Washington DC Injury Lawyer

Every Washington DC injury lawyer and Maryland injury lawyer with the personal injury law group of Price Benowitz LLP is passionate about helping those injured due to another's negligence. As a team of experienced attorneys, we can aggressively pursue compensation on behalf of injured accident victims and surviving family members in wrongful death cases.

Personal injury litigation is notoriously complex. Finding a direct link between your injuries and the actions of a reckless or careless individual can be difficult without the experience and resources of a DC injury lawyer.

DC Personal Injury Lawyer David Benowitz

A DC Injury Attorney Can Help

Being involved in an accident can leave the victim with physical pain, emotional trauma, and the added burden of financial difficulties. Recovery is often associated with missed work and, as a result, lost wages. Combine a reduced income with a mountain of medical bills, and the injured victim is often unable to focus completely on physical recovery, as he or she should.

A Washington DC injury attorney can help you get the money you need to not only cover your medical expenses and daily living expenses, but also to financially compensate for the pain and suffering you endure as a result of your injuries. Though every personal injury case is different, common damages awarded include medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, reduced earning potential, loss of consortium, and funeral expenses.

When You Need an Experienced DC Accident Lawyer

An unintentional injury is not an unavoidable injury. Many accidental injuries could have been prevented had the responsible party exercised proper caution. Automobile accidents can be prevented if a driver practices safe driving and pays attention to the roadway. Medical malpractice can be avoided if a health care provider delivers a professional standard of care. Premises liability accidents are virtually eliminated when property owners adequately maintain their property or provide appropriate warnings.

When someone fails to act responsibly, he or she can cause or contribute to an accident that can lead to serious personal injury--even death. Though the negligent party may not have intended to cause harm to anyone, he or she could still be held accountable. An experienced Washington DC accident lawyer has the skill and resources to thoroughly investigate your claim to demonstrate a link between another's negligence and your injuries. At Price Benowitz LLP, our attorneys are equipped and ready to handle your personal injury claim. We are committed to getting our clients the compensation they deserve and need for the fullest recovery.

Washington DC Accident Attorney Fights for You

A qualified Washington DC accident attorney can bring your case to court, aggressively fighting for a settlement or judgment that will allow you to recoup money spent getting the medical care you need. Daily living expenses, medical bills, psychological counseling, lost wages or reduced earning potential, and financial compensation for pain and suffering are just some of the types of compensation that can be awarded in a personal injury case.

The personal injury practice of Price Benowitz LLP represents those who have been harmed by the negligence or recklessness of another person or group. Some types of cases we handle include:

When you are trying to recover from a serious injury or illness, the last thing on your mind may be trying to take the responsible party to court. However, with a compassionate, committed attorney from Price Benowitz LLP, you can take immediate steps to protect your health, your family, and your future. Let us handle the legal aspects of your personal injury claim while you maintain a focus on your recovery.

For a Free Consultation, Call Price Benowitz LLP Today

It is important to act quickly in a personal injury case. The more time that passes between the onset of your injury and the filing of your claim, the more difficult it can be to contact witnesses or gather other evidence. To find out how to proceed with your personal injury case, call Price Benowitz LLP for a free consultation. Our attorneys are ready to help you.

December 27, 2011

Pay No Legal Fees Unless There is a Settlement or You Win Your Case

At Price Benowitz, LLP we represent people who have been injured as a result of an automobile accident, a slip and fall accident, or medical malpractice on a contingency fee basis. Our lawyers provide a free initial consultation and case assessment as well as offer free advice to anyone who calls with questions about their rights, the claims process, and what steps to take after sustaining an injury due to someone else's negligence. The initial consultation is important in order for our attorneys to determine if you have a case and for you to determine if you want to hire a Price Benowitz, LLP attorney to handle your case. Everything discussed during the initial consultation is confidential and the lawyer cannot discuss the details of your case with anyone outside of our firm.

After a consultation, if we decide to take your case and you decide to hire us, we will send you a Contingency Fee Agreement for your review and signature. A Contingency Fee Agreement should always be in writing. In a Contingency Fee Agreement you are not charged any upfront fee, but rather agree to pay us a certain percentage of the money received only if you win the case or settle the case out of court. If you lose your case, we do not receive any fee for our services. Similarly, our basic Contingency Fee Agreement explains the following:

  • the services you can expect our lawyers to perform for you;

  • that we will not charge you a fee in your case unless the case is won or a settlement is obtained on your behalf; and

  • if we do obtain a settlement from the insurance company on your behalf, our fee is 1/3 of the gross recovery.

In other words, clients do not pay us a fee for our services unless they recover for their injuries. Our attorneys bring their experience and knowledge to your case and work hard for you because, in the end, we do not get paid unless we win your case and you are compensated for your injuries. In most personal injury cases, injured persons are compensated for the medical bills associated with medical treatment for their injuries and lost wages, as well as pain and suffering, mental anguish and inconvenience.

