-flag terrorism against their own people and others in order to blame other parties and use the attacks as a pretext for tighter social control domestically or expansion of the financial empire (imperialism).
Elements of the CIA, MI6 and NATO had no problem blowing up childrens' school buses in Eastern Europe in
Operation Gladio.
Elements of the Pentagon agreed unanimously to engage in terrorist acts on the American people in 1962 with
Operation Northwoods but were turned down by then president John F Kennedy. Why did they bother asking? They should have taken a cue from the intelligence community and done it clandestinely using others in the private sector, people whose actions and locations are not scrutinized and recorded in goverment documentation. Only then will they be as successful as the CIA has!
Not only have elements of the Israeli government had no problem killing Americans in the
Lavon affair and the
USS Liberty, they're more than happy just like ours, to engage in
diabolical, nazi-like experiments on their own citizens which are part of the public record unbeknowest to most people, not unlike our own governments' experiments, for which the list is a mile long.
Operation Gladio was not the only series of terrorist attacks that British Intelligence has engaged in. They've got an
interesting track record with regard to false-flag terrorism.
The attacks I've listed are only some of the many terrorist attacks our government and their allies have committed and it's a safe bet we don't know about all of them.
While government crime in the Eastern world appears more overt and equally equally heinous, the crimes of empires are often covert. That is to say that empires often intentionally provoke smaller power blocs or engage in crimes clandestinely in order to blame the target they wish to occupy. Power blocs that are at a disadvantage don't have as much incentive to engage in such covert attacks against themselves because being at the disadvantage they are, they don't have the same incentive to go to war with their larger counterparts. It has been
alleged by high-ranking CIA officials themselves that millions of deaths have resulted from the direct intervention of affairs in the 3rd world by thousands of operations, all of them illegal by their own definition.
Chapter (3)
Documented Pakistani ISI Involvement in 9/11![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/www.icicom.up.pt/blog/pipoca/arquivos/daniel_pearl.jpg)
Remember Wall St. Journal Reporter Daniel Pearl?
Just what was he investigating in Pakistan when he got his head axed by Umar Saeed Sheikh? He was
investigating various aspects of Pakistani Inter Services Intelligence (ISI), which is like our CIA's eastern counterpart. The CIA and ISI are quite close in the so-called war on terror.
It's suspicious though, why Osama Bin Laden would put out videotapes telling the world that Pakistan is a puppet for the USA. While that much is accurate, it misleads you into thinking Al Qaida and the ISI are two different creatures but if you're even a casual observor of international affairs, it's not hard to see that isn't the case. It's been said there are a few "bad apples" in Pakistan's ISI, some "Al Qaida sympathizers".
Take for instance Pakistani General Mahmoud Ahmed.
Indian intelligence helped the FBI investigate a connection between General Ahmed and Umar Saeed Sheikh who wired 100 thousand dollars to Mohammed Atta prior to the 9/11 attacks. General Ahmed resigned his position shortly after this news was released. US news outlets claimed the reason for his departure were his sympathies with the Taliban. Only one Western outlet covered the alleged connection to 9/11 money man Umar Saeed Sheikh.
The Wall Street Journal wrote that the FBI sought General Ahmed's removal after they confirmed Sheikh ordered the 100 thousand dollar transfer at the behest of General Ahmed.
The Pittsburgh Tribune however, notes that "There are many in Musharraf's government who believe that Saeed Sheikh's power comes not from the ISI, but from his connections with our own CIA."
There are many other instances where Pakistani ISI officials have aided or given refuge to Al Qaida operatives but let's focus a little bit closer on Mahmoud Ahmed. Some of you may not have realized that he was in Washington DC from September 4th to September 13th, 2001. What was he doing exactly? Just
visiting with State Department and Pentagon officials among other things. What other things? How about meeting with CIA director George Tenet as well as
eating breakfast with the heads of our House and Senate intelligence committee Porter Goss and Bob Graham on the morning of 9/11?
Porter Goss was later appointed head of the CIA after
George Tenet resigned in tears. Bob Graham has since stated that he was
surprised to find that there was a state sponser in the 9/11 attacks. Now if it was Iraq or Iran, they would have told us so, don't you think?
The 9/11 Commission claims the origin of the funding was never traced. I wonder if any of that information was on the
2.5 terabytes of data that pentagon officials were told to destroy prior to 9/11, information pertaining to Mohammed Atta. 2.5 terabytes is equivalent to 1/4 of the information in the US Library of Congress.
