Personal blog about social and political change, music, literature and the arts:The effect on me and the world at large. Current events and history, including the politics, public policy, activism and advocacy for those who can not help themselves,the military, the law, criminal justice, erosion of civil rights, women's rights, health, chronic-pain related illnesses and disabilities, morality, creatures from the sea, the forests, and our offspring, the environment, popular culture, the underground, culture not so popular. Guest posts are welcome; email or leave me a comment with a basic outline. Nothing commercial, but if you have a free or OS product that is in keeping with these values, such as aids for the disabled, contact me. Stay awhile, and tell me what you think. Stay awhile, and tell me about you. I really want to know.

Needle in a New Groove: Painting by Wassily Kandinsky (1939) Red, Yellow and Blue


"If you don't like what you're doing, you can always pick up your needle and move to another groove." Timothy Leary

NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT: Kandinsky's Reproduction The painting was created in 1939 in France, and is therefore immune to the German copyright, which lasts until 2014 for paintings created in Germany.Consider the heartlessness of the German copyright. While there's a museum dedicated to W.K.'s work in Munich, Kandinsky, who was Russian, painted this AFTER he escaped Germany.

    Sunday, December 11, 2011

    Blue Kuan

    Juan yiin


    Heat Photo

    Saturday, December 10, 2011

    Changes Related to Google Buzz and Reader


    Wednesday, December 7, 2011


    I have posts ready to type up, but Chazz came across this perfect sign:

    Thursday, December 1, 2011

    How To Save a Life

    Black man. White murder victims. No physical evidence. Sentenced to death despite massive doubts.Sound familiar?
    This is Reggie Clemons. Like Troy Davis before him, Reggie has been in prison for 20 years, waiting for his home state to end his life.
    Will you write a letter to save a life? Sign up now to Write for Rights!Rally for Reggie during Amnesty International's Write for Rights Global Write-a-thon. Don't wait - this event begins on Saturday, Dec. 3, less than a week from now.
    Yes, I'll pledge to write a letter for Reggie and for other urgent cases! Sign me up - and count my letters toward your 250,000 letter goal.

    Read Reggie's story and other priority cases by clicking on the link. The above is quoted from a mailing from Amnesty International. Every letter helps, and to become a member, you can pay as little as you want. You don't have to be a member to receive mailings and to write letters.

    Thursday, November 17, 2011

    Chillcrust Valley: Home of Short-Term Thinkers

    At Chillcrust Valley, we are allowed to smoke. Supervised smokers can only go out at specified times, and even though they should get 30 minutes, they barely get time to smoke two cigarettes. Independents like me can smoke officially between 9am and 2 pm.
    The keys to get out to the Gazebo and smoking area are placed on a thick, long stick. There is also one that's shorter. Both have a lighter on one end, and the key on another.
    The problem with the key is that someone  is always taking it. Because management doesn't know how to deal with the problem, stealing the key compounds the problem, and lends a filthy smell of bad faith (which is fairly frequent around here.)
    Maintenance staff usually have the key. It was after hours, but we found out that the Artist Known As Leimeister, a very talented painter, was still here. He was paged, and while my friend went to meet him at the access door, I finished talking to a staff member about what possibilities we could set up for the rest of the night, because the next day is The Great American Smoke Out, and I wanted to get my last cigarettes in. That particular staff person had no idea, except to page him, something the nurses wouldn't do.
    So I joined my friend, who was already outside.
     I said, "What did Leimeister say?"
    "Nothing. He let me out."
    "And what about tonight?"
    "What about it?"
    "Did you make arrangements for tonight," meaning, did he explain to Lee that he had the only key.
    He looked puzzled.
    I said, "You are a Republican, aren't you?
    After a pause, I made clear that I wasn't talking about politics. I wanted to know if he had a party affiliation, that he was Republican.
    "Why? How did you know?"
    Now this is something I've learned from reading conservatives, and writing in Neo-Cons when only one person identified himself that way.
    How did I know he was Republican?
    Short-term thinking.
    My friend the Republican should have made some kind of arrangement with the Last Key-Holder. Instead, he though about that cigarette and his need for it, and forgot others would need the key, or that he would need the key.

    Monday, November 14, 2011

    A Surprising Idea About Knowledge of Christ.

    How many Christians, especially Catholics or Anti-Semites, realize that Jesus Christ was Jewish?
    I mentioned this to a student while he was hanging out with some friends. They all said they would "check with Father Bruno."
    Father Bruno was a Cuban Priest, one who "relocated" to Mexico sometime in the 1970's.. I practiced my Spanish and German with him.
    This lack of awareness is not limited to Mexico. In fact, I see it with some regularity here in the United States.
    German anti-semites think McDonald's was started by a Jew, one who chops and grinds up corpses, to serve them as hamburgers.

    This ignorance or unwillingness to make this fact clear, I find, is quite disturbing.

    Tuesday, October 25, 2011

    Elmer Fudd Day on Google and No One Told Me?

    Any search I've done tonight has the following:

    Show mowe wesuwts fwom:

    followed by whatever source had multiple listings. It's as if it's in the voice of Elmer Fudd, who sings "Kill the Wabbit, Kill the Wabbit." I like to point out to people that 'wabbit' is a real word. Commonly used by the British, when the "Iron Maiden" (Maggie Thatcher) retired and asked how she felt, she said, "A bit wabbit," meaning tired.
    The difference here is that both the letters 'r' and 'l' are replaced by 'w'.
    I'm sure everyone knows what's going on but me, so if anyone has an answer, please let me know.

