• Mason  •  Waco, United States  •  1 mth 4 days ago
    There is no group in America with a greater sense of entitlement and government welfare than the congress. They steal your votes with their empty promises and the minute they get in office they start enriching themselves and their friends. These criminals are running the country into the ground with their greed, corruption and self-serving agendas. Vote all these incumbent scoundrels OUT - and replace them every term - the country can do no worse than it already is.
  • Disappointed  •  27 days ago
    Remake America? There's nothing wrong with the way America was made the first time. Yahoo, how about a "Return to the Constitution" campaign? It's a brilliant yet simple document based on the noble ideal of restricted government and individual freedoms and many American lives have been sacrificed in it's defense.
  • lashandra collins  •  Irvine, United States  •  25 days ago
    america was the world's shining star after ww2... it was free and properous during the 1950's before illegal drugs, illegal immigration, and devotion of christian morals took gripe on america's youth.. and now with rampant bank and wallstreet corruption and the government serving the elites and not the people, we have what we've got today... america in decline.
  • Bob Fender  •  1 mth 6 days ago
    Merry Christmas.
  • Lorie  •  Dickinson, United States  •  1 mth 7 days ago
    I Live in a town in north dakota . Here there more jobs than people. But you still once in a while a person standing on the corner looking for a hand out. There are jobs for people that want to work around here anyway.
  • David  •  Woodbridge, United States  •  1 mth 4 days ago
    General Electric is planning to move its 115-year-old X-ray division from Waukesha, Wis., to Beijing. In addition to moving the headquarters, the company will invest $2 billion in China and train more than 65 engineers and create six research centers. This is the same GE that made $5.1 billion in the United States last year. but paid no taxes-the same company that employs more people overseas than it does in the United States.

    So let me get this straight. President Obama appointed GE CEO Chairman Jeff Immelt to head his commission on job creation (job czar). Immelt is supposed to help create jobs. I guess the President forgot to tell him in which country he was supposed to be creating those jobs. If this doesn't show you the total lack of leadership of this President, I don't know what does. Soon, you all will understand that Obama has an agenda, this agenda is to remove the last super power from the world. He is getting very close. Please pass this information to others
  • Shanda Linscheid-webb  •  1 mth 5 days ago
    Americans keep separating the issue of economy, jobs, health care and immigration. Illegal immigrants cost the citizens of the United States of America in all these areas. Taxes are spent on free medical, education, housing, food stamps and other programs for illegal immigrants that struggling citizens don't qualify for. Not to mention the amount of jobs and income lost to illegal immigrants in this nation. Fixing the immigration issue would create jobs for citizens and put billions back into the budget to be used for programs for the LEGAL citizens of this country. Immigration reform will not solve all the problems by far, but it will financially effect just about all the "hot issue items" of this election. Am I wrong? Why don't people see that? If we cannot keep the illegals out at least cut off all funding and programs that will pay for ANY illegals services and severely fine the employers that hire them. This nation cannot afford it. I am tired of watching my hard earned tax dollars given away while struggling to survive, pay my bills and put food on my own table.
  • June Cary  •  1 mth 7 days ago
    I, like Lorie live in ND as well... Minot and there are definately more jobs than ppl here, but ppl aren't willing to relocate to work...if that is the case I do not feel bad for them in the slightest I am originally from Oregon and moved to where there were jobs.Also plenty of jobs out there that ppl think are beneath them, mostly ppl with a liberal arts degree (most useless degree in history). You know what that degree qualifies you for? A job in the fast food industry and thats about it. Get a useful degree and get a job, this whole you have to like your job attitude is #$%$ If your job feeds and houses your family who cares if you don't like it, suck it up and get to work. You think all the miners and factory workers had their job in mind as kids? NOPE but they do what is necessary to support themselves.
  • Phil  •  Portland, Oregon  •  20 days ago
    Now about this Hawaii trip that our loving first family took that costs us 4million dollars!!! Are you kidding me I wasn't there to enjoy it why should I have to pay for it?!!! Here's an idea, if they want to take a vacation that's going to cost that much why don't the politicians have a running tab while in office? After all when Obama and the other ex-presidents are no longer holding office they get paid a salary and don't pay taxes on that salary. Why can't they pay us back for stupid vacations like that from their own pocket? After all how hard really can it be to travel,talk to people,make deals and sign your name on pieces of paper for 4-8 years? The answer is it's not but we wouldn't know because the political parties have made running for office so far out of reach for the normal joe financially that they think we wouldn't understand.
  • Americanfreedom70  •  8 days ago
    2012 Political Reform Petition

