2011 in review

The WordPress.com stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

Madison Square Garden can seat 20,000 people for a concert. This blog was viewed about 68,000 times in 2011. If it were a concert at Madison Square Garden, it would take about 3 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

The Big Announcement, this time for real: The Scientific American Blog Network has launched!

It took some time, but it was worth the wait. The network that everyone’s been waiting for is now live.

My long post on The Network Central blog, in which I introduce all blogs/bloggers is here.

The official press release is here.

Mariette DiChristina’s (Editor-in-Chief) welcome post is on the @ScientificAmerican blog here.

A brief announcement on the Observations blog is here.

The blogs homepage is here.

My own blog, A Blog Around The Clock, has also moved to a new place. The new URL is: http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/a-blog-around-the-clock/

And the RSS feed is: http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/a-blog-around-the-clock/feed/

See you all over there….

New posts on the @sciam blogs

New posts today. Two on the Guest Blog. One last night:

Paris: City of Light and Cosmic Rays by Greg Gbur.

and one this morning:

Scientists Discover that Antimicrobial Wipes and Soaps May be Making You (and Society) Sick by Rob Dunn.

And on Expeditions blog:

Dinosaur Egg Clutches, Not as Simple as Chicken Eggs by Hannah Susorney and Christi Lorang

As always, read, enjoy, comment, and share….

Open Laboratory 2011 – submissions so far

The submission form for the 2011 edition of Open Lab is now open. Any blog post written since December 1, 2010 is eligible for submission.

We accept essays, stories, poetry, cartoons/comics, original art.

Once you are done submitting your own posts, you can start looking at the others’, including on aggregators like ScienceSeeker.org, Scienceblogging.org and Researchblogging.org.

As I always do, I will keep posting the full list of submitted entries once a week until the deadline – see the listing under the fold.

You can buy the last five annual collections here. You can read Prefaces and Introductions to older editions here.

Help us spread the word by displaying these badges (designed by Doctor Zen:

Continue reading

Too Hard or Too Hot? Two new posts on @sciamblogs

Today on the SciAm Guest Blog, two posts:

Too Hot to Handle: The Dangers of Running in the Heat by By Caitlyn Zimmerman

Too Hard for Science? Off-the-Shelf Organs By Charles Q. Choi

Best of June 2011 at A Blog Around The Clock

I posted 35 times in June.

There were some announcements last month.

Early in the month, I went to World Science Festival in New York and did a panel. There was coverage of it.

I teamed up with Perrin Ireland and reported from The Bezos Scholars Program at the World Science Festival.

I keep interviewing attendees of ScienceOnline2011 – see the latest Q&As with Bonnie Swoger and John Hawks.

I made sure that the Scientific American Guest Blog was busy all month as well, full of great posts on a diversity of topics – check them all out:

Living Interplanetary Spaceflight Experiment–or Why Were All the Strange Creatures on the Shuttle Endeavour? By David Warmflash

Cell Phones, Cancer and the Dangers of Risk Perception By David Ropeik

Does Quantum Mechanics Flout the Laws of Thermodynamics? By Vlatko Vedral

Thorium, Polonium, Radium, Oh My! Marie Curie and Maggie Gyllenhaal Kick Off the 2011 World Science Festival By Neda Afsarmanesh

Too Hard for Science? Joan Slonczewski–Reshaping Ourselves for Our Changing World By Charles Q. Choi

All about Stories: How to Tell Them, How They’re Changing, and What They Have to Do with Science By Lena Groeger and Perrin Ireland

Too Hard for Science? Seeing If 10,000 Hours Make You an Expert By Charles Q. Choi

Simply Brilliant Science: Creating Healthier Eggs for a Healthier You By Kiyomi Deards

What Does the New Double-Slit Experiment Actually Show? By Matthew Francis

The Renaissance Man: How to Become a Scientist Over and Over Again By Ed Yong

A World Ocean By Kevin Zelnio

To Turn Up the Music, Cochlear Implants Need a Software Update By Allison Bland

It’s Your Virtual Assistant, Doc. Who Is Watson? By Karthika Muthukumaraswamy

Lindau Nobel meeting – courting Minerva with Ragnar Granit By Lucas Brouwers

Too Hard for Science? Regaining the Element of Surprise By Charles Q. Choi

Ant Thrills: Seeing Leaf-Cutter Ants through an Artist’s Eyes By Jessica Wapner

Weinergate: Private Records in a Public Age By Krystal D’Costa

When Cells Discovered Architecture By Jennifer Frazer

What Bats, Bombs and Sharks Taught Us about Hearing [Video] By Bradley Voytek

Stranded Whales on the Key Largo Shore By Michelle Bialeck

Linking Erosional and Depositional Landscapes By Brian Romans

The Power of Theory in Science By Ethan Siegel

From the Shadows to the Spotlight to the Dustbin–the Rise and Fall of GFAJ-1 By Rosie Redfield

Arsenic-Eating Bacteria Have Changed Science Education By Marie-Claire Shanahan

Too Hard for Science? Neutrinos from the Big Bang By Charles Q. Choi

Good Dads and Not-So-Good Dads in the Animal Kingdom By David Manly and Lauren Reid

Stem Rust Ug99–the Agricultural Bully By Tiffany Stecker

Book Review: The Future of Water By Matthew Garcia

The Intelligent Homosexual’s Guide to Natural Selection and Evolution, with a Key to Many Complicating Factors By Jeremy Yoder

#WSF11: The Invisible Language of Smell By Bora Zivkovic and Perrin Ireland

Close Encounters of Science and Medicine By Iwona Fijalkowska

Too Hard for Science? Experimenting on Children Like Lab Rats By Charles Q. Choi

Lindau Nobel Meeting–The Cross-Pollination of Ideas By Christine Ottery

Stick to the Science By Michael E. Mann

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Bearing the fruits of global health research By Christine Ottery

Education Reform in the Wrong Direction: High-Stake Consequences for New York State Teachers and Their Students By Jeanne Garbarino

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Monday’s Researcher: Madhurima Benekareddy by Christine Ottery

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Stressed Mind, Stressed DNA by Christine Ottery

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Beef Bug to Blame for Bowel Cancer? by Christine Ottery

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Ada Yonath: Climbing the Everest with polar bears By Lucas Brouwers

Lindau Nobel Meeting–If HIV Is Attacked, It Adapts By Lucas Brouwers

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Sentences That Win Nobel Prizes By Lucas Brouwers

A Journey in Sharing Science: From the Lab to Social Media and Beyond By Jason A. Tetro

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Joke van Bemmel, Chromatin and Epigenetics By Christine Ottery

Beauty Pageants and the Misunderstanding of Evolution Meet….Again By Susanna Speier

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Evolutionary Chemistry with Jean-Marie Lehn By Lucas Brouwers

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Peter Agre and Torsten Wiesel: Nobel laureate scientific diplomacy builds bridges By Christine Ottery

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Buckminsterfullerene and the Third Man By Lucas Brouwers

Overprescribing the Healthy Elderly: Why Funding Research and Drug Safety is Paramount By Laura Newman

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Cowboy hats and countesses By Lucas Brouwers

Lindau Nobel Meeting–The future of biomedicine By Christine Ottery

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Glowing brainbows By Lucas Brouwers

This month we said good-bye to the USC scientific diving class – Problems Without Passports: Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife – written by a whole collection of instructors and students:

Reflections at the Edge of the Pacific Ocean By David Ginsburg

Making a Difference: Environmental Students in Palau By Patrick Talbott and Gabrielle Roffe

Preserving Biodiversity By Wendy Whitcombe

Palau Protects and Conserves By Kirstie Jones

Peleliu: 67 Years after the Battle–a New and Different Conflict By Jim Haw

Last Child in the Reef By Emilie Moore

Just When You Think It Can’t Get Any Better By Genivieve McCormick

Looking Ahead By David Ginsburg

Experiential Learning and Communicating By Jim Haw

Thank You, Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife by me.

