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    Full HD Fernseher  das Gerät ist ausreichend verpackt und die lieferung erfolgte problemlos. 
    das ganze hat nur einen hacken 
    er braucht ne kleine ewigkeit beim einschalten. da wartet man schon a bisserl bis das bild da ist, die interne Uhr verstellt sich immer um eine Std. was sich auf das ganze epg auswirkt. 
    Full HD Fernseher hab schon das ganze netz abgesehen aber nichts dazu gefunden (nehms einfach mal hin) 
    das Bild ist sehr gut ton lässt noch was zu wünschen übrig da es in der werbung übertrieben laut ist und bei den filmen teilweise wieder zu leise.

    Full HD Fernseher trotzdem muss ich sagen das Preis Leistung sehr gut sind 
    bin an sich zufrieden mit dem Gerät.  

    Full HD Fernseher Die Vorredner, die bei dem Gerät den Ton bemängelt haben, haben mich bewogen diese kurze Rezension zu verfassen. 
    1. Das Gerät macht sich im Hinblick auf “Design” bei weissen Möbeln richtig richtig gut. Aber viel wichtiger: 
    2. Entweder hat Toshiba was verändert oder die Leute mit dem angeblich schlechtem Klang haben ein “Montagsgerät” erhalten. Der Klang ist für ein TV-Gerät in dieser Preisklasse ausgezeichnet. Ich hatte meiner Tochter nichts von dem hier erwähnten “schlechten Ton” gesagt. Und als diese nach 2 Tagen beim Frühstück zu mir sagte: “Ach übrigens Papa – das neue Fernsehen hat auch einen echt guten Ton”, stand für mich fest, dass ich mich nicht getäuscht habe. Aber nun mehr zum Gerät: Die Menüführung ist zum Teil etwas kompliziert, aber zu bewältigen. Die Anschlüsse sind für diese Preisklasse mehr als üppig. Das Bild ist echt spitze. Der Standfuss ist so schwer, dass das Gerät ohne Verschraubung (die möglich ist durch ein Loch im Standfuss) sehr sicher steht. Also KAUFEN-KAUFEN-KAUFEN Full HD Fernseher !!! 

    Full HD Fernseher Dieses Fernsehgerät erfüllt alle meine Erwartungen. 

    Das große Plus an dem Gerät ist, dass er sowohl einen analogen als auch einen digitalen Kabel- und DVB-T Tuner besitzt. Die Bildqualität bei digitalem Empfang ist einwandfrei, die Qualität bei analogen Sendern könnte besser sein, ist aber immer noch akzeptabel. 
    Der Ton des Gerätes ist gegenüber anderen Meinungen hier einwandfrei. 

    Lediglich der automatische Sendersuchlauf bei den digitalen Programmen nahm wirklich eine ganze Weile in Anspruch. 

    Alles in allem ist jedoch das Preis-/Leistungsverhältnis bei dem Gerät meiner Meinung nach unschlagbar. Dass man gegenüber einem Gerät für den 3-fachen Preis kleine Abstriche machen muss ist vollkommen in Ordnung.  Full HD Fernseher 

    Winter SaleBelieve it or not, the answer is yes. The difference in selling a property in summer and selling it winter can go unnoticed by some sellers and some real estate agents, but there are some changes you can use to make your home show better in the winter than those that make no effort to change their strategy.

    While things like a season can seem immaterial when it comes to buying or selling a home in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, winter can bring up some issues like safety and cleanliness that the summer months do not have to contend with. Even something as simple as sunset coming earlier is something you can take into account when preparing your home for a showing.

    While it can sometimes be an overlooked aspect of having people come to your home for a showing or open house, ensuring that your home is safe, especially on a walkway or driveway, can help you create some goodwill with potential buyers and give you a bit of a leg up on the other homes a prospective buyer might be shown that day.

    Clearing your driveway or walkway of snow or ice is one great way to make your home more inviting to potential buyers. Another great thing you can do to help your home is make sure that ice is removed from above your doorway or other overhang. Having an icicle pelt a potential buyer in the back of the neck might not engender a lot of good will.

