My Whim is Law

…where a single parent in Portland still believes that wishing will make it so…

And how was *your* holiday season this year?

Scratch that. I really don’t want to know about your oodles of new gifts. The time you spent cuddled in the bosum of your loved ones. Or the family traditions… newly-made memories… or the renewal of time-honored traditions. Been there, did that once upon a time – then got the credit card and/or therapy bills later.

Instead, I want to take a few minutes (on my own little blog) to whine incessantly about just how much my holiday season moved up past 11 on the volume knob of holidays. In suckitude, that is.

But shouldn’t I have not been expecting much this year, anyway? (Especially given earlier pronouncements about how I typically do not celebrate Christmas and/or do it my own way, in a very low-key style?) Don’t I love the fact that my two kids go to celebrate Christmas at their Jewish father’s house (I’ll wait while your head explodes a bit…ok, back with me? Good!) – leaving me a few days of kid-free time?

All true – but I didn’t anticipate spending at least one of those free days enveloped in a Benadryl fog, either. Which necessitated the canceling of plans, a trip to urgent care, and dollars flying out of my wallet at a time that just wasn’t, well, expected.

Not to mention that whole ‘Quasimodo’ look I was rockin’ there, either…!

So what happened, you wonder? I had an acute allergic reaction to something I ate – either during Xmas eve Chinese restaurant dinner with one friend or by ingesting a gluten-free chocolate chip cookie Christmas morning with another friend at a coffee shop. (If I’d had cash on me, I’d have never bought it – but was trying to get my tab up to where it’d be okay to use my debit card, grrr.)

By 12 noon on Xmas Day, I noticed that my face was tight & tingly around both eyes. By 2 pm, we had hives kicking in. 3 pm? Ungodly itching (this was by far the worst effect of all). By 4 pm, I’d popped the first of several doses of Benadryl, & texted both kids to let them know I might be asleep by the time they returned home from Dad’s (also bailed on plans for later that evening as well…) Continue reading

Posted in Boss Lady | 1 Comment

The first step? You have to hate yourself.

(I’ve been composing bits and pieces of this post in my head for months now – not quite sure if I was ready to put it out there quite yet. Thanks to Leslie’s comment on my previous post, though – I’m now ready to let it fly – and it’s guaranteed to offend someone. If that someone is you? I will both apologize to you for inadvertently causing pain while still standing behind what is, after all, my own perspective, written from my own experience. Caveat: it’s long, and written in stream-of-consciousness-style, so won’t be edited/condensed much. It’s the only real way to get it out, don’t you know…)

I have been a morbidly obese and/or mostly-obese woman for almost all of my adult life now (and a large portion of my pre-and teenage years as well, to be honest).

I know intimately what it’s like to be a fat person. To live in a fat person’s body, to absorb all of the judgments, assumptions or negative emotions directed at the body I lumbered around in. To borrow from an old cliche – I’ve soaked in it for years and years and years now.

And I’ve simultaneously spent years and years and years denying that very tangible reality. That wasn’t all that I was, after all. I was the brainy one. The shy one. The one who awkwardly learned how to put that ‘personality-plus’ facade on at the drop of the hat. The one who was also a foodie, eating the ‘right’ foods and not eating the ‘crappy and/or unhealthy’ stuff (so I could don the ‘I’m doing it right, at least’ mantle – I don’t drink *soda*, don’t you know…). The one who moved beyond her physical being… overcompensated… or gravitated towards people who saw beyond the body I inhabited – the body that didn’t define who I was as a person. Right? (As long as I didn’t look into a mirror…)

Except that for many people – the people who make snap judgments based on the most obvious elements (and we all do that, you know), well – it did define who I was. And if I were being truly honest with myself – well, it mattered deeply to me as well. In fact, I hated the way that I showed up to the world.

Of course, if you both hate yourself and refuse to do anything to change the situation – you have little choice but to repress the way you feel. For me, that meant I became dead from the neck down. Wouldn’t look at myself in a mirror, didn’t want to see pictures of myself. Out of sight, out of mind – so I could move into ‘la la la la la’ mode and invent a reality where I was pretty damned close to perfect, or more like I wanted to show up in the world.

Or I convinced myself that this wasn’t something I had any control over. Whether it was bad genes (family history of diabetes), bad parenting (mom fed me nothing but crap), economic realities (raised by a single mom meant we only had boxed carbs on the table) or bad habits (who walked anywhere in Michigan, otherwise known as snow-buried Motor City?) – well, I had a plethora of outs to choose from.