    Sunday, October 16, 2011

    The New Pollution: A New State of Consciousness Is Coming

    I wrote this and a few other posts before the occupations around the world began. I am absolutely delighted as recent developments unfold. The media claims there really isn't a political movement, that it is a social movement. This is a wise move on the part of the protesters. This IS a socio-political movement, much like the Tea Party. The exception is that the Tea Party is "carrying the water for the very people exploiting them."  The Tea Party, once elected to Congress, showed they don't have a clue about true leadership and the making of laws.

    I'm grateful for the protesters who are out there at great risk to themselves. I've been trained in civil disobedience, and right now I can't partake in that.

    So I'm redacting the original post, b/c this movement has changed the endgame. The post started with this:
    When will this end? Maybe 2012, which will not bring Doomsday in the form many expect.
     The House tells the majority of  Americans to  "Piss Off". The decision by SCOTUS on Citizens United may as well have said, "No Money, No Job, No Good."

    Obviously, the game is changing, and talking about Congressional action, (if you can find any) seems like a lot of nothing.

    As I said, I'm grateful for the protesters that are out there. On Wall Street, which is the Home of Freedom of Speech, when it was under Dutch Rule, the protesters are pitching tents. They've already promised to return in the Spring with grass seed.

    The response from the so-called Masters of the Universe? "The 1% doesn't care." (displayed in a window.) If they are so smart, they should remember how the French Revolution started. Perhaps they wouldn't be so cocky.

    to be cont.

    Tuesday, October 11, 2011

    Maybe This Time ..

    This will post. I am writing daily. We are in quarantine, but this must be one of the silliest attempts at controlling a small population. There is plenty to write about.  Setting up a decent work environment, proper equipment and a totally sterile, everything in its proper place are conflicting goals. Since visitors see my room before any others, the administration insists on neatness. I should have told them from the start.


    So while I'm waiting for my desk to be fixed, I found myself an extra curtain. Now I can save those poor suffering visitors that are so offended because my bed is made, but there are papers on it, and this constitutes a mess. I will simply retreat behind my curtains and every one will be happy!

    P.S. The point was to see if Blogger on my phone works, and it does! Once again, I'm trying Blogger-droid (I think? and can't get through. I will give it another chance. The rest of the stuff is true.
    to be cont.

    Saturday, September 24, 2011

    Hells Angels Provide Breaking News?

    I saw this on Facebook from  Welcome to Planet WTF?                                                     The quote has the original link.

    We've had Hells Angels around forever. So why all the attention now? They murdered and buried three people. One of the victims--wrong time, wrong place. Since when has the media given them so much press? And why? It's like saying "The Latin Kings are going after the Crips." Gang news used to be covered in public restrooms. It's "It's Breaking News?"

       Now Gang News makes the  front page. WHY?? 24/7 NEWS ATTENTION CAN'T FIND SOMETHING ELSE? What about African politics? Shouldn't someone do some more international news. After all, what about Mugabe, whose personal hero is Hitler??? 
        I'm just sayin'..........IMHO


     A review of the movie Clap on Netflix:

    Clap DVD(2005) NR
    Filled with street tales from a variety of artists -- including Camron from the Diplomats, Young Buc from G-Unit, Maino from Hustle Hard, J-Hood from D-Block, Ice-T, Cyssero, Jojo Capone and Pisstol Pete -- this hard-knocks collection of clips also reviews the five essential codes to survival in the 'hood. Sure, you might live in the safety of suburbia … but that doesn't mean you can't see how the other half lives.
    MusicUrban & DanceRap & Hip-Hop

    Monday, August 15, 2011

    ENO IS GOD: "Dead Finks Don't Talk"

    I have been looking for this song for much longer than necessary. We have the album, "Here Come the Warm Jets," and there are a few reasons I had to find this. [the albums hiding out in a storage facility."

    First, about Brian Eno. I wrote Eno is God, b/c when I went to NYU, in the middle of Washington Square Park, someone had spray painted it on a crosswalk. I want to do a post on the brilliance of Eno, but for now just a few facts for those unfamiliar:

    Were it not for Brian Eno, we would not have the Talking Heads, U2, 801, and so many other bands. He has played with the greatest, including extensive work with David Bowie and David Byrne. He was the first to use a typewriter on a Moog. And when he broke his leg, he was the first to use continuous loop. He put on Pachobel's Canon, and as a result, he wrote three variations, along with an original composition, all contained on the album Discrete Music.

    You've probably heard Eno, and you aren't aware of it. He's written albums like Music for Film, Music for Airports, and one of his works was used for the original miracle of birth movie, where you see the fetus developing.

    Given all this, Brian Eno is primarily a rocker, and don't forget it. Like most iconoclasts, he has a very unique path that he's taken. He's very good at defying labels and pigeonholes, so to say that he is a rocker alone is not sufficient.

    I recently read an interview with him on Creativity, but this is all for now. I just had to get that song. Oh, the most important reason? A friend wrote 'headless chicken' and that reverberated throughout my brain, and I just had to track it down.

    Thursday, August 11, 2011

    How Can Anyone Claim Life is Boring?