    All public servants i.e. senators, congress persons, judges, governors, and all appointees shall from this day forth be restricted to no more than 8 years in office.
    No members of the above mentioned group shall receive compensation to exceed $60,000.00 annually.
    No public servants shall receive any insurance paid out of public funds with a co-pay of less than 50% including but not limited to premiums.
    No public servants shall receive any retirement paid out of public funds.
    No public servants shall be eligible to trade in open markets during their time in office.
    No public servants shall receive any additional funds, or other means of compensation from private individuals or corporations during their time in office.
    Housing outside of the public servants home area will be provided by the people in the form of public housing not to exceed 1500 square feet per family. Any deviation will be paid “out of pocket” by the public servant seeking such accommodations.
    Meals will be provided at public expence to include no more than 2000 calories per day of the basic staples of good nutrition.
    All special interest groups, labor unions, and corporate officials shall be restricted from any public buildings in an official capacity.
    Violations of the above binding guidelines will result in immediate termination and loss of benefits.
  • Young Black JFK  •  Ellenwood, Georgia  •  7 days ago
    The mission, which is being called “Occupy the Dream,” will start on Monday, January 16, 2012, in commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday holiday. On that day, Dr. Ben Chavis announced recently during a press conference at the National Press Club, pastors who are part of the Occupy the Dream movement will connect with the well-known Occupy Wall Street group to hold protests at Federal Reserve banks in 10 cities around the nation.

    The strategy will be to raise the consciousness level of African-Americans, starting in church pulpits, by spreading the message of income equality, economic justice and empowerment, leading up to the January 16 events. “It starts in the pulpit and then we’re going to go to the community at large,” he said.

    Led by Dr. Ben Chavis, civil rights leaders announced the formation of Occupy the Dream, an organization to mobilize Americans around the vision of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who sought to wage war on poverty, unemployment and economic injustice. Dr. Chavis announced that the first major march of Occupy the Dream would also take place on Martin Luther King Day, January 16, in Washington, DC.
  • prejudicefreedom  •  1 day 17 hrs ago
    The Constitution is not going to be allowed by We The People to be just thrown away. We are awake and ready we are watching. If this media along with it's corrupt government try to over throw this country you better be ready for a fight.
  • Patrick  •  Springville, Iowa  •  11 days ago
    Curious here, Newt wants Reagan policies, Santorum wants Bush policies. Nobody wants Clinton's policies?, balanced budget, jobs, social security and medicare safe. How soon we forget!!!
  • TRIPLE - THREAT  •  Los Angeles, United States  •  1 mth 6 days ago
    Why don't we tax "fat people" like we do smokers. $1 per pound every year for every pound you are over the guidelines for your height. We could pay off the debt in 5 years.
  • bigbadude  •  16 days ago
    16 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. 17 God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.
  • gene  •  Baton Rouge, United States  •  28 days ago
    A mexican will take your job and build that oil pipeline from Canada
  • JohnC  •  Denver, United States  •  26 days ago
    It's not remake America! It's *RETAKE AMERICA*
  • steveh  •  1 mth 3 days ago
    Is this code for "New World Order", kind of like O'Bummer's "change"?
  • 2012  •  1 mth 7 days ago
    Research: Obama and Exelon, Obama and BP, Obama and GE, Obama and Solyndra, Obama and Xe, Obama and KBR, and Top Obama donors net govertnment jobs. GM is building a new plant in China thanks to our tax dollars and Obama as well. BP (one of Obama's biggest donors) was just given the OK to drill in the Gulf again too.
  • HDR  •  Flat Rock, United States  •  1 mth 7 days ago
    Hope and change is now better known as Hoax and Change.