"GOP's ACORN 'Voter Fraud' Lie Ramped Up; State Police Raid ACORN Office in Vegas"
(36 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 10/7/2008 @ 5:14 pm PT...
First off Brad, thanks for putting the information out in a straight forward way. As the webmaster for I agree with you 99% of the time. The one thing missing from your article, and the one thing that is bothering me is the Nevada Secretary of State is a Democrat. Why would he do this? ACORN did nothing wrong, is he going to go after the canvassers that put in the false information? I have seen advertisements for ACORN in my state where they say "Make up to $25 per hour" Is ACORN paying per vote application? If so an individual canvasser could just go to a phone book and fill crap out. I want to know more. Let us know Brad, Thanks, Dale
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 10/7/2008 @ 6:21 pm PT...
Dale -
I don't know that Ross Miller (NV's new Dem SoS) had anything to do with this raid, frankly. Reports I've seen, so far, say "state and federal officials", whoever that is.
That said, Miller has not been, um, particularly impressive on these issues. For the moment, I'll leave it at that. Happy to offer more on those lines when I'm able to learn more.
Either way, be sure to read ACORN's statement posted at the bottom of the original article above.
More when I can get it, and after the Debate blows over...
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
John Smith
said on 10/7/2008 @ 7:35 pm PT...
Yada yada yada, yeah it's about time someone started jerking the Acorn hucksters around. The charges against them aren't just propaganda, there is enough evidence of voter registration fraud by them in past elections to warrant shutting them down permanently. IMHO of course.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 10/7/2008 @ 7:48 pm PT...
Is this going to be the "GOP made me do it" defense?
Sounds to me like the Repubs are doing something right for a change. Too often they sit around making nicey-nice with leftwing nuts who hate them unreservedly. I prefer a straight up fight. Good for the GOP.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Bill Warden
said on 10/7/2008 @ 8:21 pm PT...
No, it doesn't seem to me that ACORN is taking the "Republicans made me do it" defense --- as the Brad guy said, ACORN has to turn in all registrations by law, and has even been marking the suspect ones (the same applications the nuts are whining about, it also seems). No one who has paid any reasonable attention in the past 8 years would ever confuse the Republicans with having any connection with (or respect for) the law. They're above petty things like that.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
John R Brakey
said on 10/7/2008 @ 9:34 pm PT...
Here we go again. Flash back to October of 2004, Nathan Sproul who turned out to be the 6th largest expense that the RNC had in the 2004 election cycle. Team Bush Paid Millions to Nathan Sproul--and Tried to Hide It ... All the payments by the RNC to Sproul add up to a whopping $8,359,161. Where did all that money come from? Why did the RNC suppress their real expenditures? Mark Crispin Miller
In that cycle in late September Sproul got in trouble with voter registration in two states by destroying Democratic registration forms.
Immediately Rorwellian went to work and blamed ACORN with false allegations.
A year or so later ACORN was completely cleared.
That leaded to the firing of several of the U.S. Attorneys for not manufacturing good evidence to get ACORN.
As to Nathan Sproul, the Justice Department took the cases away from the states and then buried them.
Sproul boosts that in the 2004 election cycle that he worked 23 states.
“How the 2004 Election was stolen on optical scanners: John Brakey and the "" by David Griscom,
Sproul use to be the Executive Director of the Arizona Christian Right and up to the 2002 election cycle the Arizona Republican Party. Republican Dirty Tricks, By Max Blumenthal, AlterNet. October 15, 2004.
Sproul started out working for AZ Senator Strange Love “Jon Kyle.” 1994
Sproul and McCain are both from Arizona and they use to hate each other.
Not anymore!
Sproul New Group after destroying his name is The Lincoln Strategy Group Team which he is the managing principal.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 10/8/2008 @ 12:34 am PT...
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 10/8/2008 @ 3:03 am PT...
And you know what, one more thing too, for cops that blindly follow, breaking constitutional protections, they should get jail if not life imprisonment as well.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 10/8/2008 @ 3:06 am PT...
