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Santorum Suggests Romney Nomination ‘Will Destroy This Country’

During an appearance on Mark Levin’s radio show yesterday, Rick Santorum had harsh words for rival Mitt Romney, telling the radio host that Romney’s policy approach “will destroy this country.”

Santorum made the comment while discussing the health care law Romney signed while governor of Massachusetts, which, Santorum correctly noted, served as a model for the Affordable Care Act. The similarities between the two laws, Santorum contended, would make it so Romney “is not going to be willing to take on Obamacare.” As a result, the former Pennsylvania senator warned, nominating Romney “will destroy this country.”

LEVIN: So the Romney campaign would give opposition research against a candidate to other candidates to use against that candidate? [...]

SANTORUM: Am I going to go after Mitt Romney on Romneycare? You bet I will, because it was the basis for Obamacare. Why? Because it’s top-down, government-run medicine. Does the state of Massachusetts have the right to do it, as you said? Yes they do, states have the right to do that. That doesn’t make it the right thing to do. I’m going to go out and piece by piece talk about how his approach is wrong, how it will destroy this country to have someone up against, who is not going to be willing to take on Obamacare, and has a track record of supporting that kind of statist government.

Listen to it:

Santorum, who is now considered Romney’s strongest challenger for the nomination, is no stranger to apocalyptic rhetoric. Campaigning in Iowa last month, he told a group of workers that America is increasingly “edging our way toward” becoming like fascist Italy and that the Affordable Care Act will be the “final death knell.”


Public Sector Layoffs Hit Record High In 2011 | Layoffs of public sector workers hit a record high last year, with 183,064 workers losing their jobs due to budget cuts in the wake of the Great Recession, according to an analysis by the consulting firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas. Private sector layoffs accounted for nearly one-third of total jobs lost. These numbers don’t take into account 120,000 proposed layoffs at the United States Postal Service.


Georgia State Rep: ‘I’m Afraid’ Of Romney’s Mormon Faith, But ‘It’s Better Than A Muslim’

State Rep. Judy Manning (R-GA)

One obstacle that Mitt Romney may face as he asks for the support of Republican primary voters is bigotry against the Mormon faith.

A Marietta Daily Journal story published yesterday demonstrates the bigotry that Romney may have to overcome. The Journal quotes Republican state Rep. Judy Manning saying that she’s scared of Romney’s Mormon faith. But at least he’s “better than a Muslim”:

“I think Mitt Romney is a nice man, but I’m afraid of his Mormon faith,” Manning said. “It’s better than a Muslim. Of course, every time you look at the TV these days you find an ad on there telling us how normal they are. So why do they have to put ads on the TV just to convince us that they’re normal if they are normal? … If the Mormon faith adhered to a past philosophy of pluralism, multi-wives, that doesn’t follow the Christian faith of one man and one woman, and that concerns me.”

Manning’s criticism of Romney’s faith and her attack on Islam as an even more inferior religion — in addition to other comments she has made against LGBT rights — demonstrates an important point. Progressives and others who oppose bigotry and preach tolerance must denounce discrimination of every kind, not just because all discrimination is wrong, but because validating discrimination against one group can lead to increased discrimination against other groups in the future. (HT: @GregFrayser)


Santorum Insists On Comparing Marriage Equality To Polygamy In Heated Exchange With Students

Addressing a college student convention in Concord, New Hampshire moments ago, Rick Santorum was put on the defensive by numerous members of the audience who pressed him about his opposition to marriage equality. Santorum tried engaging in a Socratic dialogue on gay marriage, parrying the student’s responses with nonsensical theoretical tangents.

“So if you’re not happy unless you’re married to five other people, is that OK?” Santorum asked one student. “Reason says that if you think it’s okay for two [individuals to marry], then you have to differentiate for me why it’s not okay for three,” he argued later. Watch a compilation:

To be clear, Santorum’s offensive and circuitous responses are all meant to reject the natural desire of two same-sex individuals to join in a union and enjoy the same rights as heterosexual couples.


SiriusXM’s Mike Signorile points out on his radio show: Santorum “seems to be saying I don’t have a problem with gay marriage per say, it’s just that it would lead to polygamy and the answer to that is…we can say marriage is by definition two people.”


