And the winners are, Willard "Flip/Flop Mitt" Romney, Ron "racist newsletters" Paul, and John "country first McSame" Huntsman, in that order. Willard may have won, but 60% of voters voted for for the other guys. Which tells me republicans aren't sold on their front runner. I wonder why? Snark
So now it's on to the racist, I mean conservative, Christian, red, republican, confederate, slave state of South Carolina. Which may explain why Willard starting slinging red meat in his victory speech, accusing President Obama of not knowing what it means to be an American, who wants to turn America into a European-style entitlement society. Code for birth certificate, welfare, food stamps.
Here are some facts about the conservative state of South Carolina, which according to the Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads, is known for it's bare knuckles politics.
South Carolina is the home of The Orangeburg Massacre at South Carolina State University where three black students were shot and killed by police during a peaceful protest.
South Carolina is the home of former republican U.S. Senator Strom Thurmon, racist by day, hypocrite by night.
South Carolina is the home of current republican U.S Senator Jim "Waterloo" Demint.
South Carolina is the home of U.S. Congressman Joe "You Lie" Wilson. Speaking of Congressman Joe "You Lie" Wilson, he will address a group of defense and military leaders at a $1,000.00 per person luncheon in Huntsville, AL today. Dale "voter suppression with the state seal of approvall" Jackson will introduce Congressman Mo "I will do anything short of shooting them" Brooks who I'm assuming will introduce Wilson. What's up with out of state/city Congress Critters raising money in North Alabama?
South Carolina is the state vowing to sue the United States Department of Justice, to enact a sate voter ID law, which they have already said punishes black voters.
South Carolina is the state where republican Governor Nikki Haley rejects the NAACP push to remove the Confederate Flag from atop the Statehouse.
I can't wait to see which candidate will emerge victorious in the Battle for South Carolina.
Orangeburg, S.C.
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The Rude Pundit, A Brief List of Conservative Men Who Need to Be Punched in the Balls.
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