Besides – in a world where we all want to feel good about ourselves in order to survive the rat race that seeks to grind us into the dirt every single day of our lives – who really wants to feel *bad* about one’s self, anyway?

Except that the only way you can change the situation – the one, after all, that you were part of creating (no matter what the excuse-crooning siren songs might tell you above) – is to hate yourself first. And you really can’t begin to change until you’re willing to do just that.

Continue reading

Posted in Caveman Eating, Get Betsy Healthy, I'm *Serious* Here | Leave a comment

When prejudice trumps all…

(Yes, it’s time for another dating horror story, which I’ll try to present in a fairly objective fashion. Or not.)

We all have them – our list of wants, desires, hopes, dreams and/or requirements, that is – when we start to actively pursue dating again. And if you’re anything like me, well – you separate them into the ‘must-have’s’ and the ‘nice to have’s; the ‘I can live with that’ and ‘that’ll get annoying over time’ or ‘good for now, but surely not good to the last drop?’

You also try to reserve judgment/keep an open mind where possible – while trying to stay true to what you already know about yourself. So the guy who routinely uses ‘ain’t’? Moves into ‘in your face’ mode after 30 seconds of contact? Is scared of Twitter? Probably not a good fit for me. (Along with all of the standard deterrents for most people: hygeine challenges, addiction issues, serial killer tendencies or other ‘requires legal intervention’ behaviors, for example.) But you know – I might decide I liked watching soccer if that’s your thing to do – or we’ll find something else to do together while you do soccer on your own time instead.

Where it gets tricky, though, is trying to probe for the more subtle issues – and when you’re both trying to get to know each other but also preserving some level of privacy until you know the other person is okay with revealing more, well – yeah – like I said, it’s tricky. You’re either in TMI mode (I didn’t ask you/don’t want to know about that) or revealing stuff in drips and dribbles (That “Z” I keep referring to? Short for [daughter's first name]).

So there was this guy. We seemed to move through the initial quicksand patch, then moved through the jungle with aplomb – using clear, direct communication (I KNOW – here in PDX, even? BONUS!) to slash through the underbrush with aplomb. He wasn’t shy about stating his needs, desires or deal-killers. I was clear about my own wish to keep parenting stuff & dating stuff separate, and desire to spend time with friends a priority. I even went into detail about my Paleo eating habits, for christ’s sake – and we both didn’t flinch at any of the details revealed during our many sessions of, uh, oversharing, punctuated by a few F2F encounters.

(Yes, we were both in mutual crush mode – a kinda nice place to be, actually. Wanna make something of it?)

And then this happened last night (will paraphrase for brevity…):

Me: “..and here’s a picture of my daughter, Z…”
He: “She’s cute – but what’s with the short hair? You’re making sure she’s not a lesbian, right?”

(insert some back & forth where dissonant views on homosexuality were exchanged in a calm and fairly civil fashion. Turns out he’s on the side where ‘it’s a sin against God’, while I am most definitely on the side where my many LGBTQ friends/relatives live already.)

(insert silent awkward pause while we’re both thinking the same thing – but unsure about how to backpedal in a semi-polite way)

Me: “This isn’t going to work out, is it?”
He: “No, it isn’t.”

(insert some polite chitchat while we both lower our respective expectations, rev down the engines, and shake a few things into proper alignment)

Me: “Okay, then – I think I’m going to head home now.

And with that, I slipped off the bed, grabbed my coat, keys, purse & phone & made my not-so-gracious exit. (Unlike my arrival, there was no goodbye hug – or kiss, either. And we did not talk about staying in touch ‘as friends’. But he did at least walk me to the door.)

As I put it later on Twitter:

Did the absolute best right thing tonight w/minimum of drama, to boot. I can have drink now, please?

Note to self: add the explicit ‘bigot/prejudiced’ check to your pre-dating screen from here on out, ok? Thank you…

Posted in Boss Lady, My past loves, Oversharing | 7 Comments

On Twitter & dating. Or dating + Twitter. Or something, anyway…

(I had some clever and/or cutesy titles for this post when I was writing it in my head over the last week or so – except none of them worked. So I’m going for the ‘clear and straightforward, if overly verbose’ angle…let’s see how this works instead.)

As careful readers of both this blog and have discerned, well – I’ve been attempting to get out and meet people. Including potential dating partners – whether via services like or OKCupid, in person at various events or places around town, or (gasp) other online services.

How’s that been working for me, you wonder? As with anything else, it’s a mix: some good, some not so good. But compared to the last time I was out dating, well – there are a few new wrinkles to take into account, a few more variables to be aware of.