    When snow falls, potential home buyers now have a new thing to track into your home and give the entryway to your property a cluttered, dirty appearance. Even worse, after snow has been on the ground for a few days, it can turn to slush. Anyone with children knows that slush can be a killer on entryways and carpets throughout a property.

    Head this problem off at the past and put fresh welcome mats in front of your door and in the entryway to prompt prospective buyers to clean their shoes vigorously before entering your home. This may seem like a pretty inconsequential step in selling your home, but anything you can do to preserve the appearance you have worked hard to give your home can help give a potential buyer a better perspective of your real estate.

    In some areas of the country, winter can bring with it the tendency for the sun to go down even before 5 o’clock. As many showings take place when a potential buyer gets off of work, they can fall after sundown and though in the summer your home would still be bathed in sunlight, the winter will give it pitch black conditions to show in.

    If this is the case in your area, think about investing in some lighting for your property that shows off the exterior of your home. Turning on the lights outside at 5 p.m. can be a bit of a counterintuitive exercise, but it can be effective in giving your home a better exterior appearance and piquing the interest of a potential buyer.

    You can force yourself to turn your lights on by buying a timer for your outside lights and setting it a bit after sundown on a typical day in your area. That way, even if you forget to turn all of your lights on outside, especially if you leave your home well before the showing is scheduled to start, the timer will make sure that those lights are on and your home is shown in the best possible light, pun intended.

    While it may seem silly to market your home differently based on the season you are selling it in, spending some time on these aspects can make your home show better and have a better chance of ultimately interesting a potential buyer.

    zero2Protecting the environment has become a lot more important as we are starting to see the damage that pollutants are doing to it. Green homes are a great way to not only save the planet but also to save you money. There are many different adjustments that can be made to turn a home green and many of them don’t cost a lot of money. Those that do may qualify you as a buyer to get a tax credit for making your home more eco-friendly. So how what changes can you make to your home?

    Windows can be a large source of pollution. When the windows in your home let air out through small cracks, your AC or heater will be working twice as hard to keep the inside of your house at the right temperature. If they’re working twice as hard, they are using twice as much energy as normal. Insulated windows that have been given the Energy Star logo will keep that air from making its way out. These windows also help to keep the outdoor temperature from getting in which reduces your need for climate control even more. There are tax credits available if you install these windows in your home, and some companies will even match that credit when they do your installation.

    Appliances are another place where energy could be wasted on a regular basis in your home. Refrigerators that aren’t energy efficient play a huge part in the electricity you use because they are always on. Appliances that are used often such as the stove or washer and dryer use a lot of energy for the time that they are on. All of these appliances have energy efficient versions and while these will be a high initial cost it will save money over time.

    You can even change the flooring you have to help save the environment. If you have wanted to put in hardwood floors, consider using a bamboo material instead. They look like a light hardwood floor and they are eco-friendly because bamboo is an easily renewed source as opposed to trees which can take decades to grow back. They’re also easier to maintain with simple soap and water, cutting back on the chemical products you’d need to use to clean.

    Most people have heard of solar panels and thought it was a great idea but too expensive. The thing is, that’s not true. Anyone can install solar panels themselves in their home and pay as little as $500 to do so. The solar panels will bring electricity right into your home, and if you get back more electricity than you use you can actually sell it back to the city’s power company. Tax credits are available for this installation too, even if you do it yourself.

    There are simple ways a person can make their home a green home without having to install anything. You can switch out all of the light bulbs in your home with energy efficient ones. Faucets and shower-heads that have a softer stream will reduce the water you use. You can also start recycling your packaging materials to cut down on your garbage. With so many options on how to go green, it might be hard to pick just one.

    IMG_1466While much has been done to crush the misconception, many still believe that to be a successful real estate investor, you must either have a lot of money or find some one-in-a-million opportunity. That is plainly not true and while it may certainly turn out that making money through investing comes easier as wealth increases, all wealth has to start somewhere and the real estate investing arena is no different.

    In The Beginning
    The biggest piece of advice any real estate investor can have when just starting out is to invest carefully. There will be many opportunities as you get deeper into the real estate investing field, but not all of them will set you on a path towards prolonged success. The most successful real estate investors deliberated carefully before picking an initial project, sometimes a hard thing to do when you make your mind up to get involved in real estate investing.

