Deval Patrick's "Just Words" speech from 10/15/06
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thanks for sharing….
I'm gonna pillage your savings and give it to my cronies!!! JUST WORDS!! D:
Obama is auseless POS
He's one of the reasons I want to move out of Massachusetts.
tim cahill all the way
@NocternalRevenue Man, I hope we lose this guy as quickly as possible - what a LOSER
@LarrytheLumberjack your racist comments do NOT help the Conservative movement please stop
you empty suit pos DEVAL get out
Keep voting Democrat... this is what you get. End of story...
Hope everyone who voted for this jerk over Kerry Healey are happy now with their choice! Good job guys! Vote for Coakley too now!
You guys would do well to oust this dude. Get Mitt Romney back again.
NocternalRevenue 2 years ago 10
I can't stand this douchebag. He is right. All he does have to offer is words. Because here in Massachusetts, he has done NOTHING to help the middle class american, and in fact, is about to raise gas taxes. So that's how it's going to go here in Mass. We, the workers, pay higher taxes, and they expand the entitlements. Fuck you, Deval, If I could, I would take a big shit in your mouth. Since I can't do that, I'll just sit here and type away. Tool.
kevythedevil 2 years ago 8