Chapter (4)
The ISI Marionette's CIA Puppet-Masters9/11 was a joint operation between individuals, not entire organizations. Some of those individuals encompassed the US, Israeli and Pakistani intelligence apparatuses. Perhaps they'll release more details in 70 years or so when it's released from the national archives though some of us aren't so wilfully ignorant that we can't see what is going on right now. There is a very clear picture as realistic as a Da Vinci oil painting, albeit with a few cracks - missing pieces the conspirators have hidden and most likely destroyed - but nevertheless, we can make out the image just fine.
I'll give the coincidence theorists one thing though. Just because high-ranking US intelligence officials Goss and Graham met with General Ahmed on the morning of 9/11, doesn't mean that they had anything to do with it. I mean, if that were the case, why would Bush have appointed Porter Goss to head our foreign intelligence operations in the CIA? Besides. Goss has an honorable record in the CIA, what with
his exploits in Operation 40 alongside such agents as
Luis Posada Carriles who was extradited to Cuba last year for blowing up a commercial airliner full of American Olympic atheletes in 1977 and Barry Seal, who has been regarded as one of the most successful drug smugglers in US history. It's interesting to note that 9/11 Commission member Richard Ben-Veniste was Seal's attorney before he was killed in a hail of gunfire.
Though the following excerpt from a blog titled "The Coincidence Theorist's Guide to 9/11" at www.rigorousintuition.com is speculative at best, perhaps you can trace the information to more concrete details. If true, the connections to the dead seal's network are much closer to 9/11 than commission member Ben-Veniste.
"..That 43 lbs of heroin was found on board the Lear Jet owned by
Wally Hilliard, the owner of Atta’s flight school, just three weeks after Atta enrolled – the biggest seizure ever in Central Florida – was just
bad luck. That Hilliard was not charged shows how specious the claims for conspiracy truly are.
Hilliard’s plane had made 30-round trips to Venezuela with the same passengers who always paid cash, that the plane had been supplied by a pair of drug smugglers who had also outfitted CIA drug runner
Barry Seal, and that 9/11 commissioner Richard ben-Veniste had been
Seal’s attorney before Seal’s
murder, shows nothing but the lengths to which conspiracists will go to draw
sinister conclusions.."
In addition to the ISI's connections to Umar Saeed Sheikh, they also protected 9/11 chief engineer Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and have a sordid history of involvement with Al Qaida in general. It's not a secret that
elements of Pakistani intelligence are party to terrorism against US interests so why does our government
not care?
'US ignored its own agency's reports on ISI backing Al Qaeda'Pakistan spy service 'aiding Bin Laden'More news about Pakistan and Saudi Arabia aiding Al QaidaAccording to the FBI, they have
no hard evidence linking Osama Bin Laden to 9/11. That's why 9/11 is not on his
FBI website resume'.
Is it possible that allegations of the Clinton Crime Family's involvement in the cocaine trade as well as
former DEA director Terry Reed,
former marine and DEA agent Cele Castillo and
Los Angeles narcotics detective Michael Ruppert's assertions that the Bush Crime Family are
connected to the same international cabal true or is such a phenomenon only a product of third world banana republics, not the great United States where unchecked power only has a penchant for false-flag terrorism as we've so far documented?
Why entertain such notions when you can just smear the entire documented historical feasability of them as well as the messengers who have in fact written books? After all, retired government officials shouldn't be able to pursue justice and sell it to raise money for distribution of vital information to their fellow Americans. That can only demonstrate a skewed interpretation of history, a sensationalized attempt to make a profit. Only the Bushes, Bin Ladens, Cheneys, Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleeza Rice and countless others in Washington regardless of political affiliation have the right to make money off of their exploits, combined billions in the Carlyle Group, Eli Lilly, Halliburton, Lockheed Martin, Bechtel Group and Chevron Texaco among others.
Is it possible that the Bin Laden crime family,
whose connections to a wide array of fraud other than terrorism and allegations that their relationship with the Bush Crime Family encompasses more than innocent Carlyle Group business functions also true and that contrary to what we've been told by our intelligence community that the Bin Laden family has not cast out Osama? What reason do we have to take our intelligence community at their word?
Is it possible that Osama Bin Laden has never been anything more than a figurehead for Islamic fundamentalist recruits working for the military industrial complex unbeknowest to those martyrs who exalt him not unlike so many Americans and citizens of other countries who project their own intentions on their political leaders, feeling that the rhetoric is genuine or that even if it is, that they are not at some level owned or manipulated by interests with far more influence than the average citizen?
