s skippy the bush kangaroo

skippy the bush kangaroo

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

wednesday week

romney's tax plan would raise taxes on the middle class and cut them for the rich

pew research finds most americans agree w/#occupywallstreet on income inequality

the meaningless sideshow of the electoral process

the internet society turns 20 this year
posted by skippy at 5:48 AM | 0 comments

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

tuesday afternoon

the sociopath as banker

remembering reagan

chipping away at roe

the 7 creepiest abandoned brothels on earth
posted by skippy at 11:29 AM | 0 comments

Monday, January 09, 2012

(tell me why) i don't like mondays

last year was a really good year for the auto industry

the gin and tacos 2011 c*cksucker of the year: donald trump!

lance mannion on ron paul on war

and here's the ultimate libertarian defense of ron paul

and stop the presses, er, we mean, let the presses start: keith olbermann will host current's coverage of the new hampshire primary:
a spokesperson for current confirmed that progress between the two parties was made over the weekend and that they expect olbermann to participate in election coverage going forward.

memo reveals tension over gop primary
"he told us he will do upcoming special election coverage," a current spokesperson told [the hollywood reporter] on sunday. "we certainly hope he does. that was our intention all along."

olbermann will have complete creative and editorial control. but it's unclear exactly what that coverage will look like; whether olbermann will do a special edition of countdown with his own panel of guests or lead the network's politically direct election specials, which have featured cenk uygur, jennifer granholm and network co-founder al gore.

the timing of the détente means politically direct will continue as planned on tuesday.

as much as we love having keith's liberal voice on television, we tend to agree w/mistermix @ balloon juice:
is there a bigger candy-ass crybaby prima donna than keith olbermann?
posted by skippy at 11:01 AM | 0 comments

Sunday, January 08, 2012

happy birthday, elvis

thanks for the music...and the laughter...

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posted by Cookie Jill at 8:31 AM | 2 comments

blue sunday

debbie wasserman schultz is right: romney is a job cremator

florida state rep tries to undo voter suppression law

comparing the gop candidates tax proposals

you'll enjoy this sign in a new hampshire restaurant

and may we say that avedon carol nails it:
and until we get some national voices making the case for the genuinely liberal approach to those issues - and being heard - we will be in big trouble, because the only person who even makes something that, on the surface, sounds a bit liberal, is a crazy and dangerous right-wing crackpot named ron paul.
posted by skippy at 6:21 AM | 0 comments

Saturday, January 07, 2012

skippy's saturday night music club

saturday night's purr-fect for cat'n around with miss kitt.

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posted by Cookie Jill at 10:27 PM | 0 comments

saturday is the best day

republicans really are anti-science

48 ads that never be allowed today

chicago parents and teachers use occupy techniques to protest school closures

are you smarter than a 4-year-old?
posted by skippy at 11:34 AM | 0 comments

Friday, January 06, 2012

skippy's friday night music club

friday. wow...what a difference a day makes.

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posted by Cookie Jill at 10:01 PM | 0 comments

another friday night

indiana statehouse no longer 'the people's house'

the making of the 99%

feministe has a new look

and humble people tend to be more helpfil
posted by skippy at 11:07 AM | 0 comments

Thursday, January 05, 2012

skippy's thursday night music club

tonight...tina covers the rolling stones.

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posted by Cookie Jill at 10:41 PM | 0 comments

thursday afternoon

utah doctors join the occupy movement

number of homeless children in america highest in history

the pot calling the kettle 'nasty'

and hang on, it's time for cats and baths!
posted by skippy at 10:48 AM | 1 comments

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

skippy's wednesday night music club

tonight...a little tina turner doing a beatles cover song...as only tina can.

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posted by Cookie Jill at 10:20 PM | 1 comments

wednesday girl

top story tonight: democrats dominate twitter

it's the ron paul supporter drinking game!

get ready to occupy congress on jan. 17

daddy, what was government?
posted by skippy at 11:20 AM | 0 comments

password breach

a massive breach of security has exposed over 68,000 credit cards. the main cause of the breach was insecure passwords.

here's my tip for creating secure password that is easy to remember: pick a title from a book or box or something that is always on your desk and use that as the passwords. make it all lower case except for the third and fourth characters and substitute a letter for a number in the first i, l, or o. Seems complicated but is easy once you try. say the book "Tom Sawyer" is on your desk and is a permanent fixture. it might be one of a dozen books on your desk. so now your password is "t0MSawyer" (that second character is a zero). i don't like that it is only nine characters, but then i always go for fifteen or more characters. for many years i used UN1XthecOmpletereference, but then i worked in computer security some years ago and learned a lot about password cracking. my current password is above fifteen characters and has case changes and number substitutions and some non-alphanumeric characters.

password cracking can be done in a number of ways, but a dictionary-based cracker is easily defeated by my suggestion. you can't defeat a brute force cracker that generates every character and number combination in the world, but if you have a complex password, it will take a brute force cracker too long to crack your password, making it worthless to hackers to try.
posted by DBK at 9:25 AM | 3 comments

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

skippy's tuesday night music club

more aretha. just because she's the queen of soul.

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posted by Cookie Jill at 10:45 PM | 0 comments

tweet of the day

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posted by Cookie Jill at 7:27 PM | 0 comments

barely out of tuesday

autism and racism

roy edroso gives the best analysis yet as to how libertarianism is f*cked up

is fukushima radiation killing seals in alaska?

orcs for romney!
posted by skippy at 11:09 AM | 0 comments

Monday, January 02, 2012

skippy's monday night music club

congrats to the queen of soul who will be walking down the aisle this year.
(apparently her fiance has not heard this song...)

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posted by Cookie Jill at 9:33 PM | 2 comments

new moon on monday

thers provides an accute analysis of the gop field

don't forget the raging misogyny of ron paul supporters

gee, maybe ipads and kindles don't interfer w/an airplane's instruments all that much after all

lance mannion reviews "tintin"
posted by skippy at 11:09 AM | 2 comments

this is why gop wants to defund pbs

they challenge the right wing nut job's dog whistle talking points....especially the "there is no such thing as climate change" meme.
mainstream news outlets spent a lot of time in 2011 covering the record-breaking year for extreme weather in the u.s. but only a few of them spent much time exploring the link between those events and global warming.

so pbs deserves a special mention for a segment that aired last week looking at how global warming is influencing extreme weather events. as jeff masters, co-founder of the weather underground, explained in the piece: "they all tend to get increased when you have this extra energy in the atmosphere. I call it being on steroids ... for the atmosphere." - grist

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posted by Cookie Jill at 9:34 AM | 1 comments

vermont trying to live up to it's name

"les verts monts" - the green mountains.
vermont has taken a large step forward for us states, outlining in its comprehensive energy plan how it will get 90% of all its energy from renewable sources by 2050. currently vermont gets 23% of its energy from renewable sources, mostly biomass and hydropower which supply roughly 50% of the state's electricity. - treehugger

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posted by Cookie Jill at 9:19 AM | 0 comments