The Bomb Under the World

01/07/12 12:00 pm

Gwynne Dyer’s surprising documentary on patriarchy, militarism, and feminism starts this excellent 1994 documentary series, The Human Race: A Species at the Crossroads.

Culture Jamming: A Pictorial Definition

01/06/12 12:00 pm

Via Reddit.

Best Defense

01/06/12 9:00 am

I don’t know why the folks who like to call Obama “warmonger” aren’t jumping up and down with praise for his decision to do away with the “two war strategy.” If you’re actually interested in seeing America spend less on defense, this is huge. If, on the othe...

Morning Awful: War on Heat

01/06/12 6:00 am

Austerity fever hasn’t abated in Washington, and once again the poorest people in America are taking the bite — frostbite. Arthur Delaney at HuffPo: Just in time for the start of winter, Congress and the White House reduced LIHEAP funding by 25 percent. The federal government doled out $...

That’ll Learn Ya! Recess Appointments

01/05/12 6:00 pm

Matt’s going to kill me for using a 4th Edition sheet for panel #2.
At Netroots Nation 2010, a lone blogger set out to ask attendees of the largest conference of online activists and bloggers in the world whether their organizations had ever taken a check from George Soros. "The left" turns out to be not much of a fact, it's a community. Reuploaded to YouTube because Veoh sucketh.
From: rumisouth
Views: 155
2 ratings
Time: 29:17 More in Nonprofits & Activism
"Winter Soldiers" is an inside look at a frozen Thermopylae for the peace movement. In front of the White House on December 16, 2010, Veterans For Peace led the way as 135 people were arrested in swirling snow and blistering cold to demand an end to the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. They included Pulitzer prizewinning author Chris Hedges and Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg.
From: rumisouth
Views: 152
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Time: 29:26 More in Nonprofits & Activism
This is what democracy looks like: so endangered we need free speech zones to protect it. Inside you will find veterans and faith-based organizations alongside idealistic young and old of every stripe. Once you cross the line back into the real world, though, you may be called to the heart of what America has become.
From: rumisouth
Views: 135
3 ratings
Time: 29:40 More in News & Politics
A mash-up of the Arab Spring set to the indie-metal song "Can't Stop Me" by Mass For The Machine. Visit their website at
From: rumisouth
Views: 484
8 ratings
Time: 04:24 More in News & Politics
I met Lori Diaz, Executive Director of Holiday Help for Heroes, at the Alabama Community Leaders Institute on the campus of Alabama A&M on August 27th to find out more about the needs of veterans returning from Afghanistan and Iraq to civilian life. Visit my website at
From: rumisouth
Views: 88
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Time: 04:51 More in Nonprofits & Activism