One last thing, I think in another thread I might have confuzzled ACORN with ACVR. (acronym hell, but this thread brings that reality here, yet I know not where I might have said it)
[Oh, okay, Phil, I'll look for it and fix it for you.... Night night. --99]
[I looked and looked, and you just must have meant the senseless one involving castration on this very thread, so it's pau now.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Carl Hagan
said on 10/8/2008 @ 5:59 am PT...
I tried to comment this just now at Huffington Post but it is either under review or canned because it is too radical/controversial/whatever.
I am trusting that Bradblog has the cajones and contacts to post / and use this as more amunition on a nationwide msm scale. What does it take for America, the legal community and voters to wake up?
8okt8 14:40 http://www.huffingtonpos...orms-going_b_132727.html
This is no mistake, this is another one of many Republican voting fraud schemes but on a massive, massive scale.
Bush, Rove & Co stole the last two U.S. elections plus various others, Ohio, Florida etc. It is proven beyond any reasonable doubt. There are smoking guns all over the place but no one is putting this front page day after day and getting the legal and media resources to shut down these criminals.
The Diebold voting machines are all programmed for voting fraud. Nb also that Diebold, per these experts, designs and administrates network systems within the Congress, Senate, Defense Department and other governmental agencies.
For the sake of democracy and our nation, please read/watch these and react, do whatever it takes to stop this before it is again too late!!!
[Ed Note: Carl, most blog software holds up comments with that many links in them. --99]
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 10/8/2008 @ 7:47 am PT...
I have worried about paying people to register voters in the past. There is much room for the voter rolls to be corrupted when you pay someone by the registrant and not by the hour or use volunteers. It is important to be able to train people with the ability to fire them if they do not fill out the forms etc correctly. But unfortunately, the organizers' eagerness to complete volume often gets lost in that, as well.
It is pointless to register people if they aren't going to vote anyway. Most 'good' organizers understand this, sometimes the training process loses sight of this.
But let's face it, this was on the evening news and the fact that Michael Connell, who works for McCain refuses to be deposed has gone unnoticed. This investigation has been stifled for nearly 4 years, and yet somehow the damn 'liberal'(ha....what a joke) media won't even talk about it. The voters have more to worry about with this man still free & clear of criminal charges, while in the employ of the McCain campaign. Connell's involvement with the republican party should not be considered "client confidentiality" - especially since that is the whole issue.
more here if you don't have up to date info:
Thanks Brad, for explaining to people that ACORN is obligated to turn in all registrations, suspect or not. Let's hope that this issue gets more notice in other outlets. You will be happy to know that FAUX ( FOX ) news did 'mention' that the culprit is probably over eager workers who were trying to complete volume for the sake of profit - not ACORN faking up registrations.
Keep up the good work!
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 10/8/2008 @ 9:53 am PT...
The ACORN Communists have been caught red-handed. If this were a Republican supported group you scumbags would be up in arms. But since they espouse your Communist ideals they get a pass on this blog. You people are full of shit.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 10/8/2008 @ 11:21 am PT...
In a time of democratic crisis in our nation, you are calling the Association for Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) communists??!!
The last thing in the world ACORN does is support communism. They function to support democracy in our nation. In a democracy US citizens have a right to have their voice heard at the ballot box.
Registering voters is critical to the process of democracy.
Denying people the right to vote is closer to communism.
I would hate to throw out your senseless adhominems, but sadly- the Republicans have taken measures that are closer to communism.
If you think that supporting communistic ideals is why we are here-then maybe you need to ask yourself what your party is hiding when they refuse to allow Connell to be deposed. Ask yourself why the corporations of America are being rescued by Bush when the ship was obviously going to sink over 5 years ago....Seems a lot more like your red flag has been flying in the back rooms of the republican party.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 10/8/2008 @ 12:11 pm PT...
Brad - suggest you send the entire thread to Jim Hightower. He LIKES ACORN and might give this some publicity.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 10/8/2008 @ 7:47 pm PT...
