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Just Passed New Hampshire Law Is Broadside Radical Attack on Public Education Corporations Hate Taxes, So They Let the Children Pay Romney’s Foot Enters Mouth With “I Like To Fire People” MSNBC Should Finally Drop Kick "Brown Shirt" Pat Buchanan Over the Goal Posts and Into Oblivion Why is Lying and Fraudulence So Integral to Getting Elected?![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- Obama to GOP: "They will fight with their last breath to protect tax cuts for the most fortunate Americans," Obama said, accusing his foes of wanting to gut government investment in the economy and America's creaking infrastructure. "We cannot go back to this brand of 'you are on your own economics.'"
- Election Law Experts Say James O’Keefe Allies Could Face Charges Over Voter Fraud Stunt
- Marines probe video of men urinating on Taliban corpses
- Barricades Come Down at Zuccotti Park, Protesters Re-Occupy
- Beware The Wrath Of Newt (Limerick)
- Santorum: Selling the Law to the Highest Bidder
- What I Just Wrote to the Romney Campaign About My Arrest on Monday
- Super Bowl Viewers Will See Graphic Anti-Abortion Ads With Pictures Of Bloody Fetuses
- Push to Reform Prison System Brings Unlikely Allies Together
- One Wisconsin Now: Gov. Scott Walker may have violated campaign finance laws 1,115 times
- Whispered attacks speak volumes about South Carolina politics
- A former Guantanamo guard, who was at the prison facility when it opened ten years ago today, reflects on a decade of lawlessness.
- Election Law Experts Say James O’Keefe Allies Could Face Charges Over Voter Fraud Stunt
- Primary Race Moves to Economically Strapped States - Could Prove a Challenge for Mitt Romney
- Bill Moyers: Back With a New Series
- One city sets out to prove that bikes are good for business
- Hundreds Threaten Suicide At Microsoft Supplier Plant In China
- The Next Generation of GMOs Could Be Especially Dangerous
- Just Passed New Hampshire Law Is Broadside Radical Attack on Public Education -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Study: Poverty in America Likely to Get Worse, 46 Million Americans are Already Living Below the Poverty Line
- Mark Morford: The Rapture is for Ninnies
- Banker’s "Nightmare on Wall Street"
- Where the Iowa caucuses illuminated the dark essence of social conservatism, the New Hampshire primary was a journey into the dingy, cramped quarters of the right wing’s economic policies.
- Elizabeth Warren Raises $5.7 Million in Final Quarter of 2011
- Right-to-Work Protesters Boo Indiana Governor's Address
- The Voter ID Battle Continues in South Carolina
- Romney Campaign Disavows 2002 Gay Pride Flyers
- Pregnant and Fired: Despite the 1978 Pregnancy Discrimination Act, employers still treat expectant mothers in outrageous ways.
- America's Biggest Corporations May Be Forced to Disclose Their Political Spending
- Mitt Romney's $12 Million Mystery Super-PAC Man
- Gingrich, Perry and Santorum Get "Newterized" by Romney in New Hampshire Paul and Huntsman in second and third place
- Florida Legislation Paves Ground for Water Privatization
- Hotel Workers Stiffed Millions In Wages, Lawsuit Alleges
- Get Mellisa V. Harris-Perry's “Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America” and support Truthout and BuzzFlash. Click Here. Harris-Perry, a frequent guest host for Rachel Maddow, Will be getting her own weekend show on MSNBC starting in February. She is a professor at Tulane University.
- CEO of Campus Crest Communities Was a Fugitive From Justice for Failure to Pay Child Support
- Gingrich, Perry and Santorum Get "Newterized" by Romney in New Hampshire Paul and Huntsman in second and third place
- The 20 Biggest Donors of the 2012 Election (So Far)
- The Army Is Reading Your Bradley Manning Tweets
- US Fires First Drone into Pakistan Since Strike That Killed Pakistani Troops
- Documentary Project on Wisconsin's Recent Labor Victory Seeks Funding
- GOP Candidates’ Tax Cuts For The Rich Are Up To 270 Times Larger Than Their Tax Cuts For The Middle Class
- Fracking Nonsense: The Job Myth of Gas Drilling
- GOP Believes Corporate Donation Ban Is Unconstitutional
- The Perfect Storm That Could Sink Romney’s Hispanic Vote Hopes
- Colorado Sees Worst Snow Drought Since Early 1980s, Foreshadowing Water Shortages And Potential Wildfires
- Chris Christie Gets Mistaken for Michelin Man as He Campaigns for Romney
- Gayest US town Per Capita? Surprise: It's Salt Lake City
- Newt Gingrich Attacks Romney as a Predatory Vulture? It Must be a Full Moon. Bizarre Gingrich and Perry GOP Attack Strategy Likely to Boost Dems by Shaping the Narrative Against the 1%
- The Return of Todd Palin: To Endorse Newt Gingrich? He Must be Suffering from Post Traumatic Snowmobile Disorder
- Santorum Hits "Rocky Road" in New Hampshire. Hmmm, Don't Besmirch My Favorite Ice Cream Flavor!