The South Pacific Islands Survey continues with new posts, written by Lindsey Hoshaw:

One Illness Threatens a Cook Islander’s Way of Life

And we started two new expeditions on the Expeditions blog – first one is from Montana – New Expedition–MSU Student Research with Dinosaur Eggs in China, posted by me.

New season starts with division of egg duties, petrified trees, soybean Popsicles by Betsy Kruk

Beautiful window serves as escape hatch for baby dinosaur by Betsy Kruk

Fossil hunting in China very different than in Montana by Ashley Poust

Incredible Find in Temple Museum, Harrowing Rescue on Crumbly Mudstone By Betsy Kruk

Rock Mapping a Challenge for Biology Student By Amanda Wregglesworth

Go to Landfill, Find a Dinosaur Footprint! By Christi Lorang

We Visit Fishy Relatives, Geology Wonderland By Ashley Poust and Hannah Susorney

The other new Expeditions trip is all about squid, all posts written by William Gilly:

Squid Studies: Back to the Sea of Cortez

Squid Studies: Scientists Seeking and Savoring Squid

Squid Studies: Changing Seas and Shrinking Squid

Squid Studies: Correction, Connections and Calamar

Squid Studies: “It Is Not Down in Any Map; True Places Never Are”–Herman Melville, Moby Dick

Previously in the “Best of…” series:







New posts on the @sciamblogs Guest Blog

Four today:

Overprescribing the Healthy Elderly: Why Funding Research and Drug Safety is Paramount By Laura Newman

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Cowboy hats and countesses By Lucas Brouwers

Lindau Nobel Meeting–The future of biomedicine By Christine Ottery

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Glowing brainbows By Lucas Brouwers

Read, comment, share….

ScienceOnline2011 – interview with John Hawks

Continuing with the tradition from last three years, I will occasionally post interviews with some of the participants of the ScienceOnline2011 conference that was held in the Research Triangle Park, NC back in January 2011. See all the interviews in this series here.

Today I chat with John Hawks (Twitter)

Welcome to A Blog Around The Clock. Would you, please, tell my readers a little bit more about yourself? Where are you coming from (both geographically and philosophically)? What is your (scientific) background?

I’ve been based in Madison for nine years, at the University of Wisconsin. I was born and raised in Norton, Kansas – a small, rural town halfway between Kansas City and Denver. I loved science when I was a kid, but it really wasn’t until I was halfway through college that I realized that I could be a scientist. I started as an English and French major, but I gradually made my way into anthropology.

I’ve taught evolution in Kansas, Michigan, Utah, and Wisconsin. Kansas gets a bad rap on this. Speaking from experience, the Kansas kids are the best. There’s a real sense in which a practical knowledge of animals and plants helps give a background for understanding evolutionary changes. This is how Darwin came up with the idea in the first place, after all. I really think that people who know animal breeding on an intuitive level are already primed to understand natural selection, and kids in rural Kansas (and rural Wisconsin) have that background.

Teachers need the resources to show these kids the human fossil record, and exercises to pull them into 21st century genetics. Why do we make kids sit four or five times through the same boring stuff about Mendel, when you can run a genome browser on any computer?

Tell us a little more about your career trajectory so far: interesting projects past and present?

I began my career working with fossil hominins, and still do a lot of work with skeletal collections. Early on, I realized that genetics really had the potential to become a much more important source of evidence about the past, and I taught myself genetics.

I was telling someone the other day that I’m an anthropologist because it’s those questions about our evolution that always guide what I do. I’ve published on the whole range of our evolutionary history: the earliest hominins and the timing of the human-chimpanzee divergence, the origin of Homo, the Neandertals, late Homo erectus and the origin of modern humans, and the very recent part of our evolution in the last few thousand years.

A few years ago my friend Greg Cochran and I reasoned that natural selection in humans ought to have become much stronger and faster in the recent past, because the human population really grew rapidly in size after we developed agriculture. That realization led us to some really interesting work on the recent evolution of human populations. People have been evolving in all kinds of interesting ways, and understanding that history may help us to identify the genes that make a difference in human variations and diseases.

What is taking up the most of your time and passion these days? What are your goals?

My students and I are working with archaic human genomes from several Neandertals from Europe, and one from a site called Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains. This week I’m flying to Novosibirsk to travel out to the site. Denisova is fascinating because it’s a mystery: a population that we didn’t suspect existed from fossils alone, but for which we now have a complete genome. In some ways the problem of modern human origins has been solved. What’s exciting is that we’re discovering things about ancient humans that are not evident from their bones — things about immunity, muscle, the digestive system, and potentially the brain.

To my mind, the central problem in human evolution right now is the origin of our genus, Homo. I’ve been working on this question from a genetic perspective, and it’s also a very exciting moment in the fossil and archaeological records with new discoveries in South Africa and the Republic of Georgia. Over the next two years I will be directing a lot of effort to this problem and I expect that our view two years from now will be pretty different from today.

Stories about fossil hominins engage me, and I use genetics to add detail to them. We have the power now to find out things that nobody ever knew about our ancestors — and I just love figuring out how.

What aspect of science communication and/or particular use of the Web in science interests you the most?

The primary data of human genetics are more than ever available for free to the public. There is no barrier keeping high school students from doing the same kind of work on the Neandertal genome that my graduate students are doing today. I’m running a public forum this summer on personal genomes, and I can give the participants all the websites and software that we use to analyze genomes, because they’re all available for free to anyone. I find that tremendously empowering.

At the same time, I’ve gotten to a point in science where I’m often part of conversations that are more restricted, more closed. And it’s frustrating. I look at the web as a way to broaden our conversations, to bring in people who have knowledge and skills. I’m interested in more open scientific meetings, where being in the room isn’t a prerequisite to effective participation.

Streaming, live-tweeting and live-blogging are very important to me as ways to broaden the audience of scientific meetings. I am excited by ways of digitally archiving conversations and meetings, and sending those out to different levels. Why shouldn’t scientific meetings have a K-12 feed going out from them for students to follow? Why don’t we exploit the opportunity, when we have a thousand scientists together, to create content that can go out to the public in some compelling way?

I’m inspired by people who find ways to share new ideas. Paleoanthropology is a field where top researchers still get away with hiding their data from scrutiny. That culture has to change. Science means that others must be able to confirm observations independently. The web has made it possible to share data on a wide scale — as we see today in genetics, astronomy, and other data-intensive fields. The human fossil record is a drop in the bucket compared to the data that will be collected every night by the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope. And those astronomical data will all be open. What is stopping us from making the human fossil record available to schoolkids all over the world?

How does (if it does) blogging figure in your work? How about social networks, e.g., Twitter, FriendFeed, Facebook and others? How do you intergrate all of your online activity into a coherent whole? Do you find all this online activity to be a net positive (or even a necessity) in what you do?

My blog is my scientific memory. I really mean that, and I’ll explain why.