    What ends up being the case here is that you will find a way to get involved in an investment without laying out your entire nest egg, though it will take some time. A common way to achieve that low-cost inroad is to partner with another investor on a particular property to get your feet wet and share the risk with another party. You may not see the huge windfall you’ve envisioned, but if you choose the right opportunity you will see enough to continue your investing career.

    Save, Reinvest, Rinse, Repeat
    Investing is a cycle and as you graduate from your first real estate investing experience, the best thing to do would be to put your earnings away in savings and then take a portion back out to reinvest in a new project. The best investors make a strict habit of saving at least a portion of the proceeds of every investment to gradually build up a fall-back reserve should an investment go horribly wrong.

    You will find that most real estate investors make a serious commitment to saving and many never have a reason to stop doing so. While you will most likely run into a life event or investment hiccup that causes you to stop investing for a period of time, you will most likely see a rebound from that and begin again. Remember to save and reinvest your proceeds to continually benefit from your investments.

    It Will Get Rocky
    Very few real estate investors make it through an entire career without having some hardship and difficulty along the way. For most situations, successful investors will tell you that riding out the storm and waiting out a rough patch is the best way to combat a low market or other investment malady.

    Markets, just like so many things in life, are cyclical and if your investment looks dour for a time, you would be well served to wait it out as prosperity is likely to return. That may seem a little touchy feely, but look at the stock market for inspiration. Though there will always be dips in the market, there is eventually a peak to offset that loss. Maintaining a similar outlook of patience on your real estate investments will likewise typically pay off in the end.

    Though it may seem like only the wealthy get wealthier, getting involved in real estate investing does not have to be as daunting as it appears. Just getting a foothold in the investment arena with a small deal at the onset of your career is likely to eventually grow into bigger and bigger investments. Make certain that you save and remain level-headed as you go through your investment career and you will be able to speak from a position of authority when people ask you just how you did it.

    real-estate-property-short-saleAnyone who would buy homes today will definitely meet sellers offering short sale properties. This kind of sale takes place as more people want to prevent foreclosure from happening. This is one of the many options to avoid the harsh effects of foreclosure towards ones credit. But for buyers, it is one of the best ways to acquire affordable properties. Many people think it is the smart way to acquire investment properties.

    But how should a buyer purchase short sale properties? If you plan to obtain one, have you ever thought of the downsides of buying this kind of property?

    Many people are after short sale because of the price. However, it is only the price they see. They have not looked into the whole process involved in short sale. Some experts believe that short sale is not even a smart investment. If you are familiar with the whole process, you may end up losing much of your valuable time, waste money on escrow or even lose the property over your competitors.

    Hence, there are several things you should know about buying short sale. Below are some of the guidelines to understand better how it works and how you can make a good decision when it comes to purchasing them:

    1. The purchase price you offer should have a basis. Yes, short sale properties are usually sold below their market value. However, you need to make sure that the price you offer to buy isn’t even close to low-balling. If you do not think of the right price, the lender would not doubt rejecting the seller’s request for short sale.

    2. Take time to investigate about the property or about the seller. Short sale requests are usually accepted when the lender sees the reasons for undergoing such sale is a qualified hardship. Hence, if you find out the seller’s purpose for short sale isn’t even near any great financial hardship, you wouldn’t waste your time negotiating with the seller and their lenders. Simply because you know very well the lenders would reject it anyhow.

    Investigating about the property would also help you determine the worthiness of buying the property. Some properties may have hidden liens. These are title defects. Hence, it is important that you do a title search to see if there are liens, other than the present lenders. You also have to know how many mortgage lenders the owner has. Having more than one lender may make the process even more complicated. Hence, the approval would normally be longer.

    3. Prove your sincerity in buying the property by getting pre-approved. Before you even make the offer, show the letter of approval so that the lender will be further convinced that you have the money to buy the property.

    You can also pay them your earnest money. Sometimes, lenders would even request that you increase your deposit.

    4. Search for a real estate agent who have handled short sales before. One who is experienced can help you in speeding up your application. They can do this because through their experience, they have had several tactics to ensure their clients end up with a successful short sale transaction. They also have the capacity to take you out of your problems at times of crisis.

