Woe unto Scribes, Pharisees, Fucktards

So. Lowe’s bowed cowardly to the demands of bigots.

Ray Speaks from Both Sides of His Mouth

In the name of science, I shouldn’t have unfriended this Ray Fuckstick.  I should have kept gawking.

But look how Ray gets his hate and his Jesus on in the same breath!!! Fucker.

Who did Jesus depict as the Angel of Awesome in the story about the guy who got his ass royally kicked and was left for dead?  Oh, yeah…a SAMARITAN.    Historically, Samaritans and Jewish people loathe one another.

But wise Super Jew Jesus used the example of virtue in an enemy to teach.

And what did Ray Shit-fer-Brains learn from the story?

Not a gat-damn thang.  

And another thing. The idiotic fb status I saw the other day:  “Don’t be PC and say Happy Holidays.  Say ‘Merry Christmas’, cuz Jesus is the Reason for the Season.  And post this as your fb status to prove that you really love Jesus.”


PC as presently implemented in language wasn’t invented until the 1990s.  Happy Holidays has been around since I was tiny.  And stop wearing your religion like a cheap suit.  Jesus said pray in your closets, asswipes, and not screaming like a banshee in public like a hypocrite.  Gah.

See the 3/4 of a million people that “like” Ray’s link?  Fuck all them, too.  And fuck Lowe’s for being a bunch of pussies.

Lowe’s blows.

Officer Rage Clown Occupies Sucking

Officer Rage Clown
pennywise it the clown pictures

The NYPD executed their famous “We’re a buncha pussies” tactical mojo on sleeping protesters in Zuccoti Park last night under the direction of Mayor Bloomberg.

You can see here how totally defiled the park was with herpes and poop once police evicted protesters and their belongings.

On behalf of protesters, the National Lawyers Guild got a little free speech and right to assemble love in the form of a court order first thing Tuesday morning.

Bloomberg is appealing the order before someone steals his billions.

Police went all Fahrenheit 451 (sans flames) destroying more than 5,000 books belonging to the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Freedumbz isn’t free, folks.

Update: Returning protesters offer flowers to NYPD. 

I said, “Naked.”

Yaayy, I've published a short story.


I freelance for a publisher, and the bosses have been prodding me: use Smashwords.

I’ve been all.  Pfft.  Whatever, I’m working. I will suffer and go the traditional route with my fiction stuff.  

And I have a story waiting for acceptance or rejection right now with Tor online magazine.

6 Month turnaround!  Fuck.

Well, I’ve been slammed with work for like a solid month–freaking 7 days a week.  A whiny slave.

Not princessy.

My lack of free time put me in a state.  ”I’ve got to do something for myself!”  I could paint, write, something, anything.  Then the boss man made a Smashwords prod again.  So I read up on it.  And I already knew publishing is in a damn tizzy right now.

I learned digital publishing is 30% of the market now.

Damn!  Double dog damn!  I wanna piece of that!  Even point oh, oh, whatever would kill!

So, I’ve submitted Naked Girls in the White Rabbit.  This baby was short-listed with the super awesome Apex Magazine then rejected.

Grrr. I’m competing with the whole damn planet!

I’m partly telling you all this to shamelessly promote the ever living fuck out of me. Think of me as the hillbilly debutante of writers.  But YALL are all bitchin’ writers and communicators, and maybe you’d like your point oh, oh whatever piece. :-)

Since I love yall, you totally don’t have to pay if’n you wanna check out…and review??…my story.

The coupon code at checkout is: MY79E. The story downloads for Apple iPad/iBooks, Nook, Sony Reader, Kindle, or just regular ol’ online reading.  In a couple of weeks, Smashwords will ship my story for availability at Barnes and Noble, Apple, Amazon, and some others I don’t have memorized.  So cool.

Hugs, cookies, hearts, bubbles, kittens, and sunshine to those (0whole1) who wrote (blue collar momma) rockin’ (Royal Everhard–bwah-hahahaha, two chicks named Amanda & Gretta) reviews (the bosses) for me.

Richard Newton: Total Badass, Yet a Super Nice Guy (Alabama Immigration)

Looking for Richard?  Found him. :-)
I rule.

My friend Richard Newton was on the local NPR station showing Alabama’s human side.  No bile. No vitriol.   Just unbridled awesome.

Here’s a link to his commentary which played today.



Birmingham – One of the consequences of Alabama’s new “toughest in the nation” immigration law is a flight from the workplace. Immigrants (both undocumented and documented-but-scared) are leaving farms, processing plants, and construction sites. And leaving employers in a bind.

Last month, the state launched a program to match unemployed Alabamians with suddenly-open jobs. There were few takers. When he launched the program, Governor Robert Bentley bristled at the notion that Alabamians are unwilling to do “hard work”. Birmingham Attorney Richard Newton says he doesn’t doubt that, but the Governor misses a fundamental point.

When Richard isn’t busy saving the world and lawyering and stuff, he’s over at his blog being all cultured and shit.

Go Richard! :-D

Precious Moments in Police Brutality

To Protect and Serve the rights of the financial industry to destroy America's wealth.

Thank God the Oakland Police were on hand to tear gas this disabled American in a wheelchair.

Oakland Police Accomplish what a War zone couldn't.

“Want a piece of the Oakland Police, Mr. Iraq Peace Veteran?”  How ’bout a can o’ tear gas or a rubber bullet to the forehead?  Police accused protesters of throwing M-80′s, but riot police were actually throwing flash grenades…knowingly at wounded people!

I’m waiting for China to reprimand us on our human rights.

The Chief of Police has been planning “Let’s Play Stormtroopers on Their Asses” for a week with the permission of the cowardly Mayor of Oakland.  She got out of town before the festivities.