People keep saying that having the right to vote is a most important and precious thing. But, I can't seem to figure out why it is that there exists a need to rush out and register others, then bombard them with reminders only to spend time making sure they get to the polls. Then I figured it out; others votes and your own desire far out weigh the inspirations of others to vote. Basically, the non-voters are lazy and without care while you are just plain selfish and inconsiderate of anyone of holds a separate opinion.
Do you realize that every single voter that you register under the ACORN principles and encouraged to vote under the same actually cancels out a vote of one who has the right to hold different views; moreover, do you care?
And please don't insult my intelligence by claiming some altruistic endeavor to promote voter participation regardless of politics. I know how this works and it saddens me to see my party engage in such tactics
In my opinion, the practice of registering other voters should be outlawed. Registering is not that difficult; I did it, you did it and I am sure others and their families can do it as well. As for the homeless, well they have plenty of time on their hands to get themselves registered. To be homeless in this great land of opportunity exemplifies the ability of some to make decisions to better themselves. So why then, should we entrust their judgment that affects others?
You all may take my position as crude and obtuse, but I assure you that I only see things in terms of fairness and human decency.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 10/8/2008 @ 7:57 pm PT...
Brad, only a fool would believe that Acorn is "nonpartisan".
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 10/9/2008 @ 8:04 pm PT...
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 10/9/2008 @ 8:19 pm PT...
That's easy, 4. He quite simply will do a better job protecting the rights and bettering the lives of the people ACORN was formed to support; to wit: us, all of us. Even though I'm not much of an Obama fan, that much is crystal clear.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 10/9/2008 @ 10:43 pm PT...
Have everyone show a valid photo-id at the polls and that solves the problem. Let's be honest fellow democrats, the recent BS about disenfranchised voters wasn't an issue until the races were so close. It's pathetic that my party has become so corrupt and winning is more important than building a better country. The GOP is no better and I'm sure everyone here is well aware of the Bush travesty.
Again, make it required to show who the hell you are at the polls and a lot of fraud will be eliminated. It worked in WA State, where I live. ACORN signed up over 1800 false registrations; only 6 were valid! And that's just one state.
I'm tired of the bitching and finger pointing between parties. I think they should both be eliminated; they both suck. Each day, we are having the life sucked out of us by these politicos and for what? Medical Marijuana, more "gay" rights, spending OUR money to buy off special interest groups or other party members?
Do we really want this band of thieves to have MORE control over our lives?
Sadly, supporters of either party have become "useful idiots". They keep us at each other’s throats while they continue to steal more and more of our freedoms. Divide and conquer. And the end of the day, both parties are the same. Obama and McCain BOTH voted for the bailout. A blatant rip-off if ever there was one. There's more to come; when I we going to fight back? By voting for Obama? By voting for McCain? Yeah, sure, life will be much better won't it? How many times are we going to get screwed before we stand up and say Enough!?
Let's come together, forget the parties and take our country back!
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
Robert Bell
said on 10/10/2008 @ 6:38 am PT...
I can see what happened here. When I lived in Washington, DC, the local County Paper (run by a Republican) hired people to go out and sell subscriptions. They were paid based on piecework - how many subscriptions they sold.
So these folks went out and wrote down the names of everyone in my apartment building who was foolish enough to list their name on their mailbox, including me.
I started receiving this paper, thinking it was free or a promotion. Then the bills started coming. Then the phone calls - threatening ones, claiming they were going to damaging my credit rating if I did not "pay up".
ACORN may have had good intentions, but if they used canvassers, the canvassers may have gone overboard. Also, there is the possibility that Republicans dumped clearly fraudulent registrations forms on ACORN with the idea of then using this data later on to attack the organization.
The myth of Voter Fraud is just that. The Republicnas have yet to show even ONE person caught in the act of illegally voting. But yet the myth persists.
With Obama leading by nearly double digits in the polls, one wonders what their argument is going to be this time - that the pollsters are polling the dead?
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 10/10/2008 @ 10:43 am PT...
