Daily Dose of Cute

Dudley the Greyhound lies on the couch on his back with his legs in the air

Earlier today, Zelda was indicating to me that she wanted something. "Food?" I asked, holding up my left index finger, "Or out?" holding up my right. Instead of touching a finger to give her answer, she went back to her old method of urgently jabbing me with her nose when running backward, a habit that earned her the nickname "Jabba the Mutt."

"Yes, I know you want something, Zelly," I told her. "Food or out?" She jumped up next to me and licked my face.

"Food or out?" She jumped back down and Jabba the Mutted me.

Dudley, who appeared to be asleep on the couch rolled over with a groan, got up, came over to me and poked my right finger with his nose.

I laughed, then let them out.

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Lies, Bigotry, & the Girl Scouts

[Content note: transphobia]

Back in 2010, an outright lie manufactured a controversy regarding the Girl Scouts (GSUSA). The Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute published that during an event, the Young Women’s Caucus (which took place during the 54th Session of the Commission on the Status of Women at the United Nations), materials (this, .pdf) by the International Planned Parenthood Federation were distributed. While that would not inherently be an issue, in my opinion, it was An Issue™ to this religious group that blew up over the internet and various "right wing" media.

Of course, it was, as I said, an outright lie. The Young Women's Caucus was an event attended by four groups: GSUSA, UNICEF’s Working Group on Girls, Girls Learn International, and The Grail. The participants were never given any materials beyond the statement they were working on writing themselves and the event was only open to the participants in those groups--no one else was allowed attendance. Eventually, the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry looked into the "issue" themselves and released a statement in support of the Scouts that included the admonishment:

This is a good reminder that at times we can be quick to render judgment without fact, that not all information offered on the Internet is accurate, and that our organizational integrity is at stake when we fail to properly investigate allegations.
Recently there was a hubbub over a GSUSA publication mentioning Media Matters as a potential resource for fact-checking. FOX, of course, had a field day with this. "Right wing" media of all sorts attacking the Girl Scouts is nothing new, as Amanda Marcotte noted in her September 2011 Slate article:
More than a decade ago, Kathryn Jean Lopez of the National Review wrote: "The Girl Scouts' leaders hope to make their youthful charges the shock troops of an ongoing feminist revolution." A number of prominent voices on the Christian right went on to join her in sounding an alarm about the organization, accusing it of religious and sexual subversion. Cathy Ruse of the Family Research Council alleged that the organization is "pushing promiscuous sex on the girls." Bob Knight, while working for Concerned Women for America, accused the Girl Scouts of drifting into "radical feminism," and while the word "witchcraft" has yet to be trotted out, popular right wing website WorldNetDaily has accused the Girl Scouts of promoting "lesbianism" and "paganism."
And now that paragon of suspicion and bigotry, WorldNetDaily, is decrying the Scouts again by promoting a young woman's call for a boycott of Girl Scout Cookies (which are on sale this time of year and a huge fundraiser for the organization). Why the boycott this time? Because there are transgender members in the Scouts.
A reportedly 14-year-old Girl Scout has joined with parents and Scout alumni to call for a boycott of the widely popular Girl Scout cookies, claiming the organization is using cookie proceeds to push a radical homosexual agenda at the expense of the Scouts’ safety.


After controversy arose over the potential admission of Colorado 7-year-old Bobby Montoya last month, The Girl Scouts of Colorado released a statement explaining, “We accept all girls in kindergarten through 12th grade as members. If a child identifies as a girl and the child’s family presents her as a girl, Girl Scouts of Colorado welcomes her as a Girl Scout.”

Rachelle Trujillo, vice president for communications of the Colorado Girl Scouts, added, “If a child is living as a girl, that’s good enough for us. We don’t require any proof of gender.”

According to a report in the Baptist Press, Trujillo also affirmed transgendered children are currently serving in Girl Scout troops across the U.S., though she declined to give details.
As usual, the pearl-clutching bigotry boils down to "I think this is icky and I don't really get it and I'm not willing to try to understand anything outside my worldview, therefore, it's bad" (you can watch her video at the link, if inclined). I'm sure it will be Big News on FOX, given that they still are making hay out of the Media Matters story.

