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Santorum Tells Kids With Gay Parents: You’d Be Better Off With Parents In Prison

On the campaign trail, Rick Santorum rarely passes up an opportunity to pontificate on his favorite subject: the evils of gay marriage and parenthood. Speaking at a boarding school in New Hampshire on Friday, Santorum cited an unnamed “anti-poverty expert” to claim that children are better off having a parent in prison who abandoned them than having two same-sex parents.

This wasn’t just a hypothetical some children in the audience, at least three of whom had gay parents, the Los Angeles Times reports:

For the second time in as many days, Rick Santorum waded into the issue of gay marriage, suggesting it was so important for children to have both a father and mother that an imprisoned father was preferable to a same-sex parent.

Citing the work of one anti-poverty expert, Santorum said, “He found that even fathers in jail who had abandoned their kids were still better than no father at all to have in their children’s lives.”

Allowing gays to marry and raise children, Santorum said, amounts to “robbing children of something they need, they deserve, they have a right to. You may rationalize that that isn’t true, but in your own life and in your own heart, you know it’s true.” [...]

The students at Dublin School, which runs from ninth through 12th grade, were primed for Santorum’s visit, said headmaster Brad Bates. He said three students in the audience had gay parents, though they were not among those who asked about the topic.

It’s unclear to which “anti-poverty” expert Santorum was referring, or what the expert’s study said, but it is clear that Santorum is likely distorting it. He isn’t wrong that numerous studies have highlighted the importance of keeping children connected to parents who may be in prison, but none of them include any actual research on comparisons with same-sex families. They may juxtapose a child having no father (i.e. a single mother) with having a father in jail, but it’s completely invalid to compare an abandoned mother to two committed loving mothers.

Numerous conservative groups regularly attempt this “fatherless” rhetorical trap to make a case against same-sex marriage. Focus on the Family, in particular, is notorious for this distortion and has made it many times in just the past year, including just this week. In reality, studies have consistently shown that same-sex couples are just as capable of raising children as opposite-sex couples, and any attempt to suggest otherwise is not only wrong but hurtful to same-sex families and the children they are raising.


GOP Candidates Condemn Same-Sex Marriage In New Hampshire Debate

The GOP presidential candidates discussed marriage rights for gay and lesbian people for close to ten minutes during Saturday night’s ABC News/Yahoo debate in New Hampshire. The Republicans expressed support for extending limited benefits to same-sex couples, but strongly opposed marriage equality:

NEWT GINGRICH: We want to make it possible to have those things that are most intimately human between friends.

RICK SANTORUM: I’m certainly not going to have a federal law that bans adoption for gay couples, when there are only gay couples in certain states.

MITT ROMNEY: There is every right for people in this country to form long-term committed relationships with one another. That doesn’t mean that they have to call it marriage.

RICK PERRY: That is a war against religion and it’s going to stop under a Perry administration.

New Hampshire legalized same-sex marriage in 2009 and the law is widely supported across the state. Watch a compilation:


Perry: ‘I Would Send Troops Back Into Iraq’ | Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) said he “would send troops back into Iraq” at tonight’s GOP presidential debate in Manchester, NH. With American forces out the country, Perry said, Iran would take over Iraq, “literally at the speed of light.” The last American troops left Iraq before Christmas, after eight years of war that cost the lives of 4,400 U.S. troops and between $3 trillion and $5 trillion in lost economic output. Watch it:


Black Woman Confronts Santorum Over Comments: ‘Why Do You Have A Problem Against Black People?’

ThinkProgress filed this report from Hollis, New Hampshire

Woman (right) confronts Santorum

At a campaign event outside a pharmacy in Hollis, New Hampshire Saturday afternoon, an African-American woman confronted Rick Santorum over recent comments he made that the NAACP and others have called racially insensitive.

While speaking about welfare reform last week, Santorum was quoted as saying, “I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money.” The candidate now denies that he said “black,” claiming instead that he said “blah.”

At the campaign stop Saturday, the woman — who slipped away from the event before ThinkProgress was able to get her name — asked, “Why do you have a problem against black people?”

WOMAN: Mr. Santorum, why do you have a problem against black people? We are the only ones who need aid? The statistics show that it’s not the popularity [sic] that’s the most needy.

SANTORUM: I didn’t say that. I understand that.

WOMAN: OK, then why’d you say that?

SANTORUM: OK, we gotta go. I didn’t say that.