Several years ago I decided to commit to using a content management system, and I started using a series of Perl scripts to translate content from plain text files and present it as XHTML. For five years I ran everything that way off my own server with a simple versioning system: Published and unpublished files differ by a single letter in the file extension, the whole thing was updated across several computers and the server by rsync. It’s a beautiful system (at least, at small scale) and it meant that I could seamlessly present myself with a different blog than the public.

I wanted to structure my own notes, build an argument, maintain references consistently across multiple posts, and reuse material in scientific papers as I needed. I write 1 or two long posts every day, and maybe five or six short ones. I share the things I think are worth sharing, or are ready to share, which is really one or two short posts a day and a long post every 3 or 4 days. My computer is full of stuff I don’t publish. A lot ends up in scientific papers, some of it just serves as background for later work, and all of it makes up my structured, organized databank of knowledge about human evolution. My memory. I search this body of writing when I start thinking about how to address a new topic, and more often than not I’ve already written something relevant, giving me a place to start and build new material.

Twitter is like ham radio. I keep up with my faraway friends and meet new people, and a whole crew of folks around the world may be listening in. Yesterday I was carrying on a conversation about leprosy — you’ll see that on my blog maybe weeks from now.

There are certain people who just make me smile when they update.

When and how did you first discover science blogs? What are some of your favourites? Have you discovered any cool science blogs by the participants at the Conference?

When journalists started to realize that science blogs were a phenomenon, in 2005 or so, I’d been going for a while and had pretty good traffic, so I was ranked right up there on the lists of science blogs to read. I’m really gratified that my readership has grown continuously since then.

I have some great favorites that I’ve read from the start, or at least for several years. Razib Khan, Mo Costandi, Sabine Hossenfelder, Michael Eisen, Alex Golub, Daniel MacArthur. Genomes Unzipped is just full of compelling stuff, and they’re sharing data and tools along with writing about genetic testing.

I feel sad when people stop writing. There have been all these genetics grad students and postdocs over the years who wrote pseudonymously, and who mostly stopped when they got tenure-track jobs. Grant applications kill creativity.

In the last couple of years I’ve seen a tremendous growth in biological anthropology and archaeology blogs and social networks. For a long time I felt really lonely, and now I find I’m not so much the hepcat anymore. Right now, it’s Kristina Killgrove, Julienne Rutherford, and Kate Clancy in biological anthropology, Julien Riel-Salvatore and Colleen Morgan in archaeology, who really impress me.

I follow the Scientopia feed and just admire the energy of the bloggers on that network. I feel like many of the young, exciting bloggers are embedded within their school or professional networks more than “science blogging” as a category. I think we need some more ways to draw good people across disciplines. I was telling somebody the other day that the Scientific American guest blog has become the place to be seen.

What was the best aspect of ScienceOnline2011 for you? Any suggestions for next year?

I’m organizing a conference and I want it to be just like ScienceOnline. I’ve never been to an event that made it so natural to establish lasting contacts with people, to talk about common issues across scientific disciplines, to expand the conversation outside the room.

The challenge is to raise the bar. At a given moment, the people in the room may be the most engaged, but they’re only the crest of a much larger wave moving science communication forward. How do we connect the energy with patrons who want this to happen?

Is there anything that happened at this Conference – a session, something someone said or did or wrote – that will change the way you think about science communication, or something that you will take with you to your job, or to your science reading and writing?

Some moments I will never forget.

Thank you so much for the interview. I hope to see you again here next January!

On @sciam blogs today

On the Guest Blog:

Beauty Pageants and the Misunderstanding of Evolution Meet….Again by Susanna Speier

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Joke van Bemmel, Chromatin and Epigenetics by Christine Ottery

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Evolutionary Chemistry with Jean-Marie Lehn by Lucas Brouwers

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Peter Agre and Torsten Wiesel: Nobel laureate scientific diplomacy builds bridges by Christine Ottery

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Buckminsterfullerene and the Third Man by Lucas Brouwers

And on the Expeditions blog:

Squid Studies: “It is not down in any map; true places never are” — Herman Melville, Moby Dick by William Gilly

Enjoy, comment, share…

On @sciamblogs today

Three posts on the Guest Blog today:

A Journey in Sharing Science: From the Lab to Social Media and Beyond by Jason A. Tetro

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Sentences that win Nobel prizes by Lucas Brouwers

Lindau Nobel Meeting–If HIV is attacked, it adapts by Lucas Brouwers

Enjoy, comment, share…

Today on @sciam blogs

On the Guest Blog:

Education Reform in the Wrong Direction: High-Stake Consequences for New York State Teachers and Their Students by Jeanne Garbarino

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Monday’s Researcher: Madhurima Benekareddy by Christine Ottery

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Stressed Mind, Stressed DNA by Christine Ottery

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Beef Bug to Blame for Bowel Cancer? by Christine Ottery

Lindau Nobel Meeting–Ada Yonath: Climbing the Everest with polar bears by Lucas Brouwers.

On Observations blog:

Are Violent Video Games Corrupting Children? Supreme Court Says States Cannot Decide by Larry Greenemeier

Sequencing of Tasmanian Devil Genome Suggests New Attack on Contagious Cancer, Clues for Conservation by Katherine Harmon

And on the Expeditions blog:

Squid Studies: Correction, Connections and Calamar by William Gilly

As always – read, enjoy, comment, share…

Open Laboratory 2011 – submissions so far

The submission form for the 2011 edition of Open Lab is now open. Any blog post written since December 1, 2010 is eligible for submission.

We accept essays, stories, poetry, cartoons/comics, original art.

Once you are done submitting your own posts, you can start looking at the others’, including on aggregators like ScienceSeeker.org, Scienceblogging.org and Researchblogging.org.

As I always do, I will keep posting the full list of submitted entries once a week until the deadline – see the listing under the fold.

You can buy the last five annual collections here. You can read Prefaces and Introductions to older editions here.

Help us spread the word by displaying these badges (designed by Doctor Zen:

Continue reading

On the @SciAm blogs today

On the Guest Blog, three posts today (so far!):

Stick to the Science by Michael E. Mann

Lindau Nobel Meeting–The Cross-Pollination of Ideas by Christine Ottery

Too Hard for Science? Experimenting on Children Like Lab Rats by Charles Q. Choi, interviewing Steven Pinker.

On Cross-Check:

Defending Stephen Jay Gould’s Crusade against Biological Determinism by John Horgan

Enjoy, comment, share….

Today on @sciam blogs

On the Guest Blog:

Close Encounters of Science and Medicine by Iwona Fijalkowska

On Expeditions blog:

We Visit Fishy Relatives, Geology Wonderland by Ashley Poust and Hannah Susorney

On Extinction Countdown:

Platypus Threatened by Climate Change by John Platt

On Solar at Home:

Twatter? Phasebook? My(Green)Space? Can Social Networking Be Harnessed for Energy Conservation?

ScienceOnline2011 – interview with Bonnie Swoger

Continuing with the tradition from last three years, I will occasionally post interviews with some of the participants of the ScienceOnline2011 conference that was held in the Research Triangle Park, NC back in January 2011. See all the interviews in this series here.

Today I chat with Bonnie Swoger (blog, Twitter)

Welcome to A Blog Around The Clock. Would you, please, tell my readers a little bit more about yourself? Where are you coming from (both geographically and philosophically)? What is your (scientific) background?

