
Speaking of streetlights...

Breaking: NYPD evict Global Revolution TV

Allegedly over safety concerns about the office. Follow hashtag #globalreveviction for more information.

The Overton Window

On December 30th, Roman Berry posted a comment on the Robert Scheer on Ron Paul diary about the Overton Window. When I followed the link to the Corrente blog post about the Overton Window, I thought, what a great idea. But it wasn't until I started doing some research on the concept that I found out that Joseph Overton, who came up with the idea, was employed by the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, which was established in 1987.

Reverse robocall

Politicians robocall you. Now you can robocall them.

Welcome to the Robocall Revolution. We believe that voters should have access to the same technology political groups use to get their message across; so we built a simple web-based robocall tool to literally give citizens back their voice in the political discourse. What better way to exercise your rights to to speech, than to actually speak truth to power? provides voters an easy way to communicate with one or hundreds of politicians or political groups using the same technology politicians use, the robocall or automated phone call.

A Note from David DeGraw

I subscribe to Amped Status and got this e-mail from David DeGraw yesterday. I thought it might be of some interest to folks on this board:

Happy New Year! Whose Year? Our Year!

Tweet of the Day

If minimum wage increased at same rate as CEO pay, then our new minimum wage would be about $31 an hour. @spudlovr #p2 #OWS

Occupy at the Rose Bowl Parade


NOTE I love the people who shout "Get a job!" It's so Sixties. What was the unemployment rate then, four percent?

US Capitol January 17, be there or be square!

Occupy Congress - U.S. Capitol - January 17

The Revolution Begins in 2012

I'm telling you now, it's coming! People are starting to become furious that we have in effect lost our representative democracy. It's time for a revolution. Not a physical one, but a political one. A revolution that turns over the establishment's apple cart, challenges this corrupt system and brings back our democracy. Get ready for 2012.

Crowd-sourcing the revolving door

Cross-posted at Naked Capitalism.

This chart of Venn Diagrams (New Year's Day links) is a nifty visualization[1] that shows how many, many people, through the operations of Washington's revolving door, have held high-level positions both in the Federal government and in major corporations. To take but one example, the set of all Treasury Secretaries includes Hank Paulson and Bob Rubin, which overlaps with the set of all Goldman Sachs COOs. The overlapping is pervasive. Political scientists and the rest of us have names for such cozy arrangements -- oligarchy, corporatism, fascism, "crony capitalism" -- but one name that doesn't apply is democracy. On the flip, you'll find the chart (and a discussion of its provenance).

Plantidote of the Day 2012-01-02

rose garden

Rose garden

It was 83 degrees here in Zone 10 yesterday, so the roses are happy and they're not the only ones Wink Southern California usually has a warm spell during Limo Season (the weeks leading up to the Academy Awards, which is about as close to a religious event as we get). So here's a little preview of spring/summer to start the year right.

Happy New Year, everyone! ***************************************************

Rapo-scanners pose possible cancer risk

U.S. Government Glossed Over Cancer Concerns As It Rolled Out Airport X-Ray Scanners

On Sept. 23, 1998, a panel of radiation safety experts gathered at a Hilton hotel in Maryland to evaluate a new device that could detect hidden weapons and contraband. The machine, known as the Secure 1000, beamed X-rays at people to see underneath their clothing.

One after another, the experts convened by the Food and Drug Administration raised questions about the machine because it violated a longstanding principle in radiation safety — that humans shouldn’t be X-rayed unless there is a medical benefit.


January 1 is the last day of Kwanzaa, which - like Yule - is another mid-winter non-christian celebration involving light, in this case the lighting of seven candles. Check out the documentary The Black Candle to learn more.

Hey Gang, It's Dollar General Time!!!!!

Nestled in my Sunday Chicago Trib is a Dollar General flyer. Among the ads appears this promo:

Ya gotta love it - a chance to win 10 bucks, and along with it, a new lease on life. Who says opportunity is dead?

Re-occupying Zucotti Park

... while the police were uptown at Times Square. Tactically smart!

Common Household Remedies Request

Dammit, I put my glasses down, and now I can't find them, because I can't see!