It's always interesting to see how certain values such as some of the ones the Girl Scouts promote--empowering girls, a commitment to diversity, of honest discussion and education, of thinking forward and inclusively--are a "threat" or are "dangerous" or "immoral" to certain people. It really says a lot about those people and their values and not one bit of it is good.

You know, I think I'll be buying more boxes of cookies this year than I have in the past.

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2FA, #4

Liss: Iran began uranium enrichment at Qom yesterday. Deeky: Oof. That is not good. Liss: Nope. Worse yet, an exec at their Natanz enrichment facility was assassinated today. Deeky: Hopey changey covert war-y!

Jim White at EmptyWheel: Iran Begins Uranium Enrichment at Qom Tuesday, Enrichment Scientist at Natanz Assassinated Wednesday.

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Two-Minute Nostalgia Sublime

The Eagles: "Take It Easy"

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Wednesday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by Good Vibrations and Sweet Sensations.

Recommended Reading:

Kate: Illinois Legislators Meet with Local LGBTQI Groups to Strategize on Making Marriage Equality a Reality in Illinois

Mannion: Mitt in Context

Jessie: Casual to Deadly: Anti-Asian American Racism [Content Note: This post contains discussion of racism, bullying, and violence.]

Suzanne: Doomsday Clock Ticks One Minute Closer to Midnight

Amber: Once Again, the Director's Guild Nominates All White Men

Igor: Pat Buchanan Blames "Militant Gay Rights Groups" and "People of Color" for Pending MSNBC Termination [Note: Those are direct quotes, not scare quotes.]

Kay: Health Care and Non-Compete Agreements [Content Note: This post contains discussion of life-threatening legal wrangling.]

Andy: Where the Trees Are

Chloe: Stephen Colbert Asks Melissa Harris-Perry to Pick a Winner in the Oppression Olympics

Arturo: Red Tails Does The Media Rounds: Are George Lucas' Fans Listening?

Leave your links and recommendations in comments...

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Primarily Bored

image of Jon Huntsman at a podium yelling with his mouth open and his arms out
"What is the MATTER with you people?!"

Welp, it was a real nail-biter (for people who bite their nails out of boredom) last night, as Mitt Romney cruised to totally predictable victory in New Hampshire. Do you want to read his victory speech? Here it is! The best part is how he says President Obama "chastises friends like Israel" immediately after sneering that Obama "wants to turn America into a European-style entitlement society. We want to ensure that we remain a free and prosperous land of opportunity." So he basically calls our European allies garbage, then scolds Obama for his alleged lack of diplomacy. Okay, player.

By the way, is that the same President Obama who's reportedly overseeing US involvement with Israel and Britain in a covert war against Iran, by any chance? Some friend to Israel he is!

(Which is certainly not to say I agree with this bullshit strategy of preemptive covert war, because I don't, but the suggestion that President Obama is hostile to Israel while currently fighting a covert war as their ally is mendacious in the extreme.)

Anyway! Congratulations to Ron Paul, who came in second last night. Second! And while everyone else scrambles to try to figure out how to stop the MittMobile in its tracks, Ron Paul's got a swell idea: "We urge Ron Paul's opponents who have been unsuccessfully trying to be the conservative alternative to Mitt Romney to unite by getting out of the race and uniting behind Paul's candidacy," campaign chair Jesse Benton said in a statement. Ha ha brilliant. Why didn't anyone else think of that?!

Inconceivably, Rick Perry is still in the race! He has not dropped out yet!

Rick Santorum's near-upset in Iowa did not translate to Santorumentum in New Hampshire, to no one's surprise except apparently Rick Santorum's. He came in a distant fifth, and now he heads off to South Carolina, where he imagines he's going to do very well among Protestant bigots who haven't noticed he's Catholic yet. "Direct your attention to the Mormon driving this clown car of the damned! You don't want your only choices on Election Day to be a Mormon and a Muslim, DO YOU?!"

Speaking of Mormons, Jon Huntsman's big gamble in New Hampshire did not pay off!

Sad Trombone sound bite

Everyone's so sad for Jon Huntsman, I'm sure. It's hard to believe that his carefully devised strategy of speaking in Mandarin during debates, being part of a religion that is no weirder than any other religion but is somehow considered by most other religious people to be unacceptably weird, and not being an unrepentant bigot about every single thing ever has not won him more favor among Republican primary voters! Huh.