Nonsense, right? Let us press on but take into consideration that we may have been lied to for so long that the monstrous status quo we see before us is nothing more than a steaming pile of fraud we've allowed ourselves to believe out of sloth and partisanship. It certainly isn't leftist to embrace the notions I'm suggesting though. Most of the left does not but certainly a higher concentration of those who do are from that persuasion since they don't have the same emotional stake in the sense of nationalism the military industrial complex is manipulating, the very nationalism it seeks to destroy on the altar of globalism.
There are no shortage of other lies the left has married itself to which their neoconservative counterparts across the aisle have no problem seeing through. If only man could start acting as such and stop the madness of allowing himself to be baited with ideology and switched with fraud, following mis-leaders like children to the pied piper's song.
Chapter (5)
Documented British MI5/MI6 Involvement in the 7/7 London Bombings![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/infowars.net/pictures/news_files/Aug05/020805Aswat2.jpg)
The London bombing orchestrator
Haroon Rashid Aswat was a British Intelligence agent.
The alleged ringleader of the attacks though,
Mohammed Sadique Khan was an informant for Britain's home office, MI5.
Chapter (6)
Evidence Implicates ISI and MI5 in the Heathrow Airport Plot to blow up 10 AirlinersThe following information is a product of excerpts from
this article, available at
www.prisonplanet.com interspersed with my own observations:
Revelations concerning the origins and connections of the alleged liquid bomb terror plot to Pakistan and the 7/7 bombings in London provide a strong indication that the operation, known for months yet deliberately timed for public release, was a synthetic ruse concocted by the Bush/Blair cabal to re-package the flagging war on terror.
Media reports in the days following the alert cite Pakistan's ISI as having identified Rashid Rauf as, "the link between the plot's planners and British-based Muslims who were allegedly preparing to carry out attacks on transatlantic flights."
According to former NSA official Wayne Madsen, the Lashkar-e-Toiba terror group, to which Rashid Rauf is affiliated, is wholly operated and funded by the Pakistani ISI.
The Pakistani ISI is a CIA front and controls terror cells at the discretion of the highest levels of the US military-industrial complex. This means that the potential mastermind of the liquid bomb plot, Rashid Rauf (pictured), was operating under the oversight and direction of Pakistani and by proxy American intelligence agencies.
In addition to Pakistani ISI's connections to 9/11 "hijacker" money-man Umar Saeed Sheikh and chief engineer of the patsy operation Khalid Sheikh Mohammed which I cited in Chapter 1, it is necessary to understand the the nexus that connects Pakistani intelligence, the CIA and terrorist organizations.
In October 2001, under the headline 'Pakistani Intelligence Had Links to Al Qaeda, U.S. Officials Say,' the New York Times reported, "The intelligence service of Pakistan, a crucial American ally in the war on terrorism, has had an indirect but longstanding relationship with Al Qaeda, turning a blind eye for years to the growing ties between Osama bin Laden and the Taliban, according to American officials."
The ISI has received CIA funds to create and control militant organizations, including the Taliban and Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan.
Defense Intelligence Agency documents dated from 2001 clearly indicate that the CIA is aware that Pakistan's ISI supports and bankrolls Al-Qaeda groups but they have deliberately chosen to ignore the connection.
This rich history of ISI creation and protection of terrorist cells, allied with the fact that the ISI is a known CIA front, and added to the revelation that the mastermind of the liquid bomb plot Rashid Rauf is under ISI control, it is therefore obvious to conclude that the entire charade was cooked and orchestrated by elements of the Bush/Blair cabal and sold as promotional propaganda for the increased surveillance and behavioral control of UK and US citizens.
Are we to believe that this latest alleged plot by Al Qaida which shares the same hallmarks of other set-ups by Western intelligence for the purpose of lending credence to the authenticity of genuine Islamic fundamentalist terror plots on civilian infrastructure in the West, was not orchestrated at the highest levels by the Western intelligence apparatus and their allies just like 9/11 and the 7/7 bombings?
Part 2: What is the Endgame?Chapter (7)
PNAC & 9/11, The Clean Break & World War 3For years, there has been much debate about the true motives and justification for the invasion of Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon and now discussion that Syria and Iran may also need to be "dealt with".