(No, not the teens – they’re definitely not a factor here, as they’ve made it abundantly clear that they just Don’t Want To Know Anything, in a ‘rolled eyeballs &/or dismissive sniff’ kind of way – and that’s fine with me.)

See, last time I was fairly undercover about it, and my (ahem) digital presence wasn’t nearly as ubiquitous, cough cough. So you couldn’t do a Google search to find much dirt, even after you finally found out only my first name (last name shared only after a positive in-person meeting, don’tchaknow) after eons of email exchanges via a throwaway semi-anonymous email address. This time? Either I’m lazy, jaded, or just indifferent to potential privacy violations/wacky internet stalker types – or better at spotting the crazies & cutting them off at the pass.

I’d also like to think that what you see – whether in my internet dating profile, or over email/phone/in person conversations – is what you’re going to get. So my pictures are recent (crappy, but up-to-date), and I don’t do the shy and/or mysterious thing, either. I also don’t censor myself much on other online services – Twitter being the chief example.

(Disclaimer: Has it been suggested to me that perhaps I am not doing all that I can do to, ahem, burnish my online reputation as of late? Yes, it has – and the suggestions have much merit to them. Working on that now – not in a polishing the rotten apple kind of way, but more in a ‘oh, yeah – not a true reflection of who I truly am, so cut the crap out already’ awareness. And to the friend who called me on my shit? Thank you…)

So I was stunned and more than a little hurt when my planned date emailed me last weekend (after a few weeks of casual email conversations covering a variety of subjects) canceling our coffee meeting. His reason? The fact that I used Twitter – along with his fear that he would be not only the subject, but an object of future tweets.

(Did he react based on actual conversations I’d been having recently? Well, I went through several days’ worth of my tweet stream, but couldn’t see anything obviously incriminating. But honestly? I guess I can’t be sure. I was also pretty sure we’d not be a good fit for other reasons – but figured I’d at least give him a chance to demonstrate in person what he was about. I mean, we were just talking coffee in a public place for an hour or so, after all.)

The reaction I got from the few people I shared this with was fairly universal, and went something like this: “better to find that out now…next?” But I confess that it had me rethinking my whole open, transparent, WYSIWYG approach. Or perhaps leaving Twitter out of it for the first few dates. (The guy I’m seeing tonight? It hasn’t even come up in conversation to date – although it’s certainly referenced in my profile and is easy enough to track down once we started emailing each other…)

At the end of the day, though?

Fuck it.

Yes, I swear. I’m raising children who are probably way too snarky, I enjoy a glass of bourbon from time to time, and I’m a flawed, vulnerable individual – you’ll get all of that from following my twitter stream.

But if you’re paying attention, you’ll also see that I’m genuine. I’m consistent – from my online profile to our email communications to yes, the snarky 140c Twitter asides. I’m able to carry on a conversation, ask insightful questions, engage with people, or give back.

And if you’re not going to date me because I use Twitter? Well, that’s your loss, I guess.

Or is it?

Posted in My past loves, Oversharing | Leave a comment

Creating the chili – a morning-after activity

(I’d consider this the part two to the previous post – read that first if you want to know what inspired this creation…)

Woke up with an, um, excess of energy this morning – so thought I’d put it to, uh, productive use. Of course, I live-tweeted the creation as follows:

Time to make the (beanless) chili that the kids won’t eat.

Pulled out 2-5 lbs of stew meat, 2 onions, 2 peppers, and assorted cans of tomato products.

I’m not really crying, you know (am just chopping the onions…)

Onions go into bottom of crockpot with bacon fat & beef suet on high, w/handful of kosher salt.

Yes, I’m rough-chopping the veggies (I’m just working it out, is all…)

Used big knife to manhandle 2 bell peppers & 1 parsnip, set those aside.

Scraping the rotten sludge (…out of the compost bin)

It’s long past time (…to re-up my weekly produce delivery box)

Added rest of veggies to crockpot.

Letting them sweat it out (…the onions & peppers, that is)

…while I wrote this blog post.
Then, added the following to the mix:

  • 2 cans fire-roasted tomatoes
  • 1 can Ro-Tel with lime & jalapeno
  • 1 can tomato paste
  • 1 can homemade stock (used to rinse tomato paste can)
  • Several healthy shakes of Penzey’s chill 9000, smoked paprika, more kosher salt & some applewood smoked salt
  • 1 can of roasted chipotles in adobo sauce
  • 1 cinnamon stick

Now? It simmers.
Me? I’m done simmering. Instead, I’m heading over to Organics to You to re-up on the weekly produce delivery.

Posted in Caveman Eating, Chef Whims | 1 Comment