I am a science librarian at a small public liberal arts college in central New York. I started out as a geologist, completing a masters degree without really knowing what I wanted to do with it. I spent a few years teaching introductory geology before realizing that what I was really interested in was how scientists communicate with each other. Through the eyes of my students, I was able to see that this world of scientific communication (which I took for granted) was difficult for some of them to access and understand. I decided that I could help students navigate this world as a librarian.

What is taking up the most of your time and passion these days? What are your goals?

My regular work day consists of answering reference questions (most of the science-related ones come my way), teaching undergraduate students about the nature of the scientific literature (and how to access it) and working with faculty. At the moment, I am exploring ways of convincing faculty who are not immersed in science blogs and other “new” forms of scientific communication to pay attention to these developments. In turn, I work with these faculty to teach their students about how scientists communicate – including traditional methods and new-fangled technologies.

What aspect of science communication and/or particular use of the Web in science interests you the most?

I am very interested in the slowly changing nature of peer review (open review, post publication review, etc.). Most researchers still rely (and teach their students to rely) on the traditional system. They are very wary of some of the new experiments. I would like to see faculty be open to these developments so that they can teach their students about them. The peer review system will change – it isn’t set in stone – and it may get more complicated for undergraduate students to recognize “quality” work. At the moment, they typically have one litmus test – peer review. Even though that test isn’t failsafe, it’s easy to apply. As the peer review system changes, professors will have to educate their students on how things work. I think that librarians can be a useful partner in this education.

When and how did you first discover science blogs? What are some of your favourites? Have you discovered any cool science blogs by the participants at the Conference?

I discovered science blogs prior to my career switch, when I was teaching geology. The discussions about “Web 2.0″ and “Science 2.0″ were part of what encouraged me to pursue librarianship – I wanted to help students learn about these new developments. I am especially fond of the thoughtful blogs written by some outstanding science librarians Christina Pikas and John Dupuis, both of whom are ScienceOnline participants.

How does (if it does) blogging figure in your work? How about social networks, e.g., Twitter, FriendFeed, Facebook and others? How do you intergrate all of your online activity into a coherent whole? Do you find all this online activity to be a net positive (or even a necessity) in what you do?

I started blogging about two years ago, just after I got involved with Twitter. For me, the blog forces me to think through various issues that arise in scholarly communication, publishing and education. I can also reach out to science faculty in my quest to convince them to spend time teaching their students about scientific communication – don’t assume they just pick it up as they go. Twitter has become a very important source of professional development for me, as well as introduced me to some wonderful colleagues. Although there aren’t a lot of faculty at my institution who use it, I can follow practicing scientists and keep up with publishing trends. I learn about a lot of new resources and developing news stories via Twitter, often making me the most informed person in the room regarding scholarly communication.

What was the best aspect of ScienceOnline2011 for you? Any suggestions for next year?

My favorite aspect of this conference is the diverse group of folks who attend. Scientists, teaching faculty, journalists and librarians rarely sit down and talk about how scientists communicate with one another. It allows each group to gain a better understanding of the processes, strengths and limitations of the other groups. Because I concentrate on undergraduate education, I would love to see a conversation with teaching faculty, librarians and students about strategies to teach undergraduates about science communication (new and old).

Is there anything that happened at this Conference – a session, something someone said or did or wrote – that will change the way you think about science communication, or something that you will take with you to your job, or to your science reading and writing?

For me, the most interesting discussions at ScienceOnline2011 centered around alternative metrics for measuring scholarly “impact”. At the conference, scientists and scholars who were engaged in new forms of scholarly communication argued passionately that the Impact Factor was horrible and everyone seemed to be in agreement that new metrics were needed. Back at my institution, the case for new metrics isn’t as clear. There is still a distrust among many rank-and-file researchers about blogs and data sharing and pre-prints as legitimate scientific work. While they don’t love the impact factor, they don’t see the pressing need to develop new metrics because the things they may measure (downloads, bookmarks, etc.) aren’t as tried and true as citations. There seems to be a dichotomy in the science community – those who are actively engaged in newer forms of scholarship and those who just aren’t interested. Before any alternative metrics can gain acceptance, a large portion of the scientific community may still need to be convinced of the importance of what the alt metrics are measuring.

Thank you so much for the interview. I hope to see you again in Raleigh in January.

New posts on the @SciAm blogs

On the Guest Blog:

#WSF11: The Invisible Language of Smell by Bora Zivkovic and Perrin Ireland

On Expeditions blog:

The South Pacific Islands Survey–One Illness Threatens a Cook Islander’s Way of Life by Lindsey Hoshaw

Go to Landfill, Find a Dinosaur Footprint! by Christi Lorang

On Anecdotes From The Archive:

Hold Your Horses with Electricity by Mary Karmelek

On Cross-Check:

Cool Science Classics for Summer Reading, Part 2 by John Horgan

Enjoy, comment, share….

New issue of Journal of Science Communication

June 2011 issue of JCOM – Journal of Science Communication – (issue 2, volume 10) is online.

Plenty of fodder for blogging! Let me know if you comment on any of these papers.

Where is public communication of science going?

We have published this issue of JCOM while the call for papers is open for the twelfth Public Communication of Science and Technology conference. The biennial meeting will be held in April 2012 and for the first time in Italy: the hosting city in Florence. The 2012 edition of the PCST conference is being held after more than twenty years of growth of the network of scholars that founded it and the expansion of its boundaries outside the European context from which it was created. JCOM is a part of this network, made up not only of individuals but also of organisations, university departments, journals, national conferences and so on.

Science as theatre: a New Zealand history of performances and exhibitions

In colonial times in New Zealand the portrayal of science to the public had a sense of theatre, with nineteenth and early twentieth century grand exhibitions of a new nation’s resources and its technological achievements complemented by spectacular public lectures and demonstrations by visitors from overseas and scientific ‘showmen’. However, from 1926 to the mid-1990s there were few public displays of scientific research and its applications, corresponding to an inward-looking science regime presided over by the Government science agency, the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. The subsequent development of science centres with their emphasis on visitor participation has led to an increase in the audience for science and a revival of theatricality in presentation of exhibitions, demonstration lectures, café scientifiques, and science-related activities.

What are the features of non-expert opinions on regenerative medicine? Opinion analysis of workshop participants

Regenerative medicine (RM) has the potential to strongly impact on society. To determine non-experts’ impressions of RM, we analyzed opinions obtained from workshops in which participants freely discussed RM. Three major features were apparent. First, non-experts were most concerned with the possible effects of RM after it has been fully realized in society. Second, non-experts expressed concerns not only about RM itself, but also about the governance and operation of the technology. Third, non-experts were not only concerned about direct influences of RM, but also about its potential indirect influences. These identified features are likely to be controversial issues when RM is introduced into society. It is important to promote early discussion of these issues by society as a whole.

From journal to headline: the accuracy of climate science news in Danish high quality newspapers

A significant number of mass media news stories on climate change quote scientific publications. However, the journalistic process of popularizing scientific research regarding climate change has been profoundly criticized for being manipulative and inaccurate. This preliminary study used content analysis to examine the accuracy of Danish high quality newspapers in quoting scientific publications from 1997 to 2009. Out of 88 articles, 46 contained inaccuracies though the majority was found to be insignificant and random. The study concludes that Danish broadsheet newspapers are ‘moderately inaccurate’ in quoting science publications but are not deliberately hyping scientific claims. However, the study also shows that 11% contained confusion of source, meaning that statements originating from press material or other news outlets were incorrectly credited to scientific peer-reviewed publications.