See a photo of the exchange with an audio recording of it:


Santorum Accuses Obama Of ‘Elitist Snobbery’ For Wanting Every Child To Go To College

ThinkProgress filed this report from Amherst, New Hampshire

President Obama has laid out an ambitious agenda for America’s high school students, stating that by 2020, he wants the United States to be the world’s leader in proportion of college students. At other times, he has said he wants every student to graduate “college and career ready.”

To many, that would seem an effort to improve America’s lagging educational stature among the world’s largest countries. To former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum (R), however, that is a sign of Obama’s “elitist snobbery.”

While talking about education during a campaign stop in New Hampshire today, Santorum stated that Obama “said every child should go to college,” then declared, “What elitist snobbery out of this man!” The claim drew cheers from many in the crowd.

Watch it:

Santorum explained that if any of his seven children wanted to become an auto mechanic, he would encourage him to do so and to become the best at it. Why he is ardently opposed giving every student a chance to go to college, however, is unclear.

Santorum made similar remarks at an earlier campaign stop at, of all place, St. Anselm’s College in Manchester, New Hampshire, as the Huffington Post and Wall Street Journal both reported.


Santorum Cracks Jokes About Romney Private Jet | At a campaign event outside the Homestead Grocery and Deli in Amherst, NH, GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum took a shot at Mitt Romney’s image as an out of touch wealthy investor, joking that a plane flying overhead was probably Mitt Romney’s private jet. During a speech laced with attacks on the front runner, a plane interrupted the candidate. “Probably Romney flying in,” Santorum said. “Probably a private plane.” Santorum holds forth at the woodsy event:


Mitt Romney Quotes Lesbian Poet Concerned About Income Inequality On The Stump

Mitt Romney regularly incorporates lyrics from “America the Beautiful” into his stump speeches. Little does he probably realize that the hymn was written by a progressive feminist lesbian who composed it to critique country’s greed, excess, and growing economic inequality. The original third-verse lyrics Katharine Lee Bates wrote in 1894 were as follows:

America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
Till selfish gain no longer stain
The banner of the free!

She later rewrote the stanza, toning down the rhetoric but maintaining that wealth was not what made America great:

America! America!
May God thy gold refine
Till all success be nobleness
And every gain divine!

Given Romney’s vast personal wealth and his ongoing defense of the one percent, plus his opposition to same-sex marriage and other LGBT rights, he might wish to rethink which American poets he chooses to highlight in his speeches.

Both Rick Santorum and Rick Perry fell into a similar trap last year when they highlighted Langston Hughes’ “Let America Be America,” despite Hughes’ record as pro-gay, pro-union, and pro-immigration. (HT: Mombian.)


Tucson Gun Show Held On Anniversary Of Giffords Shooting

One year ago Sunday, Jared Lee Loughner arrived at a Tucson, Arizona gathering with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) intending to assassinate the congresswoman. Miraculously, Giffords survived the bullet to her head, but six of her constituents — including a sitting federal judge and a nine year-old child — were not so lucky. In addition to the six people slain by Loughner’s gun, more than a dozen were injured.

So it is more than a little puzzling why the Crossroads of the West gun show picked the anniversary of this horrific mass killing to hold one of their shows in the very same town where the Tucson massacre occurred.

To their credit, this gun show at least admits that they are selling an inherently dangerous product. At the same time that gun lobbyists are trying to impose the country’s laxest concealed carry laws on the rest of America, Crossroads of the West is warning its attendees not to bring loaded concealed weapons because they endanger the gun show’s attendees:

Q: Can I carry a loaded gun in the gun show? I have a Concealed Carry Permit.
A: We respectfully request that you do not bring any loaded firearm into the gun show. Safety is our Number One Priority, and a safe environment in the show can only be maintained if there are no loaded guns in the show.

Admittedly, loaded guns are especially dangerous in a room full of firearm dealers where potential customers will be testing the triggers on their unloaded merchandise, so these kinds of bans are reasonably common at gun shows. Yet, while Crossroads of the West quite sensibly bans loaded firearms from a room full of dry firing guns, they have a long history of ignoring basic rules of firearm safety. Just weeks after Loughner went on his rampage in Tucson, Crossroads of the West dealers were caught selling firearms to undercover police officers who told the dealers that they “probably couldn’t pass a background check.”


