Hannity Plays Class Warfare Card – In Order To Accuse Democrats Of Engaging In Class Warfare

With likely Republican nominee Mitt Romney in political hot water over his role as a “vulture capitalist,” Bullyboy Sean Hannity is striking back in the usual fashion – by attacking Democrats and playing the victim. Yes, poor little rich boy Hannity is very upset about class divisions in this country – and he’s ready to blame the poor for the problem and the Democrats for making an issue out of it! Never mind that the attacks on Romney have been coming from his fellow Republicans. But if you know anything at all about Hannity, you know he’d probably rather eat nails than criticize a Republican.

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Irony Alert! Fox News’ Stossel Says “Dumb People” Shouldn’t Vote

On yesterday’s (1/12/12) Your World, Fox Business Channel’s John Stossel added another bogus argument to the Republican War on Voting when he told host Neil Cavuto that “we shouldn’t have these get-out-the-vote campaigns” because “our intuition sets us astray in a modern economy” and “dumb” or uninformed people shouldn’t vote.  That’s pretty funny coming from the channel whose viewers have been shown to be less informed about major news stories than the average American.

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Bill O'Reilly Continues War On Planned Parenthood, War On Women

Despite Fox News' claim that there is a war on Christmas, there is no such thing. But the war on women's reproductive rights is very real and Fox News is doing all in its power to aid and abet those who are waging this war which seeks to criminalize abortion/contraception. Short of that, these zealots seek to defund Planned Parenthood which will make make reproductive health care less accessible and affordable for those who are low income. Bill O'Reilly and Laura Ingraham, members of a church which is also a powerful religious lobby that seeks to eliminate reproductive rights, are in the Praetorian Guard in this war on women. Ingraham, who is considered a "pro-life luminary," uses her platform on Fox to promote anti-choice propaganda and attack Planned Parenthood as does Bill O'Reilly. Last week (1/4), in addition to providing another shout out to their anti-choice audience, Bill and Laura continued their lying crusade against Planned Parenthood. One assumes that they've earned their get out of Purgatory free card with bonus points. 

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Guess Who Published The "Ventura-Puncher" Navy SEAL's Book?

Although Navy SEAL Chris Kyle says he deliberately avoided mentioning the name of the fellow Navy SEAL he claimed to have decked in his new book - and that he's dismayed at the brouhaha that resulted when Jesse Ventura's name was revealed by a caller on a radio show - Fox News made a point of highlighting that salacious tidbit. The so-called "we report, you decide" network has shown no interest that I can find in ascertaining whether or not the claim is true. Even after Ventura demanded a retraction. On a hunch the other day, I decided to see who published this book.

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Navy SEAL Says Witnesses To Jesse Ventura Punch “Coming Forward”

Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle says “witnesses are coming forward” to corroborate his claim that he decked former Minnesota governor Jesse Ventura after anti-war Ventura supposedly told Kyle he “deserve(d) to lose a few guys” at a military wake. As I previously posted, Ventura vehemently and completely denies the account and has demanded a retraction from Fox News. Fox News’ The Five not only cheered Kyle for having (supposedly) punched Ventura, guest co-host Brian Kilmeade called it Kyle’s “greatest takedown ever.” The Five followed up on their original discussion about Kyle with a second one featuring Ventura’s denial but that was treated as nothing more than an occasion to double down on their smears of Ventura. Not one of them expressed an interest in investigating whether or not Kyle’s claim was actually true.

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Today In Monica Crowley Conspiracy Theories: Occupy Wall Street An Obama Re-Election Technique To Attack Romney

Leave it to Monica Crowley to find a way to find some hidden evil in the scrutiny of Mitt Romney’s Bain Capital. The same Monica Crowley who thought CBS’ Bob Schieffer gave secretly coded campaign suggestions to David Axelrod, who saw attacks on Rush Limbaugh as a stealth way to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine and – my personal favorite – blamed the Obama administration for her decision not to eat a cheeseburgerthat Monica Crowley has a new conspiracy theory, that the Occupy Wall Street movement was set up in advance to help President Obama attack Mitt Romney, his likely opponent.

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Hannity Helps Cain Hype His Latest Self-Promotion Gimmick

Less than a week after Herman Cain appeared on the Hannity show and hyped his “Solutions Revolution,” he was back on Hannity for a double segment that included not a word about that “new movement.” This time, Cain was there to respond to Sean Hannity’s interview with Cornel West (except that in Fox’ typical “fair and balanced” way, Cain got two segments to West’s one) and to promote some new “unconventional announcement” and endorsement that was too big and too important to discuss on the Hannity show. In fact, it was too big and too important to include just one person, apparently – except Cain himself. It just so happens that he’ll reveal the big news at an upcoming speech he was able to talk about. Nevertheless, the details Cain leaked sounded suspiciously – just as in last week’s big announcement – like it's going to be “9-9-9” all over again

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ACLU Files Court Complaint Re Cuckolded Bill O'Reilly's Alleged Cop Caper

Bill O'Reilly is no fan of the ACLU. Not only does he think they're terrorists and traitors; but he once stated that Hitler would have been a member of the ACLU.  As the saying goes, you ain't seen nothing yet.  Now that the NY ACLU has requested documents pertaining to the Nassau County Police Department's alleged assistance in what appears to be some serious "cockblocking" on the part of family values paragon, Bill O'Reilly, expect even more attacks on the ACLU. In the mood for more delicious dish, read on.

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Hannity Puts On A Racially Sensitive Front For A Debate With Cornel West

Cornel West, one of my all-time favorite Fox News guests, visited Hannity last night (1/11/12) to defend having said Herman Cain should get off the “symbolic crack pipe.” Of course, there’s almost nothing too bad that can be said about a liberal or even mainstream African Americans on Hannity but when it’s a conservative African American being criticized – well, that’s a whole different story.  But Hannity seems to like West and suddenly, Hannity was a vision of racial sensitivity – even if it was mostly, if not entirely for African American, conservatives. Still, you’ve got to love how West gives Hannity the straight poop yet manages to remain affable and even affectionate.

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Brenda Buttner Cheers Job Losses Because They’re Government Jobs

By Brian

America’s News HQ hosted Brenda Buttner, of Bulls and Bears, on Sunday, January 8, 2012 to discuss Friday’s jobs report. After noting, the sectors with “good news,” she was asked what sectors lost jobs in December. “Well government is a little bit, you know, losing jobs, and that's, that’s something that we see as a positive because we want government to lose jobs to get more in line with the private sector."

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