Governor Brewer Delivers State of the State Address, Unveils Policy Agenda for 2012 and Beyond

CONTACT: Matt Benson

Releases Bold Plan to Boost Economy, Reform Education and Modernize Government

PHOENIX – Governor Jan Brewer today unveiled for 2012 and beyond a detailed policy agenda designed to prepare the State of Arizona for its second century. The policy agenda accompanied the Governor’s delivery of the Centennial State of the State address.

“Arizonans can take heart in how far this state has come from the darkest days of the recession and fiscal crisis, but now is no time to lose focus,” said Governor Brewer. “Every one of us benefits daily from the wise foresight and dedication of Arizona’s founders and great leaders of the past. Now, we have an obligation to make the tough choices that will set a prosperous course for Arizona’s second century.

“That means clearing the unnecessary obstacles to economic growth, and building an education system worthy of your children’s limitless promise. It means modernizing state government to ensure it is both efficient and effective, and protecting the rights of Arizona citizens against a federal government that has lost its way.”

The policy agenda reinforces and furthers the Governor’s Four Cornerstones of Reform, a blueprint to:

  • improve Arizona’s economic competitiveness;
  • bring needed reforms to K-12 and higher education;
  • modernize state government; and
  • push back against a federal government that has exceeded its constitutional authority.

Additional policy initiatives in areas like economic development will be announced in the days ahead as Governor Brewer issues her state budget plan for Fiscal 2013.

1st Cornerstone: Economic Competitiveness 

The economy continues to be a top concern for Governor Brewer, though the outlook has brightened considerably in recent months. The State of Arizona added nearly 46,000 jobs between 2010 and 2011, and its job growth ranked 7th-best nationally.

Governor Brewer now asks the Legislature to build upon last year’s signature economic initiative –

the Arizona Competitiveness Package – with a new effort to prepare unemployed and underemployed Arizonans for new careers and aid small businesses by simplifying the state tax code. The Governor also reiterated her support for the proposed I-11, a planned interstate highway that would promote tourism and trade between two of the country’s fastest-growing metro areas: Phoenix and Las Vegas.

Additional economic initiatives include:

  • Creation of a community-college scholarship program to help adults re-train and transition into careers that fulfill local needs.
  • A requirement that individuals enrolling in a taxpayer-funded job-training program undergo drug testing.

2nd Cornerstone: Education 

Arizona already has the framework in place for comprehensive education reform with the Arizona Ready initiative. This plan establishes more rigorous standards for students, teachers and schools, provides new methods for parents to gauge student achievement and monitor school performance, and sets yearly benchmarks to track Arizona’s education improvements between now and 2020.

Funding is part of the education equation, as Governor Brewer recognized with her successful push for Proposition 100 in 2010. She always pledged that the 1-cent tax would expire after three years. And it will, in 2013, as the Governor reinforced today.

However, Governor Brewer will remain part of ongoing discussions about proper funding for education in Arizona, and believes the current model does little to encourage innovation or performance on the part of teachers, professors and administrators.

Governor Brewer’s education plan includes initiatives to:

  • Implement performance-based funding for Arizona’s institutions of higher education, while reviewing and reforming Community College State Aid.
  • Produce a searchable database so that every parent can research the license and any disciplinary actions taken against their children’s teachers, and reform the teacher decertification process.
  • Lead a campaign this year to encourage involvement by parents in their children’s education.

3rd Cornerstone: State Government

The citizens of Arizona deserve a lean, effective and efficient State government.

Governor Brewer will create a Government Transformation Office, housed within the Department of Administration, which will be responsible for identifying process improvements and best practices to minimize redundancies and improve customer service. Governor Brewer also will pursue reforms that modernize the State personnel system, making it easier to hire and reward the most talented employees, while removing red tape that hinders removal of the least productive workers.

The State of Arizona has an obligation to vulnerable Arizonans, including the mentally ill and children under state supervision or care.

For the seriously mentally ill (SMI), planning already is underway for a pilot program that will integrate physical and behavioral health services for Medicaid-eligible SMI individuals. This approach is expected to result in fewer hospitalizations and less reliance on the crisis system.