Perry Selects Sheriff Joe Arpaio As AZ Campaign Chair | Three weeks ago, the Justice Department released the results of its three-year investigation into Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s office, finding rampant lawbreaking and massive civil rights violations against Latinos. In addition, it was recently revealed that the Arizona sheriff failed to investigate over 400 sex crimes during his tenure, including multiple instances of child molestation, leading Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) to say he was “outraged” by Arpaio’s negligence. Apparently untroubled by the allegations, Rick Perry today announced that Arpaio will serve as his presidential campaign’s Arizona state chairman.


Romney’s Tax Plan Would Increase Taxes On Half Of Middle Class Families With Children

The Tax Policy Center yesterday released an analysis showing that 2012 GOP presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney’s tax plan is heavily weighted towards the richest Americans, giving 50 percent of its benefit to those making $1 million or more. While millionaires would receive an annual tax cut of nearly $150,000, many middle class and low income families would see their taxes go up.

And because Romney would phase out tax breaks that the Obama administration put in place in 2009 specifically for families with children and families paying for a child’s college education, it’s those families that would be hardest hit. According to an analysis of the Tax Policy Center’s data done by the Center for American Progress’ Seth Hanlon and Michael Linden, half of families with incomes of less than $50,000 who have children would see a tax increase under Romney’s plan (compared to current policy):

40% of families with incomes under $100,000 who have children (more than 14 million families) get a tax hike.

55% of families with incomes under $50,000 who have children (more than 12 million families) get a tax hike.

– Families with incomes under $50,000 who have children (including the ones who get small tax cuts) see an average tax hike of $512.

Overall, under Romney’s plan, 22.1 million households would see a tax hike, including 17.4 million who have incomes under $50,000.

Romney likes to claim that his tax plan is “focused” on providing tax relief to the middle class, but his signature tax cut gives literally no tax break to most middle class families (because he centers it on investment income that is almost exclusively collected by the wealthy). Romney tries to claims that he’s “not worried about rich people,” but his plan proves that he’s mostly worried about the wealthy, while not sparing much of a thought for families struggling with the effects of the Great Recession.


Hit And Run: Boeing Leaves Kansas After Promising The State Jobs For $35 Billion Contract And Slew Of Tax Breaks

This week, defense and aircraft manufacturing giant Boeing announced that it will be closing the Boeing Defense, Space & Security facility in Wichita by the end of 2013, which “means the loss of 2,100 well-paying jobs at its Kansas facility, which was once considered the centerpiece of Wichita’s claim as the air capital of the world.” Boeing will instead be performing the operations that were scheduled for Wichita in San Antonio and Oklahoma City.

Boeing’s decision — which it blames on possible defense cuts that may take place in the future — is devastating to Wichita community, which also includes more than four hundred Boeing suppliers. Local news station Fox 4 covered the closure in a video report. Watch it:

The announcement is particularly shocking given the fact that Boeing had repeatedly promised to keep jobs in Kansas and add many more if it were able to land a $35 billion contract for an aerial tanker. Kansas lawmakers went to bat for the company in early 2011, with Sen. Pat Roberts (R) even calling on “everybody who’s out there tweeting, chirping and Facebooking” to push for the Air Force to grant the tanker contract to Boeing rather than European rival EADS.

The Air Force initially handed the contract to EADS, but reneged after loud protests from Kansas lawmakers. Boeing then went on to promise as many as 7,500 jobs and “an overall economic impact of $390 million” if it were to receive the contract. “Boeing’s chairman sat in my office 22 months ago during that battle and promised me, then-Senator Brownback and Congressman (Todd) Tiahrt that if we won the fight to get the tanker contract back, Boeing would stay in Wichita,” recalled Roberts.

Not only did Kansas lawmakers in Congress heavily lobby on behalf of Boeing to get the contract over its European rival, but state lawmakers also laid out a wide set of incentives “in the form of tax breaks, research dollars, workforce training” and other gifts. In 2007 alone, the legislature gave Boeing $2,175,355 for the IMPACT — Investments in Major Products and Comprehensive Training — program, to train new employees. The company has also benefited from a machinery and equipment property tax exemption, the repeal of the corporation franchise tax, and other benefits.