- Have the Super-Rich Seceded From the United States? A Must Read Analysis
- Ignored Tragedies Remain in Wake of Giffords Shooting Anniversary
- MSNBC Should Finally Drop Kick "Brown Shirt" Pat Buchanan Over the Goal Posts and Into Oblivion -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Corporations Hate Taxes, So They Let the Children Pay -- Paul Buchheit for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Scott Walker Has Violated Wisconsin’s Campaign Finance Laws 1,115 Times since 2009
- Horse Race in New Hampshire Today: Win, Place and Show.
- GOP Plan: No High School Diploma? No Unemployment Check
- Stop the School-to-Prison Pipeline
- At a Romney Event Yesterday, I Was Removed and Arrested. I Still Don't Know Why (Daily Kos Diary)
- Non-Lethal Weapons: America’s Coming High-Tech Crackdown
- Romney’s GOP Critics Undermining His General Election Argument
- Fox News Pundit Hails NH Town's Lack of 'Black Panthers'
- Even if Romney Wins New Hampshire, the Primary Battle Won't Be Over
- Romney: An Extremist With A Moderate Pivot
- US Ship Rescues Iranian Fishermen – Again
- Alternative Universe Alert: 10th Circuit Court Of Appeals Declares Oklahoma’s Sharia Ban Unconstitutional, As If Sharia Law Would Ever be Imposed in Oklahoma.
- Shiite Pilgrims Killed In New Attacks Across Iraq
- Mindblowing Art from the Occupy Movement
- Caving on Keystone: Still a Dumb Idea
- "Lower court judge overrules higher court, saying the government can secretly check out who you’re writing to, and who writes to you"
- California Man Gets Five Years For Planned Parenthood Firebombing And Mosque Vandalism
- Woo-Hoo! Another Teamster Organizing Victory in SC
- Undocumented Immigrant Who Helped Police Solve Murder Now Facing Deportation
- The Next Generation of GMOs Could Be Especially Dangerous
- Have the Super-Rich Seceded From the United States?
- Why Washington Should Be Like Chicago and Stand Up to ICE
- If Corporations Are People, Then...
- Doctors Without Borders: Ten Stories That Mattered in 2011
- How Republicans Hurt The Recovery: The Chart They Don’t Want You To See
- Why the New Hampshire Primary Won’t Tell Us Anything
- Blame George W. Bush for the Weakness of the GOP Field
- Derp Derp Gay Marriage a Threat to Humanity's Future: Pope Derp Derp Holy Derp
- Laid Off Steelworker: Mitt Romney and Bain Capital Profited By Shutting Down Kansas Steel Plant
- Obama Ready to Strike to Stop Iran: Ex-Adviser (Dennis Ross)
- Court-Martial Begins in Marine Killing of 24 Iraqis
- The New White House Chief of Staff and Citigroup: Another 1%-Approved Stooge
- From the Boo Hoo Hoo Files: Goldman Sachs Partners Could See Pay Cuts
- Most Republicans Want a New Candidate
- Derp Derp Derp Santorum Tries Again To Defend Racist Welfare Rant: I Said ‘Plives,’ Not ‘Black’ Derp Derp Derp Derp
- Scott Walker and the Stench of Scandal
- The US Schools with Their Own Police: "More and more US schools have police patrolling the corridors. Pupils are being arrested for throwing paper planes and failing to pick up crumbs from the canteen floor. Why is the state criminalising normal childhood behavior?"
- The Gospel of the Penniless, Jobless, Marginalized and Despised
- Walker Goes Over $500,000 in Improperly-Reported Contributions
- About That Montana Supreme Court Decision and Citizens United...
