Qoute of the century

I realize that I'm black, but I like to be viewed as a person, and this is everybody's wish.

Michael Jordan

I am America. I am the part you won't recognize. But get used to me. Black, confident.. Some call me cocky. Get used to it. My religion; Not yours. My goals; My own. Get used to me. For I am here to stay.

Muhammad Ali

Monday, January 9, 2012

I hate you so much right now

I try my damn best to accept other people's ideas and points of views.
I try to listen to what they say and  I try to understand why they are the way they are.

I try not to limit my way of thinking to only one point of view. I try my best to take into account other's backgrounds and education levels.

I try. Which is all I can do... I guess..

But as hard as I try not to...hate is such an ugly word and feeling...I am starting to hate the Republican Party.

I cannot stand not one of those bastards. They make me sick. I tried to watch the Republican debates this weekend...and the political shows afterwards...I really did. But all the lies, bullshit and down right racism and bigotry of the small minded White men up on that stage and sitting behind those "news" desks made me want to take a hot bath in some bleach and tomato juice.

I don't see how in 7 Texas hells these assholes can get up on a stage in front of the world and fix their mouths to say the shit they say. I don't understand how they have the support they do. There was no truth, integrity...nothing of substance came out of a set of bleached teeth on that stage. Not nothing.

There is not a man or woman of character in the whole Republican party. Not one.

How can any educated person back these assholes?

This is the country I am supposed to be proud of? This is the country I have went to war for? 3 times? This is the country that is supposed to be the shining beacon for the whole world? This bullshit? Really?

These assholes actually think they represent "what's good" in America?

These motherfuckers are supposed to be the "Christian" right? The high and mighty? The elite?

But the biggest problem I have is that there are millions of people in this country that are hanging off everything these bastards say. They agree with everything they say..regardless if they know it's true or not.

How in the hell can anybody with an education level higher than 8th grade support these people?

I don't understand it.

Nope...I just don't get it.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

And you wonder why....

"I don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money; I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money."

If the person that made this statement had omitted the word BLACK  then I would have had no problem with this staement. Hell... I actually agree with it.

But the word BLACK...well lets just say that I have a problem with that.

This was a statement made by Rick Santorum. A GOP Presidential hopeful. When he was confronted..he did the normal rethug thing..


He doesn't recall....

Really... This is that bullshit son.
This is why there are so few Black Republicans. This is why Black people vote one way and one way only.
Bullshit like this.

This motherfucker had the nerve to say that he didn't want to make BLACK peoples lives easier.
He said this in Iowa of all places.
Really son? Iowa?
How many of the "coloreds" do you believe are in Iowa?

What..maybe .5% of the population? So what Black people's lives are you making easier?

Now see...I am glad when people like this come out of the closet and let the evil bad racist that is hiding inside of them out. I appreciate that. It lets me know how to deal with assholes like this.
But this dude finished second last night in the Iowa caucus...which means that there are a lot of people in Black dominated Iowa that agree with this bullshit.

But what can I say when this is a post racial society and all?

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Too much money is never enough money

How much money is enough money? How much would it take for you to say...'OK son..This money right here? This shit right here son? This shit is enough. I needs no more money son. I got enough.'

Would it take 10 million? 100 million? 250 million? A billion?

How much would it take? Or is enough money not really enough money? Do you like money that folds? Or would you prefer to have money that don't fold? I mean money that will not fit in a wallet, money?

If you were given 1.2 million just for signing a contract to play a child's game..and then given $650,000 for the first year of that contract..another $875,000 the second year of that contract..and then a cool million for the last year with an option for another year at another 1.2 million...would you still want more? Would that be enough money for you to "feed your family"? Would that be enough money to provide your family with a nice Christmas?

Think on that a minute son....

Now that you have tossed that around for a minute....Would that be enough money for you?

Or would you feel the need to supplement your "meager" income by becoming the neighborhood dope-man?
Would you feel the need to stand on the corner with a "pocket full of stones"?

Would you feel the need to reup with a dude you did not know..one that you had never done any dirt with..one that was "suggested' to you by one of your "homies"?

No? Me neither..

But Sam Hurd did. 

For those that do not follow sports..Sam Hurd is was a wide receiver with the Chicago Bears. He was a former wide receiver down here in the Big D with the Cowboys. He was just arrested up in the Windy for arranging to buy 5 Keys of snow white...(that Lindsey Lohan)...and a half ton of that Stickey ickey ickey a week...from an undercover Fed.
5 birds and a half  TON of weed a week!! A week son!! Do any of ya'll know how much shit that is?


Obviously this wanna be Scarface nukka was setup. But that is not the point..

He was already set financially for life. If he had the brains to move that much product a WEEK... then he is not a dummy. Well he is a dummy...but shit..ya'll know where I'm going with this.

So why did he feel the need to slang weight on the side?
And if he was moving that much shit a WEEK..why was he meeting with a Fed? 5 birds and a half TON of weed is nothing to laugh at. He has obviously been doing this shit for a minute. So he had to have some flunkies working for him. With that much weight... The boss-man should be no where near the transaction. He should be somewhere close watching to make sure everything goes down the right way..but he should not be anywhere within 100 feet of the deal. And why was he fucking with a dude he did not know? And why was he even there himself? In person? In Black and white? Live in living color?

Disclaimer alert..
I am not speaking from experience... I am only speaking on what I saw on the wire....

This whole shit is just damn dumb to me. This dude was an alright receiver with a very good future ahead of him.
But as far as being the next "Big Meech"?

Nope. This dude is dumber than a room full of cloned Sarah Palins.