    5. Learn to qualify the property. Do not just decide on buying the property for its price. Decide by using the likelihood of the approval of short sale as the basis. Or you can also decide by evaluating the condition of the property. Ask the right questions. When you do, you will be able to make a more educated decision as to going for the ale or not.

    Business meetingFeeling comfortable with a real estate transaction is the easiest way to ensure that you have a positive experience, whether it be as buyer or seller. Knowing what is going on and taking an active role in the proceedings o f your real estate transaction will give you the piece of mind necessary to erase some of the worry and doubt inherent to any real estate deal.

    With that in mind, while it is important to rely on your realtor, it is also important to take ownership of the process of either home buying or selling to truly understand what is going on. The negotiation of your home’s sale is one area where that extra knowledge will help you not only understand the methodology your realtor is using to get you the best sale or purchase price possible, but also understand what can be done to turn a negotiation’s key function, the compromise, in your favor.

    One of the tactics often used in real estate negotiation is to take an extreme position and bargain down from that position, hoping to get the price you really want after offering something extremely low or high to begin with. There is certainly merit to that stance, but the nuance of the tactic comes in when deciding just how extreme a position can be without scaring off your potential partner in the real estate transaction.

    For example, offering to purchase a home for $50,000 under its list price is not taking an extreme position, it is taking a hyper-extreme position sure to get you laughed at. What you’re shooting for is a number that is obviously too low but one that will get you to the negotiating table where your realtor can work at hammering out a price you can live with.

    Many home buyers when negotiating a price will try to raise their offer by a particular amount to get you to lower your asking price by that same standard amount. One tactic for compromising involves not simply reacting in kind, but reacting with a drop in sale price somewhat lower than the increase in the offer price.

    For example, you could offer me $1,000 more on my property, expecting me to drop my asking price $1,000 as a reaction. Instead, I’ll drop my asking price by $500 and go from there. While this move certainly has the potential to anger a potential buyer, it could also slow the rate at which you drop your price, netting you a higher selling amount in the end for your piece of real estate.

    Finally, think about throwing in tangible benefits that may not be important to you, but sound impressive to your buyer. Perhaps instead of dropping the price of the home by a certain amount, offer to waive a particular fee or offer to pay a particular closing cost. Maybe they want something within the home or want you to replace a particular item.

    Use these desires as bargaining chips and sometimes you can save money through offering services over hard cash. It may cost you $500 to replace a certain item and offering that replacement service could get you out of dropping your selling price by $1,000. These types of situations are common and can sometimes net you benefits in getting a compromise on your terms rather than a potential buyer’s.

    No matter what your tactic, taking these negotiating tips can not only help you understand your home transaction, but prepare you for the world of real estate investment as well. Often, real estate investment opportunities have more negotiable terms and these tactics can come in handy in that arena as well. The compromise is an accepted part of most real estate transactions and using the art of the compromise to benefit you can save you thousands of dollars in your next negotiation.

    commercial8With the decision to get involved in real estate investing, so too comes an avalanche of information that must be deciphered before you can truly get started with your investment proceedings. To go along with the myriad of ways to finance real estate and the thousands of potential properties out there, so too exist a variety of different types of properties to get involved with, all with pros and cons. Determining just what type of investment property you’re looking for can help you narrow down this vast field of potential investment opportunities into a handful of excellent candidates.

    Perhaps the most common property type that investors get involved with is rental property, particularly as a first foray into real estate investing. Though the process of being a landlord can be unrewarding at times and certainly tedious, rental properties also have the potential to pay off over the long run in a big way, though short-term profits can be low. Those that are brand new to investing should consider rental property as a way to get involved initially, even though short-term benefits can be slow.

    One step up from rental properties is offering your investment property as a rent-to-own opportunity. With that opportunity comes the ability to charge a higher rent level and perhaps sell the property in the process for a profit. Indeed, sometimes tenants do not end up purchasing the property, giving you the benefit of not only having larger rent payments but the ability to subsequently list the property again. These deals can be tricky at times and should be attempted with the help of either those that have done similar deals or those with special expertise in the bookkeeping aspects of such transactions.