Romney’s Tax Plan Gives Millionaires A $150K Tax Cut, Raises Taxes On Low-Income Families

ThinkProgress has already found that 2012 GOP presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney’s economic plan would explode the deficit to the tune of more than $6.5 trillion over the next decade, while doing next to nothing to help middle class or low-income Americans. In fact, Romney’s tax cut that is supposedly “focused” on the middle class gives literally no benefit to most middle class households.

The Tax Policy Center released an analysis today showing that, contrary to Romney’s rhetoric, the overwhelming majority of the benefits under the plan would go to the wealthy. In fact, compared to the policy in place today, Romney’s plan would give millionaires a $150,000 tax cut, while raising taxes on many low-income families:

A sizable number of low-income families would see their taxes go up. For instance, about 15 percent of those in the $10,000 to $20,000 income group would get an average tax cut of about $140, but 20 percent would get hit with an average tax increase of $1,000, mostly because Romney would bring back the less generous versions of those refundable credits.

About one-third of those in $40,000 to $50,000 group would get a tax cut that would average about $400, but about one-six would face a tax increase of nearly twice as much.

Almost every millionaire would get a tax cut averaging roughly $150,000. As a group, those making $1 million or more would receive nearly half the benefit of Romney’s tax plan.

Romney plan hits hardest those making less than $40,000, and primarily those households with children, as he would undo President Obama’s expansion of the child tax credit.

And Romney’s proposal only gets more lucrative for those at the very top of the income scale, giving those in the richest 0.1 percent an annual tax cut of nearly half a million dollars. In 2015 alone, the plan would add $600 billion to the deficit.

This flies directly in the face of Romney’s assertion that he isn’t focused on helping the rich. “If I’m going to use precious dollars to reduce taxes, I want to focus on where the people are hurting the most, and that’s the middle class. I’m not worried about rich people,” Romney said in an October debate. If that is the case, why do the ultra-wealthy receive hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax cuts annually under his plan, while a middle class family could very well see its taxes go up?


Newt Gingrich: I’ll Tell African-Americans That They Should ‘Demand Paychecks And Not Be Satisfied With Food Stamps’

The GOP presidential candidates are becoming more comfortable trafficking in stereotypes when it comes to African-Americans and welfare benefits. Surprise Iowa frontrunner Rick Santorum recently declared (and later denied) that “I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money; I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money.” The NAACP blasted Santorum for “inaccurate and outrageous” remarks that “lifts up old race-based stereotypes about public assistance.”

Today in New Hampshire, another GOP presidential hopeful offered his own take. Consistently slamming President Obama as “the best food stamp president in history,” Newt Gingrich tried to paint himself as a more desirable alternative to town hall attendees, insisting he’d be “the best paycheck president in American history.” Singling out African-Americans, Gingrich declared that he’d attend the NAACP just to tell African-Americans why they should “not be satisfied with food stamps”:

GINGRICH: More people are on food stamps today because of Obama’s policies than ever in history. I would like to be the best paycheck president in American history. Now, there’s no neighborhood I know of in America where if you went around and asked people, “Would you rather your children had food stamps or paychecks,” you wouldn’t [SIC] end up with a majority saying they’d rather have a paycheck.

And so I’m prepared, if the NAACP invites me, I’ll go to their convention and talk about why the African-American community should demand paychecks and not be satisfied with food stamps. And I’ll go to them and explain a brand new Social Security opportunity for young people, which should be particularly good for African-American males — because they’re the group that gets the smallest return on Social Security because they have the shortest life span.

Watch it:

Not only is his perception of food stamp beneficiaries prejudicial, it’s false. The majority of people who participate in the food stamp program, known as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), are white. Most of the participants are also either children (who can’t earn a paycheck unless Gingrich gets his way) or seniors who are of retirement age. In 2010, working-women represented only 28 percent of SNAP beneficiaries, and working-age men represented only 17 percent.

