Smart Investments in Transportation for Minnesota: Goals and Targets to Spur Growth and Expand Prosperity
State and local governments in Minnesota need to adopt innovative policies and approaches to ensure a transportation system that is efficient, accessible, cost-effective and reliable, according to a Growth & Justice report on .
“Fiscal constraints and environmental concerns are forcing creative thinking about smart approaches to transportation. We can’t just do more of the same,” said Matt Kane, director of policy and research for Growth & Justice, speaking to state legislators, Met Council members, business people, transportation advocates and others at a policy forum on October 27, where the report was released. Drawing upon research into critical transportation challenges and evidence of positive impacts, Growth & Justice presents four goals for what Minnesota should accomplish with its investments in transportation:
- improve travel time and efficiency for freight,
- better connect low-income Minnesotans to jobs and other important destinations,
- improve travel and travel choices for Minnesotans, and
- reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.
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TEDx1000Lakes - And How are the Children?
Dane Smith, president of Growth & Justice, stresses the importance of investing in children and education from cradle to career. Using examples from Itasca County, Cook County and Willmar, Dane shows the impact of education and participation on a community.