Science and the Internet: be fruitful and multiply?

What role and citizenship has the scientific thought on the web, or rather on the social side of the web? Does it benefit from the debate between peers and with the general public, or else does it only risk to become a monologue? How to deal with the number of instruments the Internet is able to provide in making, discussing and disseminating research? These are some of the questions tackled by the reflections from scholars and experts which were the basis for our debate.

The Internet phenomenon

The Internet has become a worldwide phenomenon. It is undeniable that the Net has forcefully entered everyday life, ceasing to be a useful tool only for a small circle of researchers and academics, to become a new and versatile means of mass communication. And measuring Internet access and calculating the number of Internet users is not easy. By using the domain names registered in the “.it” as an endogenous metric, the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the Italian National Research Council (IIT-CNR) carried out a research on Internet diffusion in Italy taking into account some major categories of users (enterprises, non-profit organizations, individuals, professionals and public bodies) and territorial distribution (nation, macro-area, region and province). This research has made it possible to carry out an initial analysis of the digital divide in Italy.

Access to news on line: myths, risks and facts

Although the debates on the Internet (sceptical, enthusiastic and finally more mature ones) in our country started in the mid 90s, it is only over the past few years that the Internet, especially thanks to social networks, has become a daily practice for millions of Italians. Television still is the main medium to spread information, but as it becomes increasingly cross-bred with the Internet (and other media too), the information-spreading process deeply changes. This creates, also in our country, the preconditions for the development of a web public (an active and connected one), founded on the new practices of multitasking and participatory information.

Social networks, a populated picture

Man, by his very nature, puts things between himself and the environment, turning the latter into a place, a space. He arranges the environment around him on multiple levels, by projecting parts of himself and shaping the frontiers and the horizons that surround, define and represent him. This was learnt a long time ago, but a trace and a memory remain in the way man acts: when mapping reality (both physical reality and the reality explored through digital means), we observe it and find a way through it by adopting behaviours that have always been similar. What has changed in this mapping is the ability to recognise, especially the ability to interpret maps and creatively work them.

Big Announcements

No, not that! (Yet)

First, let’s get bad news out of the way – in the end, I will not be able to go to the World Conference of Science Journalists in Doha, Qatar. But I will watch (with envy, of course) the #WCSJ11 hashtag on Twitter. And I will re-double my efforts to make it to Science Online London in September and the NASW/CASW Science Writers meeting in Flagstaff in October.

Now to the bright side, and some good news.

Starting in September and lasting two years, as was just announced over the weekend, I will be a Visiting Scholar at the NYU school of journalism Science, Health and Environmental Reporting Program (SHERP), co-sponsored by Jay Rosen’s Studio 20 (more). This will be a great opportunity for me to learn about the teaching of the craft from within, and to help the students network and prepare for the new media ecosystem. This promises to be great fun! And is a great honor, of course.

On the @SciAm blogs today

Today on the blogs:

On the Guest Blog:

Book Review: The Future of Water by Matthew Garcia.

The Intelligent Homosexual’s Guide to Natural Selection and Evolution, with a Key to Many Complicating Factors by Jeremy Yoder

On the Expeditions blog:

MSU China Paleontology Expedition: Rock Mapping a Challenge for Biology Student by Amanda Wregglesworth

Squid Studies: Changing Seas and Shrinking Squid

New posts on the @SciAm blogs

Two new posts this morning…

On the Guest Blog:

Stem rust Ug99 – The agricultural bully by Tiffany Stecker.

On the Expeditions blog:

Incredible find in temple museum, harrowing rescue on crumbly mudstone by Betsy Kruk

Enjoy, comment, share…

Open Laboratory 2011 – submissions so far

The submission form for the 2011 edition of Open Lab is now open. Any blog post written since December 1, 2010 is eligible for submission.

We accept essays, stories, poetry, cartoons/comics, original art.

Once you are done submitting your own posts, you can start looking at the others’, including on aggregators like ScienceSeeker.org, Scienceblogging.org and Researchblogging.org.

As I always do, I will keep posting the full list of submitted entries once a week until the deadline – see the listing under the fold.

You can buy the last five annual collections here. You can read Prefaces and Introductions to older editions here.

Help us spread the word by displaying these badges (designed by Doctor Zen:

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New posts on the @SciAm blogs

Happy Father’s Day!

On the Guest Blog:

Good Dads and Not-So-Good Dads in the Animal Kingdom by David Manly and Lauren Reid.

See more about The Science of Fatherhood.

On the Expeditions blog:

MSU China Paleontology Expedition–Beautiful window serves as escape hatch for baby dinosaur by Betsy Kruk

Fossil hunting in China very different than in Montana by Ashley Poust

Squid Studies: Scientists Seeking and Savoring Squid by William Gilly

Enjoy, comment, share…

New posts on @SciAm blogs

Plenty of interesting stuff on SciAm blogs today, something for everyone:

On the Guest Blog:

Too Hard for Science? Neutrinos from the Big Bang by Charles Q. Choi

On the Expeditions blog:

MSU China Paleontology Expedition–New season starts with division of egg duties, petrified trees, soybean Popsicles by Betsy Kruk

Squid Studies: Back to the Sea of Cortez by William Gilly

On Observations blog:

Leap Seconds May Hit a Speed Bump by Sophie Bushwick

On Extinction Countdown blog:

Arabian Oryx Makes History as First Species to Be Upgraded from “Extinct in the Wild” to “Vulnerable” by John Platt

On Bering in Mind blog:

Female Ejaculation: The Long Road To Non-Discovery by Jesse Bering

As always, read, enjoy, post comments, and share with your friends on social networks…

New posts on the @SciAm blogs, including two on #arseniclife

There are two new blog posts on the #arseniclife saga on the Guest Blog today;

Rosie Redfield – From the shadows to the spotlight to the dustbin – the rise and fall of GFAJ-1

And Marie-Claire Shanahan – Arsenic bacteria have changed science…science education that is

Today, we are also starting a new trip on the Expeditions blog:

New Expedition – MSU student research with dinosaur eggs in China

Enjoy, comment, share…

New posts on the @SciAm blogs

Since you last heard from me, there were two new posts on the Guest Blog:

The Power of Theory in Science by Ethan Siegel.

Linking Erosional and Depositional Landscapes by Brian Romans.

And we finished the ‘Problems Without Passports’ series of posts on the Expeditions blog:

Experiential Learning and Communicating by Jim Haw.

Thank you, Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife by me.

As always: read, comment, share….

Lots of cool stuff on the @sciam blogs today

First, two posts on the Guest Blog:

What bats, bombs, and sharks taught us about hearing by Bradley Voytek, includes old, rare, amazing footage from the original 1940s experiments that established that bats use echo-location!

Stranded whales on the Key Largo shore by Michelle Bialeck.

On Expeditions:

Problems Without Passports: Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife–Looking Ahead byDavid Ginsburg.

On Anecdotes from the Archive:

A Closer Look at New York City’s Tap Water Monsters

On Cross-Check:

Cool Science Classics for Summer Reading by John Horgan.

Enjoy, comment, share…

New posts on the @SciAm blogs

Two posts on the Guest Blog today:

Weinergate: Private Records in a Public Age by Krystal D’Costa.

When Cells Discovered Architecture by Jennifer Frazer.

And on the Expeditions blog:

Problems Without Passports: Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife – Just When You Think It Can’t Get Any Better by Genivieve McCormick.