What’s more, an increasing number of SNAP beneficiaries actually do have jobs and receive paychecks that are the primary source of their income. Unfortunately, only 15 percent of those incomes are above the poverty line. Thus, SNAP benefits provide a necessary safety net to families trying to stay afloat in a sluggish economy. But rather than seeing America’s most vulnerable populations as deserving of aid, Gingrich prefers to see them as lazy drug-users who prefer to put their benefits towards a Hawaii vacation.


Two Ex-Scott Walker Staffers Arrested In Ongoing Investigation

An expansive “John Doe” corruption investigation targeting employees and former employees of Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) has led to its first arrests today, nabbing three people, including two former aides to Walker. The investigation centers around Milwaukee County workers during Walker’s tenure their as executive, and has previously involved an FBI raid on the home of a fourth person, one of Walker’s top aides.

Today, police arrested former county employees Kevin Kavanaugh, who was appointed by Walker, and Tim Russell, who served on Walker’s gubernatorial campaign. The AP reports:

Former county housing director Tim Russell, 48, was charged with two felony and one misdemeanor embezzlement charges, according to the criminal complaint from the Milwaukee County district attorney’s office.

Kevin Kavanaugh, Walker’s appointee to the Milwaukee County Veteran Service Commission, was charged with one felony embezzlement charge of taking more than $10,000 from a business and four felony counts of fraudulent writings by a corporate officer.

Russell and Kavanaugh each face up to 10 years in prison if convicted of the most serious felony embezzlement charge.

A third person, who worked for six months for the state Department of Public Instruction, was charged with two counts of felony child enticement in a case the county prosecutor said was discovered while investigating the others.

Walker has been charged with no wrongdoing and there’s no evidence suggesting that he has personally been a target of the secret probe, now a year and half old.


Santorum Suggests Banishing Ninth Circuit Court Judges To Guam

At town hall event in Northfield, New Hampshire today, GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum reiterated his call for abolishing the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit and floated the idea of shipping its judges off to Guam.

Santorum said the court is overly liberal and imposing a “reign of terror of California judges” on other Western states, but acknowledged that outright abolition of the court wouldn’t be exactly constitutional, as judges are guaranteed lifetime appointments. So, Santorum suggested, perhaps jokingly, “maybe we can create a court that puts them in Guam or something like that and keep their life appointments” and be safely quarantined. Watch it:

Santorum also channeled Rick Perry a bit, joking he harbors more nefarious intentions for the current Ninth Circuit judges: “I have some ideas that I won’t share publicly.”

When rival GOP candidate Newt Gingrich also proposed abolishing the Ninth Circuit, former George W. Bush Attorneys General Michael Mukasey and Alberto Gonzales called the plan “ridiculous,” “irresponsible,” and “troubling.” Indeed, as ThinkProgress’ Ian Millhiser has explained, abolishing a federal court because the president doesn’t agree with their rulings is a dangerous breakdown of the separation of powers.


ICE Officials Mistakenly Deported Missing Dallas Teenager

Jakadrien Turner was wrongfully deported in April 2011.

There is a history of U.S. citizens who were accidentally deported by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials, and thousands of American citizens have been illegally detained as the federal government cracks down on undocumented immigrants. Now comes the story of a Texas teenager who is a citizen and was still deported.

Dallas resident Lorene Turner had been searching for her granddaughter Jakadrien Turner since she ran away from home at the age of 14 in fall 2010. She searched for months until Dallas police helped her locate her granddaughter — in the South American country of Colombia, it turns out. U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement had deported Jakadrien in April 2011, even though the African American teenager spoke no Spanish:

News 8 learned that Jakadrien somehow ended up in Houston, where she was arrested by Houston police for theft. She gave Houston police a fake name. When police in Houston ran that name, it belonged to a 22-year-old illegal immigrant from Columbia, who had warrants for her arrest.

So ICE officials stepped in.

News 8 has learned ICE took the girl’s fingerprints, but somehow didn’t confirm her identity and deported her to Colombia, where the Colombian government gave her a work card and released her.

“She talked about how they had her working in this big house cleaning all day, and how tired she was,” Turner said.

Through her granddaughter’s Facebook messages, Turner says she tracked Jakadrian down.

U.S. Federal authorities got an address. U.S. Embassy officials in Colombia asked police to pick her up.

But that was a month ago, and the Colombian government now has her in a detention facility and won’t release her, despite her family’s request.