    One more update, and when I can, I will delete the first. On Sunday morning, I had a heart attack. Chazz was awake, and had me at the hospital in two minutes. I'm feeling so much better. I can't type right now, but as soon as I'm on my feet I will go into detail.
    I hope every one is in good spirits, and have a loow pain time. Sweet tides, Linda 

    Friday, August 5, 2011

    From NationofChange: "Tea-Bagged Boehner

     When I saw the title on this great rendition of "The Orange Man," I had quite a different picture in my mind. Take the original meaning of "Tea-Bagging" or "Tea-Bagged." Then, use the pronunciation that Weiner suggested he "embrace," and I think you can see what I saw when I read the title, before I saw the sketch. It's just too funny, in a raw way.
    Even funnier, after all that Kabuki Theatre, with Orange Man twisting and turning just to please the Tea Baggers, not a single one of them voted for this phony crisis. They know how to create conflict, but don't have a clue about governing and rule of law. Big surprise. And yet, look what damage has been done to the Market. (Longer post needs editing.)

    About the Artist:
    Stephen Pitt is NationofChange's art director. Stephen is a southern California artist whose work focuses on matters political, social, and economic. In 2004 Stephen began drawing and painting political imagery to communicate his sincere displeasure with disturbing changes set in motion by ideologues acting in bad faith. With a background in figurative drawing and respect for color, Stephen traded the 6B pencil for a digital stylus and went to work. Published by the San Francisco Chronicle and Z Magazine, Stephen’s work has since been seen on Truthout and Firedoglake

    The Eight Irresistible Principles of Fun

    Watch the videos afterwards. They are a hoot!

    A Cool Find on Windows 7, and Some Good News

    ON TO THE COOL THING: I use Chromium, so there are a number of ways I can bookmark or otherwise tag a blog. Windows 7 will place the name of the blog on your START MENU. Well, it knows your default browswer, (that is, if Live doesn't steal your mail, and Bing continually pops up as your default search, and IE your browser.)

    I just love the idea. Instead of bookmarks, I can have entire columns, and when in the mood to read them, I just jump from my Start Menu, and I'm there. That's cool to me.

    As some of you know, I occasionally write goals and some of my failings onto a post that has little to do with the subject. But it's not entirely non-political. It's like having a Bill in the Senate that's for, say, naming a bridge after Ronald Reagan. Just to get the bill through (usually a more important Bill,) you'll find a certain Senator tack on, "Any state that begins with the letter "U" will no longer pay taxes."

    How many states begin with the letter 'U' ? (I have found that people outside the U.S. know the states and their capitols better than most Americans.) First, it shouldn't take political junkies long to realize it was Orrin Hatch. Why do you think he and Teddie were such good friends? Hatch is FUNNY. And secondly, I swear to all that I am and know, IT'S A TRUE STORY. The Bill was more important, but he really put it in there!

    So this post is sort of like the state of scribadiva. On a completely different matter: I've got well over 3000 bookmarks I've just recovered (YAY!) The hard part is I have a lot of blogs listed there that I promised to check out, and I will do my best. It will take a long time, but if I set a goal of two a day, I might get through them by the end of the year.

    I'm still negligent and not very good at tagging, so if any boy has a notion, besides Wikipedia or its computer counterpart, please let me know.

    Thanks to TimeThief for the importance of permalinks, or backtracking, all of which I briefly read about before, but neglected. I can think of a lot of sites that deserve it. Now I'm going to take her advice and use it.I just need to read more about it. I'm also looking at other social media outlets to see what would be a good fit for both politics/current events on this one, and disability, pain, medical advances and the law.

    GREAT NEWS: I was whining about needing an intern, and after the surgeries, I'll be able to get one or two to begin with from one of the high schools, as long as they get credit for it, which I'm assured they will. In the high school I attended nearby, I took two years of independent study on China, from the very beginning to the "Gang of Four." I also took a year in Genetics, but mostly for horticulture.

    MORE GOOD NEWS! have a partner! We are still working on details, and we both have other time constraints getting in the way. I have a few friends that want to learn about blogging, so I've set up 'scribadiva demo,' blog. I just have to let them know I'm ready to go!

    N.B. Thank you for your birthday wishes. I didn't know I could use it as a Cause, and found out too late. My friends usually give me gifts during the year, and normally I do, too. I went to see my PCP, tell him I'm willing to go into a kind of nursing home--it rehab before surgery. I can't put this off; soon it will be too late. When he wrote my script, he noticed it was my birthday, and he gave me this cool piece of petrified wood that is as solid as stone. You can see the rings on it. It's Jasper stone, but I think there are Jasper trees in the South. I have to look it up today.

    If I go to Pre-hab, I'm taking my computer: The phone and the NextBook will not do. No computer, no pre-hab. I told my doctor that's a deal-breaker.

    I'm sure I'll delete this in a few days, at least the personal stuff. For at least 5 hours, I spent writing, and it will keep me in posts for at least a month. Add to that all the drafts I haven't finished on both much to write, so little time.

    Hope you are all having a great summer!

    Saturday, July 30, 2011

    Michael Jackson Plays Edgar Allen Poe? From Wired

    Yes, this is what you get when publishing with Blogger-droid. Guess I'll try the other one available on the market.

    Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.7

    Destiny - Broowaha

    Destiny - Broowaha

    American Association of Pain Medicine

    State by state legal regs involving opiods, you can get there from USPF, or go to

    A Guide to State Opioid Prescribing Policies | Medscape
    A Guide to State Opioid Prescribing Policies Too many rumors going around. Check your state for the real law.  THIS LINK CAME FROM United States Pain Foundation on Facebook, or directly to their site.

    Thursday, July 28, 2011

    Justice Department Investigates Bullying Against GLBT Teens

    CNN Presents produced a story on the pattern of abuse suffered by teens in Michelle Bachmann's District. This clip is an update from Lawrence O'Donnell's Show. The result has been a number of suicides, even of teens that weren't gay. The Justice Department is investigating the School Administration's laisse faire approach to this issue, which you would think would be their top priority. . The best part is Bachmann's "intellectual" dishonesty, where she is worried about First Amendment Rights. Apparently, no one told her about hate speech and crime being a federal offense!

    Clearly, she hasn't an ounce of compassion for anyone.  Her husband is an unlicensed therapist for "Pray Away the Gay," which he had admitted, albeit in the name of "what the patient wants." Maybe. Maybe not.

    Michelle Bachmann claims to be a Constitutionalist. But she didn't read far enough to get to the 14th Amendment, Paragraph 4, which states that we can NOT ignore our bills; they must be paid. And yet, she doesn't want to raise the debt ceiling. 

    Tuesday, July 5, 2011

    Meet the Secretary of Treasury Lil' Jon: Outta Your Mind

    this song has ADULT LANGUAGE.

    Okay, maybe I'm a little angry, but this song is now my ringtone! I'm a little fed up.  I'm posting this for another reason.
     In this song, you can hear him repeat "What" an awful lot.
    So Chazz and I were thinking: When Obama became President, we thought he would become the perfect head of the Treasury. 
    "Hey, I'm from Countrywide, we need $3 Billion."
    "Forget them. We're from Goldman, Sachs. We need $25 Billion, and WE are too big to fail."
    'Okay, who is really in charge here?"
    In a very calm, reflective tone, Secretary of the Treasury Lil' Jon, first pauses, and then says:
    "I am, and I reject your request not only on the basis of audacity, but also your complete lack of manners. How dare you ask for Corporate Welfare while you created the worst economic disaster since the Depression. You expect the American people, whom you defrauded, to pay you so you can defraud them again? In fact, you've stolen from the entire world, and thrown all of humanity  into a depression based solely on your greed. Quite distasteful.  You are a disgrace to the nation. " He turns to his aide, and says, "Call Security. Good Day, sir, and I use the term loosely."
    Yes, Lil' Jon is very surprising. He doesn't only say, "What?" And I'm sure he'd give the money to, say, Stimulus Programs. 
    I know Goldman, Sacks paid us back, but they're such a good target since they are TOO BIG TO FAIL. In comparison, I'm a speck of dust, but I still have to "share in the sacrifice." I wonder if they take organs as payment. Because.....I'm Outta My Mind! "YEY-AH!"
    Maybe you have to see the other video.  Ever see Dave Chappelle's impersonation of Lil' Jon? I also have a playlist of Chappelle on my YouTube Channel. Sorry, I can't embed this.


    Thursday, June 23, 2011

    Stop the Execution of Mark Stroman

    No more killing

     "Why do we kill people to show that killing people is wrong?"© Rais Bhuiyan

     Isn't that a good question? How insane is that??!?

    "Mark Stroman is scheduled to be executed on July 20 for killing Indian immigrant Vasudev Patel in a series of shootings of people he believed to be Middle Eastern after the attacks of September 11, 2001. One of his intended victims, Rais Bhuiyan, survived and opposes the execution. Join Rais in taking a stand against the perpetuation of the cycle of violence by taking action to stop the execution." from Amnesty International
    Please follow the link,and sign/amend the letter.

    Use Fried Eggs to write story together

    140 characters.
    10 participants or more.
    Write a line or two for the story.
    Number each entry.

    We did this when I was in high school. I'd pass my journal around, and either one or a team of two would write a line or two. Just enough to express the idea, while leaving room for the story to take a twist. And twist they do! They were always really hilarious, and extremely meaningful at the same time.
    There shouldn't be a deadline, but b/c we are not in the same room, some kind of time allowances should be established.  Fried Eggs is a great forum, It will also bring people to the site; I've mentioned this to a few people who are interested, although at first I said Twitter.

    There is a danger, without numbering, or skipping an element in the story, that a person may split off and create a new universe!  Like the cat in the box!
    Now how much fun is that?

    Help Write Lyrics To this Melody MELODY WITHOUT LYRICS
    Below, find the proposed lyrics to the melody. NOT MINE.
    Melody by Kinia Grannis

    • v 1 main melody ) They say that if we seek then we shall find they say that, pain is just a state of mind, they say to lose is better. than having nothing to recall. and that time will make us whole and let all heal, (v2) Who writes best , the bleeding poet or the thief , who drinks deepest, from the welling pool of grief, ohhh'ahh'ohhh who sends the young upon a darkling dance, while their elders darkly grieve. their face a mask.set hard, so we'll all yet believe.

