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    Atzmon writes  on political matters, social issues,  Jewish identity and culture. His  papers are published on very many press outlets around the world.  Here is just a short list of his recent publications: World News, The Guardian, Rebelion, The Daily Telegraph, Uprooted Palestinians, Veterans Today, Palestine Telegraph, Counterpunch, Dissident Voice, Aljazeera Magazine,   Information Clearing House,   Middle-East-Online,   Palestine Chronicle, The People Voice, RedressShoa (The Palestinian Holocaust)  and many more.


    Gilad Atzmon's New Book: The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics

    Jewish identity is tied up with some of the most difficult and contentious issues of today. The purpose in this book is to open many of these issues up for discussion. Since Israel defines itself openly as the ‘Jewish State’, we should ask what the notions of ’Judaism’, ‘Jewishness’, ‘Jewish culture’ and ‘Jewish ideology’ stand for. Gilad examines the tribal aspects embedded in Jewish secular discourse, both Zionist and anti Zionist; the ‘holocaust religion’; the meaning of ‘history’ and ‘time’ within the Jewish political discourse; the anti-Gentile ideologies entangled within different forms of secular Jewish political discourse and even within the Jewish left. He questions what it is that leads Diaspora Jews to identify themselves with Israel and affiliate with its politics. The devastating state of our world affairs raises an immediate demand for a conceptual shift in our intellectual and philosophical attitude towards politics, identity politics and history.


    The book is available on  or


    THE SYSTEM full length trailer 

    I don’t know any of the participants in this trailer - they all seem to me pretty ordinary people. Yet, it is clear that each of them posses more wisdom than our entire political system.

    I guess that the meaning of it is simple. The revolution is here.   

    "War is when the government tells you who the bad guy is. Revolution is when you decide that for yourself."


    The Zionist Caricature by Gilad Atzmon

    Could it be that Zionist-caricature Alan Dershowitz has resorted to comedy as he desperately tries to win his battle against me and my book?  What else could explain this intellectually retarded Zionist mouthpiece’s repetition of the same old lies? A few years ago Norman Finkelstein established that Dershowitz is a plagiarist, but now Dershowitz extends this infamous title - Now, he’s actually plagiarising his own phantasmic fibs!

    Just a week before Hanukah, fancying himself as a bit of a music critic, Dershowitz described me as an ‘obscure saxophonist’. This was amusing enough, but yesterday Dershowitz elaborated on his notion of ‘obscurity’. In an embarrassingly unimaginative and vindictive article he called Chicago University Professor of Philosophy Brian Leiter a “relatively obscure professor of jurisprudence”. For a native English speaker (and a Harvard Professor) Dershowitz sure has a limited English vocabulary.

    Professor Leiter’s crime was obvious enough: he stood up for freedom of expression and open debate. He defended Professor John Mearsheimer who has endorsed ‘The Wandering Who’ and refused to bow to vile and relentless Zionist pressure to withdraw his praise for the book.

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    Israeli Imperial News: 'Israeli drone spying on Turkey almost shot down'

    קצין טורקי הבחין באור לבן בוהק בשמיים, שני 16-F הוקפצו (צילום: AFP)

    Ynet reports today that "an Israeli drone flying over Turkey was nearly intercepted by Turkish aerial defense forces, an Istanbul-based media outlet reported on Tuesday."


    Two Turkish F-16 fighter jets were called-up to the area, but failed to locate the drone. And I am left wondering is there an end to Israeli military  expansionism?

    To read more:


    Gilad Atzmon's New Book: The Wandering Who? A Study Of  Zionist's global interests  or



    Faking It: How the Media Manipulates the World into War (must watch)


    Pathetic Hasbara Video

    In a usual deceitful manner the clip introduces itself saying: "The State of Israel and the Jewish people are united in baring the human responsibility to live ethical and moral lives."

    If the Jewish State was indeed 'ethical and responsibel', Gaza wouldn't be the biggest open air prison in the history of humanity. The Jewish state is in engaged in a slow genocide. It  is merciless ethnic cleanser. It has no room amongst nations. 