Do we really need more proof that liberalism IS a mental illness? I think not.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 10/10/2008 @ 11:40 am PT...
I, like many Americans believe that character, honesty, and integrity really do go to the foundation of who the next president should be.Obama is ahead in the polls because Obama is dramatically outspending McCain with television advertising ... he has a biased media in the tank, who provides him with more and better exposure, and editorial endorsement ... Obama has 96% of the black vote ... he enjoys the relentless support of a completely biased entertainment industry, plus the left wing educational community, plus massive illegal, or unethical fund raising, and voter registration drives, by groups like Acorn ... not to mention the fact that thanks to democratic propaganda, McCain has to carry Bush's weight. At this point in time, many Americans are also beginning to question the validity of the POLLS. Are they skewed, like the biased media? Do they truly reflect reality? Are the sample groups mostly black voters? If the Democrats are so sure they've already won, how come they keep trying so hard to make the rest of us believe it? Just like they did against Hillary! There is a good chance that if we can keep voter fraud out of this election, that on November 4th, the actual voters, in the privacy of their booths, will elect McCain/Palin, by a comfortable margin. If you vote for Obama, you are also voting for voter fraud and a crooked media.
On November 4th cast your vote for McCain/Palin !!!
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
john boy
said on 10/12/2008 @ 8:21 am PT...
the only person i am aware of who is accused of voter fraud is ann coulter!
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
G Holt
said on 10/12/2008 @ 8:49 am PT...
Acorn should never be funded by me the taxpayer. This pork barrel funding for special interests should be stopped across the board. It is obvious these people are if not criminal in their activities are at least immoral by registering "dead" people and allowing and encouraging multiple registrations by a single person. I think the taxpayers should file a class action suit against this and other organizations like this and take back our tax dollars!!
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 10/12/2008 @ 12:49 pm PT...
G Holt, and others upthread --- Did you guys even read the post? Based on your comments, it would appear not, or that perhaps you need remedial reading courses.
ACORN is required by law to turn in all forms, even the obviously fraudulent ones.
Or perhaps you would prefer that ACORN (and other organizations doing similar registration drives) be the ones to determine which forms get submitted and which ones get thrown in the trash?
Hyper-partisans cling to their ideology against all logic and facts, and place party over country when they decry an organization that helps their fellow citizens participate in the election process, while at the same time giving jobs to the poor. Unless, of course, those new voters are from the "right" side of the tracks...
Tell you what, G Holt and others --- why don't you find us some evidence of anyone actually casting a fraudulent vote through voter registration fraud, which is what this story is about, and enlighten us, in addition to entertaining us with your fact-free fever dreams?
Seriously, you guys do not help McCain's campaign when you can't manage to use facts or logic to support your assertions. American voters are a lot smarter than you think.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 10/12/2008 @ 3:21 pm PT...
ZK @ #19 said:
Have everyone show a valid photo-id at the polls and that solves the problem.
Right. Accept for the 20 million --- mostly Democratic-leaning voters --- who don't have such Photo ID.
Let's be honest fellow democrats...
No, let's be honest, ZK. You're no more a Democrat than I'm the Queen of England.
It's pathetic that my party has become so corrupt and winning is more important than building a better country.
Right. You should tell your party, the GOP, to knock it the fuck off. Liar.
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 10/12/2008 @ 3:25 pm PT...
KSC @ #11 said:
There is much room for the voter rolls to be corrupted when you pay someone by the registrant and not by the hour or use volunteers
ACORN does not pay by the registrant. They pay workers by the hour (and turn them in to officials when they find they've fraudulent filled out registrations!)
From Charles Jackson, ACORN Communications Director:
"We don't have a quota system. We have a performance standard system based on the quality of the cards, which includes complete cards, phone numbers, good phone numbers, but it's not based on quota. No one has been fired for not completing a number of cards. The number of cards turned in per day have ranged from 12-25, 10-15. Some canvassers turned in between 1-5 cards, and were not terminated. We terminate people when they falsify cards, turn in too many incomplete cards, and consistent bad phone numbers."
