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William Pfaff, Columnist


William Pfaff is a globally respected political commentator and author on international relations, contemporary history and U.S. policy. He is published in five countries and his column is syndicated by Tribune Media Services.

Pfaff’s sometimes controversial opinions on international law, long-term U.S. policies and American foreign relations are noted for their deep concern with the influence of history on today’s affairs and their attention to the moral complexities of international politics and action.

Pfaff’s column studies European, Middle Eastern, Asian and American concerns through a prism influenced by the experiences of an American living abroad. He is regularly published in newspapers in Europe, the Middle and Far East, Latin America and the United States.

Pfaff is the author of eight books, including “The Wrath of Nations” (Simon and Schuster, 1993) and “Barbarian Sentiments: America in the New Century” (Hill and Wang, 2000). His latest book is “Fear, Anger and Failure: A Chronicle of the Bush Administration’s War Against Terror from the Attacks of September 11, 2001 to Defeat in Baghdad” (Algora Publishing, 2004). It offers a collection of his columns on the war on terror, from September 11th until December 2003, when the U.S. policy emphasis shifted from Iraq’s reconstruction to American withdrawal. The book has been praised by Russell Baker of The New York Times as “page after page in article after article {Pfaff was writing} what should have been said week after week as Bush’s cheery civilian warriors marched us into the Middle East. Really splendid work.”

Pfaff has contributed many political essays to The New Yorker magazine. In Europe, his articles have appeared in Commentaire (Paris), Lettre Internationale (Berlin), Politique Exterior (Madrid), Europaische Rundschau (Vienna), Moderna Tider (Stockholm), Forum (Munich), Die Zeit (Hamburg). In the United States he is published in the New York Review of Books, Foreign Affairs, World Policy Journal, and The National Interest, among other magazines. Pfaff is the former deputy director of Hudson Research Europe, the European affiliate of the well-known American policy research institute.

Pfaff is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame. He is based in Paris.

Truthdig Columns


01/10 Karzai’s Bagram Demands Add Stress to U.S. Policy

01/03 Ron Paul’s Popularity a Sign of a War-Weary America


12/29 Fewer and Fewer Reasons for the West to Fixate on the Mideast

12/20 History Tells Us Not to Dismiss a Democratic Challenge to Obama

12/13 Germany Dominates Europe Once Again

12/06 Fiction, Fantasy and the Euro

11/30 The Fog in Our Future

11/22 Why Does Obama Suddenly Want a War With China?

11/16 Where Does Occupy Go From Here?

11/08 How Libya Plays Into NATO’s Identity Crisis

11/01 One Nation, Gone Awry

10/25 The Arab Spring Gets Messy, and Even Messier for the U.S.

10/18 Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party Movements More Alike Than Not

10/11 China Fears Are Misplaced

10/05 American Government’s Indifference to Popular Protest

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05/03 A Fork in the Road: Where the U.S. Goes From Here

04/12 U.S. Republicans Blindly Attack Social Justice

04/05 U.S. Can’t Resist Meddling in the Middle East

03/29 Unexpected Revelations in Libya Intervention

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06/22 Runaway Defense Spending Not Winning Any Wars

06/16 Historical Lessons Warn Against Modern U.S. Foreign Policy

06/08 Newest National Security Strategy Is an Elaboration of the Old

06/02 Who Runs America’s Response to the Oil Blowout?

05/26 Obama’s New Security Strategy Looks Much Like the Old One

05/18 What Next for NATO?

05/11 Euro’s Crisis Has American Fingerprints

05/04 A Fragile Partnership

04/27 The NATO Nuisance

04/20 Exaggeration of Iranian Threat Could Have Dire Consequences

04/13 What Obama’s Nuclear Weapons Conference Missed

04/06 As Iraq Threatens to Come Apart, U.S. Problems in Afghanistan Mount

03/30 Greece Isn’t Europe’s Only Problem

03/24 The Crisis of Catholicism

03/17 The Truth About American and Israeli Interests Comes Out

03/09 Is There a Mideast Solution?

03/02 Competition in Ignominy

02/23 U.S. Allies in Europe Begin to Pull Back

02/16 Europe Needs to Believe in Its Own Adequacy

02/09 America’s Confused Approach to Afghanistan

02/02 Who Will Be the New Global King of the Hill?

01/26 A Duped President’s Wasted Foreign Policy Year

01/19 The Source of America’s Imperial Presidency

01/12 Presidential Posturing Isn’t Getting the U.S. Anywhere

01/07 The Question No U.S. Official Dare Ask

01/05 Al-Qaida Uses U.S., U.S. Plays Along


12/29 Iran, Yemen Posing Challenges to American Intelligence



A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
Copyright © 2012 Truthdig, L.L.C. All rights reserved.