In light of the fact that virtually all of the true motives for these wars have been outlined long in advance by the occupiers themselves, I've found it dumb-founding that even those who are not so wilfully ignorant that they believe the rhetoric of the war-hawks, will spend hours upon hours in emotionally charged debate, arguing with the supporters of these conflicts about the true nature of what is behind them while ignoring the most revealing words and actions of the parties who conceived of them in the first place.
Take for instance the
Project for a New American Century, also known as "P-NAC". It's a so-called neoconservative (neocon) think-tank assembeled in 1997, which promotes a more aggressive or "hawkish" approach to US foreign policy than was previously the case. It's roots are in the 1992 Pentagon where before it's inception, many of it's future members were
referred to by CIA analyst Ray McGovern and others in the White House as "the crazies". PNAC has strong ties to the American Enterprise Institute as well as the Council on Foreign Relations, which is often referred to only by it's initials, the CFR.
To address all of the revealing issues raised by PNAC's various publications would be no small task so we'll just take a look at one document in particular, the often cited "Rebuilding America's Defenses" report. It was the synthesis of contributions by 27 PNAC members, 2 of them - Paul Wolfowitz and Dov Zakheim - who were appointed senior leadership positions at the Pentagon and another - Lewis Libby - who was appointed aide to vice-president Dick Cheney, all of them finding their way into power after George Walker Bush became president in November of 2000. At least 13 other PNAC members were appointed to the Bush administration as well, giving them a
total of at least 16 members with direct influence in the US federal government.
It's important to note that Dick Cheney has been referred to as the most active vice-president on foreign policy matters in the history of the United States. He is also a member of the Project for a New American Century so in essence, several signatories of the
"Rebuilding America's Defenses" report had not only unparalleled influence over matters of war but of the protection of the United States before 9/11. Don't lose sight of that when viewing these key points:
In PNAC's "Rebuilding America's Defenses" report, the United States is referred to as "the Homeland", which became a label widely used by the Bush administration after the 9/11 attacks. Even the domestic intelligence network created in the wake of 9/11, Homeland Security, took advantage of the label which in it's context has xenophobic, "us against the world" connotations not unlike Adolf Hitler's propagandistic phrase "Faterland". The fact that the Patriot Act is practically a facsimile of nazi Germany's "Enabling Act" is all the more disturbing.
PNAC's report emphasizes preemption and addresses the need for America to aggressively increase it's military spending and engage in, and I quote: "multiple, simultaneous theater wars" of a "large-scale" but acknowledges that none of it would be possible without a "catastrophic and catalyzing event, like a new Pearl Harbor", which would legitamize their agenda in the eyes of Americans. One year after their report was drafted, the 9/11 attacks occured, allowing the PNAC administration to execute their plan.
The question begs to be asked; What kind of enemy other than a group which could conceivably operate anywhere and everywhere ("Al Qaida"), would have given PNAC the broad authority they outlined in their report prior to 9/11? They've actually slated 66 nations for regime change in their publications.
Former US president Jimmy Carter's National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinksi, who is the founder of the Trilateral Commission, counterpart to the CFR which PNAC grew out of, wrote a book in 1997 - the very same year PNAC was founded - titled
"The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and It's Geostrategic Imperatives" in which he argued virtually the same case that PNAC would for years to come; that the US needed to secure complete control over the oil in the Middle East and Central Asia. Surprisingly, Brzezinski even alluded to the very same "helpful Pearl Harbor event" which would be the catalyst necessary to get the agenda moving. UK Prime Minister Tony Blair also acknowledged after the fact, that the wars borne out of 9/11 would have not been seen as socially acceptable otherwise. The Washington Post even reported that president Bush wrote in his diary before bed on 9/11:
"America was attacked today. It was THE Pearl Harbor of the 21st Century."All of these social engineering institutions which documentedly vet politicians on both sides of the political aisle for the US presidency and have influence in the press to get them there, argue that all of this is necessary to secure America's position as a unipolar military power. One of the mission objectives listed in PNAC's "Rebuilding America's Defenses" report, is to "deter the rise of a new great-power competitor", basically to cut the legs off any fledgling power, the consequences of which are the kind of economic discontent you'd expect would breed anti-American sentiment in the eyes of the very people we're supposed to be winning the hearts and minds of. I guess it all boils down to whether you'd rather be loved or feared. There are consequences for both but at no point in history has America so openly embraced the option chosen by all doomed empires, the option of fear. The PNAC nazis traded such strong but subtle doctrines as "speak softly and carry a big stick" and "trust but verify" with "bomb now, ask questions later", Israel's failed model.
