White Hobbits Only!

No Frodo…There are NO black Hobbits allowed! The previous movies in this series were pretty anemic looking… The Hobbit’: Casting agent dismissed after seeking extras with ‘light skin tones’ A casting agent working on director Peter Jackson’s adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’sThe Hobbit was fired from the production after placing ads in a regional New Zealand [...]

First Prosecution Under New Hate Crimes Law

A New Mexico town is the honorary home of 3 men who will be the first prosecuted under the new Hate Crimes Legislation. The town is trying to get past a bloody history of Hate Crimes. Perhaps this prosecution, like the first successful prosecution of KKK criminals during the Civil Rights era will serve notice to the [...]

Sharia Stupidity in Oklahoma

In quite possibly the stupidest move since the Volstead Act – Oklahoma Republicans managed to pass a referendum banning the State Judicial considering International, or Sharia Law in the decision of any cases. Why is it stupid? The same nutcase Republicans are arguing that our country was founded on “christian principles” and thus is subject [...]

The Billionaires Speak

Interviews of Warren Buffett, Bill and Melinda Gates, and Ted Turner – This group are pretty much on the same page. I think it would be interesting to add the Koch brothers into this mix, and perhaps have a roundtable. The Koch brothers are among the principal financiers of the Tea Party, and right wing [...]

Barbara Walters Interviews the Obamas

If you haven’t seen this, it is a great interview –  

Drop off the keys, Lee…And get yourself free!

Well, it appears that the increasingly popular Internet Dating has spawned a new Internet Industry… Internet Dumping. What was that Jhonnie Taylor line in the immortal “It’s Cheaper to Keep Her”? “You didn’t pay but $2 to bring that little girl home. Now you gonna pay $2,000 to leave her alone!” Cost you $50 a month to [...]

And Your Dog’s Fat, Too!

Fresh on the report that the United States has made the list of the “10 Fattest Countries” – that is countries with the highest percentage of people that are obese… Comes the report that all this pulchritudinous living is affecting fido and Fritz as well! Animals Face Obesity Epidemic, Too America is suffering from anobesity epidemic—and not [...]

President Obama Requires 12 Stitches – The Real Reason!

President Obama had to have a bit of medical care yesterday after playing Basketball… Well… That’s the official story. Think he got clocked by a right cross by Michelle… And here’s why: Michelle Obama: I’ll ‘Never Get Sick of Talk About My Arms’ Remember the hullabaloo over Michelle Obama’s gunboats? That was great, the first lady [...]

No Pardon for the Delicious

This bad boy did not receive a presidential pardon… Happy Thanksgiving All! To my International visitors from countries which don’t celebrate this…Here’s the deal.

Dancing Tom DeLay Convicted

Former House Speaker Tom Delay of Texas, AKA the Hammer, AKA DeLiar, AKA Sir Dancenot, AKA Hot Tub Tom… Probably most remembered for being the King of Payola Republicans, and his successful effort to disenfranchise 1 million minority voters in Texas – thus guranteeing a Republican majority US Congressional legislature from the state… Finally got convicted. Only [...]

Kamala Harris – First Minority Elected to Statewide Office in California

Kamala Harris makes history as the first Minority elected to a statewide position in California… Cooley concedes California attorney general race Republican Steve Cooley conceded the California attorney general’s race to Democrat Kamala Harris on Wednesday, giving Democrats a sweep of all statewide offices and ushering in the first woman and first minority elected to [...]

The Sno’ Ho’ Show Suffers Audience Drop

It appears that the Sno’ Ho’ Show on TLC, has a major audience drop down to it’s basic viewer demographic… Horny white men over 60.   Sarah Palin’s Alaska Ratings Plummet It seems mostly old people are watching Sarah Palin’s Alaska. Ratings for the show’s second installment fell 40%, CBS News reports. While the premiere set a record for [...]

World’s Second Dumbest Pirates Convicted

This one goes back about a year when an intrepid group of Somali Pirates attempted to hijack an US Warship armed only with their trusty Ak’s and RPGs. Bad move. Somali pirates convicted of attacking US Navy ship   Why are these guys the world’s second dumbest pirates? A US Frigate looks like this –   So [...]

Woman Who Confronted Obama on Economy, performance – Loses Her Job

Seriously doubt anyone had anything to do with this… Except the piss-poor economy. But Velma Hart, who took President Obama to task on his failure to live up to expectations, has lost her job as CFO of AmVets – a Veterans Service Organization. Mrs. Hart called President Obama out on the economy, his timid progress in [...]

Not Just Black Folks – Native American Unemployment Pain

Some things never seem to change in this here “post-racial” America… Different race, Different recession – American Indian Unemployment in 2010 From the first half of 2007 to the first half of 2010, the American Indian unemployment rate nationally increased 7.7 percentage points to 15.2%. This increase was 1.6 times the size of the white increase. [...]


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