Mike's Blog

The Enemy Is Us

On this the 10th anniversary of the opening of GITMO, Jay Carney, the new spokesmodel for the Obama administration, is trying to spin the administration’s reneging on it’s promise to close the facility in the first year of his Presidency. 

“The commitment that the President has to closing Guantanamo Bay is as firm today as it was during the campaign.”  Carney said in a press briefing Monday.

  We all are aware of the obstacles to getting that done as quickly as the President wanted to get it done, what they were and the fact that they continued to persist.  . . . I think this is a process that faces obstacles that we’re all aware of and we will continue to work through it.”

Fact is President Bush opened GITMO and President Obama can close it.  But he’s not.  Gotta wonder why. 

On a (hopefully) unrelated note, there is a new bill floating in Congress that could strip Americans of citizenship: HR3166 in the House and S1698 in the Senate. 

These bills hope to become a new law – The Enemy Expatriation Act, and are sponsorded by Joe Lieberman and Charles Dent, and if signed into law would give the Executive Branch the power to strip your American citizenship – without any criminal charges  or conviction -  if it was deemed that you committed “hostilities” against the US. 

Could this, perhaps, be used against the Occupy movements?  Or any protestors?  We know how they love to brand us as “domestic terrorists.”  All that would be required to be subject to this law is to be accused of supporting hostilities against the US, any way they care to define “hostilities.” 

Nervous yet?

Join Mike tonight for these and other soothing bedtime stories LIVE at 9PM ET!  877-996-2556


Hi Truthseekers!  Molly Malloy is selling Girl Scout cookies so her troop can go on their first camping trip, but we’re giving away 100 boxes FOR FREE as a thank-you gift for supporting our independent broadcasting efforts! 

The first 100 Truthseekers who sponsor an hour of the program will receive a FREE box of cookies randomly selected from the three all-time favorites: Samoas, Tagalongs, or Thin Mints.   Girl Scout cookies are only available once a year, and we only have 100 boxes to give to you, so when they’re gone – they’re gone!

Click on the sponsorship tab to sponsor an hour, then we’ll ship your FREE cookies after February 15th.  Thanks for keeping it lit!

Kathy's Diary

It has great optics, but what else would you expect from General Electric?  On the splashy, shiny surface it appears GE, in it’s great concern for the American worker, has decided to build a manufacturing plant in Grove City, PA.  An area which, like so many Midwestern cities, is suffering terribly from the corporate closing of US factories in favor of cheap Chinese labor and building costs.

In a similar move, Ford is building again in Louisville KY, announcing a plan to bring hundreds of new jobs to the troubled area.  Sounds great, doesn’t it?  Big corporations realizing their mistakes, returning jobs to America.  It isn’t all altruism, of course, the fact is that as we’ve exported jobs to China, the Chinese have demanded higher wages.  That’s cow capitalism works.  So now it’s just as cheap to return the jobs here . . .as long as the American worker doesn’t expect the kind of middle-class wage s/he enjoyed before the jobs left for China in the first place.

With the near-perfect destruction of the labor unions, the corporatists feel safe retuning home, to generously allow Americans to build their stuff once more – for half-wages. Aren’t they wonderful?

God Bless Us Everyone. 

Read the rest of this article from the NY Times and get ready for the New American Century:




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