    Wednesday, June 22, 2011


    I understand. If I had kids, and one killed him/herself because of being bullied, I'm not sure I'd be rational, and could possibly hurt someone seriously. As it is, someone screws with a friend, and they will live to regret it. (I've pointed out before that,
    You may think bullying has changed, but it really hasn't. It reaches the newer generations by more advanced methods, like Facebook, school websites, etc. I really felt for that Princeton student, who hadn't come out yet, and could not face others thinking about what he did in bed. I get it.
    But really, only the technology has changed. It still boils down to one bully, surrounded by lemmings, because for the most part, when action is taken against the bully, their cohorts suffer, too.
    The answer, though, is not putting restrictions on the bullies. Deny it all you want, but American culture reveals bullies, and culture before ours. It is if very much like LBJ "whippiing it out," and proudly shouting, "You think Ho Chi Min's got this?"
    What makes a good stock analyst or broker? How about hockey players? Or, for that matter, doctors and lawyers. the latter succeeds through arrogance, as well as hiding resource materials from the library, etc. There's a fine line between arrogance and bullying.
    In general in America, who "wins?" Many times bullies do.
    So please, you can waste your time  with a PTA meeting, or your local Board of Education, and if you get some kind of punishment for bullies, well, BULLY FOR YOU.
    But don't tell yourself you are truly protecting your children, They are going to meet bullies at work, in the street, girlfriends, boyfriends, their husbands and wives. It is a fact of life, and without being totally aware of it, WE CONDONE IT. WHOEVER HAS THE MOST TOYS WINS? Do you look up to the "Masters of the Universe?"  Seriously.  You are in denial and blind if you think American culture doesn't revere bullies. In fact, there's only one type of person we look up to other than the bully:


    Tuesday, May 31, 2011

    Cleaning Up, Packing Up: My Drama, My Trauma

    I can sit again! At least for an hour or two, so my priority now is cleaning up the messes my blogs have become. I'm almost done updating my Blog List, so if I'm following you, and you don't see your blog, you may still be in the the Links, but I think I've gotten almost everyone. Have to check and double-check. Don't be shy.
    The pain blog is more than an embarrassment to me. I've seen clearly now what the mission of the blog will be. In addition, I've got about 100 links to retest. I've been collecting those for over a year in a to do list, which I might try to post the list, rather than re-typing them one by one.
    At the same time, I'm packing. Where I am going, I'm still not sure. It could be around the corner, or Southern California. I have to admit I'm an East Coast kinda gal, although the North West is beautiful.
    The next posting will be one of the drafts for Compassion. I Have 5, but I'm first going with the short story behind Kuan Yin. I think her story is an example of how giving compassion makes it grow inside you: if you squeeze water in your hands, you will lose it, and that's true with compassion as well. In a mechanical paradigm, it would the perpetual motion machine, one that generates more energy than it uses.
    Also, seeking advice on a few matters, so don't be surprised to hear from me for your opinions, as I value them all.

    Saturday, April 30, 2011

    The Housebound Writer: Me an award? You're joking right???

    The Housebound Writer: Me an award? You're joking right???

    Andrew is currently using his award to pay it forward. Once I am able, I will lay out the details, and be receiving the same award. If you can't wait, there's the link!  Rules follow after the jump.

    Tuesday, April 19, 2011

    If the 20th Century Belonged to the Devil.....

    then the first decade of the 21st Century belonged to Sandra Day O'Connor.  And believe me, she knows it.
    Every atrocity the "W" Presidency committed is on her. That Administration's determination to rid every good thing about this country from FDR to Lyndon Johnson, killing not only our military people, the middle class, I really need to go on?
    In the 2000 elections, when it was determined that George Bush won the election, it was Sandra Day O'Connor's vote that made him President. Why did she have faith in "W"?
    She thought he was like his father, a true conservative, one who had principals.
    I'm bringing this up because the current Republicans in the House and across the country are thugs, just like Bush. Now Democrats are going to let them hammer in the coffin nails on social services, education, the EPA (created by Nixon, btw.) Even Nixon looks good compared to these idiots that says the Founding Fathers stopped slavery, and the wars for Independence took place in New Hampshire, not Massachusetts. This from the well-educated Michelle Bachman: Can anyone tell me what law school she went to?
    Now everyone wants Obama's head for Libya, calling for impeachment? The Senate voted on it 27 days beforehand. THEY DENY IT NOW!  FORCING THEIR STAFF TO LIE, LIKE SENATOR BUDDHA. Now Paul Ryan wants to privatize Medicare, the most effective program the government has ever administered, and kill Medicaid for the poor?
    If they kill Medicaid, all the Wal-Mart employees won't have medical coverage! That's no joke.
    I'm just sayin...

    Friday, April 8, 2011

    This is Getting Repetitive....

    ...but hopefully this will be the last time. New computer (refurb) finally arrived, a gift from the guilty culprit who destroyed our tiny network. Destroy is such a harsh word, don't you think? Especially since he went out of his way to replace my computer with something a little more powerful.

    I expect it to take a couple of days, moving wires, and furniture and such, but when I return, I should be back for good.

    My thanks to everyone who has been supportive of me; the encouragement I've received has really given me a boost.

    Monday, April 4, 2011

    Shut Down the Government? STOP Congressional Pay and Benefits!! is taking up the cause! THE RETHUGLICANS SHUT DOWN THE GOVERNMENT, THEN CONGRESS GETS NO PAY, NO BENEFITS, INCLUDING THE STAFF. Yay! I've been trying to get that message through to people. I have the phone numbers of Senators and House Reps: I know that it seems cruel to include the staff, but this way pols get pressure from everyone...the people who answer the phones, write their policy papers...