“Boeing is the poster child for corporate tax incentives. This company has benefited from property tax incentives, sales tax exemptions, infrastructure investments and other tax breaks at every level of government. These incentives were provided in an effort to retain and create thousands of Kansas jobs,” said Wichita Rep. Jim Ward (D) in response to Boeing’s move. “We will be less trusting in the future of corporate promises.” Indeed, the company’s ruthless behavior — promising jobs if the state granted it special treatment and then fleeing for lower costs elsewhere — is a cautionary tale not just to Kansas but every legislature in the country.


Former Kansas Congressman Todd Tiarht (R) doesn’t seem to be backing off the corporate appeasement strategy. “The bottom line is we have to make the business environment in Kansas receptive to keeping and creating jobs,” he said, defiantly.

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Record Heat Floods America With Temperatures 40 Degrees Above Normal

Skateboarding in Rapid City, SD's 70-degree weather on January 5.

Fueled by billions of tons of greenhouse pollution, a surge of record warmth has flooded the United States, shattering records from southern California to North Dakota. “Temperatures have reached up to 40 degrees above early January averages in North Dakota,” the Weather Channel reports. Cities are seeing late-April temperatures at the start of January — Minot, ND hit 61 degrees, Aberdeen, SD hit 63 degrees, and Williston, ND hit 58 degrees, all-time record highs for the month of January.

Daily record highs have been set in Des Moines, Iowa (65 degrees), Rapid City, S.D. (73 degrees), International Falls, Minn. (46 degrees), St. Louis, Mo. (66 degrees) and Fargo, N.D. (55 degrees), to name a few locations. Although the record warmth subsides on Friday for the Plains, the mild air mass will bully its way eastward. We’re talking temperatures in cities such as Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Chicago, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Detroit and Cincinnati enjoying highs on the order of 10-to-20 degrees above average. High temperatures around 5-to-15 degrees above average will make it all the way to the East Coast including New York City, Washington, D.C. and Charlotte, N.C.

“There has never been a 60 degree temperature recorded during the first week of January in Minnesota’s modern climate record.” Southwestern Minnesota reached the lower 60s.

In Southern California, decades-old records were snapped with 80- and even 90-degree weather, sending surfers to the beaches. Long Beach hit 88 degrees, UCLA hit 89 degrees, San Diego hit 83 degrees, and San Gabriel reached 91.

Although this heat is welcome to schoolchildren, this breakdown of normal seasons threatens serious economic disruption. The total lack of snowcover in the Dakotas means that wildland fires are much more likely. The seasonally cold air following this surge of heat will severely damage the winter crops that are usually protected by at least 3 inches of snow at this time of year.

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Georgia Lawmaker Apologizes For Attacking Romney’s Mormon Faith, Does Not Apologize To Muslims

State Rep. Judy Manning (R-GA)

Yesterday, ThinkProgress reported that Georgia state representative Judy Manning (R) attacked Mitt Romney’s Mormon faith, saying that it scares her. She also said that at “least it’s not a Muslim,” indicating that she believes Islam to be an even more inferior religion.

The same day, after her remarks were widely circulated in the media, Manning apologized for her comments on the Mormon faith and Romney, writing on her Facebook wall that she made a “terrible mistake” with her “reckless words.” She also apologized for “offending people of Mormon faith“:

I have made a terrible mistake with my reckless words. In an attempt to compare Romney and Obama, a seasoned reported manipulated my comparison using verbal judo and made my choice for a Republican Presidential candidate appear to be motivated by religion.

NOT SO! I am supporting Newt Gingrich because he is the smartest, most qualified man for the job. [...] While I believe Newt Gingrich is the best choice for President, I can assure you, I will be supporting whomever wins the support of Republican America on the ballot in 2012. Elizabeth Kubler Ross said, “I believe that we are solely responsible for our choices, and we have to accept the consequences of every deed, word, and thought throughout our lifetime.” These are words to live by. I sincerely apologize to Mitt Romney and for offending people of Mormon faith.

Manning should be lauded for admitting that her words on the Mormon faith were “reckless” and wrong. However, it is notable that she did not apologize for attacking Islam. If she truly wants to repent for using her position as a public official to discriminate against Americans of different religions, she should also apologize to American Muslims for decrying their faith.

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Freddie Mac To Grant Mortgage Breaks To Unemployed Homeowners | The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, known as Freddie Mac, announced Friday that it will provide mortgage servicers the power to grant unemployed homeowners who have Freddie Mac-backed mortgages a one-year break on their mortgage payments, the Chicago Tribune reports. The change takes effect February 1 and allows mortgage servicers to provide six months of relief without Freddie Mac approval and six months more with approval — a six-month increase over the current policy. Fannie Mae, the other mortgage provider, is expected to announce a similar policy later. Seriously delinquent mortgages rose sharply in September, and home foreclosures jumped 21 percent in the third quarter of 2011.


