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  1. We will collide like two rivers flowing - until your heart runs through my fingers - and my soul drips to my toes. #poetry
  2. @CrystalMarcos ♥ & Thank YOU! ♥
  3. Word of the day: Tittup - to move in a lively manner often with an exaggerated or affected action.
  4. Moments:
  5. I needed you this morning, I wanted you this afternoon... check in with me tonight and I will let you know where I am at.
  6. @SheBanggs I just found you... and you made my day. =)
  7. For fun tweets, inspiring words, & pretty dresses #FF @ElenaLopezB @ElenaRosemary @ChirpyBebo @apwpoet @swnetworking
  8. What world I see through your little eyes. I should come down here more often.
  9. Beautiful Peeps #FF @perlygates @Airis351 @CrystalMarcos @AleksisZ @saltpublishing @RefugeInsomniac