- Why Now? What's Next? Naomi Klein and Yotam Marom in Conversation About Occupy Wall Street
- Soldiers with Automatic Weapons Checking IDs at a Social Security Office in Florida
- Egyptian Liberal Party to Boycott Elections
- Iraq: Bombs Kill 2 State Workers, Wound 3 Boys
- Democrats *Heart* Gingrich for His Bain Capital Attacks on Romney
- Government Set to Sell Foreclosures in Bulk
- Guantánamo Prisoners Stage Peaceful Protest and Hunger Strike on 10th Anniversary of the Opening of the Prison
- USDA to Close 259 Offices
- New Hampshire Polls Open in Dixville Notch — With Nine Votes: "The polls opened here at midnight and closed less than a minute later, and the tally was final by 12:05 a.m. On the Republican side, Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman tied, with two votes each. Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul each got one vote. President Obama received his very first live votes of confidence — three of them."
- How The Feds Brought Down Arizona’s Suspected White Supremacist ‘Serial’ Bombing Brothers
- Yes, There are Models for Saving the Post Office
- Romney’s Big Test Today: Rivals Step Up Attacks to Try to Slice Wide Lead in NH
- 'Off the Scale' Smog Grounds China Flights
- Another Big Pharma Mix up That Can Kill
- The Power of Words: Racially Coded Political Rhetoric
- Romney’s Foot Enters Mouth With “I Like To Fire People” -- Tony Peyser for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Nigeria Fuel Protests: Two Killed and Dozens Wounded as Police Open Fire
- Internal Syrian Peace Talks Collapse
- Jodi Kantor's Book on the Obamas? Fact or Fiction?
- Chicagoan Bill Daley Is Stepping Down as White House Chief of Staff - Jacob J. Lew Will Replace Him: the "official story"
- Closer ties between conservative Evangelicals and Catholics may distance US Jews
- Still “Lying to Children”: How No Child Left Behind Corrupted Education
- An Open Letter to NYT Staffers: Leave the Plantation and Join Us
- Graph: Unemployment rate since 1989 by president. Hint: Advantage Dems.
- Robert Reich: Here's What Happens To Countries That Stop Valuing The Public Good
- Activists, Neighbors Rally Against Excelsior Banks
- Why is Lying and Fraudulence So Integral to Getting Elected? -- Ann Davidow for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Full-Blown Civil War Erupts On Wall Street – Financial Elite Start Turning On Each Other
- Report: Russian naval force arrives at Syria port in 'show of solidarity'
- India And Philippines Declare War On Call Center Bill
- The President’s Stingy Use of Pardons
- Dahr Jamail: Western Oil Firms Remain as US Exits Iraq
- Thomas Frank Interviewed on His New Book, "Pity the Billionaire"
- Moving Evicted Tenants Is Big Business
- Afghan Commission Alleges US Detainee Abuse
- Paul Krugman on the GOP and America's Unlevel Playing Field
- Tumblr Is Launching Its Own Journalism Operation
- Obama Administration Approves 20-Year Ban on New Mining Claims Near Grand Canyon
- Occupy Oakland Plans More Anti-Police Rallies
- As Home Prices Fall, More Borrowers Walk Away
- Republicans Versus Reproductive Rights
- The Republican Party has a problem heading into the elections - a Latino gap that may be getting bigger.
- With Work Scarce in Athens, Greeks Go Back to the Land
- Ten Years of Guantanamo: What Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld Knew
- BP Pushes PR to Persuade Americans that the Gulf Region Has Recovered - Locals Don't Buy It
- Gingrich goes on $5 million ad spree attacking Romney as "Predatory Capitalist." First true thing Newt has said. But certainly weird for a GOP/Tea Party primary.
- Iran's Economy Hit by Increased Tensions with West
- The Rapid Economic Recovery Republicans Are Praying Against
- Popular Anger in Russia "Hijacked" by Opposition Leaders
- Lakewood Tent City, A Last Resort For The Homeless, Faces Eviction
- Supreme Court to Enter Tangled Texas Redistricting Case
- Farming for Life: India Is Pushing Organic Cultivation Initiatives to Stanch the Spate of Farmer Suicides
- Finally: MSNBC Ousts Pat Buchanan Over Latest Overtly Racist Book
- There's No War on Religion in America: There is a GOP War on Reality -- Marc Perkel for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Five Things You Should Know About the FBI's Massive New Biometric Database
- Got to Love It: RuPaul in New Hampshire: ‘This country was founded by a bunch of men wearing wigs’
- Did Congress Give US Military an Edge in Intervening in Democracy with Passage of the National Defense Appropriations Act?
