Wednesday, January 11, 2012

240,000 white republicans have spoken in New Hampshire, now it's on to South Carolina. Yee Haw!

And the winners are, Willard "Flip/Flop Mitt" Romney, Ron "racist newsletters" Paul, and John "country first McSame" Huntsman, in that order.  Willard may have won, but  60% of voters voted for for the other guys. Which tells me republicans aren't sold on their front runner.  I wonder why?  Snark

So now it's on to the racist, I mean conservative, Christian, red, republican, confederate, slave state of South Carolina.  Which may explain why Willard starting slinging red meat in his victory speech, accusing President Obama of not knowing what it means to be an American,  who wants to turn America into a European-style entitlement society.  Code for birth certificate, welfare, food stamps.  

Here are some facts about the conservative state of South Carolina, which according to the Talking TeeVee Pundit Heads,  is known for it's bare knuckles politics.

South Carolina is the home of  The Orangeburg Massacre at South Carolina State University where three black students were shot and killed by police during a peaceful protest.

South Carolina is the home of former republican U.S. Senator Strom Thurmon, racist by day, hypocrite by night.

South Carolina is the home of  current republican U.S Senator Jim "Waterloo" Demint.

South Carolina is the home of U.S. Congressman Joe "You Lie" Wilson.  Speaking of Congressman Joe "You Lie" Wilson, he will address a group of defense and military leaders at a  $1,000.00 per person luncheon in Huntsville, AL today. Dale "voter suppression with the state seal of approvall" Jackson will introduce Congressman Mo "I will do anything short of shooting them" Brooks who I'm assuming will introduce Wilson.  What's up with out of state/city Congress Critters raising money in North Alabama?

South Carolina is the state vowing to sue the United States Department of Justice, to enact a sate voter ID law, which they have already said punishes black voters.

South Carolina is the state where republican Governor Nikki Haley rejects the NAACP push to remove the Confederate Flag from atop the Statehouse.

I can't wait to see which candidate will emerge victorious in the Battle for South Carolina.

Orangeburg, S.C.

Today's Must Reads
The Rude Pundit, A Brief List of Conservative Men Who Need to Be Punched in the Balls.

Shock Treatment

A Massachusetts Mormon vs The Safe Black Guy for President

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hope and Change for everyone but black folks

Black Agenda Report managing editor Bruce Dixon ask once black America gets over bragging rights what difference have presidential and congressional politics made lately?  The answer is none. Despite the recent drop in unemployment figures, everyone gains while black folks lose.  President Obama's agenda is working for some, but not for ALL.

 According to gop ,  black folks are  lazy, plantation democrats and welfare queens on food stamps, who want the government to take care of them.  Yet this is the same party who behaved like young thugs extorting democrats to get what they want, forcing them to make cuts in programs intended to help the American people in their time of need.

The gop is not solely to blame for the condition of black folks... those who advised the President to move to the center are also to blame.   His advisers were afraid if the first African American addressed issues relating to black folks it would look like blacks were getting special treatment like this.

President Obama didn't help the situation by listening to them, ignoring the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. , pandering to conservatives at the expense of the traditional democratic base.

Blacks voted in record number for HOPE for CHANGE we could BELIEVE in, not bragging rights.

Today's must reads
Rachael Maddow Exposes The Republican Party's Election Fraud Hypocrisy

Will the Supreme Court strike down part of the Voting Rights Act?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Alabama is the #1 State for College Football

More than 1 in six Alabamians live in poverty.

1 in 4 children in Alabama live in poverty.

Alabama has the 2nd largest income gap.

Alabama has a 41.4% high school dropout rate.

Alabama is the second most obese, 4th most diabetic state.

Alabama is responsible for the increase in Food Stamp recipients

Alabama has one of the toughest immigration laws in the nation.

The Poverty rate for Louisiana is 19.6%

Louisiana is ranked 49th nationwide on the well being of children.

Louisiana is ranked 44th in graduation rates.

Just something to chew on while you're watching the Allstate BCH championship game tonight.

So this is America?


The word above aren't describing a Communist country or a Dictatorship.  Nope.  They are words citizens, teachers, and support personnel whisper to describe the sad, sorry, state of the Huntsville City School System and education in general in Sweet Home Alabama.   Note I said culture, not person(s).  

The case of Geek Pavaler confirms and validates the whispers.

Geek Pavaler ask the board for answers to important questions regarding Special Education funding cuts

The Board ignores the questions.

Geek continues to press for answers.

The board gives a response of sorts.

Geek attempts to file a  grievance against the board with the Board.

The Board tells him there is no process for filing a grievance against the Board.

Geek Pavaler filed a complaint with the Office for Civil Rights (OCR).

Geek Pavaler was silent and made eye contact with Board during a public meeting

Geek Pavaler was told his inaction Made People Uncomfortable  there would be consequences if he did it again.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

'Comfort the disturbed, disturb the comfortable"

Fellow Blogger Geek Pavaler is being threatened with being banned from speaking at Huntsville City School Board  public meetings by the Head of inSecurity, because he "Made People Uncomfortable" by standing silently making eye contact with the Superintendent and the ELECTED School Board members during the Public Comment section.  I kid you not.

I feel Geeks pain, because that's exactly what happened to me at Left in Alabama when I made the powers that be uncomfortable.  As my friend yellowdog said at the time, attacking the messenger is so creepily republican.   But I digress.

Evidently The Huntsville City Schools needs a Civics refresher about things that ARE in the Preamble and the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America..

Regulating pubic comments infringe on freedom of speech, why have public comments if you are going to regulate them?

Today's Must Read- Can Standing Silently for 65 Seconds Constitute a Threat?

Friday, January 6, 2012

Newt Gingrich at the NAACP Convention (Satire)

Newt;  Good morning all you Darkies, you don't have to bow and scrape, just bow

Audience bends over, drops their pants, and show Newt their backsides in unison

Newt;  More of you lazy black folks are on food stamps under President Obama than ever before.  

Audience  You Lie!

Newt:  Y'all need to make some more babies so they can grow up to be janitors.

Audience  Yo Mama

Today's Must Read God's candidates

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Operating within police policy in black and white

I didn't go looking for this story, it found me during my morning blog stroll on with the headline Woman leads Huntsville Police on slow speed chase around Target Shopping Center, charged with attempted murder (updated).  

Sounds sensational doesn't it?  Well it's not.  Once you get past the headline and go inside the story, HPD was called after reports of a woman driving erratically in the parking lot of the Westside Shopping Center.  According to the report she appeared to ram a police car and attempted to run down a police officer,  shots were fired by the police officer, they missed.  I'm glad the shot fired didn't hit an innocent bystander, but I digress.  

WHNT 19 reports on the Wild Night at Huntsville Shopping Center  click here to watch full raw video, woman rams car officer shoots in Target Parking lot.    The video is about 5 minutes from start to finish.  IMHO it shows a woman making the HPD officers look like the Keystone Cops.  IMHO the only ones in danger of being murdered were the shoppers at the shopping center being hit by a stray bullet, but that's just me.  I report, you decide.

Compare the arrest of the woman in the above incident to that of  of 80 year old William Fraizer(pictured above) who filed an eight million dollar excessive force and brutality claim after his arrest for attempting to elude police.

This is the video of Frazier's arrest narrated by the City Attorney .  Please watch from beginning to end, about 6 minutes.

This is a photo of William Frazer after his arrest.

Allegations of police brutality by concerned citizens were dismissed by the District Attorney's office and the Mayor, who said police operated within policy.

Looks like there are two different policies to me.

What say you?