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Trading away the rivers, natural wealth and resiliency of an entire region to fuel the unsustainable sprawl and bluegrass lawns of a few cities is not just foolish, it's morally wrong.
It's a rare thing to meet a public school stakeholder who honestly believes politicians and corporate-funded lobbying groups should have more say over education than educators do. Yet that's exactly what's happening.
Why is the relationship between motivation and success so robust? Because high motivation will ensure total preparation which will, in turn, ensure maximum performance and results.
Tim Tebow is the best evidence yet of the existence of his very own Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. No question, as jocks like to say with microphones in their mugs. Most definitely.
The Money Drawing Aromatic Bush Bath smelled like a pretty nice bath -- old lady scent, I would say, but nothing scary. And then the funniest thing happened. I immediately won the lottery!!!
The price of new equipment is an easily comprehensible but incomplete cost. Life cycle cost analysis adds in maintenance, energy use, tax incentives or rebates, and any salvage value.
As backdrop to the Republican presidential primaries a doltish brawl has been erupting among GOP factions.
While many people are finding it challenging to make time to manage multiple social networks, many businesses are faced with even steeper challenges.
The Occupy Wall Street movement seems to be at a transition period, attempting to go from a primitive version of society to a more complex version, accompanied by the development of a more systematic division of labor.
Many citizens believe that they could do a better job in government than our elected officials, if only they had the chance to serve. Running for office, however, is an enormously complicated, confusing, and expensive endeavor.
We Bought a Zoo is one of what is becoming a crowded seasonal field of movies with something to appeal to each of several generations.
Finally having finished Jonathan Franzen's Freedom, I wanted to review it here, hoping to acknowledge the long-term pleasure one gets from reading even when the quality of the writing is less than you might have hoped.
By allowing Bobby Montoya to be a Girl Scout, the Girl Scout leadership has fulfilled its own written laws "to be honest and fair, friendly and helpful, considerate and caring, courageous and strong, and responsible."
2011 will long be remembered as the flip side of 2008, as it hosted a GOP pre-season primary every bit as tough as the famous Clinton/Obama duel, but much sillier.
In all the hubbub of police marching in riot gear and protestors fleeing, chroniclers of the Occupy Movement sometimes forget to remind us what's at the heart of the matter. So, here's a crib sheet for anyone writing about Occupy in 2012.
As with my earlier discovery of snow fleas, I've discovered that little things can have big consequences. In the case of surface hoar there is a darker side which turns benign crystals into killers.
With all this Tebow mania in full force, wouldn't it only make sense that the wise and mighty Tim Tebow could teach all of us an important lesson in history?
We all remember where we were when we saw it first, the hilariously dumb lyrics, the awkward singing, the cheesy effects; this was THE video of the year. Here is to Rebecca Black, for making the world laugh in 2011.
Angora Holly Polo, 2012.01.09
Anne Butterfield, 2012.01.09