And yet Jon Huntsman will not be deterred! He's heading south to South Carolina, where the demographics might not favor him but the open primaries do! Huntsman is now betting on Independents, Democrats, and progressives who would at least prefer not to have a complete nightmare disaster in the White House if President Obama loses turning out to Republican primaries to vote for him (or against everyone else). Well, it's a nice thought, but maybe Jon Huntsman didn't hear while he was in China that corporations own our government and our elections now, which has made voters pretty disillusioned even on Election Day, and only TOTAL NERDZ like the inhabitants of this space give a flying fuck about this primary.

Still: Good luck, Jon Huntsman! You are definitely going to need it!

Something something Newt Gingrich. Mitt Romney is a lying money-fucker, etc.

Talk about these things! Or don't. Whatever makes you happy. Life is short.

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Yesterday, my day began with one of my oldest friends hilariously challenging me to "make 5 awesome haikus about Marky Mark." Which, naturally I did, and then spent the day sending her pictures of Mark Wahlberg, because why wouldn't I?

This morning, I begin my day by sharing with you my Walhku, and encouraging you to start your day by sharing your own verses.

image of Mark Wahlberg in his early career incarnation as 'Marky Mark,' accompanied by the text of my haiku

I saw Mark Wahlberg
Outside his hamburger joint;
It's called Wahlburgers.

I said, "Hey, Wahlberg."
He said, "Hey, what up witchoo?"
And made a duck face.

I told Mark Wahlberg:
"You were great in that movie."
He said, "Girl, I know."

Then Mark Wahlberg said:
"The one about the boxah?"
I said, "Sure, why not?"

Mark Wahlberg told me:
"Say hello to yer mothah."
Then chin-nodded me.

*drops mic; walks offstage*

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Open Thread

image of Ray Stewart and Jack DeLeon as Darrell and Marty from the sitcom Barney Miller

Hosted by Darrell and Marty.

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Question of the Day

Do you keep a physical, hand-written address book? Did you ever keep one, if you don't now?

I do still keep a hand-written address book. It has a picture of a rotary phone dial on its front, lol.

picture of my address book, a small square book with the image of a rotary phone dial on its front

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New Hampshire Primary Night Open Thread

OMG y'all. This might be (should be) Rick Perry's last night in the primary! Do you feel sad? I feel so sad. Seeing as how this is probably (should definitely be) the last night we all have to spend with presidential candidate Rick Perry before he goes home to destroy Texas, I thought that I'd honor him (and all of us, really) with a tasteful retrospective highlighting the best moments of his candidacy (cue Bad Day):


Welp, that about does it. Thanks for all the memories, Rick Perry! We'll definitely miss you soooooooo much!

Anyway! I can't wait to see what happens tonight! So many possibilities... Mitt Romney could win and go on to get the Republican nomination! Mitt Romney could lose and go on to get the Republican nomination! What a wild ride we've got ahead of us, Shakers!

Bring it on, New Hampshire!

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Bath Time for Baby Sloths

Too much cute. Can't even process.

Video Description: Baby sloths are gently removed from their cages by their handlers, who are two women, one of whom appears to be white and one of whom appears to be a woman of color. The baby sloths are placed into a big plastic container which has been fitted with wooden racks from which the baby sloths can hang, while the women carry the container to a bathing area. The baby sloths are washed, looking adorable and making adorable squeaky sounds, then dipped in a tea bath to protect them from parasites. Then they're taken to a sort of baby sloth jungle gym where they're allowed to "drip-dry" before they're toweled off. They squeak and look suuuuuuuper cute! Then they are returned to their cages and given hibiscus flowers, which are a highly valued sloth treat! Then: Naptime! Crushing amounts of slothy cuteness. The end.

[Via TDW.]

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2FA, #3

Liss: So Obama is doubling down on Bush's strategy of preemption. I'm without words. Besides maybe: Troubling. And gross. Deeky: I'm at a loss for words myself. All I got is: Wow.

Washington Post: Has Obama taken Bush's 'preemption' strategy to another level?

[H/T to Katrina vanden Heuvel.]

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Are You Sitting Down, Ladies?