It should come as no surprise that the Israeli model - right down to the policies on the battlefield and the police state at home - has been adopted by the neocons, seeing as many of PNACs most fervent voices previously outlined a similar foreign policy plan for Israel, which we are also watching unfold.
Now if the absolute plethora of evidence indicating that specific arms of the military industrial complex - US, Israeli and Pakistani government and private interests in the least - were intimately involved in the events of 9/11 cannot make a believer out of you, perhaps the following information will.
President Bush
had the signing orders for the invasion of Afghanistan on his desk 2 days before 9/11. This is A-D-M-I-T-T-E-D. For those who still don't believe that elements of the US federal government were in the very least aware of the attacks in advance and had every incentive to thwart the processes that would have prevented it, I must ask you.. Do you honestly believe that an administration which previously acknowledged that such an attack would be integral to executing the agenda which they lobbied for and is now unfolding, at least some of whom we know
opted out of flying on commercial airliners for chartered jets in the days before 9/11 and
warned others not to fly, had the launch orders for a mid-October attack on Afghanistan ready 2 days before 9/11 for reasons other than because they knew a terrorist attack was to occur in mere days?
PNAC also planned the invasion of Iraq long before 9/11. If the statements in their own body of literature aren't enough to convince you, I suppose you're just going to think that allegations from several former White House officials are merely sour grapes, people like Treasury Secretary
Paul O' Neill and Anti-Terrorism Chief
Richard Clarke, even Bush's former biographer
Mickey Herskowitz.
Some of you are probably saying "Why would the Bush administration (PNAC) have cited the catalyzing pretext, the so-called 'New Pearl Harbor' in their own documents if they were behind the 9/11 attacks?"
First of all, the Bush administration per se' did not plan, nor did they execute the 9/11 attacks. Evidence does seem to indicate that key officials in the administration did have knowledge of a pending attack and took action to thwart investigative bodies and aerospace defense so that the attack could be successful, consequently angering and scaring Americans into accepting whichever measures the US federal government would deem necessary to bring the culprits to justice and prevent another attack but the evidence of planning and execution of the attacks themselves leads us elsewhere.
The body of evidence demonstrates that individuals spanning at least 3 nation states and just as many areas of financial interest (war, oil, drugs) did the actual dirty work and that Osama Bin Laden - heir to massive military industrial fortunes (Carlyle Group, etc.) - also played a role not only on 9/11 but during the decades previous, psychologically laying the groundwork for Americans to accept that naturally, he would be the prime suspect when the "new Pearl Harbor" event did occur.
The CIA's coup on an Iranian democracy and consequent support of a brutal dictator in 1953, their support for the rise of the Baathist party in Iraq, support for the perceived constituency of Al Qaida (Mujahedeen) in 1979 and Israel's involvement in the foundation of Hamas, were all integral in bringing this plan to fruition. All of these groups were strategically placed boogeymen that the intelligence community seeded, knowing there would be a good case for their harvest (removal) later on.
That's why NATOs fatigue colors were changed from dark greens to light browns in the early 70s. The entire infrastructure was shifted in advance of the fall of the Soviet Union - which was also a conflict staged by parties that had unparalleled influence in both the eastern and western world - so that we could move seamlessly into the next phase of the CFR hierarchy's plan for a world government, one that the US is playing a part in creating and will consequently be swallowed by, retaining none of the constitutional protections afforded by it's foundation in 1776. That is the plan, stated by CFR member Carroll Quigley himself, Bill Clinton's mentor at Georgetown University.
PNAC's plans, as we can now say confidently in hindsight, were not only genuine but were made public for the very same reason that so many other details of their agenda are made public. It is to create genuine resistance to the agenda by the parties which are a target of it, eg. Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, North Korea and 60 others. That way, there is perceived justification for the invasion of those who resist the seemingly appropriate demands made in the public forum, demands which are based on fraudulent claims, not on the ones made in their own public documents to foment the very resistance that is desired, the resistance that is necessary to justify invasion and securement of resource and logistical control.
In a nutshell, PNAC wants to sell it's own public on the legitamacy of invasion and at the same time reveal their true motives to the enemy. Their enemy and their own concerned citizens' pleas about the PNAC documents are futile since so many people, as history has shown us, would rather remain wilfully ignorant and be hessian slaves than to see and ackowledge the truth. Adolf Hitler, whose nazi propaganda files the US and UK raided after world war 2, called this concept the "Big Lie". Do you really doubt that criminals in the US government would intentionally destablize the entire world to usher in the bloodiest conflict we've ever known? It can be proven incontrovertibly.
