Sometimes, a picture says everything that needs to be said...
the thoughts, writings, events and shenanigans of TLHM
I have a profile, but here's a brief bio of me:
1) i love to shop, especially for deals and bargains. nothing is sweeter than getting what you want and still have money in your pocket/accounts!
2) my frame says otherwise, but i love to eat (thank God my man can cook)
3) don't start none won't be none; but if you're willing to debate with me, don't say i didn't warn you...
4)reading is fundamental, and i've been doing it faithfully since i was three. no wonder why my eyes hurt!*__*
5) music comes so easy to me, and there's not a day that goes by that i am not singing it, listening to it, and/or playing it
6) yes, i'm gorgeous with the handsome hubby and beautiful girl. what did you say? me, conceited? chile, that's just pride!*__*
7) tech junkie (until i had my daughter, but i'm all caught up now; still got it)
Well, I just wanted to resume my online journal. Please note that while my writings are sporadic, they are never vapid.
Happy reading, ya'll!
All entries are non-fiction, written and copyrighted by Queen of Martin 2007 - 2011, not to be used in any shape or form without the expressly written permission from the author.
In layman's terms: don't bite my sh*t!
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