    I added to the petition to Boehner::
    You are the government, so all in favor of shutting it down, surrender your pay AND benefits, including your health care. Your staff shouldn't be paid as well, so you see what it's like up close and personal. For a man who ostensibly climbed up the ladder, this fellow climber finds you totally without conscience for those who cannot climb.. Who knows? Maybe you can go on unemployment? After 2 years of refusing to do your jobs, by saying no, no, no, Republicans should return their salaries. Finally, the treasonous message of destroying our President should be punished.

    What I'd like to see:  A Petition for a Referendum in each state demanding the above.

    What you can do: Please sign the petition at


    Monday, March 28, 2011

    Wednesday, March 23, 2011

    Maynard James Keenan -21st Century Schizoid Man- RARE & NEW

    I knew this song would be coming up sooner or later. I saw today the first preview for the movie 'Limitless.' If the decade of the '90's were "The Decade of the Brain," no one was smart enough to notice, and this film wouldn't necessarily be fiction.  It still boggles my my mind that it took someone all these years to think, "Hey, you know we have these comatose patients, or those in vegetative states? They aren't really busy. Why don't we see if they are conscious?"
    Dr. Jim, brushing egg crumbs out of his bushy beard, answered , "Why? The lights are on, but no one's home, your mind is not your own," and, with a chuckle,  was caught in some reverie of a Robert Palmer video, and one of the white-faced models is about to kiss him, and she says, "Jim, did you ever think of USING  the PET Scan?" Bam! Hmm? Ooooh." Oh. Right. Yes. Ah, I mean no. Sure, sure, you give it a shot.  I'll sign off on it, and get you a few people to staff it."  Dr. Jim wasn't sure what he had just agreed to.
       "You know, it's really good to see there are still young, idealistic doctors that care," reflecting how marvelous his genius at bull s*%ing was: As a physician, he had always thought that was his greatest skill.  Humming "Addicted to Love," and wondering where his true love was, he left the cafeteria with seemingly no deliberate direction. 'Where is my cherry-lipped model go wearing that black mini-dress. What he really missed was the feeling it gave him.
    Dr. Sid, the Young, Idealistic, Doctor, thought, "If they had only studied the brain in the 1990's, he'd have that woman waiting for him outside the cafeteria." Who knows what we could have achieved."
       We know what evil lurks in the heart of men, but shudder at the thought of 98% of Dr. Jim's imagination directed at, well, any one thing.  We know that be it's a good thing that humankind can't use his entire brain.  Of this, we are sure.  Besides, without the concomitant growth in morality, empathy and compassion, how much more lethal would we become? A Twenty-first century schizoid race? We do know one more thing:  Dr Sid evaluated a middle-aged tennis player with the aid of a PET Scan, and said, "Play tennis." And she did just that. That woman played tennis in her mind. The portions of the brain necessary to play a game of tennis lit up like a Xmas tree.
       So a decade later, we know THEY ARE ALIVE.INSIDE.  We are all hoping that he will win the Nobel Prize, and every other prestigious award there is, even if the award is really a badge of shame to every doctor, every neurologist that ever walked the earth.
       Let me know if you see the movie and what you think.

    Sunday, March 20, 2011

    Worst Persons For March 20 2011 | FOK News Channel

    Worst Persons For March 20 2011 | FOK News Channel

    FOK is Friends Of Keith, a non-profit blog full of Keith! And funny, and pulling no punches.


    Hey, folks
    Happy Saturday everyone,

    I wanted to pass this on to all of you. US Pain was lucky enough to be asked to be one of a few selected non profits to be a part of the BIRDIES FOR CHARITY PROGRAM.
    This is a unique opportunity for US Pain to raise much needed awareness as well as raise some money for our programs.

    Pledges start at one penny, YES - 1 cent. I am not asking any of you to make a pledge, all I am asking is if you can forward the link below to family, friends, doctors, companies and others, asking them to fill out the form and pledge at least a penny per Birdie.

    I would suggest writing a nice personal note along with the link as to why we need their help and pledges.

    We also have paper forms if some do not want to use the link, they can mail it in.

    The wonderful and exciting thing about this program is:

    1) The Non Profit with the most pledges, not the most money raised just the most number of pledges wins $5000 and even more exciting

    2) We get to have an Advocacy Tent at a Major Golf Outing where over 300,000 people will be in attendance over 3 days and we will get national media attention.

    The link below takes people to our personal pledge page, where they fill out all the info, and the rest is taken care of. Just copy and paste and send to as many as you can.
    If anyone needs actual paper copies to give out, we will mail you as many as you like to hand out.