    Commercial real estate is another significant step up in complication and one that many investors hope to be a part of over the course of an investment career. Commercial investment opportunities see a greater amount of competition surrounding them, making the market sometimes difficult to become a part of. That difficulty is in place because of the significant benefits seen over the low hassle and potentially high profits of renting out commercial space.

    Naturally, in a poor location or poor business climate, empty store fronts can eat into those profits and tie up capital without a positive cash flow over a long period of time. Certainly, those involved in commercial investments should have prior investment experience and a strong knowledge base for such real estate transactions.

    Finally, for those with the biggest penchant for risky business deals will no-doubt think about speculation as a means of real estate investment. Basically, those that participate in this practice look for property in areas that they think will eventually see a rise in property values, purchase it and then hold it until those values do rise.

    The risks here are obvious as it is impossible to 100 percent predict what areas will see a rise in property values. However, for those that predict growth correctly, great profits can be seen with little effort or management. Prime areas for this type of speculation include areas around new infrastructure improvements (highways, light rail, etc.) and areas of new commercial ventures.

    Deciding what kind of risk and reward you are looking for can go a long way towards narrowing down the properties in your area that are best suited for your real estate investment efforts. These real estate categories are certainly not the only types of investments possible and there may be other types that are more in line with your goals. By ensuring that you pursue real estate investments of a type you feel comfortable with, you are more likely to have a positive, profitable real estate investing experience.

    dress-up-your-homesProspective home buyers are just like anyone else, they gravitate to what they can have a tangible connection with. Abstract teaching will always be harder to understand than concrete examples and real estate transactions are no different. When a home buyer walks in to a property, they want to feel at home and you can help that feeling grow.

    While worrying about the appearance of your home is important, it means nothing without the proper marketing techniques. Landing a good real estate agent that knows your area and type of home is more important than vacuuming before showings and only with the right price point will you even get the chance to show off your home.

    These few tips will help your home look more appealing to prospective home buyers, but those prospects need to be in the right frame of mind too. If you have set the price abnormally high or are in a bad area, they might expect more and you will have to keep that in mind. If you have the price set right and have a decent location, your cosmetic improvements will hit home much better.

    Your Neighborhood Reflects On You
    When a buyer gets involved with a particular property, that buyer is purchasing not just a home but a location. As much as you might not want to admit it, your neighbors have a direct influence on the appearance of your home and if one yard looks like it has gone wild or needed home repairs go neglected, that makes your own home look a little less inviting.

    If you are on good terms with your neighbors and don’t mind asking politely for some care, that can be a great way to instantly improve the appearance of your neighborhood. Most neighborhoods have grassy areas that are designed for the community as a whole and making those look better will also help your area feel better to a prospective home buyer. Planting some flowers or caring for what is already planted can go a long way towards presenting an inviting appearance.

    Stick With What Is Visible
    The term “curb appeal” exists for a reason. When a buyer drives up to your home, he or she will envision living in the home. They want to feel that if they purchase your particular piece of real estate, they will enjoy coming home after work every day. The landscaping in the front yard, the condition of your porch or front door area and the condition of the driveway will all communicate positive or negative feelings on a first impression.

    One of the challenges of selling a home is to get a prospective home buyer to accept some of the faults that are inevitably part of any piece of real estate. The easiest way to do that is to present the best possible look for your home. Grabbing a home buyer’s attention before they even get out of the car will land you a lot of leads.

    Respond To Feedback
    These attempts to improve the appearance of your home and neighborhood will not woo everyone, so be sure to at least try to pick the brains of those that come away disinterested in the home. It is easy to take the rejection of your home, particularly if you have done work to dress up, personally. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you and take suggestions to heart. Fixing that one little thing might give the next prospect an entirely different view of your real estate.

    Getting a home buyer interested in your property takes a great deal of effort and entails a great number of little steps. Part of the journey should center on the outward appearance of your home and projecting the best possible image so that a prospective buyer will walk up and imagine what it would be like to come home to that image every day. If you win over a prospective buyer’s heart, you will find the rest of the real estate process flows much easier.