Glenn Greenwald

Glenn Greenwald

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Glenn Greenwald
If you haven't read the child-like essay from Wolf Blitzer, you should - it's the best: - Pareene:
Glenn Greenwald
@ Direct attack or threatened/imminent attack
Glenn Greenwald
@ Yes-you are the anointed spokesman for sober, hardnosed people - and they are leaving the Left over support for assassinations
Bonnie Rose
I hope @ has told Dish subscribers his Conversations with History is on this week on channel 9412.
Glenn Greenwald
@ The GOP playbook is the opposite: they love assassinations of Iran's scientists-just like your leader @ @
Glenn Greenwald
Ta-Nehisi Coates on foreign policy arguments from Ron Paul:
Glenn Greenwald
@ Yeah- Joe Klein used to use "civil liberties extremist"- David Atkins used "civil-liberties-above-all-else" - but I love "CL maniac"
Glenn Greenwald
@ @ this was also good
Republican Dalek
Glenn Greenwald
@ Not bad
Glenn Greenwald
"It is impossible to speak in such a way that you cannot be misunderstood" - Karl Popper
Glenn Greenwald
@ Great job on the IAEA/NYT-Public Editor complaint - 3rd straight public editor to say Iran threat reporting was over-stated
Glenn Greenwald
@ He's endorsing what the US/Israel are doing on Iran, and supporting the Awlaki assassination to justify it - he agrees w/Obama
Glenn Greenwald
@ Ahh, thanks - will fix
Glenn Greenwald
@ But he has a good point - for those who think the US Govt can assassinate its own citizens, why not Iran's scientists?
Glenn Greenwald
@ I think it's more disturbing that it's actually happening than it is that Santorum is advocating it
Glenn Greenwald
Santorum, in the video, cites the Awlaki assassination to justify the murder of Iranian (& Russian & Korean) scientists
Glenn Greenwald
@ Most countries do that () - they just don't generally murder a string of their own nuclear scientists
Glenn Greenwald
@ Another possibility: maybe Senegal, or Singapore, is killing Iran's scientists - or maybe Martians don't like their nuclear program
Glenn Greenwald
@ For certain people plagued with very truncated attention spans - who are not my target audience - that's true