    Thank you for your help and dedication to making US Pain a household name.
    US Pain Foundation inc.
    P.O. Box 2182
    Shelton, CT 06484
    P:1- 800 - 910-2462F: 1 - 800 929-4062E: 

    Friday, March 11, 2011

    A Non-Poem Raging, Whining, A Good Joke, and a Silver Lining

    A Non-Poem: Raging in Gerund

    While the U.S. is undergoing class warfare, I am
       seeing a parallel in China, 
       becoming aware that our Gateway motherboard was made under
       working conditions that, by the blood, sweat and tears of Foxconn laborers.
       resulting in a near- epidemic of suicides, and
       pinning a Web around Foxconn buildings in a million-people complex,
       confounding me while dreaming about how they are living, working, sweating, crying 
       guilting many, including me (see cover of this month's Wired)
       obliging me to writing and obsessing.
       gerunding, indeed, torturing my reader(s)
       consisting of me and my OCD-ing necessity of writing,
       blogging and instructing others, about life before Our Union had unions,
       cataloging a history of murdering and beatings so unions collective
       bargaining, lobbying and protecting our working classes and ensure their
       living a decent life, but now,  
    While Rethuglicans are and will be lying, possessing, burning books,
       loving power and money, willing, killing, and smiling in ugly American,
       rethuglicking: union-busting, gerrymandering and guaranteeing
       hungering, dying infants, reclaiming women's bodies as wards of their state, 
       burying our wise elders who won't be
       telling our youth how bad things were, are and will be.


    We are still struggling with the network meltdown here at home. It takes a long time without good recovery/partition software to reconstruct a hard disk. We do have multiple backups, but the problem is our carousel-like, revolving drive assignations. Normally, each hard disk would have a C: drive, and a partition for D: for recovery. Every time I turn the computer on, this changes. So I started with C: as F:, even though my hard drive was the Master. Chazz had J. Now, I have C: as my drive, recovery is E:, and the CD/DVD slot became K:. Chazz has D: as his hard disk, the recovery partition is J. The only consistent drive is the first terabyte external drive, which is L. 

    I do have some posts on my phone, but was reluctant to send it, since the world goes round and round, and we'd have to make up a treasure map to find it, because the wireless isn't working well, either.

    A Good Joke:
    Subject: A good question !
    The commanding officer at the Russian military academy (the equivalent of a 4-star general in the U.S.) gave a lecture on Potential Problems and Military Strategy.
    At the end of the lecture, he asked if there were any questions.
    An officer stood up and asked, "Will there be a third world war? And will Russia take part in it?"
    The general answered both questions in the affirmative.
    Another officer asked, "Who will be the enemy?"
    The Russian general replied, "All indications point to China."
    Everyone in the audience was shocked. A third officer remarked, "General, we are a nation of only 150 million, compared to the 1.5 billion Chinese. Can we win at all, or even survive?"
    The general answered, "Just think about this for a moment: In modern warfare, it is not the quantity of soldiers that matters but the quality of an army's capabilities. For example, in the Middle East we have had a few wars recently where 5 million Jews fought against 150 million Arabs, and Israel was always victorious."
    After a small pause, yet another officer - from the back of the auditorium - asked, "Do we have enough Jews?"  

       --- from Dr. Jeff via Chazz

    Silver Lining

    Democrats are remembering who and what they stand for.
    People are standing up and fighting for justice.
    Other people are getting inspired.
    Still others understand what is truly in our best interest.
    Racists and bigots are going off the deep end, exposing their hatred.
    The world is watching Foxconn.
    The world IS watching the Rethuglicans.
    Illinois dropped the Death Penalty!

    We had backups of our work.
    Chazz got his new machine, and all his music is intact.
    I am slowly, but surely, reconstructing my directories.
    I wiped my disk clean, resolving now-ancient problems and minor annoyances.
    I am finally scheduled in three weeks for a pain clinic assessment. Yay!
    I have my very own Jew, and we are yin-ing and yang-ing. (Okay, mixed blessing.)
    I found a few apps that I can use to play and compose music on my phone and pad!
    I found a new cluster of groups: A Perfect Circle, Tool, and Puscifer.
    And I still have a group of on-line friends that never quit inspiring me.
     And helping me heal.

    Friday, February 25, 2011

    Tuesday, February 22, 2011


    If we throw water on Rumsfeld, will he melt into a "quagmire?"

    Sunday, February 20, 2011

    Zach Anner: Superman with CP you Have To SEE!

    Listen to the Zach Anner Theme Song

    I met Zach the same time the song writer did. Go check his opening video at

    and go to:­chAnner

    Friends: Tech Meltdown and Blessings in Disguise

    The Blessing in Disguise as Catastrophe: If you panic, or give up, you are missing the chance to learn things you wouldn't have thought of looking into. That said, go ahead and SCREAM, THEN WAIT. Because otherwise, you may do something worse. Take a deep breath. You are going to learn something important.

    We are having so many technical problems that it will be hit-or-miss with me. I can keep up with my emails.
    Note to Chromium users: Before you find yourself in a situation where you have to hard boot, read up on Google's Help on PREFERENCES CORRUPTED.  You'll find easy ways to back up your bookmarks regularly (In tools) getting extensions back, and hopefully finding your passwords. BECAUSE ALL OF MINE ARE GONE, INCLUDING MY EXTENSION FOR PASSWORDS. So, I lost both my passwords stored in Chromium and my Password Extension. DO IT NOW.
    Chrome/Chromium: To save bookmarks regularly, from Nakro:

    every once in a while (i do it once a month at most)
    i do
    Ctrl+Shift+B which opens the bookmark manager
    and i export my bookmarks (Tools->Export)  and e-mail them to myself

    For Everyone: There is a tool on CNET called 
     'FavBackup 2.0.2'

    I haven't gotten there yet, and because we are down to one machine for at least another month, it will be difficult to get on line at all. I will check my email and respond when I have links. Luckily, I didn't sync afterwards until I had enough settings. The NextBook isn't set up yet, but I'm working on it.