It is unclear how the teenager was mistaken for a foreign national, and ICE officials told Dallas TV station News 8 that ICE has seen cases where people provide inaccurate information about who they are. “ICE takes these allegations very seriously,” ICE Director of Public Affairs Brian Hale told News 8. “At the direction of [the Department of Homeland Security], ICE is fully and immediately investigating this matter in order to expeditiously determine the facts of this case.”


U.S. Economic Mobility Lags Behind Other Industrialized Countries | The ability to rise from humble beginnings through hard work and perseverance is a core American ideal. But at least five studies in recent years have found that when it comes to economic mobility, the U.S. actually lags behind its peers in Canada and most of Western Europe. According to one, 65 percent of Americans born in the bottom fifth stay in the bottom two-fifths as adults, while 62 percent of those born in the top fifth of incomes stay in the top two-fifths. Today, the New York Times reports that because of mass unemployment and the Occupy movement, discussion about the mobility gap has taken center stage.


Corporate Profits Have Rebounded To Pre-Recession Levels, But Corporate Tax Revenue Hasn’t

Over the last few decades, U.S. corporate tax revenue plunged to historic lows, falling from about 6 percent of GDP in the 1950s to barely more than 1 percent of GDP today. Obviously, part of the recent low level has to do with the Great Recession and its effect on businesses and their profits. But while corporate profits have rebounded to their pre-recession heights, setting a record in the third quarter of 2011, corporate tax revenue has yet to follow suit:

After plummeting from 2007 through 2009, U.S. corporate profits regained their precrisis peak in early 2010, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The latest, revised data released just before Christmas showed corporate profits before tax rose to a record $1.97 trillion in the third quarter of 2011.

But corporate tax receipts, as reported by the Treasury Department, remain lackluster, even as the economy has gained some ground of late. Although they have trended higher in recent months, corporate taxes measured on a 12-month basis were still under $200 billion in November. That is well below a precrisis peak of about $380 billion and still far below the government’s fiscal 2012 target of $332 billion.

Corporate tax revenue has plummeted for several reasons, but one of the big ones is the growth of deductions, loopholes, and outright tax evasion that helps companies limit, or entirely eliminate, their income tax liability. 30 major corporations, in fact, paid no corporate income tax over the last three years, while making $160 billion in profits.

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Now That We Have A CFPB Director, It’s Time To Ban Corporate-Owned Courts In The Financial Industry

One of the most important, if overlooked, provisions in the law creating the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is a provision allowing the agency to push back against one of the most egregious errors committed by the Supreme Court in recent years — a line of decisions allowing companies to force their consumers into a privatized, corporate-owned arbitration system that overwhelming favors corporate parties. Now that CFPB Director Richard Cordray is in place, his agency can ban this practice altogether from much of the consumer finance industry:

(a) STUDY AND REPORT.—The Bureau shall conduct a study of, and shall provide a report to Congress concerning, the use of agreements providing for arbitration of any future dispute between covered persons and consumers in connection with the offering or providing of consumer financial products or services.

(b) FURTHER AUTHORITY.—The Bureau, by regulation, may prohibit or impose conditions or limitations on the use of an agreement between a covered person and a consumer for a consumer financial product or service providing for arbitration of any future dispute between the parties, if the Bureau finds that such a prohibition or imposition of conditions or limitations is in the public interest and for the protection of consumers. The findings in such rule shall be consistent with the study conducted under subsection (a).

In essence, this provision enables CFPB to prevent many lenders, investment advisers and other financial service providers from using one of the most abusive tools endorsed by the Supreme Court’s misreading of federal law — locking consumers out of real courts and forcing them into corporate-run arbitration. Moreover, because the Supreme Court recently piggybacked on its forced arbitration decisions to allow corporations to immunize themselves from the class action lawsuits that are essential to prevent companies from bleeding their consumers dry a few ill-gotten dollars at a time, CFPB can also eliminate this practice within much of the financial industry.