In 1942, US Naval Intelligence drafted the McCollum Memo, an 8 step plan to provoke Japan into attacking the United States, a plan which culminated in the attack on Pearl Harbor. The evidence is now clear that elements of the US government did know the Japanese were planning to attack and intentionally thwarted the procedures which would have prevented others from finding out and preventing it. Sadly, that wasn't the only dirty trick they used to stir up US support for World War 2.
The Viet Nam war, which was responsible for approximately 2 million dead Viet Namese and 60 thousand US troops was also launched or at least widened to the quagmire it became, because of a lie,
the Gulf of Tonkin incident which never occured.
Unbeknowest to most, the first Gulf War did not unfold quite as we were told. Saddam Hussein, product of the baathist coup the CIA supported, a man who purchased deadly chemical and biological ingredients from the US government and used them on his own citizens with little more than a brow-beating from the US, sought consultancy on their border dispute with Kuwait in 1990.
Iraq was decimated due to their devestating war with Iran, a war in which the US funded both sides of interestingly. Iraq was in a tough economic position as a result. They claimed Kuwait was drilling their oil on the border. That isn't to say it was true or that they were in the right for targeting Kuwait. However, US ambassador April Gillespie has since stated that then Secretary of State James Baker told her to
emphasize the "instruction" to Iraq that "we do not have an opinion on your border dispute with Kuwait" and that " we don't deal with arab to arab affairs."Given the fact that genocidal campaigns have occured all over the planet for decades with no US intervention, it's not far-fetched to believe that the US would turn the other cheek while their old friend Hussein took care of business. However taking into account Iraq's oil capacity, Hussien's move was ill-advised.
It's already a
foregone conclusion in light of not only the skewed and in some cases outright fabricated intelligence of WMDs but a host of other lies told by the Bush II administration, that no obstacle of truth was going to get in their way of invading Iraq in 2003.
Likewise, it is also clear that the
Hizbollah/IDF border provocation that sparked Israel's invasion of Lebanon in late July of 2006 was also contrived by the interests that own the Israeli war machine. It should have come as no surprise though. The propaganda trail leading to Lebanon was a mile long;
Bush telling Syrian forces to pull out of Lebanon a year prior, then going further by suggesting they should pull their intelligence network out as well, followed by the
CIA publicizing what they allege were the beginnings (general shit talking) of a bomb plot on a New York subway tunnel by a Lebanese man, interestingly just days before the Hizbollah/IDF border provocation.
What else could would you expect from the parties that support arming their enemies, their
allies in the war on terror and their
allies' sworn enemies? The only conclusion you can come to is that the dominant interests of this world have used their influence in both the Eastern and Western worlds for you to take part in so they can make money, kill you as a consequence and control those leftover who have built their modern world, those 500 million they can more efficiently control in the absence of the
"useless eaters".Chapter (8)
IDF in Lebanon, the Catalyst is BrewingIt is now clear that Israel invaded Lebanon as a precursor for events that will lead us and/or them into invading Syria and consequently Iran.
Not only is their motive for such a venture outlined in their
own foreign policy documents just like the Pentagon's motive for 9/11 was outlined in their own documents, all indictators demonstrate that their goal was not to destroy Hizbollah but to spark a series of events that would make it appear socially acceptable to extend the war on multiple other fronts.
There was such a blatent disregard or rather high regard for civilian life and infrastructure as prime targets by Israeli intelligence in Lebanon, that many of their own pilots
resisted orders to attack alleged Hizbollah targets. We heard reports of direct hits on ambulances and civilian occupied hospitals and the IDF agreeing to a cease-fire only to blow up the bridges they told civilians to leave on following the reignition of conflict only hours later.
Not only by their own admissions was the superior Israeli war-machine's ratio of civilian to military casualties much higher than Hizbollah's,
it has even been reported by US and Israeli military analysts that they intentionally allowed pockets of Hizbollah to survive in order to use Hizbollah's consequent missile attacks on Israeli cities as propaganda to incite their population.
Shockingly, while Israel's propaganda machine was busy telling their people that they were losing the war due to their attempts at political correctness - being "too soft" - their own dominance in the US media and oversight by AIPAC and the ADL over that which they don't control, sat back and watched as an unprecedented amount of media attention was given to Israel's heavy-handed tactics in Lebanon, a body of reporting that was so lock-step as a whole that you would swear they were all issued the same talking-points.