Read, enjoy, comment and share…

Open Laboratory 2011 – submissions so far

The submission form for the 2011 edition of Open Lab is now open. Any blog post written since December 1, 2010 is eligible for submission.

We accept essays, stories, poetry, cartoons/comics, original art.

Once you are done submitting your own posts, you can start looking at the others’, including on aggregators like ScienceSeeker.org, Scienceblogging.org and Researchblogging.org.

As I always do, I will keep posting the full list of submitted entries once a week until the deadline – see the listing under the fold.

You can buy the last five annual collections here. You can read Prefaces and Introductions to older editions here.

Help us spread the word by displaying these badges (designed by Doctor Zen:

Continue reading

New posts on the @SciAm blogs…

First, more coverage of the World Science Festival, on the Observations blog – The Bezos Scholars Program at the World Science Festival by Bora Zivkovic and Perrin Ireland.

Then, on the Guest Blog, two posts today (and many more to come next week, some delicious stuff to be looking forward to):

Ant Thrills: Seeing Leaf-Cutter Ants through an Artist’s Eyes by Jessica Wapner.

Too Hard for Science? Regaining the Element of Surprise by Charles Q. Choi.

As always: read, enjoy, post comments, and share with your friends on social networks…

New posts on the @SciAm blogs

Lots of good stuff today!

On the Guest Blog – three posts today:

To Turn Up the Music, Cochlear Implants Need a Software Update by Allison Bland.

It’s Your Virtual Assistant, Doc. Who Is Watson? by Karthika Muthukumaraswamy.

Lindau Nobel meeting – courting Minerva with Ragnar Granit by Lucas Brouwers.

On Expeditions blog:

Problems Without Passports: Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife–Last Child in the Reef by Emilie Moore.

And a cool thought-experiment post on Observations by George Musser:

What Would Happen If Earth and Mars Switched Places?

Read, enjoy, comment, share with friends…

New posts on the @SciAm blogs

Three great posts today!

First this morning, a wonderful longform article by Ed Yong on the Guest Blog – The Renaissance Man: How to Become a Scientist Over and Over Again.

Then, just a few minutes ago, as today is the World Oceans Day, also on Guest Blog – A World Ocean by Kevin Zelnio.

Finally, on the ‘Anecdotes from the Archive’ blog, Mary Karmelek: As the Wheel Turns: Syria’s Past and Present.

Enjoy, comment, share with your friends…

New posts on the @SciAm blogs

There are two new posts on the Guest Blog today:

Simply Brilliant Science: Creating Healthier Eggs for a Healthier You by Kiyomi Deards.

What Does the New Double-Slit Experiment Actually Show? by Matthew Francis.

And on the Expeditions blog: Problems Without Passports: Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife – Peleliu: 67 Years After the Battle – A New and Different Conflict by Jim Haw.

Read, enjoy, comment, share….

New posts on the SciAm blogs

Two posts on the Guest Blog today:

Too Hard for Science? Seeing If 10,000 Hours Make You an Expert by Charles Q. Choi.

And if you missed it this morning – All about Stories: How to Tell Them, How They’re Changing, and What They Have to Do with Science by Lena Groeger and Perrin Ireland.

Also of interest: Why I’m Not Proud of Being Gay by Jesse Bering.

Read, comment, share…

Stories: what we did at #WSF11 last week

As you probably know, I spent last week in New York City, combining business with pleasure – some work, some fun with friends (including #NYCscitweetup with around 50 people!), some fun with just Catharine and me, and some attendance at the World Science Festival.

My panel on Thursday afternoon went quite well, and two brief posts about it went up quickly on Nature Network and the WSF11 official blog.

But now, there is a really thorough and amazing piece on it, combining text by Lena Groeger (who also did a great job livetweeting the event) with comic-strip visualization of the panel by Perrin Ireland – worth your time! Check it out: All about Stories: How to Tell Them, How They’re Changing, and What They Have to Do with Science

More about the trip and the Festival still to come…

Update: See also coverage at Mother Geek.

The 3rd Annual 3QD Science Prize

The great science blog 3 Quarks Daily has announced the voting for it’s third annual prize for the best science writing on blogs. Last year, the judge was Richard Dawkins. This year, once the voting by the public narrows down the choices, the finalists will be judged by Lisa Randall.

Check out the nominees (yes, one of my posts is there, but look around and pick one that you think is the best) and then vote for your favorite.

Open Laboratory 2011 – submissions so far

The submission form for the 2011 edition of Open Lab is now open. Any blog post written since December 1, 2010 is eligible for submission.

We accept essays, stories, poetry, cartoons/comics, original art.

Once you are done submitting your own posts, you can start looking at the others’, including on aggregators like ScienceSeeker.org, Scienceblogging.org and Researchblogging.org.

As I always do, I will keep posting the full list of submitted entries once a week until the deadline – see the listing under the fold.

You can buy the last five annual collections here. You can read Prefaces and Introductions to older editions here.

Help us spread the word by displaying these badges (designed by Doctor Zen:

Continue reading

New posts on the SciAm blogs

Problems Without Passports: Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife series is going strong – there are two new posts from the trip on the Expeditions blog this weekend:

Preserving Biodiversity by Wendy Whitcombe.

And Palau Protects and Conserves by Kirstie Jones.

Check them out, comment and share!

New posts on the SciAm blogs

On the Expeditions blog: Problems Without Passports: Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife–Making a Difference: Environmental Students in Palau by Patrick Talbott and Gabrielle Roffe.

On the Guest Blog: Thorium, Polonium, Radium, Oh My! Marie Curie and Maggie Gyllenhaal Kick Off the 2011 World Science Festival by Neda Afsarmanesh.

Also on the Guest Blog: Too Hard for Science? Joan Slonczewski–Reshaping Ourselves for Our Changing World by Charles Q. Choi.

And on ‘Cross-Check’, John Horgan has a new post – Don’t Believe Scare Stories about Cyber War.

New posts on the SciAm blogs

On the Expeditions blog, early this morning – Problems Without Passports: Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife– Reflections at the Edge of the Pacific Ocean by David Ginsburg.

Last night on the Guest Blog: Does Quantum Mechanics Flout the Laws of Thermodynamics? by Vlatko Vedral.

Read, comment, share…

Two new posts on the SciAm Guest Blog

Both responding to recent news – landing of the shuttle last night, and new report on safety of cell phones:

Living Interplanetary Space Flight Experiment–or Why Were All the Strange Creatures on the Shuttle Endeavour? by David Warmflash.

Cell Phones, Cancer and the Dangers of Risk Perception by David Ropeik.

Read, enjoy, comment, and share…

Best of May at A Blog Around The Clock

I posted only 35 times in May.

In May I committed scienceblogging: Cicadas, or how I Am Such A Scientist, or a demonstration of good editing.

I also could not resist blogging something about the journalistic mindset – Is education what journalists do?

I went to Wake Forest University to give a workshop on science communication and compiled resources shown there: Scientific Communication all-you-can-eat Linkfest.

It was my birthday.

I keep interviewing attendees of ScienceOnline2011 – there are five new ones this month: Robin Lloyd, Thomas Peterson, Pascale Lane, Holly Bik and Seth Mnookin.

