YouTube May Yet Save US
Posted by Larry Bergan in Activist groups, American History on November 13, 2011
I continue to hope.
Mind Control may not be an Option
Posted by Shane Smith in Liquor Laws, Mormon LDS, utah, Utah Legislature on November 12, 2011
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) – A trade group for bars and restaurants is asking a federal judge to block Utah legislators from considering input from the Mormon church when drafting future liquor laws.
Look, I am not happy about the way the state legislature is essentially an owned subsidiary of the LDS church. It needs to change. It is strange, immoral, doesn’t serve the needs of the public, and I am pretty sure it isn’t what the founders intended.
First of all, how would that even work? Wouldn’t that require mind control? “block them from considering input”? How is that possible?
Second, I believe the state population is still over 50% LDS, isn’t it? Assuming the church speaks for at least the majority of their members (wild assumption I know) that seems like a significant part of the population. No, a church should not dictate policy, and all too often that happens in Utah, but that is not to say it should be locked out of the discussion either. How about if we consider there might just be a middle ground there somewhere. Right around about, say, they make a statement, their members can consider that statement as a voting public, and then everyone has an equal say.
Sorry if that seems radical.
(Admittedly I also think they should pay taxes in order to get that voice in politics though, so maybe they don’t want my support.)
Third, why is this only liquor laws? If it is a good idea to and is possible (ignoring the first two complaints then) why are liquor laws the only place this applies? Why not marriage laws? Why not education, hell why not everything?
Nothing in this request makes sense.
Open Letter to Chief Burbank and Mayor Becker: Let OWS Campers Stay!
Posted by Cliff Lyon in Ralph Becker, Salt Lake City on November 12, 2011
Mayor Becker and Chief Burbank,
Please don’t let the media put you in reactive mode. It won’t make us safer and might create issues where there were none before.
Its been a month, by your grace. Before booting everyone from Pioneer Park; think about how many homeless die in Salt Lake City every month? Certainly its more than one? It must be more than one.
I don’t see the basis for attributing this death to the circumstances at Pioneer Park. Not without SOME numbers.
Chief Burbank, the media is telling us you can’t do your job and keep Pioneer Park safe with the OWS campers there. Is that really true?
I think we all know, you couldn’t wish for a more cooperative group. Heck, they all love you and you know it! The DeChristopher group has nothing but high praise for you.
Is it possible that homeless deaths in SLC have gone down since the Occupy group started camping in Pioneer Park?
What are the numbers?
Is it possible Pioneer Park is actually a SAFER place for the homeless after hours as the result of the OWS campers.
Tell us the numbers?
Popular movements will always tax law enforcement disproportionately. But please, do not let this important movement and message from the people, be muzzled because of the inconvenience. Don’t let them win.
Thank you both for your sincere efforts, patient service and generous wisdom.
My Sincere Regards,
Cliff Lyon
Note To Trolls: Brewski and Glenn Hoefer (and his various aliases)
Posted by Cliff Lyon in This Blog on November 11, 2011
OneUtah is now averaging almost 20,000 unique monthly visitors. I’m seeing too many great local people showing up and being chased way by you guys. Maybe thats you goal. We’ll see.
I think its time to upgrade the conversation.
Therefore, Im giving you guys a week to see if you can raise your standard of discourse and tactics. That means making responsive intelligent arguments that show some respect for sources, credentials, intelligence and some semblance of manners at least with people you do not know.
You can swear and cuss all you want. Disagreement and debate is the point. Value is our gift. You guys are chasing people away because of your pathetic, trollish noise.
Get your shit together. You got one week. We’ll do a quick poll and you’ll be gone.
…an informed voting public
Posted by Shane Smith in This Blog on November 11, 2011
Posted sans comment, part whev in the never ending series of things that make you *headdesk*
Radio interview, teabagger speaking to reporter:
Reporter: Do the sexual allegations against Cain worry you?
Teabagger: Not at all, I mean why would they wait 14 years to come forward?
There is No Black Swan in this Argument!
Posted by Shane Smith in This Blog on November 10, 2011
First, ignore the way he refers to himself in the third person. I know Shane ignores that. Shane sees no problem with it.
“For every person that comes forward with a false accusation, there are thousands that would say none of (those) activities ever came from Herman Cain.”
-Herman Cain
In other news, the literally billions of women I have never had sex with are proof that everything my wife claims we do in the bedroom (also kitchen, guest room, living room, laundry room, bathroom, out in the lake, and once in a service elevator) is a total fabrication of her diseased mind. Or maybe the democrats, who are trying to ruin my good reputation.
The Depresion of Posts Past
Posted by Shane Smith in This Blog on November 10, 2011
Someone emailed me about an old post a few days ago. I just got around to reading it.…
That is perhaps the most depressing re-read I have ever had.