Santorum’s Obsession: As Senator, He Mentioned Abortion 1,014 Times | According to the Sunlight Foundation, GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum uttered the word “abortion” 1,014 times during his Senate terms between 1996 and 2007, accounting for 12.2 percent of all Senate mentions. Some of his other favorite words included partial-birth, fetus, and womb. During his Senate tenure, Santorum advocated for a number of bills restricting women’s health rights, including sponsoring an act that criminalized late-term or “partial-birth” abortions.


Teachers Decide To Work For Free After Budget Cuts Leave Pennsylvania School District Without Funds For Salaries

A teacher at Chester Upland Schools

The Chester Upland School District in Delaware County, Pennsylvania suffered a serious setback when Gov. Tom Corbett (R) slashed $900 million in education funds from the state budget. The cuts landed hardest on poorer districts, and Chester Upland, which predominantly serves African-American children and relies on state aid for nearly 70 percent of its funding, expects to fall short this school year by $19 million.

Faced with such a shortage of funds, the school district informed its staff that it will not be able to pay their salaries come Wednesday. So the teachers decided to work for free. As one teacher put it, students “need to be educated, so we intend to be on the job”:

At a union meeting at Chester High School on Tuesday night, the employees passed a resolution saying they would stay on “as long as we are individually able.”

Columbus Elementary School math and literacy teacher Sara Ferguson, who has taught in Chester Upland for 21 years, said after the meeting, “It’s alarming. It’s disturbing. But we are adults; we will make a way. The students don’t have any contingency plan. They need to be educated, so we intend to be on the job.”

The school board and the unions separately begged Corbett to provide financial aid for the district, but Corbett turned each request down. Pennsylvania’s Education Secretary Ron Tomalis told the board that it “had failed to properly manage its finances and would not get any additional funds.” Chester Upland was forced to lay off “40 percent of its professional staff and about half of its unionized support staff before school began last fall.” That leaves 200 professionals and 65 support staff to manage a school with class sizes of over 40 students.

Chester Upland is not the only district desperately trying to stay afloat. Corbett’s cuts forced one school district to enforce wage freezes and cut extracurricular activities and another turned to actually using sheep instead of lawnmowers to cut grass at two of its schools. As ThinkProgress’s Travis Waldron pointed out, Corbett could relieve school districts if he let special interest groups like tobacco and the oil and gas industry go without their tax breaks. But he seems to prefer allowing teachers to go without pay.

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Freddie Mac Lets Gingrich Release His Contract — Will He?

GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich has come under fire for his ties to mortgage giant Freddie Mac, which paid him $1.6 million to do “strategic advising,” which many charged was lobbying in everything but name. Gingrich has insisted he did not lobby for the company and was merely employed as a “historian.”

One way to settle the issue would for the former speaker to publicize his contract with Freddie Mac. Gingrich has not done thus far, saying he would like to, but is bound by a confidentiality agreement. A campaign lawyer contacted Freddie Mac, the campaign said, to request the waiver from the agreement. “They wouldn’t do it,” Gingrich said this week of the prospect of Freddie Mac allowing him to break the contract.

However, Bloomberg News reports today that Freddie Mac is okay with releasing the contract:

Freddie Mac Vice President Sharon McHale gave a different account in an interview yesterday.

We are not opposed to Mr. Gingrich discussing the broad terms of his consulting agreement with Freddie Mac,” she said. “He is welcome to release the contract.”

Once informed of Freddie Mac’s position, Gingrich hardly jumped at the opportunity to release the contract, dodging a question about it at a town hall in New Hampshire yesterday and referring the reporter to his campaign spokesman. That spokesman, R.C. Hammond, however, refused to say whether the campaign will release the contact.”

Gingrich has a long history peddling influence for various corporate interests.


Gingrich told reporters in New Hampshire this afternoon that he’d be “happy” if the consulting company he founded, Center for Health Transformation, agrees to release the contract. The former speaker said he doesn’t have the authority to release the documents because he is no longer involved with the company (he stepped down before launching his presidential campaign), and said the firm may choose not to since they have “confidentiality agreements with all their companies.”

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