In recent days, Governor Brewer was provided a series of recommendations by her Arizona Child Safety Task Force. While she continues to review those recommendations, the Governor proposes several child-safety initiatives for immediate adoption. They include:

  • Involvement of law enforcement in all Priority 1 investigations that contain allegations of criminal conduct.
  • Improvement of CPS caseworker training, both pre-service and continuing, including the training of CPS workers in law enforcement techniques.
  • Overhaul of the abuse hotline to improve screening, decrease wait times and expedite high-priority calls.
  • Introduction of Quality Management initiatives throughout CPS to streamline processes and improve outcomes for children.
  • Enhance transparency and accountability.

4th Cornerstone: Renewed Federalism

The State of Arizona has a long history of pushing back against federal overreach, and will continue to be a national leader among states seeking a return to a system of cooperative federalism. Governor Brewer will maintain the defense of SB 1070, and will remain a vocal opponent of mandates under the federal health care law. Both landmark cases will be heard this year by the U.S. Supreme Court.

With this past fire season the worst in Arizona State history, mismanagement of federal lands came into frightening focus as yet another area in which the federal government has neglected its duties. Strategic thinning can both reduce the risk of massive blazes and be an economic benefit to rural communities. With today’s State of the State Address, Governor Brewer called upon the federal government to stop its needless delay of the 4 Forest Restoration Initiative, a breakthrough, collaborative plan to restore 2.4 million acres across the Kaibab, Coconino, Apache-Sitgreaves and Tonto national forests.

“We are all blessed to be Arizonans, and I am honored to have a hand in guiding this state into its second century,” said Governor Brewer. “Working together, and drawing upon the grit of Arizona’s founders and judgment of the giants of our past, I’m confident Arizona’s next 100 years can be even more fruitful than the last.”




My Legislative Wishlist

I can’t recall ever putting out a legislature/legislative wishlist on Sonoran Alliance so this is a first. I know that legislators read Sonoran Alliance so I’ll announce these to the public and see where these go:

  1. Require that every Arizona County Recorder provides the latest voter registration to the Secretary of State’s Office on a weekly basis. This will allow the political parties to have fresh data in order to improve get out the vote campaigns.
  2. Change Arizona’s campaign finance laws to require a reporting period deadline to occur 10 days before early ballots are issued. This will allow the public to see who is giving to which campaigns and how that money is being spent. This is an issue of transparency. If the media and new media is doing its job, it will report this information to the public. This will include municipal and recall elections.
  3. Refer to the 2012 ballot a repeal of Proposition 106. This created the Arizona “Independent” Redistricting Commission in 2000 which gave us the 2011 fiasco. I would rather have our jurisdictional lines drawn by 90 elected accountable office holders than 5 unelected unaccountable office holders. It’s absolutely more “democratic.”
  4. If a repeal of Proposition cannot take place, than refer to the ballot an amendment to Proposition 106 that requires the AIRC to draft the lines of EVERY political jurisdiction in the State of Arizona effective the year after passage. This would include school board districts, city council districts, you name it.
  5. Finally, I call upon the House Ethics Committee to immediately begin ethics hearings on State Representative Daniel Patterson. Patterson has been in legal trouble for some time (and we have the documents to prove it!) Even members of his own party would like him to resign. As we learned from the recent hearings in the Senate, any member of the public can file a complaint with the House Ethics Committee.

Now feel free to discuss and even add your own suggestions!

Huntsman Fails to Qualify for AZ Ballot

He has stated he will challenge, but as of now, Jon Huntsman will not appear on February’s ballot.

So as of now, here’s where ballot failures stand:

  • Virginia: Huntsman, Perry, Gingrich, Santorum
  • Missouri: Huntsman, Perry, Gingrich, Santorum
  • Arizona: Huntsman

more to come…


It’s time to square up the state’s debt

By Nick Dranias, Goldwater Institute

Governor Jan Brewer has declared that one of her priorities in the coming session is to pay down the state’s debt. The idea, mirrored by leadership proposals in the state house and senate, is both timely and refreshingly frank.

By any straight-face test, the state has continuously violated the Arizona Constitution’s mandate that current-year expenses be funded largely on a “pay as you go” cash basis — not through debt. Now that the state anticipates as much as $650 million in surplus tax revenue, it is time to square Arizona’s fiscal policy with the state constitution.

