Community Profile


Cat Macros

Post some fucking cats!

This journal may contain adult concepts.

Created on 2006-11-28 21:35:18 (#11713350), last updated 2011-10-26

166,947 comments received

Basic Info
Posting Access:All Members
This is a community for posting cat macros. In short, pictures of cats with text on them, as demonstrated by the community icon. If you are looking for a place merely to post pictures of your very adorable pets, we suggest you join [info]kittypix. You'll fit in quite well there.


Community Rules:
1. All posts must contain a cat macro or be cat macro-related.
2. LJ-cuts are required for large images (more than 700px wide).
3. Plain photos requesting captions must be behind an LJ-cut.
4. Plain photos not requesting captions will be deleted.
5. Macros of animals that are not cats will be deleted.
6. Videos are not considered macros and will be deleted.
7. Posts cannot have their comments screened or disabled.
8. No posting of dead, tortured, or otherwise mutilated cats.
9. No posting of internet quizzes or their results.
10. No flouncing. It is in poor taste and no one cares.
11. Troublemakers will be banned at the discretion of the maintainer.
12. Do not use the community for personal promotion of any kind.

Disclaimer: Failure to comply with the rules will leave you open for mocking.
For informative community-related posts, click here.
(Hint: Read this shit before you start posting.)

Click here to view the community's tags.

Helpful pages for n00bs:
- Tutorial on Using Fonts in Photoshop
- Image Macro entry at Wikipedia
- Lolcat entry at Wikipedia
- Image Macro entry at Encyclopedia Dramatica
- Caturday entry at Encyclopedia Dramatica
- LolCat Builder
- ICanHasCheezBurger Factory
- Roflbot

Other macro communities:

Some good tips on how to make an awesome macro:

macro by user meowmeowbutt



Maintainers (1):

Moderators (1):

Members [View Entries]


Watched by (6223):

02895, 040787, 05_blueballoons, 0ctober_0wl, 0misscupcake0, 1337nik, 134_851_544, 13saturnalia, 1_crazy_girl, 1grlrvolution, 1scarletbegonia, 1shawn, 1wildheart, 2517, 271828182, 27lorinda, 2amish4u, 2gd4thiscountry, 3weenis, 404, 412steelers, 4_n_0_n, 4thspearcarrier, 4tonedeaf, 5eh, 6why_me9, 7ven_of_nine, 80sfiend, 8bit_tanuki, 8bitpenguin, 97b642, Gabi Thewondercat, _____paranoid, ____conradkeely, ____prettyxlush, ___capital_h, ___replay, ___soimpossible, ___top10regrets, __anim0sity, __diamondrose, __jester, __knoxville891, __pants__, __wench, __wilderness__, _akathisia_, _amalgamate, _awful, _blah_blah_blah, _cavort_, _crystalmyth, _eri_, _fabulae, _falling_down, _fatallyxyours_, _fluzzy, _greenfinch, _iconoclasm, _katiekaboom_, _living_dreams, _mattykins, _nocturnalpulse, _phantom_glitch, _poeticmotion_, _ponderosa, _ponka, _retrovertigo_, _revamped, _secondbest, _silversnake_, _sugarlily_, _sugarsnatch, _tallian_, _thwap_, _white_trash_, _wishful_sinful, _xis, _your_lover_, a_commonplace, a_dead_bird, a_dropofcolour, a_hobo, a_jaclyn, a_loversrevenge, a_parody, a_pelter, a_silent_sound, a_silver_lining, a_softskeleton, aballard23, abbaddon, abbagirl, abbe_muffin, abcdefghijkt, ablemagawitch, abnormalchild, aborrecido, abreeskye, absolute_tash, absolution23, acaciaonnastik, acb917, accio, acdeathsquad, acecat13, aceface905, acertainflower, acesikks, achorusofone, acidmuse, acidzoo, acoustic_clouds, acrowcity, actionreaction, adamantiumz, addictedtoliv, adelaidevixen, adinorawr, adk2wvu, adorable1, adriennelouise, adrock59, adtherat, aea, aek1216, aeon604, aequanoctis, aerinstar, aero82, aerynna, aerynvala, aestrea, aestrearaven, aetherdust, affectiion, after_the_rain_, afufle, agateway, agent99, agentrayevyn, agirlnamedjen84, ailska, ailurophile6, aimeejolene, aimiroku, aintshefancy, airgirl2005, airman1122, airycat, ...
Halloween header. Image by [info]xtine005
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