OWS Movement Imported From Spain But Made in America
Posted by Cliff Lyon in Activist groups, Economic Exploitation, Egypt, George W. Bush, Liberal, OWS, Poverty, Society, Tea Bag Party, Unemployment, utah, Utah Politics on November 10, 2011
When the Wall Street banks collapsed under the Bush/Rove/GOP, it sucked the wind out of the industrialized economies and quickly bled out to across the globe. If you watched anything other than Beck/O’Reily/Hannity et. al. you will remember the first major protests took place in Iceland.
Meanwhile back at home, a suppressed albeit deeply, cherished, American tradition called racism was reignited when Empire Murdock planted the first images of two adorable, little, chocolate-colored girls playing in the Lincoln Bedroom into the collective brains of pasty White America some of whom in turn, strapped guns to their hips and took to the streets in costumes reminiscent our racist forefathers.
God forgive us for being distracted while the rest of the world began to burn.
The OWS movement came to the western world through Spain. By early 2011, unemployment in Spain was approaching 21% (46% among youth) as the Arab Spring hit Egypt. On May 15, 2011 a series of protest, coordinated through Twitter and Facebook, unfolded in 58 Spanish cities.
By now you’ve heard of the New York City General Assembly. They began this summer as a series of meetings “on the fourth floor of 16 Beaver Street, near Wall Street. In addition to New Yorkers, there were also Egyptians, Spaniards, Japanese and Greeks. Dick Army was not among them.
Due to the lack of centralized coordination its hard to know for sure but as this writing there are an estimated 300 OWS protests in the US alone, over 3,000 arrests. So far, no sign of the tea party.
One of the several Salt Lake OWS Facebook page is approaching 9000 members. You will not find a larger Facebook group specific to Utah. Here’s the local website
The biggest camp is at Pioneer Park downtown (map). Here’s a good video Larry found.
If you can’t camp, please at least go there and take them food (there is a full time kitchen) and warm weather supplies
Thanks George W. Bush. Your stumbling incompetence may have changed the world for the better.
Not as funny as it is disturbing
Posted by Shane Smith in 4th Estate (Media) on November 10, 2011
Like PZ Myers, I have a slightly different reaction to Perry’s “oops” moment. Yes, it is pretty sad that he is unable to remember the things he wants to destroy. Maybe, like Reagan, he entered office with complete memory failure. But the bigger issue is what he wants to shut down. Education, commerce, and if you listen to his stump, as Myers points out, apparently energy.
And the media fails. Damn left wing liberal media really needs to learn something about attacking the GOP. Are we hearing stories today about how Perry would shut down education at a time when our kids are falling further behind? Any debate about what we should do to educate the next generation? Discussion about what the department of commerce does? Questions about how we would regulate energy or if destroying said department creates risks in an event like the earthquake that turn nuclear fears loose in Japan? Nope. Just laughing at the moron Texan.
Admittedly an easy thing to do.
Much like the follow up questions that never happened to Herman “someday china will even get nukes” Cain, the “liberal media” fails to even act like media, let alone liberal. Seriously, you get handed a line like that and you don’t follow up?
Any word on his view of the military budget?
Jill Stein and the Green New Deal
Posted by Richard Warnick in 2012 Elections, Activist groups, Democracy, Economy, Energy, Global Warming, Green Party, Jobs, Liberal, National Politics, Tax Policy, This Blog on November 8, 2011
There’s a Green Party candidate for President who deserves our attention: Dr. Jill Stein, a physician and former Massachusetts gubernatorial candidate.
We face unprecedented, converging problems in our economy, our environment, human rights and the quest for peace. The American people are ready to meet these challenges, but many of us have, for good reason, lost confidence in the political establishment and its leaders in Washington.
These leaders have given us massive bailouts for Wall Street, layoffs on Main Street, declining wages for workers, wars for oil abroad, and attacks on Medicare and Social Security. They’re privatizing education, rolling back civil liberties and racial justice, plundering the environment, and driving us towards the calamity of climate change.
In response, the American people are standing up like we haven’t seen in decades. And they are providing the leadership that’s not coming from the political elite. People are realizing that We the People have to take charge, because the political parties that are serving the top 1% are not going to solve the problems the rest of us are facing. And we need people in Washington who refuse to be bought by lobbyist money and for whom change is not just a slogan.
My name is Jill Stein. And all this is why I’m here today to announce my candidacy for President of the United States.
Dr. Stein’s campaign promises “to defend Main Street from Wall Street.” She believes in direct action to create jobs for economic recovery, instead of giving money to the financial elite in the hope that they will decide to provide jobs. Her Green New Deal plan would create eight times more jobs than the current Obama jobs proposal.
As the name implies, the Green New Deal is primarily about government-led investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. Green New Deal policy proposals also address the re-regulation of the financial sector, measures to prevent corporate tax evasion, and the breakup of “too-big-to-fail” institutions.
Odds and Ends
Posted by Shane Smith in People Are Nuts on November 8, 2011
Stuff that should maybe get its own post, but ain’t gonna… at least not right now.
’cause that there is funny
The Senate voted yesterday to end debate about when they would begin debate on a resolution. Because they voted to end that debate, today they will again debate about that debate.
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