Enabled by legal precedents that embraced fiscal gamesmanship decades ago, the state has long skirted the Arizona Constitution’s $350,000 debt limit using a variety of budget tricks. Officials have sold and leased-back buildings, used credit lines and warrants to cover huge gaps between spending and revenue, and rolled-over liabilities from one budget year into the next.

While last year’s budget was relatively gimmick-free, hundreds of millions of dollars of past fiscal gimmickry remain on the books.

An unretired debt is a tax on future generations. Our state’s founders largely banned debt to protect those voiceless future generations from taxation without representation.

Arizona’s “pay-as-you-go” constitutional policy properly imposes political accountability on current politicians for their fiscal choices. For this reason, constitutionalists, tax hawks and fiscal responsibility mavens should agree with Governor Brewer and legislative leadership: Use the surplus to retire the state’s unconstitutional debt.

Nick Dranias holds the Clarence J. and Katherine P. Duncan Chair for Constitutional Government and is director of the Joseph and Dorothy Donnelly Moller Center for Constitutional Government at the Goldwater Institute.

Learn more:

Arizona Republic: Plans for Arizona Budget Vary

Goldwater Institute: Living Debt Free: Restoring Arizona’s Commitment to its Constitutional Debt Limit

Mike Hellon Files Candidacy for Pima County Supervisor

CONTACT: Mike Hellon

Pima County businessman and Republican leader Mike Hellon officially filed his candidacy today for Pima County Supervisor District 1, vowing to focus his priorities on economic development, fiscal responsibility and quality of life issues for the residents of District 1.

“This is not a decision I made lightly,” Hellon said. “I have been persuaded that strong leadership is needed on the board of supervisors from District 1 and I believe I have the background and experience to meet that challenge.”

In recent weeks, a number of business and political leaders have expressed concerns about a vacuum developing in district 1 with the retirement of incumbent Supervisor Ann Day.  Hellon was offered support if he would consider replacing her.

“Their priorities match mine,” he said. “They want accountability and transparency in their government. They want lower taxes through increased efficiency, not through reduced services. They want a balance between a robust economy and protecting our unique quality of life in Pima County. They want infrastructure, public safety and our roads fixed, not excuses or rhetoric. I have the political experience and leadership skills to effectively pursue those goals.”

Hellon is a decorated Vietnam veteran who has successfully operated his own small business for 34 years. A lifelong Republican, Hellon was the Arizona campaign manager for Ronald Reagan in 1980. He was elected to the Republican National Committee in 1992 and served as chairman of the Arizona Republican Party from 1997 to 1999.

In addition to his service to his country and the Republican Party, Hellon has served the community as a small claims hearing officer for the Pima County Justice Court, on the Pima County Board of Adjustment for District 1 and as a member of the Pima County Merit Commission. In 2004, he was appointed by the Arizona Supreme Court to the Arizona Commission on Judicial Performance Review and currently serves as the commission’s chairman. He is also a member of the Arizona Judicial Council by appointment of the Chief Justice of the Arizona Supreme Court.

Hellon has served as a leader in numerous civic and charitable organizations including chambers of commerce, the Tucson Chapter of the American Diabetes Association and the Catalina Youth Soccer Club. He has two children and lives in Northwest Tucson.

Hellon’s campaign chairman is local businessman Bill Assenmacher. His treasurer is Valerie Samoy, staff assistant to Supervisor Ann Day. The balance of the campaign organization is still being developed.


Statement from Senate President Steve Pierce and House Speaker Andy Tobin

CONTACT: Mike Philipsen

“Governor Brewer’s State of the State address today lays the foundation for what should be an outstanding legislative session. The hard work done the last three years by the Governor and Legislature to straighten out our state’s finances has put Arizona back on the right track.

The Governor is right to promise no extension of the temporary one-cent sales tax increase. We also stand with Governor Brewer in her commitment to lower taxes and reduce regulation.

The Governor will have strong support in the legislature as we continue to fight the Federal Government’s overreach. We must stand for what is right in Arizona and not emulate Washington, D.C.

We are prepared for a productive, efficient Centennial Legislative session, and look forward to working with Governor Brewer to put the interests of our citizens first.”