You can donate to the critically injured Marine you see in the photo by clicking here.   Write “Scott Olsen” in the entry box titled “Special Projects.”  

Alabama’s Hate Clown Parade

Finally, the local newspaper site is getting some rational commenters.  For days it was heavy on the hate crowd.  I’ve extracted some gems:

Mean does not take a holiday in Alabama. :-(

And it ain’t easy being mean and stupid.

Bigots Declared Legally Bigoted by Awesome Federal Comedy Judge

Haters under the Law
Former Rep. Benjamin Lewis & State Sen. Scott “Aborigine” Beason are legally bigots

Ha, ha, ha!

These Alabama jackasses have been ruled racists by a federal judge.

And the Judge is black!  That really must piss off the bigotards.

Beason recently sponsored the anti-immigrant law that’s terrorizing all Latinos, legal or not.  And he got in trouble for calling black people, “Aborigines.”

Cuz he’s a pencil dick.

Judge Myron Thompson attributed racism to both of these douchebags in his recent ruling in a stupid electronic Bingo case. (TPM).

Latino Trail of Tears in Alabama

“We as Choctaws rather chose to suffer and be free, than live under the degrading influence of laws, which our voice could not be heard in their formation. ” —Choctaw Chief George W. Harkins to the American People, 1832

Thats Scott Aborigine Beason
Thats Scott Aborigine Beason

♪♫♬ Where have all the Mexicans gone? ♪♫♬

Before Alabama passed its bigoted law, seeing Latinos around my town was as common as seeing whites, blacks, Asians, and Muslims.  I live in one of the most diverse communities in Alabama.  Great schools and shopping attract people to this area.  The traffic is usually a royal clusterfuck because everybody wants to buy shit here.

Last night I stopped for cheap gas near the Riverchase Gonorrhea Galleria mall.  The station is owned and operated by Latinos.

Awesome customer service!  

Besides paying at least a nickel less for fuel, the clerks are picking out my treats and vices before I get to the counter.  They know me.  I asked the clerk, “How’s business?”  …Mostly as idle chat, but also, this gas station is usually jammed packed from open to close because everybody around here wants cheaper gasoline.  It wasn’t too crowded.

He said, “Terrible.  Since that law, everybody’s gone or hiding.  Nobody comes out unless it’s dark.”

Super sadz.

This morning I made my weekly trip to the grocery store.  This is the second week in row that I found a parking spot right up front.  Usually, the parking lot is jam packed to the back.  Inside, the store is a veritable ghost town.  It’s weird.

And I keep thinking about Alabama’s role in the the Trail of Tears and the Indian Removal Act.  And the recent story about the principal in Jemison, Alabama who ordered all the Mexican kids into the gym, and how many of these elementary school children were crying because they thought they were being deported and another setting where a little black boy asked if he was going to be shipped to Africa.

Bigots are gleeful when they’re terrorizing people.

Total fucking success Bentley and Beason.

The bigots tip their hands quickly.  It starts with opening their mouths.  Then degenerates to bullshit storytelling that amounts to how they are single-handedly supporting 100,000 illegal Mexicans with their personal tax dollars.

Is it funny when bigots shoot themselves in the foot?  Because they have.

Commerce is WAY down.  Like regular ol’ Americans, Latinos, undocumented or not, LOVE to buy shit, too….with the hard won cash they earned in construction, landscaping, and field work.  So, they’re not earning or spending.

Cha-ching. NOT!

That great sucking sound is Alabama’s shrinking tax revenue, shrinking economy.  Farming alone is the state’s biggest money maker with $5-7 billion in revenue and $50 billion in economic impact.  The law comes at harvest time.  And a lot of farmers are talking about giving up.  They don’t have the time or patience to train prisoners and the unemployed.  The harvest is now.

But look how much whiter we are thanks to Bentley and Beason and the rest of the bigots in the Alabama legislature who sold this law to the nuts in our state as an economic boom.

No Love from Skinny Dick

Alienatin' Like it Ain't No Thang
Dick Cheney ain’t got no friends, son.

It wasn’t enough for Demon Emeritus Dick Cheney to celebrate willful moral failure in his new book with his passionate defense of war crimes.  Naw, he went and insulted the only three people who pretend to like him.

  • George Bush-a coward for not pardoning the guy that Cheney got put in prison, Scooter Libby.
  • Colin Powell-a pussy
  • Condi Rice-a cry baby

I guess life is pretty boring after you steal all the money humanly possible from taxpayers and give it to your contractor friends for a bullshit war of aggression.  How do you top instituting torture as policy, indefinite imprisonment without habeas corpus, and invasion of any American’s privacy by whim and will?

That’s why we have to hear about Skinny Dick sinking his dentures into his so-called friends’ asses.  The fucker is bored.

Why doesn’t Dick Cheney ever visit a dentist?

The Photo to Save Michele Bachmann’s Chances

Bachmann in Heaven
in heaven pictures

This Michele Bachmann photo will allow her to get away with saying anything.

  • “There are hundreds and hundreds of scientists, many of them holding Nobel Prizes, who believe in intelligent design.”
  • “Well what I want them to know is just like, John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. That’s the kind of spirit that I have, too.” 
  • “If we took away the minimum wage — if conceivably it was gone — we could potentially virtually wipe out unemployment completely because we would be able to offer jobs at whatever level.”
  •  ”During the last 100 days we have seen an orgy. It would make any local smorgasbord embarrassed … The government spent its wad by April 26.” -Rep. Michele Bachmann, accusing the Obama administration of premature fiscal ejaculation, May 2009
Now look at the picture again.  How do you feel?
Now this picture of Marcus Bachmann forever answers the mystery: Is he gay?

Pray the Gay to Stay


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