Fox News: John 3:16 or 666?

Glory Hallelujah! Last night, Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow not only threw 316 yards to bring his team to glory over the Steelers, he also set a post-season record by averaging 31.6 yards per completion. According to God’s Messengers at, and at Fox News Channel as heard by moi this morning on Fox and Friends and America’s Newsroom, it’s (probably) a miracle! Some people say it’s the hand of God Himself pointing us to the message of John 3:16! But wait! Are there other, more sinister numbers lurking in the shadows at Fox?

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Fox Trying To Make Obama An Elitist And Romney A Populist

There seems to be a Fox News meme here. Much as Fox loves to attack the Occupy movement and accuse Democrats of playing “class warfare,” at the same time, the network is trying to co-opt the populism and use class warfare against President Obama. You may recall Fox’s attack on President Obama’s Martha’s Vineyard vacation last summer. More recently, the network went after his Hawaiian vacation over Christmas and New Year’s. Yesterday, Fox News Sunday tried to equate Mitt Romney’s role as a venture capitalist/corporate raider to Obama’s role in the Solyndra bankruptcy But, in a twist that could have been engineered by (Fox News contributor) Karl Rove, Fox has taken that a step further by helping 1%-er Romney make Obama’s “elitism” a campaign issue.

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Fox News Website Asks If Tebow Performed "Miracle of 'Biblical' Proportion

Posted on Fox this morning and still a second tier lede.  Seems that Tebow's 316 yards matches his favorite bible quote, John 3:16, about God giving the world his only son. OMG, that proves it. Tim Tebow is God's other son! 


Seriously, do people actually believe this - uh - stuff? 

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Martha MacCallum Says "Occupy" Supporting Third Graders Brainwashed?

In the cloud cukoo land of right wing Merkins, our children are being constantly bombarded by satanic, socialist, atheist propaganda which seeks to teach children that the USA is not the most awesome country that Jesus ever created. According to these true Merkins, librul education is actually deluding our precious innocents into thinking that hard work doesn't always reap its own rewards and that the captains of industry aren't benevolent father figures but corporatists who don't give a crap about anything other than record breaking profits. Income inequality, according to residents of the state of right wing delusions, is merely left wing indoctrination meant to create "class warfare" on the part of those who, regardless of their declining economic situations, should be grateful to live in "exceptional" Merka. And that's why, when some Virginia third grade students composed a song about the "99%," the right wing shills for the 1% went apoplectic about how this was "class warfare." Not surprisingly, Fox "News" provided some validation. 

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Chris Wallace Lets His Bias Show As He Ridiculously Compares Mitt Romney’s Role At Bain Capital To President Obama And Solyndra

On Fox News Sunday today, host Chris Wallace may have thought he was playing the tough but fair host by repeatedly interrupting DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz as she attempted to answer his question about why Democrats are attacking Mitt Romney. But a closer look at his behavior strongly suggests his real purpose was to discredit attacks on Romney’s history as a venture capitalist - via the ridiculous comparison to President Obama’s role in the Solyndra bankruptcy. 

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Brian Kilmeade Scolds Tebow Mocking Football Player Who "Mocks God"

If the early Christians were as humorless as those members of the Fox News church of perpetual outrage, it's no wonder that they had some hard times. Today's martyrs are constantly whining about how they get no respect from the forces of satanic secularism. But if they want some insight into why they are lampooned, they need only to click their remotes to Fox News to see their fellow Jesus BFF, Brian Kilmeade, a  high priest in the Fox Tim Tebow cult, make idiotic comments revealing his devotion to God and Tim Tebow (who, on Fox, is God). Kilmeade's latest pearl of wisdom involves statements from a football player who is obviously heading for a quick dunk in the Lake of Fire after blasphemous comments directed towards God and Tim Tebow who, on Fox, is a deity. And Brian is pissed - the same Brian Kilmeade who had to apologize for an anti-Islamic comment (only one of many). But he has God's and Tebow's back so it's all good.

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Brian Kilmeade, Eric Bolling And Fox Nation Gush Over Navy SEAL Who Punched Out Jesse Ventura

On The Five on Friday (1/6/12), the gang discussed Chris Kyle, the most lethal Navy SEAL sniper in American history.” Kyle has a new book out and he had been a guest on The O’Reilly Factor the night before. Brian Kilmeade, guest co-host for The Five, opened the discussion by saying, “But before we get into that (Kyle’s military work), listen to what I think is his greatest takedown ever.” Kilmeade was referring to Kyle’s claim to have punched out former Navy SEAL Jesse Ventura for “bad mouthing” the Iraq war, President Bush and America. Co-host Eric Bolling was even more pleased.  Over at "civil," "tolerant" Fox Nation, they were also approving.

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More Defense Spending! Less For Everything Else!

By Brian

Those Fox News neocons Bill Kristol and Charles Krauthammer are dying to make cuts to programs for seniors, education and other social programs. But now that President Obama has proposed cuts to military spending, they are outraged. It’s not like either of them is ever likely to be injured in any conflict but hey, why should they feel even a tad more vulnerable when we could cut back on school lunches or infrastructure or women’s reproductive rights?

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Death Wishes For Nancy Pelosi On - And Rape, Too!

Co-authored by Aria

You may recall that over the holidays, Fox News engaged in hypocritical class warfare over Nancy Pelosi's and President Obama's Hawaiian vacations. Not surprisingly, picked up the class warfare attack, at least on Pelosi. The readers reacted with real class, too - by wishing she gets killed and/or raped. Comments were eventually closed, but not before we were able to get some screen grabs. You can see that many of the disturbing comments were up for at least several hours. This is Fox News' modus operandi. They put up an inflammatory post and rather than properly moderate, they leave the comments there until the thread is eventually shut down. We've repeatedly posted about the longing for violence to Democrats in Fox News' online communities.

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O’Reilly And Goldberg On The Look-Out For Phony Charges Of Racism Against Republicans

During a discussion with Bernie Goldberg on The O’Reilly Factor last night (1/5/12), Bill O’Reilly said he is “very concerned” that the 2012 presidential campaign “will include charges of racism against people who criticize President Obama.” Not that he’s concerned about any actual racism against President Obama, especially from the likes of say, Donald Trump, or Hannity show regular, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson. No, O’Reilly is concerned about false charges of racism against white people. “So we asked Bernie Goldberg to keep an eye on that situation,” O’Reilly told The Factor viewers.

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