Congressman Flake Criticizes Obama Administration Decision to Ban New Uranium Mining Claims in Northern Arizona


Mining Can Stimulate Economy without Jeopardizing Natural Beauty of the Grand Canyon

Mesa, Arizona – Republican Congressman Jeff Flake, who represents Arizona’s Sixth District, today condemned the Obama Administration’s decision to implement a 20-year ban on new mining claims on 1 million acres of federal land outside of Grand Canyon National park in an area known as the Arizona Strip.

In 2009, Department of the Interior Secretary Ken Salazar halted new mining claims for two years. In extending the ban on new claims for another six months in July of 2011, the Secretary announced that the preferred alternative is to implement a 20-year withdrawal.

“Uranium mining in northern Arizona occurs well outside Grand Canyon National Park and poses no threat to the Grand Canyon or the tourism industry in northern Arizona. This withdrawal is simply another example of the Obama Administration’s overreach that will stymie local economic growth and local job creation,” said Flake. “The Grand Canyon is a treasure, so if I believed that uranium mining in parts of northern Arizona posed a threat to the Canyon, I would not support it.”

Congressman Flake has worked to prevent this withdrawal from being put in place. In July of 2011, he added language to the House Interior Appropriations bill that prevents the Interior Department from moving ahead with a withdrawal plan. Congressman Flake’s language wasn’t included in a final FY2012 spending bill. In October of 2011, along with Congressman Trent Franks (AZ-02), Congressman Flake introduced in the House the Northern Arizona Mining Continuity Act, which would prohibit the Department of the Interior from implementing the withdrawal. Senators John McCain (R,-AZ) and Jon Kyl (R-AZ) introduced the legislation in the Senate.


Kirk Adams Earns Endorsement of Arizona Speaker Stan Turley


Mesa, AZ – January 4th, 2012 – Kirk Adams, candidate for U.S. Congress in Arizona’s 5th congressional district has received the endorsement of former Senate President and Speaker Stan Turley. Turley, a longtime lawmaker, served in both chambers of the legislature from 1964 to 1986 and was one of few members in state history to serve as both Speaker of the House and President of the Senate. He is respected to this day at the capitol as an important figure in Arizona’s political history and as one of the major players in the growth of this state over three decades. Regarding his endorsement, Turley offered the following statement about Kirk Adams.

“As both Speaker of the House and President of the Senate my experience has shown the need for a leader with firm values and vision towards the future. Kirk Adams has these qualities and he would be a great congressman for our district. 

Kirk Adams offers a conservative voice for the future. His tenacity was fearless in reforming the state’s troubled pension system and balancing our budget in a time of crisis. Kirk Adams understands the magnitude of the task at hand and will be the best voice for our district in the halls of Congress.” 

Kirk Adams said of Turley’s endorsement, “Stan Turley is an Arizona legend. He continues to be remembered for his integrity and for his leadership. Stan Turley’s sole focus was on making Arizona a better place to live. He served the citizens for all the right reasons. I am very grateful to have his support.” 

Adams is a husband, father, and small businessman. After joining the state House in 2006, he became so frustrated by the unwillingness and inability of Republicans in the Legislature to stand up for their conservative principles that he launched a long-shot campaign to oust the veteran Speaker of the House. Adams shocked the Republican establishment and political class, winning the Speakership at only 35 years of age.

Adams turned the tide in the House and put Arizona back on the path to fiscal responsibility with an aggressive agenda of reform, courageously taking on some of the most challenging issues in Arizona.

Adams, a lifelong East Valley resident, lives in Mesa with his wife JaNae and their five children.


Maricopa County Republican Member-At-Large Candidates

Rep. Paul Gosar Statement on One Year Anniversary of Tucson Tragedy

CONTACT: Apryl Marie Fogel

PRESCOTT, AZ –U.S. Congressman Paul Gosar, D.D.S (AZ-01) released the following statement today on the one year anniversary of the horrific shootings that killed six people and wounded 13 others at a “Congress On Your Corner” meet-and-greet hosted by Congresswoman Gabby Giffords for constituents on January 8, 2011. Gosar said:

“On the one year anniversary of the tragic events that took place at public event hosted by Congresswoman Gabby Giffords I would like to express my deepest sympathies to all of those affected. My thoughts and prayers are with the families and loved ones of those who lost their lives or were injured on that day.