- New Jersey Legislature to Introduce Bill Legalizing Gay Marriage
- Koch Dominionists for Santorum
- Preppy protester: The moment a 19-year-old Mitt Romney demonstrated in favour of Vietnam War draft
- There Are 5,000 Janitors in the U.S. with PhDs
- Hungary's 'Viktator' faces tide of protest at home and abroad
- What the Great Recession Wrought: The State of the US in Three Years of Polls
- Eugene Robinson | Hawk in a Clown-Car Field
- Terry Carrico, Ex-Guantánamo Prison Commander, Says Facility Should Close
- Words of Power on Ron Paul
- Gingrich Declares Gay Rights Questions Are 'Anti-Christian Bigotry'
- The Lasting Damage of Iraq
- Judy Miller Alert! The New York Times Is Lying About Iran's Nuclear Program
- Mitt Romney tax plan would cut taxes on rich, raise taxes on poor, analysis suggests
- Why doesn't the plutocrat owned American media report on the European social safety net?
- America's Mental Health Industry Is a Threat to Our Sanity
- Gaming the Global Economy
- Santorum: There is no Middle Class in America
- Tax Gap: IRS Comes Up $385 Billion Short
- America's Mental Health Industry Is a Threat to Our Sanity
- Iran to launch nuclear work in bunker in "near future"
- Forced Military Testing in America's Schools
- The Year of Voter Suppression
- NYPD raids studio used by OWS live-streamers
- Can Electric Cars Win Over Consumers in 2012?
- The Cost of Trickle-Down Government Job Creation: $1.5 Million Per Worker
- Tomgram: Thomas Frank, Why the Tea Party Needs Mitt
- One Nation Indivisible? Tell Me Another One
- Are Some Humans More Equal Than Others? Part I
- Freddie Mac to Grant Mortgage Breaks to Unemployed Homeowners
- Your GOP Class of 2012
- How Does the GOP Get a Single Vote Outside of the Top 1%?
- Huntsman objects to ad featuring adopted kids
- As "Right to Work" Law Looms, Indiana Occupiers Join With Limestone Strikers
- Mitt, Son of “Citizen’s United”
- Thoughts About Christopher Hitchens – and Dying, Living, Space and Time
- Japan Plans to Scrap Nuke Plants After 40 Years
- FBI Allowed to Add GPS Device to Cars Without Warrants
- New Bill Known as Enemy Expatriation Act Would Allow Government to Strip Citizenship Without Conviction
- Immigration and Customs Enforcement Union Delays Training on New Policy on Deportation
- Record Heat Floods America With Temperatures 40 Degrees Above Normal
- Federal Reserve Governor Says Fed Will Fine Mortgage Servicers
- Newt: "I'm Not Rich"
- Santorum Named One of Three “Most Corrupt” Senators in 2006
- Idaho Judge Strikes Down Expanded "Right-to-Work" Laws
- Did Mitt Romney Lie to Me? He Claims European-Style Welfare Society Creates Poverty
- Walmart Blacklisted By Major Pension Fund Over Poor Labor Practices
- What the Great Recession Wrought: The State of the US in Three Years of Polls
- Forced Military Testing in America's Schools
- Say What? Occupy Geriatrics: Seniors in Walkers Shut Down Local Bank of America
- Exposed: The Military’s Freakiest "Non-Lethal" Weapon Ideas
- "Repeal Obamacare" Demagogues Eat Away at Our National Greatness Like a Cancer -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The Myth of New Hampshire's Maverick Voters
- Obama to Businesses: Bring Jobs Home
- Are the GOP Candidates Running for President of the US or the Confederacy? -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The Hollow Democracy -- Robert C. Koekler for BuzzFlash at Truthout
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Romney Plan Would Give Bigots Tax Cuts
- The Rude Pundit: A Brief List of Conservative Men Who Need to Be Punched in the Balls
- Reaction: President Signs Controversial Defense Bill