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  1. Happy, poignant and emotional moment this evening. My first opportunity to talk with Lady Thatcher. Wonderful.
  2. Hugely enjoyed a 'welcome' dinner this evening, with friends, neighbours & supporters from our lovely Kent village of Marden.Thanks to all.
  3. I had the privilege of introducing David Cameron at a special Q & A this evening in the Harris Academy in Peckham. Great engagement!
  4. Good day at Brighton. Excellent speech by our leader. Onwards and upwards!
  5. Maidstone Maternity Campaign - Great News - NHS Trust plans have been referred to the secretary of state. The battle continues.
  6. Conservative candidate flips in McDonald's!
  7. Just sent e-bulletin no.43 to our supporters. Latest campaign newspaper now published - click here to view;
  8. Attended a really special photo call with one of the world's great photographers, Nadav Kander
  9. Hope for Maidstone Maternity Unit; Tory Shadow Health Minister says "I hope that these plans are looked at again"
  10. Excellent private dinner with David Willetts MP, Sir Michael Bishop & Derek Laud last night. Thank you to our redoubtable host Anne Jenkin.
  11. Super turnout at our Rural Business Forum. Thanks to over 100 movers & shakers from Kent’s rural community for your positive engagement.
  12. Good front page in Your Maidstone today. Let's hope Andy Burnham MP takes some notice!
  13. Come to our Rural Business Forum on 26th Jan & put your questions to Shadow DEFRA minister Richard Benyon.
  14. Happy New Year to you all. I am delighted to publish our latest campaign newspaper here;
  15. Visiting Weald of Kent Hospice. Then a meeting with Maidstone Carers Project before whizzing down to Devon with the family to visit son Ben.
  16. Good meeting tonight in Westminster with Dominic Grieve and Edward Garnier. There's so much to be done on the justice agenda.
  17. Thanks to all who visited my website this month. The ongoing upward trend is accelerating for new & returning visitors.
  18. Great afternoon with Maidstone United FC. Must find a Maidstone home for the Stones! Thanks all for the warm welcome and see you again soon.
  19. Putting together campaign e-bulletin No.40! Click here and send me your email address to get your copy.
  20. Wrapping a parcel for one of our boys in Afghanistan. Then speaking at a Womens' lunch with Invicta Chamber of Commerce.