I continue to marvel at the resolve of Congresswoman Giffords and her husband for their strength and positive outlook through her recovery.

On this anniversary of this tragedy we should be reminded throughout our state and nation to recognize the importance of identifying and treating those with severe and persistent mental illness. It is my hope that we do not allow this event to further stigmatize those who are in need of or are currently receiving treatment but instead see it as an opportunity to bring attention to this important health issue which affects approximately 60 million Americans.

We must be vigilant and recognize the early warning signs of those who are in need of intervention and crisis treatment before a crisis occurs.”

Additional resources are below:

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Public Awareness & Support:
National Institute of Mental Health:
National Alliance on Mental Illness:



Oh Now This is Interesting – George W Romney was not a natural born citizen

Below excerpted from, Will There Be A Citizenship Eligibility Challenge for Romney, by Devvy Kidd, January 7, 2012,

Mr. George W. Romney, was elected Governor of Michigan. Because there was talk George W. might run for the presidency, his citizenship eligibility came into question and because it extends to the child at the time of birth, there is now question regarding Willard (Mitt) Romney:

Mitt Romney’s, father George W. Romney, Not A Natural Born Citizen of the United States of America, and was NOT, eligible for the Office of President, by Pinckney G. McElwee of D.C. Bar.)

Congressional Record (House) June 14, 1967

“I find no proper legal or historical basis on which to conclude that a person born outside of the United States could ever be eligible to occupy the Office of the President of the United States. In other words, In my opinion, Mr. George Romney of Michigan Is Ineligible to become President of the United States because he was born In Mexico and is, therefore, not a natural-born citizen as required by the United States Constitution.”

Thus, we have the same situation as with Obama/Soetoro: A father born in a foreign country who never became a U.S. citizen. Several people have been doing some serious research on this:

“The big question is this…how did George and Gaskell Romney get their US Citizenship back if they still had it at all? If Gaskell (son) and Miles Park Romney (father) who were both Mexican citizens how could they transfer US Citizenship to George Romney? Mitt Romney, however, may be a birthright baby because he fell under the 14th Amendment (I doubt they were under the jurisdiction of the US) but it is absolutely clear that Mitt Romney is NOT a Natural Born Citizen unless he can prove that George Romney gained citizenship from naturalization prior to Mitt’s birth in 1947. I have found no records showing this to be the case.”


Rep. David Schweikert Remembers Tucson Shooting Tragedy

CONTACT: Rachel Semmel

Scottsdale, Ariz. – Congressman David Schweikert (R-AZ) made the following statement in remembrance of the one year anniversary of the Tucson tragedy:

“A year ago today, an assault on our democracy and those participating in it, left our Arizona community with deep wounds. 

“But Arizonans have turned our sense of grief into a sense of resolve. We will continue the work of our democracy, moving forward with the memory of those we lost and gratitude for those who are still with us. 

“Joyce and I are grateful for the progress Rep. Giffords has made thus far. Though still with heavy hearts, we join hands in continued prayers for healing for the families of those we lost and we urge all Arizonans and Americans to do the same.” 



Arizona CD-4 & CD-1 Ruminations: Congressman Paul Gosar Moves, Gary Pierce vs. Bill Konopnicki?

Congressman Paul Gosar announced Saturday that he will be moving into the new congressional district 4 in order to seek “re-election” now that the final congressional lines appear to be headed for final approval. This puts Gosar smack dab in the middle of a real battle shaping up between State Senator Ron Gould and Pinal County Sheriff, Paul Babeu. Knowing the consultants behind these two candidates (Chris Baker and Chris DeRose, respectively), Gosar has his work cut out for him running against Gould, who has earned the highest ranking as an no-tax, small government conservative against Babeu, who has national name ID and a reputation for fighting illegal immigration and Mexican drug cartels.

Meanwhile in the new CD-1, former state representative and fast food magnate, Bill Konopnicki sent out these two tweets in the past week. One would surmise that he’s attempting to head off an entry into the CD-1 race by Arizona Corporation Commissioner, Gary Pierce who earned his reputation as a conservative willing to turn the lights out on Los Angeles. We’ll see if this shot across Pierce’s bow cause Pierce to puts all hands on deck.

