World News

Bioethics Commission Failed Obama’s Mandate in New Report

by Cheryl Welsh, January 2012 President Obama directed his Presidential Commission for the Study of...

Fraud, lies and cheating among British parents to get their kids in coveted primary schools

 Andrew Hartman, who teaches history at Illinois StateUniversity, had a brilliant piece in the Washington...

Oops, We’re Doomed!

By Michael Collins We don’t have a substantial cushion between today’s climate and dangerous warming....

War and Peace

What IAEA reports on Iran’s nuclear energy/medicine, how US War Criminal 1% lie for war

The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in their inspection role for compliance of the Non-Proliferation...

2-minute video of Iran’s people: Arrest US War Criminals planning to kill them

Documentation to prove the “emperor has no clothes” obvious facts: US constantly violates war law;...

US constantly violates war laws; arrest Obama before ‘false flag’ war on Iran

US government “leadership” violates all Americans by constantly violating war law won by our families...

9/11 killed 1, injured 2 if US was city of 100,000. US wars: CRIMINAL response

An analogy to understand US wars after 9/11 are Orwellian unlawful. Americans, especially US military,...


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    Oops, We’re Doomed!

    By Michael Collins We don’t have a substantial cushion between today’s climate...

    Michigan citizens fight totalitarianism in new proposed zoning laws

     picture of the Saugatuck Dunes forest Citizens of Michigan and those following...

    Whirlwind in Sonoma and Marin

    A few months ago, I was lying in bed enjoying the morning...


    Accountability without Autonomy Is Tyranny

    When educational research reaches the public through the corporate media, the consequences are often dire....

    Some Ugly Details from the Daley/Duncan/Obama Connection

    It is not my custom to spend time on an article from American Thinker, a conservative publication whose political editor...

    MLK Jr. Day 2012: Organizations v. Community

    Let me preface this commentary with a confession: I have lived my entire life in South Carolina, a non-union state,...

    In court filing, Washington Post admits telemarketing boiler room tactics at Kaplan U “

    ON Dec 23,  2011 Judge Barbara Rothstein  dismissed a shareholder’s lawsuit against Donald Graham and the Washington Post alleging WaPO...

    Race To Utopia: How A Public Servant Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Free Market

    No Child Left Behind just celebrated its tenth anniversary: while educators, children and parents have generally loathed the landmark signature...

    The Corrosive Power of Stereotypes in Politics and Education

    In the early years of my life as a high school English teacher—during the Reagan years—I began my journey to...

    Connecting the Dots: The Picture Is Ugly

    The political season of 2012 will once again offer a blur of dots that few will bother to connect because...

    Schools more and more resemble maximum security prisons: schools without playgrounds, children without recess, and kids without play

      Picture of Thieves in Dante’s Hell   A new report from the American Academyof Pediatrics (AAP) indicates that children...

    Reading Articles about Real Estate Sales in the Wall Street Journal

    There’s no quicker way to get a look at income disparity in this country than to look at Wall Street...

    Reforming Higher Education at $1400 a Plate

      Are you a hedge fund manager or venture capitalist feeling guilty about being in the 1%? Do you need...

    Fraud, lies and cheating among British parents to get their kids in coveted primary schools

     Andrew Hartman, who teaches history at Illinois StateUniversity, had a brilliant piece in the Washington Post regarding Teach for America...

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