(Newest articles at the bottom.)
2/15/06: PAPER: Ann Coulter Commits Vote Fraud Felony!
Signs Someone Else's Address to Registration Form, Votes in Wrong Precinct!
Could face $5,000 Fine, Three Years Behind Bars for Third-Degree Felony...
2/20/06: REPORTER: Ann Coulter's Felony Vote Fraud Denial 'A Bold-Faced Lie'...
3/30/06: PAPER: Ann Coulter Given 30 Days to Explain Vote Fraud Felony Allegation!
Palm Beach, FL Election Supervisor May Refer Charges to State Attorney if GOP Pundit/Propagandist Fails to Prove She Didn't Lie About Residency...
UPDATED: Property Records Show an 'Ann H Coulter' Owns a $1.8 Million House on Seabreeze Ave. in Palm Beach4/11/06: EXCLUSIVE: Ann Coulter's Felonious Florida Voter Registration Application
GOP Darling Seems to be Latest in Growing List of Republicans Who Choose to Ignore 'The Rule of Law'
State, County Records Show She Lied on Voter Application, Despite Oath Affirming Truthiness of InformationDOCUMENTS POSTED: ANN COULTER'S FLORIDA VOTER REGISTRATION APPLICATION FORM
4/13/06: A First? --- Ann Coulter at Loss for Opinion!
Gay News Site Notes Queer Lack of Response on Extremists Felonious Voter Registration Application
5/10/06: ANN COULTER VOTER FRAUD: A First! Coulter Goes Silent! May Be Thrown Off Voter Rolls!
BRAD BLOG Publishes Exclusive Documents: Incident Report, Letter to Coulter from Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections
GOP Propagandist May Also Be Guilty of Tax Code Fraud for Taking $25,000 'Homestead Exemption' if She Doesn't Actually Live in Palm Beach6/2/06: Ann Coulter 'Lawyers Up' to Face Felony Voter Fraud Charges
Paper Reports GOP Extremist/Pundit Retains Bush Law Firm to Fight Allegations in Palm Beach6/7/06: COULTER VOTER FRAUD: New Admissions! Digging her Own Grave...
Denies Living in Palm Beach Which Means She Admits to Breaking Florida State Tax Law By Taking a $25k Homestead Exemption
ALSO: Republican Mouthpiece Reveals a Disturbing Medical Condition for BRAD BLOG Reporters!6/9/06: COULTER VOTER FRAUD: New Attorney Seeks Special Treatment for Cruel GOP Hate Monger...
EXCLUSIVE: Letter from Lawyer Asks Mail Be Sent to Him Instead of Address Where Coulter Admits Not Living Despite Previously Swearing the Opposite Was True...11/1/06: Ann Coulter's Felonious Voter Fraud Case to be Turned Over to Prosecutor!
Rightwing Extremist/Hate-Monger Refused to Cooperate in Probe or Follow Rule of Law...1/11/07: EXCLUSIVE: NEW COULTER VOTER FRAUD DOCS - Police Report Says TWO Third Degree Felonies, One Misdemeanor May Have Been Committed by GOP Darling!
New Third Degree Felony for Fraudulently Registering Driver's License Added to Previous Allegations of Voter Fraud!
But Palm Beach Election Supervisor Having Trouble Finding Law Enforcement Agency to Bring Charges...
3/13/07: Wingnuts Desperately Spinning U.S. Attorney Firings into Unsubstantiated 'Voter Fraud' Allegations
(All the While Ignoring the Actual DOCUMENTED Voter Fraud Felonies of Their Hero, Ann Coulter...)4/18/07: Joe Conason on Ann Coulter's Voter Fraud in the New York Observer
Democrats Are Sent to Jail for Accidental Incidents, While Coulter Roams Free Despite Clear Felonious Intent...4/24/07: Liz Smith Covers Ann Coulter's Voter Fraud in Today's New York Post, 70 Other Mainstream Papers
Fox 'News' Invites Us Onto 'Fox & Friends' to Talk About It...
Palm Beach Paper Says FBI Agent Attempted to Clear GOP Pundit, BRAD BLOG Guest Blogger Said to be Reason for Fraudulent Info Given on FLVoter Registration Form, Drivers License!
Conservative Coulter Critic Borchers Responds; Says Her '98-'99 Boyfriend Has Been 'Her Personal FBI Resource for Her Own Purposes'...5/11/07: AP FAILS AGAIN: 'Coulter Cleared in Florida Vote Probe', According to Unbylined Article
Report Doesn't Bother to Mention Inappropriate FBI Interference in Case, or Internal Investigation That's Begun Because of It...
How Lazy Can These People Possibly Get?!5/14/07: EXCLUSIVE: Palm Beach County Supervisor Questions Coulter's 'Stalker' Explanation as Reason for Felonious Voter Fraud
Election Chief Arthur Anderson, Who Filed Complaint with Palm Beach Sheriff, Says Office Never Contacted Him After Closing Case Following Questionable FBI Intervention in Matter
Continues to Mull Decision on Whether to Further Pursue Charges in Light of Recent GOP 'Voter Fraud' Claims in the News...8/2/07: Palm Beach Post: Florida Election Commission Investigating Ann Coulter's Florida Voter Fraud
After Her FBI Boyfriend Got Her Off the Hook During the Palm Beach County Sherrif's Investigation, Will Jeb Bush's FEC Appointees Do It Again?12/7/07: ANN COULTER, VOTER FRAUD FELON, GETS AWAY WITH IT
Two Years After Initial Slam-Dunk Allegations First Documented, Reported, Florida Election Commission Decides Two Year Statute of Limitations on Case Has Run Out
Another Republican Vote Fraudster Skates in the Sunshine State...2/21/08: Our Hustler Exposé on Ann Coulter's Voter Fraud Felonies
On Newsstands Now...5/28/08: Fox 'News' Seeks Your Help in 'Voter Fraud' Investigation! Let 'em Know About Felonious Vote Fraudster Ann Coulter!
Write to VoterFraud@FoxNews.com!6/2/08: VIDEO: GoLeft.TV & RAW STORY Urge Viewers to Let Fox 'News' Know About Ann Coulter's Voter Fraud Felony
BRAD BLOG's Call to Action Cited in Round-Up of Last Week's Notable News...6/6/08: ANN COULTER'S FELONY VOTER FRAUD CRIMES: THE COMPLETE STORY
The Entire Brad Friedman Exposé, as Published In-Full for the First Time in Hustler Magazine...2/9/09: EXCLUSIVE: The New Voter Fraud Complaint Filed in CT Against the GOP's Ann Coulter
6/22/09: Justice Delayed? Why the Hold-Up in Connecticut's Investigation into Ann Coulter's 'Voter Fraud'?
State officials say case of alleged voting improprieties in 2002 and 2004 'still pending' nearly five months since complaint filed...10/6/10: Ann Coulter to Face Vote on Voter Fraud Charges in CT by State Elections Enforcement Commission
10/14/10: Connecticut Election Commission Finds 'Insufficient Evidence' in Ann Coulter Voter Fraud Case But Ignored Key Evidence, Erred in Investigation
State Elections Enforcement Commission says it 'cannot make full and fair determination', but failed to look at documented facts and even Coulter's own admissions...