Expect a handful of announcements and even resignations as the 2012 election officially kicks off this month!

This election season is about to get real exciting.

Saturday Night Debate Pool

An open thread for discussing the debates without actually watching them (just kidding).

Some chum for the waters:

Would Mayor Bloomberg’s forces  arrest concealed carry Governor Rick Perry if he was naive enough to have a layover at JFK or La Guardia?

Does the fact of Bloomberg’s hyper rigid, unforgiving, no tolerance, punitive New York City gun laws make any Arizonans  think twice about visiting New York or using any travel booking that routes through New York, La Guardia or JFK?   Is it fair for Bloomberg to work on the provincial assumption that New York is the center of the universe and thus everyone even those who live two thousand miles away, are supposed to know its laws are different than New York State laws?

If anyone were to argue the defense of the least three out of staters facing years of imprisonment in New York, plus the loss of their voting rights and right to own and carry arms,  for declaring weapons they have a legal right to carry, how would one argue?

Do Romney backers understand that primaries are supposed to provide by an open and extensive vetting process by participation by  party voters to settle on a  consensus candidate who everyone then rallies around for the general election?  Does it seem a bit early in the game to demand everyone rally around a candidate before the primaries have had a chance to play out?

The GOP debate!


A New Year Begins – Legislature Back on Monday

This week, our nation began the long march toward electing a new President with the Iowa caucus. Our state observes its 100th anniversary since joining the union February 14, 1912. As we embark on what may be one of the most critical election years in our nation’s and state’s history, I urge you to redouble your prayers, recommit to standing with us, and know that you can make a difference!

Monday is the first of many important days for Arizona in 2012, as the second regular session of the state’s 50th legislature begins. After the many successes for CAP and our pro-life and pro-family allies last session, we’re looking forward to working with legislators to advance legislation that promotes life, expands school choice, defends family values, and affirms religious liberty.

Mark your calendars for these upcoming events that will provide you the opportunity to join us in our work to promote and defend foundational values:

  • Opening Day of Session Prayer Walk, January 9 I’m sure you’ve heard me say it before, but prayer is at the core of everything we do at CAP. Scripture calls us to pray for our leaders. Accordingly, we will once again observe opening day with our annual Prayer Walk around the state Capitol this Monday from 7:00 – 9:00 a.m. More details are here.
  • “Do You Know Lacy” Training Event to Prevent Child Sex Slavery, January 12-13  The Do You Know Lacy?training is an all-day, five-track community training. You will learn about the national issue of domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST), hear the personal account of a survivor, better understand what conditions make children vulnerable to trafficking, and learn the methods of pimp control, and why victims don’t self-identify or flee. There are two opportunities to participate:
    • Phoenix – January 12, 8:30 a.m. at Christ’s Church of the Valley. Register here.
    • Tucson – January 13, 8:30 a.m. at Manning House. Register here.
  • Religious Freedom Day, January 16 Governor Brewer has once again declared a Religious Freedom Day to “celebrate the first liberties enshrined in the bill of rights, which guarantees the free exercise of religion for all Americans.” (It’s important to note how blessed we are to have a governor that is not afraid to speak out for our religious liberty in the face harsh criticism). You can read Governor Brewer’s proclamation here. Our friends at Alliance Defense Fund and Gateways to a Better Education have created a free resource for churches to celebrate Religious Freedom Day here.
  • Recapture America, Tucson, January 29 CAP and Family Research Council are co-sponsoring an evening with Lt. General Jerry Boykin, Kenyn Cureton, and myself on Sunday, January 29, at 6:30 p.m. We’ll focus on the future of our state and nation, the critical nature of the 2012 elections, and how you can make a difference in your community. Admission is free; click here for more.
  • Wait No More Adoption Conference, Scottsdale, February 11 More than 350 children in foster care in Arizona need adoptive families. It’s time for the church to step up and address a great need facing our state. The Wait No More conference provides you with information about what it takes to adopt and sincerely bless and change the course of a child’s life. Sponsored by Focus on the Family, CAP, No Child Waiting Coalition, Christian Family Care Agency, and others, the conference will be at Scottsdale Bible Church. Click here to register and for more details.