Lest there be any doubt, corporate arbitrators simply cannot be trusted to provide a fair hearing to consumers — in large part because corporations typically have a great deal of influence over who will arbitrate their cases. One of the most notorious forced arbitration firms — which thankfully was largely shut down after the state of Minnesota challenged its many abusive practices — once ordered a woman to pay a credit card company almost $8,000 because she had the same name as another woman who owed that company money. When a Harvard law professor who used to work part-time as an arbitrator handed down a single decision against a credit card company she was stripped of her caseload by the arbitration firm at the request of the credit card industry.

Our justice system cannot work when one side gets to choose who judges them. The CFPB’s new director has an important opportunity to restore a functioning system of justice to much of the financial industry — he should not hesitate one second before he takes it.

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Nancy Pelosi Intervenes To Stop Deportation, Keep Gay Couple Together

As ThinkProgress has often reported, many binational gay couples live in constant fear of being separated by deportation because the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) prevents the federal government from recognizing their relationships. But for one San Francisco couple at least, the story has a happy ending, thanks to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

Pelosi personally intervened on behalf of two of her constituents, Bradford Wells and Anthony John Makk, a couple who have lived in San Francisco’s Castro District for the better part of 19 years and were married in Massachusetts in 2004:

Makk is an Australian citizen who was facing deportation after the couple was denied spousal immigration benefits under the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act, which blocks federal benefits to same-sex couples.

Wednesday the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services sent the couple a letter that they have been granted a two year deferred action on deportation. Pelosi, who represents San Francisco, personally intervened on behalf of the couple to ensure that Makk could stay in the country.

“The positive resolution of Anthony’s immigration petition is a personal victory for Bradford and Anthony, and keeps this loving couple together,” Pelosi said in a statement. Pelosi told the couple about the ruling herself Wednesday.

According to Metro Weekly, Pelosi also noted the broader implications of the case: “Anthony would have faced deportation because of the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act, even though he has lived in the United States for more than 20 years, has no criminal history, has never lived here illegally and is the primary caregiver to his husband.”

She applauded the recent efforts of the Obama administration to close many low-priority immigration deportation proceedings, including those against same-sex couples. Pelosi also pledged to fight for the full repeal of DOMA, which continues to keep many other binational gay couples in legal limbo.

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Sen. Scott Brown Slams Newt Gingrich For His ‘Disturbing’ Attacks On The Judiciary That ‘Pander To The Right-Wing Extreme’ | In an op-ed for the Boston Herald, Republican Sen. Scott Brown (MA) blasted GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich over his “disturbing” positions on the judiciary, including his desire to “abolish courts that displease him, ignore Supreme Court decisions he doesn’t approve of, and order U.S. marshals to arrest judges to force them to explain their decisions to Congress.” Noting that judges would make judgments while in constant fear of retaliation from politicians under Gingrich’s “scheme,” Brown pointed out that “public confidence in the impartiality of the courts would be shattered.” “Gingrich styles himself a historian, but he is either blissfully unaware that the Founding Fathers deliberately established our government with three co-equal branches of government, or he is fully aware of that elementary fact and yet is pandering to the right-wing extreme element in our own party,” said Brown, adding “I don’t know which is worse.”


Santorum Disses The 99 Percent, Attacks Those Too Poor To Pay Federal Income Taxes

After nearly edging out former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney — the living embodiment of the “one percent” — in the first GOP presidential caucus in Iowa, former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has sought to portray himself as the “anti-Romney.” Part of this push involves casting himself as a populist candidate.

The Washington Examiner’s Tim Carney argues this morning that Santorum is positioning himself to champion the interests of blue collar Americans, in contrast to Romney’s elitism. Yet at a campaign event in New Hampshire this morning, Santorum aligned himself with the one percent. He dismissed the 99 Percenters protesting against income inequality, saying that the movement is “dividing” America. “You know, it’s not 99-1,” he said. “It’s anybody who makes money and pays taxes and everybody who doesn’t. That’s the 99-1″:

SANTORUM: [Referring to Obama] When he goes around and tries to divide America and aligns himself with Occupy Wall Street. Says, this dividing of America, 99-1. You know it’s not 99-1. It’s anybody that makes money and pays taxes and everybody who doesn’t. That’s the 99-1. It’s anybody who goes out and succeeds in America versus those who should have that wealth redistributed.

