
Bad Habit Update…kinda sorta

Hi friends,

Just to let you know that Bad Habit is not shutting down for good, but will remain on hiatus until the new year. I know I’ve been going from day to day, wanting to post but knowing full well that trying to maintain a blog at this time is just not possible. I don’t want any more sad posts…and until I can get back to my old Nunly persona, I have to hang up the key board…or something like that. There’s no crying in baseball blogging ya know. ;-)

I appreciate the kind words of encouragement and prayers that many of you left for me and my family. I will remember all of you in my thoughts and prayers daily. I would love to promise that I’ll come around and visit your blogs regularly but we all know how that worked in the last few months. Believe me, it was for you own protection…nothing worse than a despondent nun with a giant rosary hanging from her belt that could be used as a weapon. ;-) If I do manage to stop by, it will be when I know my mood is conducive to light chatter… when I’m drunk or high on Prozac prayer.

So…if that rapture thingy happens between now and then and I’m “left behind” as I expect I will be since according to the books all the Catholics are going to be left behind with the rest of the evil-doers and heathens on Earth, hallelujah brothers and sisters….. I’ll see ya next year.

Take care and God Bless,


Come Holy Spirit; fill my heart with your holy gifts. Let my weakness be penetrated with Your holy strength this very day, that I may fulfill all the duties of my state conscientiously, that I may do what is right and just. Let my charity be such as to offend no one, and to hurt no one’s feelings, so generous as to pardon any wrong done to me. Assist me, Oh Holy Spirit in all my trials of life. Enlighten me in my ignorance; advise me in my doubts; strengthen me in my weakness; help me in all my needs; protect me in temptations; and console me in afflictions. Graciously hear me, oh Holy Spirit, and put your light into my heart, my soul, and in my mind. Assist me to live a holy life, and to grow in goodness and grace. Amen.


"There is perhaps a handful of people who hate the Catholic Church for what it really is, but millions who do so because of WHAT THEY THINK IT IS!!"- Archbishop Fulton Sheen


January 2012
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DISCLAIMERS: The content of this blog presents the opinions of Nunly, all of which are subject to change depending on the mood I'm in on the day they are written. These posts are intended to be strictly theoretical, hypothetical, nonsensical, irritable, and occasionally correct. Any assertions made on this blog are believed to be true based on good-faith efforts to research the facts and because I said they are true. In the event that documentation deemed to be reliable by the author comes to the author's attention disproving assertions made on this blog, do not expect me to make corrections, that would take effort and that might give you the impression that I care what you think. The owner of this blog takes no responsibility for the views or information published here, so if you have a complaint, you can stick it where the sun don't shine but just don't bring it to me. It is widely understood that information on the Internet is by nature speculative and dynamic. Due to the nature of the Internet, it is impossible to verify information that is circulated on the worldwide web, and it is impossible to identify and publish every update, revision, or correction to information circulated on the worldwide web. In other words, if there is information that is proved to be false, tough shit. No one affiliated with this blog is affiliated in any way with any political group, nor with any non political groups so get the hell off my case about my political and non political leanings, it's annoying. COPYRIGHT:All articles on this blog are protected by relevant copyright law. Nothing from this blog should be quoted, cited, copied, or otherwise used or shared in whole or part without the consent of the author, Nunly aka Mary Ellen, pseudonyms. Nothing from this blog should be used in a way that misrepresents the author's meanings even if you don't know what the hell the author's meaning are. Don't try to guess, you'll never figure it out. Requests to the author of this blog for use of her work should be left as comments on the open thread where you will be given permission if she likes you or in the case she doesn't like you, you will immediately be told to shove off and write your own stuff, assholes.



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