NE Valley Pachyderm Coalition Meeting – New Location – Wed, Jan 11


Join us at our new location to hear Superintendent of Public Instruction John Huppenthal talk about state education policy. You can expect to hear how he challenged the La Raza curriculum in Tucson schools and get his take on the education bills the legislature will be considering this session.


Here is the information as text for easier copying and pasting:

The Northeast (NE) Valley Chapter of the Pachyderm Coalition January 2012 Meeting


Superintendent of Public Instruction

John Huppenthal

who will be telling us about
Education initiatives in Arizona and education bills in the legislature.

There will be plenty of time for questions and answers.

Rock Bottom Brewery at Desert Ridge Marketplace
21001 N Tatum Blvd, Phoenix, AZ 85050
(Near intersection of N Tatum and Hwy 101)
Date: Wed., January 11, 2012.  (2nd Wed. of Month)
Time: Dinner (order from menu) available at 6pm. Meeting from 7-8:30pm

Contact Information:
Howard Levine,
NE Valley Chapter Chairman ,



My New Year’s List of Folks Who Never Would Be Missed

By Emil Franzi

  • All the Tea Party constitutionalists who opined on talk radio that Gingrich and Cain would have made a great GOP ticket missing the constitutional provision that the President and Vice President must come from different states.
  • Self-righteous and indignant Arizona Democrats who defend Independent Redistricting Commission Chair Colleen Mathis as a persecuted unpaid volunteer dedicated to justice and fairness. A cursory glance at her actions clearly indicates she was a Democrat shill wired from day one who stacked the deck and still takes text messages her Democrat husband and others send from the back of the meetings. Any competent political reporter not in the bag for the Dems would’ve noticed and reported that by now.
  • Lazy and inept Arizona Republicans who blithely ignored the giant sandbag that Dems had constructed for them on the supposedly “independent” commission and believed the game was on the level.
  • A spineless Governor who once waffled and froze over signing SB1070 finally succumbing to the obvious and acquiring an unearned reputation for courage much like Mrs. Mathis. Neither are exactly Joan of Arc. Mrs. Dithers was finally convinced to “do something” about the hijacked IRC and bounced Mathis. Cluelessness followed capped by the single page Hail Mary letter she threw the Supreme Court and her hasty retreat to the showers after the interception.
  • Libertarians and Paulistas who attempt to redefine a movement they were never part of by trashing conservatives for being conservatives and not libertarians.
  • Conservatives and Tea Party types who try to read other conservatives out of the movement for deviations from them. Conservatism has always been a big tent and included big government types. Somebody had to write the Alien and Sedition Laws. Want Hamilton and Adams airbrushed out of the portraits of the Founders? Edit Hamilton’s portions out of THE FEDERALIST?
  • Romney supporters who keep telling me “he’s the inevitable GOP nominee.” Not being Buddhist, Marxist or Calvinist, I never bought anything being inevitable and his supporters do him no favor by claiming it.
  • Romney detractors who claim he’s too liberal and then cite Reagan as a standard. Governor Reagan was to the left of this GOP field including Huntsman.
  • Liberals who whine about educational funding and claim concern for children when their actual concern is the payrolls of their political and union allies some of whom on occasion are actually involved with a schoolchild. When these frauds tell you we need more money “for the childen” note that usually means paying another adult.
  • Conservatives who support corporate welfare whenever it’s for something they slobber over like stadium skyboxes.
  • Occupy folks who have yet to compute that the money they’ll never be able to pay off for that Art History degree wasn’t just a scam by the banks. They ignore the bloated university staffs who collected it and the pols who enabled them by changing the bankruptcy laws.
  • Finally the hypocrisy and arrogant narcissism of Congressman Paul who sanctimoniously claims high integrity, but cops out on the repulsive racist and other bilge printed under his name and from which he profited, by claiming it was done by “ghost writers” and that “he never read it”. That makes him not only totally irresponsible and easily manipulated, but worse a fraud who sees nothing wrong in falsely claiming the thoughts of others as his own. Paul also needs to explain why he “stands on principle” in refusing to support any of the other GOP candidates for President while as a House member he has consistently supported the choice of the GOP caucus for Speaker including Newt Gingrich. Perhaps for the massive earmarks he brings to his Texas district?