Thus we can conclude through joint US and Israeli intelligence in the field of physical battle (Lebanon) and more importantly in the field of psychological warfare (the press), that Israel intended for the world to see the atrocities they so strategically committed with discrimination. The question is why.
Why would the US/Israeli alliance want the world to witness Israel's atrocties while at the same time denying them and absurdly painting the large body of them as the product of a superior Hizbollah propaganda effort aided by liberal tendecies in our own press?
Because whether or not you believe Israel committed the level of atrocities in Lebanon that is alleged, it is in the interest of the US/Israeli alliance to make you think that an upcoming false-flag terrorist attack which will be blamed on Islamic extremists - possibly even Hizbollah - was at least in part the result of Israel's strike on Lebanon and the US military support of that strike.
You might suggest the notion that the US/Israeli alliance drawing attention to themselves as creating the conditions responsible for an attack on their own interests is absurd. However, in the same manner that appearing incompetent on 9/11 caused the majority of people to disregard notions that the US Government was directly involved in the attacks, Israel's perceived incompetence with regard to the Lebanon invasion will also lend credence to the authenticity of another attack, even with that 1/3 of the American population who now believe that 9/11 was either an inside job or intentionally allowed to happen as a pretext for war with the arab world.
As a result of Israel's invasion of Lebanon and the reporting which followed, many will say something to the effect of this after the next 9/11 scale attack:
"Not everything has to be a conspiracy. After all. Israel was harsh in their invasion of Lebanon or at least the arab world thought so due to Hizbollah's propaganda. Still.. that doesn't justify their deliberate attacks on civilian infrastructure. It is now clear due to Syria/Iran/Hizbollah's attack on the US/Israel/UK that we must rid the world of Islamic extremism. Hence, the war in Syria/Iran is necessary."
As a result of the Western intelligence apparatus and their ally Pakistan appearing to thwart several of the very terrorist plots their own agencies seeded to begin with in the past weeks and months, the stage is now set for an attack on the scale of 9/11, one which will look to be the sole work of Islamic extremists in the eyes of the world since the West and their allies have appeared to be interested in thwarting such attacks.
The world has been inundated with incessant media coverage by the
Mockingbirds, agents involved in at least
several hundreds of millions of dollars in fake news annually in the US alone though it could conceivably encompass hundreds of billions of dollars on an international scale if the operation is being funded by
the 2.6 trillion dollars that disappeared from the Pentagon prior to 9/11.![](http://library.vu.edu.pk/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi/000100A/http/www.eurweb.com/images/articles/200501/armstrong_williams(004-med).jpg)
It was reported that
Armstrong Williams was paid 250,000 dollars to sell Bush's "No Child Left Behind" education policy prior to the 2004 election. With 2.6 trillion dollars, over 9 million Armstrong Williams could be bought.
Chapter (9)
The Eve of UncertaintySince historically, the nature of every major terrorist attack by Al Qaida has been reported in advance by the Western intelligence apparatus as a warning or even in propagandized in entertainment to reinforce the plausibility of it as a consequence, we can assume that the intelligence community's recent stark warnings, even those given to their own first-responders will again be accurate indicators.
If the catalyst for World War 3 is not
staged to coincide with the August 22nd date that CIA and Mossad press outlets are scare-mongering will result in an attack by Iran - an attack which will no doubt result in the invasion and destruction of their nation since there is not a snowball's chance in hell that the military might of Iran, Syria and the arab world combined can fend off an attack by even little Israel alone - then the attack will likely either fall shortly after the 2006 mid-term (s)elections in November, the following spring or sometime before the 2008 elections, possibly even resulting in their suspension.
[1] We can assume that the attack might somehow encompass aerospace or train transit which would match the Western intelligence apparatus's historical penchant for striking such targets, lend credence to the notion that the attacks were authentic due to previous attacks on plane and train transit widely believed to have been orchestrated by Islamic fundamentalists and deliver Western interests the perceived authority to control travel everywhere in the same manner Adolf Hitler's terroristic regime used their own false-flag events to demand papers at various checkpoints, especially mass transit.
[2] A massive scale attack on US/UK or Israeli interests, allegedly by Hizbollah and taken credit for by men on videotape claiming to be affiliated with the organization which will be followed by an assault on Syria by the West and/or Israel, aiming to tighten the noose on Iran to the extent that they will consequently see attacking the Western world as their best immediate option in the same manner the US Government intentionally provocateured Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor prior to their involvement in World War 2, as the McCollum memo clearly shows.