I made sure that the Scientific American Guest Blog was busy all month as well, full of great posts on a diversity of topics – check them all out:

Too Hard For Science? Recreating What Killed Pompeii By Charles Q. Choi

Kids Learn Better When You Bring Science Home By Peggy Ashbrook

Slabs, Sneakers, Gyres and the Grotesque By Matthew Garcia

Overboard: 28,800 toys and one man lost at sea By Lindsey Hoshaw

A True Duck Hunt: interview with Donovan Hohn By David Manly

How does a floating plastic duckie end up where it does? By Eric Heupel

How do you ID a dead Osama? By Christie Wilcox

Threat of Future Cyber Attacks by Al Qaeda Remains Low By Scott Borg

Did Rapid DNA Analysis Verify Osama Bin Laden’s Death? By Susanna Speier

Too Hard for Science? Dean Kamen–Defying Gravity By Charles Q. Choi

Too Hard for Science? Simulating the Human Brain By Charles Q. Choi

When, and Why, Did Everyone Stop Eating Gluten? By Diana Gitig

Bedbug Revival 2011: What You Need to Know By Amy Maxmen

Flying in the Coffin Corner–Air France Flight 447 By Keith Eric Grant

Too Hard for Science? Freeman Dyson–ESP By Charles Q. Choi

Too Hard for Science? Bora Zivkovic–Centuries to Solve the Secrets of Cicadas By Charles Q. Choi

So You Think You Know Why Animals Play… By Lynda Sharpe

Looking for Empathy in a Conflict-Ridden World By Kristina Bjoran

Too Hard for Science? An Early Warning System for Killer Asteroids By Charles Q. Choi

Levees and the illusion of Flood Control [Explainer] By Anne Jefferson

Curing Paralysis–Again By R. Douglas Fields

Too Hard for Science?–Journey to the Core of the Earth By Charles Q. Choi

The Data Are In Regarding Satoshi Kanazawa By Khadijah Britton

Physics and the Immortality of the Soul By Sean M. Carroll

The Evolution of Common Sense by John Wilkins.

The Politics of the Null Hypothesis By Stephanie Zvan.

Too Hard for Science? E. O. Wilson–A Vertical Map of Life on Earth By Charles Q. Choi.

Helium Hokum: Why Airships Will Never Be Part of Our Transportation Infrastructure By Joseph A. Dick.

Too Hard For Science? The Genetic Foundations of Intelligence By Charles Q. Choi.

Health Reporting and Its Sources By Hadas Shema.

We finished the Arctic series on the Expeditions blog: The Catlin Arctic Survey: Going home

And we started two new expeditions on the Expeditions blog – first one is from The South Pacific Islands Survey, with all posts written by Lindsey Hoshaw:

Destination: The Cook Islands!
Forecast: Stomach Turbulence
South Pacific Flotsam
We discover what’s floating in the Pacific Ocean!
Pop Quiz
5 Things You Didn’t Know about Life on a Boat
Our First Student Questions!
We’re in the Cook Islands!

The second one is a USC scientific diving class – Problems Without Passports: Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife – also in the Pacific, written by a whole collection of instructors and students:

Getting Ready for Guam and Palau By Jim Haw
Why Guam? By Jim Haw
Why Palau? By David Ginsburg
Catalina Island, by Caitlin Contag
The Endangered Endemics and the Aggressive Invader By Jim Haw
Some History Should Not Repeat Itself By Wendy Whitcombe
Contrasting Reef Ecosystems in Guam By Mareika Vandeveer and Justin Bogda
The News from Guam By Caitlin Contag

Previously in the “Best of…” series:







New posts on SciAm blogs

Flew to NYC early this morning, so just catching up. There are some cool new posts on vairous SciAm blogs, posted yesterday and today, that you may be interested in:

Health Reporting and Its Sources By Hadas Shema.

Too Hard for Science? The Genetic Foundations of Intelligence By Charles Q. Choi.

Getting a Little Racy: On Black Beauty, Evolution and the Science of Interracial Sex By Jesse Bering.

Homogenetic Enumeration: A Numerical System Guaranteed to Move You By Mary Karmelek.

Enjoy, comment, share…

Open Laboratory 2011 – submissions so far

The submission form for the 2011 edition of Open Lab is now open. Any blog post written since December 1, 2010 is eligible for submission.

We accept essays, stories, poetry, cartoons/comics, original art.

Once you are done submitting your own posts, you can start looking at the others’, including on aggregators like ScienceSeeker.org, Scienceblogging.org and Researchblogging.org.

As I always do, I will keep posting the full list of submitted entries once a week until the deadline – see the listing under the fold.

You can buy the last five annual collections here. You can read Prefaces and Introductions to older editions here.

Help us spread the word by displaying these badges (designed by Doctor Zen:

Continue reading

New posts on the @SciAm blogs

There are two new posts on the Expeditions blog this weekend: one posted yesterday, the other one today:

Problems Without Passports: Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife–Contrasting Reef Ecosystems in Guam by Mareika Vandeveer and Justin Bogda.

Problems Without Passports: Scientific Research Diving at USC Dornsife–The News from Guam by Caitlin Contag.

Enjoy – support the students, read, comment, share….


I am moving my homepage (coturnix.org) and blog (blog.coturnix.org) to a new server over the next day or two so the homepage and blog might be down for a short while. This has nothing to do with SciAm – just my own personal homepage maintenance….

New posts on SciAm blogs

On the Guest Blog – two posts today.

First, in a response to an SA article that was perhaps a little bit too optimistic, Joseph A. Dick offered a detailed analysis – Helium Hokum: Why Airships Will Never Be Part of Our Transportation Infrastructure

Charles Q. Choi nabbed a big name today – Too Hard for Science? E. O. Wilson–A Vertical Map of Life on Earth.

Over on the Expeditions blog, Wendy Whitcombe – one of the students in the Problems Without Passports course – penned her first post: Some History Should Not Repeat Itself

And on the Anecdotes from the Archive, Mary Karmelek discovered another gem in the SciAm archives: How to Find the True Shape of a Soldier.

Read, comment, share…

ScienceOnline2011 – interview with Seth Mnookin

Continuing with the tradition from last three years, I will occasionally post interviews with some of the participants of the ScienceOnline2011 conference that was held in the Research Triangle Park, NC back in January 2011. See all the interviews in this series here.

Today I chat with Seth Mnookin (blog, Twitter)

Welcome to A Blog Around The Clock. Would you, please, tell my readers a little bit more about yourself? Where are you coming from (both geographically and philosophically)? What is your (scientific) background?

I grew up in Boston, did my undergraduate studies at Harvard, and have been living in New York for the last dozen years. I majored in History and Science, so I’m coming at my work from a sociological/philosophical perspective.

Tell us a little more about your career trajectory so far: interesting projects past and present?

Depending on whether you were being charitable, you could either call my career trajectory peripatetic, eclectic, or schizophrenic. I started out as a rock critic in the mid-1990s. Since then I’ve covered city government and local crime for The Palm Beach Post, Rudy Giuliani’s tenure as mayor for The Forward, and the 2000 presidential campaign for Brill’s Content. Since 2003, I’ve mainly been writing features for Vanity Fair and working on books. My first book, Hard News, was about the plagiarism scandals at The New York Times, and my second one, Feeding the Monster, is about the year I spent living with the Boston Red Sox. I’ve traveled to Iraq and embedded with Stephen Colbert for Vanity Fair.

In 2008, I began working on the what became The Panic Virus, about the vaccine controversies of the past several decades. It’s the first time I’ve focused on science in my professional work, and it reminded me of why I studied it in the first place…and in the fall, I’ll have a chance to dive back into academia when I head over to MIT as a lecturer in their Graduate Program on Science Writing.