Corporate Psychopaths

I got interested in psychopaths when I was sued by one - I lost. The court believed the psychopath. That spurred me to read up on psychopaths and I read The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout. I also have Snakes in Suits: When Psychopaths go to Work and Without Conscience, both by Robert Hare. I've not read those yet, though. Anyway, with this background, an article in The Independent caught my eye - it is about psychopaths in the financial sector. Interesting reading.

Plantidote of the day 2012-01-01

Douglas fir

Pseudotsuga menziesii

Douglas fir


There are no white bulls and no mistletoe, but with this the closing night of the year and the pea soup fog outside my door, it seems a good time for these two reindeer and their oak tree to conjure up visions of pre-christian druidic rituals.

America’s Bloody Clipboard: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Now Iran

A pending war with Iran has a lot to do with US unholy imperialism as well as the US’s unhealthy (INSANE) codependency with the leadership of Israel.

Twisted Arms

Obama is up to his usual fine form, explaining why he had to sign the NDAA tonight.

I fail to understand why he thinks we are falling for his explanation, though I guess he has good reason - tens of millions of good little Democrats are probably sighing with relief, now that those evil terrorists will be put away forever by their hero.

Oh, good

Greatest lead of all time from David Nakamura in Pravda:

Obama expressed misgivings about several provisions of a sweeping defense bill he signed into law on Saturday, pledging that his administration will use broad discretion in interpreting the measure’s legal requirements to ensure that U.S. citizens suspected of terrorism are not detained indefinitely by the military.

Sure, that's just what we all want.

Spare Me, Please!

Obama appointed Jerome Powell to the Federal Reserve Board of Governors. From the article:

"Powell served as the undersecretary for finance under the president George H. W. Bush and was a partner of The Carlyle Group. The Carlyle Group is a massive private equity firm and one of the largest defense contractors in the world."

I realize that this happened four days ago, but I just can't keep up with the actions of the collective idiots who comprise the entity called the United States Government. Where does it stop? In total collapse?

And Reich is pushing an Obama/Clinton ticket next year. Anyone willing to share the hole that they are hiding in?

Top 10 events in political economy since 1972: A guide for younger occupiers

Readers? The headline is self-explanatory, no? Suppose you were trying to summarize the arc of political economy since 1972 for an occupier born in, oh, 1991. Remember that our terrible educational system has failed the young especially in contemporary history. What events would you put on the timeline? I can think of three:

2012 Predictions

Don't have any, except that outliers will be the norm, for both good and ill. Black swans everywhere! Readers? Your predictions?

Plantidote of the day 2011-12-31

hens and chicks


house leek, live forever, hens and chicks

Help the hamsters with their fall clean-up...

… as they power the wheels that turn the servers at The Mighty Corrente Building. Please, won’t you help them keep their cages shiny?

No PayPal Account required! Give the hamsters immediate relief!

Or Subscribe to make a monthly payment!

Corrente is completely supported by contributions from readers. Thank you!

Download Citibank Plutonomy files

Part 1 [PDF]

Part 2 [PDF]

Good reading! Favorite quote: What could go wrong?
Beyond war, inflation, the end of the technology/productivity wave, and financial collapse, we think the most potent and short-term threat would be societies demanding a more ‘equitable’ share of wealth.

The 12 Word Platform

1. Medicare for All

2. End the Wars

3. Tax the Rich

4. A Jobs Guarantee

Senior fellows of The Mighty Corrente Building

Leah (CA), Lambert (PA/ME), RDF (??), BDBlue (DC), Hipparchia (FL), MsExPat (NY), letsgetitdone (DC), twig (LA), Tony Wikrent, (NC), jawbone (PA).

Corresponding fellows


Western Coordinator



Health care reform: DCBlogger.

Fellows emeritus

mjs, Riggsveda, Tresy, Tom, hekebolos, chicagodyke, shystee, and Xenophon, Vastleft (MA), Sarah (TX).

Random term

Ger. "Unity sausage."

I support Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

Americans United is dedicated to preserving the constitutional principle of church-state separation as the only way to ensure religious freedom for all Americans.