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 10/12/2008 @ 3:30 pm PT...
PacingTheCage @ #15 said:
Do you realize that every single voter that you register under the ACORN principles and encouraged to vote under the same actually cancels out a vote of one who has the right to hold different views; moreover, do you care?
Do I care that someone who has the legal right to vote, and may vote differently than you gets to vote? Are you an idiot?
And please don't insult my intelligence by claiming some altruistic endeavor to promote voter participation regardless of politics. I know how this works and it saddens me to see my party engage in such tactics
Believe me, "insulting" your "intelligence" would be an exercise in redundancy, so I won't bother, other than to agree that it's ashame that your party (the GOP) would engage in such despicable, anti-American values such as voter suppression.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 10/12/2008 @ 3:36 pm PT...
G Holt @ #24 said:
It is obvious these people are if not criminal in their activities are at least immoral by registering "dead" people and allowing and encouraging multiple registrations by a single person.
They are doing nothing of the sort. What's obvious, is you don't care to find that out.
I think the taxpayers should file a class action suit against this and other organizations like this and take back our tax dollars!!
Agreed! Let's file a class action suit against Sproul & Associates immediately!
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 10/13/2008 @ 8:44 am PT...
Easy to choose who "not" to vote for. Did Obama take part in the Keating 5? No, OK. Was McCain one of the Keating 5? Yes. OK. Is this historically similar to the Massive Bail out bill illegally drawn up and passed by the senate, and then the House after they denied? Yes.
Only then it cost the American Tax payers 3 Billion dollars; now the cap is set much higher. McCain was directly involved then; accepting enormous contributions from Alex Keating (Whom is serving 10 years for his roles in the Lincoln savings scandal.)
Now, how say yee supporters of McCain? I am not for Obama, although he looks much more inviting than Senator McCain.
Google: Keating 5 Alex Keating, etc etc etc
Plain as Day.
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 10/13/2008 @ 3:28 pm PT...
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 10/15/2008 @ 6:29 am PT...
This is not a smears? this is a obama pet project
you know obama gave money to acorn,not mccain,but you want this obama in the White House.Wake up america this man obama is using acorn for his own ill got and gain.Sen Mccain Country First.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 10/15/2008 @ 7:10 am PT...
Question on mccain's age is it a requirment to be the president of the United States to be young, or old.What happen to the law of the land that protects Discrimnation of age.Mccain has wisdom, and experience.Obama has youth no experience,or knowledge during these hard times, with our enemies at our door.Workers should get and keep jobs based on their ability, not their age.Counrty First.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 10/17/2008 @ 3:50 pm PT...
As this tripe is ginned up for the election we can see where this is going. They intend to use the scam vote machines to fake the votes and then cry foul regarding ACORN when that isn't quite enough due to overwhelming Obama support. Bush's court will hand the election over to McCain unless we can stop it.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
Mickey Mouse
said on 10/18/2008 @ 6:46 am PT...
Attn Acorn lovers:
Once again, this is an example of a good program that is being grossly abused and manipulated. No matter how many ways you color it, there is no defending OR disputing the fact that ACORN is behind the bussing and trucking in of hundreds upon thousands of illegal aliens for the sole purpose of voting for Obama. By law, to be able to vote is this country, you need to be a CITIZEN of the U.S., which, by law, you have to be able to speak, read, and understand ENGLISH, not to mention, have a valid I.D. These illegals are being allowed to vote without ANY of these. If they are not allowed to vote, ACORN comes back screaming "RACIST". You all can yell "LIAR!" all you want, but these are the facts, and there is no excuse!!!!!!!!
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 11/2/2008 @ 3:47 pm PT...
I am not here to change minds or to persuade anyone.
Goodbye free speech
Goodbye constitution
Goodbye diplomacy
End the world.
Hasten the Apocalypse... Vote Obama.
?? If Obama's Father was Muslim, his Step father Muslim, his Mother Muslim. No wonder he is here in the US, if the Muslim faith found out he converted.... We'd get nuked.