What is taking up the most of your time and passion these days? What are your goals?

Since the book came out, I’ve spent much more time than I would have thought deal with the incredible amount of anger and vitriol that surrounds any discussion of this issue. It’s incredibly difficult not to get caught up in it — and in some ways, I think it represents the flip side of the ways in which the Internet has created a more frictionless environment that can be incredibly helpful for science writers and researchers. When someone posts a blog entry about my family, or accuses me of being part of some convoluted conspiracy, it’s hard not to want to throw up an equally vituperative response. Going down that rabbit hole, however, can end up taking over your life.

As for goals, I hope my next project is one that I don’t need to rush to finish in a year or two, either for financial reasons or because of some news-peg or time-related pressure. The Panic Virus was the most rewarding experience of my professional life on almost every level — but I don’t think I could subject myself (or my family) to another year of 14+ hour days.

The other thing I’ve become passionate about is the really crucial importance of reliable, responsible, and compelling science writing — and promoting/nurturing/advancing that type of work is something I hope to be more and more involved with in the years to come.

What aspect of science communication and/or particular use of the Web in science interests you the most?

Ask me again after our panel at the World Science Festival next week!

I think one of the most interesting aspects of science communication vis a vis the web will be how notions of accountability evolve. Obviously, social networks have allowed for a sort of hive-factchecking mechanism and in many cases seem to be forcing “mainstream” journalism to be more responsible when covering complex issues involving science — which is a wonderful thing.

I don’t think we’ve fully come to grips with the implications of the different types of “speech” that we use online. Should a scientist’s Twitter feed be held to the same level of accountability as his or her published work? Does a reporter’s personal blog reflect on the institution he or she works for? If not, why not? If I retweet something or post a link to an article/study on Facebook, does that imply that I approve of it? What’s the difference between suggesting something is being worthy of attention and that it’s worthy of respect?

All of those are issues that haven’t really been worked out, and I think that there’ll be some fireworks over the next few years as we seem them come up more and more.

How does (if it does) blogging figure in your work? How about social networks, e.g., Twitter, FriendFeed, Facebook and others? How do you intergrate all of your online activity into a coherent whole? Do you find all this online activity to be a net positive (or even a necessity) in what you do?

Twitter and Facebook have been the two most instrumental tools in reaching a broader audience — more important than reviews or radio interviews. The vast majority of the events I’ve done related to my book have come about through social network contacts, starting with ScienceOnline and going through talks I’ve given in Las Vegas, Denver, LA, and San Francisco. In a time of declining book sales, it’s hard to overstate how important those interactions have been — both to spark new ways of looking at the issue and to keep people interested in my work.

That said, I need to make sure my hair-trigger, instant-gratification tendency to post every thought on Twitter or comment on every last post doesn’t end up leeching time away from the rest of my work. Time management is not one of my skills, so it’s something I need to constantly be aware of.

When and how did you first discover science blogs? What are some of your favourites? Have you discovered any cool science blogs by the participants at the Conference?

I first started reading science blogs in earnest in 2009, and that was related to work on my book. It was a little bit like pulling on a piece of yarn on a sweater: I’d started reading one post by one writer and eight hours later would wonder what had happened to my day. There are so many blogs by SciO11 participants that I read regularly it’d be impossible to list them all. The most direct impact here has been my joining the PLoS blog network, which happened through my contact with SciO11′er Brian Mossop…and one of the thrills of being there has been seeing my writing appear alongside that of Steve Silberman, whom I’ve been reading since the 1990s and has long been a writing hero of mine.

What was the best aspect of ScienceOnline2011 for you? Any suggestions for next year?

Without a doubt the connections I made — socially, intellectually, professionally. I think I’d need to attend for another year before I felt competent to make suggestions about what might be done to improve it.

Is there anything that happened at this Conference – a session, something someone said or did or wrote – that will change the way you think about science communication, or something that you will take with you to your job, or to your science reading and writing?

One of the most remarkable aspects of SciO11 for me was the incredible sense of support and enthusiasm and respect everyone had for each other and each other’s work. I’ve written about the media; I’ve covered politics; I’ve been a crime reporter. Most of the time, my experience has been that reporters view competition for writing jobs as a sum zero game: If someone else is succeeding, that means there’s one less opportunity for them. It’s such an entirely different dynamic when it comes to science writing.

I have various theories as to why this is, but in the end, I don’t think it really matters. There’s an enormous need for good science writing and an enormous amount of topics that need to be covered.

Thank you so much for the interview. See you next week in NYC and hopefully again in Raleigh in January.

New posts on SciAm blogs

On the Guest Blog, we are continuing our philosophical week of sorts, with: The Politics of the Null Hypothesis by Stephanie Zvan.

On the Expeditions blog: The South Pacific Islands Survey–We’re in the Cook Islands!By Lindsey Hoshaw.

Enjoy, comment, share…

Is education what journalists do?

We had a great discussion this afternoon on Twitter, about the way journalists strenuously deny they have an educational role, while everyone else sees them as essential pieces of the educational ecosystem: sources of information and explanation missing from schools, or for information that is too new for older people to have seen in school when they were young. Also as sources of judgement in disputes over facts.

While journalists strongly deny their educational role, as part of their false objectivity and ‘savvy’, everyone else perceives them as educators – people who should know and then tell, what is true and what is false, who is lying and who is not. People rely, as they cannot be in school all their lives, on the media for continuing education, especially on topics that are new. And people are then disappointed when, as usually happens, journalists fail in that role by indulging in false balance, He-Said-She-Said reporting, passionately avoiding to assign the truth-value to any statement, or self-indulgent enjoyment of their own “skill with words” in place of explaining the facts.

Fortunately for you all, you do not have to wade through all the tweets to see the entire discussion, as Adrian Ebsary has collected it all using Storify – read the whole thing (keep clicking “Load more” on the bottom of the page until you get to the end):

Informer or Educator: Defining the Journalist’s Role

As you can see, while there is some snark and oversimplification here and there due to short format, the discussion was pretty interesting and constructive. This is also a demonstration that useful discussions can be had on Twitter.

Whenever someone says “you cannot say anything in 140 characters” I respond with “who ever said that you only have 140 characters?”. To their quizzical look, I add “You are not limited to one tweet per lifetime – if you need 14,000 characters, you can write 100 tweets”. But, by writing 100 tweets, and making sure that each tweet – not just the collection of 100 – makes sense, has punch to it, and is hard to misunderstand or misquote out of context, one has to write and edit each tweet with great care. Twitter does not allow for sloppy writing!

Picking a theme for a few hours or days, and tweeting a whole lot about it during that period, is usually called ‘mindcasting‘. But it is even better when a bunch of other people join in and mindcast together – everyone learns something from the experience.

Now read the Storify and, if you have time and energy, respond with an essay on your own blog, as a continuation of the mindcasting process.

Update: And the first responses are in:

Whose Job is Public Science Education?

Are Journalists Educators? Does It Even Matter?

New posts on SciAm blogs today

Cool, new stuff…

This morning, John Wilkins penned The Evolution of Common Sense, on the Guest Blog.

Do (non-human) animals commit suicide? Mary Karmelek wonders, in Was This Gazelle’s Death an Accident or a Suicide?, on the ‘Anecdotes from the Archive’ blog.

And on the Expeditions blog, Jim Haw continues with the Problems without Passports class – The Endangered Endemics and the Aggressive Invader.

As always: read, comment, share…