I have some shocking news for you: New research has found, and I know this will come as a very big surprise to all you working ladies out there, so I really hope you are sitting down, possibly even at your desk at your job for which you are underpaid and overqualified even though you have asked for raises and promotions, that it is, in fact, NOT TRUE that women don't get raises and promotions because they are shrinking violets who fail to ask for them.

It TURNS OUT that women actually do ask to be appropriately compensated and promoted, but FOR SOME REASON we just don't get that for which we're asking—and, not only that, but "the gender gap in level and pay gets even wider" as the careers of men and women on the same track progress.

HOLY SHIT! This is some really shocking news, amirite, ladies? I never would have guessed that we were asking for things all these years that we weren't getting.

I can't even imagine what the perplexing reason is that we're not getting promotions and raises if we're asking for them after all. Oh well. Life is full of mysteries!

image of Wolf Blitzer on Celebrity Jeopardy saying, 'I'll take The Patriarchy for $200, Alex.'

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Daily Dose of Cute

image of Zelda's face, in close-up, looking up at me with her chin resting on my knee
Zelly Belly

One of Zelda's favorite positions is sitting right between my feet, with her chin resting on my knee. She usually looks forward, while I scratch her head and her face—running my fingers as if skiers on a slope down that expanse of velvety black right between her eyes. Occasionally, she'll lift her head and look up at me with the sweetest, heart-melting expression of sublime tranquility.

I have read that rescued animals shelter are forever grateful for it. I don't know if that's true, if animals have the capacity for gratitude, but sometimes it sure does seem like it.

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Gallup: A Majority of Conservatives See Romney as "Acceptable."

Contain your enthusiasm!

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The Nose Knows

Last night, I was watching a documentary about service dogs. It was very moving; major blubbo and all that. At one point, it came to a segment about cancer-sniffing dogs, then set the dogs aside for an extended piece on a mechanical dog nose scientists are trying to build to replicate dogs' cancer-sniffing capabilities.

Huh. If only there were millions of dogs without homes, most of whom could be trained to do this work for free at hospitals all over the world!

Of course, as Iain observed, giving a life and an occupation to homeless dogs who can detect cancer in its earliest and most treatable stages (and affordably treatable stages, at that), wouldn't be nearly as profitable for Big Pharma as building costly machines that will likely never replicate with the same accuracy what a dog will do for a biscuit.

For the record, I would totes volunteer to provide belly rubs to cancer-sniffing dogs in residence at my local hospital.

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Chip, Chip, Chip...

[Content Note: Legislative encroachments on reproductive rights; invasive medical requirements; rape culture.]

Andrea Grimes reports that the 5th US Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled Texas can enforce its forced trans-vaginal sonogram law while the heinous legislation is challenged in court.

I'll just refer you to the post I wrote when the same shit started in Oklahoma (where a similar law is being challenged, but which the state has been disallowed from enforcing in the meantime), and I'll reiterate here the basis of my unyielding objection: Compelling a person to undergo an unnecessary vaginal probe to acquire a legal medical procedure is fucking rape.

And that was true even before the US Justice Department revised its definition of rape to make it patently obvious that this is, indeed, rape—at least if the concept of consent is to have any real meaning at all.

A woman or trans man who cannot access a legal medical procedure without submitting hir body to a vaginal probe cannot be said to be meaningfully consenting. Consent requires a choice.

Consent requires a choice, because consent without a choice is not consent; it's coercion.

[H/T to @scatx.]

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Two-Minute Nostalgia Sublime

Counting Crows: "Mr. Jones"

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Quote of the Day

"Are you going to fire the baby?"—Someone in the crowd at a campaign event in New Hampshire today, as Mitt Romney did the classic candidate-holding-a-baby shtick.

LOL oof.

[Background. Via Richard Adams.]

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Film Corner!

Last March, I shared the exciting news that New Line was rebooting the beloved boobies-and-crotch-injuries standard-bearer Police Academy franchise. I'm sure many of you, like me, were beginning to worry that this magnificent cinematic revival was never going to happen, but FEAR NOT! The project now has a director:

New Line Cinema has set Scott Zabielski to direct Police Academy, its remake of the long-running film series that started at Warner Bros in 1984 and spanned seven films. ... Zabielski is making his feature directing debut after directing several seasons of episodes of the hit Comedy Central show Tosh.O.

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