Science News Headlines

    NASA says it's working to resolve items' ownership

    The head of NASA met Monday with former astronauts to discuss who owns space artifacts from moon shots and other missions, saying afterward that the agency will work cooperatively with them to resolve what's recently become a contentious issue. More »NASA says it's working to resolve items' ownership

    In this 2011 illustration, provided by Cornell University, scientists demonstrate how they have have created, a new invisibility technique that doesn’t just cloak an object _ like in Harry Potter books and movies _ but masks an entire event. It is a time masker that works by briefly bending the speed of light around an event. Cornell scientists explain what they are talking about in this 2011 illustration that shows that if this technique is ever scaled up an art thief can walk into a museum and steal a painting without setting of laser beam alarms or even showing up on surveillance cameras or your eyes. (AP Photo/Heather Deal, Cornell University)

    It's one thing to make an object invisible, like Harry Potter's mythical cloak. But scientists … More »Now you see it, now you don't: Time cloak created

    Fragments of a failed Russian space probe are now expected to fall … More »Bits of Russia space probe set to fall Jan. 1 …

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