Watch it:

It’s unclear why Santorum thinks that the ratio of people who pay taxes to those who don’t can be described as 99:1, which would be wildly inaccurate. By attacking people who supposedly don’t pay taxes, he is likely referring to Americans who are too poor to pay federal income taxes. The truth is, while there are many Americans who are too poor to pay federal income taxes, particularly during the Great Recession, it is also true that if you look at state and local taxes, the working poor actually pay a higher percentage of their income in these taxes in every state except for Vermont.

The former senator also champions financially successful Americans and contrasts them against “those” who would redistribute that wealth. Yet many of the corporations that 99 Percenters are protesting against have been immensely financially successful while both dodging their tax responsibilities and benefiting from government largess — that is, wealth redistribution. Major corporations like General Electric and Boeing have managed to go years without paying federal corporate income taxes while collecting tax benefits and billions of dollars in government subsidies. If Santorum was truly serious about championing the interests of working class voters and contrasting himself with Romney, he might instead take aim at the corporate manipulation of American tax and subsidy policy that is leading to growing income inequality.

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Santorum Denies Making Racially-Charged Claim After Apparently Acknowledging Saying It

The NAACP and the Urban League have condemned GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum for reportedly saying in a rant against welfare this week, “I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.” The civil rights organizations called the statement “inaccurate and outrageous” and “deliberately fan[ning] the flames of racial divisiveness,” but now Santorum is claiming that he never said what people think he did.

In an interview with CNN’s John King last night, Santorum said, “I didn’t say black”:

SANOTURM: I’ve looked at that quote, in fact I looked at the video. In fact, I’m pretty confident I didn’t say black. I started to say is a word and then sort of changed and it sort of — blah — mumbled it and sort of changed my thought.

Watch it:

Santorum repeated the denial on Fox News later yesterday evening as well.

There’s ample video evidence suggesting that Santorum did, in fact, say “black,” but Santorum’s denial is especially surprising considering that he seemed to acknowledge making the comments earlier yesterday. When the AP asked Santorum about the statement, he replied, “If you look at what I’ve been saying, I’ve been pretty clear about my concern for dependency in this country and concern for people not being more dependent on our government, whatever their race or ethnicity is.”

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The 1 Percent Solution: Koch Brothers Bankroll Right-Wing ThinkProgress Clone

The Koch Brothers are worth $50 billion. They’ve bankrolled the Tea Party, the campaign against climate change science, and entire university departments to advance their right-wing agenda. The newest item on their shopping list: their own Center for American Progress.

This morning in Politico, Ben Smith breaks the news that the Koch Brothers and others on the right are launching a new organization explicitly modeled after ThinkProgress:

Impressed by the effectiveness of the liberal Center for American Progress, a group of conservative journalists and operatives are preparing to engage in their own sincerest form of flattery – launching an advocacy group with a similar name and mission but a very different target.

Part assault on CAP and part homage, the Center for American Freedom’s goal is to wage a well-funded assault on the Obama White House and the liberal domination of partisan online media.

Based in Washington, it will have an annual budget of “several million dollars,” according to its chairman, Michael Goldfarb, and will house a new conservative online news outlet, the Washington Free Beacon, edited by former Weekly Standard writer Matthew Continetti. It will also include a campaign-style war room led by two former chiefs of the Republican National Committee’s vaunted research operation.

The chairman, Michael Goldfarb — a former McCain spokesperson and the opinion editor for the Weekly Standard — was hired this year by the Koch Brothers to improve their image and advance their political agenda. (Officially, Goldfarb “declined to say” whether the Kochs were donors.)

Continetti, formerly of the Weekly Standard, recently wrote a gushing 8,000 word hagiography to the Kochs “blasting critics of Koch Industries and its billionaire owners.” In the article, Continetti did not mention that he received a fellowship backed, in part, by Koch money. He also did not mention that his fellow editor at the Weekly Standard, Goldfarb, was employed by the Kochs.

The new organization’s mimickry of ThinkProgress and CAP at times borders on comical. For example, Smith reports that “the new group’s mission statement, for instance, appears at points to be literally copied and pasted from CAP’s, with the word ‘freedom’ substituted for ‘progress.’”

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