    Gilad Atzmon's New Book: The Wandering Who? A Study Of  Zionist tricks and Hasbara methods -  or


    Cartoon of the day: Iran, Long Range Missiles - Enzo Apicella


    Star of David & Islamophobia


    Gilad Atzmon's New Book: The Wandering Who? A Study Of  Zionist global agenda  or


    Islamophobic Harry’s Place thanks its Jewish Anti Zionist Collaborators

    In the last year we have seen some so called Jewish ‘anti’ Zionists working hard to appease their Zionist brothers. Naomi Wimborne Idrissi attempted to run a clandestine operation within our movement.  Sarah Kershnar of the IJAN attempted to jeopardise a Palestinian Solidarity conference, we saw the relentless Tony Greenstein harassing Richard Falk, John Mearsheimer, Lauren Booth, Dr Samir Abed Rabo, Sameh Habeeb and myself amongst many others. But now they are all rewarded.

    The ultra Zionist, pro war, Neocon Harry’s Place decided today to thank its Jewish ‘anti’ Zionist “allies”. In an astonishing piece named A (small) Thank You to Anti-Israel Jews, Zionist Mouthpiece Anthony Cooper thanks his collaborators within our midst.

    Cooper’s article reaffirms what we know for more than a while-there is a clear ideological, political and ethical continuum between Israel and some of the so-called Jewish ‘anti’ Zionists (AKA AZZ -Anti Zionist Zionists).  

    “In many, perhaps most, cases the motivation to publicly denounce Israel is the desire to fight antisemitism.” Cooper writes about his anti Zionist brothers, confirming  the theses I developed in The Wandering Who. In most cases, Jewish anti Zionists are mainly concerned with Jewish tribal interests. They aren’t exactly Palestinian solidarity activists or even ordinary humanists. They just want Jews to look slightly better. I guess that for them, the Shoa in Palestine is a secondary matter.

    Click to read more ...


    More exposure of the AZZ by Nahida Izzat

    Of Exclusivity, Loyalty and Liberation of Palestine

    Jewish-Only Organizations . . . A Closer Look

    Due to recent events of alienation and/or expulsion of members of Palestine Solidarity Movement, including Palestinians, it became more and more evident that there are elements in the Solidarity Movement who continue to stir up friction and splits amongst activists, that leads to alienation of many genuine activists and even exiled Palestinians.

    Such elements also continue to cause distraction by filtering information to prevent members from understanding the role of the larger Jewish community world wide in influencing their respective governments to support “Israel”, and to prevent from understanding the impact of the presence of racist ideology on the standpoints and attitudes of the Jewish communities, and the implication of such ideology on Palestinians;

    This state of affairs should raise alarm to anyone interested in Justice and Peace, that means anyone who works to put an end to decades of Palestinian suffering, and its slow genocide, and to anyone who understands that such high objectives require promoting the Liberation of Palestine.

    It is also apparent that many of these destabilizing elements are simultaneously members of OTHER organizations, which membership approval operates through exclusivity, and restricted only to people of Jewish background.

    Moreover, it is manifest that many of these Jewish-only organizations declare publicly that their prime motive for their activism is out of concern for the welfare of “Israel” and the “Israeli society”. Worse, some of these organizations do not even conceal that their criticism of “Israel” is done out of “love” and loyalty to this criminal entity. Simply put, they criticise and condemn "Israel" primarily to protect and help it thrive and survive.
    To read more:


    Muslim Brotherhood: peace with Israel isn't binding Atzmon: According the Israeli Ynet,  Rashad al-Bayoumi, a leader within the  Muslim Brotherhood says that the Egyptian Party won't recognize Israel under any circumstances, and might put up peace treaty with 'Zionist entity' up to referendum. 'Israel is enemy entity'. According to Ynet, al-Bayoumi expressed those views in the Arabic Al-Hayat newspaper.  

    "Is rising to power conditional on recognizing Israel?" al-Bayoumi wondered. "That's out of the question, no matter what the situation is. On no condition will we recognize Israel. It is an enemy entity, an exploiting, criminal occupier."

    According to al-Bayoumi, no member of the Muslim Brotherhood will ever meet with Israelis. "I won't allow myself to sit down with a criminal," he said. "We won't cooperate with Israel in any situation."

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    The wandering who- Gilad Atzmon

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