If you have been injured in an automobile accident, it is important to have an experienced attorney on your side to protect your interests and your rights as well as to navigate your claim against the insurance company. A Price Benowitz, LLP attorney could be that attorney for you. Call for your free initial consultation and case assessment today!

DC and Maryland Personal Injury Lawyer Chamille Kittles wrote this blog post. In addition to handling cases in Washington, DC and Maryland, Price Benowtiz LLP can assist people who have been injured in Northern Virginia. For more information about our Virginia Accident Lawyer, please visit our website.

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December 16, 2011

Car Accidents During the Holiday Season

We are fast approaching the height of the holiday season, the time of the year where co-workers, friends and family gather at parties and social events to celebrate the holidays and the New Year. It is customary that alcohol is available, and in most cases it is served quite freely at these parties. The vast majority of those who choose to drink do so responsibly, however some individuals act irresponsibly and decide to get behind the wheel and drive despite having consumed alcohol, or even worse, becoming intoxicated. This poses a significant threat to the health and safety of all others on the road during this time of the year.

One way to prevent anyone from being involved in an accident caused by a drunk driver is to never drink and drive. There are various programs available to alleviate the dangers of having intoxicated drivers on the roadways such as having a designated driver or using the SoberRide Taxi Service (a free [$30 value] taxi ride program for impaired drivers in the Metropolitan Maryland, District of Columbia and Virginia area).

Most important, you should never get into a car with someone who has been drinking because, in the event of an accident, you may be barred from receiving compensation for your injuries by law. In Maryland and the District of Columbia, a passenger in a car driven by an intoxicated driver who is injured in an accident may be precluded from obtaining any recovery for medical bills, lost wages, or pain and suffering if it is determined that the passenger knew or should have known of the driver's intoxicated condition, and if the driver's negligence, is the proximate cause of the accident. In legal terms, this is known as assumption of the risk. In other words, a person who, with full knowledge of a driver's intoxicated state, still voluntarily chooses to get in a car operated by that driver, will not be able to recover for any injuries caused by the driver's intoxication because it is presumed that the passenger assumed the risk of driving with a drunk driver.

Injuries resulting from accidents involving a drunk driver are often considerably much more serious. In many cases, they may require the individual who has been injured to pursue costly medical care and can also lead to a loss of income from time spent recovering from injury. Those who experience these unfortunate consequences as the result of someone else's reckless and irresponsible choice should not have to deal with the situation by themselves. The personal injury attorneys at Price Benowitz, LLP are prepared to offer their knowledge and services to anyone who has been injured by a drunk driver, especially during the holiday season.

DC and Maryland Personal Injury Attorney Chamille Kittles wrote this blog post. Price Benowitz also has an office in Northern Virginia, led by Virginia Accident Lawyer Thomas Soldan.

Continue reading "Car Accidents During the Holiday Season" »

November 10, 2011

New Rules for Cell Phones in DC Superior Court

Cell phones, laptops, and tablets can no longer be used in D.C. Superior Court if you are not an attorney or law enforcement officer. Understandably, this creates a significant issue for those of us who like to pass their in-court time playing games or texting pals. Take it from me; a law clerk that has spent hours of downtime in court, something to do in between hearings is crucial. But no more "Angry Birds" allowed.

On Wednesday, November 9th Judge Satterfield approved Administrative Order 11-17, which requires that any electronic device be turned off and stored out of sight while in the courtroom. While cameras and video equipment have been prohibited for some time, this new regulation adds other electronics to the list since technology has made even the smallest devices capable of recording and photography.

Certain people like D.C. Bar attorneys, law enforcement, and court officers are exempted from the rule. Those members of the media and people who are representing themselves in court proceedings may apply to the presiding judge for an exemption. But without an exemption, if you are seen using your cell phone in the courtroom, you may be asked to leave or your phone can be confiscated until you do. The rule even specifies that flagrant violation may result in contempt charges, in which case your cell phone or other confiscated device could be retained as evidence against you.

Thankfully, this new rule pales in comparison to those in Virginia courts, which don't even allow cell phones to enter the building if you aren't an attorney. In Arlington, court attendees are relegated to rummaging for quarters in order to store their cell phones in lockers across the street at the jail. At least here, you can still carry it with you.

Just be aware that from here out...if you get bored easily, maybe you should bring a book.

Rosana Escobar Brown wrote this blog post. Rosana is a law clerk at the Washington DC headquartered law firm Price Benowitz LLP. For more information about the personal injury practice group, visit our Maryland personal injury lawyer and Virginia personal injury lawyer websites.

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