    Party Like it's 1899!

    The Republican Job Plan appears quite simple. Destroy the Unions by negating Collective Bargaining. Cut all entitlements, especially for the poor and working class, and wait until a city in the United States looks like Calcutta. Or Bangladesh. Then manufacturing will return, and offer us $2 an hour. That is, the people who live through that.
    Some will be hired as Pinkertons* to beat and kill the protesters.
    Do you have another explanation for Wisconsin's Governor and his response?
    So we party like it's 1899!

    *When we were kids, we'd sneak into Columbia U.'s football field; try as they might, they couldn't catch us. So we laughed when we called them Pinkies.

    Another thing from childhood that isn't funny anymore.
    N.B. We also dove from the C Rock into the Hudson. I don't advise that. In fact, you will wish you did crash and die on the rocks when you see what's in that dirty water we love. Including fish without eyes.

    The Bloggers Manifesto

    Artwork: "Beneath the Skin" by James White."The Rape of Proserpina" by Luca Giordano



    "It was in Spain that [my generation] learned that one can be right and yet be beaten, that force can vanquish spirit, that there are times when courage is not its own recompense. It is this, doubtless, which explains why so many, the world over, feel the Spanish drama as a personal traged
    y." — Albert Camusyhst-15933615135155_2173_2035976


    Current Events fear Republicans freedom politics History Part I government music writing Chronic Pain HumanRights Rethuglicans activism civil rights courage death penalty ACLU Freedom of Speech future liars words 21st century Amnesty International Bush Administration Google Internet MDG Mexico Poverty compassion disability aids. disabled hero human rights insane intolerance journal journalists mosque pain quotes Bloggers Unite Blogs Cheney China Congress Current Events. United Nations Democrats English FoxNews Language News Corp. Poetry U.S. PAIN FOUNDATION Voice-to-text Watlack Web Web 2.0 Wikileaks Wired YouTube anti-semitism conspiracy dangerous death free utilities software hospital illness instruction jokes journalists? meaning misinformation movies musings pain relief racism re-post (general public) social networks social norms socio-economic status the law trends violence 9/11 APF Android Billie Holiday BitNet Box of Crayons British English Bush CC CNN Chappelle Charlie Christ Chillcrust Valley Rehab and Nursing Home Christ Citizens decision David Byrne EFL Eno FUNDRAISING Fijans Fiji Florida copyright infringement Fried Eggs Great American Smoke Out. Hampshire College Humboldt Hunger Identity Theft Inspiration Internet History Iraq Islam Islamaphobia Jack Sparling Hampshire College July 29 2010 LGBT community Lil' Jon Limitless MLA Maynard James Keenan Mexicans Mike Bear Muslims New York Times New York University ONE PENNY OWS Pablo Privacy Protests Rick Perry Rumsfeld SCOTUS San Juan de los Lagos Squid Squid encournters TV Tao Tea Baggers Teacher Texas The Falls Time Timothy Leary Twitter Unions Urban Dictionary Vets Wikipedia Windows7 Wolfe Blitzer academia accessiblity bulletin boards bullies capital civics teachers civics. class creativity deep horizon denial divers division draft fashion fate fiction fun raising fund raising game gangs grammargirl health hip-hop law suit legal history magic mountain media medications moving. murder my drama my trauma new leak offshore drilling oil one million dollars. petition plays pop-culture proverbs punctuation quote of the day from brainyquote religion repost resilience responsibiity responsibility rules slander social movements spirituality stent surgery theme music tools total bust youthful indiscretions

    Close Encounters of the Blog Kind: Alternate Methods of Commenting

    There are a few ways to leave comments, depending on your needs. First, you can click under the post and embed the comment.
    I will go in and paste it under the post, so no one has to click and wait for the window or page to come up.
    Secondly, C-Box is here precisely to make it easier to comment, converse with each other, make references to your posts, and so on. I value your participation in this expedition. Without you, I risk becoming solipsistic, like a goldfish in a bowl thinking that is the entire world because it's the only reality I would acknowledge. I think you can see by the nature of my interests, that is just not me.
    Thirdly, I encourage you to use the Review Posting area. Comments should be about the site itself, but can also serve to talk about content. It's up to you.
    Finally, you can leave comments on Friend Connect. A problem with F.C. is it was posting at the top of the blog, so to leave was more difficult. You couldn't see 'next blog,' etc. I tried changing the code but no success. So I'm reloading it in the hopes that won't happen. I'm sorry that I lost all the messages there.
    You also have the option of contacting me through email or my YouTube channels. Links for that are all over the blog. I am setting up a companion blog with music players from You Tube. Additionally, I'm starting another blog, "The Pain Game," a log of what's happening to me (and a lot of other people.) Even though there is recent legislation that is very promising, the past 20 years have been a nightmare to doctors and patients alike, re: law enforcement harassment. In 4 years, 5000 doctors lost their licenses. I don't want to speculate how many patients died because of it. And this isn't the place for this.
    FINALLY, PLEASE BECOME A FRIEND. I'm making friends at other sites like BlogCatalog and Bloggers Unite, and two friend from there are here. But especially my closest friends, show me you've been here! And critique this thing, and be brutal.

    Hulu Documentaries: Links and Code are Included