The strike could encompass government interests on the scale that even the executive branch is severly decimated, if not altogether decapitated, lending credence to the arguement that the attack was the work of Islamic fundamentalists and not the the government itself since the government surely wouldn't attack itself. In this event, the parties in the line of presidential succession or even the military who survive and seize authority as a consequence should be seen as prime suspects.
[3] An assault on US/UK or Israeli military forces in the region, allegedly by Iran or Syria in the same manner that the US claimed to have been attacked by the Viet Namese in the Gulf of Tonkin, extending the war in Vietnam which was responsible for the deaths of over 58,000 Americans and over a million Viet Namese, sparked by an incident that never happened.
Though Western interests will level the first blow, it's citizenry will likely believe the Iran/Syria axis was responsible for sparking the incident if the military skirmish is simulcast with a synchronized attack on civilian infrastructure, allegedly by Hizbollah or affiliated interests, explained in the first scenario.
[1] Conventional explosives or shoulder-fired missiles on the targets described in the [1]st scenario above.
[2] Conventional explosives or shoulder-fired missiles on the targets described in the [2]nd scenario above with the option or addition of nuclear devices, even conventional devices with nuclear fallout, AKA "dirty bombs" since the US Government has been constantly war-gaming that scenario in military exercises for the past couple years just as they were war-gaming scenarios of planes flying into buildings in the weeks and months prior to 9/11.
[3] An attack on naval vessels by weapons that are generally seen as used or sold by Iran on the targets described in the [3]rd scenario above.
Chapter (10)
ConclusionWe've so far demonstrated how US, British and Israeli intelligence have colluded with other organizations to execute assassinations and other terrorist acts in order to advance political and financial agendas.
We've demonstrated that US and Pakistani intelligence were involved in the 9/11 attacks, using such tactics.
We've demonstrated that British intelligence was involved in the 7/7 London Bombings, also using such tactics.
We've demonstrated that the recent Heathrow Airport bomb plot was the product of British and Pakistani intelligence, again using such tactics.
We've demonstrated how the US and Israeli foreign policy agendas were strategically designed to destablize the world and initiate World War 3.
What we have not addressed is the entire body of evidence implicating US, Israeli and Pakistani intelligence involvement in 9/11 nor the entire body of evidence implicating British involvement in the 7/7 London Bombings and Spanish involvement in the 3/11 Madrid Bombings.
I avoided the larger picture of the intelligence community's full orchestration and involvement in 9/11 and post-9/11 terrorist attacks to more easily demonstrate how key players in the Heathrow bomb plot were the same players that had integral roles in 9/11 and the 7/7 attacks and just what that means for us going forward.
If you want to see the larger body of evidence implicating US, Israeli, British and Pakistani involvement in 9/11 and various other terrorist attacks using either witting or unwitting Al Qaida front-men, watch the following 5 documentary films at the bottom of this page.
Though some have been compelled to embrace the notion that Israel is entirely behind 9/11 due to their almost dual control of the US pentagon and documented involvement in 9/11, I strongly caution against embracing this alternative for a number of reasons.
I for one believe that 9/11 was conceived almost exclusively by joint US and Israeli interests for the same reasons those who believe Israel had a predominate role do. However I am at odds with them, since I do not believe the US players are mere lapdogs but in fact only cater to Israel's interests because in doing so, they cater to their own. Alot of money is to be made off of "defending Israel", especially through the military and oil contractors. Only the US and Israeli citizenry as well as the targets of their imperialism lose out in the end.
Though I believe that 9/11 was conceived and orchestrated by joint US and Israeli interests through the aid of Pakistanin intelligence, I feel that at least some of the alleged involvement of Israel is disinformation, the product of black-ops and psy-ops orchestrated by Israel to draw attention to their own mysterious (false) connections to 9/11, causing the public to embrace what may ultimately be exposed as false-leads and consequently damaging the 9/11 truth movement since it will be called a tool of anti-semitism by the same US and Israeli propaganda masters that will paint it as such.
Masters of Terror
911: Stranger than Fiction Part 1911: Stranger than Fiction Part 2911: Stranger than Fiction Part 3911: Stranger than Fiction Part 4911: Stranger than Fiction Part 5
Everybody's Gotta Learn Sometime
Who Killed John O' Neill?
Loose Change 2nd Edition